The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-10-25, Page 5• • THiA." LIIC .NQW',SENTINEEI.,, THURSDAY, Ocj B It 25th;, 1923 ; • r - �Y V •na .....MY•.. Automobile and 'ruck Manuructurers Ord, Oiltailo::: TO 414 CJ1W)1.111ORD DT.ALERti' Ootober,lith, 1943. • 4..e,�u.coo e.s.„r' ro W161l.N e.,c. L001. : '.•"i' • •!•f•°•••. . t n cu.I` nwh.mq••...i •ne e r-•• Cow.. u 4,4441 • .•n,•,r • • when this orgenination decided.” Septesibsr,20th, to bring out the Four -door Sedan and, redesigned Coupe models,w had on hand approximately h4600 Present:tqpebodice.., To:,aeoertsin bow the buving,publle would resat on•Ford:ear •;priced heretofore unprecedented, we reduced.eaoh olesed modal $100. in prior.. • 'the Cgu.pe,to $595.. the 'Sedan to X695. -beth P, O.B:ford. Ontario (Government Taxes yxtral ' •' • ' - :The response has' been such that. we have on hand,now only 696 :,• "of thele models to dispose of. This demand ie evidence that the olio a ,, du h . reciatbs•valuee and we take opportunity of thanking ygp,'and • through you. the .pub}io::in'rppreciation ot`their, action. ` ' .. . . ' le riew'ot,our .appreclation, and 'in order that you may play "• ,entirely fair•wlta the•Ford buying public, we think 1t advisable' to 'Inform Yon•. ;that at ,.the present rata it 1e' a matter of, days before all those 'job. will. be' completely disposed •of to 'dealers. In.any .ecent', we•will not •be able to •• ..:entertain -orders -from dialers onorafter-November lot.,, On that date, waWin .' aloes our books.4..W3 reserve the, right to•do:thie earlier.' ifene�eosary, If you have any orders you .Wish to deliver to. .the public. Pu o ''fibs '. November 1St. it win benecessary '.for you ',to plane them with tie before Novem::,;: •., A11 orders ehould,•therefore,;be taken byyou wit no b to deliver except as ,prior rior-orders' 'etmit b. , obligation . _ p, vie isust_proteot oureelvee in the same- way: +we.'can, deliver our orders placid with us only no pr or .orders permit' and as. hon ,as the above . -number of'care.laet,. long • ,as ;,2.101'.-14 • • Yoursvery .truly, "FORD IIOTon' C061PANY' OF. CAMADt, Limited' Sal es'' itanager... • The information m this letter'should known to every ' prospective Ford buyer. ' . ' It opens up • opportunity for the family without pp Y. •a• closed - car'' 'to get one at :;prices which will•�robabl ,y not 'be .as low again. This . is an opportunity for this:: man with a Large carto relieve the larger car and decrease its depreciation, especially during the coming' winter months.• FQRD MOTOR CC 1�1AIVY'' OF CANADA; i I1vIITED FORD, .ONTARIO N INCIDENT OF THE ROAD,. AS-�AI.I)jf3Y:ART,. Ai'ESLEY �' . A r r .. o d ,touring car belonging to {Mr Harvey D ` Damen of Walkerton, al sitar .and.. +_driven. -_. . .b: .L' anal Y e g. o owns came ' to" r' e ref ion the-: count' ,gy highway'' r, nen D u nk ld..about _,.., __� .. a .� nine;�_o_clock.�.on_ Monday, night; • It seems: •that a fresh load of "gravel had been de posited' on .p. lhe_-road-'-and-M'r�'�'Voi t; whe- anis- Onto it su d1". en in~ tri dark" d y e• struck• it in a.nantier that sent hie' ear, flop- ping ' cc$nipl.etely over. in the fashion of a hand -spring, `and after crushing 'the top. and *reeking the wind -shield c r' h otaande .on it ..heel :' 'a u W tx a.1 d sw sagan ern ' the road: Leon , ard,• who ,was- alone. .^� the car at th '•tune ` esca ed' with, a • . .Iwhtping more serious'than a badly; (.