HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-10-04, Page 1•
. .
• W, J. Keleher,: Ripley, Plums 29;
'light or
every- Tuesday in Dr:-Cortnell's Office.-
DE. PARKER; '..,STEOPATH, at the
Cain •H`ouac; Li.know, every Wed-
, .
-neaday afternoon All chronic tis-
aLf-asesasuccetisfully.,,treated.- Oe eaa-
Mith'y 1.at-ow/Ala" ttie phySical" 'causes
• spine is more quickly securedand
with fevver, treatinents by Osteo-
, pathy than by any other, method.
*• Toronto Prides Paid fo'r all fibula of
A. GrasPoPf, Lucknow,
, Chiropractor
. Of Wingham. Will visit .the Cain
House. Lucknow.. an Mondays and
Thursdays from 9 a.m. till '1 .pm.
_Diseases of allkinds successfully .
Registered Optontetrist
. Graduate Department of Ophthalmol-
ogy. McCormiek Medical College, Chi-
cago. Ill. Three -months post graduate
course --•
Eyes correctly fitted with `,Glasses.
Headaches, Dry Itchy Eyes, -Granu-
lated Eyelids, Watery Eyes, Pain in
,Eye 'Balls. Inflamed Eyes. Pus or
Watery Discharge from Eyes and
Dizziness caused by, Eye -Strain re-
lieved through properly fitted Glass-
' Cross Eyes straightened through
Properly fitted ,Lenses
Eyes *tested at night equally as
good as duringg -d--
All kinds of Optical repairs 'done.
Satisfaction Assured
At the Cain House. Lucknow, 9 to
12 a.m, 1 30 to 6 p.m.._ Evening 7 to
9 p.m. Wednesday of each week.
• R J. Catneron, Lucknow, prepared
to do all kinds of painting. t..nd decor-,
sting. Agent for wall papers from 10e.
per roll up. 22 iaches wide. Samples
may be .seen at irnv residence."'Or shall
be Pleased to take them to vont. house.
Highest, cash prices --idfor all
kinds of fowl by Cecil Mullinat the
- Seaforth Creardery Stand., Lucknow.
1'hene-•`63., "6 94f
. .
yy,t LEG1{ APR Y
Those. deSitinis Of taking a, Owe-,
• oda-If:course in -typewriting and tele- •
graphy sho_uld •file thcir applications
With us now for the.f,a11.,territ,
Might state' the, school liereiS'
, un -
(ler the Sanction of our head Tele,
-gr a alf-Dflic e7aTaronte;',and--,evervaaa:
••• sistance •,will •be given graduates n
scenting Satisfactory, Position's, when
; Call and ;"see us at ':our. oftee here
when "we Shall he glad to furnigh. you
wi jnformatiOfldes
Canadian NatiTtiatrTalegt-INTili :Offi'ce.
, .
Mri Littlefair and MrS;'ROieriS'en
have returned to Toronto after spend -r-
ing a week with Lucknow friends,
from grand Valley for the week -end.
D. n is ,visiting his
sister, Mrs. " W • ••-t.tt GrirnsbY.
2:th4i0_)/L.: '
town ; i• •
- Miss MCquarrlet 'Of G9derielr, *a,s.
a week -end guest -;Of- Mrs,- R. H, i\-Ie-
MrS„ T Watson and. Miss M.
.Murray visited. with friends at' Varna
and Goderich this' week:
Mr., and ,Mrs, R. J; Edwards and
little- son, Irwin, left la& week for
Los Angeles, califernia.
Mr. and Mrs,' ThoniaS Ceieinan, Of
Seaforth, yiaitecl last week at the
heinv of 'Miss Lizzie Webster.
Misses-Ge,rtie Treleaven., and Ada
Websterare this .week attending the
League Convention at .,St, Mary's,:
Miss Etta .MacDougall, :of the-Mul-
House; is ,spending a.,month with
frieaci, in Kom:oka 'and Strathiay'.
Mr":- and---Mrs;--Frank'• Arnold, of
Detroit 'are visiting at the 'home ofr
the latter'S'aister, "Mrs,. Frank- Cole, '
• Mr. „Jahn Murchison, --of Toronto,
Was around shaking' hands With his-
LackneW fliends the end;of. last week:.
Messr.S.W. L. MacKenzie and Roy,
Hudson were home for the wadlc-end
from Kit'cliener, where they have 'been'
for the. pat -Month
'Mr and Mrs G, S. 'Frees and little
son ,riiotored over ',from Brantford arid
Spent 'a few days of the past -week
‘Adth'LuckrfoW: and Ashfield •friends.
