The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-10-11, Page 1`7�, 7' 7 ............. �,,X X Pi L A NA Y4' -Otig .4BID­ -Xi ­io-,A 1RESVIII001 4 FORM 1_.tMpiifjqy.*�-O4otober 1501 2, 6 U pa M NTS.� - P, iss Winnifre visited- at -By W, M INES P �14 fo Aturd R 'I 'Of niolo llf � ! .... , , : ;, '. � j cQuillin W611, Atlyocate P� Aas Th6j ,AeH -With Mt;� -DEN.T Orangeville: and VA 'K we 1 1`4'' of the Aeath- of1virst, Dre*iii h Evejtijj�,' Grand wQe 'h Ilq-y" durt _X next, atio last, re- SHices- Gc a C-omm- R6 week 441" M -_a,� '!"day. Rev. MacLe 0 0i 0 Ret Rd :Ejll�'�,yisit LC ri-9-w away', j uming� tle�o� Itu Adery __Oof r,"Cgrinell's Office, PPe lo,PCW ea ed. Dress Orxia�' 1 1 'a"(410 e Mich .'on Sept6ijili6r 2-1, Aniv-017S417 SO�rvic��g� '4t.)�,f 1:4y- editbr­ �P`Thd: Pan -Heral 3 ds.,, irt 1) 00lu —B0 bp 'hour we a - -1 ol'OtJxy,�. 4*Ut8L oy �,4t*�,�)IO�,�4,�Lb,iz�-��o-�,,Y�601-.'S"-��' 7:-� �in*_41*e� 7 ....... "e sa § -ving, -e4d .41 ­, g s ent r W, C� i: - M 0 evening! 's 46n. st- S 0yer ry, W!Tr 411A GUELI�t 40nows, JII . . �fi .4, 7 - 1. All chr3 ea§,*t� sldei� oft the -village.: I'lib iiio-, a -4 A C' fho�- .6 In si d10 a d (reevo). and ure W10o; h ik-50 =fiu , _ M7, --of �-.Xmtreal,iha --Win f �-L=Ckl *kt 6ahour k T., the we',4 end. w th Q;3troyod Mr John fii�sday tiftelknoon' nic cus- spon't Ic' o r. n s b a -",Whole, Wheat Bread'. rs,_1 H, Shmiff tawil to ul`day� ey6nng .., _, . I I - t - . 4xill kases. supcessfully ti,eated.,� Osteo IN I . * . 1;, 1 1 . W.A._WPIg good eno Zn e t, cen:.If rty to, giend LrillL ,nt Y; gb§ . onts of' Ldd -0ar-Specialt VI vi lig -pi egl; ell 'of pent, p t rs*.. gapies 6 I I I )ublisbed t 6 44ke4it:'Pri�eii. fo; j�..,'Bqttoi I , ­ �; .. — , ,,, ­ - . ' I­Bi5ard Pt'�th&-!I , an 'Jif ty' r6 i. M tl�'AP4 48 , , ^6 th 'e�`PfiysicAl, bAii �to % 4nd Mri The ",01liet us,�.�an article "%�lliqh he� h d U� � a 11 Ad tee fly Adjust Jiig -�Wdbsier'speiit� ers- i Itan Odout, the,*ebk-.end with 'a 4p n "f�e * su'S lec of thej J quic Xrs:,�- ri-en, s -at -S �B J_ h Tt` Mes'�alo a 'unanim� -ai, ere y, secured 5Kd7 0 t' ; � AfTl &I, S I �Lls and. an, Butter And - E U 41 S -n d f d ��t John' -o *Ath dewer, trcaimenis bi Osteo-' Mrs �,�Vhich. Off -i innie, of WingAam. 'e, Sund�y'. Ya, oLls .111vi J A, quw 1qrs Chailes'Bia:rbour and d'aiii,�-hter C W"I , � * * * ' - okpldhatlon f f�,, i'r home in.yand �hy 0an! by aniy other ,mqthod,,* Uchiardso� an t ..e G tation lo;.tho, n' 0 O'Peculiar occurrehe ev, Wei . �14- 1 er. o of, L4 * o rne hq -A �ur 'e, in'' h vls) qp; with Mrs., W. 1. MeNall, 4LW to iplyiain as. p�stop.,or.: t r— , -_ f m M rs r I I B waWs,, , Tw* n t Ut B! "M e. 