HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-11-08, Page 3•••••-.--"e•nree-ee-e-e• -ay B. R. MORTON ,--•••,--,f;^••••••14re. . •:Tile epruee 1t Oanada'fi inieat Paite itvery. v4144.1).1e,. „,for pu'r- portant tree, to -day. Both as a lumber 'peek ,Its, lack of taste or .odor fie it 'tnd i pupw<iod pr000pei, It has .for contahiers.. It has t4,P re- solile .7earsebeld-e-ellfste-Ph-ecfs.:7-:ee amV.in- than 1,2q0000,000; filet hoard: measure oregoing. sound viliratiOne'• And -Meter , AZTV,Weet&ite'Pr.:",n4'411'fiNghit*P .rttlitOmit....efidng;hPi'erdifi',.PiP94,41*4*1-4'1401.1 reS, •eittreber 1 irnue f felei,.t110 •fipe.hce treetie • MO Sleet 'in, stinmentee• It 1 VS Sea' -.1a.wation '0:e.---uxu-iluruuto-re- , :Spruce- andefir ere cut each year for •or. the ;,tvoodep 'parts' .Of 'Aeroplanes, peperenaltirige spruce e :eceeiniting tut. The SititeeePrnee is Meat valuable for aheut,7.5. per 'cent; of it.. '''.Thts,„, tbiS-Pnrposebeeense of the larger Per - equivalent to:a .pileOf-weed.,,fenr feet centge of clear fligYiclesslinaieriatipro, four Lfeet,wide;•,4114 •Over 6,0.90 duced bYethat"tree, , • • , nilleselOage, • • , - As eireadY'enentlened, the use ••' W1401-,'..fearte.gee.for,a1,0 ,-11-1:11,eeefor pulPerinikingela,Canada-hese the.",greater pert Of-alftlie•-e-pruce ente,liither. past. few Years Increased enote ..,It 1 One of • our •inpet,. widely dietri.:: measly: The, Wood has the'lengs tetigh' ,. bated tree, extending :from the At-, Altruist .. celprleee. fibres. !WhiCh are ran*to 'Alaska and itorthWard•th.the :necessary" for good paper :of the Meckeeeie Rive,., There tion is refiliotably free from resin. • , are foal._ ethei.'specreafof snrifeeplace :in' , to Cenada, eRed spruce,.is cenflned to manufacture in' spite . Of increis- thee inailtime ProVinces, and the. eaet. fag Ilse.- of other, species.—oenadiali 'ere pait af .QUeb.ee. Slack Spruce:0c-, Forest and Outdoors. . eiipies' practically the same reage'eeS the white sprtice. Sitke spruee,•iS con-.• TO. Photograph Clouds,' fined to. the • P,ecille .c,eaeeta.1 'region. 'En,- •• A few' weeks : ege, the French 'Mete*, .gebnenn ,spruce is found in the intLtud 'relogical Office lovited, photographers .motinteinous regions : of: firiti;ii,• dol. to. submit 'photographs of •,the sky unable:, and the east slopes ,ef the, taken in :varying circumstances,: With Aeckl..es .a VleW to makinguse of the .pictures, e • .Sitica',Sprupe Aiantre - In the study Of weather 'conditions. • Clouds are said to be ,diflicult. e The White .spruce • is,: the largest and •. • .photograph, but this le pnly the case •to inost. han,deoine of the ea:aerie sprucefe.' when' One wishes. to photograph a. land-. • bet it; does not. reach :the' •size of the: a -cape at the .serrie . When the sitka'epruce, the largest', and Meet posingWhita object is, to . make negiitiveks...of ..clenda .. , spruces. • e e '• .. 'aprucireeln :favoreble ;sitee only a expcisurewith any ,maY reach ' dimity camera will do .the work: • . or - 100' feet height' and .tWO,er three.. Amateurs with cheap. cam eras which. feet, in, diameter. The".Sitke, 'Mire only one sna.pshot'••speca r..: ..,n get • ••• how -ever, is, ,frequently, -found .gre wing • over the. dillieultY. ..dOwn'• • to the, height Of f25 feet or more. and .a diarneten of three .to hire, feet. j the "lens:, to less than half ifs; Usual. opening. There the niukt he careful Given aeelmace to develop the 'white ; ' • •, ' spruce. produces "a beautiful ' narrow to develop thefilM Or Plate until the., . ',1 . get•ur--!thetel'eugise-eins.frehegieni-int , _ to show on theebiek: whe it• b - which at a distance is very spire -like, , • will .e time to put the film to the fixing hatn; It has been one of the imist'Pepular' ..Those with,' better-elass cameras - evergreens for decorative Planting . • may use, self -screen plates, stopping and It -well deserves its popularity. It --.. down to Ir1.6 and making anexPo'sure.