HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-10-11, Page 8'f!---4ENTINfk-inftIRSDA-W • (re, • -14 ' • - r.,Q.1,•thg-..L.ady1w.'-.:hi) . ... .. ....,......., ,. ... ...,...,...,.. ti•up.s...:..,:•,,e104.410g.,-.H , ., 1.0g-[...a.'.:1).,01.4.:-Ao..*....400-.',4*-01_:..there•-•to.;' (.111,7404,',Ohepr, ready,..:.„,r0.0':._•tii,e. ..‘lar ..,•,,,,-Ath' .;. •--.k,'i ' ,---''''-- . - • 11.•••••••lommg"..P. %.•"*.(a, : • • • • I " For that Bedroom,' whichis the pride of every woman's home, there are. CurfaM§: Of fine Scrimi lir plain Marquisette, finished with Lace or Insertion, very.neat patterns, --t• !It • g price from $2.00, to $41.50-pe-r'Paif.-. ' or„"Over,-, Curtaiii- Gold, Bine or ld a s,, _colors to kadyatkother,colorsin-th-e-,,rootiti--4nawadd+fo qu'i:erbeatitY roo Curtain Madras priced at 85c. and $1:00 a yard. That Window Seat or Bedding Box may. be better re-cbAiered with a neiv, 6OVering' of Ark: Sateen Of -blending Colors.. ,See our Art Sateeni, :extra -width .and. a good variety to choOse from, Pri4ed at 45 to 65c. per Yard. Cushions add greatly to the restful appearance of a bed -room. -Why not have a long round one for your window -seat, andtwo or more round ones set here or there, all home. -made and covered -with a beautiful Colored 'Chintz? -It is an easy matter to choose a color' which will ..blend well with your room :color -scheme. Our Chintzes are all a yard wide 'and, fast colors. Priced at 25 . to 5c'. per yard. Now up the I3edding po?c,: :ready on the. night when Jack Frost will . , 'compel you to Oat on: *More' bedding., Have a; pair of dur.heavk-i411-Wool Blan7 ketS;•large Size ahdgoOd quality, at $9.50,, $10.00, $10.50$13.50. They. 7 are “Mossfield" Brand and that tells the whole quality story. Flannelette Blankets, in Dark Grey or White, with Pink or Blue trim- ming. Three sizes, Medium, Large and Extra large. Priced at $2.15 to13.75 per pair. 3.25 to $5.75 each. ready made,Comforter style, Large size, and warm. Priced at Bedspreads -:-A bed never looks better than when it is covered with a white spread. We have the Krinklette Spread at $3.25, or. an -ordinary Spread, . at $2.00. t,-"•;,-- • Your box will not be .eomplete Without three or More, pairs of Pillow ase'S. They are here, stamped read Y to work, -the very 10t quality cotton; Price d at $1.85 to $2.25 per pair. , „ Last, but not least; is your Floor .Covering. There is Oilcloth and Lin- oleum; in many patterns, and Rugs of various kinds, but our Si:e.cial for this bed -room is a Tapestry Rug,' large size, good qUality and pretty colors. Priced at only $16.50. ,Doif,,f fail to see these Rugs, they are ba CTQQL RET9it''P P. NO. 5, Ashfield., • • PoOY Work "Vel3P,t, 87•%; PAO- Ileri.,:4:1;; M. Pepper, '30; 0:Ritchie;18; D. -Anderson 76• E MacDonigh 74. WStaiert ,A, Rit9hie,, 814.J. It4elde; 49;. J. Andrew'', .47.. .Best ieot* Ar `Son, :61* M Reid, 47Best .speller • Iter; ,-Sedencl,--D;'AndersonT'"-Sr. 111-11 -"" Gardner; 83; A. Hunter,. $0; W, •thrPter, .. 