HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-08-02, Page 2s raineteil Over"' Cul'. or =pet doliciousetitgE TEA the world. e - BY JOHN -;j1,covirViT.M.,11).cmigt-A4ltP0,..01.42aP414.1,1i,•141),7,,,,' , "Yoa are ICU ritsso, 3alC1.1.-tbr-Tefet6tteld tre Mews'* `V{ 11812 ex eyeeted to sheee• -„---tersiilace to my ',cense We were llOchese. And done, in friend.- He has heard of Y,OUr .garderi- I we should be. had heard* of ' the' ' house and the fun there." 1 A t ' _ East as 'a good place, for people to - no garden -house."' • e 1 e "The Signor' is mistit, ken." I ha,veiltplo4v7cPePe,uFvsipai:pethrre or ellune:rii,unpcituiibsiie- . -"Hot,"' I said; "IlY° been. here. be-: I wished to Heaven I hada word Of , fore, my 41..inreennayll,yineuerrisyhalinitgyht Turkish, But I made My-voicisheard ' there: What as it you.called it? Olti for -a esecond in a pause of the din, nd shouted, that we ,res-eGermaneee.-es, ' . p-Liiiiliniaren171, ibbaer---iltehd.e7 Garden-rfaus,e . 7,,,, 'agsaninleers10, i.whTon'thIcaedvbreonudghVieiwt edroewagnibnIgg ' He nut his. finger toi-5 , d --"1--iPs an`' home next day: I 'asked them what looked incredibly -"sly'. ...'IThe ,Signor the 'devil, they 'thotight, we had done? ' '1.• remembers that. But that 'wee in -the i -old happy days befOrewar came. The,iitoeddeerns'tt0001disd 0GWeilmifana;nayriythedlwlew, i..'tt9hneriye , 1, place Is long since 'shuts The people, brought e a. pandemOnius of tries in "Allthe same I would like to have "" I here are too poor ea dithee arid sing.", „,,,,,.. ien that ominous word Khafiyeh . k ` was eiredoininant. " ' i , another look at it," I said,.and I slip- . • Then Peter fired ever their .heads. TRAINING. THE...CHILDREN. ped an English., eoeereige into me ..... ,. . lie had to, for a :chap Was pawing at bandesess ''' hasethroat. The answer-wasse clater `ItaeatiOnstimeehritige-witheiteadded He glanced at it in surprise and 01 bullets on the well above use .. It, Problems' in discipline. we make 'a his matmerechaeged. "The Signor is looked as if they meant to ' take, us mistake When we think of '.discieline . „ a Prince; and I will do his will." He aliVe, and that I was very clear should as, only "zrialcing children ' mind. . - clapped his hands and the negro ap- not happen, Better a ,bloody end in That,. properly• underateed, it is an . „. ;Se „ , peered, and at his nod 'took his place a street•scraP thanthetender mercies • effort on the parent's part so to eegu- behind elittle side -counter. ' • , , , of that bandbox. ravado. . late the inetirictive. desires of the "Follow me " he said and led Us., I don't know what happened next. . child that by.hia. own efforts he grade. - which -was pitch dark aed allv fits himself to be of worth to, his Some one. sqUealecle and I looked 'the , evenly i. Then , he unlocked a next Moment to be stran led through a long, e.noiseme peseagee, very un.. -Apress drove down at rne and I fired. 