„ higheet, Himalayas, , with . snow -clad ' is ,a:very liand,some tree with -its , cone I . e.f • one-fletieth "part of a second. , ridges, ' and :peaks:. stretching for a , pact ' crowu .and sriimmering e green I, , - . , . Even 'better work may be. done by 'Score of miles". on •every side, and with- -folitige. It is rapid in growth end ex, , treniely . hardy. It cair-, be grown in 'Using. orthochromatic plates . • itud,,, a not a vestige of any 'form, of, life to be color screen on the front of the 'lens. seen •anywhere. pnovfnces from the ,Atlentic to the Pae ;When 'using a three -times 'Screen the 'chic. •It infilffe-a desirable, windbreak • . . . . ,• .. This •ls 'a -feat of which M • ThAr THE PROBE v1 • .."9 e • , •:••••• CA:ieee S e••• •THE IMPERIAL CONFERENCE ' MEETS • . emergency treetment. Women on the ."with cool . days here, ..thwinotoriet. —From 'the Londen. Daily Express. '' 'float were affected by the gas to a will do well to ,avoid ge4ing in • tolp • ••• • V( ...2POriebe" illnessor• death may result blle'engint is mor,e ;prevalent than; the-, 4a"ter,,"g'see;44d tolite'e r.,7"riOefi;e7"naiPleii)ettoe,:" ,iatea, are alfeefe'd,•and do not recognize that the sYTOPtol* of fatigue, headeache, Shortness :Of breath, dizziness endepOsaible nausea„ result f romeCiree YernerreamMediceele-lourrialarecert freni alleWing the alltoniohile. engine to: run in e closed : garage while the 0Wneria makieg adJuatments,:Of driv- ing closely behind a blosed body truck , or the Warning even 14 Pr. L. S. ePitere. PYlee=Preal4gic :4T:the-TAX:- 111 t. Colter citc the death resulting `re-oe-n.17-7-awrboellc:amI30°,;.c.f3,ciTilf!, listir4tatet!enr,ecip7rtetand,e%ir.eoilttii'6fartrhi theOhio, Wgal3ereTujPiisirtifring.g ?afe tcvo young nien, who'ecliega,hdtlYy-t°griaf'S'f4rsoert.9‘Pte°1-his9pribillrieg"ef'Xrh6einnstilses...' reCeat Civic parade in eincihriati• with. thir..tY7fou , cie411e,---fraring thf' •Th*EParde was ni°v.i•ag slowly 4114 itt. first ten'. Weeks of 'Ia4•• winter: close formation and the :Young 'men : "Not only isit dongerouS to run the Were enclosed in a specially built cab: engine irr„a closed . garage, but. cene The. CarhOn Monoxide gee flume, from ,aiderable' risk AS' incurred in trailing , the exhaust .s of the • cars:. and..trihics too. closely a truck with a large '1)0(1Y p• , ahead .resulted - in licith •yeieng filen • Which 'prevents ;the gas • thrown ' off being' hurried to the'. hospital • for from spreading out. • .• . .milder •degree: " close pontact with the 'confined' !times Natural Re.$04Ter'' •"a011.etrIA. • , . , The Natilfiti ReaOttreeS Intel- ligence' SerVice.,of the. rrient of the Interior4 Ottawa, says• ' ' ' It itt not :Age-iXtralir-7 knOWir Ontariejlitididasetk4hat ' •", 7- p•k :tfle -Manitoulin.