HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-10-11, Page 671 1q7" 41� 4 4 7:7777 7� Vowlare V_ r�-ftjoney, Sweet-Seental 0, S , Ing 'You -OS,. " r .,.,r or RENOVATINQ Y". -Mco;dIn* g. to .6ui location,, we may, Aout.' the. untieen "gift of fr I -think -t hat, the. p T qgTancq tallets in the. farm By H 1P Prn the more i1da, Ri h 'ond �ugq _4 expecting frost, any night nqwj"or than s�rikinj gift of., coloii flocli,!often ifiat"re, f that' haVe become worn aster th1hri the fray Atu a a a r y .. e mare of many feet ca,n - �*eeks or'.ploire A 'half, ce ry ago h rdly any gar- owner re.'alizes. Thig is,'espc Every Ye i- f rhiers t IastitiglY h4rd-j,' The delighted 0 -of the. d b th y yet, be t�yo �qiajly-true firm", letq 9, '4waj. But winter s4ioly -is, I coming- Ae:n,� large or� small, bA laoaot�ad Its be'successfully mended at,homei To when they have a, good range Find, bal- er I Y r,4pJ9sIti6fi that he. haz found. too ich, pre-� clumpi,'of la�ejidq .0.enlary,-Sweq�" 1,v 1, 410r.ge Sunis: of, m.Qxl.e to'sh'arlsi P kift'ds�' an&"j or -Id epvy� for, his. timek rapid, grow andAt behoovbs, us, to make, at one a. worn:,edge use unboned black r, .1 This th. fol- v rl 3 h h or sireng',th� o� repair-, w 10 ivblil en!i.: �i Agell, ;o5 *-sold, as, i`S�,11vZtdftV` cv abil#314� *04 A I % 4u_.: —i—, +U,;., . - � . . . ; . .. , - " L sinij- , I ngs ge.... ---" t- " d tame, matter 1."n tivq :0011 Or vie �V�jgg,- x%tirnex I I . � I 'N - -- e 'gmvr-t, -puy- L Ilq"elj �l .9,p4 annAttis;. not ornittiAg -XII0, ,brdbd_ c6ops and, 6�loriy 'fi- 7Tb �Vep,: f%il h4vip r ov -'deliw 1. h I av ouses. , a swin led. PW owfwr 4W �at 'ound, with Or I D.,jm�d artternthat g W m, i remedy, rUgs e I n t 4 -tnb 4 Should: b b 4 o the pu-116ts. a�cus_, attractiye­kFtte� Q.1-Intorest i t u wi'dell AN01111 fragrance. inAilly mignon� -6K - W k;ngined: r�,edjor-,of_th� 'tomed -to thei rpo. I h"' -Pnqq. antl all', the To man ho,�6fre 5,S,irt , e. ayffig, ouse the� -second �mortgage, whioll fo� - itIrp Ink Illutp bacterIA ll�ck before they Fire ready to Jay. n to work owing t6jts an uanlaw.ful� rate of Interest, and e times, T.unsJ6-the v,ery"edb llt'­� of tll� III fi�st, ar L I . ''I ' man who, proposes to give Wrier whose' �Ier, but, a; few Then, id.the ilew:.9 _e! it'd wh wAiR t"7 mor th Pai4 the. ast, Ibis. sprays iriclude _e . larg I Aten 'difficult to ;natch, If niactes--, aye lot, int rests are p, pip Ili unch of floweri -,Tr�ay the, market pri for pro erty, the C. maintain0d'by tIj . . .1 , I we hey Mature rapidly, and id, sary dye w ite yarn g I 6' TLri_,e us the summer' colds - that result' who,& P a e h to e pre-.� :ure;t ink�'to his re�presp0t#iCIns,,_prdts. a, Inan StAW ;r fart"ard so en . 74S A a. oneed,ino 'the fa*" ' g,nA,Ah�',_r6fiie r er-­ h ad e. Lay Pullets' are overcrowded., 'Ith_ tSL -11tate, 'a 'Ad-, delicipus: that. -the�, ft�e�age� fari6r, is Co pi� n �'Soih It ymeh bavia thl 10.1 V A do 6 moves' to. toNvil, e-pou r qr,�6., a, sma e Sc�­ -_Ule, inks :and, n blan �'t_,Stj U yqqK�"­ k ' ' tbeLla' aore,e e nd -front. .,by short Wh --- Hard, LUCK; -an& hen -m,aKin_k -up _'-_Iist+for�:Ilexzr,, ed�iim:twfn� 'do a: 'A'T be --hup Alp q� y mr-cans7 _our pai r'S ftower -gardoni,.- A lher�w 9.-goCS into elti t, ad f j!g U 0 11, h. kerosene This is,'Ci6wded to. the,- r able I �Soil fail rev do not f all to 'othe slip, u upo I Iron 0 .6ns red. a,* deal bf ng tip as -it' f kv of tho witit'rut, iyps, a; firm.,strai. rd St rely r Sources 40 at plants Pa rs are, mad' t*1 ed r, &'awling� .:uo rob',' competent auth6r!ty must be, Prepared th e,taxesi are u'n" Where g,,y q innegAp e air. all o .,-a :,.n(T frag- boai;ds. tip �fojhe et interost' ofi :t m t ei, rst F ill H64141' If thej. we Ply; roo�ts.