The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-10-18, Page 6T7—'"---- . . . . . . ----- W W, , 311 d 1h ore 77 b wa AL a pons"Or ta". th 4 be Vim *UJ 1�LP4,1QoP - L,E� '�the , Open' at, the; shoulder sea h I elct'jii,! WELS 0 TH R, E E' �"NT e T 1i p a vatHd They;'111 xa tly th 1b :fin 7 11 pTqforred the 7, -MAY d,, ith Affer "T. t s, 'At th J AN:­ TimA shqql#pr� *A4� I .,�b a. L ------- P, One: of IPP�'Imo;��,r reniarkplblo.,Ji �#40 :A:fla'p th'ALt fastq4g With snaP' BY"' � OHN-PVCH tt.:N ppgp "I ;. �� �, -:­.­.;..­ h"' �.o use r9W AD, -as len I Ax -re, am T19140d Thom, t, 'B;..IlbrLam.,_... Vi vpaAot, in your, '.For all i4 Isk t . N o, v the L I I Pill% G L CHAP C 994 and: 99nsj)�t ce to uad in, any o;� the, .6; ;;4ro hatch, 'T x 1_4� "or -Z 94, F9 A _V olt tbeyirQ b t, tell Y at m vv X ."U'U10 lit' h 411� -4 � S""dift 'Utrthe thir4 :PrPttYJliiserh ntrl�j lioidorin& on 4le.Atlant;o Vpoo4n, an, 7 e Pat was 10uriout the situat d ih r the, e. I#, qrS.", 40ohes ih 1 iak, , b Sias, all?, dBaltic. �Vd the M 1!That!6 about, f 9� blood. to'. get -freiiih h -he said. was Ito Ejz,6� tig Ml, SO, or 914ato'nqur -the. BAmp qg;on QaIIY h Y thAt to 'ka� Wr011g� in 9QMParing� � er to Mpssalina�.. uin' rom 7P013, r: QUafity', F14vorind road and Jr, looks, A long P, th the-femaleii, got frqsh,-wgteil,, gtilpani N, �'complicated Sh' K'be.toa late for -dash6d the, Sedlid _e theJain Y Packu� ,a �,are got otamy ma -thaViiabou" eg�Latay, -.1 Ln. 0, .371448, the Pr-OPUPt': and� .1, M t-Alid'med _hJ6W_1t11d14AVii- '7 -Itbl. Ilk' -that ;whaCAif� him As�-saik�ez- and-fineii- mr.-pe _KKM And p -J, le i r -, e -.ma ---You, sA�;,84 L'� .jor;'statt_f6r' M��6 J VStL because , I, of_b.ad� IuCkthA -ev,&�h 0 a.,rt�,. d an -many-a- "c M f, SO`- __CW -in' sliW-,We, ohn=S4 rf` . 'Ltet; Streams's xu. our,., re$4, w� ta�,ed in, Ili "41. e,I.gOilie8t­ifi lit' of -seeing', th tll'� ` It know,'! I -iaid. told hei� thif ca g 'of t ig" I e: oa - mater. ­Tlie jat-d y. t oreg'6 a ifes- lin I 't pur ago Tpalgll,: W ell -1, ta a P' q MoiLp an c =7:� l4dd Ili pq'cket picked h.. I L , '0 �'MOTHRRI­ to the., gecorid� thL4h any 9 r., an It., -%:. -iny d -hufidll�d& of f I eetubo.Ve the) opean� level., :bY Ji rattlell�they had -had -sdvh a time' eyqr,achievl�d.. 'It;% MAPO'�*�A ' " b e� e t VI�L, C Allp. I! an V 111g., ;in I. �eell i had been lookiligIl. fb�':ono.., % OnCe-14- heir, n:yPJ,nie,.:gR bAgIc own'' r 'gr9wi w. C ISU: .4,1i e sea:. d th�i d me ^n , IT f6i 1he rest to I thLo.i r no AIIV i '* ' ' ' ` MesoLp&ani11a,1it I� There tip -Aulit, At " ' .% : . , &olng to QO,,P,-,.YP Page dibu, I I old" 116ad said. I; or,.e Y slidWh- A deptlis 6- r y as , : , - -, L Y� "Wil"re' ilb t nowsl Ahe - i"Oh :ihother andy 4 k d days.!?, . , h4r -t- .