'generation. -• • '• The.is fine and h*Sful, _door and..with a swirl the wind caught 44, g • And suddenly the scrimmage ceases!, o little .daughters, aged six and it and blee-F-it baekshir and here-was-a-wavermg,esplash, of nine senietimes cause me almost to " We were looking lilts) a mean little, light yard, with on one side a high curviiig•in that pit of darkness. ferent' in temperament and I find that bnasihl,esevgirdnewintlnyg oifn grtheeatereeegkee, 'ewf itith. miInunteavsetrenhawnthtroueethe.wghhe'niniaphyworenab n lose sight of it. They ore quite dif- w . , • • pots, and nettles flourished in a 'cor- been mystery enough, but no iminedi- Some sdraggY -myrtles' Stood in brolcen hunted in • the Past weeks there had What Works, with one is not efficacious Witle the 'other. The younger child loves to visit at a neighbor's, and When I had been . ner. At one end was a wooden, build- . ate. peril to face. after shelled been over several times ,. in g like a dissenting chapel, but risk, i Upagainst gtintt• ooas, trheeald'anugrgeejiati 'aPnhyysriactael recently, .I.,enggested that she -should painted a dingy scarlet. Its windows *Play at', horde that...afternoon. • When and skylights :were black with dirt, liad ' been clear. • One knew what' one ...she disobeyed -and went over there' I •and its door, tied up with rope -flap., was in for.. But here Was a threat I •Ped in the wind. , • ., couldn't put, a. name to, and it wasn't . — _________ Vbrought her home, gave. her her SUP "Behold the Pavilion," Keprasso ' in the future, but pressing heed at to the • leader. I had some lurid of To sweeten any kind of frying fat, . pee; and put her to bed, it was only said proudly. . • , oar:ehrofies.e .. ie. ' notion of •.showing gratitude,' and as cook fresh sliced potatoes in it until an hour before her usual bedtime but And Yet I couldn't feel it was quite , I had no: words I had to show it bY they, are done. The fat will become with feeling. "What jell), observed ' real. The patter of the pistol bullets' deed. ,: •• ' - ' she so loves to sit up after daddy• • sweet no matter how rancid it was. .• • there! Ten me, Mr. Keprmiso, do. you against the *all; like so many crack -1 He brought his stick 'down on my • ' • ' comes in that it has kept her from _ *4 , • ever --open it rimer . 1 ers, the faces felt, rather than seen in wrist and sent the coin spinning in '— ,running away since. Sometimes, she .„ . . . ' the dark, the darner which to me was' the gutter.. His eyes blitzed, . and lie Automobile parties' should not for- gets angry and Strike& Then I tie a . He put his thick life to My ear - . , • ; , r ptc1::!tioy._ may be,safely-..Lised on the tenderest It wondei-fulty 'cleansing for little hands, .faces, • gild bodies. It leaves a de.ligbcful..fres ness and softness. Lifebuoy babies have beautiful hialthy skins. • LBer. , . • '0387 -carpet 'rag loosely around her arm, A DAINTY FROCK FOR "If the Signor wil be silent I will Pure gibberish, had nil the madness of made his weapon sing round my heed. get that. Leave a place , as . you ' like , e it will make 'him .know that the little . ..* telling -her that when daddy sees that, " . MOTHER. 'S GIRL. ..: , ., ... .... . is will e c arm ng even in are me o e erman s387 ' Tle" '11 b b I in' sw Some of the "G - often... Men must' amuse themselves, And then the light came, and made Word.' and he cried to his followers nighttnare Oyn13;nyPsIdteer,,v'veatilrisebeativetfuernsneudgme-oh, I could tellt find it" has, long been a sulk with h, though Ididn't .etlefollc.' 