-, Th'e to t th 'IF' r a Win er 1 )s'ixi the fall, rafiO -are, necessary e .,ge cial-,lic� ad second', rIn �theL na P, qrQl -One of. -j`tb6..beJting w14 �hoiv ',,Vhefe th6' P miner- -Aake ra big rigk.L e or g to t e-mirgitlL ofthe rug to t' vetch or other' L t ch Will fill every, On'e year whe frost e n n h vin if eu ties, in Fre d Ff negan, wentAoi.the ou k in -a Ti t I me:, ll'e� ;a' �bo Aug� �6r. lo�0ad under 'in. - the P01110 -o' ig, eas est�Lo the kh6ttnei the �Jike,' In ti TAY wor ed, up f a er a raising, the"money fo o -other p4y-.1. s gone.' In. age ill in, the r in th6 �'gArdeii, troi . gra' L P "keeping dowl r il. te.5., Fair. very attractive:pri Shetland. is 'tin g". Thi n ut. at w tin . addition' to CoLor on far practice is o as b n also he! that a full nee and for Ne, nail to ��6 styain- t6 match. e green Ina, It Ing,' nd' where a full ver tQ.the ce. or a, f arm, 4Su- ments; and' after long 'Suspenge, and; rQunL. It mortgaged f arm. that tfie' w Short . 'A L of thia He. looked a d ifi'lilgh disdain,. reuson, wb m at fall -back 'upon hen house or t all thi of the 'in to' th" OU animal Ina Q t a lofty Its -value cannot 'be� oviIre of the. fine old fdvorite's., too perhaps litigation, the 'owner, has to point between eachr And angled his nose A net stlmateo,. - Is ' tinxibus -to Isp9sa o _*OU14, st-andAhe-wall will�become I behifi, close'-togbtlier honestly Is'n't a'think*to see!" back., Thet former wn e, seen thke.it a hid 1,1'Theie f, I bay SojIL T.HE VERY EAPLIESTI�BLQQNS.. I ing 'plate for thousaiIds of. mi .er �can a. comtortdbe;'��Arim the. fertility Is also kreatly In Friend Finneg. e I to this''scheme,'w6rked more than once.,, no - that the two �jsharp_ers. di- Put'. leas, nit. said on t�pro tes. ? , ve 4 Thd'bridf -1horrr:r n:: It --bu SL or, oil A--strnger; cornei aiid even w i th the" dditi6n to' lb, f idoor -Wires, from, � tb Ing— to, --,t e fi vided the la:r e. Commission whic"h,was i upstanding opg y a. cei h -ont me oughly 9 e are a num .rear. of 'the roosting 'Section, 'Why', look at the p taikinsP an alive I ',when the contract, ap.of the, rug4 bare,spot plantin'gi ther er w and 4 plae6' over and says. that'he thinks. he. I to lected a Soil Is: worked, the morb1s its b .hich W. hove much - to. conmend thern' 6-th' was, I.. fill fertility nt h knows 'a man who wi ed in shave, the.'surrface' even y. t, iontered into creased.' It A widely:fl e rkbles th'6 Poulttyrnan to br".k the, 11v 11 give. a' 1go. 'h e got 6m a ome 'A's big ps'fivel I od but it ooks 'very tOf L f th �y ower lover. All bulbous flowe�s have nnqc iori 86,:,thd as the,.c lor'ateo �vell known fact that the small far between the'roo6ts., a ' I layer if 0. nnd the, If j -couldn't bring, a sample of cor� price for the farm. 'Ur matched and'the' e game was, p armer who, has been' offerink, Ij.1 a Set,'.very closej q to get the, proceeds of mending. any piirts' of Platform., f d th 11ft Europe 'obtain yidlds! ins,a'nd beai;ty, 'dropping p the two ties� own 'rs'pecIal Char, Better than th show, -a e, eagerly Jumpa at 'the th6 vonll IOf flower, the 'Ear at,77whY .9 the- aim. anwill Start t those a a that ocious. ipring y moulting a a, means. of crulli born thi c r Sol= for n The Iftek, W ry. This I by Some pritetif- I'd quit b Y -ornmis pol ot� the mia'. g I n 0 an Crocus, I t4iinly one bf fa count a due. not so much the most Ing. being, disputed UM 1pi chance.. !A �e si�Qn a -agreed upon $1,000. t 6 farm! I'would I Th 0, large buitness intdr6sts 0 ie g. often becom e man 0' They find. that Some �Says I' to hlrn:� an a 19W AYO� th -pro.spt6ctive of the. eager,buyer piovq'to, be woirth- wo'rn, on Jjr6 and ferilliZ46ri attractive, but' only'. a. few:. gardens c�l poultryme 'd in used%tas to e ru .... the" iffit" I �Iantlnjq`of �the crocus specles good'lay�rs b Pears. li IeSFf MOL the surface -while thetthreiA6 of the ir ng'energy, dis it, have moulted erly. 