'ch to p�ribc3 A I is In s�upposed� the fires of 'D ing th. ere t. an thirty' P uiCkiiiaw' p4i f r a I* kinds: of e th� years .o,. Hail who with the 'A Year. itig. Ve�ye. hone. L .At to­Ri'dout:'Church.' n - is kifid sided, -in Luckn,�W,' mr �hey rq try., olligns. Bank staff he 'pa poul M , 11 1 ere L aliti 1-.� - . io'. s season .-Are y AIDS- BkyanWere p summer., has bi66Zil trAfisfer't "i p6j)Ularlty ,With, th tar ii no, Die M as' POpu-. Gros opt, Lucknow. red to the b recogniz'ed `.Ahd pubticrs c e congre-- ex'cePtions,.like firps piiited� � it, zen office at He s6VT11. KINLOSS. I nsall Ao'n..-ig -,�s�ugg-e§t ed by t -hdving developed.' 'a gat s in, -.a- heTaU'thaf elsewhere. ai,3rked degreeO.-h6lpful in rharty, w4� D it'. 4. H: MONNES Mr, Evan Holt of Valois-, N.Y. 1� flow iiivited..�,to rep 'They ;cIppe4r,,�hQwever, to lie, 11 let r.e­uh, r �ii�oin year. e I ..' Q Igeneral atten-, establishing, thly,. Com I 1. !tT) lain,'jor a spent the iiist-week-with relati A..T meeting of thd sixth rst rhora and. i)hysipal Chiropraetor Ives hr. t* Iatt ct' the I P. e a tity,' retiirning to held, it t . home of ;oun.d. tiolii of the� villagoi a was bucknow.' W. 'M 'S wa tion in this province ndjt, visit the, i0a'in an vicir the f Winghani Will-, New. �YQrk 0 d et ExocutiOLl Illinittw , , , m i�e6qgnitipn of th i s � tha"t the - social House. Lucknow. on Mondaysi.and n Tuesday, Uthe on-, Tu'os'a- f fstl;i Ila, Mr., MacD6n4ld. statos,'that' Dispersin Sale S �riand. 7A 1 0 toe Wing n -.Djsirjt n,LL­iit. the An tb jr of .4 1 '. 1: . I I Afra atui ay e e Thufsolay Re�-ular' niectin-irl of! the Luclojlo'�v C10i - 2ud,11' Tlie -, r&si.�J.Qnt M i, onag-b tiiis;, Woek'And less,"than- 300 thieshiriv Of $,J.roffi, 9 till 0 L,�ckiiow P-qrs year 1914 no V, ning wa P -M kinds successfully. )Womc 's nstitutq will.: be Diseases of all araac(L thLl 1) roR..ra"a Iiii-it','. I or, t e bineA­.Wdie b d jiqld' on in nge Frd Sided Th, t urne at 2 :30 _bbl'and itp,vVbortl ..A Ifttle-;iftei nilie-Veloc no -eve OMAS. B,' AITKEN,.. a, L, iijee, - , d in this h sun�, 111he way -handled 0 _tober 12th:, da �46& TH. 1. sillging, and, pr 0,11�ue 'Cop- tild,StAte of Was, This result - in thq guncil Chdiii 14: L I I I DR: MAUDE C. tol", thi]. n -a U to r, on-Nlov 7th. :A fin'd inguranote m es ori-thresbjng; program loth. Mai dvanceA i ­ 1 ) -be. obs6rvois,' i tho� �aifie'tlng 'We'I"i N011001) ho4d in, " the -L Ut-kno k Tee 'water, On'.. bers"'s , I ,, = !'hl to -be robilsfon. aiiiti6, need., iBRYANS' Boss6hbury