,Mrs. Wilson,. Who, ,nw,y'
Makes .her 'hatne ' with.. her daughter;
Mrs. Keely,- near: Dunnville visited
friends in Lucknow • and, vicinity :dar-
ing the past week: • " • `
Don't'forget,.' op get,. 10th. E. N;
Falrher willhave an .expert to meas-
ure and take orders for Men's Sti„.lis__
new samples. and
-styles,... • ' ' *
• Mr. John. Joynt, I,P.P.,teak r time,
one -day- reCentlY to Tk • hi .at, our
office to :say...that he had ..inst•iptir=
chased the •apples in •K. Camer-
on's • orchard,. which he Considers one
1:atf-atheabeStaina 0 nt-ari
'Mr: and Mrs, Allister King,' Who':
),vere recently Married at, Detl'oi.,t, have
been guests o! Mrs. Steel ,litinter_tbe
past 'week. they, are 'aceemparliedby
the bride's father Mr :Donald Rosi,
whose wife,recently deceased, was a,
COS't-On the road between Light•
Rouse and liolyrood, a ladies work --
bag contaMing, yarn. etc. Finder
please leave at Then Sentinel Office.
•We ...handle complete. ready-te4nstal
dinnonstratiow' A,: storage battery' 'is
not needed for a radio set now'as.drycdllS will do;' '•
Notify' Jack or Douglas Gsterhout
aCoal , „.
llettir kppiyAo•-•r-Mrs,-!•-Patit-
Reid. ,. 4-10-1).
• --L-OS',1-7=tBiFtWe'eirStation-Land-hPost--
- Oflie'i,
, .
.a ' Pair ,of ,Heavy Van Kid
,..(416ves. Finder pleasejeave at Sentin-
". - • ' ' 440-p,
GO "icres7,-4---seres-Itardwood-
b0S11;,good.bank barn and straw:barn,
9-room brick house; orchard,
• • 11•Mti,-stOre% and ".,blaCkSint th shop,- rural
mai/. Possession -at one& -Property of
. 'Crowston; LangsideI 'APPlY
t1r,tMrs.;;Moorehouse.--,,,,Mitche,110:. Luck -
now, '725'46-C;
'Caine to the premises. of Jas. For -
Ater, Lot 22, Con, 14, West Wawanosh,
' on or about Sept. 1st„,a pair of Grade
'Polled -Angus ;Heifers, apparently 2
years old,,Owner .rnay dhave .Same by
Proving property and Palling expena-
After Oct lst, we willgive a thick-
er Crealri at, 15c,, or three tickets for
, 1/2.pitit, • Get your milk -Order for the
' Winter in' now at 11 tickets for $1,00,
After Oct, 15thit ill cost' you ,indre,
'--Springhill Dairy LueknoW
Mr, ROI McGuire, tot 15, Con; 2,
41rifoif-T0wri5hip,..Vill have an auction
• gale of his farni stock, impiemppts,
a threshing outfit and oite hose*
bolil cifeetS on Oet, 12th., coirootio•
otig 6/6k
119110 4
The Warne:1'w Institute is " Packing.a
barrel of , fruit and jelly for the Sick':
ITOSPital• Anyone - wishing
Lo cOntribute Will, leave,- their jar of
on'Aor,-,be- •
never missed. in ,a heine but eVerY,
person's together will ielp thepoor
a J. c k kiddies this winter:-L,See'y.
FliendS' M WOhlt,
„ , .
tittight, for a few years in the Belfast
Sahool„ will be pleased' to learn that
at -the 'Schaal Fair'recently 'herd' It
Year; :she and lite School were Suecess-,
rst :Place: against ten,:
doinnetitor's7; Individual - pupils - also
WOfl,Amany: prizes,.,:and -W"elsh
- was ftrst in..the-tertehe.re:.race.--,",•-•
ILERE Ellglil-arat•NCOUV-Elt"
Mr.:and Mrs., Jamei„Erkan have
are , spending this, iybak with their.