•rut .finger and a. sli'ght shaking up. As it was estimated; 'that $50 would it•e recitiir,ed t>4�';repair-"the daMagc� an:dy put 'the bus, in 'proper Crim, on the 1tighwuiy • again the Walkertorilan Peeled,.a, half' as' hundred front. hit wad and..pas'sed.:it..over.._as..a...thankoffe. ring that it Wasn't' hie' funeral "expenses it awns paying, 1 o-�. Two• Eaatnor Township ,'farmers !Who recently took .a bunch of cattle ;to Owers S'outid, were each `fined $5,00' end costs fol:'having been needlessly rctile1 to. two of the annuals;. It •ap-, pears that the -two •be'tists in question °tri ere very hard to awe; 'arid in order: to• triantife thein bags were tied aver:,; their eyes, When they arrived at the • ()Wen Sound Stock Yard they were lillnd. the• eves being like ball'' of dry Xood and itl►e;,,anlmos' heads •bemO y'�uch"°swollen, apparently Liven bent ng. The: two Inen 'nlea'ded net gtiiity, tit the' trial Magistrate found again-" Om' aid levied a fine'Of above, bt3re BEAR STOR`i' `FROM` ' BRUCE PENINSULA ' George McArthur, living two riules•' north... of,; Stokes Ba :shot . a , lar• e Y :.}Ilck tical `'la st 1?rida'y-ev'enrng''- Brunt `}lad' becn''roarnin about the vici 'it g n, Y for ome 'i s t me and had -been -seen -b ' Y Mrs, 'McArthur.:'Mr..McArthur. being ''Nay from home for some time,. bruin `'War gilts safe; `bili; `on'' Friday- `nl'i<`stcr of`"the house: cainbe home. and' being told :Of the bear's visits'decided 'that.he would; goAnd get�,him.. Shaul del°ink, hiS old gun, ,whichlhas,.the re- putation~ 'of never missing when iii Mr�'iVIcA �hxn .,. f n � sir s 1 a tlsr;'}rn'f�rncl�fzrYt}r=' die had hot °been gone lona before he carne on: b'ear:si ins ant, `hills .d u b i br P, logs torn "te pieces,: ,and :quite fresh; Mr; '.McArthue:as an Old; hunter and., knows bear ,.signs and bears •:better • than' nios•t tr est aiccoldrngly li'q :stnitf� ed' his quarry very' carefully. Moving forward very cautiously he was final= ly rewai'ded'.for 100'yards',aliead was • Mr.,--Bruin--.teal-ing;.a-.log.:to. Nieces.for• �- ants., :Mr, McAithur rained file teok 'careful' ,aud fired, The bullet took Hese:One() to be taken yery rnUch by, sOrprise and 'not kno.wing where the shot , came from the ,boar started straight for hint, ',rho hunter, think - gun which rolled.hruin 'up ih a 'heal, a• few .yards aWay. says Oa thhi dqd ,fire DEATH' DUE TO, ACCIDENT" fii•g r 0 ones. s.ur• whu'11M n' ,. e ui ed • J 3 it r in to th.. death •" Of Russell'-McK•r ' e,,. y,,;the ,five ar-' e old 'lie ` ill' ,y y, killed Goderich•a =fe+v :wee'ks�:a oa found that.th' •°ti'a .g, e g ed' was e y purely accidental,• -and that .. Mr; VJJ_lr1m111,--who----was--.dr-r-vlr�g the. .car, 'wee in no. way responsible,' F IiE;YCH WO KEN,, IN' „FRANCVE,,- 4I14f RRATS 1IatC following she 'war gf ;,1$70, France; :surprised 'the.„world by, the -celerity, Ain •, tinlct� :a.nc Mid•" off the heavy. $ S),X,' by ,, er#zaalny mThG 1.44 i ipc. 1V `• h '1kt,11%it t 1 7a V c «i1.M1+;4.`?' y.;,t` tltslrTustlti :pal the people, of P11.1.1CO rl'eely Iending�. thea sayltrgs: •�to the, government;,'; Before the outbreak 6f 'tile world' war; the people. of France had 'lent. :1'uany_._Inilhonsw'ta •the,,goverrinlent and- ,•ptople:of Russia 'This, unfortunately,; will be' all' l'os't-ecause of.--: -the slievikiA&ovettilxtent'ae refusal j jay or recognize ' debts Conti aete i . byl the'• ••forrner.governmeents; •Where do, ,the French pegple. get the •money ?• is: a natu.'ral question,,,It is :'partly •',answered : by the,f allowing account. of howsFrench_women save; • T'hese; of "course, are• hot_the. 'society m woen of ;Paris, of 'w+hom, 'we .hear, most, .but • the' wives `of, the -small. business' men, and' workers• of•.the. villages and farming districts; ',The article follows• ' • • .r While.,most nations are feeling pov. erty-stricken today, and, France -his, • her devastated regions to ,. point the. ',moral, of her' burdens, it is irnpossi•ble. ,not to he struck with the distribution. of . wealth'', in :France :which ',gives to, the -most. unlikely people the sugges='' .tion of being;'' "moneyed".:' The fact. "that there is no employment, that it art liffre'illrtib ger-a" typist or an ofllce-• boy today contrlbutessolnewhat to- wards' the:. idea of