HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-08-02, Page 1! " ' ' • . . , , . • ' . - ' •'• • • .• r , , , • • h • , r • • / OVACERPT31,001 APVA*Ontr:.sfifik . • ' • ..'41.41.Cji.N.QW;,goriT4 TH.tIRSDAys ,,,,kuousT 2, 1923 • . , — . • ""^".""°""'',0 , .. . , ' , SINGLE COPIES; 5. CENTS _ --"-!«,•,i0.7.71.44*",,,":'"!:-.1Nr.000,04...o;•,:"...,0:„.0, 0,0 NOTICE- ABOUT' • -.ADVERTISEMENTS, - • .•;4;14:ja-, . • " • • • .• LOCAL -AND GENERAL, e :tag- vett •04 a number of clti- .• Advertisements intended for publi- 1 - ' 1: • 'in The. Sentinel ought to be ,o 0 •* a , 0 0. 0 0 zens, I hereby proclaim Monday,"the • . , ' 6tli. '411Y of August 1923. aCjv ..-.,...-,,,-1.-' ieni-ta--the..office:111.-w-riting•--Pr-t--- ------10.--Fordl, „Aitoll'eson. is spending I.ii Holiday. ; in-„ the: Nillage -of ••Lucknoi),' '.. ' ' . '.•: : * • Aeti• at the ,'‘'.4e45 with the liPMval. Of *cation at his home here:: , _, • • , . and requst alk eitiona.1Q,„.9bacrve,plp . -the- advertieer,,The-Sentinel:.:w1117.114, :I.:. Zia.- Wiii,„.7,•Sinitli4sf,vistiting---Thet. ::iiiiiiie.;.-4..'... ...z1.2_,... .,.. ' . ..,„ • '' -,:,- : .-- ...1 - - - :.,•..4.„,,_'_4,.•,..be.,..responsible,•,„forjhe.,,,,correct,inkier..,_14iste- k.;•01.., '.; .' • , ,. . ton of advertisements e1ephoned . . -, Mrs.'F ' A AniMy .Of Sarnia Arisipecl the . Onceand such 'adver ,isemen s with .1VIrs T 14.:TrOeaveh, last w±ek'' • ' ' will. be' • -pub ished only. at the risk of .,., - ....:-. • . : .. . . ,. • • - , • Pr -J.-MacK,• enzie of Reese; •IVIten.', '• * - ".. ....4.,,;_" the adyertiserr-,The.,:price-wi,11; fge,„_.' e_o_1,.. , ..... . • ... , .. , • „ visited•withrins neice -Mil 'P.. Robert :, 4eted • whether the '-advertisement' is , •• • • , . - .. , . •• • • . • , ...-• •,.• . • . . .' • - - Son recently. .• . .' , ! ' •, correct or Otherwise The telephone is ' • • • • - , I . . ' Mi.% IV , R. IVIaelpon.ald. left'on Monf • - not di,ein' nt enough' ''toinstire the cor- c ie.. •• r • nuion. of important dates day, for an e'ictended trip. in the ,Westi rn Provinces 1 . . . . , ... - • Miss . Belle Robertson returned, on ••:" - -703-Arff."6-Er- (3-.N.' ri-r• Monday after sPending a -month's vac- ' w: J. Keleher, Ripley, Phone 29' lition at Muskoka, ' • . .; - night' or •day.--f.f. ... , ..' ' • . • . • .. • .. , Notice •-,-Mrs MeMalion's will be . DENTIST , - ' • closed' during August and the first . „ Dr. ' 1VlacLeod will visit -'Luelcnow week .4 September. _ every Tuesday, Office one deer west ' " • . ... • 1 ' 'Siddall' Office • • Miss Irene Ford, of Wheatley, Ont.,, ' , . • -____.,._'___ •— • - was the guest iaot week 'of ;Mrs, D. - ' .• DR. PARKER," ...SrrgoPAT11, at the MacLean Johnstone. - ' • I .... • s ' , Cain House., Lueknow, every Wed-' ,, . ' ' - , • • ... •. 1• . • "" nesiday afternoon. ' All chronic dis-. Mr' :and Mrs. John.J°34.4 are 'Visit- .' ..: Lases successfully treated.. ,Osteo L inglheir daughter, Mrs. J. W,, Lillie°, . . ., pathy tainoves the physical causes .atVaderia, Minnesota.- • . of' • disease. . Adjastnient of ;the ' • ' • • ' • • Miss EYa Berry, 'of San Francisee, California, Is, ' visiting • her cousin, Miss Hazel Webster ' . . • . „ spine is more quickly secured and. • with: fewer Arcatments, by pathy than by any other method. - • ' • 9-6-tf • '' A. GrospOpf, Luckrrow. ' • - R. McINNES • iropractor , .