Lucknow 'friends, 11,.,,iS13 years' since,
they Went • to 13 0,,,f and this fig M
Brytin'S.:.first;.retUrn,":trip:to Onttt',
several Jinfes. Friends remark tint
both are wonderfully ,well preServed•
and looking mtieb.,aSthey,did- When -
they left .1.0c1noiv.' Both are AP,Par'•
fooling-fihe,. and. greatly enloY7
so lank their honie; While in 'towr,
•they are the guets of Mr:- and Mrs,
"J, 6•, AnderSon,-
--o, 0
' Miss ' Beryl • Johnston was limne
from Fordwiclr tot' the week-ent,1-.- •
Messrs.' Thos. Anderson and San
Kilpatrick spent•Tuesday at Mr, John
Gardner's, Zion, •
The threshings will soon be over
for this season' and silo -filling is the
order of' the day, "." • "
Mr, and Mrs, John Blale, and
daughter, bernice, spent Friday after-
noon in GOddriOh•
The Ashfield Auxiliary of the IA"
S Will entertain the ladies of the
17 U'ngtiiiiioti-anit`-Crew-
131akiN Church next week; oet, 10th,
The VY'ogranun will )?o, given by the
yffiltSIN 1.40000,,
V,,,ED1)1IN(, DELLS' -
' , •
the home of Mr; and Mrs Albert,
Iv•rCAltioid;‘,70. ConceSSion of Ashfiehl,
Was' the ,scenckofa Prettweddingon
Wflhesdiy S'el-piniEci,,7',"28-fhT.:• When
their eldest:: (laugh ter,--*abetire ri
was tinited in Marriage:to .mr, 4arnes
i). Little;' calya.sOri and Ms,•
John Little, of Lancis.',•te'y, J. Pets
•-•::t,ch-a-thifing-gosiVirb-f*iire-TlatVir's, car
c•vepe; trimmed' with white ;satin rib-
,bott,. and wearing a tulle .veil with
orange blossoms and silver ribbon,
was given away by her lather. "Miss
Kulik'•MeQuoid, ,sister of 'the bride,
played the , Wedding, March, The
bride's ii•oungest sister, Freda, made
a lovely little, flower giri, wearing
a 'ilreSs of yellow, organdy, andcarry-
a bask:: of white asters with
white • ribbo,., 'streamers. The bridal
couple .s.toOd under a, White bell hung
. .
from an arch, of evergreens' and. pink:
kladioli,'The'grboin'S gift to the tIOW-
or -girl, was a ring set with i'ubieg,,
and to. the Pianist Silver i)iingle, brace-.
lets. After the, eel:rep-lolly, the, gpests
Partook of -a 'dainty lunehean,
dkitely after, which the hafipy couil
left. On a '.tri.P . to rAinrion;
and. Other_pai fits, '..the--inicle.-travellinp.'•
suit of navy trieo,tine, and grey
hat gad Wearing, the ,g•.roo,ni!S gift, ,a
han dS tll e oPpossu
-Mi'S-):TLittlerwfli reside' in Aali'field;
. ,
(1.11.7IC11. Nper.,s
. The.'Sacrarnent of the .-Lord's
per will be 'dispensed: in, S. Kiii1Oss
Chnych nex .,Sabbath..in.drning,
_be, as
tlibr.sday. '1,inorning at
-conducted:1)Y ReV,' 6:,Ginnin, :of Pine:
'River; Feldayat.8,-p• ra. --and SatUi-d•Iti
•'it .10.30 'a m • conducted by 'Rev,' A•.
9.(2".1Sniith, of Arinow•. -•. •
• ,.
7. The 'Annual ThankofferineMeeting'•
of the Auxiliary •Ofthe
:Wonien'S '..Missionary 'Society Will:
held.- the. Church _On Monday' even,
• • , . . CVOT).
8ft.,aI $' o'clock., The SPeak-,
-Ler .wi1, be4f of?, I „
'Canadian., SeCY,, Of .the''Student:Vol.
unteei., MoVement'. for Foreign Mis:-
cordial. invitation is extcnded. to all
the• men -and Women of the..ifeighbar,
'hood to be present. - .
„latues Bryan purposct leaing Tfali'k-.-
tigw net .Monday, of
their friends 'Wish to net , and .h§,ar.•
thein,ou 1 Otherwisej'Ap-'so,
they -have .1:1ndly. gonsdlite(lto -.give
of their':westera life at the. 'regular
. . •
servce' in 'the, .Methodist Church on
close of the service they -will bl.'pleas-
_ed ho-ana.v4..Aylrsh:
414-1.A.onpOlittniityr:7,6,1" s nc,rk ng, IA; it h
them and 'saying Good -Bye.- •
TIte • Presbyterian_G,iiild„--Thel.Gitilii--:,
,!neeting', opened.on Monday ',,evening,
• using 11:Y1ml 400 folloWed
Lord's- Prayer- in and...the-7
'Scriptuio Lesson' rend by Miss
t'ebule,Is 'Union in, BrUssels were given.