universal ,wealth. But it is'the iindividual instances that 'time `an'd again', gives the'ampl'ession '.of the immense: amount 'of: wealth which •makes. no show, in France but, •which, nevertheless • exists to carry on the, txadltion of the;;'basd'e lame"".. Particularly js: this,71. the case with. Frenchwomen,°; althoua"h there 'is n 'Married Women's Poverty Act to ad ;vertise their potential" wealth,'For'the Frenchwoman. is , as it were, the. re •,cetrtacle-not .the recipient-of•°weal th `'She- ,sets. .this' pace, does,;'''' area deal of • the hoarding,: adds• in innuin erable'sinall'•ways tto the••fami'ly Cap ital. The shale .old:, grandmothers who -do ;the odd jobs. ,jn , France, and well. till they- die ,' time and again leiive 'surprisingly large sums behind thCm :which;'in .its turn rs, gathered "un.by.'„ their heirs until ,their, turn 'conics to . hand it on intact '• In •the`,country ;Where a little 'piece. Of' land will supply, a.large '.part of ;the daily,:needs,, Flenchwonlen.ha'rdly+, ever spend anything: • They go about in the niost•anitient clothes::the'y'wear •sabots. which .never :wear out; their gala attire is ,only. :brought:•out'• at long' .intervals; they walk 'miles to save a: 'few halfpence,'' and ,they give then own labour unsparingly rather` thin' spend money• upon any ,rather ,which might save it: There :is- -none of the '"ostentation, which in other countries • makes ; it necessary ,for the nerson'tvho has;''.money,`to let. others know that she has: it.. The • extrava-' Bance. of the ..peasant .lies perhaps in two domestic details—the thick walls of the 'house and the .vast "accumula • tion of • .house and '"body linen,' For- eig.ners have •coMplained of"• extrava-' 'fiance 'in building the new '.houses in. the tdevastated• .r,egibns'.,4s:.a .matter of` fact :they.. ,are-.notv.;._at:.:all-eyents�, 5u17t practically according to. the spe- , cifications`• of .,the destroyed.,house,' and" this with an, exactitude:Which' is sometimes , embarrassing. in • the; town the conservation of n'oney takes' a different form. For one thing. Iv;omen' work:•"perhaps to , much area. ter extent than in England.: T}ia't !s toys'' tl'te• casual and' d'ontes tic +t omzn' ++arks: She works perhaps all day:in a little• shop , Or if- her hu5- in._1rommng_as.•we11..or does, cleaning' or. machining; or chair -mending or matt rens picking, She •does :this, even, if 'he' is. earning' good wages,and, she often dues it toe' moment she can `leave the Children -in a 'creche or at a neigh 'bon's or during, their: school: `hours. In' the majority of cases he' money is :not' regarded at.''an: addition. to •the .fan• my ;money, � except '• m the':' dense that: it is put ' by, to swell•'the famih a iia} h' Zi. �,-5 e alro:�:ldoes:�ltot. dress; °�:x sept upon occasion,' She wears ho - hat; t, • band is a ,workman she perhaps takes her: shoes-Lir/6'0f :'cheap 'felt;, he dr•ess. is' a l b ick• thaw `an dingyda:' overall.' es' a•11' • It: is. possible.s h'. , athe t encs 1• tFrench, a a xf rit1tatiiSn*for:dress'ma_..' re t to some o e xtent eras :u on thehabit. `' b1� na t of o�l` d • . Y dress- ng�for a_speclaL_occaslon,=.-) urther when she' has n onev, she• does not ease to work., A 'cleaner' in a hospital, The evidence in the case gives :a i ' cod`illustration .as7fo'''how • g _ _ a. child_ :.• 't nherited 5, 000 fr�_ancs a.wvearr:not very._, lona ago a sunt ''inherent .rn France "rnny act when'in- danger on;the street, • o permit''of -•a- little, establisrnent. in. and is worth producing: he• country. She did not at oncegive The. evidence of Mr. Winn -all; which • .c+yond divulging it, which was- rather was .su'bstantiated,•by a number of the, b p her Work Work. was `very ardnous; he did not.even�eelebrate. the. event, other witness: called," was to the of G t.eC•i',liYt RuSse1 ifnd"lila sist"ei e 414, } ` d ware `playing .:im the middle" of the ,. (r road with a tricycle, yhen•;he turned a ori' Br,.tarinia road.going:-south'. on •c Cameron, street on, the afternoon of .6 taie accident,', The 'children,;' hearing „w then llo:rn: blown ralr:' •off .