• , „ Of Wingham. will visit the` Cain Hduse. Lucknow. on Mondays and . • •Thursdays from.9 a.m. till 1 P.m. . O . Diseases 'of all kinds succei3sfully . ...........Miss-AcIOV,ebater, of:, Moncton, B,, is spending her Vacation with. her aunt `and sister in tOwri.' . • Mrs, T. MacDonald ,and daughter; , Miss Katie, are spending few Weeks at -Sault Ste; Marie' and Thesialon. , -Rev, and .Mrs.* J. Watt an1 'family, of Allendale; are visiting Mrs,' Witt's father, Mr. Arehie Barbour. . . Mrk Richard McKenzie; of Winni7.: • • '1)R. IVI.AUDE C. IIRYANS Registered Optometrist peg, spent the week end witli-his--ii4n ters the Mises McKenzie in town. • . Mrs., J. A. MacDonald, of brandon, and Miss C. -B. Gordon, of Ottawa, are visiting their, sister-in-law, MrS. •D M Gordon ' i• • • . • , • ; Graduate DePartluent of Ophthalmol- OgY. McCormick Medical College. Chi- . gam Ill. Three months post graduate :course during year 1919. • • Ekes--Par-reetfitted „•0 Headaches, Dry Itchy Eyes; Granu7 lated Eyelids. 'Watery Eyes.- Pain in • Eye Balls. Inflamed Eves; Pus or Watery Discharge , from Eyes and Dizziness caused by Eye -strain re- . lieved through properly fitted Glass - Cross Eyes straightened through • Properly fitted Lenses, • .Eyes tested at night equally as All kinds of Optical repairs done. ,•", , . • Satisfaction Assured , . At the Cain House. Lucknow„ 9 to • ' • .12_a m 30 to -6 p.m Evening .7 to • • -- ,Wednesday of each week.' . • • : . PAINTING AND PA'PERIIANGING , • r.i.„,obt. Johnnton Reeve ' CHURCH • , • " absence of' the. Rev, Mae., :Callum; Who Is an arunial vaeation,' ,chiring August, the, Rev. Mc- • Keryoll Will preach' in, the Presbyteri- an Church. ' , • , The", Services , at the Methodist' :Church , next, Sunder mornmg -and. o,dist Church the -tiastoy preached an --impressive- sermon cri-the4ubjectiro,f-,- "World Peae," the day being observ- ed as. Peace Sunda•y, In the ntornine • the, Sacrament- of, the , Lord's Supper ,Was nclipiniStered to ,the largeSt nuin- her of cothinunicants that have •par- tieipated 'since Mr, Osterhout'S pas- torate began.' Seven new mernbei•s vvere 'admitted into Church „Member- • • , evening will be in charge of the pas- tor, Rev. J. Ostethout, B.A., "BD.-! Short, snapp? seryiees during , the hot' , Last, Sunda Y evening, in the Meth- • • ASIIFIEL1) NOl'ES • : Tu,esday, July, 31st Miss Myrtle Ritchie,: of., l'Oronto, 'IS spending n.; few daY.s. at her, honie ' in - Zion; [ "[. ' Mr::;.and ,Mrs. Jas: Pickering, of •KI,1;41nt.s,f0,41,";:7"oTe vi.sriti,Ug at Jas Mui ••• . • - • Miss': Annie Ketaliebaw-,'.. of, Pain mount, is .visiting With friends in Bei-. 'a e •-- • ,.. . • •-nndek ausPiees `of tlie1.5-.' , F.0,'an4Olnba• of 14.0crtPlsh, Lankier and Itintail will be held .at ' Lakeview' Park,Kintail,- On TUesdaY,,. 1:Ang7th: Addresses will be,given•bY 11.1,;:fri,..eMi.o-r; 0-13e':10;f:tuthger U 0.' • Xi. J., Kin,, :and • ,of -War. 