'It "Did'ybu yer' aP �Re, IjL pleased d 'lands.4r is ok for some? rtgage voting the so* for falf blooming,,. 1 They aiiria quite my opinion thd �arm still fi na. � In that Case i�e- some'-wirly moulters DiYybu boillgr to.' siness Interests u ar hunt your, corriflel�l the but 'hi's ct mbered' business' r are jWc 0 may be L fin6,Llayers -but ift. gimeral:the IFAMI"t'pair;tl�e �'rn placeg',with.'biack '.Sh' t er that, the constiitentii of the equal in 'charm and, beauty to what tthrough at he,.e4n­,.fiQt bu3�- except diaseited t6wa'�,' are known. d9r,the Dutch crocriases, and early moulters­'�rel and;so no recourse call land w Moll Shall be made aVahitble'��for th at sAmple ,you thought he disposes 'of � a' W.. u�, good. A �For, a tdri-e under Contract, until 46'had by Is _qql; uso.�a fikure,eighi e combination of,' poin t be con- arm o.r. gbMii -property...il"�e're,.' In-'6ne Instance' as mu�h as :$5,000 use of plant�,"It ISL necetisgry that air they' -Are uite ag,-easy t6,gr6W.L, h d' d6ne'in thht e number of falL'flowering,�pecles sidered"in all culling oper;tjo "a.. Howe'ver, h yay, or Just.: ah'civer�-and-oyer stitch Th' would 'do, test of thbL, Is bo,freely� admitted; Vithorat)a plentl- n -T bring to the Fair?" e Pay - $1,000! 'down', was realized, by' th� 'outlay of n I y �plant quite'Llargo, but many of 'the sizd ' . L L, , 1, a, ment; 'A man - eat all to rebve the bare back threads. ful. SiThly 'of oxygen,, ma. them are, POULRY OES. And Finn6kF0'9 possibly ;ore, depending upon'. initial,`$ '000'pity her in too blame* busy� C�o �both�f �a�, thv'valuixble'tirhber from his land, the 'cultivation. Them d Ick 'In' th iloi -pin and take, immediate Poo hO en . of the rug 7ha's �boien ki !foods remain drpiifit e: soil. v I of a nereases. egg pfodddlGn. head q er ou ry k4is Session o attels and all if o;wne f S fa L, one consequently are bsele'sa to the'. ciocus.'or coldhicUM, It. � . t ch the� r �ruse� o III ed '.up; 'blanket' stitch blacli" beltin'g-_ h;,. eilt With�.Sanlples of c9rn, But I've got'a rink the,'co qrh ho have''e, eason., xperim d meadow dafrioni, deservbs *111 6htimetfor delivery of deed somer,,inission �he, paid, !so bAlle across the end' aldra1ittle" drops. But the admission of way down ve oil y on drive t Find t6nic, h4ve, give tha dk� ShoW a hg rallY-this 'deal'- a 'in ury he'land b,% with uro. mustard' RS colt U a_.,attentfo0--:th � a helpful greater Tfiat�d r skifining it, but y* from amateur gardeners. :also prolven t livesto Olt, pulled 6ff. e'A" To make, 'an,, obdu rate c6r-`,, Y t 9 t was &d. tdP-fak; the' farm' Cultivation. Bytfroquent:an must rd- I -rie o Prize -irly spriri 'bick, d that th� Use A see , 'al houk orou in it a sidd[br and wiSdr man.. Y, gropnd'- the''d6pth-.6f, er, is flat, sew thr6e -th lirifig' the o a apk-sq helps to, c egg P�6diiction d fall nlont�S` in h!the u'f tllat�exists between 9t., of the goo - e increa's9d, it t e r" without in,an Tied on' ib' 'a pig tb a t!s go t Me at the, '4 soil.may b i graidti 1�f�I'the belting, d Itb of th of it.. f cbriter','and, one, oil �ach aid' eve the.: flowers othe old .,and thoSeL, ot, way injuting d ry lnqhiained�iii'depth means 't e, ne 'the hea So, innegan passed from pan t pindfit o Regis ere., P it th6 e he, n or 0 Pen, Shi year. AS the �r6cuslike shortening Its Dryden - district of in., teUd o f th ol, . r u g c' a n,. A jr6jItL exCep-. or6tugbly 6 1 th, d giving �c. e blog -life Pronountijig his views wi�th'.a, loud New Ontario has 'be�n diiid:d�inc�.eixsb in fertility. i, n eat.', d," e, - - soma, come e ore �the b f e, mon ed by,th reven A 'of 'musthrd., A An