'SF tell him. It is sometimes open -not a steadily in Dutch b follow cursingt goe rue has beeir.',naegletYseagain. She. organdy,1 the scene more eerie' I ' I d , . and they cursed me too. had offered eignanee. Liniment, for CeZhic-rill• Cold crepe, or voile. t is also 0 cers Come ere or their p easure,. e nI ''' ffi h f th • would rather be punished in any • I It. came from one or ' two torches him a -mortal insult and stirred up a , . - se - , s . , , , . nice foreinen, with the mem' pe or con:::: and but last week we had the ballet ' ap-. carried .by . wild fellows with long Worse hornet's nest than Rasta's • ' . than to wear the reg on hee arm. I trasti ' t ' 1 Th• rig.ma eria . e sleeve may e b ' of- Mademoiselle Cici. The police b t .. t often for th' ' staves who drove their' to the h. ' The 'best place for a vacation is never have to leave i on more . an • • t length • h band ff i prove- u no is is no • way in , e pus . e . - in wrist with acu , or n . • ••The flickering glare -- '(To be continued.) • . • , short length as illustrated. . I time for 'too much gaiety.' I will tell ran nil° the steep 'walls and made mon.: where you air' be most cheerful. • a few minutes hefore she . conies to' e I you e !Secrets • To -morrow afternoon . P . me repentant and begs me' to forgive' The Pattern is cut in 4 Size• 8 1e ' strotis •shadovrs. . The wind swnrig the , - - + + there- will be dancing- wonderful , The „ above methods do not, work at , . • I 1 -2 -and 14 years. A 1OsYearesieeere---daneing4-.-Onl. ' of my patrons lame into long streamers, dying away .' quires .31k Yards of 40 -inch Material. know, Who, think you, will e ere. I arks. . of s all on the :older child, and never ' . !. did. Pattern mailed. to any address On ,He bent. his head closer and said in I" And now a new veer was ear. in Itwouldonly Make her., sullen. ' She '' - 'receipt Of '15c in silver or stamps, ,by, a whisper- Chingitnelt, shout - loves . '. • the crowd. It loves tie read, and When I want to get t he: Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West , "The ComPa,gnie ' des Hewes. ed not I At, first I could -not see' the new- . in anger but in fear. her t, 0 cle• the ings "that fit her to he Adelaide St. Toronto Allow two Rases, . . , .. , I . comets. They were hidden in the new - of Werth," all Aire is .neeessnry-is to weeks e ' • t e ' • "Oh, indeed," -I said, with a proper '-' ' 1 ' 1 "Jane,' i wee ,i co receipt o pattern. . !deer' darkness under their canopy a .eays or„examp e, you may rea.d tion what -.."' tone ofrespect, though I h d 't .. a n e me.' ii bt, ... s„...not ebefoee,...reenember.'L_Tcesbeedenied.....wereeetesnotestor_aur___Iittle_bedtline --"Stire-,"--r-keid:--"Irolli---er- a-s--.-weeeseetheirearmse-Ther-wereeshoutingrteoss her book is far more of a punishmentetalks, whee the: girlies and I go over •T - ' wild Shrill cries ending ' sornetirnee in than to be disciplined in any 'other' the mistakes of the day and resolve • all for the ro y. , . . d a gush of rapid speech. Their words s hours" • • "Then the fourth hour after mi - • • ' 1 : e for, they were holding 'their tion what e meant ' after you have .Practiced your music I Sometimes I 'get so discouraged that • ' - • "Will the Signer wish to cOMe,e; to-rehes high at thee...fell .jitreteh of , eway. , , , _ . , _,.. _ _to makes, a fresh start with the new -ease Walkstraight through the eafet did not seem tebe-directed against es, ., But these ways don't always work. morning, I should feel like ° giving up and one will be there t , o unlock•thel . . but against the Crowd. A suddenhope entirely- And yet,.I. know that there -door:. You are--new-comershereticame to inc that for some unknown is nothing more worth while. -Mrs. Take the advice of Angelo Kuprasso 1 reasonthey were on our side.