-- 'Island, in ••141410.' and-• - about g£,i miles wide, at iti3 . wid- est parte ' it is 'deeply indented, by niany bays, has a'very rug, ged,sulface, and but few roads. ' -railrciads on the . , Wand,' and the. feW•Aqtlenionts• :are.aIl situated on the shores. i•-.. , 'During: the summer, the island: has 'many svisitors, . nUmbeiof '".auntrper • •resorts; having grown L ..`When.,Aompared'• Province A:4f PrinceFdward , land, it will be seen that:there, iinpt n very great difference in area, the letter ialand being 1,14 - miles at itS; greatest length •and 34 miles at its•greatest 'breadth.. In its narrowest part,.which is near the centre„ it is but :four Miles .across." " Identification of Woods. son for this. Metals are recegnized "Poisoning from" Carbon monoxide from the exhaust of . an automobile • The identification of w.00ds IS a MeV: by their color,, but the 'weeds are 'disr gasefrom the exhaust of the autermer engine!? ' • Yet ,.the number • of• persons • who can. structure which -are often microscopic teller, canada, here epebial minde-and 'I ,got. • the. brow 'from' one I. R. emeThel; the L, *ving Dead' - ter Of soine industrial importance and tinguished by: 'differences . thei fcIlities • .. • Ex ert serv ipce in the identtication of for the purpose are aVailable, medee, an eye from another,.lhe hea..4 It is well thatl we should do honor . is probably limited, whereas mot per zens and industries by Forest ,Pro- • , . —4)— , • complete as had pictured bim in eptintry. ' The memory of their heroic comMon metaLs'. There le a' good rea- Branch •of' the Department of the In.- eiou will have an acre within an inch PrObablY arffet was ever mere of t 11 t b , . ident!'tY alfa-4dez•en camamn *°°ds woods is provided to Canadian cal; • " . • from te third, until I had my doctor to those who gave their:Mee for their 'sons Can readily name correctly six duets Labpratories 'et the 'Irorestry Measure 209 feet on each side and mind." • my sacrifice -persists In the hearts of all us a a nnes ut is we 01.116111161111111•I conscientious in pis work than Meis- ' set apart, one day 'f or SpeCial service ,i'ctu sonier. "How did „).Q11 paint the snewY and outward: consecration. ains o • roail•eiti eeptir -picture ..of !Na.Poleon' 41- it is' Well, also,...that, We should re-...-. , • • Veresteliagin-once asked the', Oleinbet •AlioSe'.whve-::,not given • ' great ,rrextch-artistr.-Whoee)ie-ked--oute-iheirli yes- - 7greatepTe 1.—i—I'ea ize tiling..-honSes•—•and-etintsin•Sett&aelthrhillen of Lan de eer ffin-t-'444141,4e1--the-tatr•le • a ' low - Probably feiv .of us, when_,we admire bide platform, , , , , a el. an pain e until us clothee eaught lire. ,self.'. ' -. '' '. ' • " ' ..• ' - - -:, ' about •S. yard' a d ' h lf '' • ' ' ' " ''' ' - '' : ''' '' ' '" -*"." v — prosPerity, their- suCCeis "pretty much '.e_. - peril hey° often gone to their making.' ' : - • 'all that' makes life-, in .thes' world .e.. • -. • . • ., . ', ' ., said em •this .1 re are ethat ' fi ' ' ' ' • • re,quired---stoir Mud • and 'ruts - 4" ' '''• '. ' " .:" ,. p p (.1 all tl .pro table . and attractive .- says • the • Mehyot Mr. A. D. McCormick's wen- , , . . • A Veteran War Artist Mr. Holman .11untespent months in — . -derful eanvases,,' . for 'example, have. the .deeert fringing the .11e(1 Sea. when. _ ; , , , • • , • ,. . Editor of Youth's, •Companion, . There. 1 . . • •'Verestcliagin was ad much at lionie kneaded. the,..clay, end pushed. across 'are' those who are 'indeed moving ° been ptinted.amid the aolitudes of' tne • . •oh" tee eatrielield as in' his ,studio,. and, he ;was, painting,",Th-e .Scapegoat,',' and ' • it thiS piece et cannon .several times, about among us, hitt. 