Amen. tionali� good '-results where�rer, 'When wamention.good c�altiv�tloii t -their "being sp�iled :by 'a' dded-to it I't" -ruied o a I%,, crinbli-r- ration' ihjr6ughoui itda'' edges% to �a piece- neju'des,, of,,6uise, Ifie. Impoititnt Up ill Oil �he daily him: 'Productivity; purity'a d' �are, "t The � findings of placed 'oil e e a6 h6n -Ing t�e' to* n v aiy an f al pr va e' farme in. the �Pssezitialt looked for In' g6�d �eed ri this .c�nne6tiqn -t fi splash d *6dther,' it, is ad, & b Pera ion- �f lt�6ing, betwbenij a k �season 111 call.you'r blu' r6*Ing ViLsabI6 to plant'' legf on y� bring� .14P the northern,'lati- confirm Spo or' spread 1, �'Producfiori but, kieps' -the birds 'If yo� -can ia se's ch. Itgh-class' -On a6courit'of Canada's rm,, filL 'in tjl� color of tb' erq'p�sij 'and this Is' als6%one, of the b6s c Ippi �aroundjhe u 1 Stu I L awn ed by. gfowing.te,sts., b� tying- -,-in the right toned ujiin;- ph'�ii6al health.' f arin. as you claim you orus;. c. lmhtic. conditiops -'earrie out. -at' the C�ntrral,,',Experi_ pping Ca tracts of rich .1. -tawa', �afid at branch, if the combiied with. immense' cli ed in Au& -t virglit. isb the northerh lati- e N, -COMBINED.- Why;,, eed �o�i farmg W . I "I ' �ha e. a ec of, 'Th y bps� iII -Ti I 0 :' '"' ' " � C limps: ot'bulbs. _ Oil Your 4inky tude, and rig d Woo'L'of e ant drought.," rilenta 0 ortt St. �Flq not match absolut You've, gqt,� to'.,come across! -else here, in �0. a any or imprevc ly, Thd s�ring s -n il�:fl suit will 0 'mark— to it be . gi. on vies SUnff V�6i. -planted in tudes y in N 6'r rn en.' Ior t he jagged rent,with'Ljob�o *H4 the ghbW- t ­ and expos -7 ti0 a gduth��rnl IF top, I -ple world to, do y el ccess. at ained-by thi�.'seed ed war threa�p.,., 6rien'taf rluig� a �your mer- . lisposaIj. jig,as: much e 7_0 a bigger Cr'oj hrts- reFited.-an 6 de miaind for it d** Is Swallow'. yqqr '71:Ie�ier7�ality, than C and "have a qualitity it afs well, 'The nly'ihIrigAn the. p own to' I' d The�su .of, eshmanure d n -sim beauty,, 0 n airio 61 th ',�vortiiy of . ilace- In all gardens wir T -wordsi r Prove m, ortbern.'Ont�i .,c r6. ests in X h,,work with 4 ka p6sAle:thi , f' ut home. wor We o owers, or,en- . nOf n ar' "the top`�qu te',� tough; , Fit - digging Is L . " .;. produce s not to: io.t6 Met does seed;of th 'a' e 14id� v4riAY �egpecl 6 class dai"Y' b k ...... . true!" e, am or fldwer8 mine, -the val hll� fro� better f:,spnfl , , , f r is all but -leave go9' f: =66mmon ' hpp�6cj.aj d 6rn: latjtUde. farmers, of Qi t to., D'u'r"ingthie past' ated. :rThe dr66pingj.white, Sila'ge 'purposes have, �;3 far, indicated rep I L r. . L ant thi� phen6meno� h a Season. the local 'Cd-oPer�five- Ass'ocfa` M a r re. u d t U.y -W Ujide, t e Coun ateS. Theoe gko seventY4 ac ig r oil -which� Is thus Finnoga rs tit, South tlai�fic t �scrubbft ':' Wo: 6n-itot, ts th6. Qii�ttri 'ent ed �blossb �the spring' rep is of great value. be made"to'IbbIc an:,exc pritctice; lRet 'year, Wit niverL As small dnes can vgreen4ipp' S Of -.that�this ej n nute to capitalized', by, a een ion 6 , f , �e4 'G' b r6its sn�WSL, i�hance,to do th6ir'.snowflak -like neW, y..A ca e: �dd- -a fresh flowers Ii Sp4i 6tito kr& r avk� Proved :to,' be:`fro�t Was owers at border tl� shouidj5e si6tant'Ftnd hav 'yielded moret ty gko e 0 sold 4or C brlought,to'�-tlle slfilace,'A'nd, wbat'l onn9k: Farusliaily.6btain.a large orti als� do� thiow', buck el oa lantedAii clurn' P Fin a4l Fru, leave them Q:,fO6 5eq: 61� dti' heart"And their. seed, po�a� clover' �4uai � impoi, P Ps o six or mo e, two than, corn. Sunflowef- bfis ' ilake, has Leadinj t�e'pride of his "a fr�o and tance, many of 'the inches . I r - consump Aon a deep, rfirg, :Sei�temb' kiVell excellent resuits'i t' er., or ests . 1. 