'and 'other sports Admission 10c, Children` free,7 .13ring .youe•ha.s- •ketS; • - : . WEDDING.13ELLS, ' Cringle-Gillies , A qui ceremony, at. the residence of ,the officiating minister; •Rev. J. 11, Bell, united,. in marriage 11(liss Margaret Hamilton sec- on,d .daughter of Mrs. Janet Liticf<nciW: to 'Mr, ROY Marshall Crinr 'gle, of. Toronto, on TueSday, July 31. The bride Was becomingly attired in a dress of white- crepe de ce chine white -hat and whrt-e-Slioesi and :CO- ried a bouquet of, Ophelia roses.. She was attended by Miss Sadie Loveys, ',.wearing ,white alityrne cted, *hat and .shees. inatcli, and carried sunset •, roses. '1:he gropin was supported by his brother, Mr. Charlie Cringle, of Oshawa, • Iminediatelyf after the cere- mony- the, happy' couple •left for De.- :troit, and on their return they .will '-reskle „A NR TLK ...;•DP:NO.ANI),T91N • ''',,,4.1%.•WP1.9.1fAM: '..4.-";: - 1, ..4. .".• ..",. ...i. ,,, .„.... • ..,,,,.. . , ..,—.........— .•'..• 4 04,,,,',0° , i^.'" ADO tifiL-G,ICALON 0 • A fata'l shooting' accident occurred . just north of Dungannon on Friday Egg dealers Of thiFrdittrict to, the - rimming 'of last week. ,Charles BroWn, prinunibledry,b2f athoondt 's6c0 sins et eirrnWewing'reh:47. aonearju -the handiingt eggs • and, to,,eolue to 2cominory understand:. ,ing ',regarding- tlfeie regnlatqiii7. A .brief introthietion Was ,giVerAii „ . b„. rort,et. rePrebentative the DePaitmentz Agriettittire., who' '' piece Of th6 e'paiiiea now the need 01 jrading f1164:e'reb!'rir'eb're6vIcieferilit(5137:wrrc'at7g' ger. Evidently % 'Browni turned 17-tecOining more and More. necessary aPoot to release the 'gun, !when:it dis- Canada' exPeeted to".hold her.„Owif in eharged 'ale Whole charge a shot c‘hiaeun. wectoraierse4smoarleietsamMouri;t 01-;0:.utecf. LIN NEW WING " entering 'body`, below the heart It -afarmer, Wh9 lived 'just ;across the '-0-44-fioa•AliPi--ic110:01110-11.self:11-a-c13_41mr. a• Shot •'",kii..n .,with 'the early .to; 'shoot:black:: hirds, • wilea to rthe'-liouse •and' ' paging Oyer a. vvire .feiiCe which" ecia s for atur(lay Cream slices Puff Pastries 'Nut Squargp, -;;VV-hC011iestWarhde:Tat'arBisr . • ,Hrg---hilesttiPthriec:foardBeu:Bterreaf:dd';—; — . .•• MAFEKING • • ' Tuesday, , July .31st. ' .'Kilpatrick ;spent then. liaSt• week' ...a t Luckriow' and, Zion...* • ,1 Master '1"oni*My AnderSen, -Of Luck- noA is Visiting. Mafeking, dousi• Blake returned- herne las.t wOek''from two „wee ,.. s kis] With ,frieries iti. London, ' Master Kenneth- Sutten,- of .TorOnto,-- -is &Pending part,of• tlie 'borne. of Mr., J Blake . ' •• Mr , J. VV. MurraY, . T-AlekndWi ' d •-. ,fr-i-e-P:iln.tgari'a-Inetu„ • , . c.i6K . Ca eron,, Luckn :-prepared - • to do all kinda-Of painting-tvi(-decor- . ating. Agent for wall papers from 10C. • • Per, roll -up. 22' incheS wide. Samples. ' - -my -residence. ;or ,shall , be pleased to take them to.vour house. , , Fijit SALE-..-Seven-foot cut Deer-. "ing Binder in' geed repair. Apply to . . Jas Forester, Lucknow. ...,...";.•-,..: _ ., ' ''''----- - - . h portable'llell FOR, SALE -16 .P. 0 ' .: • Threshing tank, 110 It. drive • • ' . belt, Sawing outfiitthwitp05 saws. Chan'- - . - ' pion grindeT inch plates. ; *- '. * ' Everything w olid working order. " --Islir ftirther in- aPply to -- : MacInnes, , 0 ' ' ' Mrs. Ma c° 6 IV ley ' 0 :Phone 10-2 - ip . _oro" wto ';'. ' 2; "' ' ''''Al'ex Nicholson.. R. 6. Lucifn .,. , Mt., WH. hi'. Barkley, Eetio".Bay, has' • '-returned home r'..s-pending couple of Weeks with his. slater,' MI'S'. :' • . • . .and, 'Mrs. Elliott,- of- Nev -York City; '11Irs',, Johnston; of Toronto, end Nicholson, of Koniaka,',are _ing. at R .Mullin's '1. • Teesvvater and .LueltnoW plaY Leagne Baseball Caledonian Park • on Tuesday, August, 7th , i•coriianene= •. . . . . , • t. • • „ing. at, 5 o'cleek Rev. '•Mr.., and _Mrs. R; Robert "and Miss. jean and 1VIarthas 'motored 'to-Tara:this week -'to -send , • . • ' • The. 