'who are maimecle:', would. Calmly produce his sketehle Ofc, 4_ took with him the very goat he wishedl a. s hectehoofite: crippled or otherwise • injured, and who 'el .end in,alce, a ,drawiag while .. bullets e e ; -i- ‘. . ' . • '. • • • - • - - - • -- °-• .+ • to paint To .-color for- his l "uP andl'"d'eWn'' ' With_ - • ', t L 'then•pressed thesiaeks' of the horse., - ' '' h ' ''' - ' ' - . , 1%.Triumpit.of. the Innocents '•and other fee., ....T. ,,,., „ 1, - •,.... . • e perform theof ees - of daily,life .with : .- 1 ew ea nonr , over .. it, pushea. a- steadfast courage only the ' great/ex e 'le were whistling past his ears and the flaSh. of swords and bayoned was. in, , Eastern, pictures, he built -a- house and t -h''''' . t ,"•• - • acres's' •againe ; and con- ; for their , nianifeet incapacity:: 'Yet; 44_ -. ‘. Studio for. riimself, on the outskirts Of .,..- e., 'e.annena his °Yea. e He was wounded many -a a to o ' so antil%1 obtained. the :'ieaVen forgiVe.Us 1. we 'epthetithes,leae:i I Jerupalern, anclethere ' he spent many t.'nee tiine while. following his ' art.. "I have. sembla-nce of a real ;road, e Then .1 'our- patience with thein: • There ate'....F. been bit here;," he (ince said, riointipg , years produ-cinge his. wptiderffil-, can- , , . , • • - - .,. .. . - .., sEtlted, it and the read w -as relidy "• th' ' ' ''. ' '• d t to his lOg, and Ithere," pointing to his " V8',.!!"2: '' ' ' °. ' ' * ' . ' i, ' • ~- - • • • , n • . . , r .§ e , ' • ., • • .. .. , „ Vhat did you salt :it .for'?" • •`•• ' • • hose w om we neve se and are too a ;critie..was he of his , „T ,• . the ... . .,. , ' ..1 $ o e ge , who. are so,oroug - . likelyt f r ' t'' th h ' forehead. , -"I• have been wounded 'ail' '''" 04.4,ct..41.g • ' , . . 1.. • • ten's. may be stepped down.•toF11 and and is useful or •hedges, borders and • art exposure of one-tenth'second, or, if roick: makes light, ' though he pleads_ " Screens along driveS. • ' , • ., guilty' to'a•little pride at having paint-. - • the weather is bright, one ed 'a 'pie -nice e... few' thouSand feet high -- The leaves of, the White siir.uce haVe second *may ' be given: - The rule for •-• a; very 'ehartieteristic pungent odor. It develdpriaent :mentioned above applies . ' -.• Is thle-Characteristie 'which gives' the •• '. In all cases. '' ' ' ' ; : ' • ." trer.the naine'S 7.skiink": and ,"cat" • - . ,,,. _. _____.e„,________ 'spruce and one of . the featueed• which : Is ..useful in 'distinguishing between it I and the ether 'eastern Ignecies. ' Telling the .Spruces .Apart ei cones of the white spruce are 'froni..offe-intif to two 'inches long,. The' ...,Attle: seals:a- are narrow in proportion . en, length .aint•very flexible. and. •. An .open' • dry Cone when • hed Am the hand W il 1 . spring back more or•lesseintoes.hape. :-.This charace . • • ' -...teristic*distingaishee. it froni the bladk. ,.sPruee which i$:,rreere a„iid•will 'Useallye, breek With such 'treritnierit. • ••• The .WIlite spruce :.. is .long and ,narrow 'as.,-conipared With the inciere spherical ,black' sertree. ...A leo '.the .mar-•. „gini; "LeTf aciales•eareesMbota.ind.„not •'ragged as is. usually :the' ease,•witli. the -Cones, of the whitespritee•drep off trees 'aftet! the .seed iSeseed •reinain on. the tree fez, years, The' •inexpetienCed, person dada it •". scene Wheteedifffealt. tel.diStpigiutishb4 • ,tween.the white and: reclisPruee. 