HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-10-25, Page 7•
Losing Population from the
4 Timber Zones.
„, • By Robson -black, Manager: Canadian
' • :PorestrY,•;AneiatiPli;.' ., 1 1
O.' ....A
PliS a Ai 44 oery Aillh.ltne,atraineil" TO
„At e'preaeat. gale eVery voice"' is
• . ., • • , eFill .citir pipe
Nth new popuiat1on,' New PoOtilatlOtt ,o,
.c.ostit.." Tnunigratimt:AkeitnenSiveptiales,..
td.. ' ea, ',A;e4-714,•,k;A•Sr,ikfip'::11.4i.opet tientate
,-.'• .:4tiel.••44k-NillY, NVO,,Ottrillet•4P,ensi.'•titl'104at
,,--a.:eauple-„of ,Oxtta -tiollarale-block:the
'emigrattett, .0f. ' Canadian. families• .,,
_driven out of..th.e fareat:atetta 14y the' ,
,,plugue,"Of;:humpi,iiet fatestilres,. p tp, 1,
,. tiict, after .district hap been. abandon, ".,.
„,_....ed,..,..whele • cenntiea. baVe.deerea.sek,in
papti1atimi,. 'railway -440'"hii.veloSe.:th_.
‘• ' • • .. . 'bbartled.,np, and for ;the. .sole ieasiert
• :. thata: fetesf ' feSource Which Should
. havebien.',perpetualhaa teen SWept
'.:'..affthe 10g.e.X.7 ..of C4114cl1en. assets by
„.•• ,the'teeklesetteng of •Carigditin. Citizens:
' Wilose, .rattiCrii-,TV that' the •,•forests
of .Cgrlii'd4 pet cent of the:forest ro
tunr . down ?"We as citi,
lands of the.,Derniefon, arid! are directly acicpt,' llybv
zns... own . ,135:
• and personally, responsiblefor .wbat ts. P7M.:
.., :•done 'With the only crop that can,"groW • Z, a.s.k.fOr'
•. on then.e our :lands. - ,Every •,elviliXed, • ii"
atinettY, on earth. looks ' to the.. state
: . . l5.i.. ta.M.EMv,
, with it self-perpetuating life, - its
. providential: relationship to its People, .,5' 14 :no; 2..., ,•0042, @icyi .
. which, unlike wheat or ,potateea, ,,re- . .....,ctz.a_..4,f4P ri..!4.944:._, __.T...,9„:„.......:„...„...•
She spOke se audaciously , and had,: life and old age. Almost every elderly
. to look after • ,the. .ferest• propertiea 'ClOr:14/.J.41/ 2.. "You, came to.,, rob me?" .
• quire an much as .a centu.ry. to mature: ' VOMOGIOA '
the, ii.frof being selittle frIghtened.My .person l had rheni4asni,as, well a.s.
..The state is the.'6.15VTaiiiiindenly effi,-; presence that I, did net. know What many Young 'people, It was thought'
eient custodian .of the rights of future to answer and Contented 'myself' with that rheumatismwas the mere effect.,
generations 4.in .a .very slow- droNitogl
. .• . looking at. her closelY, • She • was a'
but utterly essential -.national resour.ce, young wernan •and 'vet* god looking
. before an intelligent • and ' helpful :' .,.....:;: uk,...ri:re 't ' i ' as far as I, contd. jiidgei' for ; the':iyater
interest on the part of the public ean Was 'Streanaleg.from her clothea. Her
, bring abut a measure ef:,. completeof her profilelocks; escaping train ander her hat
• ion tweet threefetishon, all of which 4‘..• ' - urnoes . alid,.- Their ri ni I even. sp, nothing could alter the purity
forest protection' we will-, have to !jetti,. were, matted againet her Cheeks, But
are predominantly 'EaiSe and, 'yet ' .
.• • fix ,
, ','Iand 'I Catild see, her wide ease. of the,'hlood,,and, that good
. .
thenfse1ves,7- upon--succeeding,,genera- „--"7"'"--BMAI-412--- -WAL:D0:-..".; ..:- - lilue.".eyea. glitter--..;:like-Awe•pale7 sap' ,-..riph..--ied blood.: any .man or Wtiman‘of;-,
tions. One of; these fetishes is that ' •'' ' • • '.1 : • ' . ,,. " • 1 ' nhires • ' ' any age ean defy 'rheamatism, There
Variations -Little,. Pettit,. Lepetlt: • Raciai drigin , •-;,-.. path lc', .'• .!r,..anpient ..7".Well ,"•; she :contioded, are yo.n. are .. Many 'elderly people who have
,away" , or otherwise.alienated. They Racal 0.rig1a,-Enilish and .F.dench.
afraid?"' ,'" " :.; never kelt in" twinge, of rheuniatisin,
Source.-- given riapic••`. . •" • ' . ' •
-never were " and are not, to day ;All ..Source,4"characteriatle; - • " ' ' - Here is • ..‘: i ,,..,,, name ;•. •• which -' rb,`,;" d: As she said, this' she ' 'dnetv'a revol-
but. fifte.en, per cent:1st .the timbered „.. .