-tbae''road, 'fa Mary`to- the right; Russel to the left, b ,taking• his "tricycle with hinf; where he Stoodtunti1 the Farr was ;about fif- s _teen feet from:.:hiiitat...which.,.tlme:•he i rrttle .ad if, t'6 riTiiiiCtdss to the 'righ`t• • of the road without his tricycle;. 'Mr: Winmill"instantlys'werved, to the lett to' -go behind hiin, ._bi{t. •Russel, when only about • half way across, turned back `again to' the left handl side of the road 'direet1y in the path 'of the .`ar, which `struck, him, inflict 'iiia; in't nal. 'injllri,es Which subse-, tirientiy , roved fatal,. -=—� o • • Doctor: One' who. needs patients to Wait on and one Who needs, iiatienee to waat.•on his,.ila +, - �,.: . There's no need 'to 'worry about the daughter if she.iisn't too dignified to . sit 'on dad's. lap,. xtreme fol. 'a Frenchwoman- She , ei:t on"'iv:i,th her"world; until tie' veirV ay when; she left the city for the. tile• house:and;land-Which• she, bb"' ht' ftei mature.. consideration in (the ountry. 'Established in the country;-. ho took •..in, •ironing, trade: ,bead• 1•eaths for•.the cemeteries, sold. the egetables' gl o� ria: ins the: garden, kept wit and and' it dew and' si ent no money' eyond the initial outlay,, !*vera a hong the'' enormous class nialit offica'1s in' F'l`ares' vast sums are saved'• The Fl ench love nothing" so much as•--an'Lothclal' job-with-th rc�ght- 1•ti•;'i small, pa,v upbtf w'hich4 they can ,•If , both. hu`.g�band and wife have an official. ,yob this• is bliss indeed. ;They,..sahside , at .;ones'' 'into., ovei-a11s- and put paper in . their kcollars ,and spend bathing',MVl'eantime the" capital increases regularity with, now and iaain, windfalls frons a lottery •or a' bet, For this is the,hum•an side of the woollen stocking.'. Half France lives' n..the hope` of whining a lottery; and half' France does a little betting on the. pari nn teul system, 'That . the • State runs., both ,is' recognition of a 't,7rt,nn weakness.•that itntakes :mon-, :I ey by it is` the official 'version, bf that .vexilness:itherYe is' also t"h "Heti take" to winch to look Forwart.. anfl which illuminates:, a very great deal''I drearyr • • 11 1 i • While in Montreal• • : ,: ..•: '. ti -' .::, y last week the for thus:, firm picked , • d r ,, . puk d up seine: won,. e ful values in High Class Clothing. . Consequently"we�are turning 'them'out'at m i s• S. much. lower piles.. Men do not want to pay. high prices for clotiirig to -day, yetthe • want.quality . "can givew.. ,Y .q Y ax c :,tyle.'. We . you both,; and the Prices' are not exeessiVe. r All are Quality Coats of exclusive cut and superb Tailoring, ..:. .. , Pe zing, Coats that any man Rrill' be�. proud to •wear. 5.00 .,. $, to 35.00 ' • F�urnlshin s TIFFS; COLLARS SHIRTS GLOVES . UNDERWEAR ' HOSIERY SWEATERS CAPS;`' HATS OVERCOATS and'SUITS This. Store :for 30 .year's has .-h ld a reputation for lxalitprice q and wear Y e:: c se and to nona�'• This long :experience. • is shown; in the big rssortment: we' are showin to-day. You're sure of getting' top value,for your money and of pleasing the boys as well. tri s Your. 