HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-11-15, Page 4• • 4 . • .,. .• 'LOCKNOW: • OTTms, neasure t1erPtAtittE! Of 1your own priideneei. economy and thrift by the. constantly inereatt• - ingbalttnce,to„the credit.01 your Ings AeCeinist,. The results of the lilt- ' enti`.0f. your11* and your 'hands are ... teW.Vialitable:' to Ile "litA1411.44X44:'''414)-„', • 't:t ,,-0•.s.:•'FOX",01•541,17,4,°•1' 7r. .0.4 • • , . • J,A,,*IS. QF HIMJLTQN ZJL.dLW. 11RANC11-41.'A 46.• • ee• „ • • • FARM 1YLACIIINES and ItEPAIRS Geo. White,* Son 'Threshing Machines; . . • • *' • ' • . Water, Bowie; • FroOVe Coiled Wire and Woven Pence; •' Connor's; Perfection, Elecirle %Vilifier; Bell Pianos an•d Organs LRC, Tractors and Engines; • . Superior Litter Carriers,. Standona and , • • FOR SALErBY Ge ANDREW ” • LUCKNOVV • ,1111111111.111111111. INCORPORATED 1855' and Reaeree.-89,000,000 Over 125•Branches • IVIOLSONS BANK FERS GOOD BANKING FACILITIES to' Merchants, ManufaCturers,. and Farmers, ete,., • , ,•• • r Savings Departments at every Branch r ' • RIE1D, MANAGER; LUCKNOVV BRANCH. ea ot reppery 3ring your Cream and Eggs to The Seaforth Creamepr„ riew.• buying branch, just opposite R. Finlayson's Feed Store to in the old Masseyaarris,••or - stand. he . hu -Blithest Cash Prices Paid th Satisfaction Guar- 84. re anteed - of • . pia Give. Us. A- Trial-- aia • _ ga CECILG .1VIULLI in , , ,•0• Iiranh. Manager, Lucknow. c° pot BARNARDO. BOY. TAKES ,TO THE ROAD.•• • • • • , (.VValkertosi Teleecope) ,George Dalton a 'Barnardo Home boy about' fifteen years of age wee into7euatodY by the Children's Aid ofileera here -on .priday. laat; isf7 r ;having decamped. ''from the kinie a 'farmer in Huron anti while .here. gave the authorities' .real Mae neby giiiing.thani the. slip; The' Ind 'found b . Mr. John • Rowland aging; about.. the power plant in 0.• morning,. and.'titialiig- he Was a. anger. he questioned, .him- atiffi In ply the youth ,unieeled 'and; a .tale Woe that Mr Rowland decided. t Y the part of the. good •Saniaritan-. I, took, him.; to. hiii home where; he ve 'film a real dinner. Re "then, got Y""Eictlie'Clill+iiren'e Aid. rin. Bruce' unty,, and later •took him: to Mr:, ' ho • told •;11iiti 1461.1 .oirain, claiming ;that he ' had" n engaged o time, neer Kindittfdinef00. fair- had,'„fomped life, Job be. se be had bean'given is• pair of Nous.. horses;.,Witit bee trioNtiett,--20-1VIonitirattit. The titelinew 111farble and +Grest;. free -it'. • ; • • cau t. Worka hasitirge to . • • piste 0,0dt—the . mist beautiful - fldr • the to .ehiteie. (rain, in Mar- -Drifts. W ';:!,;;;;')%.), • make apoelnIty of Family ;,•'Mohnsilenste and .11144 .your , h,. • • ' russtly ad. P1 ly done; • Coil and 0. Nii• WI/S Work, Ile stated that 4., had , been ly well treated but was elelc of .1doce1-„Ond flOemod ,mor trdisir, • t,„••.„ JL0SrS,4,mtorrox; Oaiaria, taialanantil 04414 • • • Is* W. 1,0 Deogial ' • '•.' ' ' ' ' ,„. LlieknoW I), 0; 1..,',N00'40, sneof.4 in' . ' lialleir ledge: POO111V QV .„..extt4oti-0-Tuoilo ,...„.... day-oVtlie_xtOtit III. ' 4 o'colv4 ).11i, t, it • yt,,,t,„11, AI, Pocifer;.Itee; See'y,,. In, ilieQuilllp, , . i„,...........-..............,............ ,.„..1,.1,,.1., "Plit.1444V.