1 1 . . . I d. hibernatthg' fnaecis, -be pl6edihg. t in, �Fied_ -fqce -to - dry.'but'lif 'have c ;;flat, Sul 'me an vat (;'rain, grow rs and 'Seea firms W -W 'C411 Will' extioiiia er- 'EdWard. Islan n -t i's r embered. that..�,t w; erA I . I .... .a,nr.,, -I-0Ty--5`f-_ffie-sho: sp, r 0. Last south'bi the r' look adian� cl6ver B c ean any' rug 'tho'r'oughl'L b d'r And d I e ti 16nce enougbr` odox-ai-ortg ero' in -No thern,d�tari alrd ell:- A Norman colt. from Whe' I --in-gihFinicithees-ti IS '-also ell on arm f' a y imports. for the three -Ittle 6n6s'ean% . e Y arde 'giientibil, Its oed scibbbinj.':. worthy, of our -year, at:.-tho. Donlinioft.�Exjiarimental to. the Praiie- Pr6y nces o Canada March iqt, 1923",to- 'Was not, contJI16t4d complete. without brightfid cheerfuI-fIomrei6-oV6fiInk in Stati A: §iring,of "Soine 'dad-bitrned'7 ending grain alued. at $1 - .,on, Kapuskasirij "Orit �irlhi nitable, lart4rer of iwoetl arlo, seygp fo talled 8,393,476' lbs., v on the,kitClu y scented" trsr; In' April, 6r'soon: after th ei- snow -is' gone, varieties of, sulffl 'BY'Gum, much.of tk class'se' d' QS, on, a were seeded Y. 735095,i ',that Noith6 the �d us t by 'Ahiold,w6rld ga 'That'll make 'them spiiatter g.,j �. � I - I 'otwer j� rn. can the, flo'or remove-, flow May 29`oh land previousl 'I I C' rden of my boyhood TN'varlet�`Iucilizto h udges 0 t avifig blue n ario' daryi. b y n c over y But not until using a'vacuum,ceaner,or by sweep .0 -some! ti ow we -had, huge �st 'of Ad-tihie e­rs' b a ��w.l 'n' '-bas anadian pr6duce!;,a �s rain of love' b6ien:imanured fi r ee wit ifte ci��ti6; is the''beat -andwhich has ad, hr- fio*e�s such' as�mlgh6nette, ten -w at a rate A pumpkin, too,'thut.'was su.�e to win, Oed found itsway In. Com- nitely better: adFip Ing FA,ni h .a li�ht rattan of, 15 tons per �.edijreed ted -,',to Canadian. d beati'ng­',�it known. and sh6l�tld be �Ianted freel' t Inertial quilptities-to 'he sw ortror ;where r h ere is roo,_1 A, d6u.b I I . o �r Y, hi g. was,done And "Struffsthat gh a d the kid a beater, not V conditions, thaii the -itocks; siveet�smellliig� rbs, e n s sen nother con'tin- imported seed- Ft.�` ire one. Pla*ce. �the rug - ve in rows t 'irty, -inches' apart d �, the febrier, roses'. hild others that I �'do not i)Q�g the. fro A n in:!' ent; The S.S. "HesperiW1. V,,on'the. grass,' for blo" which'sailed that'the b6me emand fo.r cl WS on, nt oVa.-borger of 'other'' Plr�nt�; w'hen'up, thinned, over'Seed six- Inches, ea� for__Buen4s,Ai.res-rece -1 St t-aAelikht-th k th 60 _nt leddytat�goqd p may fi Ue �Ow`­` 11' t - e i or tip. ies T' -'- were �And, so, third -day, when' ..hiiri bushels of registered Marquis wh6at: preciat r- seed, )�oduc_ m�xture,,( is-' pgo',iii clum,l aw nieni e i)6,AiIwards, the. IIFTYMtdt. �86ptembei 1�, the.-, prodited.. by'. -a " b* i tion a gold6i Aen was to us, all 1, d that'in clove' t.a W �of,-lrine �neutral f et that there is so mer 'front of. -the 'hardy, Merr' among- ;..M�tfi theie, �o , te.,Can-� its ays eeemd. -hot Sol half 'a, crapf All New. Ontar-i soap or 01 7 ssocia ion in 6--firmers c4wing, gria4teit -'adiure -seed, 'GroerA' Ahe e A;Ske-d- Fri 6FtP akes-in quar -thingeven -!�D 0nerful-'and-subtli -dwarf--ghr -ba. �Wh end,. innbkMi::;,"What, of, _SAsk 'Wbe' hd At 00 u .9. , , i"l, , - ,...Y e Mr. align ' I . - -th--] - t�wo,__.the,, a c h6,V�- en(le t h an. an d' from Ous Y n 0rtak this., phaise -.,of' e- e er'. ot agri b a ear,lts-a:gr�q Rus'sint -re rts, that th6' M h ` I ' M , ; "" I PO amm Says Y t-litt-1; - ontrea c it -will-li an is'Wbll t e-edlisistency of or, the,d ai OW. W istrict. a tow; r a-`Ia-fh�r1bat Will 'End of, it'k t the�--s-eason r I of of wheat is C Add t. water to it-'ar This va iety an than ulture. parentage, the p, -sweotest-'gr -it Js �ge 'bred of "mP,.