'EVeri. •"-”' the ''The • red :,sptlice., has . rather e sPread,-' • lag open crown cbmpoied-,of. Compere- 71arge Ittegiitat' ',brandies•' ..."°:.find. leeks s,otneWhat,e,hat narrow aspect. of the ,white spruce.- The • woods...Mail'usUally distingiiisli ea. 'these trees by thehe leek, which. in the base of the. roil ...3i,ruoo reddielt brown cest•ae'coinpar.ect witlf.the. ire .of the .•, . • coxiiesT71rWire-ireTe-Ftlie—ea—refin-e-good - SPruce and Musical InstreiMents... rausieand teach one to ,appraelete, the „.r 1,retlie,e,dniftbete'ener-ketz.elte-(11:ffereente..e.theaStrerrand.-etheiteiteini,PoSitiOntie'reee,,A •rispdv.ws..vt-oTitoe-,a,re-,ifot--48-*,“r4*.-yo,t(rig.,eltif'd To Pits ItirWei rdeto-ttetproik- Separated. ,:.411 are ,ceignionly sold a't the same'tline aelitta 'acquired imply, as 'spruce.' ,The :Wood. f :beriefifa:,,thate.evillenot -lee2readibe.'fOre la sof 1, tift•Itinith-ail (Fatiedirg Odd*. 'gotten, Works for welght tato--cOnsideratton. hTi,FT-gr oloro' definite results. In,thetontests, 1•,..• A ,H an..e.1 ameseLy , t t i. - On arm Minister of ands and For- .ests„-who has pledged the governMent to . development in. Northern ,Ontario, and advocates the building, ef highe evv.e.yefroin-Sault .Ste . „Marie .to 'ort Wil liam slink up •with . the highway whic:i boIng,built to Winnipeg. This would give Canada a coast to Oast • Loving Good Muile, ,Tria- parpese ()1" hiethorY" :fine even grain and workS the, heat'. music given, which • stnp,110-w011 , leas, odorless And tion•resinotia. ; • miniee of he coinposerge The C011- gPrIlde is used greatest quantities tests are especially •beneficiallO .those bY,--etlre -Mania actitrera• ofibtrild itigenla;t7' NOT, ifiraysid7111-2t:60 • e ter,tal,' 'Fat rough ,diniensiOn' lanibef and they may bathe inetinS. of awaken - it. huS..pi•tictic,ally taken; the •place of eleg latent 'talent of some' ftiture, musi, . the lumber market, of tian,D The. earner. in life child en- .,Hoysai, • tee greatest of JaPalle.ao, artist,s'; has maw' a dine riated' his "lite this 'country; Large quantities' nre,..tera these . contests the More apt lie• , used for, eidine:. flooringereofeelieeting; , Will • be tit, aPpreelate goOcunmele, tO procure . a desired sketch.. ' On one ,boies, Its tougrinese, ligiteessee . Babylonia tOok eenstis t'eguletly, lug Ili Tokio, he tookhis and- set Strength and nail holdiff o get .brilliancy- of the •snow. - .. . ,own , work that, ie. often des o , wil ,,,, -.. , -• . , -, ..• . - ... - , • , . • ,• • . ; . ti yed a ' • - • 3., emile? -How else could they can • never again take any active -'-' ly disabled physically or.rrientelly that over: But it was hecesSary... There . .. . ., „was, no.o ei way to obtain the facts .picture. en "Which he had spent .ri. lentils . ,e' ' ,er''' than...any , other artist .' wile , ever' • . • . ' • hved ft.' below •the 'summit 'of, the 'Pioneer • .. eeinotie nil '' .". • • ' •".. , what be considered an, imperfeCtion.• •,' -..iit .Wajg:",M. n who . pursue their art . • - . - - he• -•want yeu'do it?". ' ' '-'" , -. : -- . , r. - . • • , ' • . . . • e • •,, -. , :Bought a 'Wheat-0..ielet.e. - .,',',1 Seine • terrible cases are so disfigured,. . • . • :war 'Painted otherwise '.'ie. s•imply an ' :of • hard, labor ,rather than, alloweit to . ,.... „ • , •• ' .• , .-.- e • ....I par.t eveth their felloWs ; and even in -e•- •-. At that height '—he Was.'