- . _ e W. H. IC , ,. iinel avoid the streets after nightfall. he press was no. longer liavY Stamboul is no safe • placnowadays .eeysanagainst me It was thinning rapidly , d I could hear' the scuffle as en e j , J. • A universal custom er that benatits every- body: - • - Aids digestion, al cleanses the teeth,- soothes the throat. reme • Sealed in itsluritv P.ackage • THE FLAVOR LASTS (cep Your Shoes Neuf I 1441 W I I'3e74 Shocikessiml CAKE OR LIQUID Ithings' and to all+ people. ''. ,. the icy winds ferning the;filth, the ' ' It le e long trail that has no, turning,' unknown tongue, the hearse savage,, 1 We have, been following its rough arel murmur, and Me utter' ignorance as „ rugged course already far'. . beyond ' to "what it might, all he 'about; made . where the turn Should have been; see' n1.9 cold in the pit' of nay taliTaeh' "We'en Pot' it In the neck thie, time, • 11IM,AR eight Sha)1 we give...nee olderee,re" el s'eeid.-: to--Petersewhoeie ad and stop? :when the bicycle stops it out .tee, .restel ;the ememsedent• at falls' over.•_..... „ .Reetehele had file▪ n hins ' These TAO - There is but (Ale safe thing for us „tele Were ()Iv 'c..) y w$11pons- The . to 'do, and Itis the only Way of keep- crowd saw them a heng:back, but leg ourplacer in the aPitffii ,and. that Is if theyehoFie• , o rosh u... t e esn : inueh to keep on going.', , s .- , ' . .of a battier tWo.' pistolswould` meke. Reeta,a yosse had stopped. 1-16 had TO prevent dePredation by rats and .detie his %vele:, snd .had retired to the for quiet m'en. • • _ e-A--NEWiRONING-BORi. fi asked:him -to-41=16-41h end made off; down the eide streets: 'IVIes When everything doesn't go rielet he rattled off a list frern -.which 1% TurkishIrst;ButI changed my Potionwas that. these were the . , se chose one that sounded „modest and 'n .when the -Ironing --beard 'wabbiea and keeping with our eeteoes - -eSeses-i-lemeind"whee-the -leaddescanie outinlo must be lifted and 'rearranged ever 'far off, only a hundred 'Yards to the Patch of light.. He carried no torch, time a skirt or little frock is to be, ptit right at the top sof the hill. but ,a long stave with which he be - on then ironing is nothing -but a • When we let his door the niiht labored the heads of those Who were •. ' tiresome job. With the latest in Iron- had begun to drop. We hadn't gone tee tightly packed toflee. ing boards at which to do one's work, twenty yards before Peter drew. very I. It was the meet eldritch apparition ,alisthesesstrotibles sare The neare.toerneendekeeteeurningehis :headsyou cnn_eeneeeteese.A.tall. me nedreesed • n skins with bare le s d d boardrests on its overextend arid it is HIT' a .hthited •atag' " • f sh g an san clueg to his• sheelders; and, drawn 'sells," said calmly. steadiness itself; yet it is not a bi dly-hendled.