-6fWd 6thef" e 0 !The cotn'likIii4it J fine, you kn�6 ar a. Fin - ass or this . ie Nonhang� W. t rea Qk 1Y skim.off 86 .1 th side of th e 'fence�, 'the. p aturim, �,qomc premiums? Yes A to I , ents being Haid Red Calciii-Za,- i�o� 1 7� ust6d., I a]' me '6f the Ar a er a-trettiest girls a A t; NY,. Used'M ,thing -Lbive. 11 to It b16 land ls� 6mmu The, MarqpI-9;'Dr.. CljAs.:'�baek ht ing m ture. some:-othei "C ens 8 c ass On -the 196rm�n originator of ndreds, of x used iibout'the,Ug rot," is. fir d 49 pa nel., ilage.. colt.: An,d-Xhe, strigIe yea a, rs We, nl� boy has ear .: - I ... Norman time was" wor� pn­'the floor, ha :,ftj; the 0111 -�hibce the -fat first placed Marquis,..At read 'that in E.' Saun6r e v6 �T'IY 'Ottawa'76, much'teiii-Iler ve a P e. -a mmonly- used-, in -it -rftI:X-fU-r ne Vgk,,jjg _T _�rs -ye a or to an vi 0 to PPur Canadian.'s iing eat croF dirty water� and, a bitsIn n which, 900 Y hi It Tf 0 -907'. 90-pffc�nt. of th d k a - ----- - it 9-T is d the -O-f-,')��llo-w-Den.t�-But.4n�ih -A- if_G'a�adiaL* uin!_�,grow�o __1 11 _.Ao,;'�'go to- exiv.. an onIv.ho he- i -s Po a _C' P on - 'o g -rn:-,-Lg —�Wore S. airig, an empty pail Into parallel. with each other, -the � firs-ftviO on the' firm.: av6 �a Ield', last y6dr. Mixed ass r, and d libtless this., tf four incheii; iipart; inches' -between Where Mennonite, a virieiy tioni'the, Ros- Fair i4s Mar-':condime served an excellent purpose-,, 'to. rinse- the- _clothm,� -Plenty -of. Is "the best coun ..Q. -yea or n _thojae�_.f try I n. the,, then 3Kust_hFAve_sbme 6oiItpetitionthere sted dajs--peopIe,:,ug&, the. � sorcond' d? 'Where 4rp . 9p o - Au .. n- that 'a or 12i0b 00.0. bush�ls of. tb to. 6at'a grea ��r �water. W 0 P So longl e t deal and. bb*,eefi. the thlrd,�IIA top boards Nail more n'L vekc-table -brush ln��'dj,YL. th�-'eltrlif)st Vgrietk te� dbut' did 'not Take hon16-this melori,Ldol United, SfOes'sprink,� wheat crop be- with.less regsird'for their heralth''ill Dip a Clea a s well -as the Mammoth ities to get ahead,the greaest? Where yel a Russian. -inch across ix i * 'ji ' " a good, four are conditions just dht for-§ucedgs� _1,,,D.0 vi leties. Oh, Yes, it'got,q �,.t6o llj�' 'longed to -fluslr--�vlth 4iirid., Io id -da.': 'ne F 4. t' a c ' rcu ar motioh`,6CrUb..':,, s- will .*make a� panel' g? Where r r mumi'taid -:pr(ibablF. d a Part of. t6' riuk,� p hem ind. a iof �Iank, !rthen oil fill- faiihing. and, happy livfn' of­eti6fIFt6L-co on mix ure Contain'! rn-werer should the be th Ina 'Hatchitt.DufAeld 'aye 'the Nolr �rhp six Inc in is centre� T Ung man:g6jn aIso'Wqte4 itt,Xapuakasing but ju PRODUCT'OFI WENTY YEARS.:, from, the, square.. b6n t Usu'al Unpliakfant-res' dle,a y, a to 'frost interfered 'with the, crop, 'rid * — ------- ___7 By, the educational,anil control work lustard Is re�o riti Will look.nddy unless three feet three Inches,'. high n 1 mathe' greatest success? f .. w dd, atood The "ang- ds wee low. overmmeating.: , up '.o'n.,e,dge. , Ag..mifiy :,of these yiel gniz., aA Tip -f6 a 1 tn-a y us blenj�_Qf .*er is easy and -quick an Seed Growers, Ass med! ' ' 1: 1 , e rWoshD of"the Canadi 6 cal. authoritieg-j4.day- YOU, can si heart reP6i-t-of­th6-SuPer- - ation ba­ek_6v­er-_9_,,_ period. excellent, afitidote- _b� mad"s_'d� 'red. I . ly told.