'Liicknovv' Boy Scouts are- en- leying*-week'S"-biitinfr , 'Thei are in 'charge Of the Rev; C, L. • •i Langford and Mr. Harold Burns. • Mr. and: lielrs. J. 0. Harclie;. Miss • J,_". GreY• .and :little _Margaret "Brisbane, -�f' tie toWelEare-.4sfi-eiiiiling-::'-thia..;.-Week: with Mr, .and Mrs. Roht. Phillips. • Mr. ;arid • Mrs. C. J. Pentland, Of Galisbilrg,.I11,,•-and Mrs. N Were visitors. with. Mr: and' Mrs. J. Anderson- :,laSt , Voters' Lists 1923, Municipality of . the ',Village, of .Liackaink.,...101..... ' ---he CoantY .of -Bruce._ •, ,•*`• Notice is hereby given that I have ' complied -with Section 10, --of " ers' Lists Act and that -I have posted • '. at' my 'Office at Lucknow, on the , • we ty-seventh .day of July .D. 192.3, Per,sons entitled to vote in the saicl Municipality for ;Mernbir-s- ' of Parliament and 'at Municipal Elec- . , " • ' tions_and that such list remains there , • for inspection. • • . , • , And I hereby call upon all voters • to take inunediate_proceedings to have '' any, errors Or omissions, Corrected -by Dae at Ludnow. 6161'28th-flair-of • • july„..A.p. :Joseph ;Agnew. • Clerk' of the Village of Lacknow. ., Miss. Marguerite MeLennan;. Of: Laurier, is Slierlditig a 'few days In,: faro/Ito: •-. • '' •• .1 • "Mrs K.' McGregor . of Duluth is visiting". at Mr, •K D. McKeniie?S Lochalsh • • ' • : , -MiSs-,7•Anna • - • • . Nag ,Visitin-friends,arbutid,.St. Helens last week; ' : Annie' Rebinson, Torent'o, 'isyiSalng„.i.v.itlitiViiS's of -Lothian; • ' .• Mrs, Thos..'Lithibers Toronto • • •• • "ViSitifig -Ay:1th her inot r, 'Mrs. Wm., Beuglas, Miss Bessie Blue, of AmberleY, 'is • , . • , visiting .her sister, Mrs: Grant Mc- . - - Diarmid; of • F'aramount. • • , - ....,„„,„Mr. and -Mrs, T. A,' Stevens, MiSs -GeOrgina, and Howard, of .London; arid- Migs Lois Wurtz: of Brantford', were guests ' of X.r., and .Mis$ :Strong over the.Tlyeek4nd. "77 _ , Rev, W. 1VleIntosh,. Paster of King St. Presbyterian C5urch,,--.Lon- don, apd Mrs, Isafic Hetherington and . sons, \of pode-ricli, -visited telatiVes -in 'town-the-first-of-the4week2 -:Mr. W,m..Anderson, St, Louis,.4VIo.; is J„G', An- 'derson this week ',having eome-,-0- Motor., ;He,. is accompanied ' by.. IlaeFailane,'St. Louis, and' Miss:Eva Berry' . ' ••' FOUND -•,-•In Lucknow, , a sum, of moneY. Information at The Sentinel . AUCTION SALE' : 4.t•OlYlii:9htielni. a:, in Toronto..„,' . • : Miss,' M:2. Gollan visited .‘„, on „ the Fourth last' week: . • Mr, and. Mrs -Geo*. TaYlor.an-d faln•-• ly moved 'into town. this week': Mr, and J Christie.- of.,Kric-7- , • • lough, spent Sunday With:Middleton'S. ,Mr".. A. ,Meltensie, who; his halid•cut ...while-han'Aling, the -Mower., .'e•etting,, - ilong nicely ainophan, of „Seaforth, has, ;returned .her oMe after,'"spenilin"..); a, week with heson,•11r. -chan on .the Fourth.:,, • ' • cess had ,neen aChieved because of tne . TO KINCARDINE 'HOSPITIAL _ ra years, and the• De a t If. on • . -compulsorY-grading-of-'-eggr4for-ext- • • • • • ' taneou.s. •No,thing Nos known of ' the uort, •w•hicri nas been effective now for . • accident' for sorne little