- na,heace. at the .faced -a -biggish' mosque. I coal thetail Waving, behind it Ha ,one end, so that one. may'. slip the in the Waning' light trewdeoes#60.0-esecaeseed- like -A wild anir,nal, keeping us., up estrange high monotone that fair - frocks and all the other garments' who seemed to he moving towards which must he put on the board to be I heard the hig/144tehed voice crY out" igawv 'seudtdheen clyreeaPws'are that the a jabbere,cof excited Words, and it ironed_ right...eve eel t ,withoutemoving-a ii.seemed crowd ,had one. Before us '1-i-iseee-ceily-e thhig. . Imagine how much more quick- to rtie that I had heard the o,d. feet, 4 wisp of scarlet cloth We are being followed close, Cors- et) braced and arranged that it is over his head down close to his eYes, g Another; ten yards and we were at cumbersome affair, but light. and eas- a cross -road, where a little rate was a skull -cap of some kind of 'pelt . , , this figure and 'his' half:dozen: dem- , carrying torches and JY" theeWork can be finished with a Voice .b.efore. , anions some to ' board, of this „kind. - When ',,ene has *, ... .,.. -,--,,TCHAPTEI:1X.I.e.....sees........, , the ene. who seemed to be their leader - . . ,,,,,,,,,,,,, , all wearing clothes' of ,skin. But ;Only finished the ironing the 'boardeinsty he " • . . folded and placed out of the wny, So THE COMPANIONS OF THE ROSY HOURS. Wore the skull -cap; the ,rest had bare that et -takes up no more room than 3Ve battled to a Corner, where a jut heads and long tangled heir. The Pelle* was shouting gibberish the:old kind which requires supne`rts at building .stood out into ;the street. „ at, me. .His eyes was glassy, like it .. • , , • - - •• ' It was our only chance to nrotect oti — ' backs, to stand- up with -the rib cii rnan ,Wha smokes '.herlaP+- and his :legs LA,UNDERING ,SUM.--meisen us, It was ' only the w,ere never still .a second. You would , DRESSES.- ' . 'se-, " • .• stone, betvieen ' orketssecondre'Oneirestaiet we weeee thipk-,`-euchevesfigureeno-better -that-rex -' rneuht.ebank, And 'yet there was Ince .When washing ginghanis ,aedeother groping eine solitary way in the dark- ' thing comic in, it. Fearful and ,sinfs- delicate fabrics that are apt to tade, I nese, the next we were pinned against etereand-uncaienysi.i-wae;een delewari ted- never- :ripplysoapdifeetly-fo-7tliezri:"--ra.S-well---Witheite-throaty-inob-surging , . .' - •round us, ' ' - "' . to 'do 'anything but laugh. place small pieces of bar soap or soap ; . • ' ' ' ' ' : As he . shouted he kepi pointing It took me a moment ea.' two to real- in the chees.ecloth hag and withshis-'itave upthe,street which. sizeethatewewere etta eked:eh-Leery-man-- make my suds. Thispreventssmall has one special' funk. in ' the back of . climbed the hillside. ' • , flekes of soap a,dhering to and 'pot - his head, and mine wee to be the ' "He tneaTISele to Move " said peter 1 ' tine ethe enaterial, and .alseeevery. hit ouarTy, of an -fine* --crowd. I hathiwitch-doctor." , • ted i eFAw or God's -sake let's -get, ay -from' '' . Sees Yount. like this beverage as surely as sunshine and fresh air make you thirsty. It is a dis- -thictive blend of - choicest products - from nature— pure and „whole. 'Ciousimd.Refrephin bend s , of „soap is utilized ---G S•theethought of it-ethe me.ss the • . • _ . ,• . • - e.._ ••' •''' : stirugglee the different of unleashed pea-- • •• • Keep on Going. ' 9 ens from thosef ' le •blaeltguard. It was a, dark Itis an-Unwritterelaw ef the universe '.,,,,loneuid ti;3, r,,,and. I eif,,set Bee dere. that the only way to keep up ie to . Y never imagined • anything. just like en sie, u ,my nig .tma.ree had keep going. , This la.w may he broach applies. It is applicable. to Inivey this, The narrow,' fetid 'Street. • couldn'tinakeesense of it; bet one thipg. • clear. 