The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-11-08, Page 777"17
T '7-
yp Y
E 44d
Ile $Uppli
6.0 strioeq, T.Qw-;t,)rq w PlIns,
bg A—'
PR , I r I I . I I . i",
.4 my Ar i
INCA.' A f9ifyo
bltud� were -m
ad 0 ditil , the wgrj
yqUr 1p#, p1m,
mispit tp, eIxceodi -all of, tht�xn
::Nor 4sr yf)u�
vvex�yn pt,4itf: I -familiar with I b, b Its.
that yp
'd JA
'Ins C111ASIng Bef r
lly� the
wFol ;Rqv I *r.ltp, !made eoppeiall;F Jh blind, t
A: Ae
Mi. P 1: _N
no10i6iie?. conf[disig t I
ch, thft
are rats,eitiorill,
7'- 7-
m 40ur 413gm1: —fort k 'm
, I;?
'Ap'' th. at Ile pJam4ro was, vart. of
el, _p At le
fro 4
-by t4e, e :-Q P; fttltj
A#d6O.i'U tt-o 9tay all limited YS
.-Urd; re f
P or,
cap,, And, because Brat r;i,wp4i,4own
But I, Wake—eager for t6, Clothing
f Trenggan%, 4 � belonged to, ita'
eL. large, ai4i-.-":lAfiother holie, a, ink, pi� a4vi 6 �;!�Fex;ons. who
tof"'toir flae smaller eleohants we 01' Into unintelligibility,
ment, for+ 0
4i4, nA Cu.- And 4b, my Ite
Whig pu -But now coilabg,�& optop,
d chin ble t
Qr -a
oneq f the Tom, aqvcr I es ion
u.1talli a which 46akiii �iall
#y. be,,be.will. polgis., h' d
;,.��;.Thp-�ultait',"iother aitd, rlmb� nalm L r� 0 -ail, Iiiiids., of Jype an., eonst!pation should 4ke afte
UL] . k:.y
w,Sp4 Jt�.de -.gptJ
_May wri _p z- each mimaj.!�ac[Ait
h Tu1ilcm
-:46-thii6,4&ps-of the Eko;kk
Ive e
P, '. . *L- . ,
0, ca _r4ill,o ooks, but upon,thp pobse of
in tb;AAe.Jiinglo t Pa I Ay
ph fits they We Yet, 'W'11d;,,-4e�
-I ll.� the i�ro�vti and Ir.Ml(y:!,k1 hoart4g, a, As"'Nothir Seigil's�
re _4'v is list : '.
Gettlid, a u1ne. 50c. and$1.0
G- n HD
U14. not actually JoJu the rouna-up, be- 13 yal.,blin.J.:pe�rlio,tfs, Only
r d�eveiopod. in
b td
If' & "
-neptle -for in
d have had, s i-6 fit!ih� ibr�ii are
-cause, ll�,W�ul Ili ;.volce--�4' 1 d"
he Jolwgd,
I h' �`,Baclll; -tO' uger oftlad, r
'toL'rId6:one:'6f the tanie o ep 4,nW 'And 7 hea L", Lita"nkhamen's i6ne-id'i6A Sas
Ti 6pto it b Y**
'ph, b A
P1 1. ' L . , ,
:-ridin b I
a i�� 6r; rk
. ... ....... . ..
Those, wit o surround ille, the to mb - of Tutanik'higri wit o, has a,.
And I.* Jnvei -if % The chemical soleniu-MAs the-Ampor
�xtremply So 8 to in the discovery
agiq4. fit, sniitll'�ri make J�arl'of . Carriativon
t nt. element the 6ptoplabne. . A'.