67; Et„' Rite:hie', 0411 , Ritchie 56; M. Webster; 4o, Best•, --4.e/lei bardneri SeColid; (A .Hunt- er and W,:.11untert' Webster, 64; E RIdJ .52; N. Anderson., 45. .Best speller, 9, Webster; • E. , • ,. • ' Sr. Gardner, .62; C. Gard- ' net', 45. Best, S. 'Gardner; O. Gardner. Anderson, sq, "Jr Webster 82 • Sr,' Prinier-j. 'Gardner, 69; Jr; prirner-t1.. J-lunter, 62. Weekly Exams. Tests7-SPellink, •Literature; Arith- metie.. Composition sitnibn Sr ?. G , 77; per, 73; M. Pepper; 66; J. Andrew, 58;'' CD: Anderson, and E.' MaeDon-: 57;'A. Ritchie, 51; M. Webster, 46; C; Ritchie, 40; J. Ritchie, 20. Jr. 'Anderson, W. .1-lunter, Sr. 87; ,A. 82; F.., Ritchie', 63'; (G. 'Webster and B • Gardner):, 57;.W. Webstez.f. 55; E. Ritehie, 43. .• ' '- No, On Roll; 28• • V Tiffin Teacher. • *: .1 'CANADA AS ,THE S SEES_HER .; • • - ' • „ While' ,We reallie that the...people , of Canada Would n:Ot're'gard..exagger-,,, • ated • flat.tery the light 'of a: corn pli; , . , rn ent, we .-believe ,. we reinain , :the Confines of Sinipie truth' when,we remark that' nationlin.liistory has plat- thn ,financial i.dernands With.:greater °good Spirit and. -carried the financial Ardens .with'.greate,rin -telligericetban th,e vast.Dorninion that tops,' the North ,American continent.' , Teri years age:Canada's' debt Was Jess • than $350' 000 000 On 'January 1st.' 1923; .it was -82,516,929,000over .tvvo.„ • dollarsi added by the war:, WOC; .4t:41,,ct.tgor4„..the-tfaeth-at. thHialk: of; thiS...CoLosSal;,deht..is owed Within the, ,DeminionRaziailians themselves • own- ing .bends 'the extent of $1,9.69,995,-: • VO -.--the • *interest 'PaYnienti would • doiibtless drain, the conntrY dry, reduce-, the'eXcliange value of the Cana- dian ;dollar.' to a ruinous.. fignyeand' \Tilunge CS,116diall;,finante,,anq business •into a 'chaetic condition; As • th& 61.)j:eh/mai inters t paYthentS• go into UndredS, of ‘,thouSands' of. 'Canadian . .„ and j provide .mOney for the aYment Of, the Federal - taxes ,frein .• Canada • have l•met „the. 'enornibus. deniands of , • tfie war by,herrovving'froinNeW Verk,- 'lint- the, ,WiSdern; •ias well as:: the, pat-,- riotiSin, in resisting the temptation - •Ind insteaq:4'.p.)4.eirlg..the.lnircleniriune-« drately. Upon the shoulders Of her Own people' is now. apparent: Within. a :few weeks., ,$1,72,000;006. Of -Denidnien:GOV- eminent bends • will fall due, ;With ; the, same .Spirit'and-intellikence;tfh- •,-Governinent,, is7. again :co-operating With, batikerS, and brokerS•to 'keep the debt in: Canada- The-"presPect that practically the entire ainount will. be' .replaced :by Money advaneed.`hY 'Cana. .clian investors •!. Pleaiing . 'to tile - friends of phicky Canada: the world over. -Bert Collyer, in The.Referee Whe,n,Greek meets. Italian both will cry;s, have -.no frnit4ot -the, -deSeriptiori • aforesaid. . . 