Piano. Tuner Cllu Lph .4.great or 1 inued 0 0- S, " V--' t A at a'sh t 'Al Kitchener, will in Lucl tufl, in '4ilinle is, Jjr(q)al�cd 1,01, th'l'r*,' e''V'erit" machines had- be:en Alr� Registered Optome0ist'; cnow for it' rango -at thbr'e hes Oct.obei ders may, be, left jjt�,fllo th 2d for tb s lt" ey�l Frank, few" d:, i. '�'�ilcicided'to s jillu�ujill- - ktoldl'6,s(�s oy". lt, ere, x6icbink as 'much a ley wdul,d ., Ve ays,. 01 )A I I S s e en It pvc eW -ili 'iles an ad it , " , .1ollars .11-lu Graduate De�artmo Sentinel Office,'. or -Phone: 14 r dcr Ili oil one hu P CIO 11 lit of, 6philialinolm n d re, d 'dol.. peec d some �Znuslc olfrig ea rom gave a Afr. TV14,oinflek 4chl Colleg' . QI t1l"i, 0�111A, I tiea WoUla 'M 'Iiont M,P,P., mad g.Ues, Y Ur Opportun'ity. t Chi 61 , I Cage. a Goo Ahde�sozi- is 'condition, (I-- to a t opough Jri�,. to Toronto, on In iii Folloxvjn­�:- a a Buy G6 Wednesday'.0h hl-. of the e '�Y`Work fil-thp jVe4,t �XA st ahces at- Ost a e vei4y nvC-stigation. of th'o efrelim rQ, eni4rks Mr.- -A d tho L _�o 'Popular B U on at G men ea'd,, 4, neatl to,, r eef Bre�ed) velidst Witc�y'tyes. Pain in Atjnche ss,n ersdii M I it d E. ductory Hereford Cattle (AmeAca's Dry Itelly Eyes. Granu-': 'vitation' to attend -the 'Ll ve—Ba-l-Is-i---�Inflam�ed----Eve-s 0 U S e. U q�dedi`aoldroe Eyes �alid )pears to. an, -f rgaret, Mi,;s,.',Brya,n Water lic' jileott- cEf se� D �s ha fiol� Ma McQuillin.'. .'(laughter, of. A' he J�rb avp be'�� q�j '" r�e eirring in c mpli_ in the lIajj(j&,bf Well,, 30�,Cowjg And 116ife�s, s 6Lt e *.-ith' zin .%cntary,­tet s��to. r jo'6I4.. Diz V c r.e _91t Mr ahol Mrs.- R.j1.,MCQ -I k'on thii Bed � 'Eye an re t .t r 1, ?Work :1 ! -ca. ves at, foot u pro e went rth�j' ' . '. , . I .. th rly fitted.Glags n operation on the mastold' 8 T �vhi e",in,;1iUcknoi ' * h*' if I wis' in 'th I ,es at London, iAsf.Week.. is rd-� rfid uoto Mr�- acl)onald!,L� em qng. Vi orbiis lc ali U111 qle i e an �, pro§P�riiy, fa 'their , w_ 9 estern U onle,,,an copcu� I:x of ses ':and' 19* 4ith. a pquest n. Whiell fill e,- ir, oss' Eyes, gi6ighte , ti�ed through' 0VOrng n'icely. tig� o o,W6d t I hat' these 6x-) I r L, 1 ns' ng d Len t.." res,, ur,ing,. t reishing, Atis'f­j!tvotk, Asstv'r�d Tennant' h 0 0- by­fh� igilition' rs so. Gi,ade',Caitlei Hor-sc,�,' Sheap, 'Dr.' Droperl fitte M M rs f6psl' all ''At 't' and o er4tfonvWere'ea London. and f 1) thlit theS co�tept "thesdbliai ". (*hi h '.Al e Cain 116use. Luckn6w; Every 6 on. and Evening'. S 'px Wedneaday Afterno' -ed ULp JASt V ie'n , io-�uxieol) -o'i;is -a, Aylmer. motoi !,Weelc'6 suspqpsi 9 'k4ciiinefk,, Hany and ,!Oalts. of ri sj ,,-o(;d ill frbm,t eir Luckhow, f r;ien'* th� former QL ds, efi,, Usbal.. Ouieante;eis an� expressin osta tie, el -Giv s, mother -who been. PA -souico_o vi tile "tion' -was c h i *eyZ' g t�i� hope that t�ey Credit PAI �Vould g .9 enjoy.,�tieik com- J -PURVIS' ApIcti6noe o W clki.Vs� n uet .by foxt�J.The�chiitirs w'e'ke'va'w.aInUt 0 ameron, 1)asshge - of pieces, o ineta R. to 'and.- 'triclity stru6c, by­.fh� 'on t Mr �L R NTINd, AND,'P.A'VkRHANdINi6 b and rals'6'^ be 'he r'�e ',fo'r IS Luckrtow prepared, a be'l, 45th - to. 14 Oth, An' f Send fr Cittal ue to ThomAii B.' to do all kinds of, pAintirig,�L-nd,de tQ 2 Y �:1 0 og c,or- ers.ons foreip ted 'in 'tap- ed: i iiiaterial through ting. Ag VO(IIIiiinz work,dono� will t and ofhei j �kf'uphblste ren't'for-kall papers from 10c f 6.1t of last', at' I er,: Ont d A addregs pres6i -one :of the irs ell, n Hchisoll; mafl s.,' r.)., Spell' e� in:' o.a Teeswat A'' hb Aitlik a. est�y:) Mr D a. sh oll. u 22 tile 1h anies with. Mr. S.. Reid he Wa es U. 11 "I'll I, 'P lIog,ra h I,�Q ' The 90urce. aving been 4is �:njay be seen at, mv es po," . I Ke no e. 6r'slial 1 t� �,L , ! (A �t�, Mrs g�y, nt� Will of Al on - GU S*p Wm 6ihn joy a, -to Mrs n1e. y;Wat "eadi Y' sug6ested., This be tile' sed tako'theni to vour,. Robert ur-,, tit,. on, -Was- the a ion f a"du§t-c6l"­ -MI.-P.P., pros'' 'bere' them An: 'conri � I ented.- the other 'jto Mr' froni t ection with, thess ertson,�oj odl4r il 4 1 till Lnnl LTRY -0 G. �S Rqp-' d PO. died t. -d --an-d-tin vi Ii C"Iflast T,� e Art IS Whi al��eso much of Iffre.. nachine-in, 'uc�h� it' w -i byiorgone -days, when lip- knew Mr' id Mrs n4 c0ftt el marriage the Y as' B " ryArit g their 's'tay' ize'tY e. e ee ri re. was' eaigu ig ies cas p r 'all argret. -C� fo b -f put. on' the� Missionary D 't I I t t il a, wg -of- oWil -by.­Cocil Mullin at Z'aW ryan. As,.a wor't y Xrie d 1 ldles�t, riceg, id- f6' as k ClintoLlnd These were, glad to!L know, that . inds f cideioh 'y g nerat6d, e :h -ea y- ith last Mwiday nig-lit d lip Ne" t s, Zillg:qp�or ' a ion� Seaftirffi' Creiiniery�. Stithol. Lide k no w'.' d Wor o uaent the: nf.)w., afternoon 'of as himself S 'c a rge' Th 6 Experiments along:-Ahi 'such Were tileil life, are ehoyi g e&lth, and -a. fair t vv Oil h' 0 :line W a', ,00&-,r)Pq a '679-U �he:retui-ned is 'is %exte - title ' d la lLeni.,, 'oil ine' n 63, A, cor ihl' invitation oldiers' of Luckhow ai�.d.. on during -t e: seasons' of 1917., a h 0 gain -fd6.t'h' Id"in,11iii Ili f