* 0,0 \40-864' , ' • ; atifteiti :•.,....4. i0 811r0000 CANADA s, I" of 4,4 ' • • 1110 ity0rAg0 lentli Of :We .in the • Vetted Iftidgip Is now 60 Yesirx; in 1010 1$ !OH 6$ ynts, in 1070 it yviii 0014 In 110114 the ftvorniro 144124', • 4.u04NPY f$,,gNTINib Publitilied every Thursday morning' at I•neknaw. Ontario,- <1., •.A:D, Mackenzie. Proprietor ail TglIRSDAY, NoyEmpkit 15, 1923; change, mit persuade 'the maiOiltY to come ove4,‘ to their 'wayof thin*in The , x.0109.ritY, may n'otA be right4 but it i8 the,lemooratie way and the good citizen will, .Phestrful,11Y, accept ',e majority decision,. The argument' 'that 1)`rabibitloP cough*, :to be rerieele4because it is not properly,'enforced is not alio. gether logical: No law ia enforced ati. FIXE GERMAN- MARK.. • honest ;men would like to see it; en; ,,,Now -0103 'foreettitAlthengii? we? 76;1,101 41' c;414 41+ • stores ,are•s:41:t14;!;.07f-kr:Imil:otti.:4111:ilYlocCur.: reoce„ although Publie opinion is al- ntimi not solidly against the0o•CrielOs, • ' 0" Qcone US On twit • - 1. 'of lanlie and the Dernunvinark no Unger' lie OPProcluble vlitile• New York fie houses have discontinued all m of It in their daily quotatione. I -days of •GerinonYES" .prosperity good is/aith, the :°German mark Abell t ..iontioljitLyaluu_to,-25co orYid tett-States money, or•four dollar. A couple of,weeks ago se Wilkins, of ',marks could be bo kr a dollar,srida trillion Is mil that the number is quit tfie Instead of condemning;,a,' be., ,and cause It Is not completely one...•abould ask :whether conditiOns- v:6u"; are.betterwitWthe la*or,:-Withootitz,„ Jrliere 0.0-thosemile say that there' is or more whiskey being niacle ,and gOn:•!, sunnedn this provinee`.`new„then ever ught na4i„. !Were. Tbese, bowei,er,• aro unduly excited, by 'the appearaneo f: a ..few e - bottles- and b/ -report --Of 11.-'stjll4 !than :here and there. When the.censuining of• liquor, now :done quietly at hOme tain thi8. pec at a ized the. the. • Leas'. than' year ago' De merits_ Were!fl Bz1 in the United, States and in., . country:et one or twwonita as a Buyorsulatlon. calculated. that /nark would,' back" th considorahis profit, would be real Now, .however, thatthe value of mark has ,reached the. paint of, • tinction, every dollar, Of Canadian .11...S. money and every shilling of ' natiney' invested • in' Gerinan: '18 1,94. ;The' German:at:4'0'n mon.t issued :so •many paper merits that their redemption in geld or any other commodity of value Is forever out .of the question.,.Reeently the Ger- man goVernthent presses were leaning o es o ,the denomination of ten • lion; These. were .prendaea. to' pay, ono day's'. issue .of such notes wo .U. 8:investors, is•estimated 'ab 750 ;Million' dollars. The loeSes in D. 5,, ;.largely upon , Germ • Airieritans. who,' 'through Patri •sentiinent,' had 'faith . that 'the, o valuedt mark Would recover • But .the lose to'these spectators , as nothing; compared AO the losses the Gerniazi people, ;In Gerinank t deigreeatiOn. of the•eurrency, aiiton • to. repudiation of the, 'nation debt: The .Paper marks are still .; gel tender hi .Gerniany.' That alert that Man., who lent . money .thel governinent is ebliged •to.:acce these • almost 'valueless- Marks: in' pe ,ment ef interest. and enpital.7,4e r in barns and- vacant houses is cont. - pared with what formerly was done' n• the bar rooms, one sees ' at once ow ridiculous the contention , • • . . QUEBEC, TIIE EXAMPLE ation of the liquor trafile Seek to hold ul? the -,gue4fle, OetiVo0 as, U.:bright and ahluing eXample''ef temperance 4ohlOi,e4 bY.4‘modlflcation,"' • • AUTOMOBILE. LICENES • Will Pay • Cost to Province of All Road -Building and Maintenance' Qzrq 4034dtd$14t4'..s*:tttrOOtetiriit'S ]54046,a;offichiliiql_hipto.9141.:t4:0.4ittil4iJtoh.114t