Toti ha b6tter change. yopy Mind '0 1 f , . a
U Q Aight, . " a
flafid"s, purely,
!andL' come along," M r. M9a:y e r called name to, me—, 0i"a evivr- 14
returned. to Egypt to. restim4'work,' lie s,.1.6nium bridg6 'is, OXbosed' t children's Rexulater,
be s t ulsat us that vary 4c, L
1�._. � treasures P .
r9r t somAhbw �bclthles the
fi -to Iiiiii. As,th'ey were starting off"- L to ear es !Icordfng:to the -Gair
9W declai,e P,
ii of the typewr
rbdo. pla, ali elephant, e - an- yet been, remov0d, And that fo tt�len �r "piinted mvfimsm snu
C have not L
n e L I L iw 4ifUe 'possible that pictures
g!rerje0,-'1I couldiin!t eat for, a niofith.". g, that, burns o ':iino Star of letters that ard ','tl4ssgd thro'U'gh the, falaxiii! &zd'CkiIdm,lllr ltptildlltr� I
Childre n grow healthy and free
4'TrUe:�!L admitted' Mr "Alaffer- "the Tut's mUmnly Will 'be taken. :machine. sensitiv� head't�hpp-�_,'
from colic. diarrhoft, qtuleflcY
ffirst'time 1. I -ode one: a c; lics our�,n4me fall's -on U cozwtipatlon and other troalilb
my, hea t IL
like tho6e �used by ad6lath slasts Is
I Sat. lia.L a,'lipautiful, b' caress�. 'ild,,.pperator, and it -ie- ffiviln. it sit teethinir ti
-worn iant-always rip re- I
-I �vas,go sick a circus ady had Whicli �ho sp�aklf da-n6t.linow- c�rds.� �sfpgli .6rds through a 'e its
procession. 0W_ : b
dah the bit
9 notes and� -c
MEE 0 1 BE, (, E OF RAI IN1. and gratifyinsr,
or gue..s. the I AtAll
ead, The crowd thougfi� se enjum This sound' alm
I to" hold', my'la Druesist#'
tDQLA et Is diff 6rent 4:
At phab* roin--our ownIla
was,& love sc, n
bAl longL acb.6, Jor
tagripfrn OR u all', the day'L 6: Due W�ffeak copliat
lThbre,Js, circus, lady here," said dst: A on Use, iut is e�sily�IeArnedr,, and.
t ptbphdnlS_can � -h
th ]ji,
g, Prflice firmly. I shall nb. ho�L o 1. oper,�ted at.h;g
ar MP Lspeed by the more profic 4�nt.
ide." nd I oVeAshe'd B166d.
'!It M
Ag I kheel'ti ake' y
pray r-7� I not., Fournier, d'Albe, who
ut be, was edge Apal*tLfroffi�.a�dcident or illness, due
"Thart-you na'ay.b As one I never knew,� makes.hIg. ho,. an
in heir. 4asbrought the,olltoti on'.el to" per.
hand fVr the triump4al ieturri,'� of 66, to infep -'fieklth.a�fses' m6,iii Londoft; ls,tlag:
tioxi, aimpst;all.ill
un, ers;'dud I or, hef ebfiviff6s et me
h t My'.,!eArs beseech God. not to. r. olin' on e 6i' w'd Tho�.mfgt.aki w"ll 0 nor. s';2d.was -eager to see the hau I. care . :,; ". 1 . 1. t . ' . I -9
lid, t realizin ectibri_iirad s�. taken Irom thou.san:ds
�Y. thaf�,pople:t,makb is in,no
eavy" W.Ith -both of 'ItheB
a was a h man, Qritiliue's Mir.. siippli6atlone. thl e . t hei Same of hi's les's fdrtunate'lellowo,6zat of'th6
Wdyer, nd not 1particulaily Act poor' b� o"o d
I lVe. It' 1. rorg, oi bl�lhg blind,�
cauio itt the root,;, re&eSt. ter ter
With Mine
die p.fa YS, Some -o arge.
I two §WingingL7 chaIrS* hea:r ter blood essn s i several' times a: da: Ids
s iMpossible. 1or him*! to, wal. 13��t -My heart: that Pq will never , I , 'Id at led's an wa
�ra k th e" th, e r of contact'.W.Itli the wo�
dtsfance�� G orcd
am cud 'Their Or*
und to
Will b6 fo
dub, -L-�DW -U-
kiii seate-d-7h-i ed 0 L
roh-t—.F r�- ds�in-hea
li�fl��Sl ""bri —one of R16�g ler M n#
be:'the',`reasonL for, almoo every WH
V tribal
I' ffering, 17.0111
Aur6 bf� those days. Indeed tL 0 '1&u are, pa q, SU
I I Sat 6n the other. 'The met! BRODIE. S6o,t-ll wa po rt an
Nrial mo Elf tish n cher-
p- 1* an
between the o es movddt quic y:,a.n d, ll�ish 'clans Btlil:' I I've or b'rda'tb'1esgnerSi, 'With pAf- Y�et it is.