To.na: Cayrick'' A.*;solo'. 'by M-rs.,,
StWard was' ,muclt joy,e4.1,„
e s iizin farprd
ite auclienctt with a,'...piano,•dnett';' and
Gordon and Mr.„, 'Gra- •
:aeleCtion; M. It. .Cameron .ga,ve a',
Very iinpreSsive
lee will „have the• meeting,-
ou 'Monday nilkht.NE-verybOdy eame, ,
• Rally •Day„was,ebserved n South
, , „
, Thp., Comm !ttee s Program,
WAS CafTiod•;.,ciut With ,'i." -;p11 it. and ' inter,
est, and thechildren"s parts speeiallY'
, .
-anp oi e-eof-"the -
address!'„ the: ROY; Mr:
"nrc,Setited',.,9 witlt,booh prizes:.
for.. rutten'ilance'--thirine
year. Thvec boys and sev,eri; girls re-
'eived the A ssenibly's. Diplenias and.
SerilAtire, antl nye nientb,ers of the
1;6,p:inners' Class ..reeeived, :diPlowas'
1111(1 pi-izeS for the O'OriTct repetition,
Of the
,holo of the Priiniry Cat'dh-
tsm. A 1.10t1101 intereStirat itool' en the'
SprOg ram.- was 'a- 'presentalAeff-
Antlrew `-toeklMrt, for 12 ycars`i he
eiTicieat,and superintimdcnt of
thiS Sunday •.'SChool, 'Miss May: ,Me'
Trines Sec'y,-Treas 'read an addi'e,i.
Of appreciation,,and giss' 'Jean, Goll :in,
Lit, , handed to Mr. ,i,oel5hart
rt,liaridspnie "T'eacher's 11iblei in the
tli,1111a.‘''of, the, pupils,' ,teachers
friends'of, the school,. An encouraging
feature. of. the service Was the '1Eirge
attendancO' of parents,
, •
In ifte "T8Wit "1-,talT;
0.( 0 O'clOck to 2 a,rii; Eryfegl'st
Ortheatra, Lunch, sei:yed,- ...
Ce4S rAt'S Ofch0Fitra,
Te0:3'14.or :10.d:PICknOw Iknalla Break.
Tie in' EleYe.'!aaings Game -
VictOrye Goes, to Visitors,- '1•5
'the 8;r:tree' Leagne and the, Malcolm
trePhY. . .
1his' was deCided hv an eleven-
-.afternoo 6hard e g7-
foug'ilt: baseball battles •eve' prayed in.
Caledonian Park. It was. a cOldeven:'
ing :far playerS and spectatorS', alike,
bpi 'po, intense 'Was' 'the, interest that
the crowd remained On the ground
, 011.77:11o,, u,t thP ?more than twit), hlel,.rP
which the, game lasted'.
.Messrs: Davicisen, of
Ciiesh>y;'",Were iimoiresl. a' faet... Which
guaranteed -Square dealing''.•and all-,
rOundsatiSfaction froin the beginning.
•• second innings matte it looklike,
o Walk7oVer °for TeeSwaters•Wheo they
°red 5 'runs' and:.:I.4c1thOW ,finished'
with .0. But It :tvasri't, to,be a11 so
one-sided, Therewa no furthe'r•Scor...-
Mg: until the last ,halt':..of the, 5th,
when 'LuckuPW actually tied .-t11.6 -score
malang 1•5:T•tie,re the score -stood
fter inning,' until it looked as
though 'da.i,:.kriesswoold end this' eamb
'as _it. had. , some others.' ".'130-t. in the
hi'-,t:.b.f the .eleYent.ii, '1.tobertScIn:', for
-000.0n basli, ,o ther- added. twe'. to the .
scot-... The side,: wen t'.`bu t withou fur-
' ineident,
factas beivken two
'tparnS so -evenly' nuqehed,'anci p t Inc
a's they as a, 'toss-up" AS.
.tro 'F'cut.'inStance,:
for Lucknow' Struck, .a honier
„01.i.t over.. :•11i1' it wa about th,e :line;
bot the ti.runire decided, it
A •foOE•or tiAso to.'the,noah, and ..Litick...k
!,•01.11(.1:, have 'Wen: '
The, line...tin wa:5 -as ,
'1.ceswater • - ''•`• • .• • Lucknow
ss '•
112/onalr6e Ib'
• li:.)4e-11-14t1Ingr'.1le.';'''''
'Ilall 3b
Bisset ss.