1,. .7.. •1 CAR DITCHED ON- NARROW yoAP h 11 , ,4"11. Chesley Enterprise, gives the P one NO. (1 is :at, Your Service I • folio.,.,,....,;?..,A41-t-4n-ailto--accident-- i . . • • h We Sells. for Cash -We Sell Cheapey Than The -Credit- Stores ---4-, ' . n occurred in Brant Township. Is is the season of the sea.r.lo _ Mr :- Boyce of iNringham and --his .orePairS: on the farm, 'is): keep o,u, the Whiter-Oild..----Yvu-ivills:'-i'eguire: -ANDLATHES theae. liese-quality, a reasonable prices, " 1 '....GLASS-•AND•7-P-UTT-t-:==----Dicii-Yon-eyer--StOP- e is ar . , • ' big difference. in glass. We have, in stock Libbey Owens Glass, twhieli" iii-heayier and Clearer than any ether -glasa ;on r the Canadian Market. It is muck sulierior tO Belgium 'Glass' which' . . • is being exported freely into Canada, and the extra cost Of ' Libbey.OwenS is only a trifle; In PuttY, we handl& only •purel , r Linseed Putty -the' kind that stays. Do You Xeimi a LANTER-10-Npthing is hiiire necessary. about the _ , ..buildings . than. a good lantern,: We.. handle the Dint; which is =decidedly the ,-bast„.4,antera.of-the.nriarket-,-,--------;--- STOVE PIPES -A few, stove pipes; will ',be_ required to replace the uia ones., We manufacture, 'Ng., ow* pipes _Oat ottliet ;ity titled English Canada Plate. • -STABLE_ PAILS. -An , extra pail Or SO is very 'handy areundine .-----bain--it,-thiarrtline-Or-Yeare' make:our 'Own stable. pails Out • of the, best ,quality 26 Gauge Galvanized Iron. ement, Lime a;id Plaster always in., Stock .! ur ie Successors to,Lucknow *Hardware & CoalCo, • ,• Sir Alexander Xackenzie,' a foririer 'prank .Antheny, ,of ,Vitalkerten; ab : xitioditio boy, "lio 'President" os. the ter doing g gOtt' df :Vitlidiegale'; ' fruit , • .. ,,,, _.,... Brazilian Traction Co, it aia.:bis ,49,r,ayon_smes.a at the Bruce County 116'441 ..heine fr,onti, Rio, Braiiii becanie et the., for .a .iniiiilin,of.. yeattpulledtetit , serious •111Aess. •Of .his ../TIOtliet, .11iik ing the,night lait .v.venk,±takirig.:411..ici . . , . 11.9,nald :fatitenAie,:of"Kinterdine.Mra,; eirettS` ,and , family .wftli . flith.• On hi' ':,. • Mackenil,ie': ia nearing thetenttirY Mark iiiiitok truck. it is. said that he left a • , • . 7 and '..laist_ Weert-,:.biug . taken suddenly nuhiber, of -creditors iii. mourn his, 41, , . ., . Ili,..fierii0, was despaired of, And word Partill'S. Ile hadbeen •869913iihg: hi -14 to 'itlitoariding .vlitoge8.. using. Aralkor . 'ten 'itt• a Centre, and buSirieSs*AfipearS A :.'ilatigliter, 4eo.,,n,,, Ferguson, Of.• .. to htiv6 goup against hint i ,. gaskatoon, Wes at Tdrolltseir and Meter:A ' . , ' ed iiip, from that City, the. alit ladYli .. t hOlietter, Made a rathde reinAtklibl.fi . • ' Music -makes a tow jive mote milk Vet, Otte, Itiutiidia4 ilt4. 'SO teiliPara-! tell-0030,...,4nd it ' it. thet‘tillt 'Olt' *I mental Oat . theY lti4Y refuge te a.