..but- 3,060 'illusion; a Myth, a 'farce " • go cut into...the world -branded •With strongest man, gasp through the err, ,. „..., ;et...Owing wheat end got a "smiedrori of ' eissonier., too who : that their "felloWs. cat ' hardly endure 'And we -kriow that these litter are. . Peale, in the Hirnalayas-he say's "the '. - - . e• • ' ' • ' • • • • - " -• , • ., - • • - • • : • " the sight of t` - ' ed to paint e wheat -field in ei.,e. ' e ... , • -• • , • , • er-:.• . . ,.,.. , . . ,. .. . ..... , , under difficulties- .' a very..high.,, place • :. • The.,Story- of. 'The Gocter.". • • , • ' . battle-seeae, acteallY ,honght,.a field et And win .at all slightest exertion ' .rnakes . even the"•shOuld. 'her awarded to - Mr. bertrain . 'Before" Sir Luke • Elides' painted his cavalry Ite Charge, through it, -.., ' • in. a' thenner taken care.of. , The GOV-:;. 'Hiles, who produces the most remark- pathetic and • beautiful picture, •• The henig:•°' rarefied ;. and:when I sat 4.hle'.Piletings With his mopili. . As a. •Doctor,' .he i spent several eveeke.tra. ., e e; ef, eee 1 ernMent, ..for which. they, sacrificed ' dowa. it required stremicihs..eicertion. ,h,o,y.: of eight he..was.i.en eeee hy,,a,Beia. "Charge Of -.the! everything, 'provides ' yelling ;oiler- the. country to get their- '43-QU•-•'ng' `-".• eue„-.. • French 1(Itiirassiers •tit.Wateeleo,"*Mr; physicians Medi' to ' cross . one. ,leg over the. ether. ' At ' ,tetrainear.und lost.' both. his arms e oughly. acquainted' with' Cottage ' in-': ,stirring t•pictures Of.: battle :and , .5:Porte Stanley ,le'erkeleY, painter of ..so many !i.:Invuhra's.te.s.i'i't-ApnedceoSswarhyai.SisdollnetssBarl.1,37t'.P. alln:1- . this „twentyetheueaad-feet-high . Camp b° but such was the boy's, pruCk.and foie teriors •and "their tenants., . and When.' ing. Place l' did 'olio .W4ter-qolor., paint; Of art -that'he,set to work :to model, to :the cottage .he wanted Was final- sicians • and ...nnrees. are human; they.. . beating .the .record :as to "Per the, animal ::ptiited on" to its ,. . • ....• • i have their own- lives. to live, .and the . .ing, ,which has at least thd, merit.. Of . being painted draW, and to 'spa int e•With hist- mouth. • iY liletUred lit•-biS. ' brain"; ':'he. had . the s4Ys'-'• ... - • ' 'c • .. litulticries by its frantic rider. Nithe„11 I care of • a helpless, hopeless 'burden is.',. Within 0Ai.c..; y;ears he had. won afirk: • room carefully- built, -exactly' IO•' size • • at a -vast: height though I mada .seyer-, class certiliCate for freehand drawing.' '£ind 'Perfect to, the mihntest..detail at . toe'; likely, to be mechanical, and in. - al 1,'•wator-color - drawings , not . mane; ' " ' , , ie en i o .lite studio so that he was t - \ • • ' otaps.andyested. its jaw on, , . ,. be indifference; perhaps even neglect. • of Merry and fatigue there may , . lied', completed any picture I got one of 'times .. . ., . , ,. .Mr,' Charles pelt!, the Flemish .artist the d f ." : - it may be r ''' ' ' ' ii ili ' 13411h ' , s I:the:head of my groem' in oi•der: to see . , emembered, was born with- • able, to transfer to CanVes exactly • • ' .between his teeth, he waz able.to Paint ers of the ceiling. • •, Ineturea,e..-eof""siirpassieg •niertte. 'earid saioe;s_c4.iltet„, , joia,s9 arms bad baed,:.• peu.pia_iai for; a•le, :but, I • kilt* ri.t,ieut,.7,11,41.boucwii.ich,l,..wat,4 i 1,ittit ,Iti,..xi,ous._ _t, .,..,..inads r caucaffsaiy,,•Jiotho. iitt...t.tip,,•,i3dut.17.yboo,uutc4atn,?