oteho:. inatOral incretrientln revenue derlyed froln, 'motor vehicle, taxation in „Ont- • ark: 'tlue,,te the annual.. -increase in,- frietcit" yehiele..r,egiatration, will, More.: than. meet the iliCieasing :cost of biol.... T.b4,.Reyenut:. from Motor,Vehicl Ligensa•feets:•:in 1023. :is, 'estimated, at ' $4400,090, by the Miniater • Of "Viiblle HighWay'g111iS.fig9r.6 repreeeuti,an ilAerease,. , of .npneeximately...,one the satne.iouree ditring the last. Year, which Was $3,477,439.13. It..4hould be; noted -that the. growth: of.• revenue from 'motet' vehicles is dot 'chiefly to a , 4orInal, ineiease in the eniount' of the license. fee which was' •raised for the Year 1923 by $1400 per Car. in 1922. there • were -23.4;197 motor ye.; hicleS registered'i — • will be; a • total regisfinition, according (Montreal Witn;;s) to estimate, of ,2n0,000. Without any • The Province of Queitec'is 'conduct- _increase lo fees it is evident that ing , most vigorous campaign to - teach the people what to drink and when. to drink it, but,chieflY to' drink., Last week a special store was 'opened in Quebec where .customers Can sam- 'ple the wines and also get all in-', formation and direqions as • the tril.°7 -right wine to Use; at. all. kinds -Of and function's., and how' they should be uld tesezza,-n-d-L'--Other lienefitsef to Qugneee 4Temperance"` law are 'behig out trumpeted. abroad; no doubt ;with. the the -hone of Inspiring. in. the other pro- -, vinces spirit ,.Of envy and emulation: otic One 'of the triumphs of the. goVernz nee inent's liquor business is that the , people aro now drinking •five • times. is us- much Wine as' "hard liquor." Has to the.consumption 'hard liquor 'gone' he down or- is it merely that the. con nt- sumptitin of, wine has gone tipf: At, al • any' rate, the latter is the avowed le, 'purpose of the Liquor Commission. ris and it would,: indeed be a triuMpb. ft:, •Which would evoke from Mr, Tocher-• pt eau paeans of praise for his cerps _of. y.. debauchers of the 'people •An ia4st- n .igater, sent- to Montreal The 'Lad, e !tome JO4rnal .to Investigate thw Who, before' the'war,, had' an inconi m working of the Quebec 'laW, tells of et say ten thousand good marks fro government honds;: 'get h ten, thousand Marks '. When they -ar je visits, to .several of IVIontrears three e •hundred beer saloons where' he found a many Men "dead drunk "Between midnight:and meriting,: j in a cabaret and' hi a half-dozen s' • bootlegging cluba*, and )(Arita I snw due, but noW they • are worth only small fraction' of one cent (not" en ough to buy a small loaf of bread whereas before the, Kaiser and . hi n hundreds of woinen drinking.; and • mad drew mode.' their .attack. upo b, • fully one-third, of thein were drunk n'• A newspaper 'Vermin I met that . night: in a "blind•pig" Club Where another $30,000;000, •or a' total of $55 ouch mark was wort nearly' 25 -cents; ,Many an Old tnn and-inany an old Woman who' invest ed. their 'all in government bends and could live ennifortably upon the k - tome • therefrom, - are now without hoinefed or'clothin: it must be too that th. millions of :Men who Weradisabled in the war, along. with thousattde of war widows and Orphans' are left to shift for themselves,..or to the- care' orfrienclit, . . • • • ALBERTAr'TURNS - • ' DOWN PROIIIBI'l'ION" After seven ' Your of prohibition, much . as we'..litiYo it .in :Ontario, 'the. • people of Albekta, haetelLbih*, li4rinOgatktOnflbot n -policy wider • hieb there•ill he litto difficulty but • .. the priCe.in. getting' anylleeired tityof intoxietiting. Potter.' Toro- •VitiCial government will supply: whie- kips .