­ d i -s hav' e . ..... . I., � I' L ; L L I "Geri-ha'Ity,s simplicity', I, e%heen call - niece a 8 PP sounded in' the hall., that of t e celled f about' '5QO r g 4 Presumably -for th6y,' u e� ale, nver, 'er: 'baclk. and he JIV know4,to dbillp, egotism'and the., pride 1 said he had. a �u mania and ng is right, 'The parlor. "Be thant Caflisd sayf fathoms 'ail. neurotic, not the primiti j, the orange, crop e. It i7s in Pve gAlo just seen E er, a s ab d slip- n yearst S ee , I . . . I I I iV CL te h by' 'IlA belove est. in' te 'th B "Th It tl Yorms hatched,fro;21 eat -round our passports." a ras o er a able, to,.Pay' everything�. on her ey re In L the fire 11 said. q4ne Help Voict of''the:man, in- the Bible: that, Waxed, f: t C6 ifure or ob and kicked. - But iII6 resqlk ve y-'- little like eels' as W6, r4 ans. are the arbun riltht -ones will Photogr4ph Is' receiving the attenll. daughter's galowl A' n �able� i4annerp ad the ReediA little b6y, me. S 6 wants to destiok hnd simp� J, nP me BIO. g.' to hfO 't1oll ci�"ddctors� gp,,.a, meat w mnsparent;, r1b. bn4kke 'or -but nothing ever, -is ie,one�who. Was bitten 4.y the. iilattler' is - of eiirly. 'T "b ---Y;: but it isn't the' s'implifying* of the . ..... Ilpok',and; other , dIg' crea, u he t ragic L't I'll read 'Sandy broke eyes. bright -with diagnois of Sma t res;, only. a. -little. over a quar or !as this last, mentioned Which is of the spirit, but the! excitemenC _. In. eaget�ilnvolvl f -'long;. they atirt it'rash. - Well on, oir urther?,, 1�yerqile, u r'tha interrupted her ng 0 'all look. 41YAP19it'k,of the Own madman that trindg,j "The greit. WePre PhotogrAphs'of obildren hav'' sh ]Ong 7.111, tOWA 'coastg-." racani �Otoo, to :hear 1 Aunt -down all the contfiva t hills rd 'the-dist"i ncee Of 6,iviliza- to Erzerum.- Don't ybu se6 thati skinpioifiatic r devel- b mar e Ing to do the plli� ng�� itterr tllpoe, young 0 meas es, a6b, Fout mot�er during thispar Maildy.. 1. h tion to a featureless monotoriy The you, khow.il prophet want;s'to' the Germans Are. jilaying th oping-und-ei- t� e'.skin, d�wys'.bofore. it gil"tially, efiaogQ,r becoming rolliMer y re -'sien ing Phase'd the save the, souls Q i card? ' The eir big' gtwing� p4tos" p f is the . I ind��:l -like, In Shape, but 0 must, bear �Axltt. Mandyls-6' eoplp; Germany wants 'to. rlif� the nt d' ble tO:'Jh3 oye, Yes ghadow�d. She Mantle to. the p6i _6f nger in the aI,her diild�-�mother'wh tell some oneabout that 'good Y 0 jr IS adviince ly tratippAretit. untif,',th'y Of 'daughtbllii d nteni On m6Iiilhg:-neiir L . . ri ' ' d*.,. B�ut"hope.' e ina ' to of -the wori "VI hirie be il'able to tell in did'oo want to' 71. T is I fo gillk_ 11IMa L corpse that his Coming Will 'rally thc� 'brackii§h­ wa isco hami, prin (voile, a You� can get the same language to 1 Turkis P.hotogfaph y" _t ai-i-chl' by "Meaft4,_of. -defe6i2e;­ -other cotton cover both.' And are, 'J 44 )land afid of 'fAinil?'a T- -'dinnbr� 'She Things -begin- ry 31 e Maybe "at nd h' or er, 'when Ment of 0 nl:ng for �measles g-00 a no- I ;Voille...", The'. al ome�. ark am ning to move,' n 'color.. ­ hs 'I h cove in Dick, old man No more eel er? tuted the wh 'so you have the'part- sit on the oth d ron *ore' sicke t( "Y nership of,8C Francis a" Mesalina, a London' 0 her. 11, 5 e lei eels or us prketit oner.., thrftyearsi o, effect thii A—, s e Dick,, dir j kicking the h Ws're onwith thin-lipped aftd ing to wrist .�oir elbow t d you 'ever heai' a thi tip going -complete"tranofohftt4on froili the egg. ion, -her, fo6t- Ou came' shie be- a cut fin '4 �Sizes- ng to be� In to'the nebk, and' He Thig'I ethod e_.va1'ua`bIe in VC dkerminat Wheiii th e'r The . of aVen b 6 dii)n h Pat ilir I I litits r �.6,', cLalled 'the.. Silperlhan s4buld cases.' *, L I- -' - ' -to Topple. J3 contact 0 0. 