- ',.. out arnis,"and yet, bedding Ids bruSlic,'• i• whathe the n-:lassive fa'ft" ' h th .1 I ri d , ' .d I. II • • , , ,..., . ; - , w e et a some „e.a s correct . . . . . ' ' For ' the . " .-4°'e•tor-'•.4e ..'"F•f•L'. - '-'Seve-'3 --' ,'-A--g-a• it' ',-. iv 1 Cri - iiegraria,,vat.s.-O,„%ivieii'.::t.NiLi...,9po:1:7'.3,P-a,oThatu$1.jacie,t•c-P-at,i4Yihad::°, "alue.13,gr,4s.- - -rtatr7e-xpil!etth4weilinletirg-p"Wmei:Icarlie .ton boots Ifile• rid rendered° Useless' , by paraly-14, 'pro- ly *ell ,the.,kind of, man, I- wanted— .. • loo ',Was. 'almost a quagmire --oh the clay 'L p"revide for those , who- •have, given will recollect that the field Of W,;'steti. duce,d canvases -.Whieli. won, . the en- that is to say, I huji the iYpeein my... Yt ._e, reVerYthing• fer -you, When it becomes . -ere of et eecenfilotkeir-Velleele Wgpv:.:Iruhrn-''''E'w:fiki4Jci-Ltiditz.a''Oi.71.in'gr'-'diir'ecb'Y'''9.2-'`'t"E . ..op;g-..INiyeel:ft.deigirae,,_ gnoiit,:e,ingniie,p.in g. Oyi,,,t.f.elref or. -the entertaihmerit of .the did•, - ,0•• .ii. bootsriYed2 t'1064 ,1•P•s- ee ei-lh6a6.A1;t,..ef.tu:hrreg-s.'-afitrit'14:1bri:S.:;-H.rettelsit:,itiiiilli.ibties:61; thtillib-.6111-eri:it:-Mii:e?e'iii:v1Pilln'--tr.::6‘a';•;1;e-'ed-Ph:'--;Ps'AluP:t-d:la--ici-Y•:°;t1e-Ynti- ----':3:14.111n;::nintri•L P1.1. •111. MO • 4, hr. it wAit:St ..e..ca? , • li,A. 113.% gpi4s.hot cz,,..it4 'Mn.d.,,..elihen,e, nie,4'.drain your resoureee,"for..'a little more ., ,ivtiihois:ii n, Ifilt.;iiraredi npianiel4isepcil.aus131t.wtiiiteii.,..bflomost:4air.ilyveth insure cure •and-attentiorr on the, part • ',- iiilketii,enecitter;-sinee, More:than' .: g . else, publid, ,sentiment virill e felt , upon them, and then,- cemented of -the eaViefeyreen in my eieinee ••; - ',• t Of ',these 'Whose :biteinesS. it is': to Pro•'•'- ' :1 '' '' ' ev'idNeetth,leolinig. age the ' i'.14n'ce,.c.w. Wales : ' ' 1, ".. ' T visited , a .' war hospital' 'where there - • were thirty hopeless capes: ,sille was .. introduced to twentyof them and talk-,,, ` — - li -'‘41.; " ' '• •' ,•,•-ed With't er,n. •—, . er-e, are the other ' I ten?" he 'asked. He,•evas told that:they ' i Nvere•tob badly injured for him to -See, .„ .1.:!:u1,--,;iiectii.,Kt.Saft_4•01.4A L.:tanailf..,;.,-,paw,4-rdner- 4-- "of "flioni::.:';"Fte YiiiiiiriiThlik.Gi'll'iii, , .1 distressing ,enotighe yet here 'again .he; , ,i, wee eeediel• and kindly.' "But," ,he:•"•.' . said, "there is sti1i,1 ,'Ond.rmire;1''.'',"11,oit''.' r possible,. Your Royal. Highriese7'.'No One; ..". 1 is allowed to see th'epoor; felioW, but'. . ..the-;ne-'0,Star-7.det1era.Yatilii--ditir,44.4!7;••••'-- "..1 ath• here :to see them lill,". said the - • prince 2 •,"and V.will see thorn' all."' The. . ..).,.... ..:__ __ -.... - t atendanfq gave way'•atitt‘thel-ast-toom • , Was 'opened, For an, instant the pi -ince, " turned pale and shook.with the. agon'i, ' ' . leed pity of the:spectacle,' Then, sum,- ,• - thotisfincl •feet belovve".'. • • - - • • • • Slung from the Boweprit. . , . . , , .