P y lead ch,b§, ..pebple have n0v6r, heard of,
easily. -When ,we. r6ached th6 tied 'Scottlh.' TUR -a -m- -on9-t1wse-w'-h�'b 'a. te Radial— — --�--The-H- un. pita�tiou 'of -the hoart,", 4p popular In parts of! -the British
I h 'the'Tunku was ii ihofr:� names, 'if fibt legally'-'zig-'elan or�
o ep ants mazed at
r pla.6e 'name.; 7— cause. -Is? al co4
Sou rce—A, local. fly,, o r! chiblly.'on Jhe north
1. 13Y.DaVid_Le�'Wha' ion a M, �st' bf
li � nuinber: 'He gj�rilzattons. - . 9 1 L L - — C, ,
e of animals capture& ., . 2 u-hISLv67 , - - ." ., . (
most -�I' blood., If yp So mr. s e
rr. s c air and offered one of t por
go one of Brodie ig,,the name' o, e t ways poor
her .61is headaches, neuralgia,' §.ciatica During" the, au u,rnn,:, �ong are
We' Y61 . gest'� a- banana. Scottish, clans) muc of the 'Ala er,s:" t
It ate the
BRiSSANE" Tliiitt: ow�es 1p..plez��Ure 6'
history- of which wa's.lost.-for: all time. 'alatl,dther.,nerve -pa nsg, e cause ls�'ex. vety aburidd-ift t; r e.',.'. hey fie' off. the
Iiailt 'greedily'. Then 'lie, callodJorAfie Va'Hitionii�-Briqbane Bridlich, 13.6016.:
'Lord hausted nerves.' But run-..dowA.'32PTves oai rid,thlo,w-Wat6r ne,�where
n .,are also a result of .6dr blood, go t
'bui ed - I i§ir ac g n— or IS 'istiring-tides, 'it' tfit4l 'period �)f flid
whnabout 1645, Gordon spread izi;,"The Task:
boiled rice. 6nd held It out' in the.�palm 11 R ial ori I t C P
e tbdlr and' .4 the
Fwast" are one
ace Geol: �Thig has" been :a fin . e daty_ hi � �,c . se . . year,; leave expose
0 8 in tirce, ef:' au' s of I s
'f I i hand. , Tfie'littie. �I�pb�nt see' S�o A p.1' name'. ihol�-iwo'c d. stronghold..
-ed .�:A'nd 'the -now food delicious, and
Rabi ilot t6 `tk s ane,%, per igps,, Ad sport?',- '.I'll gay &V mu.
I -h a la the d' take advant-1
g. rince, ag as filly'Ahe clan.t,does- see �is n6t 'a 'mamd. Hkve I h
the �Di happy' i�'s A I 'b If, your. health 'is.' Poor.;' If. T91111tO �ko 6f�-this'tl&-pursuo, the I tr sp . ort.Veari,
h I .'W .6riginally'' It widely bo ne but It*is idely kiii �Let's ount 'em. T eifty 4.,orpsesl
ale been Gael c, r w w
palle nervous, or, idysp6litic, you "should. Ing- wadini-b6ots,.:�n& armbd- ltb� a
J.had.b.ettbr tli�o'w his ock-, 'Pills a fair w
ro in 0 PL
"Look"' he:crted� '.'It thinks.1 also came. ni -KorAy, h1liains' ink 1 145 81x'feet lo�g, one end
ive' Dr.,, V
eluded, that It prdbably was P fly hamLes, wit n de-.:'Izib-blrd a -Way e ore en 9 thi'ck qt. cj� son
-e e o n ic- flint fell hav6. bee bi f "' a �iamb wiard . . I -I
am an elephant.. I trusts me.' Ili the
fro f which tt. inu s t It bet. ' ngS. in,:., the clawificatiori"of ct y 0 ASPIRIN
Ved f' s� pi, :places. In this combs along an. or ers Me pf s s arpene a,
rl rom . na d gh afier the: f
�&Iaapa t 'er did..not:,'S�e e otr'ial.., Those pills act dire
en f6hing it ..gild 1�ew ,"they s"et t_ L . . .............
but its me It blood; 'and by tar But dboxit,.- 1160 f t begins t6.a eg IngtAnis the place;name is''of Cornish know I ofa. 6hisel 011 accor(li
pp up to' t ' b6 ' tU1e..L9t'feh buqks-. ... , ou men L
sounded the note' of'-warrling'to her:.. '7wtclin, � t 'nerves.