'A 10- "Th' '[me when ihe:pap6rs- now for 've a' -lot to'46; Au i4v6ir 'With knoWn. c' European, a. ecls 'the besf man., -and 12'. yea 8; 10 gan'during-the, first pause: "'I ha4 a year -size, 4 ' ere was a V has filways Weno - m0ft be. off smallpox o eel. In that' time �Orn "' f the good reOts�" or "When from Callista :Adam' 6 -day. ds of 27�-inch mateiiA I ages. could,be. --,have Journeyed k. fQr,yofir ph letter! requires VA yar were full'of rfothing elge,�' I"answervd- We ;�6et :s6inpltiM& i0on in t( ' p She' For collar and etift "I'ghther it w the hills." 'graphed -bei uartet, of 'th * vay-nilOU14 ill werld IUU 9 oo nice -for your horhe::o�'!", a. the on who -lives down. in, Flor- of' contrastin asinvented. b sports -1 � Blenkir6n -still lo ore 'ahy ash develops, 0 -e i Y 4. Yard is� m'anL called Nietzsche." outer'skin. lUthe . camera. e deep,::tQ' th oked uzzled, till I''the, are A -pity be� ida She told..abo told him the reveal f roffi, their; cradle', in UtL a. little b ired i e Juliels- giy'-v oy-" to "Maybe," -said Sr. story of that hightfs. dq� or tip int they lead �Pttera ma �dre'n* on ings.* A��he liste �O 'ilip d1s;eas th" Y coild li�� r, Nile !to, disagreements and oice inie'r�upted , her: iled any .�411 Sdfid "Old Nieti QXn,. th e �Illqutlh,,of:thp ve Q the. e �On IOU W to 'Isolatl6w'. iefore the e1ni th of time are.. som ime� y! Ethel, they r Or stamps, bYi.of-rubbish-he-'Would Ale.,rather-than­ -1-5ir-d-Isiance c that' et' neiell hBlL0Wthle, Aunt Mand iPt of' 15e, in silve at deklltion' went blit of his 4a* and hat rece h 'has been, blarned'for -a gre ned, all the satisfac- removed bi wesleyn. Baltic. 'For I b6i years e 73 West, acknowledge. Bltit 'f5fi-4�­,6hildish Air -of lipwilderment' Qa ri ged the wil, geous-sport si k at soft ng, Co., Ilif �.ctivej­ th Of th' "o t 'T 'a a critie-of the are �altq'gpth . Adeldide - Stre 6.lar�al in UOO e , -oronto.., Allow crept Ilgra 00 tolerakly:. ermany.- el er per's. I'm '0�ild to'have,one." two new, fatted G It's a �fancyj q4e , , �' " , I I go,tbr Aunt1fandy Waited. Presently she weeks :for receipt of "Patter type WhIch �6ul ts,notfo to 'corhplain;.forJt!s ough it r me it's just! d, never really -exist,, Beity"s Spe, 1! 16 I e m againo - o ine o o.ur T.- The swarmp of .."elvqrs or youns �an OU Father77',71pW cio,you speII:-rat' e.el"s,'that, reach the shores of Europc et Henry: -any in e than the Economic Man Of reckon therel t b' ? :and se trie in -the straight I` f hqol�,,day squabbles dooty,,.but. oking at Or , . 1 says t eyi;yehad ihe'fine orange, going' 6 e big trouble', caravAll. years po o P, Litt! e,Betty-"R-A T.,l d' tgrown, p6tti6ats.1 Shdlll'g lista h A6s'in Auiu" th liticians.,* -Mankind Ila a sense trouble ali'sad:of thiss r wed -free .,ten 'and �,theym�7 I�dle_*oo' d, are much�''greatdr. th". those "of thle"; tha:t, , and 'b "'Yes. A "'' " : L a WXisgot to' ow. ButJ mouse merlQa.a�lspec es, add't 1i r discontentand,her fault- "Why, l6nd Me, L priiYj' Thel;e never has'been-, and'thnd that'll �atchiilg Of So. dau*ghte 'is 'allo "spindle-wo6d will of hZok whfch, st6ps short of -the- final i. Me Aunt Mandy!" "You absurdity. K aYou ipeii ne, not'considera nit "Of -course I ch A littlb. flamin there never could uperma w-9 _ - Jr, , . 