• 1-- , -,mog Ed.ward's i-riarinapainter;•Cora-' em_e inhaereee Marti ri ;e,Often 'Pre:Cps:0" his alt under ;Conditions . which „Mani. ,.in en , would ...rind, et only oat. n cern-. but for physical' reasons lin- possible. .1,, do," he. says, "is 'to. eaziereigteegelaeggeffbaSketefdifirterifFat4tlas' • end of -the bowsprit or at the. stern,. amt.:then ineide, it and. get the sailore to, lower,2are.,,,-,LahfeW".feet.,..!hy ,Means, of •a• • 0.iidect,..estii.isziiriiriniFsiiii.:1T61,•••=e-otnii;- Watehing the tuinblipg' waters ,and tk- Ing rough 'notes in 'niy sketch book. - • •But ethe :had niore than. 0110 predecessor .Who puraued. att. With"an equal enthueigenv and under .as ,great ,:diffieultiese once, When :'()Vertalteit by a •,snoWstpriu oat - see, had 'lashed •to the .,ineet, e.o.,that, lia•'"rnight,,Obeerve_iteiwithoUt. fear -,.of blink , Waters and Claude • Vernetf:a. famous nearine • tatatei,,::alwaya:Mtiae,pdizitcdf.thing out to, s'ea i?vben u•.siOrin'i•wai! '"raging.' • - :'. on' One Occasion, when, everyone elee, hoarcle West graying' foreaeesafee'deee liVeretive, he threerup his hands in an ecstasy or.adrniration. and ,exelainied; ,glorious It Caleden Cameron ran. 'terrible risks When:he` wad'; painting his.. enormous ..plethre, ...ellselagitraeineWinteretteSpeadingescor'ea- bi henta suspendect;trelie the'Cliffe at eliziy heititt'S at ,the end of a .tope, „ properties eTlie first was taken before' 3800 13. .1 e 1111 st Of tl f , ie urnace of 'down d SLIGKE,A, • The 'suckere keep ,their Coin to. sinful sharks; in" , 'Spite :of , my Unending, sage ..cOnnael and• . . millitins, for •gOld "bricks 'every year. In Vain ,the village hauker;.• •xpoinads4theeesafereep/aireeeoreiudderte_Wealtheetheidiauke44..e'.an.d and in their: sleep' behold the glittering and ••:gioanting of ltrieks ," all illra'ed •trith gaido, You'd., think when 'once' they./ye tai•ted, the. aker'S'.bitter :draft, their Coin .would :not he wasted' again, eh suck, • a graft. .Bettetied.by.!.achne false trincker they'd quit, • .."anditer's topes", are httilded Oa dope Of -rainboWletie, on•proneise' : n();' the, eheleer' e sacker...While he termaiesebelowe The *' so gilded. they never', eotild •rie true. •, Theeinilliens that are ,wasted --.,-----Woulciehnyeth-e-"stiekerise-litieheSteVeithrgoldiereferreallY 'pristed-enpon• : .."' the shinifig•doniesi. The, MilliOne they. have' sqUaudered; wpfild•• . , . • "'buy rich ?Sedans.; hi:Which the Y 'haveewantlefed in , joyride OaraVabs,„ The mullions to foitqrs; woad bUY •the,U1'• 'airshipe Proud', and.theY.Miglit wthrougb acres of APae•e aboi`e ' • the " ' • .2 0:Ilet i)s.:RP5E3iresczitzo ' '*t; j.t.E s. r ri.11oq - RX13811' BORO 1;rtt,a'-••1• 1171t.v• ,ORCHESTRA • - 15 SL'351-' CRAZY 7aBOOT" , 11- 1 -1^0N -r5 , ••11, • THINK IT, WOULD ' ON'y HI (1 -tee L.Woman Heade Labor Congress; errionmegeall enc.rgv, he walked gent, • ' • ' ' • ,• etegted,_pj.:0,:s.1(temi•Lily ,,an tl kissed „the,. •bast._ ' . WAS.. a i.31te is ,,:ene fir's •to ' • .•. life atuf future before; him, and that • , will 'cari'y' the sliedumt .Of a •. L•hituntati•qi.".ti'nforke.ttalSte SeltittirV•'hOr.=.-• 7 ' do iot wiih te'impiese"uneticeS sary horror bpoti ourseves or our :.ebildreits„ But, wc rtia• Rt.ioa8% hiftlto • the .etTe'rt to reMeiribet with atielrede " • . grief ,ahds,ynipathy. those who gave. far• -there••• than "fite,;:gaVii"a buiY,. nate- ' hOpettil,ellanper; yotirig t At, their country 1,night he SaVc(1.' „Flames 14000,000 miles; "Ion; 'lera0,, •• It;it, into Spade front the sAmi yet they.. art•‘. scarcely visible, t6; 'the:. naked. eye. , originally .a fmatie Manchuria, has now boon acclittia.- • tized itt • America.: -it ean be• • tft4a, cheese, oil; • • ,soap, . ink, .littoleum; knifhandlett,, hVliard.-bells, and 'lierse" .f odder. LA:4 RDERED..:?,14 cf '1 e•,/ • 4 '4kt-1 Jgg 6 ••, A