The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-08-02, Page 5• *1 ..,!!•-•-.7 • *BLIAlet.01,9orlt,N . TfillYRsokr:. Po$ ."; , "14.1.• • • . k X 'o -0, lis:••'•••• • •••,4,,,, • • • •••t1,1=-•'--• +,• • , . . r0 R MOTo.t *r4iiturbec uracise 6 a. cjib " EVEN the--0-tig-ina1 Purchase and the moderate .outla for Upkeep is made without strain. Ask-aFord dealer to explain the .thrift plan o buying a Ford. Lucknow niE TifbAeo'cter 'ENGUSTIMAN. . • '(.0hristl ardian)- co4 In '4' recent iie. of 'the• VIAII:S.trget • -.T.°PrriAl, a va'Y trikOig tiibte i paid 0 'the,Pritil14,aker,•or 44trs30y: he keeps:, he 11P§ ,411 engagement. • 44):!stirk'ifirbff.feli!- It a t wbit he oztoe, ,„ „ • e,a lie has "given ins whfo$41(tr(eVe'rj- -4e,'N-t:.rir:;II'g'll:41:V' ei to ,the- ViaY:a hire bond or Lock : WOUld ,be bundled, otle' A,ay • If ere \11#1f, a .dozen:* 'PriVate ikeis incet togethsr it -1%a room: and' -11-ML:getkift:htely-rentg'sralte41"31.1*.is'''Oitwo'bmount-t- hc."Will;.iinderwrite.',Crie, 'Of ti'fear•friA.6 •Woul4 injusti* • b, Oi,;•O;‘)(.•A:,"to sy Ihtt his word "iso 4.6'dd l'as. hi bend. 'It is for'- gueh. --intrposes a: great 'deal :better faun: any .bon41 could: be; because a laWjer !cpuld., about: a. bond wiiLe the English' banker ..doei net about ...his Not ;one :Of th7e parties-tethis verbal understan ipg ever drearns"', of :lying down on his • ,As )Lord' ,SWathling -Saks, he - would not be ther, if there were the o,,Iiglitgsi:t risk. oi. his clein.g. Arneri-o •7-or'Bi.vittglr.);;usiriess ,whici-t, is d"6TiE"j5"S;'- t,ltireit.tfe-nti6reasvticIewnocf.,c•:l IfIneo li.NsVai.4h0014nt; though l•ii06 the hon'orable ex- ample Oi,-eur'o 1v• n • NeW '...7ork• 'Stock EXaange 9, e r.." e ou rilries-",-kno2Ny- this r and the Bra'ziliaili; ,nave::tWo :phrases I for inte•trity, •etirreht indeed•Nvlierever loortuguest..!is, 'spoken - These are_,:• s-peirttivel4 01GI Of n _English m -and cEng1i1•311;'iiine;' the latter 'for an ;engagement, Which be. )ept. tp . the xj:117iszs iiiiequiyoe.al • and• strikiag.: testa -110,1y to Hritisli ;dealing, 1:ffild it' he eel:we-berated prol)abls,- 1-'41-rerevoerjo-theL144itlini,aciet !genorationso- and Centiiries • world habeen • iiiibibing the, . at heine. oi• .the. it.on . fair and hs • Nvco•ol, •and•thi$, isa reputa••: • tion. 'which' is h:niore than g-olcl, •• -• ,'o o Ontario: COMPANY': OP, CANADA LIMITED, POP.D, 452: , O:NTAP-IQ.' "Fare Going "—$15 to WINNIPEG.. h cent per mile Winnipeg to destination, ,.00tho DATES - •( TERRITORY ' 'From Stations la Ontario smith's Falls t and sncl• ' ' AUGUST Ithd Ilavelock•PeterbornIdne. o u Toronto 1"."2 t!ake cinunio sli•ore Line aro' Returniq"--$20 from WittIREPEG.k.. centper,inito starting point to 18 , and , Fro -in all Stations Eintiatnii to Renfrew 'Junction. ineinsive.; : . ' . AUGUST '22. Frotn•all Stations oa Torozao-Suabury direct line. . '• „ . „ , FroM ati Stations DranOel to PortNicNicoll and Sarketoise to lilOi3ca' aeon, "fac'lustve. onsets Oa cti Soa ad, WalkTer"ton.