HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-10-04, Page 7lk V, 2 , , r.z IT % :(G ­VARD ,its I BEE Xt 00r., o Lrrm, F RO W, i� thip 'co AGAINST WS! it:. So rt Sipbet, 'I" TO($AVE 01111HER MEN _7 DN Id I 4 *T ID 4 jrHolo, , I -baby-- 'S �_�_Tb­gua,r-d 4149 "J liqu a _at TOM leta� The, a. a. ;41 E 0WARK - RE' w. IN" .4 R 3'n, a itt 'p;wea arp, I z orimerl:that' ikea- lo*9 "s inso b it ._041,4to ter .!qn61A.t,.: is, iiko� ik"AQ Wl� t, . . . . . . �tl101jttje pno,will be gcq4.a_#d,' hot ono, FihotogrAP4 'Th 14: !WQ. tha and 104 444 CIMI%rnm, 7 ',tbrlv iarted b9ilin'91.1 al;p a: 4pid lii� happy.� T4 A, go'1410, :Wf �.watOr q i --NQ;-X a -TaP­ tn I. W4 _ , - tpts, iirosoI4 by..medicin Q' doalet*, or, by li�uqi*04 .4minonia'. * 'a..h 1p * to, t ------ d when fl�e. fK014 xrg( i at, 10-.c4 ..nq dro. E 44 xn'JWY�,' ON w thege,slift 7 iia rn� nits-a-boic-fro --Thp­ pq Pr i*# _w par- icillb t baVe Ek cl6ah UR 'Orr tlll"a �A_ low eiropp or, P�A anq 0, w. -ppoye,# persoiratiqn-and etQa ..... ...... 77 h, 1e als, V ijilq WA 'Y4 `7 -^cz1V.ty jn­Qc jk d 3-ff naila, tu .,get- _1L e y1tvAn ilid"'M IiioLd'ai f hv; n9'R T 11 .......... f, yls inso suds. e Rhtg, are ly OtI. Nkoi� P. As th e prices c6ln�6�;i ceafi& hunthrilty, $a ­ . 4 !?71 "1 k Ibe clotheslclean. va.11i.e. " At, the ay.;, wheA He by gold'ftic�reasoi In. lit ilrae: gold iiitnIng, V mioze,� gt '90fit 'a�ter� itI'Ll The rats e6rhei, out T, ffe tryl t of'gb,ld*.l,% Ile P --iisz�tlte 91i I t!;6ck. r " IS d ai%is. espatch eh 6a, -an he -,Putpu litif tb',si able no' t objeptis, In I t 0 L a prorg't"Ilt MZAIII, tb grease bri%.the kafla. tll LctivIti o k, 11 tha, g lelfi, of fi;lllhilg, foreign, h t :fa : 'r I I . . .11 - Is ow�lpg �to Ing cornpatIlt's., W n '.liuin bodyt the -eipectatfolf! Early"In, the war the abbe: b6ca prlc,6s ian d 'to. fur, ther recessions. ra wes It. Cqria- -opogition ayge iiulr4l tier of a arnlGa ovor t_e id,etaiths d`ue to' to disl,cer JF or 'rGUU4 V6�Al are p ! 4 W � rbducihg chsid'argbl' wilierp: shell fragments iai� bulle, y MOM exporien I I , lodged. IIe decidq6d' t ii1se. himM31f gold now than a, y6ar-ag" '$509. Apply Box 2#. WU8024 both as exfierlmellte and -the- s*,4bJect 'hi' exp4r'injepts,, although h re4l- for Str"t A cubic, foot* of wp�ter weighs 62 s ftup,qfriling hf,Sr like ad, that hei wa k po�nds.�- Wilthout that he would meet .............. wa 'n16t;attaeh6d- lo.any llop�pitaljp c to, try. out my thectries JU 716acannotBloo BUI yo d Can L ProMote a butj de, ided es K K end-alltils� PQnti EY Of," eXplAl ed., lthe Nii* n mys, For be*eral inlon-th-al I Clten, nealthy Candlilon" I h 'in t e barn., a wa d daily g e k6iieft .a, dose of'pmll, shot, takin Ute.1-furine E A strylined muscle,4 f tile ornina.'! Rinso is as -'splendid for the rung tendqp,,.a jolt, phoito.gra.plis: of all Parts 'o id,.d ar, Realow. sp A. InionLry sy an. re 11 Kee your 1'rfalit . wqshing as X are Wri for Free EY6'C Book. knock demands immediatis a d wh6�' I' had or a JLI�IA W. HEN6HAW MRS pprk.6QLed thqq of p qtLo raphing attentiom A few hours' delay will. 