,johnStone c
1rWin ,p;
•:,:lohnstone''(4 ib
•:•;McKthvzie 'rf
Bridge: 2b
. -.:11uSton:cf
".• '
• Sr, Class-4,]).aie1lent:-Shir1e:.,-,Litrig-
ford, Melvin, Jahnston, ClIeS11.ei.: -Bruce;
•fred .JohtiStene li1VelYn Reed Donald
McDonald 1(Ada 13111•11s'.. and J C
Dui Mil) ties, Betty Brown. .Pair -=-
Clifford • kenary.,4.(iailei'an 'Finlay•son,
J11 1,. McAllister' F.:dna-Agar, A.ffecl
3t.2ward tie Le Mard:\i'ebstei''
ip '
Roma II
1o'( o1JTTFila .Pritner,; • •Elden
Agar; •'Doi.o.thyNixon. Gciod--Leonai-d
--1-rWin-,--nav frailt
j.Igrold.Greel,, (Ernie. Baker', and: Ken-,
held, Ca ro et' On ties, .NIarloii,"•Consins.
pon:ilda, Douglas; \l al
riS*, 'Fair --Marion Steele, Torn Mac-
'eron M'elvia \-,•'Derothv Fost;,'
est, Luek40W-Oad- In.- Ten Years;
'That a -",fine -day has Much to 'xIo.
tyith 'making:a' fine. 'Fail Fair
again denions'tra'ted on Prislak 0! last
„week ,wber'i the Lucknow •Agricultural
Society' had the ,hest-eichibition:it has
1rtail ''recent ''Yrears----a„tast$,,,so
• .• , • .
everybody Said; The "Show'. 'Wasn't
the biggest. and best in every depart -
Ment, but- it was .good all, round, the
crowd, .w,as, there and.. all had an en-
joyable tnne,
The big -.ou'tside features. were the
,khibits. of .,horses and cattle, ,both
.being godd in quality and numbers.
There are a.," few fine 'heads Cif' pure-
, •
-bred cattle. in this locality, And it is
not too much to say that a -number
of „those shown would coinpare" favor-
-ably with anything in the province.'
The inside exhibit were not so
• • .
nurnerous as in some former.' years,
• ,
Fruit is a' little under -size this season,
and the ladies did not.go in so strong-
ly•on ',fancy werk.. There was a; splen-
did display of, cookery arid. table sup-
plies, -,the display of flowers
aS 'great: and attracted Much admir-
ing attention. ' •
With --a view-toTadding - to: the-at-
t'ractiveriesS- of the evening 6f ,the
first day of the Fair, the Directors
this y,ear, engaged a 'concert troop to
give -,an -'entertaining program on an
improvised stae iif the'Af.,,ricultural
J• 1-1 Cameron, Harry
. Bennett 'and -Miss Maud Buschlen,. all
,well .known artiSts, were up to their
usual good form,' and the ve,rit'ure, was
. , • .
;quite successful, 'h hortage of -seati
beng. the.. only draws -back. , •
--„The concert Friday evening was one
of, the .best we ihaveseen in •the Hall
for,a number Of years, Jim Fax „being
still able ,to deliver the .goods' a little
better thanany' huthorist on the a-ead;
and he was :well -,sUpParted by- Mr
: -
Stanley, 'Miss Mason and Miss Par-
sons. The' -Hall was packed and quite
.a iium5iw ho were
;The .finealf-rOund success' this year
has. done much, to .disnell theprevail-
ing idea' that ,rural Fall Fairs had run
' their course and must soon:cattle to,
•-an end,' With an ,enterprising
nual:Fall Fair , is ',Still. as ,PO.isular as
, NOTES, '
The 'Boy Seouti Band surprised. ' • •
even the town,: folk by the splendid
Park. Under ..Mr,:" MaeMorran's',
ectiOnr,. they .have developed ',greatly.
, this season, andf-- their musk would- do
credit to 'a nitieri,order. organiiatian
1.1ar0(1.Button, . , ,,, ,' • , ,.