'Boy with Yo °Xlinas` Steamer.'' Tickets To TIS Old. !Land' Now .on' Sale IPLE bowing: New Winter Coats at io crate Prices FLIVVERS', mhe-_peopie rho -r ids infilie=ilivvers from:' trouble and worry seem free; they junket' along by the rivers, 'they teeter along by ;the , sea; they, stop when, they're thoroughly shaken, they put up' their tent in ;a grove; and :cook sundry "rashers of bacon 'upon. a 'col-, la mi'b __ _ ov ��.. le• st, ,e, Thy^always are _)ok, ing and chaffiing, though covered with 'road dust` and grime, they always are BIG' DARN BURNED 'NEAR FORMOSA. • The fine large ''barn -0h the. farm •of Philip ,'Montag, on the '14th, 'con: of Cuirass, .about two miles .from For m'osa, was '• 'totally, destroyed , by fire Which broke ,out about 3.30 o'clock on Qct,. _18;_:.'It seenis..that",Mr; :'.Montag had a gasolipe tractor in the building 151rntahing the power for grain chop joshing and laughing and having a'_ Sing;operations: that: -.were. going -Oa bully' good time, , The . people; in sump- • when• a: spark from the exhaust of the •tuous .coaches are =neVerso :gay. as ;engine; whieh.baek-fired, •ignited Colne they''` ride;. whenever• a rand car a r , g P sti~aw":nearby and - soon. the place' was proaches I look for some soreheads .. -in 'flames. By herculean efforts -Mr. Imide.: Oppressed" by their s•opulent ' Montag::and his" sons. were able to get, splendor add bored by the sameness 'all the'live,stock mit • o'the‘ building, of days; they( haven't the spirit: to' with the -exception •of about five call-• ender an anthem. of ;pleasure` and', • P >a ves and fifty, hsps which went burned 1 also ., .he..:ve iaehes_an .11e1r.31ea3•t .. . -. .. ..p to 3'. .d eat All the -season's ,1 and thelr.livers• th v : 1 „ , , ey „e pa ns In Lhe1r- duding,;about-. 4;000-�bnshels-ot-grsim blue=bio' d , b oo ed toes they look w h. is• 'With d as'•; 11 . h Y w � iota a �. d stro ed. A r. •, Y i s ad)O1nilig • ust.`on • h. flivv . e to erathat''�orne in g.st w=ah journey , Y }•a ed and pig -pen .were alga Cho -eh 1 sono . t.. a oa n s u ha ' ire ;� ss. g PP ut. b : tlr fl ,.... � . e ''meal A 8- 1l=w ,.. sled:: .goes ?wit the h busses .all rust and .gY . was ••blowing -in .the•' direction of 'the• batte 'red• w`th ca s mos ._o s r .and... f the ouse_ .,h and_dnui .vs ., l � ,�, ng tied,. -the -roots -•of - soul -weary cusses; are riding. in sump, J tuousr cars The air of the •count -, • side uivers =with-lau titer --a in -and--'- g e'a rad 1 e•,,.w. o, e, n the: , 'flivvers are :Making their camp in the .' glen., —.Walt ;Mason; both theae.structurea were reputed ly ignited by, 'sparks, but the 'neigh burs, who-'-turned-+out--t fire,:•fOrmed,themselves into: s bucket brigade, ' and- kV ' flooding the roofs ' wrath' Water, succeeded in 'saving the° fine Biome : alid shed, The barn, Which , was 60x84, ft;, was .one of'•the largest structures of its kind'in that, section.. - ,of the°coilii$iry Tlie�`loss i"s=estit5ated�F � • cat ,000.' There was U2,800 nsur� .: •' ranee oh'the.barn and $2,000 on'the, ' ;. „contents,.:both.,itn'-the':;Formosa'-Mut• --o o -o A qyo ng hap....couer at '1lildma _Y u .t.. wishing to get some easy -money, is ,Said tO-• have• entered' the'•'small 'coni"• vent.oceur ied by two mins while "they were at church, and got' away with a ''hall .sum+, He was placed •underM-' rest: and.. was., to appealre: Bef'or'e. Mag_-' • BUSINESS COLLEGH Stratford, Ont.' . Voinen for Business .which sion: We assiet graduates' to. tlear trairdng which enables departments. ' cLac an. Principal, • ;,der Pr - 0 perty owner:9 � f the' :villin e' of ' !Brussels• voted last';Week on a by-la'w, authorizing .the installation' of Hydro Electric service. 2391 votes were cast .t • and, of these onl • 9 were *gall* ainat the Y . g project. Brussels_ ,liArather. unfavor-'--. .ably," located -for hydro sesvice a :fact``" w is h h accounts for: the •long delay'' in ; • , having it installed. The rate oo� ,, .. t .will coni visa =� n e t' .fialr;'`"but"- tir`dalt)itless:. will' be aA neat'.' R . imnrpVement on' -;the '' r. v went system, about iinai fon* ,leo. traits- liood .10toclo • Tomei" tnin bolo. coal-invens fuel. lei, ono of ',the best itioOey-snakers I know' of and ,Caot riceminend 'it *lobo tie.* Profitable ailution ,your'' fuel wortiis. Othello' n'heet toil* in .idieD4 iiit 414