-. ---'''-'*.n"4"5', ' " '"'"e" -r -Ver from her Packet. I 'jumped up,
Here',IS .a. family ,:name• .v.H.th vai...14-, 4ot:sent:id. English, ''a name borne 'hy, . ..
ticren of Ontario are under- the central • "But, inadambisellel;--
of %the ' ,Ontatie.'•GevernMernt !ea'. coii .ticins;'"---Nifilith-"MeariS-jtiSt--what- if '-italbli';W-a-ld•O,Eniersbe•;-, and....thetigli it ,
".lion't lie:afraid. •,,Itis;riOT.for. yotij.
ha's been settled in' England as- a. fami-
eeinp. me•anutds. of.".ean'sn'iveti6n., ,.- The, saya."', If you bear Oita name YOU may .' ,It. in: ,for •,ine. SO .,I:. am going. to give
Million 'eeres : and the rOmatnder - of .Y•chirs V;'Ito • first ;bete • it • was a "sinallj
lar:aneeati; 'Of- 13'' natn. for-manY 'oefituries, it
. right ..te cut • timber ' is •Ieesed„ on ten. be,Siire that the 'partien is not
, you a piece of advice .:, If you want to
, ,. • • , .. - , ... . - an. English. name.' • . • .. . - robbed rheamatiem of. ita.terrote • ,At
kEsp out of trouble 'and- avoid bein
It is .traceable,ta '760 given...naMei „. .
eigh'5'• illiP1.°" 'n'el* i *ill' liOd: 13Y nia• n'--tinleas, .Perhapsr"..life"; Was' Pr/oini;• athongaither the 'An le-S.axeris oi'...fie acmlied ef a.erime,,'.go,a.v,in'y ,:i.inii.id, :the first, sign of. poor, ,biaed; . :which. is,
,, . thogroWn;• Whatistlienteaning of A. ,' ''• , •." " "- • .. -. - • to kill''MYself. And if.tbey•!,knoW"that• shovin by, loss ofappetite• . dull. skin
' lease''e ' '-operating '.. ' ' 'i , That .
•nent for •his greatsize. ..A1 an rate,' ' 91744 '• .1?c 1,"•.•'you' spent the night liere",--..-
., ,
42 000workmen In Ontario shall be al-':', Ile; was pot of niediain hultd;•
' • ' • " itery stiiii•ce :inglie lair '''. " ' of those
. ' p_oli•leS. On the other haircl,••• . it ',,ii • .§..he .egpreesed • h
• . . I• was sure•that she was not. joking
• •
eiself .c. alirily-' without
lowed to draw - a regular weeks jia3,7';.,.;.s..6.ine'le;O:p1.,e'.fTnili:Ailiie,.:ti,l,t. te,"
. and filet ..q..,.:."jp.,,llie.12, Wats . shall be '' ° - . . aeelahle:/eileaiegleally,;„ through JIIP -•. : • ": ; : - • ,: , • , ,
bravado. and..toyed....v;,,ith the Weapon in
ceiVe how BUOY. a siirnanie 'Ai this con...settling: In England Of a •family bear-
allOwed to circulate as likage.s, • Ou'cl-t,.. develop •tn'tO"sa..herediierY..family name: Ing illat'.nante, to ' a; certain., Merohnnt: ..'
with a -Pendant 4.O let ;necklace': ' •
h.er hand .. as she might. .have.''toyed
year. and that 1.2%"thillion's received for .
, , They grant that .. it Was; natural to ,of :•I•iyons named ".1;etar Waldo"; Who ;in- You ,„„ ..
. forest products •in Ontario., shall,,,be Speak ;Cf:' a 'John ;win) was ',little, as the twelftlicenturY attracted conider-• ..'.;,•te,.;, • -.• • • ••• .to hill' 5 • - . „ ' ... '
„enjoyectby every business interest and "Jann:',1,1tile,” or Little John • But. able "attention:fori• nig" denial.•,ef'.;the:Why ••,,': • - , „'•
. evety. Worknlan, in the . PraVince. : The •they ,don't"..underStand 13Y What le* or .church'n doctrine 'et:- tranSubitantia- : ..„ .-- ,- • :' - ' ,• • :
, so-called timber, bereft' cuts down For reasoes. which •don t 'interest.
legs. •rule all'lls'descendents have it, ion and his translation. af tee gospels ' , .
. Worth five 'dellars..., .,Out. of that he , for. n; the ..firs•t ,place . the •nap e was •into French, or rather the Provencal
' -.'.hatills ..oVer. $.450 '--."'7'wfige' and .for:'inerei3, descriptive. of the individual; ; :language; ., •••••„. ....... , .:. .: • ,... -. • • . "Novertheleas,.-What: jastifies .You•',In
materials . and the remaining 1 • fifty "- Wei..1,. :to begin;:with„ notmore then ••:',-With :this 'claw tt. ia• net ' difficult to 1°114* ' ,ourself' '5.- '• . ''''' ' ' ".: '2'
ents he .splits ,between intereSt, On .hls'-.a•vety small percentage of the persons ' .trace his, family; name ',tend this i was There.' is • something so •-rldieulous in
,"No -no maralizing2yy :yen...please.
,inyestinent..and, taxes to. the Ontario to Whom.. the' name was.""descriatively just the ...period When "family a:exile's our dialogue, at thi,s hour and in Ws
•' :Government, aggregating ., $4,400,000 .a,pplie:d Passed it on.to their children-. were. beginning., to collie : into
. .
Pe4#4, T 491.4red with A ligkiPt.,"r"Or
lief. fihaJ•1,7 444 .g TefP40,... ' ; • ' 1
..• Pkit where was l?'; What Was FOInf.'
to happen? ,1 drew ni$T .lamp .frorn m3r ,
pocket .and walked ahead, :There. wa '
.a, Icing paasageway-7-then, te the left':
furhished, room. •, !. 'called gond ' t
"awaken the. occupants:' • No. voico rot.
oPowlefl• •Whe itPaSe Wag,' othptr, fi$.1..hcg:
.A•waa,the.-..-Sole:possesior,fot,the-night ..,•
';-• ••':-"•*(,--....i":4;i•;;;:4•:-.-.--r,IFZ*r,--,,• -44L-- '-
..-._ ,_ , _ ,.....4•„..„.„...,,,,,,,,,.,.1r,„.....w,
• . iwy 4if iwil914 --an4,• ,go,• tp11ee,j? it
• -1.:foned -copOr -cahd4oticka',Oir114'S'41
• tel-plece... I 'lighted the candles. Th
- 9ie` ro,.o•th Were ehait7s, a table. and' ,4
peasant .ciotled 'closet.. 'But all the
.., .,,. . , , : , . . . , .