eir new 4ib-inify o-. atten-d DiVifie sirVice, nj qs.uie o prosperi 5y, iri th ail tj� -dj wit' very d e h' good e�rs e -t at �vas­used to form I �it Peler's, hu rch Ludch I t RADIO APPARATUS, C kill acrosw�. -�'They Were "'good in'* ow, on sun�.,. d' and,1921, tiiness �6rl ete the -Audjehoie� �0'm'011ote. r; 0 have -mel' M.r arid,Mrs" Those Wh e -Nov' I ''JAI'lillsti'ce :Da qcro�tic. was. r -dill pi ,of L�i� I, t T -a' v�ell as 'good work I I tl h ers n w nday. _Oc.t.ob.�r h., .; - t, ra y - Mr- B rya 'a -'fre-' 8t1l �rti'0 side lip, Li ive u was IiAio sets and'.i)arts."Ask. for'afree FOUNTAIN 0 ross W s We., -handle c nivIete ready. -to o.� hour of 10 '461161'd a M-�ltese -C' 'Ah tlio� 'Word M cDonald -eve tha '�hey' Na t 11. 6'clo�k a iii-. a rosu t- of the.extens ill 'iead6` beli ieo ce. up for. ..were, qui e equal to� the,�qc�a,sio­ NS.—We., have si iu�i 13,49 is 6 ico niore tj expprimontaj�wdi�k'jn.thi8 field this- n, both quent,� caller at' The' Sentiriel, .demonstration A storages battery is seii-filling pen 'with, a 14-carat,"gold h L exotbil no nee( a riiiiii tre fl6oit �spea ers, ail . in �poro�� He ha never expefted: to', see the V Qd:( eq as rea6h6a an d t, led f o. set now as d fy noint," liitabI6 'for. .�bh L, ringing. 8nt'Y done in white hzid, red ool -Childi6zils a I., stki�:e 'of dovelopion,t, cellswill do priatel',, rep lies to�:tlle addresses they :tirne When a linotype would jbo� A -p' use, at'ithe renia Ors, 1.and! wa- s' :these, rka4ly h)w' pi-ic6 Y`06� hL ecepted e gi art o6ni, tile of ne, q7 I') e il' " h el y t e 'lates he mecba'nica e---7 CQn b, Nini s 0011 t 811 iave )No.tifV J a*ck',or' 'Douglas ,Ostbrhout $1.5Q. cou'r8 I'lie- foiltiw�-,` t -'t y, es" ) , y Ing t�'P.k!E­ "art qpxpment­n-nei r "�Sfatiqne -h =. , 1) � __ __ inoweldged I kciGiii.--brugg �-FAR-M - oR 0 -es In Qverbelmed' 'it;, bpt tb' 1OUt,. dUs ts�lons allY 11 een. almost Is$ W A e -war made -u�, do many, aer e Villag S I :'Xinlos Mrs T-� u ft-] e 'v J,�'i t (i M, e S; 10Q'acres,.8' es harilwood' 1111ps, of th 'ji I or r -ar, -s W 'oil fref;' -n ai gar.,11is-,, Wr�le Wobsteri� flurit g th6i thod, 'He biish. j�rood bank bat lid siiqaW� bitrn and Fail�ieii.' of tlie 12 'a ho -w.eek'in,,L.U.ckno.w....�.Tlie�- th ngs fno a,d--,:It brick- '7--,- -ived— 111-7, t ed f 110al-V j W joynt. 1as & !it 'I _ - , iii" �Weiir work'_ -cin the;;'co;gst, thoi' vlsi or; " _h, -11.1 11'I_;_ -0- �ar -iipon,�the,giiod.