'These niniaes: had deliVere4,, ilSr, for the' moment from Reeta and his friends. • • , Then I cud; dashed silly thipg. 'pulled' but a sovereign and offered it WW1 No.80.4-13. other rodents silos forthe st,ora baci‘c87°.un't 7.1 -fro w6ro 'bout' frot11 ge , iietehafieek" eels tie ; rellap fed, e Ode in Mexico are rnade of eoncreta. the emwd.if: " a" W°14(1 ' -The United Statea eoiP3uitie alio 2,000,000 t9ns of her/sprint a year. •ezi dideet_leneeeseeseeiese._m&pitilt.the,titee,, 1: ul' but hew f t,r'tYtt' ijitItA/1.!1‘'Are,te` eft( V us beenuse wr• fr,),•/:-.re TibetgeSIM14 epiee. 0. .......--... ' .. , .There was to love Iota, betWeen the Miner,d's Linloriene foe Cores and Wari:2 Cohgtantitieple. Actin' and* tileil'. neV,i r` hire IS yobr t h.4"th LO 11 garat' tN11Ito Cold. Pitio 4T WATel Am oseel4 ;::•, snaronfeed 28 years,. S'021Te l'or NOTHING but few hours; of 'your erne, r1,1 roil, nano Srninedlat is for f‘111 &tags, • Criearalg PROpucic Co. . met, 195, 82 Prospect M Neui Yor,kru.s.A, • • THE CC•CA•COIA cOMPA1Of Teseato..efeetzsal. Winne:els, Mt:weave: • ess'ee'oseeeee'sssses4sSeeeeesteete,esseseeeeeeees- LIFEBOATSTA •FUEL Mr, bound bTh efl P41°11 eeeeleseSiehqa Ing to Colonel. heiVee.79.11.4'141"- ' 4.. t_til!e1.7.1.7itee..,•..e„lniitf;dettnetd-..-toe;,:ey".. •opeit•teen days s:uti ia;:s ), en; • r e ?. eoin n, 9. r e:::: 4: • late ;the , Boitattee Fortite they .gesi ..theeviseeteleiltiCehleWeeee screw:Ong: fOrcele:P.411S.,geO12:: ra0.07%.„ee Gale fo1ows gale •nJ slowly, very the...tedine-steamer Pings • hers Weee•ceathe Coal is thing ..into.:thesfar- nitco Witiv,goliefens henna,: but a bare., six ,keete: is the result:. ' . eAneAnxiistis Thee.. " Viet:Rigel the Magellan Streit atter ..ters weary days; aro t,hea.outhe .Pata- gonian oat. Rift bore' it 'ise.no 'bet- e teas; .ther westerly gales blow straight . ecrose; the Pacific on the rocky , °pest .t� leewa.rd,' and .the: ponderous ,. gait of.. the. old ship AS heartbi.oaiting to the weary efileme, tramping up and !down the eprayeexliten bridge, as to • :the engineers), ',Who, with animus eyes, 'gee the ..ensall. stedk. of 'coal:. rapidlydwlndflng. . '• • , ' • ..*. Eight hells, end .those ragged amide . -toew4ndwardespealceofeansitheesnlghteof wield and high-rupniag. seas, The 'elieef • engineers elite .overalls, • elmini against the': wind,. to the upper ' bridge, ingearch Of the ceptait,', ' 'eels the chart:Teem he flpda,hinss. •'"Sixtyi tons is all we have," ,he eOnteally tenni:trite. But the ' Wieh ttred oyes • pouring over the ceart doee.,iiet 're ply. , ',He Is nieaserhig. the undeinferte ably between.' the.: ShiP., and the nearestcoal'depot-Lai' Col:oriel. • "Six hundred Miles is the. 'exact. die- , .tance,".. says "and" If the weather, was at all ,clecent. we tent& do., It; but .. as it je±" ' tam pee. bareineter,. and.the'Chlef seei; the laddeaten. full .of friction. ;'",0h, 'well; chief, ...We .eaii but do, our -best! ' Better. iseeuce:her to telpiniged;..ihe won't burn nittch. No -,Coal and Fifty M I les • to • , Allother 4E,L37-4nd.si,notUea, neght pase • , beers' •and still the old :shin covers these ..leng. miles all 'too sleivly; at a • tremendous caet; In fuel:, '.• • • Fifty milee •to go, the. lest shovelfuls is...genes:and If once stearn ggell ac esalineettean ' peereibility to retie it again. .'..SOMethdng must. be One. to ;get . her: , over .'the kiet•lap; ; eapeeially: as.'