time 'When seve 1 one of Mr • ' p r ment 01 ,___ . e Were .asked What was ,..the . . Browns sons was going Ag'ticillture has considered that ii. Inust. uustanclifig 'feature " of the [ Cdd in . the orchard. and an gOing to in- to the harp he noticed smoke rising awi,:psill:ievai sti;oaoirrinP oaf italuilsile eicioi h:gls:eme40:„ ilonont;r(g).avaiautdee eel . wHe6r7i.,wkoWuledekighdaothhtiendetayrdhine,epththeeopaell:::. vestigate, was horrified' to. find Ills ad the hoina narket was the ,most , ing. of. the Ross. Robertson Memorial blather lying dead and his clothing on, important.' l'amPhiets were custribuf- Wing at 4iacaildinegneral Hospital- ' "' ' • _rim' me.-gu,n iht,td dise*.Kei_l .Q;0s_e.._ eu to those Present describing tile du-. rt 'CVa not ,itlie mest largely, -attended - •0 • . • , 1 b Red on both erids• Ungraded Eggs as he retired from where, lie ad een • ent •grahes ot eggs, ana copies oi -function; liTirit-7-wat-the-inost-iropres- to his .body that the clothing was set On, fire. 5-114. gun lay • on the gr°11nd intereSting. discussion *foiiovved, was home frem NeW York, and 'he • Lne biatio ‘. g ns were nassed'aroural.' sive., Some years ago Ross Robertson with 'the -hooked end 'of the Wire still A'reat -interest being snoWn ,b ,),* MOS 41 the trigger-guard,"showing plainly tne men Present; country mer- was spending an evening .with .his • ' just what had haPPente• a*Poitiadl:ebde Lioni pboessIbltekle101°Ptinhie°nIii Tf e7rnn IMatres 1.5Mr. John mitenC,r-himellia°skn-: The late -Mr. Brcrwn wa-s 'born at to 8rade eggs and the tear was ex- ed her what her pet charity Was ask - Brantford, Ont., .61. years ago, hu; pressect that they wouid be driven' out ' moved to near Dungannon while still `at the egg business entirely. The law Mrs* Meerinuncm replied that it /va• "•' in his teen's For quite a number Of- tne dealer,___tsL. the Kincardine Hospital. He asked ,„ • her what she would like -'to round the '1, years .he Was 'a •rnember of L.O,L. No., 3.24;••and. fi1ld, -various canoes in -'the lodge, ,being .delnity-rnaster• ...at :the. Aline' of his 'deoth:;[ he was al,soa .case -count -plan •system was advocat- . "Meniber'of St, Pahl's. Anglican Churelb ed as'being a:possible way out rortne and for many years a warden - inan ei4.1hoeuyntwr.youritheib•ceh.eaniiitso-oBtiotl.hlliasr'k'iiloeffth.'Qcond • • • , plan t 111(11VICIU.0 lots. of.eggs ..by all who' 1[:[reiv, him; -and h. !' received from the 'different farmers Will .be "greaty. b;•et.!iren anct-• thos'tiiey would be icientitied of the et Ii ind' 'all. With-.whorn "lipwhen they come to be 0candied and waY,*ass'oclated.' ;.'•* ' grad.ed. in the egg warehouses eventii- " ' ally: it !is. imperative ndw that the :P• Thefuneral 'On :Sunday. afternoon . was the largest." .6,Tersteen-in Dungan -r . non:It:Was. tinder :the:direction 'of :the ' Crange AsOciation,.. and took.•:.Place wrnasb-eers„:?, sell his eggs on grade a, lid any 'eggs has for Sale in- his store,must oe 'la -belied plainly the name of the grade In which- they are being sold Ihe , institution out, as he was desirous' " • , of doing. something. in honor of his " ' •: late beloved. niOther. Mrs. MiCrini- • . - mon suggesteVa riuml3er of things. * ' . The answer was,, "Not big enough." , ..., , . ,At. la,st she inggested a new wing.,, : • This pleased' Mr. Robertson and he said, "Go ahead:" Mrs. MrCrimrnon asked him ,how much he desired to •' „ ' ' , ' - spend and ,his answer ,Was, go as far ' .. • ' •• \ .. . . . • .egg dealei.s make returns . to their as you like :1.1e 'placed no restriction ... - customers for eggs 'on .