• i..„furnitiire agemed, to have. been, dhciaen
l''''• .• by 4 city Pcrsea With rustic:liste.rath
ot-r-t,hii,vb.roitoeylkich5167.----.7- .,
1"...r3FOT.1471-1-We$1311:11!,8,:--7.13,'' TiP.VRIcwo.R.CP.- ,
-me, .r.terk!,.. I sea.: t9 myself,. 4..4.,t, da,wi
,.1, s.4.all.,m3t. ()jilt; for . 4ttet• that r. 4.4ht Five light 'cruiSete of. the ty.p. 046W14, )4 the. loth are to start in Nevem.,
not find a welearapi" ;•.'".. '" ••• • ;, .•;,;. A)er,' on a taut of.the *Old: in which cnitlYing;Pfittrtt7,Ofthe gxeplre, W111. he,
.,.,:Ehe' tempeat,raged "lautaide.".. Java ,./viaftged,,,, rri e ..ahlPs.:w111. jaelade -the., pelhi:', :.tbe .Palm,tle4,,, the, Paa4e.`; t111
n-- tired • that I'Clitised.. iny eyes ain.soon Dna on ling h ISti
:ad I sat on the beinih's' which.''''---..-:- ' r:t- e'';....-.-!;14-1''' '.71°Y 'w14:.:11T-c-4414i11144 .1iY'14'''.1.11i:66.1t °I'Briina."
inteatted..to. make: zny couch, and' I ", . : ;;;; . ., •• ••
• , • . , , - • -
• ,. t.thh pie, sulz•%11.7.1ricilW.rse4. ,i1,37:41:e4.. doinglei e.g.,i':nW.,:.lime; 4. I.9, liv:.:. l'?t1,,"
.1 r. gave •a, start. ,'• ls7o; it was; not
" I dream. Two steps away wane woini;
who, a candle In lfer liand,';•• was
ambling:roe ciirielisy, • , .' '
.1ftay Ohtahf.Reiiet by EnrichItit
the Olood supply. •
fn. the day e of our fathers and grand-.
fathers, rheumatism. was thought , to
:be the tinaveidahle' Pelialty . of, Middle
�f exposure to. cold and damp;„ and ,it
was -treated , with lininientiand. hot,
applications, which sametimes gave
temporary relief; but did not •remove
the trOuble.;'. In these. days• there Were
'many' cripples. Now,: med !dal." science
understands that,rheurnatism is a dis-
What Alle theDance?
, . . • _
Priend-'`What ,you doing-,-sabscrih-.
to the dancer': '
,„.1)oetOr-,-*o-.-preser4ing fer. the
: ' • :*.'.
Too Slow.'
jiinsort, had, hiirely taken:Off his-Ceat
ant.: many , who have conquered • hy wbea, hie_ mother-in-law, „paie offace,
.simply Iteepingttimit-litond-ticli-r-antr -Firshed • up ,to and. grabbed his
•pure The. blood , shriek** qualities of aim.",
•• •
-Dr; --Williams': pl„ak,-1?flls---is-••-bec.oining: Arthut;"'"•stet-gasped,-, "that
, ,
&Very_ year 'more widely 'known, and 'great, heav,y .grandfather'elock. in, the •
the more genetalinseof.these,pills, has halt' just "Crashed*. down on • the' spot
W hotel. I , 's tanditigonlY rti, minute
ago!" ,„ •,
t •
.SlOW . ,1.••
. • .
.K.een hilnard's Liniment In the hope's,
Tactless', •
'.."Tact,"•.said the .lecturer, esaert-
•tfalto entertainine „ I price 'dined
at a house Where. 4e. hoSteSak.had no
taCto.Qptios.ite nie sat '.a:r.mbd8t,'. quiet
'"Suddenly he tifreed. ad:red .a.e
ster da heating his hostess eay tater
husband, •.',How-:,inattentiVe you are,
Yen Must look,- After Mr.
•Brawn'. better. 'Hes telPing btmselt
to everYthing".:, ' „ :•„.• '
Son, don't' weitte be a great man
•-be;.a great` boy. -The 'Watchm'an.
and .dirn• eyes, protect youraelt'"against,
. .
further ravages •of 'disease by taking
Dr. William's' Pltik. Pills,. They have
.helped thauSanda-:•.--if,..yea• give. theta a
'fair trial, they .Vvill'ilot •,dis,appoint you.
. ..Yeti ••can,get.thesti Pills, •fitrOugh any
•dealer' in -Medicine �r b.Y .,,:nafi,f at t0.
cents •a box' from The Dr, .Williams'
. • , • , , .. ..
:Medieine CO., 'BroCkville,•,Ont.".' .. .
• . . • ..., .
..Tiiiidy Thotightk,
-, ,geolDs does .nething Without.reasOn.:.
, , • , -
...atisie..m.ay be. termed . the Unlyei(sa.l.-
"language. of iii,a..nkiiid., ; ,„,..',"':-.,
Mu'sic• 4s, „like.' societits-laws. of
pr.eprietY and etiquette. ..,•'' ' .'..•
Vaniily names '•d„Id. hot develop sudden- eneel - ;to a giv.en mime.; among. the .,place, ' that I almost feel. like leaving ', •,. What, IS gentile; elie. than a priestly2
. .
