HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-11-01, Page 11:2.01k-PER.-TRAIMIIVALAPANC34,'41245(PMEgW1l. Sni
, ,
1Celeher, Ripley Phone .29
night or, tlay.-t.1. •'
Dr., MacLeod will visit Litekn9W
-0VelY7 Offiee,
••DR.PARKER',.•,S'L'EOPATB, at the
Cainrlicarsc;;Iwzknow-, -eVery-
• nesday afternoon. . All chronic dis-
uses siiceeSSfullyi treated. :Osteo-
• pathy i moves tne 'physical 'causes-
-of • disease. Adjustment 0 :the
'spine is More -•quickly -• Secured. and
with fewee:licattnenta by Osteo-
pathy than by any • other method;
Toronto pricca paid for all kinda of
: poultry.
..9-,6-ftf, •Graspopf, LucknOw.
• Chiropractor
Of Wingham, will visit the 'Cain
House. Lucknow; on Morida:ys•and
TintradaYa from 9 a.m. till 1 p.m. '
'• Diseases of all kinds suCcessfully.
handled, ,
Registered Optometrist .
Graduate Debartment of Ophthalmol-
ogy. McCormick Medical College. Chi-
' cago. Ill. ' •
neadaches. Dry Itchy Eyes. Granu-
lated Eyelids, Watery Eyes. Pain in
._Eye_Balls.....Inflamed„_Eyes„. Pus -or_
Watery Discharge from ". Eyes and
Dizziness caused by Eye -strain re-•
J'ieved through properly fitted Glass-
- Cross' EYes straightened through
properly fitted Lenses
• Satisfaction ,Assured
At the Cain House, Lucknow, Every
Wednesday Afarnoori- and Evening.
R 'J. Cameron, Lucknow„Iprepared.
to do all kinds of painting 4..nd decor-
ating. Agent for wall papers from 10c,
per' roll up. 22 inches twide. Samples
may be seen at my residence or shall
be pleased to take them to yhur house.
Let us demonstrate to you the
••". lines we carry in Radio: We will be
only ,too pleased. Notify Jack or
Douglas Osterhout. Lucknow.
FOR SALEPurebredOxford Ram
and Ewe ,Lambs, .also Yorkshire
. Sows; bred, and younger ones, and a
, few 'choice Boars. All prize-
winning stock. -.I. Farrish & Sons,
Phone Dungannon 82-13; 1-11-c.
. Strayed from the premises of the
und,ersigned,a two-year-old heifer,'
-`"'''''•:"bltie." -weight -about -Soo lbs. Any
. person- haying knowledge of it. kinth.
1-y- ,communicate with R. J. 'Sutton, --
1-10-75 Lucknow,
Dave McDonald., of V,Vin'gliam,,will
have an Auction 'Sale ,of Cows and
...,:VOnng,. feeding • cattle. At,..3he._„Cain•
House Barn, Lucknow. ,on -,Saturday,
T. -Nov; 3rd-, •There-'ill•be-10- good cows'
,-,;---iiilkers• and- springers, 25 steers,
one and 'tWo,year-old..,
'John Purvis Auct
^' • .