Itiour the historicil. red6rds'.which re-, British.origm orming.part6f th*e, now,. wap: -taking a..'ehance 'when' I killed s1rength to panled'b: it,niotkey colloctibla- o
greatly -'bene
etiy' shbt, and' if Boulders, and 'lafge &orioi are turn -
`and I
young -one It- paid not the ieaB, at- c womeli*.i alike fit Say, Bayer,: nsiAT'
aiii�,to-day'as 'one �of the clans, Olihi 'h s6aiity o in i 1 --but extinct hI'm,
al�s of an Al -W pr
n on. -
if blili. IV. at the 'biah6h of the, Sw hat diigh, singing �!Ao. throtlgh�.th�;� Use Of�,LthiS tried cine 'bar
inSplit :.his
aiid.*the Bre-
Celtic Iiing�ag:6, -a Ili aying, on t 'give ed. over to lay- of td eels.,
ar e weak bf: W
The'- little 4160hafit tas*clfiatdd-.the was. ,.foyal to King MaI6 you on.afling,
Ir u
ad th s'dovei why., nll�' a,' isir. Arial' and:', YOU
when hp four6a filniself gains m li throat. 'Ai I* the long,. sficksbeIq9 Se t
ore iiined,fd` 'i 'd r�tp is time the"We
Turku, He taki
inslit6d'.. on he liams' Pirak I
rebellioris -by transplanting cer,, to an -to the 'Gaelic of did 'I wast.*ammuit o on ilm. It the,mud. The e -el s � -th *rig
la- th d' ' * I'll:
ititeps, toward -weaning t. H4 had will be' pleaze.d w
firti fill ih'�-�ewlift fle-, tin claus. which -had q�eglioneC his �the Scottish Righlarililp." rn'ust: have been.Ahat'llis -little, coral gXe; 'ib IL a e.iLcI.tes'tlre,' dogs,.!.who -1selze'
ht condensbd�%milk;
i 17 suits that �vill silted,ilY. follow.
rou.g -Which he -pit
-icing- ad It s. no
The Brodies Wd. Around the';'nanii�%md Vp�� a feet.were so
authoti Y., I�e anion �y Woven erA as IiW-rari daintily
I ntd. a a EttJ Jusf bad to sh6ot�his.:he 'easy ma t -i for an-'ankry eel.
pall nd, mixed wS!rd '1k your dealer.does' mdf -keep the:se
t ose-wilio,recelveo grants* of.-laiid' 4 r6than bf po�ulation s -to, the albilk thi ad er,� h6.wevei
It', in. by mail: at 50
th e` NO y pills, ,�i cala'�get t le "I& , tf6kIfsh,,'slIppory` CL
wdtLer..''LHe dipped' nk 'that' -rabbit,: still
hat tlme-�. icb� �oc6urr� rO. n, an-' off. k t Scenes wit d,the roin boL (86mer, itli
I I - con a ;b I . .1.. me re
-its �xas - at cll6n 'he r.u-� I W )3rockvilI6; ont - . IL , I into I and then tuc old the,trunk:.Ihto The c an na t' days- :before- f alive 'zind', s� ' is dx- if niore.�tiength�'t.lid��ofi6l7i�lg�t�-c- 41t.-
-its , . 'khelittle elephant g to breatlfe� L� t t
mouth, ed,lcine.� Co.,.
p, ad, nam ST o'r th an,,' ef 6 e� A become- quite ex -
de in a,- I e' tha:t' of..Saxon and the he ad-. fii, -was dc"iad tw o.,- . 'h ourSL,:ago DU e � ogs suou.