(under .certaan restrictions,i-we... . 1 1 i toe --81) fit--whieh.'"led'hittly+‘o'lvdt- -dThii-I17:1tretlgH-Nlbtlt%b71LbC,Teispnileidd:7-titivt The WY1•1 tifetitilenaoiteant--,te'rel.; ''-niretised bare as in the days of :old Iiiiinittel In the World If nald he had , e t libb foster 'home. on: Wednetiday„ wells Intir t0 l'ettwistr whets be; Stay.. orl with A filitOOr for twonightritid limn •walkOd to • Walkerton 'but - in Ow* of tUrninv into 'toWp had ii:Oni,' ,11 I t . - hihitionlo government . _ . ( , i °Ili pi o dowi---Oin • •road - Le', the iitWer plant • u,'i i!! 400/411 tonna , by mt. iow-, w , s Mr, I ()ram, to aka a place on A ' farm here and o the' Clilkiren'it• Aid Hilereft r' , ,Doubtlems, the an ele- men t in.: Alberta WOO encouraged hi' the - result of the vote. in llianitlibe a few months ago, 'when that province' turn - hold, Ifts liKtfod, to 4 wbiJ $,V01 t• 0081/01 • • Now•, it. is said, there Is sudden movenient.in .iinalcateliewan in favor, of government. cntrol, and as opiniOn . • . makirw,preparattetnH-artirk.04)181- ' lJi1ttikely is 45 88W p Inn' of emplyment. in iio rth iiV440,/i•tif MOT 00Of' VOr- 1 4/0 ft$1,9P0141' 0./MM'iNith•carn.Wer41 00,1 h)t.,9„-MMiWitfMr10471,-nntrff4Viiiiir atlag,-eaptioe at ?kelt. he' was loeteol, le the • Wont ovIdeottY 11pyitig • abotl, tor ji 10 l#1 44fiacaal4 ve mex hot den 1, „ night. „.•(.464)1.;(1)))°,0,, 11010E0 • too, And tlicto o retrohad-n of: lie. Wes given lodging Over eight O1141 (1(" t14" (l'u°.`)" it" is 11`"Y -UM other' pre file. provinces,. sufe to prediet that it tee 'Will go over to. government 01,16.0r With the lcanitetl" toile of hoer • • st fmlunnee t of -WC mw tool the prevalonee of beotlegging has • been " LK() strongest In ,againsit'iiohlbitioni and may be said bavehretiglit .ithout,. the (bongo -lir t11e Western provineet, It "is the atrtiniretit influettC"e0-lie.rie :18 • •()Elt.111*) 0(1, f'1444V .,4trfluo :ROI,. 1, elk *hi yoi,ohtlo o. (1114)4 Pr"inclod prehlhition 'her. it may 'lie supp)10(1 with44 Li - • 11141 ‘OW Of 1110 0110()Olo 1 LhO tho faverite storVist. "live tors, and it Cho' prorior steps to ink. Rove litinollont that PaaPle atitakie Of 'the Ohl fartn, fcilks denin in. Maine. told 1 !mita! ly by C„. storie o o ritroito (341 0 11) • •• refi,rett,11inir, Iii. sii I Al -.. • herta the tnitorie goverioUtiiit will • altur InCnetitientill to agnin submit three hundred•mon and women were next year ° the Province • will- be receipt' of a revenue Of'.. at lea $5,000,000 .fioin Meter vehicles fe The ProVinee Ontario with 0 motor Vehiele to every 12'perso. is shown to be still far from't saturation point when compared, wi . the . State , California with , 3.8." Pe soiia per motor :vehicle,: the State Ichva Met vehicle, and so..on; Tobe on, a p • Ontar shothiddillsolstet ';..tio!!tai;rteakteisst,r'S. -500,000 'Motor. vehicles,• WhiehWcul ineen annual revenoe of $10;000 Q00 fram Beenes) fees. ' Beginning with 0,000,000 neit.yea „and increasing the :rate ef half rnullion per Year .the .revenue fret nokrlieenSes kr the ten 'year be `conservatively estimated:.'a $72;50Q,000, and. for the following tes Years at tt22,50o,otio„ or a total 'fo re;sh a$2g5a0iii,:0t0,t0101(,); oot be siirnriaing it the total were -A twentiyeara •:40$105,000,000 It wool e',StatnientsAiid estinintei or.reveone it haa•lieen es tiinated that the cost • of the+ pernau. nent work such ns- grading, bridges, culverts, 'etc, On the 1,806 Mika '+of Provi „High way s will be $25;000,. 