real bargains g� t9
' Davison &.'Son's LuekneW.;<,,See
'advertise -Mar
-;:011t RC NOTES
The Annual Thnnkoffering meet
Of the Presbyterian W. M, S. will
teleon Friday,. •p
"11:CtS;,fi-drkkeii;. of Ripley, will addr
'fRev$,J. 11. OStetliPq;
-0454en., E,-Trelea'ye4 angi
RPPOi!,,motOrd t� Landan. on
*Morg,an, 7 •
Rev. II.I.Osterliut Was in: Ripley -
on, Monday night where -be 'gave the,
monologue Recital, "The .Lost *Word,"
under the auspices 'of • the Epworth
League ' •
1VIr. Neil McInnis, wh4nwe report-
e(l'. taken to the •Wingliani
last week, is imProvihg,1 so. that it is
hoped 'that ,an . operation, ,..at first
thought necessary, may be avoided, -
• - . • ' • •
The remaini'cf Mrs': Caird, Who
died-'''Kt---MinneaPOlig, 'Minn., on, .clet.••
28, were brolight here fOrinferment
an Wednesday afternaan,-, Interment
Was made in Kintail .0ernetery,: the
deceased:having been' a. resident, ,of
that part before going eel Minneapolis',
• :
4 cordial invitation IS extendedto
the returned soldiers:. of Lu'okiioW and
vieinity to attend Divine service in
St.. Yeter'S Church, LueknoW. on Sun-
day. Nov. .11t1. (Artnistice • DaY.)' at
the hour of 10,30 e'elock'e.m,_ Those
able to attend' will: kindlY leave theit•
names with M. G. Bridge or F.: Stait
• ley, '
,Miss Doreen Lewin,' the twelve -
Year -old daughter of Rov and Mrs
Francis•L Lewin, �f .Rervie; is roceiv-
ing ,congratulations ..upon ')•ter .stieeeis
in, Winning. herA .'T• Q M on the
violin ; She is the iOnnkest stildent.in
Canada to held this degree, and it was
Won 'after only fifteen Months study-
ing i in !London ,under ' Prof. ROSelle
Pecock., kiss Lewin also took honor's
in the junior examination in: plane. ;
- •
. w
. .. .
- w
Mr Elijah' Jewitt ,a .formerresi- ,..
dent qf LacknoW, but of-late'yearS "
making his /wine in London,: dropped '.''''
dead while at his Werk , on Friday of
•last eek; ,He.'was an empleYee ' of tr
Quarterly .commeniOn • service ••w.:'11
eheld in the, Methodist Clitircknext
urged to.....be Present.. The Pastor, Rev,
J. H. 'Osterhout, B.A, HAD', will have
charg-c. of both services next $,Undaq.,:
'. • • '
• Yell:, unusal and unique was the
Bir•thday ,supper and, entertainment:
-Wen by the Young 'Ladies.' Class. in
the Methodist Church. on TuesdaY",
'night. 'Each Corner.' of ;the ,i-oom was,
decorated - very- .elaborately
to rcpre-
sent season of the year, and the'
table. •decorations .corresponded witch
the seasons;- The guest wereseate:d.
at the: tables, accordingas to the: date
, their birth, Spring,. Summer,: Aut-
4rid `, Winter, and, .Jhe''waite'!..$
wore,,..eostomvs-soitahie for -the sease,n,.
The -Slipper' was fine, The proglainne
vas in 4' eaqi -part •resPresent:.
ing.'one•af the seasOns;,and I1 thor-
oughly enjoyed,'the fine numbers on
e'7.natis..upparr,te rofhteh70',i,e,n4t;si.t1A41,0,pinliteyn(It'•(i.
. .
Dur -
f ' • • • •
presided, o'v'er the Pr9grani.me in
.'Very .pleasing Manner.,- '
, .
The Annual. Convention of the ,Sun..
:day Selrools and 'Epworth Leagues of
the •Wingliain DiStrict will be in.
.the' Methodist Church, tncknewo.
:.1VeilnesdAY next; Nov 77th, At t,h,e;
merning.sesaion Which .begins at
,addresses be giVen Frank,
Hodson; of Wingbaini and ReV. Frank.
Langford, of Ton:into. .The afternoen
session hOgin'-. at 2, 'clock • arid the
.spxograrrie is replete With'gopd things,'
• ineludirig an address by . Rev. 'Stanley •
Anis, of China.. Tne•eveninesessien
'begins at 7.•;15, when addresses will be
given • by Rey: Frank Langford, Of
-Toronto, . and-. Rev- 'Annisi of
'China There will be special mniic• at
.all sessions All are invited to add the
ssions of the'Convention. The mein,
ys: of. thetitieknovy- Epworth League
ill serve dinner ,and r supper for all'
ha come at 35c', •and ,25c., :resPect-
- •
ely; verybOdy booStior the. biggest,
,(1.2,14est Convention ,yet.