.....,4'-'-7.,ti...,••••11';'-'.----;147: -,';ell en t'+'-'-.....(-11 a il YS''''-'1Nla•Ol'O'n.7, .
aid, Ale.N, , ;Jac
:1. 1, , Ruby .'1),111.ticr.,,
r„v ' ' 11i e`ro testi,. 1 W 'in n i frod, - A.rn-f-
s' rung, 1, 1, , -Pmlayson,', Isobel ,, Mac -
7m illan,, Don.i'lld l'ichale.i.stnt, Armstrong.
-.N.V.i.tsoil.„,.T,0.-rcen..-NalOri-lvy- Whitb-';'''
' ',111trgart.t, Maenoptild; Good.,•FranCes
. . ,.,
non-irk:ore, 'foih " l',Iaci\:•enzio, . Helot.;
-,N1c4noorl, 'Erred Ste,wa r.4,!Rofize1lii..„.-VI.P.I.r.•-•
lin•,.'ro,ni `::\:irderson,,W .1,son ':\r.nstrong
LatIrt:C.1-Vebster. .
, ..:(''') ".A.'os,ent, •orine;.-P1rt,'„ of ;,,,Mditt.11„,
Ma..:theMp,son; ''l'eacher., ' •
lreiiiii-ilf7r. •:- . '-
(:.lass- it order of- n'terit)---
.',1a,,i'lc. ,13r,Illve0; ' -•'%. tla 'Whtson; Altoeda,
. D,Urniti'!,_,. •L'on.aine;.„-'Bt'ahs.on"':,,:.
. . .
4 (1re:,.r..,., ',",F.',Vel41 1",,:i-:.-..611';`.
• STitli'l•-, le.-isic,- • ":\i'aci:r.t.iiziei," t,told
; Iirtlitit• .\,'r' v,
ler'1‘; CarIY,16 , ,,ti.'.icinto:---,',I.,.,1,1i.11ip
Mcn ary*',, ',lily, ,Steart'''„:11y.uona 'Pal,
nier, ,illargaret..13,utton, ,(;),,AceL..l
., „ , ., , , ..
Oily 8 te lYll I t •Al ill 1 I ry`,, ,,telia Steward
.,\I'aii .,1ti..‘d'r-;1,1,')tr>"-.J,•od; : ''
'r Cl•A-,•••:L,'Nlavii•',i,i'c't. 141.0.11,i5ter4 '
.IIelen, ..11acDonald'',' 'Katharine, Mac-
, 1
',..ceniic/ ' ('Iiiford - IN'el. tor Wiiin i fie 1.1
,t,Vellt-tter,'.....Mary',Clent;` 'etiltrlici -
N•y,atson, ; I\ T'alc,oliii , II,r, a t0 n ;,,
"Aral)ell 6,anieron, Sheila,: Alact,cod*,
Enola 411.4‘,0114',' '•1';',Inr)vii .Pentland,
11erthalctilt16 Artqiie., iNtzlf IsitillAi;i:Nticien
'Sherrill ,(aba. for two Nvdels;)
...,jhose in:''. e.c1,(*) have been neitlr,
et late net tii",sSent during. Ole rd'Oritil,
' - 1 MacCalluin, Teacher, •
, .
Iftml, ind
Drinftlinridn,•rirartiediatei,t After
. the condertiiight of the Fair, Oct,
(1611,to $i,50; 14601o$ ana oalleryi 25o, 'N /,`?`e •
Before going over to the'Park Mr,
loss; caliTed atour,"offiee. for'•a few
• tniffate'S chat. Ile Said -that' he be7.
heyed:'he hair-attended'.every Fa1
Fair,..„ held.. in Lucknow ince-• 1862;
when the Society was 'Organized', That
where -the ---Gain }Iouse-barir'now
•Standd Mr, lkiddleton•reinernh'ers.
aiundbig sturaps"as he went from'
ofth9itlersN: to another.
fbrinorly• of ianirside was -,anather
.old-tiMer which we net in ,tawn. Like"
Mr. - sfiddlgton, he is well over 80
years of age' an1 stihl fairly 'active
Mr MacGregOr' :said that he never
, .„..
that be had•not atierided
. ,
end, for' 15 yeark, • • -
-ln the:evening, as :the street , Was
r • ,r
'What a change Ilte alltaalobile and
• prohibition. have made .inFair Day!
Inside Of an hotir the 'srowd Will' be
away to 'th'cir lionfes, and not a man
Seen all day the WOrtip of "liquor"
Who will Say that it"•'isn't,,, an
1.i' -.t, of l'rf,;e Winners of FAR Fair
Heavy _Draft
• Judge J. G, NtiteltitOsh, Ebniro
• Span in-barrtessi. • 4st, ,,John Robin-
-on -2nd. Jas. Jas. , Vorster--',1rtd, W. H.