000 to be tmet by settiog.,:anart the aum' of $2,000;000 per. year . for 2t years wbjell will provide a ftind- of $5,0.00,00O returnable ,iii' ears with interesy nd sinkingf,und .chorg.' The coat ,of nen-permanent work._-. Peril* or SurfacingLis' estimated t in st ea; ne ns he of or ar io- Of cl- a • drinking, told inc aho hadseen,n .000,000 for .1.the completed: „systeni.';Of.. . - . , , thousand .wontten.druiik:..in__aucb. .-Pr91iasjal nigkwaYs..--::.' •'''''''::"...4.'. '.: IP:ihijei!-171vierist't4igoattilieaqUo"tes ft-to:Im:0 giT "`AKIINIGTOOMANf. CHANCES no -hint by : Mr .Geotrrien„ of the: Recorder'S Court Showing that ilue••• .. , , .. • • - '• • - :',..theusanti people have been artlea:te.d,' ,11c)leionit)ticcesii'eltienignginitt;,Irceect bls.iTiallstnetilot„..tnrititsniityel7.: for "lying *drunk. in a' public •.Recei•der:Peeffrion.....now-:,tells.4theStar-. -..eli.elie.e...-tinioe.,..... habil,. , The, , .... The- -country isfaet te, fae- witha ing the last. two years over -twelve; Serfoui :problem..There are toe many , that the intrethigator has entirely. • Who hisbigirdiy takes chtincea la rea- misrepresented , his',.atatements', The ' jmeniiblY:stireto3e involved 'Ultimate,: figures givCilwel'e for ollarreata "tot /iy. i.anaecident The sante general . odtrialynit1 Aenrnreest.478; • fniowt .19foiti(;;;n9ygi:iargrulldkrt?),11:/ . wY4:ke• ikiflitsi.ci:d-ut:€45.th,,eh107hie;wtrIvointit'r:4,,,' ,.. , ?exceed:alh,otherallhle3Ifactxroniallir i`.'-tiik-S 'KO has not time to becate- iovever, that twelve thousand ' People • f111; is• hastening the day .et his irrjuiy, were ° a rr ea ted fee. drunkenness in .one 'and the employerwhe prefers . to take degree or amither! The .investigater,a--ehance.--ratherithan 7' iiiiiVide - safei.,,' Shedd .nOt.liaVO deperibed them as' guards :foi• , his::dangrOiis'OisChitterY, •"helplesly dead drunk" P.xaggern- :114nyiting..lojAry.4.0.,_,Als.....•inerwand4n-7. .,:tionLivenkertsthiscaSeltnaii-be-salt-- -66iiied iiomperigittiwi404,,it,•thitii, •• howoiter, that Iberwinkeir witoli4)efOl „slLand-otherffililyeri-licli&74CliiSs, does•loi fall ' • TOO' ntatly ehnoces Are being "taken. into the hands .of the orifice A or • in a • eauntry.: that needs to conserve Detiiitibli014; iiiiiiYkin1)0e01 at the oPeri". all its forees,• but More particularbi ;Mr of Itlie titiebc,tileting Store would' • • seetti-tii-10W-6,--beeti-rbroadcast to in, fluenee the Albeila vote, made , the fine boast that:'arrets . for thutilen;. liess in ;Moittixial had decreased by 11 ore then halfince.'1920: There him. cerlainlY htiOil lk deCreasO tin .aireotS, of a .forentati in a wire plan( in Hm, lout cenvitiona -Hits ' thl7c Oecu a ilton showing. sixty. years,. of service;'; deiame;in dronliennoss?-1)r,'Dorioni.. with '•ieiferiit stkcitklit.L-19,0iliiiiiself+7- , o Ives of-its-citizns--Thre.-is,"-a--: saying that0"The chance -taker is the'. • tiecident-maketti and this has_ been„., AbuMliuttirliTetreiihr•tle° ilstork of accidents in. industry in this • Conntry, Op the 'other hand, there is. a reeird litoir.4t-•114*titiOreitillitilielltl6*Ii"'1Tii", 0 • tierious aceitlent 'to anytme in' n6wspa tier, pertly. awned by • the •-plith: hs,i,,i,ott„,oilt ,,,,,thd ,,,re.1,81,, hi, ria._:, olie•.C.,huiT11,,:ye1 simply, (1:solidus, this. vances: Is ',1%eing earefill"" It sounds anomaly of •(10.1'6aitig arreals „and:: :siinplo, hot setnelinitis.,...it.,,is,..,a,-Inost... illoyonsing 041r1.11fICOlitIttaft,, ...."