'result in a long-Igineness-perhaps I turned all. my, data over During -the war, Alrs,.J-ul.ia Caulfield, B.C.,, was ed with; n t a os§ ot the 'Lever Bi6thers -imited Medal, the ic -all d horse. Kendall's to ariny'lpfficlaI421 Toronto awarde� tbb ritlish War tbry M'ed -and was ecorat i h I �Amelca!s'Ploneer firi-, Treatififk 'Bless" de uerre W-Ith.' Dog Reme'dies �Thousan s Saved.'. ------ - more R30-5 f iho "Or (I e r oi'�Yaffi�i Charles for lior,work ho all the cithei Ino-wn the Rban, des Spay iseflesh than The -result *a� .that tliounnd of, 'Star, ar�d, C S ASE the -s A DOG'.PISE remedies. � Under name of e save in cnitectlel. With tlie� Red. Crosi�*. -,,. - - i d' But as the, a�be had �li,e wa . sp mentioned:. iii.,d,e,5pAtdhes. d 110 eed KendaWi. SOavin Curb, 'it is �the n 0 Lssf.' �x' -ri�, -so wq q throughout th Free Iddress Alme,s pe ur ents-he'. frequently burn.6d his' flesdi., Mr l4ens dW s. al, 16W' e..Eng�i. h-spoak- �ild for in -A� , ty7year!old stadby of hPirernen, r t� 0 ing wo,rld as the auth" -4ildflawers the North Aine, 1can'Arioun Ins". Qr.'of A] f tough. lke� tok, a farmers and, v4itennariann, t iyorkg. She is a ames -of Ke Thir rigm.!*. and,, o Iter bota�,Ichl tecturzr: oh- mountain scienc d' qtratt Ininie d I' �e - ecai� e a n 'W�ilt iiiaiisi physicians wairfed him Jut after -h-aird-,�alntod 'ant' rn '1�1 N.. Y. t a ottle. nd11',-'f,dqy. UP r fa:Yncilis.for be I e s id -es. pe a�triiistf��e th�tt. his*1hf,6 was in dan-, Ask, too, i iho Xise Book or a W ar iiie jor, it to -day, iistigh arm ist-Oamplete- Mitchll Ker, To t M,17614'1� LL Mifcjj,e.l;_ of co­ j.'KENIDJ� COWW V .16 7 9hell, 101 that lie cannot 41ft -t. UNREFRE EN0Sl3'URr_ FA 'S. Vt., U.S.A. -T., Is 80 'weak hort6ned form4, of X1 I ch el s n. A Little K own, Rai:6' y arlati6 litiih�ls�n, M ic�: eigh SHING SLEEP of,1 ians. C letelyt- !:HARGRAVItS.. 4 roplited.- In'the last few mo-niflis- Ra ' lal Origin nglish. V- io,As-Harg�egyes, Wwor,. Con- -The oot as: o Sourc g ven -name. ,,aria n 11 -t and he 'I :You' Are, r re xia] e ap ti ed'Odt 'Whe' Y6'' am �es t�eth iiave b I egun to fall ou be e A I -'d-ikellers�.' Their 'ol�-thne snf[er f epm,, an 4 ot'tami,IY, namas,� Is* de- ov W rid a4 planks grave..' t, uf&r r '. ' . ' . ! : ris mIng This gvou Radial Qr1§ln-Engljtq 'A' e. ill the 0, ae, :1�ee ntly DnO oi'his�'eyes devieloVoi'cry6tallibe rl,�od from. -the, jjv6'nite. of Mich -6:0, M rly stood ater Sdurce=A Ippality. :fol sclerobis, but the �bbe, merely, ADUXP4- Is. Hobi-ew, b6inj. 6-,aie' whichl� of a Thil. s in Illis--group a��e h '�;edge f I ha, i-ha'j6s,tIc;fqrds, that inde t a,jo'ag� of, the scripturl'namIcs. T a nip-aill 'the im.