-- ' 34V9 fOr 0001.e tiOle YO,o 4,...:: , was sent -to mernberg' of her farnily. • P coin ni o9s- had a marvellous escape froin ' serious : injury' 'last Wednesday 'eVening vvhen the motor car.Which..,he: w,as. driving,. ran into the. ditch and turned' icompletely upside down. The aeitident;Occurred-'neal*-the culvei at the' foot of the- hill ,neari..Buie,.Rrosi tafirere,,were-6-occuparits of the carat the time. of the 'accident, two menthe we/nen 'arid bahy, and all 'esleaped injory except the :latter WhoSe lip ',Is as' 'Slightly cut• The;party- was returning- to Wingham after liitness, • ing the baseball match at Owen Sound on Wednesday, and was 'niet •dri'veh by-,'-.7Alex-.--Mc-Forlane,• of en thick: The road at this septis rather- s.x.).1v-,,a*.l,in *using .the.:fotht,et -car the+,7Wiligham-Owned auto hit the. diteh and turned' burying its ,..,PC9n•Panto- -S1.011MOIlea,froin a riearhy farm • bui tiled driver. and his ,companions had suCCeeded_iri,..gettirig--,out-from &h ,ear car before the help. arrived.' A door wasi linwited off the' car and the wind- trieltheamt-top, corirplefelY7dernollsii&f.. _there iS:"ConSiderable likelihood. that an action will be taken against Brant Twp. by the owner) ofitir,c11.. ,This is the , ourth aecident 7 which has oc, 4 ,flittitt.niti, ...tioututes • . • I there. Those Who attended the North A Is your home , I..v4ined that this was exemPlified in the..., , prepare gates from the Branghes d th diRP.Pent--141Yourhos.iii"" ; Renfrew District Annual were con, . d broad ..apci., sound °vision of the '1 Oe'°-1,When'tholidoticc'ideu ' ' ,sple , *, evelopment- of.- loc, al ,-taIent• -Ha, vi „you a it,o'ri*iyi (4. ata' rile igatizo, stir:lie ib...., and resources as.-enibodied in the 4.•,-* I. . - ser.,.ent cotton .rdkandages alyniy;iiit handl:, , , 1 16 deeap dr .I,Atettst in the. ,welfare .ef'4nolisi.usesittios. of old' Hoed. Op Alway'ii. ttio ports *hid? showed a • sust;ained . and; You should be is .a•iduliiii Vatic doctor, lit '1 ..t1.91,Iieho_rild,r.' :ififliectiOt:01;i)ok Urilely 1 if e., : • . 17L1:::::,:rigareigiial:tztiu,dieaa„0.51,6,, ._,:arreakio.int,,:odrbi.en, .4.6..ice,;,..,es_ac,itioils.„..ff..66..i.,.:, Of the pheii;,.viar4 Orrienal,growth. 6i-woolen:is_ institutes' in 'Ontario .and ,the wonderful -ext., ..n'''wtioettsteonlinuiy040"ist: ni,,i,c' lc. ,totg'in'igs. boama Rita , -tilbili Of their • many biittlehes of work 110aleilitill and .eurite66°‘ ill0 thiiii' 11:4"114': y forth,e.. bettering, of liOnie and Omit- aerbPi,°Stiarieientalittttritiiittro'TiltuAi"a.dlititfillis,, e try., , The french, Ise, had 'placed, 'great. Hon- aribupoisibt,,,, i ' 94,o g po7err in .the hands o, women for the Altirsys. keso itt'iobilt tiOnie tinder' ts„. 'Mack • iffloi.a.riejileui of bt.ir country,- and ' it .iitclhcelve• plater, ,iiltiidebta' datton Ind ottatei Wasl a thitt'ed. trust not to b° llithtlY litaliittliet"'iSCE'ld21tiiaslitlidift:Ilinhillialisrtiettre:.stft: ' tilted, • She quoted the Weida •of• , , . Kit* iinur the &dot Conieli. Si as caiefat at //Otte 1; George "a,cotintry cannot floe above iloitoi. i .. ., level of itti bellies, nor its,Jioines. • t . .. 1 •-itlitiVe the level of its herne4ritikerii,' • i and lin thiS COnneetiOn read the 'treble' . , Maker's Creed., .,.einbodying . the ideal(' i LLLC Of lititotiieti.e Inatittite WOrkori. In Ceti. , .., .