The. Presbyterian "teal
eat .was in 'store -for, the ..GiiilditeS
d otherS,. who' 'Ailed -Op' '$unIday,
-the Sh rlock-Manning Piano. Coand .an
hool room on Monday evening;
was wa ing from ene'• part: of._the • Se
' 1.1,9.,TD GEORGE'
We were One of, a, snialtparty at
„the _lb_ea.l.Pa.r.sonage. last ;Wednesday
ti?ght; who %heard the speech by Lloyd
George as -was- 43rOA.1.11aXteG_. );.0111,,
Pittsburg. a;
• '•
Before eight "..O'clOc..k! the.,"antionnc-
Or" . at , the. ,:PittSburg' broadcasting
in the,. hallwhei-e, be was to speak,
and that there was! a , chorus of j7,00
voices which wenld•pl•pvide entertain-
ment before' the sPPakirtg-began,. that
the United States' Secretary- of Labor,
Mi Davis,. would act nochairnian of,
the ,Meeting, and introduce Lloyd,
George; • that ' Mr.. HooVer :;and, the
Mayor Of Pittsburg were on the plat-
form, and would make speeches.
• This,. 'announcement Came throngh'
very well, and Very soon. we 'heard'
A...le-'greaLeharns.. singing, the -great,
audience applauding and 'cheering,
along .Wit4, the. 'hum and noise incl.
„dental to n 'great gathering with great'
expectation.. .
.. .Iloover : gave • a short acldres'S'
which came over -perfectly', thE.! Mayor
O.( Pittsburg',did not `speak so , well
'nal: clearlY;....:blit_codlti-be.-follOwed-
here Perhaps, better, than ne, Could ',.be
in; parts,of• the hall': Well back from:
the platform; There.. Was. treinendaus.
OPI4onse and cheeri,ng .:.:When, Lloyd
(o9rge. came 1-1POU the•platfolni,•:after
which Secretary' Davis made an elo-
Adent ..speech. intrOdncing, .tbe •ex -pre-.
„infer referring to as "Lincoln of ,
Britain; '.the Lincoln..of Europe;...the
.1_,Incefn 'et the 'World "•.DaVis 'appear-
-ed to haire pevirerftil' voice which.
came over Veri'distinet1V; One .could
easily .: hear -11/4Lloyd 'George stnrt
out- With •Chairman, .Ladies and
Gentlemen." He appeared, ..hOWever,
to be. hoarse and did not attemPt to
speak -very but the course of ;his'.
speech : follawed,••He
was picturing tbe':: bad '.Condition of
•Europe .five •.yearal.'nfter the ,War`; .a
• . • ,
ConditiOn, 'due . largely to ".7ealetisy?!
hatred and • fear,". and . he:pointed,'the:
great Opportunity the United' States
had to .aid .effeeting;,a settlenient
and 'estithliShing,a laStirigi.. peace. He
, , .
spoke. ter. only.about half an ,.hour'..
Judging by all the :sound s the nfeet••••••
ing was all that he rdOul wish for, •
• • . .
-factory tp„another when he Was seen vv4
CO stagger. andfall: Dr..Copeland WaS 'en
er,• John, iS“superintendent* Of. the fi,n, Mi
ishing department the , Co
• s, gave an inspiring and tqi-lifting
7.• Arinstrong, first assistant 111 the
ntinhation',-Schopl,. was alsovery
called, but on, his arrival life was ex- ad
and he ivaa.unniarried.,•His' broth, I'll
dreSs on the topic, "The Social As
e topic; "BookS and ;Reading,": b
VOR, SALE.--Nordheimer Piano- in
good condition. Apply to G. A, Sid-
dall, Lucknow. 8-11-tf.