a year, "•,,, Strangely. enough we visual- „ . . ., , ,
.•izt the motor car indus-tiy. as•the "life ly: , They took -forra.gradually,- over dathi.; Comparatively little is , known.',5'°il- lie" n!ld .4iPing•'illY§elf. °ilt,s•td.n on po*er',rev'ea"lint . God to the ` hi'41ail
,1 .tblood", of Oshawa ari-Wirliferyille And '.a the idad,"•., , • • • ...• .!':': • • ..1' ' soul. ,.. '• ': ' " ' '. - '. • '
,period.ofl.tlireecenttirles, or-mdre.', of .the lingua- • f this T 1.- i ' '
. . • , . ,. . . . . ge. q is en on c•race • - • •• . -• - - . • i ' • ,„„
a 'dozen ' other towns, and the ."Meal In one family the'narne'might have le-' .3,vhich 'doininated •all seuthern..Earape , But it is,- raining .too ..l.lard,• YOU' .'!,',Au'eic 'is.:i never, stationary,.suCces
.- ticket" of thousands of workmen, itha -.--Qonte:11-0-elftlitS7 -',in•-the";twerfth .cen- after sinashing the Roman trninre for Want-- to shoot yourself, bti.t.'y,en are sive'fetMs and ntyles are only :like 'so
• - ' "' - ' • " ••••• :'' •'
a the ,next. instant „discuss the. lu.mber, ;Airy' : In •ariother ' in the -.fourteent1.. both the tannage and the .custo•msafraid Of the taintmany resting Places on the rciail•te the
, of ' • ' • - ' •••.' ' • -: ' • "•' •
• •‘t.,-ImisineSa 'OS 7the sinecure. of a..ouartet :Then,:.too, it is tiOt--Uncominen...for,'-the -the-Goths ;gave:way ,rapidly -•before the ,"-t"••It • 'is --ttii9•'7.'•=Ailit,"ino.w.,':g0:-'7•1"-13el. 11:1ea11.' . ' ' •:' :,. • .,.. !" :...„::- t :. .e
, . • . • ..
of "haroes" into whose _purse .. 'i..pourtoli ildren- of:.slii all.' patents, to • be-Snita 7simerfor• diyil ization.....„..wii,joic they, don '.°11,..., . ..- leveme.-here •alona yeti don't ..A syinpatiptic_;_ recognition is -- as
- untold millions.wr,ung, froin:a wretcbt Sa-Tnian's sotinifarb-E'red • tt e, quote an -gettled• lifirii-S7elv-erTiifir'wll'u7-1".u..' • 7 what '-d-l-ff,,erence7-rdufap.;lt:---slh'ecl'-'to---Pv.fwY•one.'-Wii.fi--eoiiden-t-i-ates-
. ed peasantry ,driven' to build two car not so much because,. his, father here ,Their nomenelature;h0WeVer,';:pet;siat: ,lake to you -if:',1,:kill .nlyself? :At MY his art to the divine";seivice Of a 6xiii:. NIGHT te • •
garages with high:pi7ide boards: Ail,or,e.. thenanie, as because .he,.too,'';'actually• ed,• eXerting• a.,....poWerfulinfluence:On age, When one tn.:tired-9f life, ft lel& 7letion'pf a I eOnaelOhsness. ' - ' ' ; 'MORNING fe ,
-... cause ori has suffered In love • The --, ' •• . ; • , 7"r -7----.7•.'t7-.------44, '
•• men have left . the liiinber Indesti•y, in as 'understie.„ ; • •• : • • • "'" '',, • " . ' :.' fhat. of modern VrtinCe and Italy. ' , . .
man Whom .-I laved has just deserted ‘'. '". • God and. Religigri.:
,.,the last ten years than have entered ....q.A.s: the strangest evIden.Ce ,that the . Tho. giVeu name in question'appat-••
., speak .of .E.,„1..wfitnIlllt. IT' Willa •0010. NUMMI COAILIC4.00,1144 '
eittiyi.,:,4.4as,..,,d;tbied,:,frorry,,tiie,„Gothie, „Ink Jp.,:apitectt.-tityrtears•;.-7.--',-Fxan*-intle-'-it7i WiSit'it-iferli '•,PasS Me- to .... ' '''.. '
it, and Most who mewed. eut-,Wern,riet. na.M00r.:;',1..,i-ttlesman,d;T,',$inallz:,...-nexelelliT .
. . . • . .
"fetent to everything.; Lean neither' God .without.theiniplication ordealing
'fi,nanciar,"gainera fOr theii-exlierfende. ,fiuni this .:ireS,crititIve .soaree,.• we, have word "Viildnii," ! and.: Sighified...."one
. I . . .• n
.Yintask What is to beclone to give the• Corresponding nanies: Of 'Pettit and Who . taloa?". Mathes, ending in
' .,0,,, andle. not weep,' I Ask" Your. pardon .with.,religoa.
-:-'7--eie-. .le-d-.-iiBythis IMean that
':Canada--a-prrancrtTitreSiTand7the Vefirc7French7Ttietit-1eaVefno WreagAYPiatl-tetl-4for-seridifgTyateyay-Butfnnat-*iiiiiicna-ef..
merida,s Pioneer Doq. , Reinedies
' itarilediat.e .ahd. :!ei:o.y coaiprvhpgiv.e, "Os0Dlo 'doubt,. being a eombinatian;er Pranks...". as those ending:in," .0'.7 were of °°... Continue: your Journey . Think: .of this Subjeetetlie...,cenquest. of 'Tear. .. . • •
• • " tee; niifil the dawn„ , And swear to me The:minute:you tondh.on 'religion, as: ------- ,
. answer" i's 4i:dep. out the ,rtiten. :"We 'le" and .."potit"-"the' when. . • the ,Anglo-Saions.. , -• '
. , , „„ ,.._.....:__.-:, -that-yen' will---nevoe-tekatiY--one,-.What-.,-eohanoi4Y:linde'rstOod; you teach i the .r.....,...t„,,,,,.- ... ' ' and now ia. Feed
.„,.._,...... .„....... ''''V.•'c,iti.z6ns-b.upri len:.:times•.the-treeS-that
the lunibertnen' have cut, and since the 1 ," ..' • '' ' • 1 -.• 'yOti7:11aVe seen:- ,. .:„
. .
sectarian." The :infinite, you reach the • z••Fip,,
, .:11,17:JA
. a. 04.23.1 tahLeo,Alruitabirdn' •• 1;4.