-Con� a,- ­geiiela Woe] _Ouen ly-r 'Property -of, and ditioh,of the ibivn'kerieralj�, The�rel s -ion -at once. - it","L, "'1*1' : a- -tableau I a Alokug-., Of' Qcuried nj J. b r W il :,Al and are many-, 'many c hAnges, )ettor a as CroWston,' angside. Apply n th';s gj�j, I eciuipned.v $.. . . le, istrit"t -at t 6 il ail, ji -appeareo o "d as it ded: I ate J L s 0 L en tlIx ny t t "'as as .'now, spe_ t, eag- a t n su ra n c e nd be �spentlt in-.theAfit' B h'ieft on' Mondiiiy'-'� 257-10- Riv& Dist'. tile, best to�! tjie_� Preseni!­ � 1 11, , , " nlor�:dot'rnlined Ahah'Idvel' to.' fi& Advancement and'iml3rbvemen Ont. al d�ga,�e a sh, k. to e D"I 0iigraiulat_ I * nd Jack Q I ... I � I L�cqllen­t pi:oL onipa 1E�s .11 f M " o'd M FOR CCU- UZI( lk.� 4 :1, ILI 4vd,so erest8 o. the r. -.an . rs rya laa --a Oil thZ"'Rel Vie the ff Doug 7 Ailihout I SALE---:Siore o getting great results- �Z*om th"�i .eco e ec ivenes$ in wilich,'glip livod- lu ley o 1er'gre*af-: poll 'Wid '�onto' qnd..,,otb he or places' before 4tu rn .1 Applc�. to, Mrie Mdmay,, Toronto,�.Xo,,w g epied,­bp t%TorrL;.Cot1gn;A eknow- .!Io' idditi brk,'Chica cl,'Dllat �Jiiachiffios� eqpi., n �io _thq al 6V st-colle WtXfio: and Upon moni;n.: , 0 fa 7- AtlaPt-q-GeorgiA, 'and ot0 to fa:ll E 1, 1) �N many �tlllg. coast.'Thor the_p6pulati on ie -IS II)IT)III) Ilg". 'not "M 'vi lady's. 3 nights P.., of. m a na-tionalitle LOST Whitchurch' and, ti th6y� get �eguldrly, durin ------ t "0 -9 Luckn6y�: *on October� 4 �ma HOLYROOD', e Sen- 3t-atioxis in' Lo� 'Angeles, California,,. n of I.' ignorAnt A�n4'.b 'utal -havin I tinel 0 ce., 11-10-p.' Intl ilso:Re QVroll, o t or IjQ,!Tegar. 'd f "G�d or KO 'ei. gin, Sash, �s a'tIc ei C man" MondAy, C o,11 r, ii, I o -an to, - The presentation And acceptanee of -ne r is' n.- this, w�ek of n'� Par- OORMER A.' A Vl , I , . ghip aP& V Idd.joiZlixig the'MWodisf N OMAN qVeJ r A sonag Luckriow"' A ost 5les . I , Two Ut,4� -he gif A e.be, D.oiinto 'd IIIW esirable P lt�SED AWAY, IN. MONTAX ajf(lffig� a - facts may her o' as, follo�wdd`b lodatio C�', ''PAY .for residen Y a, n,' at,The here'= , . t - , I , . Ila T6 A a 0SCOW fbrs par icu a' Re4ol- 'i 4d ­,N a i. ew-' aecsw&ter-,.Show__ 2540-c 0, y. Issi. ow er P r, o,r7 o large of". fires oab is, F rring -C ting'i� the ':order,". the",,' tile .. a published -at Chinook - Xlontantl,-Which". . e Ifa 'Otis -j e ULIL-CUt ��WA RX ING' s� 'lit: -�uz� day: "with a.io by. rs. Geo.4 "Aiid- came to f6 of S that:, ay,.,aroundthe-burg, our o lee this','week "tell� of, pp -AIII n b o d ��i th the Ag� f are, softly r ging., V IC I . r . +1, , . ro e ing. ;.e .1rii ar it, s Benton, or r*, and. r lie ei. izen nk property -will be pros- 113dipw I the Lorne Ri