, -DAHLIA-111U-LBS-EREEr=liarties-
Wishing to get dahlia ikulbs, may have
all they Want for taking them,' Up at
- • ,••
FARM FOR SALE. -100 AcrCs; 4'
, miles from Luelcnow, buildings. in
good repair, fall, ploughing finished;
will be sold ,at a bargain. Apply .to
G A Siddall; Lueknow 8-11-tf,
FOR SALE', -A team of Clydes-
„mdales, heavy_ draught, bay, ,six and
eight years old Nn reasonahin offPr
refused as they are not•neecied.-A,
C. Simpson, R,R, 2, Elluevalev
pustie NOTICE
The public is reminded that sgoot-
ing with fire -arms within the village
limits is ferhidderivby law; 'and that
• are especially danaeroa, and parties
• outside .town and village limits while .
using long-range rifles should exercise
• • • :'13 0 de
y, 0r(ler,
• 9-=H-. ,'"
nbera -On the "prograrn Were a piano
Solo. by Misi•TKetherine7•MaCKenZie;•a•
itatiOn.by Mrsr, Deelor,: and 'dnetts
bY MeSdarnes, ':Douglas. and: MurdocharidG;
raham. an , 'lex. e -
e ziy: soe jai Interinission of tee
e: ,tites'-felloWed during which:, candy' was
dServed, •After.,'Whieh •Rev. .111r Mac-
luni.closed- the' meeting; with pray -
TIT& Adult Bible, Class are prepar:;
the programme far -next .Monday
ing, new occupies as: a ;furnitur
;itore to Mr; Leroy Horn, who Will us
the.stord roain,for hii barbei--shop an
pool.rooin,-and-onvert-titehriper ,flat" cal
into -H-prn--gcts-,:p.' 'es"- er,
sesson on 'December lst, • . . • ing
y T. a son in the• same block, • ",- • -
while Mr• Watsen will, no doiiht find ;•-••;••--o-o
other, suitable quarters, , • ;
e understandit is the.. intention
of _Da vis buildon4o-- --work-shop
to the back •of his neW, lecation, thus
leaving greater room for the furni-
ture --store;
T Wt
leone with -You.
Elsewhere' in this, paperwepublish
a. notice from the: Village Connell e-
ininding.the public of the.law against
shooting within thevillagetiotl
the use of ball animunition, This not,
ice, We belieVe. is protiroted if:19' an
, f
ident• of last week wilidh Might well
ave _Prev.9.51. YgIY-.•.4.0119„Ile_.]Pr
atalWhile.in her kitchen Mrs
, •
n ,thaeIntoehl we'd Startled sud$
en crash and .the beeaking of a ',pane •
. ,
1.....,Plass„.fragments ' ilt•Irch were
„ . d
ttickNow sdnoot, 081,opli
Sr /V-A.vetage on four exams,,
cIQQ0.'"P• mac' t
).rines, 89; G, Fisher, , , ,
87;• II, Webster, 87*1 IllitzstMn, ci
pines, 8; d, Machnes, 80,
IV --(The first four in this class IU
r6te two Of, the Sr, exams,) -E, b
MacDonald, 91; 80;' 0,
8r. L Menery 80.. D Mae. e
kinnon; 77; A, , Andrew, 73; gelid,
• 44; W., Agar, ('7; D, 65; 'be
1 rit,''114-16ir
8 .(4itose4 44111.) ,uo
Mgot)onildt ti4glor' Irk
cattered4 over the ,floor11.9114j:sweep,
g the broken sne f6 tid
file bullet, which eVidently had Come
hroligh the windasv., by • the
ourse the bullethad taken, it passed
oiely ever a coach on Which..Mrs
hf I ' d
ac Mos requent y, rests, a $
OOfl: the couch at tilie time :the .
ullet entered; she dolibtlesS Weald
ave been hit, The force dthis buliet
vidently Was spent, before it ,hit the
ASS, 0 rwise wen d et have
on found on the 'Aber, 4but it inight:
• ihould ow° '48 4 toteef41'W*,
Milne, 86; M, Pairner D. Mee: Ak
-----Monday,--Detolier-729th '
Mr; and Mra. 1.Ayliner•,Acicert."ViS-
. •
ited Buren ft.ibuds,,uu Sundek,.
of GJen'ui
nen, Spent -the weeli.end lier'hoine'
here., . . ' .,,,. • •
We notice the black 'ctriVer, Still
makes the long. triPS, *.eaSt ' on the
. ---.• - •••-
•Mr arid Mrs •• Tem Harris and 'Les-
lie 'visited, at William_Reile,W0,,U,04...en.,'
•••• TiMr Cul-
bert, of 'Ilipley,..S.pent an evening hist.