'Sir;. i-oj Ilk Ing. Honry replied heiartily.' -be real S ble pc�ptrd Ili% father! You spell -I ."Berthai g1anteim, to"gul4e, me. on at 'the &o§pect1P tlfeso.i�r food' Is; qdite �q lndu� e Jusf h� gains way," oi0y y way "Th4 Woman letters."-' n -so am h;? 6 t -a' 116'wLs" her', f e, 61 w Om You suppose, ther might be,, a, Super- "Ok ill ifttl' h ti� E - " ' gs, lto� h do met to -day? ' WI e- t is reason, e uropean .,scien. a a T me. Into,' fi ts., We!r6 u p9me acerated.' "06r daughtek is Tom H said. have' b all!" he fairles all It va son, MOB e ave filshed fro ',in the "You'll get'into. troub e; my 'lad if P active_� ft.di§cdverfng lin9t it this timb-all e.StL -Mandy began, Qain when You talk like that'?, 1, sa-id."- right. `All- thb­ ed of'ligli' M' ofher�.D ag.ie Sli an -the glen� ilelife hisiry- range. fis -would. fain e ili'dgine the '01" to th6 :sport lid same d we're *to be. let into ib vas ness daughter;. She EthelL was done'talkiag abd�i the 'A Pill gla oes, over ki o see Ing till:. I if lid, rue all the,shM6. Women:JI4'Ve. real. star &Yi, and demands 'new tui�iljsbifi ilks. - 'fYou'd%ougght'to bear Callista's olice �Aga 4. minut got t rilous, tropolitan' pertormance. erary Assiotande eness 9.0 logic' which -'e never 1 didWt,reli SA ti -ked �gtoutly,'."whej'6 at'r'l b -touring.the ma�. PLP see jOke of life-Aike,.the ordi in 3." NOOICS SO- earance. I n , :the 4iff'drent parts a�b ter clotheg;_ letfter," she ilemai no�r 'lan'tern th- d ave� �and some bf the best of Ahem piovince8 ,. all the idea Of repared p I for . -every - oc�a�sjon 31siorial".'ror an lu"91119, 11 lz6;, shape listens 'ad interested-, ear a. light,: addre�ides; lectures, inernortal on) tells r about, e Reeds" 'little �boy_- t . the guess. t at's- correct.*-. But I �6uld gS on "Any Of t4 &iiapailletical Ethelnodd6d pleasaitlY. ,Som4time o� find nary mn., Th6y can' be' -far grciate e sea,'and Ybu� can- appreciale t tat hat is lr�e, n dden�- Pathway' '.In the r -the -good God �,woUld..'See:'fit ticulars upon �drkne`gs :p . f th 'can O� raight to,,to �t Ite that, JOV61 9NAL' PRESS th expcdJt�Jou'outA1ed by wish that I XT E R NA TJ Oeiik, Blitt youteei us *hen I Aave ae*'niinut6i untie'," - 'f Denmar I have, been so e night than. men or t4�y CLIPPINQ� 'SgRVJcE.,L Dip L 1. -to 'Himself. ueb6c.' Quo. -and-h de -by,Dr. J a t C.. ck eeh so e neN�er w w d' Ash-rba 'a -'h n IlA difficult In e'tin,g L'h S t-pp'l i and, father has Ways b 'driven :shb:��aid. lighti the'lleart of thing&. ".yher She'sAod-mbeh fo ]a , dy, ea rolin, ch ilildt-had, N-4- i v_ -- T�)nn r : ' ' "' nt s Arse, t 0- -111e. wnen--snejhVlteS US give. vOM tl�e I . �h a'rnafi.