t1libm"thAh in any or, e;t-, 0 6.1te f6 g on ccurred at the onc 0 jcr� restiassin dught ­ Mk$ Arthu� f'] Doh!t yod�*.he�r: them .. I ` r ' ';1itUrV of h r .ecute(, e�.nor urthern Ili I in c ay, of Luckn6w.. M M 1* There will- b f Chin6ok !Mrs, Matheson Was 78,years It I 01 jloji I d 1, r, wCamei,on r.',. Giaotge 'Burt of' ho crther fi jee��J­r W �kerfff.fto­_to-_tj�e aI o avo' . o 1. servIc �6rv' P r cour od ed' �here, been! r h d Mr. Bf,,yiiii 0 inie� with, 'had She S I his une e� Quftd, setfotislk ill. for. '�on' A I CTION,,SALE inonfhs�. ._U �VL is 'the onBo 4 "'t oa'stlil_ thjil on .9,;a W L lital a Week ithhe' , Kit in-- � r - I Af, an I Jbhftriib I Art _,,§eei inner i n auctfdii� `AQi&e4%d_"jTo_ -on anV -::had b -eeve lid repres nsh,iO until 1896', hen. It] 10ugli eryni!uch, but hou'liehold effeetg at, her ]).6gal ie8L� ii�cts uoufte­,NN�ai ys, can you, ame, V, d 'to' Montitnitj alwa. tile e j 0� him i6sidence neli't''llic -C R I o tion pecia to h, a ion jr, t ow a, -farm or -anch, in* th!6 in 6e.-Iliterests l)eCla Isp n r IT rrT1 ow-Getblier p r 1) of- the� Mathesol!" is� "'ill ki 'L 'he,:r S I'D, wy, -v ve' C 'Ciro �of J)regses at -Vcfi . Jargre fo splendi�!. ot, Mrs Browfilg r hushand and" II �rtoj� �Vjllje)i f�wor se the 0, ni, T E liott 4 iller, Auct. gu ol.�bv he 411111 11 1 1 AV Ichildren The surviving - wit Willy eleven, III df,thit-qu,ality of shlilt .1 t 4*y.1n: in of tehilier" s. Robert Webster, of,, ITECH64CH. "Oil ot, 01L" ti lid du B it! terests Mk, rt t -iphitc and, e' l9det'and s 0 I et, L are.' John Var�a, yi� t d At P. ergons- hfeh� i-eadil 6tsocial k�f rni" Mrs. M It and Murdoch and q�� tjI c t, s'e Alnio�t a. new S day. nkg�es kennedy.-of 'Guelph; s .9-pneration has grown 9 LMi8s r in'Mrs hob, olay.. 8. �en ofPalmerstonj -th .hag" gone t Malone, � V� Of qft�Lueknft! a Ancouver -0 r, Angus "M:eXay Mrs.' D611y and to tte n:4� Normal 'Sell ool. Mrs.,- Mary k�rvn�a�r' London likelihoi I tl' 68 Is:. thAt the in8ta 1A.: .,,..i)id ie business e t; ep, State All, were At-flie, fuh an d Ackdrt.and -M r Frnestr arato�.-,sill'r4lnde tanle�q e (1, 1 h. 'from th6 We Mrs 4. � h . . I 11tw t�it reasonably. sac� Tile pb�iod' of "th' 'at. away on, -a Nveekts son, W ose pir `e VIsl i2i have.,:returned Bea rice Arldcrson;� of game tj In" o it Will, gj6AtjV or C�60 (�f 6nto mid, otlilet �oftlts,, trave ing: W.Ik6 IOil a frbnt'this source ofhrq 'At the at�W Iig�� on, SUjr- 'llhAiddh name Was' Aftio MAcDonald, "dic. old bdoe 1 hib" oil. �j threshing tborn! 7�ay as'0 r -0 condi e an,,QiD an-, WhId, ji. F,6 1,-, _T Wg,a- that Igr the- death of. 