'Week at Will .Eadie'S,' ,
• .11rS,,WeS.'Pellciek, of I-Inton, .Snent
Sister, Mrs Aylinet Aelcert •
• 4 , ,
. krg., Savage, of Taranto; fOrnietl;','
Miss 'Ethel Calslei, is 7With'
34,1' t stiek.,„
udging by the
told at the fowl .stiPPeri,'Nve''f'eel. ee.P•
. • • .
tett: he is...determined te.'hae a wile,”'
A .riuMbet frOM here took ht. the hot
fowl Supper at kinlough on.Thursday
'night ao4 report a grand: 'Stitees4;
("Took 112" ilght,") 4, •
'Never. MIMI; w.ith the
flat tire at the tenth ...Ceti, torner ft
teW. Sunday nights ago wit4.", alright,
'Ho; wasn't helple'a's and alone, ' •
,Wesley Wha spent
the .41a1 fh- eturiiett -home on ''
night, and topott,a 41004 tho
• . - . • -
-Mr- -William James is •tinder the
:Barbour'S. on .
,SOrry hear that, ni•n••:
tirris, not well lately,' We hope to soon
see'h.er around again ,
.. • • .
• .Mr,' Vey', who , bas Staying..
With ,Alex. Haven's, of Lucknew.
• o
Tuesday; October ,30.,
John McKenzie xf Klatail, returned
home .fronCthe West last week • ,
Mr, James. Gilincni. of Landoni..is
;visiting with friends*at 'Lothian. °
and Mrs., Eliott Sand?' visited
riencls .:Milvc.ntPn,..fon:,ihe-tye-ek::.•ead;';:.:
'Mr:: 1,11' pooth, ,Tordhto sPent
Mrs is at
vsiting Mrs 4%:.a1Ytipr,5.7A, 4eP P:
'n', • •-•
Mr. and Mrs, Gemmell MeArthur,
, of_Tiverton,_sPept--Sunday--*Ith-Mrs
, • .
Wm; Bell -his jUst returne(
:from. a two 'weeks' visit ' with friends
in Detroit •.
Mrs, 01)„, A Sligh't;::,Of
..,,hAs_.,been_the-guest:Of-=-Mra- 4W:0n-for-
a few days •
• ;Miss Irene Bradley spent Sunday
in Kincardine with her friend, mise
Awe 'McPherson', ,
I Mr, Stewart, of the South: .Line,
has purchased from. Mr,.:Alex..,Mc-
Murchly the 'farm recently in the
possession of; Mr. ,Touzell
, . . , . •
Mr,•and Mrs; Jahn Munn, who went
for a holiday to Washington, Balti-
more, - Atlantic .City, etc.,- are expected
honie 'about the middle 'Of the week.Mrs W --H- Needharn, .
who liarbeer
visiting friends, returned last Week to
.:Polson,:., Montana 'rnHer . sister. Nurse
Mary ' 'Stinson; -,tteeopanied her to
The Women's Institute- will, meet
on Friday, Nov, .2, at ,the home of
the President?.. Miss Mannes: Mrs;
--Mooney will contribute a paper. on
The annual conventio,n of Women's
Institute's will meet in London Nov,
6th, 7th., and '8th, Mrs. Lo Culbert
is thedelegate appointed - by the Rin -
ley Institute..