-. : • •-.' iiii!killi0--i•Olo to Play; Phe' toll of neel- '• , Wifcal 'YOU iiiiiliZejlmt the peliee. . dents, in: and . out tf, „induti.;*, how - omelet:: who make -the arreSts end- .tver,,quite. jiiitilies more rat t.' 11)8 magisrate:I WhOn'tt Aro i'011,11ctilons_Ariltunitentioss. by-ic-gOverliMout 'that Must statistics of deertiniting • . you can understand these lUfl LO sere And caution, and the curbing of the • DREAT STORY YEAR sintistiet0,„ , A_golden, sheaf of 'stories is'. ht. prin.': thet "Int long no a man elm nififigate Youth's conmanion, here Will be, • ch/or of penee of,inat. .°Itatlitleir fel'. 11)24 reTters•of "(lie • stoiles VVestern .ratich life and at, oll. WO don't arrest hint" Hie nr- : divining ntiventere; storieS rests 'nveraged only about, eighty a tion in getting a Jtib inakiiiir a of guinp. itionjh tind he, wan ,"koeping the StleCOSH at it; tor:es of tivlYScrinl," 11" St. • (4tthcriniull 86111114rd' "44Y4 1°"113)43 Of °°1111.;itl"19 41"- 1111:itit'tlfa'c'teutir141): tvit°00;1'1P11:t. llso world of• busiliess; stories or the" end college end working tieir4iY,in cord down • tide you.," Thini evi- nu ,the athletic flel —too b 1 1. the Milk. Bottles lleen "Put Ont ?" To on the govel'Onient Will hat/ ho ()hoot It 111 whlek .nattV be Added "InAti,81,40 RoRe. hut tti firofF;, pot t.00. 0)iinsion ot 00010,0„0,,,,ts,tiory o". unloi 1$4,1811 .010000 444+- Oiit • . ' 0;11 0 n) 0+0 IL 1111.014:re .••‘ . .1»$10fiqviVi#1#A,. Wh# ,4101(0 # ) Leekidi end' rfir)!!'"? 4.11 %vol must. .easgt' thl loviilm04° 4/1- bi thol In 100 PtrOltV* Morning oy • . • tiovlot johotild AVertIvd th,g , c$14 obtowiltsi • one a ; stories of girls in shool' • 4f,00 -0441).1100,,i- • '• ••• ) 2.2 • • Wbat Is the real SCory Youi ' bin. tells=in tons of Coal burned' end • 'Po comfort;:satjsfa,tjon and eeon-. •orny, install A Annoy Thought. • bpYia:rueirndhct000nimcoefps4'tr•.--:).ibill'ginto.v.ca,oinuvee'OnisCnceoe--mT,' Will 'find it'"the biggest thing eAolIlvesappthyeTillt:outgithigt roriPoebliceiosirfucirriitahceer mediool,size housq.1t sends a steady• etreana of thoroughly warmed, • •• • andifid, air' straight up into .the. • 'house. The principle of rising hot Happy Thought Heaters. and descending cold air, as •° bringcomfort and econ;• applied in this. furnace; .does, the omy intO tbe hoMe. rcst. Draughty corners vanish, cold • . ° spots datippetv- There is nodirt • • • • dust or • gas -no coal' waste • HappyThought Ranges . • • ' • , • • Make cooking and . For larger "honleS 1-1aPPY Thought ing easier.. • , • , , • • Pipe and combination furazieeat olve •• •• the prciblcm,' • Let us have aplan of" • • . your houteand we wit' advise you.' . . L. • • t ,The Wonder Kidney Liver -t.). Stomach Tonic as Nationally Advertise Sold by pit: A • 1111, SPENCE, Liicknow and gnod.driiggist.eVerywhere, ness And Oluek in situations ,of don-. ger and e...ticmity; stories-of:the 'Stif and of • the enibuntains--siories • to Please every fanc-ef, -readera",and oung. for readers ...who the story-tf.dharacter and foftlieSe-Who4 • like best the .Story :of swift: aetiOn:. It Will 'be a great Year in the his -4 • tory of The Youth's coMoorlien. • The 52 isSues of ' 1924 • will be .•crovided with ...serlai:rstories70-0, short,' stories r editoriel-S. poetry facts and Am Subscribe now and repeive: The Yinouth's Commons:in--52 is- . • . 