°n12).Ort°attogentilnl:',IudTeensatstlatcr7.iglit°OcwaarriGildstWOIstinedir9rfsder-Chlicti.: •-•-•'‘ ' All),QUIST ir, 6 ', Frontal 'Statioas South and -West olt • { .n.ncl ' •' ' Pr'm'unstz6 at. bassi -34, klot Burwell. and St, Thomas Branch.* in aft Stations Toronto, and North, to Dolton, inclusive -. 8:. ' - ' ' . • AUGUST 24.' i,;(3 . . ' OPEOIAL ,TRAIN8 PROM TORONTO , • ._.., , LUNcR COUNTER CARS.--1?ed and Refraishmenie art ' ressprable ;ohm., •_. • .. , , Full.partIcalars train Caaadian Paolfic•Ticket Agents. ' •' . W. FULTON% District Passenger Agent. Toronto. ave NOTICE TO CREDITORS lit then:fatter Of the estate of Andiew Shogliettoin, late of the Village. of ' 17,4cknow, iii -the County—Of. Brace, - ' Gentleman, deceaaed, . „ . t• t • tti t• ice.„!s,..torsty,„:,g,fy,e,p,___ a__ • ,osons having any claims Or cleinanig .against the late Andrew Shoebottoin. • .of 'ATAY 1022. ut tlio viirag"O'. u!" • tucknow in 'the C,'Outity of Ertice,,,are! ••,•••• 'enuired to aond 'pe'st prepaid or e --n nd e r§ign ,,,--ex.eatiterg... .utidei ,the of :the Said ".Androw ShOebottorn; their .nainea `.fuid ; ad- •"•dressea arid full :•• of their elainiS and Statements of • their ficectuntS and the •rfature the:, ,oseeurities,• if 'atfY-.' held by thdn4 duW •verified by affidavit, . 'And take netice that aftIn: the , ' • . • ' • Death of Mrs Archie Kennedy 1/ Another • ol• d resident ..of „CuIrOs4i passed dway .on ,MOnday;•- July' '1.6th• -lit':,-te:Tfet:seri--Of•-jessie-Carneron;--.-be- loved.ivilo of Archibald Kennedy. and • Twentieth day of .August' A.,D; 1923: •,,Alte...sajd„.„exe.cutors proated to dist ri btite asa:oti- -46f"tlie""'A if , ceased 'among' Abe persont 'ertfitleel thereto, having' regard only 'to' the which-lhoy shall -then haVe • :had notice;' and that the said execu- tors wilt Mt be.liable for the said aS•••• Sets or' any »art thereof to ling, per- ''tiof 'Whogo elaia the Y ,ishall not • then haVe received aetice, , ,_ • , , This TiOtite 'IS given Pursnant to the Statute in" that behalf, Dated"' at Lucknoie, thia ...tWon_ty•• 'fourth day ot July A. 1223. , . , IX C, Taylor, Joaepli Agnote iiueltnoer QM., ',:txetutera oi, the Will Of Andrew fitiO0bOttOlno . I • , •TtlatigolIW:-.4t1410 Alex' Cara dron. , Mr•S!, Kennedy- was berri in •Seotland 2and_oe.aine_otO__Xn-na 4.o:1:when young' giri. With her parent's and, other brothers„andsisters:Torty-aine YearS age' she becanie 'the ,bride -Of Archi. had KennedY, Ana 10'24 wht to he, "been the 'golddn anniver'AarY t)f.thcir weddhlg; • and! it ;Was hapPilY being: looked forWard t� by the family, $he has ilient praetiCallY: the Mist half E.1;91N rAND.: • • . • : , A ,te.19:14c.Plec. 