�ii� d" fro'
I'suc of
-6t V of 0 e"Iname shot all o ill as
Ji -ed up� the. I iiid t -9 "got aL firm
r. qs1t abpeared in,'one' �i�t hristianity;. or -th oce§, as 'he', I- may pefV at their job.. ftavil]i
tUaf'y. rinking It-bITa*,fhroqg`h Itstritfik. iin'd' Sari.d. o 1.0'. it tia-
d 0exillidei, me' iiient At evident. 'w�IiArow him 4-wa'y.. ,hold' ee - 'th I c
n writs of King ) . . s.too, bAdly
Judgi y W, it
t 6 ling
It rew milk all 6,,�er -the prince. For-
a locality. in MoTa�y, consfitut�d. 44cle t Iii shbt, up to took". Tl' 1 a�te� -T 1 ere�s a Sort f fee til the hunter.helps'the'ria to "land"' It.
la roth sntly* �the ebur lose quai
talcenoff 'and
. I . 1111�, . 'their I in the-,41mosphere' to -d -ay- h' '�ii�thing
natoiy, lie had
I escilptive-!of the I wk!ch n Were, tried' for"L 'The�_ cpnger-ee weig S
ugli. W be'.eaten.
stood The ryIfirge Only. is ar6lig' apd vlace; name s
-I d- goose s,.s, ar. ing-
t int' t t� n
'from. five t evo
e' of, the, gr6uzadj.zie�ningl-a QounT] f to aws and eqs oms §ko o"flie bunch to get :the mother And W I"
g -es of noNV f.orgottenL4 A-
a hi' I "., liUn e 'name 03i
6 erg. "Look! he 13 t .1 �e'n'b.ra'
ge Chines"O trdu, b17 soutlihind 'a.way. larger ones are gomotl eg cau it
trksilil� br �l Ong since the en,'too,.l ouiif thenic'N� g- �6f tile . ., 1 11 , I . I
I d e . . - ' " ."' ' ' ' rthe
of �the place,� a -kills. I
.,,cr e dBI d b. 'f lue kou see, h 9, b en' for� ging 'of � the num. erl"'- .o. -my ky�'hufii .*111'result �i,n som '
-t t e yo
h package or on tablets
I �n&. matter wha.
I� :a 6�1 ibt6ry h -name'.- as s uck,, :and -nius',t.have',i�inged at least i, a d'oz6n . I L L t
. few with, t h I lf ,The lligbt� wiud'.Is' croonin'g',.� X oligers, bfi
his-sharb-of-the- rizes, aye.- r pr v
p me I n _d- -h:l 'I th' ting_ a
0 e all threw -full s -me o s�
�,or Whorl birds, w c, a ave gone off �s Dirges o or ie one e
-grown ill 'afford excif
or* -safe by� milli, d- pr I d ' b
Y i 0
ter� d I I r in t:he 1jenulne"13 c,
W a an le
tl��r� r
-tually is se,,tw6-,rabbft� k the tillof-bird is it -port..
11, 'yanie - td';be' known by the 'names of to dle; ;ind, got
ies ni�6- females and four�young- physicians,ov eiitv -%ekra fo
n mes vii 0hoes from N 'That was r
a vllich tliey'came, and away,. after bein& shot. The orizoli.ill, the est.
Incl dirYg, the'. aily—.M�. MitYer for in those an.Le en for d6 ..Heada'che
-s Ask Inalid's's 4 t4jie no otherli 001
s as well as Rover!g','Iault. Ae -Jias been :-a -talth,.-.
I I _
a Rheu,matiSm"
r iftlid.fuh t1 01, tl.. , 'Diplomat.
'Tun limde,, ... �Ear�che
Unt Aus Y.Lav�
k 6j!k:,
he, k P
rat him'.with th
afr'engaging. flafant.
n inesi
pres.s' ance FlYifig swiftly nd unerr nk'%, et "Tablett': of Aspir n
in' the ()f family, aing;I guess Just� 'a,ccidentally'
A Pt 9RY
The'Big rri'll6apilst 11'aye.prepared. 'dip onial 1 ece
southerif. everglade�, shoot Iii Well!. I have certainly -had. Fon the
thia. Sultan's mind on;th or! -tEacY
Ely. 'in I .. I :. . .. I . . 1p olliat", ,ered. the" Only une acge con-
e: to a, d os n ''d nig
an 'earned a good htl� maia-ewla" e
rest., fa a.. a "P
e in
"Thelittle-beas ar.