-§o nea the q. . r aAui&t­ma Y money. After',�;dinn _O f n raw-merAt--yo Are B T -1 Ti lo b ore go Ift -on -a n d Plapel� of ��threge -tcrea�tures. -Aud' the nk too -they* can -be in Bjulb6 Wriffoney ��gefl new fin slowly.back to her' i0orii. rnishings Th6r was e, ei bing that t k- -the, jigound�floor- I f�.el% I e p' " 'd . y6ti wi. dull intire damria Y L.don? I I , I v ike Id' 9' the,\ ator' the!' roof change as no. cons, - atly In -one d 1'h her� 1e r row e . Wn a gender, branch of ever wa� eeched, for the t: atop linve a beatititul WIjial, �Garderi in the depth �'oi r6aiiii, eit'he 'th6"'tab1 rovi ed ble'thoin ahyt prom 'br to,, e takd"-all ib c0e.,of t hile you was orili 'hill, a letter it you edul ruSset-golddli ieyi �Stili �6w an&then' and latir thdra ardbii.? r, for e dn't �Vlnter nall cost. swe al Collectio 7, Beau- :th,6,, gh at t c"u are it tKul -"Sorted Bulbs, - Postpaid, 50q. fu %vown larva Luru, o ah e ver nd may all pqlves'. There. is no- Superman. t'-, the. i noinei, With s6me,'one I of Pilryla gat� eXIngL UP; lectl0u- 15c. selected Bu1b8 �p . putpaid. p,,, f6rin," they bie6o' the. houpp'. does need fi She u big The Pooil.bldAo ke S-th 't fancy them-, CH PT,,ER �XVI St. p ea�g�rl a brown- A snialier lwljt sb You a in larger Y; Illuotrawd' III R an, do- with I eyed girl -was: smiling, atr -her , roin n aglekeya Will THE' jQ, E. 8 1§ H 0 P Seedsmen JIL That, - 0 -thing but"yptif �ATY 0. roorr. 'If � 76U �wl the,, A �EjZgQ Ck AVANSERAL, ee what You f belVeS in Part. are� -either, crack-, rained �h r feasors who - c Ader I? - iiva'��Aako'me-pasf, P re-ent work of Oorw4y, ,and t gay. voice ingr Va tile them: t dl a� Stulda 13016villo, Orit.' Persia or briAlink Sol_' an Te fiours each day dur ca eallingi Ited in. a's d. Y SchoolLclas's AYs ater,Jn,:t catching - And 'c on 9 IrS We harting'tht� rug ons in Mandy �rie4 -along our "Margie Bralitt" Aunt' With came to Angollgi,, �he first stage Which th"O vri, ous sizes Ate lo u n d tile )n ina Pint-pot-heiids who imagii y have the rqt of Your,t ne Journey". -L 'that 'the-,gho6ting,6f 4 �Duc,d!Engiein earn money for new 'fu eagerly,; 'l!Iive_, just 'got a,l6Wr.' t oca ed% tile snialleg-t iture: jr6m bear will fin a comfort ln� the made ',a -Napoleon. But there' Thi Ur U410 Oj the is 'a e passports "had' arilivdd -next, foriiis- in the sbuth -n lorida orning, as, J rau, von, L, that finigI-6d,- we'll See inlit * Li I Ierr' n'a Eineni 'had Callista Adams d6mFn, in 'F uperwoman,-'and IWfj.c�n. do for the parlor f f me's '1111da want hea O_ it, I . - - . 1� - and.ofiiyth,er6.' L 'I ' von' inem.11 " L I an of: our every We E )romised,'and *iLth.them-a'pl you, rgie�respoindcq;. Iii.. lily ouat e. -.of the Companr 'Theie arq,-�,o of e-dis' Om' daug i .0 11 �thought ou� jc� wa key. -e - on Xq mor c*riticism"fr Ma �ush, holly -bush help she' is much too* busy. ' y : e ; r L her, ow it task groaned "and ions, Who spoke now Mlooks as if it little English' pvllic inhabit t1fe-countribs,bprdrliti. t was SPRING, CL6THE A of' is ll the the' hAdn' well stafted BuIlivant said'detailed to, accompany ug -,,a wige p'' fr6m�the: Qap6.,6f dood but otrh alins -Ito -,Sandwich plana� that all.we bad 6, caution' for q one, of I I - � SPINS..- L EDDY 9 in do- Was t6,find out, word lib. er and thb�L but, _,T no Us. had a ndg e -rivers of West Of t Iui*Pm�n HR$ t�of of-, �,u-rkish.