'fdi tOma. years': has- been, , * . ,..surrosi.,::, A ri',Att.migit.im)' IHIS roaripg'• Ii16,rfp.f'•.;one .of the. •re idLntl il. ''Strl'e&lji..or"London ','en a: ...5:0:1.11'daY:',af.ternop;.-about °font:: .61oek: •hatie-: .• • • • . n. duitiQg 'faiy, clip fer isonie tinle---Iiiothin:e; :on the road. has. Pat sed- .t1ieta-f---116,, sir; .'otherivise -there would - havo•o,been jpst. one 1?-1pr:es • o'd to the hst 7 :11fc! -16TrKpr. 331)11.Sr.l'is u1i'' betide is. a'. ..good-looking• spOt;- zuer,s ' Are .1) 1;_tt". :the'..-basl;ets ,of you. young- ei•s htntle" Off' nil:get few. '.bits of - ,A fence ,lietween the.frolit `C'etriple::to. ie taken- ..eff tiliat,!, and •prettY. seen, tlie;6,:is 'a. "neat Tittle :Iire, the ',kettle o , keils,-aiitYthe •fe'ast.i-S• on'1 ooks 1i1The onions., ' ust in lletterTh • , . sOyiie,deft't.',.sope-t_anY; person arouriii,”:, Sti ii the , young folks at tend the onion • patch,' 'hire "another •••a•••,clierry,. tree., d .hupself. also , •.hi•esiliin•••••• ofif;• 'trio; Iflition4:14, so: th-sotflie:reii.t. • • . who conhIn't: o•dt"to ,the 'tree could Vat ••:-4•Lbi (');ej31,111-i-6-•C‘:1;418:1t•LI'la'446•::•get....,41:16rar;;-ottt•-•„, h7-af'llio.of 'Watch, ",!W•e've, get to inalte;) ,r17,f,h4,14,7; "/Itv Of;o7-knoiv theiiirn - v•ihv.,.•Conte fiQVcIl!' mind ,the .1' re in' t '.gOod ,th e, ,r6),Ji„ 4 h of4e. -and banal:fa peeloingS;• that; Old •Salm 01) "F. Pr, an olo- - orne- .'jut when -Ton, need. them egu1ar 125 to IvIergarigectLi* ToPse ace-- 15i OPPoitune-- keal 1'14 q-)17 •Lathes' Summer Vests Cunify cut, iiosleeyes tap- 11 . . Pair 'Summer Corset's • .0f Batiste': and Elastic In. either 'Pink or sizes, 22 to 30, regular :. • , 11.75 to $3.00.pair, - Cle.aringOut at • ... -w• eight ite, :all 1. 'Palr''Gossard'.Front-Lace heaOtifulmOdelk_in.: plain and .Brocaded Cloth. *Discontinued models,. Worth up to $8.50 a pair,, Clearing .Ptice$3,9 , Balance of our stock of Voiles and other e. yard ikir Enuf said Clear 'em Out _. 25c yar White Vnderski ts, 95c. ' All Corset Covers, 2 , . Values Bloomers, 39, 59 and 65c. Advertised 'Middle's at .$1.00. Are Under - White Lisle Hose 42ca'p priced [en's Dress'Shirts, the $2.50 kind, 'for $1,49._ Odd Pieces Summer Underwear, 50c. each. 4 Pair Lisle Sox, White, Brown �rGrey, for $1.00. 200 Pair Children's Sox, «s to 7 in.,size, Clearing Out t-'; • • 25c. EPLEY Boys' Sport & Other Summer Shirts Clearing Out at 59c. 1/1 11111 Pi R. a .3_04sWm Roberoon.,90d4..; Alex, •=on ir5 '1•1 t• 11•1001.111.01...11.0 • HURON TOWNSHIP . COUNCIL' . $6.75j James:lryin; $9; W:' J. Irwin, Council" met .pursdant , .to adjOUrri- ent• July •23,rd •-Robert •Irwin, Reeve,". ,•4so• • the:,.cifair. ,atembers -411 present:: Motet' 4..0 meeting were read u'd6pteit:. -Thar' folfOwing•'---erders ere'slifloy Passed: For gravel. to Path- iisterk,-;Johna,,,,,EllibtfloA,4,04,,,,svor,,,. $7,80;'• john lunston, gcTaVish,. $3; John B. gc- enzie,461,ALR",,IStanley,_ $1..,20;-: W. Hainiltbn;-$5;,f gal; geGnire •65'`.52; x•.