Mrs. Money, who'.bas beenseribus2,,
'1011 for'sOme weeks, went to Wing-.
ham Hospital on MondaY. .The sym-
pathy Of the -cemniunity goes out. th
her and her family:, • , • . ••
' -.Mrs," 'Anne ,Clark„. who has been
visiting • '•het ..Mother;; -..,Mrs; IViiirdach
'Matheson, in Kincardine, lett for her
'home in -Edmonton On Monday, ac-.
'conipanied ,by .her mother as far ai
•Ripley, wherethe ladies 'stayed off for
the afternoon and night to ,visit Mrs
J. B. lylarytn and. Mrs. R. Martyn.
Durhaml‘isls.lVc.tac;rugnatyre; tte
;,:vbSoliw:itsr,1, oerf:thOrrician:t,
two months, been visiting her cousins
%the 'sans ;and daughters of the late
Dtinean Stewart,' *hose' brother her
fathent:owrnais.n'gl•efSthef°1LYirahS' m• -nen e;inl e eSatur-
called by the serious illness of , her
brother's Wife'. • ' )
One of the worst fires in the -history
are -sufficient ideals for a life • that
connts. The -tale itself is full of inter-
est; Mr. Osterhaut tells it: naturally
• as, -to a friend Its-, influence, ---Sinks
deep . into the;•beft_rt '9; listener, and
•cannot lasi,aWay: ,,,,,The”•:audience;
.fere, .between two 'parts 'Oft' the -
recital' and, at • the , end Were ,solos
beautifully rendered by Mrs, ' John-
ston,' of Bervie,' and MrS,
Johnston sang "There's An Old -Fash-
ioned House," and "The Road to Apy-
• where," 'Mrs, Dierlain." sang,: "Rory
Darlin," 'pretty, Irish' Song'. This:
' was an evening given by the Erivvorth
'League Aster' and marigolds skill-
fully arranged 'added -a note of cheer
and beauty. , Rev. 'My: 'Winans, pre-
sided. The. vote of thanks was pro-
posed by Miss Mooney and sedanded,
by Miss ,Willans. Mr; -Osterhout re- ,
s,ponded. to- the thanks by reciting a
"portion of "Carty' On," 'hY
of''Bervie,:" pro-
nounced the „benediction: -
On Thursday evening' last a ve
. •
successful Hat FoWl Stilmer,'"was he
at' th'eChurch of: the Ascension ,Ki
lough, on the occasion Of the ,openi
Of the new church .shed Which mea
tires fifty ,:by :fifty-six feet , arid, h
oller'ete walls fen ,feet high. and
brrugated iron ,reof. This Shecl,."-h
een eteetecl by••• Vaidntary•• warke
nd is an asSet. to the eommunity an
monument to the congregation
9,21; .A bounteous supper 7was Seri -Fe
the . baiement . of the church, ,afte
Vhich an, adjOurnment was made t
he' new building 'Which was well hea
d and, 'deeorated, presenting quite
estive tapbe;arnnee„ . The floor •Wa
overed. to • a depth of:3 or 4 Inehe
ith' dry sawdust; An excellent pro
ramnie'WaS 'given Which was:opene
y the singing of; "0 God our help i
res past," aecompanied .by Miss Ed
a Boyle, the Church organist, Afte
i.eW, remarks by the Rector, Rev, IP
Lewin, Mrs George Smith an
iss Mona Mitellell, of LucknciW,:gav
pianoforte duet. The program .whieh
as long and , Consisted
Cal ' duets by Mrs j" Anderson and
iss RobertsOn, of Lueknew, vocal
los,12.M.r.s.„2..„(Revi)..:Langford, Mrs;
. „
s -
t -
, a
• L
Ernest- Ackert, Miss Robertson, Miss
Malcolm, Miss Edna Dexter, Mr. Wm
'Rey. Mr; .Lewin and Mk.
Wm .Shevlin :Elo„cutien. and humor -
_atria .entertainment was given by Mrs;
Anderson, Mies 'Alice Brown and Mr.
Bridge'. Instrumental niimbers by Mrs.