•--,sini •-ptit'tite-Wca-p-arr-intirthe can, e :redirir-! an you . state eninities,.. The,. •
' 7.' ': ':; di: 11. ..' , ,,,, , , •
hIaled Frei -to othr ,Axictrois
earliest da of :Canadian his,tory have; ;BARY.S. 'OWN IIIILE1S, -
. .2. Watt 24th Streil .
put a torch to '600,000 'actuate miles, , . •,• • • . , .'- • . , .on the tahlO, She wished' me out and I -minute you start 'enmities you get plea:: „ blowti.a.k. •
as against about 100,000 square Miles . .. AN EXCELLENT ,REMEDY, :THE INt RUDER, ...... sianlined' the-..deor,•:•yialentlY heirtac13(... tab discordt0•T4s•Aututita!"yotr gor ram- ' &
•ine, • ,,, ". "', ' " ' ' : • ' ' "tat di d •'' ' -stand against sfear:..is ,,.. • ..., , ... ... 4
By none Bizet .„ • .. .
utilized by all., the 'Iurnbermen ,froni
dpast.44-coristf,.. .' . - . ' ,.,...,,-...;•,•:-,,,, • . ,
-71/1- , . ,..._ --------
-iinslated .6k,'• • ' - ' • ,• ••• •... - ,.....„, ,:.,,,,..,,,,, ,..„4•,,,,•••,•,..„-.:PossibleBas1.1.,,,King In _ate :Coe-
. . • . .
' I knew-that-I-atiglit-te-latie--:realst- -questeLEOar
--,.--Please-letAis,layToff-theidny4dr-tree7-off:-Whea--the,-taby--is---1,11,--„Whea--he,jii- ,
Planting . to preclude- iiinber, until we .constipated, • , has, indlqestlon; colds ; , ed, that T ought, to have defended her
. ' •.,'
look Intea,.mudh „more,inviting :propO7 011C. .or ':siniPle fever. ;. or any • of the against 'tier folly.But I lied 'neither
:- .9., thelinte,nee."-the--7strength-ta''de---tav
-"-iiiitiOrt.i'PAnacre-',O'fliumatii:riititle-plan: atter-nianY--litincii'lliSz'g-littleAmes-. - ‘•
. • , .• , ..
;',We had felted blit 0,.. few minutea„ 'an&
• ,
teflon ofspruce is g•loVelY sight. Etiovv; , the Mothe.r7will•tinit IlabOwn, Tab:. ;:•.1, ;WEIS ,eighteen" yearn old. For .tle
: .few of Us ..knOW ,that there ii,in•Cati:,:i lets. an 'eideilent;i7oniedy- . TheY, regm ••,•_, ',
,., " . ,........- :2--- the„aceti'ei: Which 1-. hear, Patieq thibilgif.'
.:tirS'etirrie5.,f. Was Tr6m,--lyty.,,,iitiiiia'likok '- -,--
; 4dit , ,, a . plantatiOn. "dt• just 50 billlion, ,late the sibin'ach " and'„bbWelsti.iothnifis,
.11119Wed,... Til,eltP..t-; ' 1?:!,11.!!°. it. ',.t.t.11•0; arena out on the toad I hardly knew if it.
, • . . :. • wed so Strange, and sonziexpeetOd that
dennely packed, acres of yam* forests' baniSlibigthe causi; of most of
set out
b...N6.ture w,ithout. hootart...on, :of dolood,d, , obederoing ;mein ,kte., tliteugtthe denp.try. ' ,. For a. whale had net been_all a•dream ; .4 Walked
trivanee. or • expense. :lhey_1ieL4n,„ E.. l;:,' BUgliSY,••!Thaniter,MVer; 01.1.8:. Maifilit0ILCO111,:dreali7.0_21fy drOOM 0 'afiliad abStradtetili in_the" ram and
, patches, frOrti 'deaSt to conat, : That • 50:1 sitys-!.'--,."MY bahY Was a greatsufferer, "rambling• over the Breton roads;' .-rtiY• all1;0'.' 1 paid no attendee; to".the: howl
ad -
milliOn res is richer then till the g.ald train cone., . and. cried contintially.1 tth
. seek jan y, beck, ,,without •,viortYln,g
, . . • ,
Ing of the Wind:, .1. tried to keep •oa•
' ' for US gold ' -grows and:irePeat4 hegan--glidn,g41401LX-R--nY'i (5ic'n 'T-a4et0 ithetit4ifet*Ieligtlf•'-'ety-tliet'liiiiircir,"iiideP.-4-3.11Y-f4aL:-nnd---0:43:1,164(11-inngil•-•.the..
. ' bit° thdleiS generatiOns..-- ' All,-• that -and .06 .E6,Pet' •*”:141-6':41e,rfu!' . 1 •ili:"*.' Ing under ".nri:--,nrid. ellti•I•frjv , ilarlfnelth..." i! -Temeinbered -nothing,- .
• . , ,
. •, . • , 1 1 '
. .. . , •
. .4siod All Yeat,,,Egg pro.,.,
''..11notion--7---- '
--.-,,i,,. .....p):•.w...7..ilitty0.5.2,,•.„2,,,,,,..
, .'-Now . is qbe"time to get .your: birds IA -
46. winter "Atuittete„ 'They „should be
:iftilly , 'Matured 'hy, this itfine, , and 'to',
lit.4..i.7.,_ 9..ff....1 :APP.. .r..4.0.... rot_ lil$1).: f)...gkj Y-;!) 7 . L
.dUCtian •tor the .year, .„0,liould , have, 4
tettalti'.,ailatinitt' of • stitplua . flesh .and
fai, .Theta is".tiottidnlar:dret. in
getting :slate. 11.4.1.):,..•and: 1..' wiefer eggo,
,PlantatiPti..aSks i.g that fiii'Efe'k°,131::.6u.t!' alwa"' keel?" 30. suPPIY' ° thele 1..ab e•ts„ biead.,Oathebaniebt'a ritreatn".. . g, , , ; "„• • - Stentbling ' against a ,stone - and al-, The' 40;.Wit.Ii4 61.0:66j', iaro •good ' .A!..0 c1t, • .