...Th Is, lonely,"
B is., 0 IV TIP
tched G-1 _v R.4 N )LETS to, h1m.F' -gets her' of t;�
And. ]one, the empty,nest. -s ,,Nlrthday� and eive tablets 0st few cents.
rd, is veer ng.," e
24 aidd iOO.
The putconie. Wds that tho'. jungle But*,tho� pilot Ill 'gistg also' sell bottl6s of
I r erea
ba wh een, success f I 1 .1 . . . . -be
'Fo 'tb
by A 0�'j -H A.1 s pirl ri As _t Arade-Mar z.(�r4ls
y AM Y S KEYT- ght fo Extra, tjg� a, sanc u
taziada)' -Bayer..Ma�illifacttire
eandd, spent a b oil'i lialf, ' 0 Soymou'Kell' In C ono on
-Ai6acidester Sal
By W. Knff6�'
the'verandall of 'the. e ErOt 01 -:klori
st, n'Is' well'known that Aspirin
would :run -.up and down the. steps, O'd B aby's
It U
hive U" -light is- simply Ic
t cess 'Ek' ,Tbo English ,composer find, tear, er.
'A to�Jndtice the be t6 � eat' a greater* mean
2,, The'use of artificial ..What M s" b
giving its li,ttle squea. -It lig .� s, Bayer Manufacture, tol.ass,
I of pl�'. T h [k
p Hol -it Tablets with, grea: , sue co t h 6 - t u bl I c ..a g
t0 %N q' la affist, imitations "the
fole 81 rinceatbout. played and aiways -keep a on4 uafid.ty of feed. I This,. urs.d,' Waifol-A J)aViegr, bas been� giving
..proper exIe'refs L,,. resul I ts in I . ncreas ed Sir d
fodr years . If you, are ��ak, thinr and lavIrvous; lets, of'Bay9r-. omPany will 6e st
-with, the hoUT'-J_Io. even itl'low6d band," Thousand of Other. mother ur s. on C amp�;
Some very �i�i -W ge n. e r a ra-d- '--mar ; "tbe
cessfal loci le -our -o �.
-0 1 �. . 1. t 3 ruggist supply. you fill.'. it: dd I
egg Theidore it k'
t- to. go into tio house" the baby . sarne, thing—one( -they - have productia
schools. Re-, U ranie'e ---to-in D F, , er_C'r9,sS.!'
gay th, music 'to, biMiela In the
riVilege' little wbori -ligbtSr�.-tLie-',.-t-urned.-on.- - ro-p- y. Ifas pii6b&l1ly.'0u 9 P the Tablets for th6lrItttle-�oneg',,
t rbwn-'tAa_F he'no' ij,." some..'peti'llie e la an stren th An es.tdre
Exper, g,and,turn
"this- tithe", US th else'.' IlLad Adv.1ce#:, of trans err ng 8 s,tqgetier crease.w
th oy Q f t' the :1ecture and nerv!�Joica_�_.Rrtc�_r
-imergy,. vlgor�
oil So
M t
ou re-
an, ama a e, -,gra n`��
i -a been.
astitToton,61 -Out
ITT th with
o--ough, n aLetiloij.'Alid"Ift A gellvarit, girl b H F0 wh(Y Was employ6d in laiitIV?,,t WOME
-W�Jph there Werc�,ge dve the minor. ailments ri w- 'o thbs6
11 t 11 of: C 'A 8 e b
f . 4(�V
otr hfck-�-I'Pee�p! Pee and' whe hearmed ublis Pionee- 'Dig' �erned'
ber very little ones?. i a e s ro s- Y h -recentlyjlj the
A.famlly in P. r6ost"In, thpoinoriiing they wl I` I ni.- at. leugthy�* e�le
Mile Ih 'T Ill t a Old b the
.1, 26 Mediate y go Usy : s6rAtchiiii America
children ame ld ed
e -or- "cord V,7 p G
medicine deal r1tr St L 1. a, 'y UN N
lion,bue of thein-fe.1l.ill, with,seaflet. Air Majn6tije. their f Then, i�6&�your hot n Lohdo lflmeg� and �Jh t Wa bo le
eents a box from The Dr. *11I.taMS' ee Ur n litook oll.