-penetra e L'i*ceable mount 'D�eir:th:ID' misfbrtune, and, s'ays. bl source.. as 'that d ou t Now t ieir rcm&lns goo -d- he wild. f,the giveir. name is, The v nI woman is.,tirle -forests of, tb terior.' --and Gredves, CC th6 s -Ehgllslh speeb bve, Or, , , - . . - ; Pld ruoTnlng,,w,16 d' mbgt'of onguee, -Thd. abbe's plight h -as- hen th� Saxon aiid Norniiin� L 1 fo�eis'depfe�i&' 1'4trung. noT.th, 'and sbuth -.bead-lik 64KING IN s, his other eye s OtY of -Gr6vesj Grover aq es. a - ove r settI.61,6n a 'WEA' in- that parled:oU ligli 11 Ilt-st ii a 11' when:'she. -iIri re 0 COULD 'fitintlo 111A, re-§Ga.mhes., S or th e+ ilbeds'just th e he P, that,.I�r. ere n-th fash.ion,.all' 616tig the... west; coa'st of itXo.jl�S, 11nally'lpiSL T, .!cir pride in hk �Plll er7- wliiqh .,the'. Freft orriffieriLt ,to a' T -ey 11 all Go'v'' 119 ly 'it Ilas come to -ca n to pied .'.the �ame ',obves fromj in e f,5 -r naflty,� ther6, �late �new' blooda d s eroep t ad �ro.ng n, r me bput a cha-ug- trees..;,The 'word cc that, pridie in"riatio A lo�i5a vi , , can 'iIV6 h lis and g ave'! was a - :a" , 111 - I . . : - OLY-S te'res hadmiju n yenuo,or Vat , It p�y et,,,lack of �uppo, I , ed tro jp the t6rest jiough- more h' h'"' ill the', iypp, of 011eq . - �_l 7 HAR TH number :of- disorders T create a special co'fund wh�leh ba a. root au s.! Mist was" no doubt due tile� same. As. c�ar, mo tern, wordT Ea8t;� acros tpe 'Tells ow wIll'euable scientists, 6 continue ffi6ir given name caused byo thin� blood -J's amazing, to'Ali'd -H ,yjia� EYinkhaiiui ave,!-' a bui4al-,­p1ace,,' -and as ss "a out". v.O.rk wi-th. the th�t I In pai to` -the abscaute��n�cegs�,,ty-. td.r. !.'917 pi:o8t, woinen,- are care e, -n a1a liv'ed'-- fhe 61usiv,e h:un b on was, ins ni'ddern word.-. f 1:119,Y 6 comes mou t s, le�orn-po far: poptildti condition of - their b . lq�.d� Quii;,kly thb f th e: 'e lid I eeis, p la� ins,, - th a. r . eps,,, -the, Veg-e-tab 0 aff -A( aiid4he'�atient creasing. norve�- are n4 Reist' ed., Wr-'Helal ar. biftnded' while, 6 �,eri- m6re.� naines, orce.; wh' h efb,mnIiig to. cu about the n an an oni n -.1ye �anfl me same. f- le rm a , r 6velbpi�ne� nt- On 7'trifles;' -en.17 ..c exit tho a ble, mad'i 4ten a ;fln6lly broug,ht'�abbut worriers. over qr, oes not slee] or a. eco-na family', ifamis f ' " ' V:as well as 'formerlrend. abode* and, whose c avea fo, dilk ng, their.. 'last d e',"g: a ce'admitt , &d *of no fixed oY e' zl.,ty re� t'. ere may ed,to'ln�raiIs the All -of these family names 0 M i ei� Didglert, Quie. 'I usedtob lind'f4duiil als !'tenhd' �fal wlt"-,, reffesho' Th' 6eg�aiitly. 'from plao td.place sei�dre: pairi in my side. . I would be un. iloil '�ket-Handke that�pe in'.,the cfaissifiqatioi of.' -place names. ablb 'to *alk'fa n �f o.� th e roqufrements of 'pe a c e a n d ar.j ' ' ' ' i ' 1 p�th F Tuhej.ofi I r- nun bot f )9. in ll�e., stomach tfouble and fioit&ache., at an&.icould not stan' ng i to tlie,.The argreaLive" 'd -f or -Dr. ay, g:bn,Gral itirrii was; a hla Is condifion' that ven at I& length of, tithe to do rn�iionihg t.1 present after the. noted" f or. be'.preSenCe of liaros'.": p6re" il:hiefsil' a . :� . . . t, . . I tor �fven rianite ashirig,_ t pre 1ptfiral his _y rd At� rorn a pain. ea a erves,, tiefrJudian Age: hit ii-ite -two,. years, then a 10 na.tura, y were s�p . . 