If that iadOne:thet;yottilg gre,Wt,h Will ,In Inc :housed .; The Table.fs are sold Su , .. :.
itt etlnica • „I'• ivaii. tired enir' dendi. Mest-fallitig over it rentored.ine t6. ui'i. • Well ;matured r (net. m.,,Ongrels:, as ;they
be able; titidet",dareftilthinagenientb', Medicine eaers, 0 y mal. .a t, [25
ineet all Canada's needs for the future ; c;'e.ntfi: 4. , ho,x. ,I,1:01k..1. rhe pr. , ,v‘.1,111.ms.,, fiO'di 'triVei afoot vie .'not 'fever.- ' sOnsaP:'. „ My , lilifrhoi'v.., :egnie:-, b'aci,,, emit alOtO. to keel) and. PaY. 1psir.,=.'4.ivici•
, , tO l:i ,h.,i., , •
-7 able, ''Thiis otle.'opni.eselve 11113 Sun There as wweor?ia.anr.;fliTahteelti„.0ed.",.*Ittisteli'e•:.,tettrdoia.:: ends). Rena 'Should be ceatined..fram •
and pi-ovide._a_•gte.at_s•ittelts..;/„OrteX.:, '1.ed;''''n.n.°'... •13ro•cl,(vil"' gn't:' ' . day i regretted that t 1...itd net' stopped .,':. $kil.s, in October throughout, • the ;Win,- -'
. • ,
Porf..,7,--.",---..' --,,•---7-' )11- .8-itibtii - WiT64i : ft' ii7;3-74%'!'- -dti7"..c.-Li di' tii;--1'6111P'ilat'itr-frketi*1:41E1.-.4Faiiiii7
. ..
, • .1 .. • . ' , li• " sefree
,. sity (leaded • ,over • 1, had .stili .111I•ee 7". °. 1, IFila aII, Ow 0/ t 0 be. played i elnitned and 'disinfeet.ed heiti
' Thiele. interestInit•"' , : .,. raliti. iotoasS: 'tlikOs the,firsit'step- f or• toolt .1-e,14.,tieff, to -id ..t..6 ,t1i,o-,,..ii.ieit,,-,iiiiiii.- tb ton tar;- -:. I- tarried-. about .audilie-'. to • itOs - .0 ra ugli't s, .: • Pot - eetilt,,,t11,td a Ile W.
,iV tlreatin.nkirl wki.107., teiiiiIng., ,..iir., ;iv,eril.• 'it 'ia- Sight, Wh.leh. eeete• tar.. he. T.h.p ..tion.t.h.v,..ost .•.*.indr--•-•biew, in,•getialte., Ward 'the hOinie,' '.1 iihottad-..a14,4111- ;44 ''.-0.. 4 • '4' :'it'r 1,1'''''.• 1')...n.,OO,' " :rf•Ovida '
„...„.,, , .r.,„: mitntt.kii.itiiiikii..... :ii.Eirete,h-or.,..it.,601,8_,,.....•Cohtlan wixtehile:Selly.1-,;,:t.tto-vi.34-4,,,00.0.44....., tao."''6,dtle' tilli.a-'n' 'T•cy.6,11:.t.'t6.'"L'h'f:64.(;r11-1114...i'le'''9v.,titAt"2:116;d', eth..:411'ln'till'o'-e4)6nolit;.'a 1.r4';:-.,.';'11.17.9:',7:11,1,::,,,i''.et,',ac:',1:TrT:,,?',.7.,16:11i1.'-iid,ian7:::Ii:,'1;:;1::L;
," • 1, :' ,.'elieep.",....tid: her 'geese will "generally,.60 l'ti'I'd dia. i'llYslcnl'n'Ye'.''' v•I'l°41; '
011." ' ti
flbo ; pogjite upon'. het, trousseau and Add,:•:"the -.'closed door,,, Seen.. hSychd, ilicf,' 66- oou raged'. ullfq , t„.}i14 '1'411.1).. began tey. irifc tOilf.tiwititiella:ndIloitsttefinteeiva., il•At„fitill•
. . • . . .. • . '•OvhileildsteiiiiCt'pen;•,
1 ealiugli, atedkingt. fa leaf her :and her ';;I'q' l'•"8. 1.niettilal 'tnt"III:n'i '.°°!1•14., nPt strangliagl"'ine,.. The 'lightning iiihntla• ',w1 ,)laatolt• h1 nilicilat,tin6ticton,6, d;.1.:6:116:6rneti.ttntevnLn to?.1.,;.•831;14:::e..111•:::::11:h14::(11:1.i::::::rt:i7::iti:,41616:11:0.
. to-day:SAO, rinon to-snot"Tew, ': . • '.,
• ,,, when ssite . lharrio6 si.i6 •,t,rias.i., have ...s.:)Acion.r. and points •to 'the path,.which in....tottent. blinding -me .find •elinoet ; .
, . 1 .
• .
htiaband. all their lives,. In Addition' °...f:'°` ' • . ''. ' '' ; : - .•'' ' •• • .ated the; .11.Orf4n.., ' The thittid" ' ' I..' ____•-.., . _ .• ,......• _ ...... . , .. . . . , • •
aho cri(5 at; 0;71m,ht,Pirtie6Ige;,(^101'Int". , , ' ,.'•,'Ald,dicted to t m;:ak.fri"ci•,,.',. , 1 .1:0111:1t:17711,311..nntilnig,19f.e44:1;h:df,i.'•:1111:,riltiiii31:.t.6otliirl• '',late,i'drea-,:'.21eatei.; and.iteard'' ;lie "A' onii-11!'etts9haileb:t'linhaegntionel,iedIt'ito..a.14.1::4talfieyF.i''1•141.!7:tio•et:il:i:h;j?It:'il..n?".1'1°.,:aiv.: ,
' as well. When Over. a • Voiing ;man' la,: •. l•urs'ell..gci . „ , -Y-r-.- -- 47- -., ---164'should..texch the (...lettlit-ititti,..-a-f-rehil,allt1;krt;.1hileltatglipilltd%n-4.,sa-W--: her-. bealitt•
network: iiimati " Rallib.Y•0 • and; • al'.'"!:rd I."