-,...,-.-_,...., • : .!,, : LIJOI0i0Wi. ii, •PRIZE WINNERS...AT TUE §CilOOL tAIR AT WINdRAM rtiDriaibirecrs?.a!Lti-lile 9;_ • AgricUlttirar Colt•George Mines. No. '9. Turnherry;,• John lVjlIjts 13 ' „Hetrick; Joe, Kerr, 9 East Wawanosh; 14. CCealT1-,-al ° 3rI! Na ay v-: lleltha;7'r14O),.p0,/ t4glraVOUlPetitron.-.1.:1L Currje,, East WawahOSbl Glen ,c,Lpylii•L,: "04.-NOv*'13-A.544eld'-'-• )East Wa,anosh. ,Currie,,No; Srzin Lainl, (ewe or wether)_ .Tom Ross. -NO: 1.1 Hullett; Wrn Park- er, No. 4:.GreY. • School',..15.41.,.1e.4tTWr:5-iet.i9;East WWan94I.LOVeiWfig4f;- ;f17Turiherry:- lyingliarn: Town. • Public Speakin6.-LMolly Pepper' NO • 5, 'Ashfield; Clara- Ritchie, No. 5,"AS acid; • Helen ;Dou'glaS. No.'1. Ttir flerry' '4- n:•-• , , . Ph sidal Culture-LOiyer Winkharn. Howicki' 'Mareyn. McCauley, No: .3, n . ous ---:-.' arold Poster. No: 9 NO, 11;, Turriberry. ,Winghani Sehoill.- orris; Glen Cameron. .No. 13 .Ash- cocicer-e), gi,p.,1&__Dorothy miller; held; Neil IrWin. No. '11 TireberrY;,, -No: 4: :West Wawanosh; ' 'Isobel Poi. INT-teiltyliaertIriiwivn;s,:NNoo:141 wEalisvytapWoashw_noziash! ;. ter„ INo. . 9: Hovylok; :1"latold Easter; '1-.4-:4-. i..,,,.. •-,,4,-,-...rii.,;--;-_-44-t:-7--1-,7..- .' , s• 1.42wwi i' qc , :::.. Oat,w4,enent,;:i way_Yoole:.a;.pe; s.1 sn:kr 1:4 , ,41. _a. , s. Alex awl . ahhect3h:fi: ix. a. he '7: coa . f. wa.... :. k s. sd, Ita,4' R- .. . .70:r :3:i 1,1:wbreeoa' crar.44. t; Qt. -Warner oil Robertson, s ic ,Cmai0; len: 11:4' 1 :, iqqAtPn' . ed l' N. . .Noh,nvso, i. No. mo. S. le, '0, :r, ''.141,i v. _ :1, _4' ;c!IN: 1 c:411..1:01,6;a-:1,701 1:49,1!:..t , ri , , , , 4 r. • era wt. .4 twbsS: le! :1p:10V:heir ov ::,i, , :In cattsaeNjieot;:;:e‘utimogi ir.;:' :kobWe ,, , h-7::. 7N:at: yi ,4, . ,,ow.to.:,,hainez.z.lb4c, i;s0:1,19,34;1411,3179: Grey; n. 1 js.031 1 1: v iti , tw, s, nadi I, si !tvt, Jessie i e' Gaunt,,mtw, v i rthg:t o'rrrariri I. °41„ cr; , Nixr 4/A,1 47 Jean ,.1 4004am' :N .. 41, tie: 4;t' . • talibIll'aii4Wtibtia Itv46'.41.t..Vil' -4 70iey , , ,---,pp.roiri„...,--bilik-Vittii!).-J.1.* 34,41-* 'aid 4:L'''' '' ell. :No. . Morrie; jesPi'9 Plgsr. No. ' BerleY, Shealt•-,Millie...irW1u.,,No: 1-1- - - • ' ' E-,--WaNiiiiirs/i* J. S McKay, 3' Ash- • , -1101a:- Willie' Treble. No. 8 Colborne,. ' ' ' %.--(1..°4" • J.. L.- Currie, No. 9 East Wa'aranosh REEVA OV GOPPRICO :1*... Pig° ' . av'peOt Corn -Jean Higgins. No. .' 7. ...,. SUDDENLY ON, WAY : ' ;Militia; Luella 'Rini:oil. .No, 4..West. • ' ' Iv nitg.TiNoi ' • ••7e.4..win,14Ohi02111.11v19.,A4-17,4:hrfinreb'i 'tr. ,1.1;eyer,____iiiss„ii-,ier'o7IvI'.18a1,c..,tHeotiwni , „ _fituu,....,NeWEt -R. AFAr .. . :4 i,...m. 30r4rsisti..67,eid;; ylvid;•,a1VIiihireirgeturcelivi.S.Ii;nistoy.0,140.5113...say :y0v1;./31 0 fMw aQc4sII:draeekcrIc4i 11\%t 4I'd.•no .. that risth ti.thje: 4:14atec la; kr ts11: i itii nddg: .: . • • MWawaio,horris; Blai 9ibbtpis, No.,, 8 ..