'i ticies "and 'dowh' to -th-"- f-Abs`eue- paper and Gtvb -Dr� Wllllarfi�' Pink P d-th rell. of n ffls�,a fair;, �Ilis-tiifment§ f o,en, of "."�6 frSt'sign had hi�, or;ab6ut Michael, tlle'n'ame,� 0, -k' trfai'and,tile' of- iie f the W life will, 1%hgsdbns s'tand''in lonely isolation, e fri4�nd. � t9ld me:,. to -�Tifew­res ric riv, -:06iii d of -torturel- bie tio wh1oly. tiy Lydia E."- archang,elv popular- o6e- be, ntlied -b�y­i�iir --app otite-,.- You-* ill- gt;e, Yek mytolopmentin-, P 2 _U_� th DPV� be- hungry' -by. meal time. -�As-tlie-blooa 'no ye wo- iat 1� u1'r rRoalh had good results., I certaini ot gooil that of tba' I the names 'hed It fe" ckot�hand&6iil ol - � I P0 ofAt this faterw ien came .10'In' b ' nes 6rific eds'an. gootheg,� the land�. r4 frovi itj too;. as the last tithe I �y the Daul It-, Is claimed tlialt j)ocket-hanker- t1),G,;p6rs,o,ns thraselves,, -, rather than ecoJilp5, �&d a a, iieriod�' in dle� S611 6 -Noctkas-depended %oii 5ore side, �vas hist May and 11166 ponv-ert re�, tlley- lived... -Mbe, Wit ere,as . t I ng, Iy ard. w ed. a ns ru 6y" :r conyng as.'a rati .,a into! n -I t niGhiof sweetn�essl b.y! minciadon and the' 0 ligh t- P 'Isalynbii,.' hale,., havizif! god nursing f6r -iiiy baby nd'.'. a become. ess, youF Work foods being codfish, a p I thin itid ydur,medfcine:th't hil ed ngp t,at, lle b bex-the his, it es. Congr,ave ,and liar ,Thei.6_ake�smGoLth-e thi h -pra ries cove ad Tbi.,-ptontee­ th-W, grave'i -are­vIrtua J - tr d§ft s,the same W:or& be- ieni-f&r any Ill it J, a was, isither to n& roublid caused by."thin blood. I i son W I . 6,0 1 rdstleds:)rovers or the I' t R­,erDVser4 ue, ac. clai, alt V99-sible came !'dit th�a _ho'dwe, t near a; gro I. c'ogle eleyen� new Ttunes, on. plie Game a Y_ tlng'frbrn the,tdrtureb, ro F cf You, CM.gE our If Youare suffer .ih �'h" It t,4e Sou ttkuraT ecE) 6, that 1 -sow th d,l.-C tii-A: a 'e-6�dmehes,-ni6t.vousneii.s,-or -a p - Cilia f6an Ca ri turn out a dozen ni�.�y tntif&t.e the 6ccupatilon. rath6r, ox fro nis idl d h` dtim,8F on a.reituiti'-t6 thp'-oilginafform,' a In TIW DirWillia "Al o. reperv4 n. the in a side' y, u should, lose no time in �18 0 n tAin a � 6table frito'penlinica res of lmp�ritlisi by of the. new r Nbrds- in 1�i-i:,tfrne th n Wough 6er6 than the �lace in which 'Its' -of Igfhal. Co., 8rockvJ t � , eii, 61ear ihe. P6 tr in ia ikh, Ve a: In th a sepf. the name, J. oc_- r o�pr Olt ­daily-use�clf -Cuticura, Soap . an.d..j has not, beenain the e I eBlackfeiit Vti " Oda& W grit ;WorA. r�. -ase o 10, land anima'ls, casional touches �of'quticur* biritto -y typp, Sea,', Mohiters" e th I fish -eaters, dial -.1' in ham a Piivata' Text. P ill-one'reco,rd. of tb n '�a j6ul-r meni aa neii6d. They are ideal! for - a rdinax C ntud UPO en s. I'll t, e r tailet-as, is alai Or, the f,' Boo silk, haudkerc�hiefj i6n' wilt 'o3eeou(11- -and- on -of --Lif t aculia ou ree o u 'Riiid That'Has tastedftllio6, en 'ill 6.86nt f -ut t. 