-;. -peacif hous6wif ketftrl .9 beff eii- to �u-171Z-eirlfleie�'_ capable' ead in. -heard -nothing mot4e - -80b1h Ani6rica 6il our p e of 'trandS n ;hai. be-folind'a nuffib�� of for. yih time daughter e are. invariablY. to gold tBullivarit didill k -No ma� 1 our -Sand 'o spring clothes- J."Wo Rnows_�except -you- and- Me.r. -IrAell you Y__0r­GrLSiennjan is be-, -I' ese Or n a P tle- -the Jad Eddo ;1& miifiey7foir ew-furn 61 lild:n6t go a-vI iting� with on for: thlg�,, ins.. a�fe'- ge: handy 11 'the, a the' woman- has- immese V. We were meant- to y reag e a ac ing. knees t I exl- handS� ower. �he r n our own Y cen. route, that ng phrty. 'he;Jhat tlj�'o al.1f, in having Gernialisr have,trust jndtChe� 0110r 00 o fine. will be' the &d her i'th their Ie,;YoVn&,eeI1fIarvae would hixve to gayi trump.cail e I*ilwaY,-, to Afigoila ated: and ay. a irritioth and putty -her roukliflo6r, hs number ros� chains d, and she's go e: hid; th v. fow-,to, get t6the'se laiEt aThere's no'cri er varnl�hed ceaselessly, eries.'! sy. bright for allrahe is -worth. Ing to PI comfortable -German, Os a waters thatr aiie- Iry.la er-way..- PL gra sped h _Shii �bas, F"e4l through u! ro -things lvf,daLinf r L' . L Z ime �chlaf� 13� a id _d hey',11 et. the _reafin�ti th tackedLt �4�nd , AR e sh,e,l -She 1, 0 the _�6L�jrbo "I d : bout 6n.'r o pla*fis,,, "When,clearli '_T t Avel 71 enin fy, dellghL asn't d rea ancipg, Kain; 1, re 1;w -stand ty t many einliglit set, the ball. rollilik,, and if need 'to b sa , enoug 16'r -thein., d therh well o a drape lift e' mch e Seen Is with w nake- e, lessons., ut)of,the of the courftryj�. for af tei,,,Wje�. like: fish which.' -Rose all hei'p.roi)heis!.ihr,oat,%.L.�ind,,�,-,,-I IdtAhe s e is'ther ru f­ gt_ dorlie wayi,al _the,- qhe 0 reisli-water" arighl sort glib will"fifi- L n rse our er a d secuti� S T Ish her, tl a derta-kink.'.... Bu t bef I Ong.' Geor )w.' about YOUT t- cf-thein'. all' topth k and except that",w, * ­th� _t e ge "Sw to�_cloihspim h I ke-�p­j - t j, I j ing-on to-a-bbi"--la iron are going n to dol.-. But If of the Idiidsepe It r a eau.I flad,no n6tio YO an" ank W Y:.* eniclening-and aiUikA- a he-iR ll ­u iidie is -t Well OUt,ofL the h WithAinerkin. ..,mother shorteiis-the.tabje�loths� it r � 1 11 m . very ..that., h 1.1 resh4--and"iftr_- -Kifig-Gkorge �-l�s-kii6,wn-rii-i,�iLnd-'wide' lear-abbut-my--own-duty Ae2s L�W__Q_ma 6 -sue ------ KUM C. are w 'any Aff-ect- -ful the. despised-- Ir ful I h- eyelid th w I oilel heh� to ing. ri aff,Ihb. -1-et �Iinp-' goo&time-for 'TJy__�vor of', likled-the dilaperi6s most democka(tic-m6nQr m!ia�ik4t6--'the-busines�r-and�-li�i"-g6ing te­- 1 eL_w a- congcgt�d- ;is a Wh 1yem &FtI in at ve ever seen. 'The Place Music'Is Independent of spa'ce.� b famous I'll 11hid-a. was P W, crawling. Auring �eJob p I dg, �o­day. -He is as qually h P ace.'Anyone. accustomed the hope 'that' rus oons.' Be She' will cor�plt6 up the 'cuttain ;a a am '011't allipoli t h acki in '' t ir d take a,deep of W'reqkihg.,Jfl.,;.',. with �Lth6- G roo* biend t:dPining as ance. Tin ont You moving,- 0 an every;g.id rig was packed.w 0 t d Pair, ve -a sYm,l)' lonY' f Bee 'n with', a ith su' -You Catt bank, on i 44V Whit "refurnish1h ends: or chir ha thoven .9 the� house" astwaid to-morro