-Pp.,st deray'sucoumbed it the home, of . NO:.9. .11oWick Robertsen. *NO. Patch Sewn on Grain Beg-Normati Pullet,, ,BrOwn, No. 1.7 Homick; Isobel, Foster, Hewick; Harold. Poster. No. Howick; Dor- othy 1VIiller, No '4 ;West. Wilwariosh,.. Pep of two Robert- son, No; 11, Past Wawanosh; Green Mountain -Muriel • : • Irish. CebblerL-Ehrio Pritehard, No; 4. Wawailosh; Newlyn McCauley:, No; Morris; •Wm, Ir_vviri, No: 11 East Arawnosh; hie, Table. No. 1 Col. borne; LloYcl .MoCauley, NO. 3 Morris, No. 4, Grey.• • " eEst Wawanosh; Ross McPherson:: No 4'. Wawanosh ; Nor- man Coulter, No; 7, Morris; Mevvyn, McCauley..No• 3 Morris; Walter -Lane.' No. 9.Ashfield; Glen Cameron. No; 13 Ashfield• ' f Any model in -WoOd--.KelbY.Poster, No, 9 , Howick:- Alvin Miller, N. 4 Wawanoih; :Roy. ErringiOn. No. 1 col - borne; Frank Horton, No. -9 Colborne: .Man. 2nd class7-Graliam MeNee. • No. 17. West Wawanosh ; ..Dorothy. gns. No.,- 7 'Morris:, "Carmen _Farrier. 'No.. 14 West Wawanosh; Agnes El- ' VooleY.--7Pearl: Felker; No. 4 Grek; . .o. 4 Grey; Jessie OrPen. No. 14, ion McCauley, Ne. '3 Morris; , 3yd " class-Pthel* Nicholson. -Potter; No. 11 "Tutzibe'rry.• • , 13 Ashfield; Olive. Farrier, NO. 14: fiVlarigolds-,,Stanley Douglas, No Weld 'WaW• 11; , Gibbons. No. ,3 *8 East, WaWanosli; John Thoinpson;'., Ashfield;' Isobel poster.•No: 'p, How- No: 14 Howick; Agnes Coultea, No. 9.". ' Alex Lyons, NO. 4 Wawanosli; Gor- Norman- Coulter. No. 7 Mor - don Merrison. No' 4 Wawanash. Mar-' felt. Mae Conner; No. 1•Morris. East •Wawanosh; Margaret Gibson, ' 'tiroins•--Alek. LyOns: NO; 4 Wawa.' No''•14 ,Hoivielc..: • . • - .. ' • I,. , - . ' ,ifoh; Win'Trivin, Noi-11;.East Wawa- -• Map..4th..clasa-Mtiriel,,Elllatt; No... '•. nosh.; NOrinan • Coulter; No. 7 ;Morris.- 4. Grey;.Rena Nicholson, No. 13. AS11-, ,..i3uets:-.A.giiesr Elliott, No: •4 they; field; Agatha. Coultes. No, .9 .:East .,Dorothi ;Higgins, No ..7. Morris; Hilda .Wawanosh;•AtlellkBere. NO . 17 West .1. :Finnigan, ',NO. 17 . West WawanoSh; Wayisinosh; r Annie McDciweil. No.: „S' Roliena . Yonne% No. • 11 East.' WAWA-, East WaWanosh; Neil Ratter; No.„. II - nosh; Mae ..Cotilter;-'No.",'7 :Morris; Ternberry. - .. - , . . .. ' Lila Gaunt; Nse.., 4 WavvanOsh ' ' W." . • g, s class-7---Ralph'Canieron, Carrots --Arthur •Lewis, .7 No. • 12. No: 13, Ashfieid; MacKendriek, . HoWick and Turnberyy; Alioe lVIcDon- No 4 ,Ashfield; Margaret Parrish 'NO:. ald; No .3 Ashfield Marion •IVIeCauley,. 'Aslifield; , Emily • BroWn., No. 15. No. 3 Morris: .*Robena. Young., NO: Ashfield ; Charlie Anderson. NO'' 5,. East ,Wowitnosh; Lloyd • MeCaOlOY:' Ashfield ;1 Jack Cannihell, No: 17 West No, 3 Morris; 'Neiman Coulter, No WSWS/1041'. '," • - .1%,/[orris..- ". • Writing, 2nd class -Velma Whee Parsnips=,Ledie 9.1-lown er. No•. 17 Morris; Clara McDonald. wanesh; Wm. Cam pbell,,No. 7 Morris Turnberry; Dorothir;.Rebeitson. No... 4 '• Wheat, 1 •qt: -,Walter lane; No., Aplifield; Alberta Shiell; No 9 Wawa - Ashfield; • ,Irte:' 'A.: AlcDonagh, • No; S. • nOshi Glen Cameron, No 13 Ashfield: Asbfield. '. • Writing. 