- h pxten n 1� Scrul�\one Par� unIeb, 4 dries6 Can be �et up n ,intend lf�a luniIi of s6da is dissolvedAii h ­64t indigestio t oporm and the, best, 'people'in.,'the leiii. of twenty years; the most,-promidng Mustard,: contains �certjj Thr in fro t �h'e Kpiaskasinj'Station Y_ -blui �ra�r J �ClPth -V�rYAxy P.nd..wipe 'Of the Individual hot, nI4 be 4nter� m�at��'and;�Flded io the' Joe ng etigiit ;at t live .4t,hiat�neutritliib.,..th�-'jod ikxbb�_Of wl te ng,In vy',' fatty rn�aij t� e nap. C of lb' -k'6 e- b ­r, '-see-tion. of-t'he from-Ahe-Pfib tip, ed In their pur-� o,not r-ub,,It In and?bL% sure that .9 —st"' lle-f rom- ttlf �Pedijjr�_ed aidmul 11 ment, Superiority-, until'thb-pigs. areJargo,*enough, tojol,, Is tho'Dominion`�Ddar on tl�te cloth D -A patchi es and'inalcosthem, it Abe, owa, e_ends of,, It ha�' taken -you -halt: a lite� obiaitried-a-nd maintain�d byi ttij should be Wet. -Continue to rin a ow nto arger range. ne s are''fastened. to ere the pa - I j�athar wh- time t� mike -your manylrie�ds and 1.'A . OproVa and 9ccepitane . e .1 of var- and �,rigthia 'cloth in th th6Y f6tm �the co'flnerg 'with th 6yer- �s based on er-Aertilve-plot rtest�,b'v an the -supply of ft aferlinny Plan o9h w. let' bke6derg Ftt'Governent stations fLestablish reputati6ri 'for honest basin 9 wire, -and by, ndling :a', dealink., -'YOUk' 'neighbors o Homo '',ad C�ffli are the one ose f he. race: o ominion. aff -one-b -uliend On y th bewiped up. torother With. you d oukhstf� erit a.�of panelg'�can,.b6 wirea,fo the aniidi` bor worth a multit" vatieties of:pro gh is ude,of 'p house. have,, used-' the'se' paneIx to t thp".dirt'thaf it hcild'4 .,When 110 oa a rangers. The loneliest plac�6 fn th Kini Ge(wge. 3 vi&ws, on:, Nation-gu are a6c.epte-dfor-rie Y. c 91 areu inspeti6nairid.scoringofL: .3.r. rem By, Gil .. .... dry" br" h' t*," are -Unknown. ear us bouses in,a row' f' reaking lone- e lds.bY tirained Ingjpeahrs� erie? bHokly, to' rahe the njip. If 'th' � rug apar ar enoug linesq A I ea in thd on e I woula'raach-f were. usy,being, kind, hOfry�'to nhl�h It �f on4 t-90 g,,'bat City "Thei'grbwbralts as well as,g'' 'hecti" -6m bid and ood; with Gar s6ho'-ols 'the President otIng .0, seed fr -'approved If You, b do �Iat pa'nia rom-.one never in't,61.611111tily. cattle and gert n and, timber "I the; O,,i-, ".said that Statistics, show that only 5`1 gerniinafion by Befor6'y8u knew it, y A 7'tj' that M'Pas d To ­h6g' Ito baon,8:-`tt' liis int a crow whore YOU co 3. Thd best land is 0 pu afieldi i nty and t .,fo to,the other tind'llhe: five houses I d you Fire familiar with,� The reported, 'the .,Govern-, per cent. of the ebilkiten' atte-riding the - omni at6res. our would fi n d tawa U I', feet' on Seed jLabor You'd- sbon'fotgiet. to thi" were pli�ed far enough'tr9m, rk�'perm_ montrdelcgat�q with ej�thusi 1�. + )Y �Jt �on be plened, it, rlii,hoor n,nd' '.AJQ0._schooIs:.df A.. Final� inspec , �"aS - I �_a. m;60ne was'bn�ind t6', r, I's tion anent Jence -go -that one pane wou grew.0 P W1 Women's Ina i ig ot. so , 5ed t Egstern inethods, will! tri , g --�C�n,491idatod Schools: Ing -and sea it titute High S66A, Th�' at,�.nded - gr)W,5 rs ruirs -Fire ilie North ift'raiki.distri L9 t,o�.",ehtral Clea�ing plantT. f trom a ho�s� to the f end�', -the�o- _u'rely'-fail -it the -c., Those pro�! Pt$'Mi9Fg West; tbei C was the remedN ly Ina. Ing a par lo�i tire, a es in Oath and nual wore Con- Po! Lto_nie;t* this situation. 'With its. 'Cqr�etal reco'_Idinj�under- registrn-' tit' '' at Onch h0uqea method, f ilu the -S f re �'Disfrlct An I I'll d- d Ilioilt tile, rnu�+ e paw _,-were-, wired to, the lene: vi th, ils' cc 'Vincki thathi 'ified,in the' jfidf­jgti: §,0 r,; eligible�.seed;stnckrJ'A1tjb s-was,,ex6mpi and, also,io thel hou'se, by -means, pf a broad' an' Oug')-Your ,eart might ae.11, t -s rtp�:nai success At"hO I in" cr 'a n d' and Yi` t 'led to Ing d sound vision of' the- de 'boys would have teach, year,. Qpportunitibs. are.. all, ai�un&.yoLt, lc�- girls and each ,, , �) - . v tjsj�g 11 sovl� forget, w and! in the,,ran& �rainfng, Intellectually of 'attip projecting iin n�ll�, or no�f�at tl,6, nd w. �plendid,:'de'v.elopttie,iii-ofiodaI rightful go 