'raYlor & Sons,' '
Bi.00d Marc: Pat, Hogan -,Joseph
Ilackett & Sons -J, M. Peid, „
Horse Foal: P, „Hogan-W.;H.
1.'ay1or & Son, )
Fillie Foal: ,3. M. Raid --,-Joseph
Hackett & Sont. _ Two -Year-old Gelding: Jos- Hack-
ett &, 89115. _
7kvo-year:old, Filly; ;•Jake Hunter
Throe-year.old Marc -(5;*•.'
Vonala, ago l / g9nil
ItOhi 0.00 '
1 ` Agricultural
Span in harness: Wai Watson-,
Ewart Forster.
Brood Mare: . Henderson-
Wrn -Cameron.. '•
Gee., 13arger-John
Two:year:old Filly; P. G. Ms:4dt.
oOda,t-"' - • • .
,Female. any age: 'Jame g Forster ---
Ewart Taylor..
Brood -Mare and two of her pro-
gel»:Willg.eWneoraodl skrPose
AG,e1B‘och.rOBoltadri:Mkeall.arfled:., Roy Irwin 1 and '2-7:-
• Foal: Geo. Barger-LHenry Math-
rs-Roy Irwin, •
,• Carriage Horses
Single in Harness: W.- H. Cam-
non-.-Robt. Meffat-J. M.' Reid. '
AlTownd.-Year-i3'ld gelding ,or -Roy
One- -old Gelding or Filly: Sam
- in, harness: E
, Milison-
N. A. 1VIeWilliains
. Road Horses
' Brood Marc; . P: Scott.
Foal: R. P. Scott. ,
Two-year-old Gelding, or -Filly:
Forster -D, , J. Brooks
‚Lady Drivers: Miss -Jean Johnston
-LMrs. Jas. Farrell -Mrs A. E. Mill-
' Gents' Turnout: J. C. Currie ----W.
El. Cameron -Jas. Farrell
Ladle's' Hitching: Miss jean John -
Mare or Gelding, any age or -class:
Wm, ,VVatson-:--John Rohinson, 2 and
Best halter -broken Colt: R. J.,
Scott's. son -W. ,T. Gardner's son -P.
,VlaciVlillan's son. al,
Boy's Judging, 16 to 19. 'years:
fiarvey MacDougall --Wilmer Hackett'
-Will Webster. •,
Boys' Judging, 15 years and under:
Fred MeQuillin--GleirCameron-Har
old Gardner. ,
Foal of 1923, sired by Royal Gift:
John Henderson------T:—A. Cameron -
Purebred Shorthorn .
Bulla 3 years or over: Jas. -Alton.
Bull, one year: 'McKay Bros. .
Bull Calf, 6 months and under 12
months: McKay Bros. 1 and 2.,
Bull Calf, -6 , under:-
McKay Tros..--1 and 2.. .
Aged Cow: McKay Bros.. 1 and 2.
.3 -Year -,•-old -Cow: McKay Bros.,
Two-year-old Heifer: McKay Eros',
Yearling Heifer: 'McKay Br ,' 1
Heifer. Calf, `.6. months' and under
'12:-. W II. Taylor. and Son. ' Hei'
fyerBreeasi!,, inonilts..and undeta.
Feinale, an age: McKay Bros -
Four -Calves get of oiie sire: Me-
Kti-v,-111:6S. • . •
, .11erd; one ,inale,tnct three :females:
McKay Bros,
Herd, aged cow 3 -year-old cow,
'27year,-old. heifer. 1 -year-old- heifer
. • .
and bulI any-11.aegre;f-o-rsMoeKay,-Bros..s.
, 'Buil. One year or over: Geo'. Ken,- ,
nedY-7-:Albert Gairimie, . •
Pull-, Calf: ,,,„...,,W,illie_Lyoris-Geonge.
:K:Aniirneerad:Ttl: John
oldHeifcr.: ..Willie Lyons
refilie-dk, • • •
°Yearling:, john
Albert Gammi'e
, ,
GaF!iemniiiaele:.'t any age. Willie Lyons
. . . .
e rid Geo KennedY--,,Joh
, , Dur-
, , _
DBil,1,,J14,.',0BnreoYakeas:r '')'•v`!r:'': G' -1°d(1
'• • 'Angus •
.,• Bull Calf: F.' G.,- Todd,,1: and 2,
Aged Cow:, E Irwin, 1' and 2,'
2: -Year-old Heifer: E. Irwin:,
•Y-earling,'Heifer: F G, Todd --E.
nd 2
Female any :, • 1..7. (TT aa,
Ilerd. o,en 'male:and' three females:
p,,,G„•;Todd-,-Er: Irwin . •
'.'ati:V-7iige or ' breed:' - P. • G.