-a graded bas- on the -gift -and as the•-vvork proceeded ' •• , .. , . . , . . is and such a thing ,as oftering a sen along the u•loney to defrey ex" . straight price for a ease 0r, quantity penses, whieh, amounted to , about"- ' Of cases. of eggs is now • illegal. Mr $12,000 ' ' " ' • • ' ,Anderson; of Listowel ; claimed he - The o senin took •lace an Friday . . . . - • . ernment mould see that: it :Was. en- •• - Of the Orange 'Order were irr line to • • a eie 'oh ..i,o. was 'presidedover • • y as in avor of the law if t e gov- ft. c ... - : t • ed.'br Other There., were many ,beauti: maximum fine for breaking the law forced.' It was made known, that the' ' Mr ''E 'Miller, president Of ille Old ° Bays; In a few well chosen 'words he ' ...'. -- pay their last respects to the deceas- fur ,horaf. deritributions'. The serVice. eing'grseswbaesc,$5to00)30u0yionrgtharnede months ain told why they had gathered.. He then was. conduct,ed by the Rev, Mr. Hayes, . . jail. Mr. 'Porter.' call d f t* called upon Mrs. Hector MacKay, SiS!" 'I'he deceaSed' is survived laY a' wi- ^criticism b'ut emphasized the necessi- , gifsIncT.: ter of Mr, Robertson to unveil a por- trait ' of the late Mrs. • 'Itoss•RobertsOn •,, ••• . from the merchants or Rector St;paul's, Church. and also a tablet. The donor has phic- • , -ed--Mrs-:McItayls-naine-and-that-of.his , brother, Mr. Charles B,. Roheitson, of .; :Detroit, on the, tablet •in conjunctiOn • : : • , with his 'name: The ceremony hav- een _pe orme r. o e on. .. • Was” .calleit on.- Ile is a man 'Orfirire-,-t7.71171.7,r dOW, four sons and three daughters; ty of the improvement .of the • egg the --yonngeSt being-iiine-rfeaW. -wbu,esinetosusidane-dx-spetcattett-thgaett-t. hbee-tnten.r1T, elsgagYs- of ag6:•:'" • • from .the producers is to pay, a premi--. The, bereaved fanillY have,: the sym .'um far high-grade eggs and penaliie* athy of . .a host ;of the producer who ',sends. hie__...inferior_ • -tile a .Ver-Y-uncertain'thing,- ',eggs ,by paying him a lower priceac " We know not the day:nor theilour eordingly Silverwood, of London • suggested that labels on one side ott. physique and courageous, but the oc- • • .-1Nhen we shall -be balled 'home tn . . the case, should be sufficient whereas casion was too much for hirn,,and aft- • • • " • ":=- • • ' I -........-tneJuu_gment o'f God, , . on. both! • • b • f. nar So we should be prepared. ends of the ase. t is per s •c - I • mis able for rie -,sentences,-emo . • .. , _ • • .,•• • a. merchant or a dealer " ° - a_wholesa ware ouse ou , _ - to ship eggs ercame him. His face., spoke what his rading rov dinethey are previously not"a dry -eye in that large assembly ' 1)r. Alex. F.; Barn , , , speak • • 'Mr, Jas. Barnlay of Izothian. France-S'ancl „Clifford Crozier -visit y y, juiN 3ist• ofLit for Shsipownl.yedthat .t pOronplYos.M M. aTtc i. Anaci esres 0;10, , • , is visiting at the home ,of his 'f ather,, MondayTuesda :: July:30th ` „ • ' Mr F E. Coombe followed, telling • 1 M ha Mrs Albert.. Carneron and , should be revise . f th d