1 -the C of the the. iason' 1,92 422 in an esources as a nig 90641 ho"' on the ullieria I wanted to run ffiY wir6s, This e( a sus ined 'Tomato tioney. ts. which, Show f t and: e.speaket advisM thb la'dies'to bushelA � This amount i �j -ar y 1, jd Increase nnot ne Wliole.art"gemen can b' )In ce d the re -1 t ha�-e ot file. tto� tbo s m6re d liolori-, bored A�o�kh 'it nd falent 4cally thfit them to, take their' if Y�u were 'bru �A a very fro 1,h in plal as Citizens �'f this great coun- att, pot h attend the annual ehool meet' lj,r,Zo YL h6. Wetfare'i>f ffi onle all 9 to' co-oncra e real' lidney le cent -�Allin " b ;r" e pro rig.1'And �j r *44�4*_*�"L�­,�.-,,f.)�r) c __L , _ spe., ive mo ciong gabs�ltuto for'. th tri li, to b`-Fo,ad'y anid' ois now WhL, d 'dent' s 0 -jtAst t)jp� b4f. fl The Prosi 'Poke qf in -made for prod action'. of - this' 1��4- if ' � " '' ) 'a ess tw, oltig 8 t P-rs in! I hiln 0 116`017s� with hot'bisduifs oe'waf es. T6,eric;i ohen-': i�ith the 8�hool Board and te�thers i hl� Ai g P I -otheir -reat adyantao,, of ljow� tjle� hstitutes anyt,, ingj he b Jn.order'.'� th't irai-, omenal growth of Wo It -jf , _enefit r in greater lu �_o n )e trj,j9t(,,d 6 U� rpmove ohly n he'toma� y;e a gay in, n r, e arid'the childrenoand tola he ldi:ng t�ojnpr- --�vojldorfral �ext . Tortable-.. ed rnd-of -one �le )on',. a -t t only abo Pfec�s, itdd- th' d Find their. mi < orar� fences qLthe.;hoglot�, lusto'tiDer ho, ruv Ff �d"T)uf it ill sion. Qf a rM branches of, work, the ofectio' j. but, that� r up., worm , wshion like n of th' �choal Board I f b rin t �ook until -the liqiuid' is 'hearl strongly ad�-bca6ed a s0reiviaedr ftom, foreign: M�y �)e ryl�r� T ",Wd le for"'ille bettering WHom'� and Co6n vo to vy I re e' the- frnnAise. had Placed enc6§, and vaporated. Stirain 'through a f no' th Y lf.,o�l lased to, build rail f oon e to] kg I Y great`hour� *and the 'hot'schooi fahth, �Rerrr '0mb eXte-ht, Mot t1lem together at the corbers',aAd you' ot.eich Pint of the t�mA,W.. power N,,tlid,�ha tb I . 'r . ' I ! ., � 'A I 1. , , and y ncts' of women for the ferring of lawt.o or hlln(' itr J)V t)l(, pulp tak copies *M, U, ntario good fence w 'a pound, of 'a ' r find the in provemen -.0 our,:. do`uhtr�, and it 'relating to, w6m6 10*6d tht right, �fie wt,ifthf f 0 �A� hiA only required e U.9a ni and cbiloren, just otiffbAbia, lie 11.4t boil rapid a ice Branh if tf�j i)USY,epit�t, two"Ffd Wh dr Is D­riirt- To A (few�mlnxrtes t�'blalld. -It also h 5'jujde of one 16nioh, a sacred ffuqt, to, be li;!htly the I�eparfrnent for the'uso c6 gervi rs; d it would M0111 'of Tiido aijo� IV rild, of and td. .S of*.,�fi§ ltuteg� she stigorgeste frltik6 well until qufte ihi;�� he 4u6ted thtelct,ords' of l6n nY of the corhers f�r tidmittitig or b�,carofult�at:fi'does not burit, Seal Georg,e "a. country cannot above. be 1i kbd- idea. for each trAnch rtO� oIS tho art a 9 s'the '1* let,frig out thi hog. E., G, Storib. the' 16VOI bf At�g bomesi nor its homes' a P'Ar't' 'of. ome of oIn Arjz�ntir,,-,w.jff I �iibia and then ,as You *ould cataup. thei,r meeti'n v) I of its h 't e -m k lo he Audy oi the od, purchase, of CanAdian' fjr�vr i�xd viegttabieoI. well 0111 a ers, so laws. in n, 166uKh .100' tons W�,ild po�neetion� read tb e Home Ing, she:agiin welcottle jfrow�eis 61' the, %U4S46^ ryt Ing' cbo seed g 'or are' ajV4 do po a sprayed With%, and; In this d the deliag'ates Ill f.fi�y, It y e ideal',,; and -11 'lind expressed 8 (>r f)uj)PIY the.medirill n burn 611 to, tvpty It man Y time )rAnip Bordeatix,mixtbr& to kill the boppe- Wker's embodyinst,th* istitute Work# aen IA con4 large number FLY, s of all"00tI! of, Wom i tlistltb�e wi6rk�ro.. RresenL.,�, U'ring r; year clover 668d'9�14 on. t)'I(s, the annuil *61�ld, D' eCe a