'known plece: bit ha Id axe to 'most w te. or 1�.-oWi:l ng'rY4_.'perfu nre.,T. as w u star�d tie ie!arl"'� 0: M ng., I W to e Lydia' I ham :of Yim' d'anlnii it s compar�tive- 61 it the li�ide4.iutal co With ja�r I" , e e Ointment 2!1c.� Sold 6L 'Cobourg een played, Was taken 6o,nl cforivat" - I" On, tario.',- -This b When, we see, to-11lbir.'-peop 25 and 50C. Talcum throughout thiDominion, CanadidnDepo 'boic don ains v d ly ea�:to�.k6tln ron, es, d to Iroom, i'L;iliped, The Gart a iiIiildbe coul V Aluable Infbird9d' hi 4'has, beein, subjeate hotter VAAL, ' of Thbir-respective modes 'o`,f:travel4ln9 L Uniged. 344 St. Pan] St W, Mon A on t at length We w: deflTi. toly Wy-ticuria8oalp shave;" W`14'ut' u ililo s g Loko th for� more �'ari. hunt ng apart -dre y on,replaoed on th'e macliltio, 'bn'd.niade Ing in 'Their- ne�­d aw should'know; - i Tri aerial: bonibin dur n of, r: 0 t�cdrttury ana,'that a, gboSG'lqau'.,LLL atiir6,,,1of thell, 10 -t flsh- tinot Y� d-dis, lig quota to the vofld't bulk�as .1;e'Calre -ihemseIVLee, to han iL fo d The coa to age� sixt.", men 'could it gurvIV6 tb*tl ot outs.' their dust-. �QTI, -rea- w os�e.1116 Is, spept III tli.d-wdters,, �cano-qz! ho11.oAqd dut, from' the runks L o.f ' 11'' , s y on a ea ' r moon- ures 11', air f, th �jhie.djffttilty the� ag s o � 6, giiiiit', cedars .,,$I oo-. flsh�d less night, Wild see efilli or Len 11 thd�, with' I ng a ure ours of` 'Y -, a 'Very, gre lli HooiCs'Juad heyC 10 '1 'L hered as been' a t, -9u 'b6ii8- nd The I ble; do no no t uctf �d- any pro Th6 human body Is.,subject to,manj li u , allyl'the I arges i ga `tWeny mjIl6n,,�.Ijo'DtJfig.,9tars Would be. lltat'lf�ejoljget, we 6an k!36uffie' in`dahc.� parties for huati "tlib an�. there arte, times, of icour6ei ials t n __"ctfon in, transit, and dan be Y- able--liax- r el 6 e -de nite p, eno, a qj Doss zp4ce; qon ved ra. a J,g6 4ea soughtit. But the following quic i cu, h' f, res enough -tot oee­ em., k". variety, and proof, "lit, 1,566 a-hugo bula', gperni* andl� prppeije� . b aro, noit o f tho., quac Y -A Pret -6, ar, or; ni�tii: or' ha&. -by y od Test.: As iCshooilrg t doctorgZ., In,,It& body vva,g:, pbleSr Tlio whal-huntl .1 1 1 1 � e, anbrov�d a goo . . . . . . . . 6-r—a 6, t f their c ifi�f n -a ��6, -be'- is luablo experle [bI ildlg�estlon eilill" *ly alG o s, andr Slo f o 'it IIV� bad of an old-� harpoon" inag 1.6 I'l t f -'di Va4 from rorty� f oil ih� 11 singer to. appear: bodfore Y lmasticdte'. la�d r6,mast1caLo,. �Tlow6d�,tliiit thel'i :1 uzz$ a �.on'� taW e 'tji6 na lea, "inbutlihil--o foQd...4j,!, ldnw.ed ..to k.' ft s cc s� o.f the 11 tor- ell'alldr6h,for,- in. order to tit- iited:fhat this UN,I-ESS r a n-,muEt- -be, rhul.ti- okeh'ifp for y fi,rs e*ore. pli-IMs j)rl hi fi a r1lo on on & eilllis,t h4unilte ue�rlal,b mbs a rill For, stotitnesa, drink-i0g�` hot oab miss 11 eqA, W- I I ch, bom dr the eartr a ns liar. �'19 i Peon Dd-nied ur every., twen y Oill 0 oc to, play nd Vlvffjr'thb words ft, �-to' IJO� earlY and,get an -c s nce , I ileug)-fo6di; to red ni-illjoilS, I in all afm then havei fleell of fair s.ze,- It Is prdb, up late.