" Todd, '
'Grade Cattle, ,
Cow Cecil
4Two,,year-olci Heifer: G, A. Greer
li, Taylor di Sort: ,
Yearling 'Heifer: E,
j 1,LL Coe :0 in' if, de le" lvin v .1i711.1e
Yearling Steer': M., 'Irwin -L. -Willie.
,TL:hiv°Yi tin! E.., L'ill'i,so:n.:7;tol,
. Steer Calf: , 0, ''rodd-LW.,.H.,'
Three Steers : Willie L3 ons -D,
A. MacDonald..
,Ilerd, 1 •cow, Vheifer and 2 steers;
SilPi LYOns. '
Illock Animal: 6, A, •Greer-,\Vil-
*lie Lyons:,
Fat ;Calf:, Willie LyOns.A.1"Ci:C.
, '
Feniale, any agei'. Harvey Webster
...Pave Mllne
COW, giVitigMilk; P, Reed,
,(Contintied on • e4fte 4 x
„ ,
SpetaalS for Saturday
cheise4, pups- ,:b6ohiliiti
I)undee Cakcs Nut Tarts
- Rich Fruit Cake with
• Alrriond Past.p..
Whole Wheat Bre44,
'Highest Prices for Butter and Eggs
II ollyrnan's
Phone V, .Lucknow
e Strain
ave you ever thought .that your
headaches coine from eye strain?
very time the eyes are -strained the
head is liable to ache,
A visit to our Optical Department
Will put you wise about your eyes.
jTle37u08sot still
numflraek! the 'natter worse,
About the best • thing to do is to
consult us now.
onsult us With the assuranea that
we will help you.
Headache Glasses are different from
ordinary Glasses.
Eyes.' differ. We have made for you, the Glasses you require
s about and let us Prove
that ititt
we can,help you. "
and See Be,tter
Dispersion Sale.
at_One O'clock .p.m.
Your Opportunity to, Buy Good
Hereford Cattle (America's Most
Popular Beef. treed) •••
. ,
a30 Cows and Heifers some with
calves at foot . •
Imported Stock ••
- • -
lso Steep,
Pigs, Machinery, I -fay and Oats
'Credit GiVen. , • Usual: GaaraaPees
J,. PLJRVIS, Auctioneer -''-
,for Catalogue to -__Theraas,;,/K-
:" •Altken,:'TeesWateta• (;qit.
Mr, • 'Bain Stewart, of Lochalsh, is
visiting at Guelph.
1111sS'AfiniejOralit; of`ifeiniack
.is visiting friends in Dungannon.
Mrs. McKendrick, of .D.e.troit
visiting with friends in Lucknow ,and
Lochalsh, -
Paramount, are. visiting with friends
, 7
at Forest,
MMrs, Jas. Stanley, of Para
pioqnt,. spentSunday.with friends- in
- Kinini-dine.
Mrsi,FelloWs, of Sarnia, is Yiiitirig,
with her sister, Mrs", Herb, Ensign,
of Lochalsh .
gr. '1‘11vi,ri' Webster, of. Seaforth
visited with Mr, and Mrs, Tont,Irwin,-7-
of.^ near Lac kn --
, Mr, Andy:Hamilton and 'Irene, of ,
'Itetifryn, spent the week-endwith
friends in Paramount,
." Mr', :and Mrs, Jas. McDonald, and
,Amanda, of Paramount, are spending
a -few days wth friends in .Detroit,
'qr. Keith Webster, , of Seafarth,, ,
_visited with Mr; and Mrs 'Max
nard,Of Paramount, during the week;
Mrs. Robert Button and .M.1•51. Jas,
Webster, , of near Lucknow, , visited '
with friedns in Seafdrth during the
Mr, and Mrs, jas, 'Webster and
Mr, and _Mrs, Garner Stanley, of near,
Lucknow, were at Paisley this Week
attending the Xurieral of Mrs; 1. Stan..
• 1,406AL, MARKETS
4` 4 .4;.80,4,,,01:14.k.
.$3TaN 2 r
1 0 4 4.411