the, average life .,.f a toilw Y el g . 0? stumb.a int() the Waves beloW• I had rill
that •eountry 'giVed A youtig giri an .ap
. 0- .,,, ,-an,d abe.,, ... '•.. ' • - Ili , •,' itir,.. •' , • `.. Driver ;•"0.11.,.. Abotte. thirty ., ..YsarAi. given- , ',..- :hqjo.-: „ .' :.finding • • r
o • ..,..: ' iter'.; dieted,. by.f36-,:,, Her hands. layi.:„•c•ty...1KOO1),.:,tlitalting „ye:age's „Olean'..;•., (latite"r•-,,... .
bit.tidkititobje,iheile.,Eiiihoi4;,,ttik.titfo,,A..4.,.., ki.e.,,7 , , , ..,.., , : , .. ., „ •-• . ' . -, :, . ' • ''•' ' . ..;: : . i . • • . : 'he'r,IftealltIlIko (10.tV4rs,..';. tile •E•leyciTynt, :YOlq 0,itgg',bftii.3n n-1.id IlliTeRat ,tbi'lliwbe," '
•• , ,
"nifY an engageineat whieli ' rarely .iii••••' . I ,
liaaadagoi ,...7 Grae ou :.,. if .ioul. , 1,1aSsueddnOnly(.,I'int*eai.,1,3y 'rigmhutr:th;
11:.11.EJ, h*.:tsiet:ii, boon: .0e. fables,iia,avventy, .ei,. :fore they get, old , And ,3ou w 11 soon r '
doubt, she , bQatt, by", have ' the• pleasure ,' iii,1 seeing i;Otii.. -,
•brok.en.. ,..., : . . - . hive .thatight
446' 14'• ttlitgli.16°g.iiik' i 'I' ii'l ' shadows: ' . It . '..wi 4- idlinID hY -Sleep. befin•O death appetite& ' tisr6fitn c°01P.1111'
.:-.........,....-••4.i................t.,•'-t; • ihlag "q;Iiiii'd; latit 'longer than, that .., .hinine. Olt, the aide ;et the ,' read',
.,0.:,6,1,. Aoteonotoi.6,, :. , . tidier% .HWel, perhepa it Would, alto would he, criiel Ontingli' to ;refuge hal:, I. 'I'lit'f' f11.6' ''''*da'Pc'il'• 1'1' I15' 1)6eit°•t" • i' . A elieaP COinfar.77.7-f•t in 7-atin'ifriai;
,tt it did:6,,l,,t6itoto 6 cfromied. wayfatot? ,..:t!.1;..11e.O.W etit thadandlea• 1!Went, Out again
. Per antraiitinaidtti et Oatet lefilti•,t11,§4 the literal, ' 1 ..*:ic sl.tetve,t., b.ittli, It yen dan de ne better,
; to:tide, work or Abort, teleseapel tube...I.:to. T . .'•• .'M 0, N,i;si;11:::4f)ii. 'R.ir:i.140itr138: .4:4 ..1.1,6'11.• 'ay, :fp°,alptp...„;°a,f 'ot'.:41.:t.ci...:b°,,irt.r.'•'..,..,..:12:oil..iw6,e6,06:.1.,,°64.0,titilliti'aenttli..riti,e1Ont..v:Ilo-Tg :eiti.y, 81 0 '6gli l'il.tigl !iIii,etioiii4ty.it,jii.°.:::::1;': 0. Vet1.1; Ihd' ,eiii.,ii:11:1:01. _li, Le, ,iiii 'i.:f ,a Watering
t Ind r tny fa Shona.
i • , S.
-e attitehed 'to 'Oho tithe Or titriedblate Rend a Beal_ I. x e gno4ticiantticaccitev,‘dte ,F,;"icilie,ebOtten.i of'ii ten;L
g Costa ibree, cents ..4"' light,Iligg,ali...,, r'ev°, „ 4. ... I6*" of II Pi'llite":;Charniing, to -6.Waken" het .. :.;., : .
has,. lMe0 ltvent,44,. 0,rd6r-..- FO...,_._13°11a1:.-„•,.., ' Jitai.cheit tottagoi f rapned again..,Not• ' g
'.....0 harien titekettii .14iiidq,. q*-e',',en-d'.iit ;. '44.....ha ."-"A. '''iletiliaii.tel,-ilitittit4--'160.,;61-1. .16.1orilit:.$'''':I)tilttof-:Eil,t.:1,.4tiat:i.iii-".):),thi.'.11.0.41:::: ti.ilt :110' dit'•tit,iiii1.,*,..:.:1,t.11; ii.."' ittt;•:°.' ' ' . 1. ' ' '' '4 To et .the'' ineet Ott, et Alta !tatiiing; '
, •. , ., .. yeat'', we iiiti4t ptit .tbai niOet ..tritO.. it•
' .. *•". g • - .
, .
• biiataaa. fin _the wt.004. villa .itoltio.iir tiib: nritig:,,10. . - - . • • . - --, . . „Anal) and. Atitiiiiii iiireatilY --Th ' ''' • • •
i , , • ,,, '-Aik tor Minard II And oko.Do -othre, - .•.,itonifi -1 :temrtt-1, A,141.11.cf,"'•i`-'• ' - .::'
, . .
"'" '` • " '• ' r • 00 .•••••'!! - " Weinif "it 100141111.01821E121611110214-''''" ' , . .. .,. , , . , • 0! ' •• .
' '12421'4102i of $te' tot.. :tioli,ofio e so.. • , .,, o, ...• •
.iiieviitairnit SYRUP
Th. mina 11.111,res's Paeuldev
Jt 9mckty overcomes "Oohc,,
'diarrhoea; thank= and
• other like disorders.
The published_
• It-S611.6-gp' InCthu).nsticeu'raC°uHeldaINg "(•)*t'
' • !,' Ecietna '.1*.O.ka••Oin-On •lbyfbooy--
:)ii ainali•,'plimples .vith :i,vh.fte ifie.d.e.
- . At first.there *edilirist it .
te*. inbuilt tipota• . but it.