3r4 class -Mar Wright.. . Wheat Sheaf -J' A McDenigh, No „No. 14 Howick;, Mabel. RqbinSon, NO. Ashfield; Win.,`Paiker, No. 4 Grey: 14 flowielc;-'.. Carmen BroWnNo 4, bati;.1- SiinpSOn No, Ashfield; ZOra. Bolt, NO. 8 East Wawa. Ashfield; `Harold Faster y: No. 9 How- nosh; Agnes •Ceirltes' No 9 E ick;. ChasMcQiiillln. No.. 4 Wel?, a - nosh ; Jackson, • McCutcheon. :No. 4, , r er-inTlaw, „Mr, Oscar ebbutt • the Maithuidt CUticeSSiori. ', • ."1.•,?4r „ • HohnesMr Lvil'olid:a,,:liaridtt:rdivetli.:467:0.1:trhoin: his her/ie. „the,' Bayfield • :line to, Meeting of; th4 Council.. Being some... earlywhat ,for the meeting *he, called at -the home of Mr. and:Mrs. Tebbutt • and while chatting :to Mrs. Tebhutt ,stiddenly collapsed and. died iadsay bad.. eomplAined a .little Of not feeling Well 'and during the summer had N% hat • Was, supposed t�'be ,a 'still stroke.- Rut, ,his „condi- tion, had not been,:.-consideret(seriouS: Mrs. Ilebbutt :remarke4 to him ; .just previous to his eollapse that he. was not looking viell,'but •his -sudden d ath• was a severe shock' to all the' bers ef • his and frienda... ,David Albert Lindsay; 'son. of . the late avid Lindsay,-vviasrbornin---et)de-- rieh on ,,the' but line, on ..the • far,in now ,ocen-pie4 bis bro. Mr. B. .LindsaY., He lived on a farm:, • • near Porter's, Hill `until about eight ye.ars "a?o; v•hei Movedto the PAY - field Hy; to the 1.1eiclue farm. Three yea-rs ' np:o hiS, was •'.14.'l,Ss Peril -6e; passed a:t.‘,4y. farinly. o.'," six, survive,' elder being but lad; EdWard. Marion tottie, ',Elmer; 3n.' , Mr. -LindsaY 'tilt.; a- public- spi.;_ted,,, er and Laura / • citlien who ,.took an interest, -in ' the conduct of, the, InisineSs . of his nntiVe• .s.. tewnshitil He ,Vies., a. member % of . the • council for eleven ears and last'.11..no:.-.. ars* was 'elected. he -Was ,filling with -great acceptance. It is a curious coincidence' that withinSew ,• weeks .of each Other, the clerk of Goderich ..tewnship and its ,reeVe- abonld both. sp Suddenly.. be e41Ind death Mr Adam •CentelOn the clerk of the rnunicinalkty, died- just as slid- enly and unexpectedly less than six eeks ago. . wanosh• Ward Jewell No - 9 Col-. d borne.. 1w , • The New Silk Scarvesarehereiin all the new weaves and -Colors. Priced $2.50 $3.00 $3.50,$4 00 and $4.5O. It is a pleasure to -show these.- - .„ r Our_ 35 inch Dress Telveteens-areAll'Worralls-- Yet --W-lifah-issiires y o -u -o f fast -Colors. Colors Brown,_Navy, Black and Light Blue, extra - fine Chiffon' finish. Special $2.75 a yard, • o Velveteens for Children's Wear, in Cardinal,Navy, Brown and Black, fine finish, $1.25 a yard. 40-itich,m1,wool- serge, to- be had iTillose, Copen, -IsTiVic-gc.-arlet, Cardinal, Green, Brown and Black, an -ideal ,cloth for Children's dresses. -T\ -Special 7 ,c.'a yard. ▪ See the New Chamiosette-,Gloves, in , and`Moride.' Supe r quality, 85c. to $1.25,a pair. 1 ( rowp, QC.tob0:. o. 44,141.04i.'is'.by One. 'ot.,:theiT.1•01,tet*.a0d'Oldeit Dress,• re ((r * Scotch . Pingering Yarti 1.13rOw0,. Black, 'ar6, White, 'Heather, $1,26 Lb. 'a