• 'StephensOn; $8,„20; Emile MeIen lloyd•••Amvi:44412-,70,;p:Santo, Patr611,14,90,•; •MrS.; Antlie 'Smith, );40:; 'A1axi•Ross,!',63.80;• Jetepli Black; ' tan *Will,?156•g oe •fo r t fkunily ea, t•--- -4•61no o , • Wender how. 'long. thiS. would go on ,efOre cop fin a. miitorc,y0e 'be on the•pitaniscsoaRing, tb-e7St"ty- Wilijam Henderson, $5.0.0„•for remov7 jng the Elm. Tree'', Con can' C. McKenzie, 42.8.56 fin...grad:big and: other. -Work on. ,Road2127'Williain Hamilton,$52, grading hill on Con - 2. Arthur Cook, $10 • gravelontraet on , Sideline 5,• Alex MeTti'Visb, .$4, re-: Tbiiirding curv-e-rcSidiTad-21)., "Murray: • and Mel4a4 $540, eensent contract at, Lot23, ConA.,: 411) Con: Hfll For vrOrk grading 'Road -'3; John. gurehY 'John ThornnsOn, $6.75; . Peter Reavie; ope rating gra:d-' $ -H; McLeod, $31.1O.for hill IiardWare.:.Anglii:Martyn: Clerk, 0; 11 3O,• ,.,it,1,,-.°:(;.01.104;o-inVv ,:.1.:.'$„'ll'i..9_.'''_Om.i_6(';;11ei 41;11,11g.,11... PrAlPitrre1l $4 10 , 1-1;J „Fariell; i1V(Rir 'fees Mid:6'15 drawing bylaws re Hen- • 1C,farfih; $10 .1./enrr: Cater, derson,, Dram, Total $25: • Harold 1.8-9 for. graYel, eentra.et:on„Road 6 Brooks, $5,60- Ior...'gravel....lohn Hen: $6,1'.59 tor gravel con- delta' ':$46;* tile culvert and 'widening road', at.Lot 14 C*ri A Jaiiies'Hrown-,' $10, .insPeeting Vafilen's"cOntract,' .4 da/s; Wilhiarn Bell,- $32 60, Sb6dtirig .A1,14-111t.LafS CO/i•••• --trAutTli3--days:7•William-13etir$7":66".-fori .Use of',14.1-ftern-afeeinerit culvert, Con A. John ',HenderSan, .64.50'; cleanhig, sand 'it 20c. a, ycl•,•$,0•. 'erso, 616.60; :as•.11uren's 'share ;Of gc•••, nd rep. rffiling; ;$1, JOhn,Wilson,o'$1.9 Dougall Angus 'IVIartyri,"$ff for: o:r tine ctilvert on G`om 12, Hugh M., Services 4 Clerk ofthe Revising Of •,01;teron • ‘4a. Yor:fiirn"-khin.4. tileeand -ticer'iyhen orevising the Votor's•tists Itoad Al:, Alf, W,aldeni, .the PrOvincial.•Election„ Th.c;,But ••r•'••••••••!7••••'`,"?. - 1:1, tor hispec'ting iCafter'..t.: contract •on •Peter :Cameron, .'61,3 .12 for )utti)4 111 tile at Lot i30, can;7 Rip ,jj-L-Eitatytad-s:srstdir.4 11411 ••• $1 ,30-. Angus' •...111aityn; Clerk,. )0§,tage anl. s.tationery trom•,Dec,..15, -..Potiteirzanthifag:hhoi*PoL-tow-pAMiritc:- decided to ,htiV out.. the Pell !Telephone interests' .at; Itinvaicline, Paisley and --Perk ••171-P-rte-th e•-lsent•-•!"the - Brace company li?ve 'operated folic; rur- al While tl couifuliv• -century•In-Gultoss-and,the-famii,sLare. kat -4n , and Ilig•hly e'speetod in •the. emanninity'..111esideff the husband; ,she leitVet" •te 'tneurft her less -seVen chi]," dren,.as' follOWst Colin, of •gti, Sogeph end KathOrfne, Of'' DC''; I ti -it Duncan andlqatY at borne, Jehn,: A • , • the, centrals, the town .sytents And the Icing. distance service, There'al-: 'ways' has.