_Slao ..was fo'leaviiig at ;.�oluf,) qfiotatic;ils from 61ford's
t It. n-s-te e U quid -41r,
prefer 'n. ec I om erg R-1 b ou need no e a -faf ary,, Sal res, wh ch are e orti,reme
agubtism, Is ,curiously ad�cted� t6riacton again.' Others. co and iiow to reed'' Wiled Fre'e to'any* Ad&esi
her mfstr6 Non-magnetic It ckel 'acquires mg- Ing day] by arti mea ei ibe Autbor:
WS 0 .. 1 Sif, Wal,6fd. . I ?Is'
16 ' . un tJ L8.3.0-or,2. ed in g- says, any.. AY
ilt mmgdna w 6. o it,' iii ore M mpoun e
tin. olleo 'o a�ffi., hot ni at nooli;. &1lin -Ag4ln W.. �oriL U.S.A, Ve,
M' vero-aditits rarely,,take"the tiou e t d 11
O'We have isolated tinii
t u, oed nokjoi near -i With ilt Teeth CL GLOVENCO.. Irm Lydia inkham'sVegetAbla
U I o -'t I oLt nd
it t ke -,",And
ift, and ge, let ol: lo.�Ci, t h. ense.
,s6ft,steeI, disk re' ileSeI steel s Tile b01
d1seaslo. ' . L 11 g.. at, I.for five� 111,11luids, in, liquid aint� Ma t .3 Ji.
'A ;a
Was ',b.1gh ve loci ty'clits hard, steel, hits been .,IS4 p 'tl.bly, J9' a kraight nd.11
f.ter. Rif' hour 'or two _rcep Vilzing� Aita"''
ty of carbon Steel 1. 6ttilers, fildlud bg Professor.Gralihm,F; ant: ,kioligli d0treMP , d,, af tel the I 'me rs n, I* g 'VkAlat w, 0 al (I of nflcroqqO� -16 ye'ars old I wi
g to' it, t with the picln- i fill' wa )f uttilr!n :)uld get such sicli-I feel -
overheard sayin
farm,' believe it Supplying f3, t t does.� !.isolated"' meanT �Ctiolll result e6rrobortLes :fh
6k 9 linicWl ll.� turning on, the. lights
the in sin the, I e Ula '1 .14 bt
n I n
Whol'o World,,,Wbo7loves iss oissineau
(JoWt know exaftly,,' replied 111) '1113' one 11, owe an Vo 'ffin' j T hi'
Mani for"'an houri 'from 8 to,,'91 p.m., hen ', ... L;. � t " L 1 11 1 -
0 gaZ-L
lilt t1),rus 9, away, I 111118 the a,,t6
itnho : keops it flock' clil $
I ACIII�oy have Put I'll ounds tdgeth& �rid lilak e n is's o n, the Usu ly
s ow uticura, mto, be 6i" e day -6 r it,'�
t, orUrd `Apear%� to be 411U) "the -Wfnddliv�,Df Ilia, j:w.6116r's 0 in, - t e -res o -th
i '_ , "'t , , , , t16i-h
ae ()U,l
n -kiffoied �ifi t is, a 1,
y� narl, NN Y 6ift* :hicre ses imes' In
Y"Darl —E TS
id ea in
loago was Vegetable Confl�ouftd., I hve hAdL Volk
4ft inejus 'Works Th" 11) Ila I, of the revoMtig* disk deilly clutching Ii's art i at 1glits-Are not lic
sed, �'Thfs Abot three Y&Qrsl
v�bp At tile do6s not high becausO of the does not iiecessaHly ix grea er botheredith.p1mples oil my ace.. ults so far and am',rec-,'.