Inter - eat it� rs w P p ayed in� every, plus dal cent 0ein-,ovr new prop e.t A, in rms.'of hard work �and It if -the -old- one is,dead WVfien. ftcjmed��whi Da3�,aftej do re of- the te king,them pi'ier'the red or. laying Fhflata Ply trucks. we. _y ifn6AIh jiftet. In er-hat-lona-1--stamp-I -',Whe—re onth -Exhi are on ce an IShe. hailmduld nevdr�do.'8o if, they which thi3 '41 dofiPt khow. Sufficiency, of­,Muslclans� capable, 'of It poin 'c Ifo 'k d un.'an. average� a a ents--and Iti, -61(i- JAS e bout If7Y b n,' It e.will stand the du Fav IA Londo hour' -'you could gdlog,.Where th going is hiirdist will have --an' e gave But T gather it's agaiA ovisited, he see Vast.',canips o I Xi te 0 Po t one Stamp at simPle method a triaL idng.j.6uiaey, both: aides of "the line.. -azid of - I t,-- TI in'e- doog ost t- 01 judging-bythi--prepdra- ware )"an Ito h III the oll6cd ati-S�d-k—regti-ndxi.ts-�on:�t�e.-ina�ch�-a�io -You a7444"'Note ihO er- oes-tlia"tjrj�y­# .. ........ MY ten we Ckfybtir hird c an res or, ng'time by fastening leg the sa way ad 'you Were "'Well. Vbev6i it'is, elre g6ingr e Said-: "Too b, d a fine, "ffel"Of it A xe with a on artistic enjloyment.of t outbiddifig lot''6f rffians tooni I but'many: :"qatj get sofiietbing -new to g-: Wlth.deolorabl ,werk. Irg, ro 0 ot' Arth n.cL qn4st.be- -Ne-Itfi profi�fnent American philatelist, and try,ju ging kovided'.11-h hey lookia to il'6, 'comm en- we' d u a �-.�t milway.track,' T r the dinin pom y -t6, Y ragged,: .and 1-di(ril' rUSt.r -W itthlilk lanuilrge'a- floor; 16t'� 4ei d --of fireblue(I fifilsh ihat re -,ca -- ---- 1117 _f their-,boot�gr. i I gaid. lie n afidj hive ,bee' 'o e trahSrIator �Of had ho"Idba he was -1 wondcl,6 e e Mr Hind; n., d how t 'r �Of u erpiece is, not 6rely a copyist, DRIES Daughter iit to blailieiloi thii; tr Moving faii. the cirelbs as fthey Would,do the' fiVe'lihiridred inilles 0 lo eapins a .the, off ore 0 bidding,',against"tlie 'king an 'her developiiientr'' a' personalfty"IS fiot,�Mbrel I n't" In P=I aar Ili y_ , en d- in d ;r eac ingi ou 'aft�dje' fi tten,% with no- know1- .a or, reuse to accept and the,TigriB I'm A, Pat of lgnvekig,ii'�� 1 (1" the el ogeth U- 171 is beat and most beautif u'l airs o erg, mi b nard'i Uhlinent Hems cut& uoe a. 'co mmon a I'll, tell t 0 compare paint- ta--brough r you aOrts or'the t you What dve goes into the�g�tting Of1must hen a 'era] a and: he he off�ied_yiie Kir koriginil produobr,� T and t -,pers 6.dge of what k I'Thelam6rit6d. hn:11 do. h -Pity -Is P jollilney to M t Wasn And esopo amiaL mong Lan6d' hi her him O�copy.Jn tempera e tot lef t ift, Pai,lill.'6d in or to rendefl-as a- to�morllolji; fin bOUr agOL Your lady. -1y a curio '0 b ire miners �t Vert 'Out of gYmpathy and the did.:. 