„beei-Cmore• leis digs:111.S- friction and as Solution the rurxii company has dei'!ided, tO buy out the -11p11,-Comp-any'S lines, The "cost $22,009. 1%I,ogOtiations halit been mulct way for the -past two•sears,bhiit:only feebritlir liasf,the Co: made a pria r•I'loosition 'Which ..*the id Nilo: CO. fblt -it" could; tecept,• 'The •ftanafor, Of mind, havo to be Sanctioned bY • to -0orne. On -clOwn, to the .police station, :Where..•thev., email "range _Si•tre.t.Y.:_1.0r 'the. ir: 4:11 crc next- daY.ph a And- lot about •w tat.. - ' g•uulci.'rit:k.'f.01,1 '110 abojit: "ralinVr's'", tit theop lace for, the stea:fer" supper; thetfarnier•IS-seldoni consnitek if ho-• ha's an attractive loofertg, istreani' • ri- ipg throUgh bit nropeyt: that. F.5. a . to :be the foOttion., No•eit6re tnad.O: 1.6 "flenarfui afte Meal; and it4oli- ,i'ectipti. 'tuna, thon the' l'art4t, is th , e.,1d. grouch,. and ' 1;y41 iter, 'I; • • . taken u.s' l'ong time -A*. . „ prOport,si- in the „country, • iS „private Anstethe: ottine:, it ''•i$111 • the ArivertiSer. r • • CalgarY and parhel, Of :Westw0 the Ontario Railway • ita(l• ,Municipal• Cal.• 13Oard before it can ig ,coruploted, but • 'Thu 'funeral. WAS ;bald' IASt. W6drieS'•, 116 n'TfiTtetilt1is initlotpat•ed tfi4t day iiio;rnitigt gatted-lreart•Clrartlti •.; leeawatur,: ge-v. rather Gondrovi 61" A:feur inorithe ago:ftlle 8outh i3tuta' opuone CO:„ ",opdrating in' Cultoa iiciating. and intoiluent vota mado,lb ia ..t.„ Tveexeriwar;r;• j' . .1 •• David Catmdieli, the „Sterling 'Panit role%genger; whoW'ff,s• Alla an 8 daffAor- nutty i•vOtitldeft -in f,he „robbory and t WkS 'h. former Wiiigila.n1 bey, beln;g. a of ---ATr, 1111,d DAVid ok that tOwti,.. On going to To Mite tia a young nian, , Engineer'i: fees re McCharles AWard Dain, G: Page, $60; part intyment . • Of:tendrich Aile for McCifai:les Drain. .R„ A. Pollock, $1e0.15 for tile accinint. el'I- . • vert and, rep, bridge on: Con,: 4,',An- gus Martyn, Clerk, $6.2•' for stamps Ti?„ Orders _from. Pee._ 151.922-,,. to July-. 23,-. inclusive. Dr, p7R. . iiilay. ,ion,. • -115' fare and expenses -re Conference of Officers Toronto last: •• • May McKinnon- -MeLennan':. , That. the Clerk be 'authorized .to Write. the '.Department .subsidyentiff anueiFilowip.s.srloLin 'regard to Ernmerteri-;,•McKaY: t h t„: thisConnell: do now adjourn .trieet again, Onf:T:Miniday-tlre-720ilrflis-Y -Of August the,usu'al hour •and pace—Carred: , ' Angua MartYn, Clerk; 1. . , . HAILVEST.ERS FOR' THE WEST th_an ever 401- be Ifeeded• this' yesar,An Western' , on account of the buirrper crop. Spec -7 trhiria by,the„Gaimdian the :usual. low rate of $15 tO Winnipeg; to half-cerit per., mile.:beyond '• to." deithia ti In' .Manitoba, •an.atid Alberta. lietu'rnirig,, the , f,ar4o, •• Wilt. be 620....fropi Winnineg, plus, a half -cent per miles:trim 'starting point. Goin dates are Augiist 13, 15,.