ack H the wIn&w,., ;YQ ltis�actory r6s
prodUctfo, throu ar The Pin! were Ilard orrimendi n ghoui 6ie,
tar surhic:e tt�iga, ot the, p as ingthe Vegetab fidto ,
A N6'w E and small-
ran't a rd it,ki L
Ob 0 6uj and, k6stered, My � frielad�.! 1 sutlefy am, glad ttiiA
lit Withesk 1) of t 0 buy� It' foe but oeg�',MeAn g4tt(tig tb'� in 'fit 0 1 t . er was Iffloting d� diass In
A Sma to til4k fit OLS L eggs h
fa0c wA`sXd1sfig- it �oil I �foel ike A, 4iff&r6tperSdh'noW:
n v*' I e
lad, Oil a, -o e �1!ectric,light s, 6" 1, e, in 6 6ftentinids caused, . me td
(14 if I e It oil ft.. Vdry,sniftfl YOU. f course, t It I it eL i a on
bouhtero(t a lilt w I � text 6book� ODL 1huM Ak
in 11, b� "at a tJm6L
oUldn't she asked anxl6usl to'.JtS w rin gliting, as -lie dwtikd h Urr
m erit
Filially lie wqlteil 610 111', eri lo of JJ1 tsin Afraid hof,'� he rotortea I H,Y,o� thi
e. at SO Ia e -fit t.. ....... .. all Oalrui cloc Ilut If j ou' have not
'on " L h ed a lots 1 116' t elles r,
Afk , lit, Of r
is jury 'PriS t iedids btit
tone that showd-d' do, ilot des A Ill ut Tr d a r, is f 6 Id
, , I I electric you',,mixy it
RIWO11Wed 04 VVItIlL paital'Apid it
I iiiald Tipp,er- ;fit, Aboilt �,000. birds ' a. sliort, Way kg It, without any relief., I lbegan: us ng,
N�,ak all r Sh. Isfilt, goo 'I,c,)uld sia
h ex oted' enough tof you, dear -,to' uses. gasoline, lantertig, utici
More than half of thoul'ir . . , I
tfie �Isiftorg from oronL
At al matiefrompativer6o n e
P6 ra- So;ip and' 0traffittit and Lydia E. PinkhAnit' e
tilk, 'you I
Are� koft WfIl ng o a ear aft6i,thei fira iipplication
tUrUo(I uji at,4.�p $he dx� 11'e'Said toodotlyi
,a L' f. 1. �, .1 Which ll'�Ing' tla� l;hJ!e8t ant6rh tAins nd 'harlcodd or harniful.'dr
th&6� half b brth 'and alp�and - -*R ter I to�bnued ti'sin'
pltiibed what'had haijfidfi6d, 1.0h,,,yoit dArling!"I e,aniwerod. giving if t,().Or tandl,e Power IWO; lids an Impr6lVement. - =d tod� h6ldA the i
U f0thedy
raft8t6il and albb a gre.AtAl,
4t4ntage foe wheta, gago, ,N Said tli� _JL)iw4sf;-_ ugig three cak�s 6 lutIcurit
�d in ithreog, Will lilt- nhsAt all 6Y ll tot a few minutes ' therobYL giving id
C�gtl f6'r ve till',,3 and`66ft oJust Right. litio is turned off (hot light does not gl� IV "WVt Caugog' and, two bdxes; bk titicufa:
flng t(l SWi'* thatL, I know hi, o r 6, 1. It h6po& Yel dn'Lt eolu6, -S I do atdsflir�nl
they 'Outlose this, raln, W
Put 1he
came h I rd a cinyth fig I ba sall 6i sineati A 2 Bellev'11c AV t d
WbUt oil -'to e, A host
the. crops lot of �go;odo Pail" 6 back' to Air ve 4 W Prrlr rite t
.'iph6 olkA th6 ruped'in, Int
#01rki An hour, ro g ith; a- a, diva,duticum
st, quad aly to U 6 fill fode I V
0 �asp of it 4111 do cog. Ights 111' 03 t It 0 f of, the ebt iihd one the nth, 0, fo MtlLj%,
mer cat, ia 11 echil W\ I Oarly ti 9f
Julidkel�clil V A 's� eeJou cu I I'lilVitfe - k�
tIsland'l w of 'uf do, 'In ',t tA 't b rioi M �Aad,L�A�,,jiq&4ik,,,Ljjr�.
4" W., Mon ;,,I
luging 11,19 '1 W, I eft, U. Stlyeligtheng $6Ur III ttild, 34* St Pial
In 90�' 'Abitjim Itt "WAS Tuit eb I
h So t the wigh�tli6 CatiadlAn itlik they, boos4fte equatea �aol("Abd,
1,A 16nk used M A 911ill(ld I Islusuill.-tull bUie"L
4 k A