'quickly .1;0,60;4' Canting.
intense , itching eind'.dia=,
. toinfortv--*Ty .''el'Oth frig •
,•seeniad. to Aggravate the
: breaking otit.,•: d I eatild .
. . • .," 'hot Sleep well. (tilt' .
' 1-jA friend 'gave me a ', *intife Of
. CntictraH Soap and Ointment and
. on.or lining theft I, got: relief" ea par:: .)
Otani& :More; and; after tiiiing .tint
. 'cake of Soap end One box ,0(' Ofrif,
• nient.f Wag ,,tiettled,"" (Signed). Iviies:
Miiibille'Brett;Pti'llnitiiieWasliel .,
"Give thileina Soap, Orniment,and
Taletun, the care, of yotir. Spit, -
V.iiti ti'44 by ilikti, Ailde•ki;"trieese Zile,
Iteo, 344. AC PCtil 2C• W.,'Slonttifol/r :4,14 eVo'rs;.
1',.;',1', '5>.;;P234'• (lint-i4tit %:(11;14•)e. tarriiM'a,:,
alltb:—Ctititiii:A.S,;i0 ikiii:41i,i'vitiultit, '41 el,
sified Admthenum
g- kolas, marno' To Do ri.e.ipg Arm ilo
pso m ot awn tistet
:iv, „rani sem' May ,rusrsaro. ramps ps*.
'SUNS ter *sttsal4ALIL Niue,* Mill#60414/,8
steatite'. - •
nva • C.(lousvii. • nimo ?etre' eXIMrka"
,s'04rawrrza 'ruolc '
sea. IS: roue :11leadrip, True. Mrs,
• _
•teara,that IntyptaM, %bed on• tteet0114- •
place ..tbOr Inia4 NM: o
..„ ' •
Who etaildleTnr eStiMate t1;4'henti,„,;',
aches, the slifferingS, 'the ,preinatUrCo-
deaths, Caused ,by. debt! . ' • • • •
•Marderer. Jove, . "the ,onuae: •'
4poy 4Qpi:es, the monater
life; intend ed, to be beau tifat.' and _",talt
'of preiniee,,,
;Maas of Men and Wc';men and, 'fat" -e01.114!;.
leen- : ". ° • "• •
, •
' 'The Rueslan Press', •
•The Rustilati People that
readable:and interesting, newspaper, -
In their languag.e. liave".ceased ti exist,
All. theY, have ' fa', an , "elaberate
chlncry fpr spoiling • paper." An•••ob.•
AerVer."1,n :Russia Writes that. andel; .
the Present government . the.inewn-"„,
"Papers are rtierely, the Mouthpieces 9f
a small deepatic group; „.the really 'able ,
SatirnaliSts have•given up' their profes-
Sion, and the run,ef .printed mat-.
terIS little".more:. than a lot of color-
'Prepaganda Before ',the. reioln-•
tion the „Moscow, :Ruskoije had,:
clreulatien of Mote than
.to -day the .cOrnbined •circulation Of all
tho. soviet press' la no --.Mare than that;..:
• M ard's kills •the
inflammation, disinfects
and relieves.
y `‘13ayee' and Insist!
• I
Unless you peethe ;Elaine ,"Bayer" On
.padkage'er On•. tablets .yen..are net. get,
ting the, genuine BaYer,product proVed, .
physicians over .twenty4hree, years for
coida .• •, • Readache ; -•• •
,,,Tnothttehe• .•• Lambe&
. 'Pain, Pain . •
'...ACcetit.' "Bayer Tablets Aspirin"
only,• unlitokea •.package
iain prefierf-direetioniti.HandY;;bOxes.'
--of -,tvielietablotaxiost•few. cents- Dreg, • .
gists aloe .sell 'bottles of 24 Rad" 100: .e
• Aspitia • la the' 'trade, mark' (registered • .,
• in 'Canada) of 'Bayer •Mantifactiire" of ''„; •
ticacides ter,. •
While it."! is well known that :Aspirin
••rnearia ',Bayer . Manufacture, • .te
the public against imitations', the Teti,"
lets, of Beyer,COMPaity..will '
ed with . their general, trade, mark, • tbe.T.' •
-93-a yer aCre-Sii:'17-7 •
, 114 N
Wiil Be Interested -in Mrs. Thomp.•
son's Recovery by We of Lydia
,t Winnipeg,. Man.- "„I,ydin E. Pink-.
hind's, Vegetable • Ccinipound'' has done: •
me geed in every way. 1 Was very
• weak •and run=down arid had dertain,
' troubles tlrat yotneti- of :my -age are
like& to -I -a -Val'. -.I-did fief Tike to go tet
•• the doctor so 1 took the Vegetable Com- 1
pound.andam stilllaking,it right „along.
racOtomend it to my friends and to any.,
one i f:now who ia
Mrs."; Ttiostrsog;
peg; Man:. • • • • • '
• •When Women who are 'between -the'
, ages of ,f orty-fi Ve and fifty-five are beset
with such annoying symptoms as ner-
lieat flashes, which produce headadhen,
dizilnens, or a fiCTIt3e Of thiffObilti0O.jby
141101114" take Lydia E. PAnkhara's Vega- • .
tableCompOund. It istspeeiallytdepted
.;,to. help :2frornen' through thiscrisisi•
ii.prepared f.rOta,rdots and herbs. and : •
• cOntaitis he hitiniful.drugs,Or ruireoties'.
• This fattensremedy? the?niediema
• ingredients of which ' are deriVed froin •
..roots and herbs?, has for fortv years .
‚proved ite velne.in such casea.. 'Women
eVeryWhere bear Willing testimony to
• the 'Wonderful virttie of Lydia E. Pbilc.
ham'S 'Vegetable Coinpound.
Wpnen WM stiffer shotild vreite th the
,OntitriO, 'for ix i•fiee -.1cpY Of" Lydia E:
Pinkhant's Pri mte • Text -nook Upon
."Ailtnenta.P.eetilia'r to WOmOrt.'? 0
'I 1
44. X