h' h Rbet• Miss Louise McDonald, of Toronto,k,ieek With their, aunt, Mrs flow, r a Ldainily...spent-i_clayjecently, with .W.a- wanosh friends., ' . .. Mr.. and Mrs: Percy Graham,. of• Port Albert; spent Sunday at her for - :Miss S.alena 'Grant, 9f 'Hemlock The Sunday School 1111••• I ; e anima . Mrs Ew-irt' Taylor, 01. Lnekno-wr, Ardless and ca.rried.. The merchant, C. Cooke, Mr: James. Maleolm, ." fifteen dozen nngraded ,privelege. --elauSe1:0-etatee-'4that, All-L'eggs404..nfu-st- be.,bought on grade but the farmer or. producer ,is privpleged to sell up to teen dOzen on a, straight 'price, This motion Wes ,•,seconded by e ays w en e an oss o r ..„ can "Met ennan,• of Laurier: Bank. His references , to the many •• ,• • • • , • Quite a number of trewe folk at York, is spending her vacation Wjti?: Hackett's /Churelf last SundaY 'eveh- 'fine qualities. of head and heart of Mr. . • Margaret McKaY, of New tended the anniversary service s- at, her parents .at Lechalsh., • ' • ; , 'here • • ' RoUertson were most ,timely. Mr. J; • , • , , , , • . •„ • ' f ', buying eggs from an egg dealer must and Mr. j. J. Hunter made fitting ad- • - • . , • . Ada Pickering of,,Para.mount.. , river, last Saturday, and as usual, the • . • . Y . This 'splendid event came o a close . spent a day recently , at her ,ormei honie at )3elfast, has an complaint of the grade of • • - , t City, yiSited.the vveek-end with Miss 'en*" -c. at McQuoicl's 'grounds by the report within twenty-four hours if he dresses • • • • eggs supplied. , ."'Yeling--felk,--lied-a very gOod • Miss ,GailTerOn, of Winghain, is -sPent---a7enr-reeently. with-Mr;;,-,•.andi i, • •. : .., . tor the new law to be understood pro dainty lunelle-bri. t4 -41:44-$0-,,--413R:7-7777.- ' .and,the,Ladies. 1,lospitaLAict Served. a .*•:-,, :" ..... .,/yfrs;.,..1„,is st,.ari,l.y., .9,f, rai,ionouti:t., , Th-ere-'-was-"-riej-church serViee., at -.Visiting a_ ievi days '47i -triter. ,SiSteit; -.7.---.4t--..-Vvill--ciciubileSs-take-..same....time . igen -and dyfit.4_1.0beit;,LFiaierocit Crewe ,last Sunday aiterneen. the -*Mts..' Win: ,Twarnley.'„ .* . PeFls' and nut into ,practiee. but there, ' Kincardine '..iS', to he . congratulated ' .**, .• • " laStOr. Rev Mr l'ete'r44.)&11.g'. .4,a.',,DjIP...',4 '-.4-...M.i.S's! Evelyn Topp of Toronto', Vis,; riesironlibtthe intention of the 'farm, on;.43„y4ng..,i1:::fotrite,,r',.goo' who. iric.iiiiii .7,MiS:,--..-AnguS,Sutherlancli-Of-: . ' ' '' . ' Work ' onf-,,SailifiletorilY:16 -41-1He-on.:•-.-Lin-the-AVeStern,IPart-,of-Ontario.,*The : . ' '' has 'Made.. .;.''..;' ,..."....', 'Liicknow spent.giOiday witl....anct , ganiim'i. to ,ifetiiir. the f un ei.41-4Ltlie' 'ied a-r-fek-da. S lasA2--.i:v'eeli-74. Vith-lierl Mit. Rat.' -StriitherS,i of ParaMount: :late ChatieS Brown.''.• ''. '.• -..'• - * ..:" 'atint,,Mrs. lames Ceolt.....i.,...; ..:. '"; .- ' ' ' • '' it: iS 'hopeed-W,Iltriinahrtt-lre:Ig--- iotRis-tiwe-to'llPaye,the"fineA:-.hospit.ill,-1"4- ' Cahn -net,. 'a're reriewing'.. Old. 'aCtinain-. eerie& • . . , .--' , ;• ... . : Reporter, ''.,. : ,, • ', " :,. ' . ' ' . ' • *, .•-• ' 7 -Mr: &id TreleaVeriref- Toronto Visited Lticknow friends on Sunday; haVing *inoterecl from 'Owen Were Mr, and Mr Leslie -and daughter, Ruby, of' Owen- SOund. , . Albert Towle will haVe an Auction Sale Of his 'fartin' 0 stock, implement, .