70;P, i ' standing With, her�laraily efo ttl� 'Was former lTO RENEV etbein up'and.pu tfiem in the flr�,. h.1., OILED l"rned.9 In re going 'Thbidfcel�Y oiled wea Oor- -Mop' her-ternedy her- ti�in,:�'41§6 n en in ormation t at a, er entelled as o, lills I? W I . e rot , a iceoerlgdr(' to", Witnt d asectrS' J be in the, t won ek What thd,'deuce he hich me4ull sense it master.' iled tb the poin Qlbavilig to -be Yo Sandy whi I ffee from dustj buf once, j?reat help in keepihgr Wfirds- the. gieat 't at part. of 'he.bod g :will Make' 1 f she 19 the right sort shig, Will' 00'brx 'Yo, see. ally ed ]end and'r low. "I Is up Mot; erl 4 with t ettipg,. dashed us ing is g, f0ods 'are Piece RT T It'M � t -always be. c61tiplica JAW LERgatbering Property t0d,' Dick, Where. more t.ose NV feed oil aninial. conrilled, to tl�o e6illatry 'Of"Its,blilth *aghe in'� hot 'SOdPiiu'ds,, the dust - AUNT TMADY'S` endw%tbet re��ve La -ONT Op Hels, the'- ROCI<Vt g politio, III gh So d Y:i P otu lave 's';� she always answeiled the, lnoiStefiing�L VVII ey the 'Id ith the.,folio ll1gjrix, Tile., m is ; - L Blenkirdb_-aq'�. I&Ws, tingi"the'ukh th -1.1 geLl SU' re- §61doiri- Was lail'' ell- llm;� enough �06J�e,, entered the, rooili with'his, §16w-, atta6 to the gftof,mu8l�,, 'A,., qui'ef step:! could,see by o- Shake, it hoil6ughly L b'sfb a "Theres' tletter for �qnly one'. re �usinq. bis, ufb"r meV' -she I Kr�r6sele, ounces,', pa qt;f can' undei%stand ex6lanned 'hali- rffil oil. L or once;he-h4d nodyiipepsiEk Whatever be: byr,�hjg dvea that,Ao-, was eJ4dit . ed�;, OUg# o� Of:, s6,' in L any, _d got o6mo� a ligta AJams� d 'eight,"ouncei-, Iiiiie WatQr,, t i � " pily, h-om: C fthd e, h, on raM,, yi, -'boy i§ IB I thin q WA-9,boxinihig ef rablo: iLIJ up ed In el tilf )3iletG c6nsZ the wdy oce, r HATL I I I. I lex ellaing wid6l) T I GOA T nohg the h6ia elght�All tikht., �-T i of '1160s. Tberb's b4n big fightf at 'T ng IL on .,4 Msnd�.L -bitity just bbW t. -'the' Eafte�m.-bbrder, and the Buzz;a eato t h' high ie aVi b :, erear S 0 atilugglie w , ft the flher 'forms of, act' 'e in er.,6 o _'t M ­­()1kt.. o Ail u res, d' Auht'MATIO ttned away' a: tAkdn it bad lindck.11 Stt and I own room. the knows the, 'the 4 ' L Whie I he.tele ted "a �hid 16 9 i1th tP d !sPread it T' at Which that 3� t116 taIlli WAS �So th 0 1 be in. restinit", in t'O-' iey eep muill aliout thoL its Melihs of e pretty th I , L is' the oil It' i d wash dresaes. blrds?"� a I tnjd� r , , - J L . . faild when the`gliet4tost jutuile.A'M fe a' ­8SM- lital, hut love b -be I , cap een pv�oing,t)16 �er SOT o' qk 11, i1ea I etuj6 the =6 'Don t 1'. e 961 3'aut lioll'or, Story 1Agt, day, Utately all .41 IT P;"86A, to OUCultivate the hA it .61-1. :nat me,. me,. nle,. are'd Provo, Bb IVY t. it1k I'v6*90fit qiraiglK A fortnight AV MOBILE, SCHOOL thie iv�l tb, bleca,aqe sonliedrew,,'t Us vVith'meat' egpecbaft� fatnte h k` M i odde9cende iaking 9 no wagbin Efe 01' 1 �Stio and aids -16 It 61� linulate es' s rin pre, i the d. n n, he Best Id ifil Ontario, the N; [a of which" they- he�,o'rdhlg, to tT*S1N,' for, bffii�4 have- to atle, the t food, . I n tfu c tlol,6 d that a( 0 Ak 6 'Yet e Of. 16edr "Pay inI kRe�l 9too �W a e, Adt, Wi 08seS the Ar- 6 u 'Ila I �g 'th6 G, Paton, 641 Qtledn Atin orflie 4'ru e r or_T_ P n't'L Tell he' Pilo et lcoatd, nsed On oh it bi-oad d flie 41-1 . a J. ail A Portion 9t Aildia tPe hkotf,! Thof �,q only t); r, i'' , , , , , 1, 1 t ff6m. A previoug .-SOAAdn, e JegibnIng M ild ISSUE t', ;J)l Dad Xiami 00ilisd be pdih% hdartly �h iii w ai 40 the Vi"timpt, r ()a(! ii�rtg, was ot, joil,b dpy an t It?, 4. 7 IV : ;40