'yeal h gr straw and,grainrotthe ginut And dust a cer; we, a7e 8 er paren 8 s e 1, i t.0 kli , cafild t6i Ich'to, liy6,witfj all aunt 'All ihiA\ ' often, rdil'aer'llandlitig of �th em, 0 1, r u lMjdifor 01 The Sell- * � lid tip At'Prosent butio-an, Kbnn,edy,. is, AM' to ot 'loderi, rcl dis. h 0 n4t e r Aagr6oalilo, durf he also lietiv, hav Ili il� Thote she made her home until "he C And,"111. home ftom-fho ft6spital' iladpa llie was, ia �Zn4A.rZ14 �djier M'r' and Mrsi Brown and., family, il.jheson.�n Febru-, f L!i'l)al' iInd 1) u 1'51 JU "o. o ell SARY AND o0j., Ie r��Maiiolm nOSS, Sudburyr ays At ifid arv. of, 1865,j­whZln `66 lid active p6lfti n a A iho e 0 of spek,A' few d 'd' honj F.OWL SUPPrER. 'ON ALE Pator on nd,�Migs�Mar ILI —ti V 0, AVC,TIO,N Exe- Cto� ir-�e oil' ot nh'JA , It 1 �! Of r" C" mie�8011,i of 1d6kWodd,*�V1§it'dd -over hsdie, 61t 0, S reAt f0sis Boundary (SWitt6rs' Cdrtf6r� ehil IM01cli S ail Wilgowst, I " rot . dndhy,'Oe A 6fot "(14' l' aid e Lickno Thd'. AnniversA services . of thli nd 7 p'ni. whdrj,� W We I th, a 2 30' O'n'l ,Wyeri, 6JL Mi in osgo on of the con ont preach The Tro� T D2 Wflitechurch Mcfh6dist Church A�ill �b6 ffecits S61 old V ho,"abilti,ti6tit, !TO of the 8th Con hold; on Sun day'And, MA da�. Odt. 219t, o;6,,qtio! 8h a thi, comZn$ncihg jj, AT14q idRY4 October'17 Ofid A C6h, 8, '11, 6'cl'6ek 'P' In, ­10 good Cows with calf '6f,WhIk�' -ot-tho. nd 22nd, C', P hilpro i'lj I O'f �'jr otiplev-, o� S'a Yearlings 33 2'�year-djdg StZhday.at 2, gatUrd' I' AJ teeg, Are' as 'ifig for -a I Pur ii twt obt 0, iof' "t6o 06, 1 Oni MLdt1day 'it t 2, , , 1 4 1oxindiig t.1 tin -n:, andronMitinda'k ni jht k, oil Soot arlklij V IIii a John Purtk in li6xi'steel lAi;id tibrljo eoxt-)�olove of A H In w be '�'he a a b6 vill be seived, a and o1.64d,h Wat6h given. in thd'Cliurell -tor bi le la n n in Milli ctttt6r;I glass-t6p 99, by "U,rg -Van of Wi ii . I . �At MARKETS, q�, ul',,Aot; "mid i g a '�ag th� 1b h i oil ulldiw tilt, a v Ortf.d".. And: 111einVert ol tudkiibw AAd loditi, 41riodf§ - dr dhen hairst chst-61' At, & the Y P., 14' by kr�' Vallanityne� 61 Will bbardi, 1 kA - 03 ON ogati bog AM,, a ging -ion "!1111tti was . un y pres- 4 $7 W cl - Tj 6� ahl In e owns p b 'W66ols't P It ficild" 6 Sept,'' f4th j 1023"L gi, vi�e.pl!68'4, Stanlo,,V on 0 b, Mr, A04t. 0 alld ehterWntildfitt Adulo 60'. An'16 'n R, G0400 9900trix, 09 All 6f oat Peas, r nte In rs W b d ;Mr and inh re urn C JJU $a ay. had b " o d -a k. - Wil V* oft a di S 9 U.e 01 tj e, na lut ty b �p s wea t1h &Pl�n_1100]r 9 it n A!k