� Hq'i't tl fit 00s, of, tIIIt aml At :010, ts� ofid,W Oft 6 -P1640 and h nicai' do$. re, a 9. olive oil after' -ea t ftS, years are pxo, dthily. faro?" TlieL.a"U r eat I)ruh0q; doftli -a. co fr mtAedra ar - -go b4.' dt filitig young souls i f h an l"So Your ato�ng.pnf§ lialf l6irnGd. Thy k a,VpIorrq)l, d Anothorjlilitg� If a cohventional 1111ore, P w6rli The ��emure� Are rep - it, as o On a, of 011 we ard awa , �e that, the''91'atit 'h i Ili I "ll cl d of Whe is, adolited t a %,Iilg,er: t., For it, we n, hilt -all ii o le it3di dofoie�'i -0 jery little hea way I colds I ofteretd, ful listolli Ch, ld fm� hcacl�us' d, 'throatehed baldneA weak Ing tb-' two entiirte% And Bhic6 we yo N vor Would fidr youth or -'ty or 1i r hil ki.) a t., t a great t -ea ur es are I,r fromi6ittly., th h alld flft� light hat, bk.us*h,Yo a ilXtrft, Itho- ifFIW �kffli2aiI`fTU1f'(IlCYi tw6A .9, �lltlg _TSe inge ia 00*64 tod nib -little 01a'a 1911 she w bigie4f inot066, Wal'6 jugtifl6d Of jtg� p rlotfbn�L that ffl-ho abtGi'to� Ocelve Pot ridaraig-la.. believing that, shot sWave a gdowing At of,frob). splitach oil III believing that fileaG diria u're* t�o, tick aboift In t 6, Than "My, you'd cv. n r njav liv:a to, boat. least 41 hurid re'di Y&ts uf'brio'keh �Ick�gdl' bf ",BA a ib fill Into and Jit teld strofig.don Gilt, t m vit, 01 little, ttbiettL 6f not win find, at, (it w A�ce f oifly ay, WoU P d that,shb, had, slItp6d, a, - o4 'In h4r,cal-,, fin, wo.,- p to 1.16 a W0fkdd' ou c Ohtdflng bur For. a, flugheA� ori�,Vljnply fa�e, Alpirin Wbich 4r_oiitaln� diie_cfioft�'� and�, do'SL' t by' iraw of -b-Ine-teen, "Gat Ifitle nii but ni'tidli It it more than likely ffiat ihr�ster d M , �,L L, 0 , , 'S, . , , i bulatf tl,*, M I C and gteefii vesGt�blda,, and dtffi�, Physlclal,19,dml it nd prbve ga f by 11,11ong for ONEY.011 r-11 4 hoh-cre b4T �af Wminion atimpi, b;eon Wikslid - A; good test of A kfilkiWs Itil milild 4b all eedEbzdalaRbMadY no,alach,61, a C61ds Alcad C RhdUffitiSftj fittily L to kr6p'good, ken 6i, m mmedlatd lived In tboi r A diiertit otiblfc� -it 9,110, 16 1 L baVe 6110 6ild0t, er,-'.th),ee arge Neura, gi, '8fillgin 6. guaran Lea. to g Va. You aby.Adls.� . 'L, g for, pit, ouse Wdr ofurribagg i Pall 6wd a ga lot T' 0 jj� U 0041drerl, It. that most I f[bld.-J. pt 'kijbnTf6u dail no P� r of Salt a ifidjar, 'ait wort' an 't Ifid tfm6 of tfI6, 6rittig,fide In JA0 t)OU166-b t n3 fbrda� bbttlo a dollar fift,. ptSPAId- eIR the haPpld$t,� faft lloii�os litid, oi' I I th6 A.k of: g,fliging of nion -HUdHltL d omqttoi, owotilai, .. 1, , , , 1, arm, on, GI 11144hi DAY40 i44.1, 29 0 IslnatiJi �W T'6ko n -it d rd t Linim wit In this hbijid.: T kw.% 44 r�,