George -»--Smith on the. piano; 1/1:iss
Doreen Lewin and :11,e3.; Mr. Hayes on
the violin, and Rev, Mr. Lewin on
the 'celle; Short Speeches of a
$pedals for Saturday.
Dundee CalcO
Doughnuts -- -fitTarts
Made ?anied3-TaHome rt. •
Whole Wheat BreAd.
-,Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs
Phone• Lucknow
Were You On Time
This Morning?
of ',Hnrori Township 'occurred in the,
early hours of, Tuesday morning, The
barn, eh Mr Alf. Nalcien's' farm; • on
• ,
the4Saukeen Road, was ,burned..with
forty- • pigs;
hens and sixteen cows were destray-
' ed. Great sympathy is expressed for.
-fainiry loss,
especiallY as the farm Was recent
purchase. ; •
A. splendid 'surprise came. to Morris
Wilkinson on- SaturdasrL,Iiiarning•when
Stewart McLay appeared with radio
apparatus he had purposely :Prepared
ter Morris. With the aid of RoyJack-
son Stewart installed, the , outfit in
Mrs, Wilkinson'shouse: , A golden
deed, boys! Mrs;•: Stinsefi, who is
Morris's grandmother, . will be 82 ,on
Hallowe'en. A treat Or' 'her, will ,be
listening ,in, ••"; •
the last, two "'weeks With' friendsLaurier - at
„ ,
'Mrs, „ Ro,bt,;pell children, of
Ripley?. visiteit.frienStindav
dg 'in i..atirier on
, Mr and Mrs, Lor?,le yft'Lenruin and
.. •
peke, of :Win_dsor,_are viSiting friends
inr.:Ashfield. -
Miss May Mckenzie 'of. Langside
Was the guest, of Annie ,Ketchabaw
during the- weels-end' '
on Tuesday was quite successful,
a; Very large crowd,. being in attend-
• . ' .
inotaerizttr- Hamilten',
"That' Week ;where be will renlain, for a
Week' or so viSiting• his, son, . Dr, A, E,
Barnhy. .°•
Messi.s. JOhii 'llesS, of Losfialsh,,,
."1,inroVingli-MCNain,-• -Of I ,a -,U; ter, left
IA8t,w'eok for beti•oft wiwre they will
the wira ti
.sve n ;
•Mrs. M 0. gekengie .left_fmt-the-
Sod on Friday wliele she Was &tiled
to the bed-ide of .'her, sister,'
Teitotd, who ia.aeriouply
Word was. received on Sunday of
the death' of Mrs Flora
Minneapolis," She was born and lived
the greater port Of, her' tile on 'the
ldth, Con,, near Itiittiti; The tnneral
-WilFtr1e":151iib3'oh. Wedneiday, Lo
Kin -
til Cenietef-Y,;
• '
The; WOmen'.s .1VI•issionary .Society of
St, Andrew's Chureb, held their Ant:A.,
On: SrinidaY.'A large:Congregation was
present,: •Dr. 'Harkness Idelfvered a,
rousing. and convincing sermon on, the
words, "For the, eaith. 'Shall, be full
of the knowledge -of the' Lord as .the
Watern the: sea",
Mrs Jos : Coiling sang A little talk
, with Jesus," At ,the .evening serVice
Mrs.:Dierlain sang, `1,haVe been alone
• - • •
•Nth. Jesua."
' Mr, ,and Mrs S, Stewart, with
. ,
their two little Children', arrived, here.
ftOM Calgary on :ThursdaY nisght,.
the. entloy 1of the, IMperial, (ow coin-
PanY:, Laet 'SPring he and his Wife -
returried,frern...Tri nidadr:w h ere, he;,bad,.
Studyle forniations;Two
months of last Sunimei,•w!th a, qual-
ificd he spent in Alaska:On ,
Monday this week he letiVeS., for,
art • is ii daughter of Mr, Cdhil Mc-
Donald While in Rip1y, Mr sto",)4,re
nurchased tile brick reSiOence,et 1)4.,
family, who 'remain. here 'Lor tho.