•,. 72 . and -24 heeording to 'the -territory -in., 'Ontario. 'On'the ,Ipnch ears- -food. and refreilinients may be 'obtained at reao,.• :ti.:164.00?*-ti5_7.tvarra.7:t„ .5t.f;tylloicci,kni„frdl: ine.„-:•713 ..$f 60 rev onivott • on Con . --f'e-kt-ey--.alyr--tl-reri ti.-"*:*rifEt dor" *1'2D* Cti 1 ig gas t ' ' ' ' ' train will leave Toropto each date • • • • • 11„,,,tii, Alex -3;Tet...tty, $ly f.or',..groding. .2. Robert IrWin zfo2 20, for ;freight paid'. at 10 . • • • d t oo.al at -.0 AP(.1w.“1*(1 :411c4357,- ;117' pu.niu !_enni 767.111-.....4 ales • „ „ 6 6 1 ' ;Johif MeKay, $1071)1:. "I‘ji.iits7-5117111;:lsioFfe-elln!e the „x,,erttet. of the ra- Faro inforination ,May be 'Sebuted frem 'any' Canadian Padific• ticket �f- • •vising Of tile 'Voters' Lists for the "Provineial Elettion,:E.",D, 'Bolton, fp, .' :415 -Tot reP;,- 11111 Road---16.7-Edwitr- rigton--Steol-pe'ri-liithitek-42-141,4Tot- 1,:nymei4Oni, $fli2O far .gratel.,,e6iftraa' •'stf?el for culyete'at .23; OM, A.', .1•;,ad,..„4„„1„,\.„fii.,:Pollock,',P, for cleaning. H, Megullet,f ,$34.10' for. ...bill.... of di telt 0. - WIn:',-Mont:gbm'eqt • •Ifimher .for Pr••• TinlaytOp. anT 22 for 'grading,' Road ;7 and ,$toddart, $14,00 for professional, ser -o • offfeli'Reli'd .• liuston-4-2-,50-fort-tilees-re•-•AleA. X-Mc-Ritchle-61-0,„„mileage. •••xoticling!,. plAughing .and nioying gia( * 'CUDRIS11, If26; teni- rary bridge fence "ind'right of'vrr' 6, Dtaican:-.N,I0Gregor; $3, slioV-- ••1111fg:,gravel,• Con. 6, Arigus•IWIurray, o4',l26 afteriscraper pleughing •r4tping and shovelling, Oen; 6, Thos; , • ,. Vouzel; OVell,itig1,2319.Y.1„ John ' io•Vylfle, $2,50;'5boVe1ling 1 620,05, t'ep, Wtti'; ;Steele, .Con, , tsaiican AteLeo,(1', $2.00, re.b., til•VOrt• Road l',3• Al•liert Harrington ••••• cleaning, • ditch Con, 4. john,: Rosso11.10 , for grading. Ooti, 2, Well C400 - 11e11, $15,".15, werlt !oft Ceti,- •Ifrid for • !arid ,going, after sera,per, tengra4,, Cleaning ••-ditch Cork; POI' Wok gi-ading oti Con: 2, the lowing eunia, *A/ate ".pa.idtl Dan' 'Vholup, :Richard111ortitti Save 1/3 to'A Yourcorn •,4re°eilratlYiat—tfOl'•°,3tihonl:ritritot'rellnirtlideg°ftatilear!ue-.°'1:1"' Corn stoieil in is TORONTO Wooden 8ttkve Sllo;"*.ift giives 460.1.005'0, of ,thes. Good esnaillige'Iratiroisi•e. the • .....henith Of you*. etude aria increase the quality 'and- Onatitity of yam' milk, ref:Urns.. Good Oath Inuit britneitle: • thn air."tight silo. ' ' • , • - ' • • The TORONTO SI�i inado of effected spruce, ilduhle iffigned and ktofved t� exclude the 'aft, ad tiefted.-With. Creosote to lengthen it life-. antra . ..ci4tia8t3( woto ike TOflONT9 • Let me oho* yonliow tO nvc on fOragit•• end 104tealigi . •the heilth,tha value of pour li�rd.,114.0troittoiok AAA jfatticutiitii •, •: • ' MtLVOI REED,Zuckt�w Onti, f ' 41;4 1