2A117th° remaining iesiies Of 123::' 3.3 The Companion Home :Calendar • AII• for $9 50 • 4. Ory include 'McCall',' Magazipe. the monthly autherity on..fash- ions . Both plblietitionS„' ory: vP,./.0 YOUTIPS'TOMPAN ION COrmitonivealth Ave & Paul S .." 'Poston, Masa . •New • ' S u_bsi•hiii!stioonflai• eReTceivect at• TANLET PRANTVowNstilli t., A.: handsome „bronzeAtibletAieaii* time -rott Ife7ITVOY's from 'Brant TWnhip, who Were. killed in. t e , was tioveiled Sunday Afternoon atS, S; No 5, Brat:: The unveiling _perfoetned Iiy RCN, K Paii•ful, •psestor e4 the ItaPtist Qhuch, Wolk- ,Alitireaaer-i•Fere: delivered by Rev, Pother Goodrow, of Riversdale whe' serve(1 as a Canadian artily chaplain during the' war, And by Rev. Father. Midvale, of Chesly ,foll9VVIng.„;preesLzatengra0 toallt4::. McKay, Daniel Desmond, Youlig7' Panic! .11.1cGariy, HoWard Scales ,?.,,Williertntlatenitti,--.4-";t"quor. ge OunifiliNiiiiTROciard,Gran I , el- , Ttillea" tlIniblelett, wlii li is .17 by 24 ina and or a beautiul' design WM.% Oman,. •ed. •by: the- ladies-of-8;8No "5, Brant • .„ • 'A MAN' DIES „ Hofis.....,Sdinii4t,4,4§,-repitfeil. 'to .lief thi,,'Iliiiatiest fliap 111 the neiglitirheod. lie died Ilisbody was placed in. the • xi. t old 'rave an • ti (01 mg e en 1. sylvania German etistmn, thepcOPle steed ereinni the open grave 'waiting for senictitie to soy soine, geed thine 'about the :deeeasedbefore' filling the. grave Aftr a long Onstive SChnItt said: "Veil dad' say loot', one goot thing about Itaffili 1)0 Wdittv't iklioxYa quit. melon no liewsis some - 011010 ' ' ', •• i. ; / 3 4 • ' • . ,, . 4.24.519 ; 1244.4 rt:r OAS.- A WORD' TO- THE PUBLIC • , A -BOUT RADIO ' . • Th8 rernsirkable progress 'in telephony during the past few ears, has greatly Stimulated general public • •- •• interest in radio ,commiinicatiOnMen - • -- •°•iir• Or fife all over the Ceiintry are beginning to realiie that •°: . .; • • Wireless" is no longer .an iscilated, . • . iesilii"of-m3iferious dots and dashes,into , Which none but the initiated may : • . enter TheY.linewt that radio telephony is pow approaching comniercalpos4 • . ,• • . sibilit, and they are interestd-0; foliNWhirt.rkPiOgreSS of this rapidly.. • . advancing art • "•••• , •rf. You mity sit in 'the.:cdnifort Of your par the evening. coneert xact y• as rendped",in the 'ball-rom of a metropolitan 'hotel •hundreds of. ,iniles•-away As "..thotig4 niOtiOh..tidt0e theatre in the World; • " 1' you hear Its renowned eightypiece orchestra •'plang the overture On• electiort night, whilethousandsshiver on street corner, Yoe in the cozy comfort of your 'warm " hchise,__hear _the_returns-fiet; What ceuld better' make your a • real hoihe?; Where •,could ' find such 'an open'aestinie"' to the world of .' musie add 'education ? Think Of the • ieen7v3leatinit•ionPCSS' hours of OnJoyiient of the f 'ntOrest Each night fresh prOgram; not• the nisbh- • oilleat11111•SieOf.'theiidlingaiiea.4: of thi,iVng arti t • Wes1ey Electric . • . • CAUG1LLLTJjS11JL*-: r The firni of Liited,' an' • „ imueced Satni-day last that they were offeringf pyr ale....,their-nionery;77,! ...coAsiSting 91, 7;000 MereM of tiolbet. and Unimproved land, situatedItithe „,„°°1 • , . township of Greelieekj tOgethee'Wli*- 1801). 111010 in' Citi•gui• • . is Also Offering for sale his fine • 720 -acro fatrii adjoining the Village! .ot Cargjfl This' is "'certiny on o the finest fiiirm properties' in Ontaio,. the built -1145 Merin ,boing at *T4b10(1c1 !The the geld, it. dcimplattid ; • it ttqll be tlie:110ea tle'a In rNl 0e.t4iteovor teisnalOtid 10,9441 A.k.00,14100,