‘.t.1143 weather looks 'better: • Sce, then: it that the met' driteite resouede is. used.; '• The. shin *met. be'. ,burnt to drive the engines.; , • : • •' Plrst theepaintAndethe vareieli and .the Whole contents of 'the bos'un's store.' + ,go down to .the stekehold and into. the, dying furnace. Already ,the H.P. erank- ehaft gees over .; With a More • deter- , enieeetlieruste.and the ,filianeieleapsOutee. of -the ship's funnel. - Now the '.derriek-bosmis are eueetrip- Ted,. cut into .seeet eengthes: soehed. eceastaSseindetlirewasteetheellamee. • ,Slowly, very-elewly, the Patent 'leg' :recoedis 'the Mile! ita' we pas! along. Nene:the :detince eeepegoelesedester est 'forty "ethos.; another Welch brings: it down to thirty; but the eniergencystuel'e- .reelonseare running IOW."... ' Next, the. cabin furniture; "buisiceare. ripped ,ont1,-•Gailsepaintek cheats, .lessiestiLesestnieliletiatientide eConemeretal ' • Can't Dodg0- It! fuks IVIOSQUITOES ROACHES' Bli•Ge. - LICE - .ANTa --- BEETLES The Sapho 'Bulb' "Sprayer $1:60 (For Use..With flapho, Powder). •'.. • hill )1 I1It 411 ti insects.'on your raffle* and increalui Serses meets. Saoho ; • :sakes milking earlarr—bisrenta cOntamlnation. W'ondorfut POW for Ilea or Amu. harmless to 'batwing, animals or birds. Wiley back if dissatiailed. SAPHO POWDER, IN TINS, 2.56, 50o, $1.05. SAPHO PUFFERS, 15e, our dealer doean't otocle Sapho Rica Spray. order frdm na, souding nis, name, KENNEDYI MANUFAeltURI1-0 CO. 588. Hehri Julien Ave,, Montreal WOW for firOliiit to Ontario /toot: Continental 8ala CO., 24 Adelaide fat. g,, Toronto, ass- taintsswatcronz,17: esrerese n;Qitd. all- nistke. tleeir contribution io 'the .eonanien. cause Bookcases, deers, tablese, and ell the, parapher- nalia of , ca.bins are eeMeinseleasly bupntBurning, Theier Beata.. • • '1 Here-issisoineoneas tinuser Peen, "there .e. mah•ogany .teble. • . It Ie.:. ,Ikett'utbroaki4-to.-bava.to-part-Witir!the-:'•„ ,cernpanicris et manyy a- longs voyage but has to be for the alternative will eTheelieiteresoureesels -the slifeli and every mitahopeilthat they, above " all ,:other thieve,. can bo 'steed. . But nob there +still reteeine the linit ten matte, so:the carpenter and a, genple 'of sear men. Mart with exese an the Captain's', elisighyeleted...the-„brolconetibseeplankesse and eeats are handed down below: • In the kedgioW of the dawning a hail -comes-frern-th,e--lookoute-SS,Orneiningees-e; eliead; I" ' • . • • Blinoculare are • whipped., Out and levelled; Is Yes; -Cersinet •piers .are no 'noire than teesmiles away; we sliall save Ones boat, at 1.e.ast. A tiredensile flits florins the cap- "' • . • tales .weethetheaten face when at length he 'givet the drde•r: "Pgdpitro' to :OW ishitieS • • I •• The.•Decie?.. • ' .:„A•clergyleitte taking •oeceefonal 4uty ior.a friend in a remote county perisle, was giettely. Scandalized on observing the old +leiter whe had been collecting , !'the offertory' quietly abstract a. fifty - cent 'piece. before Preget-ging:the plate at the altar, rail.: Atter service he called the old Wan ,Into the vestry an told Mtn with some emotion that his. nil*, .14tad. been dtii- Covered. The Verger looked puzzled for a me- ment. Then a sudden light dawned on - him. 4 " Why, sir, ,yeut don't mean tihat old helf•dellar Of, Mine? "Why,rye' led Off With 'that thr the last fifteen years,'" : Do you plan your schedule of work day by day, and as 4ar as possible, live up to It? '