,Recital,--4111"'MOnday 'evening toy,
Mr Osterhout; Of LnektiOW, gave a
Recital, "The Lost Word," by Van
Few Of' US:realiked the, trent in'
,tot,e,ipt.us, Van Dyke haS writtea
a, nuinber (Of exquisite proie 1)00118?
, notable or their simple triusieat
Iish, for their beautiful imagery 'and
for the vein 'of , golden hi,eahing that
runs throughout each, ' iiThe tpit
- t,t0d", ofitlitke,; .ItttloApttoesi,,
55 U d6.e-a t.fiej'nterY., fit: theP',e'eilt,
on OcApbo, g4, to2g,, to mi% 4.44 ClittZe for p wealth w, and
)1r$, (1001' nelle gt 11
• 4 q
,g•_ratulatory'uatUre-were -Mad by Rev
C. Dickson, ,of Ripley, and 'Rev. C.
Langford, of Lucknew, , while the.
speaker of the evening was..:Mr. John,
JOynt, "M:P.P.; who: forrnall3i declared
heinritding open. The Shed wasTfl,!11
to its capacity and :the audience waS
very appreciative: of the excellent,
quality of • the entertainment., Mr._
John PurVis-, •gave a,
stoft. speech and disposed Of the•sur-•
uction The
..about.$3500,•free of debt The Singing.
of `God 'Save the King,'' brought the.
evening to. a
If You wake an time. getting -
..on, ,the job in ,time is up to
,You, but, if you, sleep past the
hour., even 'a ,super, man, ,wotild'
have trouble inaking,the
A Good Alarm Clock assures
you' of being awake. on time,
and allows you ;the longest
possible ,
See Our Window, for Sluinber
.$2.0(1 to $4,54
ach.One Guaratieed One Year
Jeweller.& Optician'
Sacrament of the Lord's, Supper
wilf be held in Zion Church on Nov,,
•4th., at 19.30 a.m '
' Mr. Fred Ritchie, of Zion, and Mies`
"Smith,: of Dungannon,spentSunday• with .
, 17eP ,
Congratulations extended to t Mr. .
and Mrs; Thos. Cooke on the J arrival '
_of_abahy„bey on Wednesdayjait:
Mt, John.. Chainpieff;'''.Oir-frOidiie;
and Miss Margaret Tiffin, Of Lang -
'side, spent 'Sunday list with Mr., anc,1--,',
:Mis.--;Mia-le Gardner.
Mrs; ,W, T., Gardner, has .been visit-
ing her father,. Mr. • b. Webster, _
of Luckaow,'whp has not been as well -
fia Uslial-fotthe past two weeks.:
In-Lueknow, -Town-Hall;--on-Viida7;
Nov. 9th. Fryfogle's Orchestra will
be on. deck. Lunch served. $1.25 a •
Connie, 'Ladies and Gallery 25e.
, •
EggHs_ .
. ,
,Wheat ev, " • '•'. '90e
... • . •
Peas, ••• •'•• • • ••••••',6 • • • . .; • • • $1•50
'Oats 88e
, ,
ft1/44,44,W, tA**.s*44!;*,*.v.,W,',W,A4,1*.':AtAt,Vi,.*;.,*a,V;;"7,70,"4\`','•\'47/%4
. •
ent Sale is
full swing and lasts` foii
• Three- Days ; Onlyi
ursday, Friday, Saturday
Ile sure and :make our -purchase's as We in.
-Variably. 'run:cunt' ef mte itenia on SaIe
If you have not re .JeiVed a Sale Bill, fuSt ring us:
up on the plimie and one will be pronotly plaCed in your
hands, We have Many tieing:On Sale which are not list.,
ed'on the hill, but which maytl)e seen on display in the
Store: Itememiser this Thursday) riday and SaturclaY,1
e Rex#11, Druggist If Ck 110
VetiONTIOVOVIMStiMrafitr4r4rAntrttitr of*VreAr