••• • '.standing trap, and hay in the barn at- • ••••• Lot 11. Don.' 1, ,Huron Town- - -• ' Friday. August loth. Coniiriencing at one o'clockin ' • . '1'ENDE1tS *WANTED , Sealed tencters will bp received b3” the undersigned. 'until noon, August 14th.„ foi the construction of two flat slab bides, opposite Lot 15.*Con. 5, TOwnship, and opposite Lot 20, Con-, 3 S..; 1thitos Tw Plana_.and 'apeciflcations can be seen :at office of uridersigned.; [•[, . • • LoWesit tentlei'`not tecessardy AC. • t. • . $1 4111941 °Ati - s, vtephebion, (10 'Engineer, 0,00mr 0 • 0 , . , 1 y , —0 • •;••• , • ---L.Mr.--and_Mrs, Jacob Hunter and ' **'M fanees in Kincardine arid, Pararndunt. ......:511!„.„..atid_Mrs, Gordon Hicks d babe, of Torontoi,are ,visiting with liei• parents, Mr. .and Mrs. F„ p• lVfacLen- nan, Of--Lociirdshi, : ' , " Miss LiSzie' Purvis, Of 'St, Helens; was, the_ggest„...Of her ' friend Miss Verna Ilandlton,.. of' .Paramount dut CengratulationS.7.-ic --due t -o "Mr. and Mrs."Slattery, :of :Detroit, and Misa Helen- Martin a xindai- dine, Mr. and Mrs. P, Leslie and Miss Ruble, Leslie, ,of Owen .SoUnd, were guests of Mrs: Gordon and Miis _Alfred Goiclon, during The past ,week,, Mr." and Mra. 'E. S.,' Totten `and children; ,1VlaYnard and. Eileen, ,r of 'Windsor, Miss Mason, -also- of Wind- sor, and •Mts. S. G; Kane and son" 0 John, of Gerrie, spent ,Monday at the Parsonage visiting' IVIt: and Mrs-. Os- - terhout Graham :McNay,:,teaelier,' -of' 'nor':runt .4hree of-.: his En- ekahiila 'Mr.. and Mra.„...SOI; McIntyre have' 'returned -to • London _after spendineii,[ Couple! • of weeks, visiting. with :,his brother; Peter,. and. hi S sister's; the . MiSses...MaIiityro: Of. Lodhalsh.,, ?"41/fr:,- Eldon -Twarilley 0, has resigned the prinelpalShin of W.eSto-Mancton -Tit:131re a S'-•Filecelited-n-- . position -with the ,S,ttio, 1:,ite'Assurivnee' Co as 'Manager of theChOii.Fim di- •• - Married -On ''Sat,Urday,. 28th, at the 'MOOse•,•• LoeknoW„ Rex; • Glirlatine; [Sedan& ihtuelt. - or of. Mr and MrS..john 1:)..1Vleitentief of Lochalsh, to,[kennetli lqaeteri,, , nail; of Latirier. "After a snort...motor' -trip :they 'retuffed staniinr ev,eranii to . the groMnis heMe• on the lake Shore. The congratulations .06 Vest • •••, WHITECHURCH ---------------------„ t the •home r:, oi • ' and Mrs. John Cainpbell on Sunday', •.? .MiSS. Verna Barbour, of Goderich, , • Ttiesday)' July. 3,1stis visitcrivy days with 11 •The' Sunday Schdel. is 'holding ,their .parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sherwood, 'Annquirada-y--at_Ki Will, Miss Marie earcline.„. • ' ; ',and MaSterdtalph .liaCkett,,of Detroit, Mr- and Mrs; Thos; Moore? 'Irene 'Apent ,:fe* ,KlayS- last' week- With and Milan:motored:to Dungatirien ,-on,1 -friends fnThis part'- Sunday-.Mit.„'411dtMrs ,... ;le h n__LE_Vimexsatt„,,of Ktiloss and .311 -its Angps. , : , rox visitdgi on Sninday With • friends • Graham'', , of loucknow, .spent Sunday • 4°: in Teeswater. [ ' • at the ,home of Mr, and .Mrs, Ralph St.. Mary's, yitited•last ,veek With .1,1,. — ,•.‘ ' , ..and Mrs: ;Pilo; Clubb; , ,. g' -- - ..qtd.V. Mt ' Dvererid - 6.1. kine'ardil'ef :.,0 , will pr en d h` in 't.h.e., Presbyterian. Church here- onAinidaY.;, ,... ' '[. , .• ' :.'" 'Mr.: 'Sant ....1.,e'kgatt ,,and, ,datiqh,ter, Irene, of 'Colling‘Vood, were the,guests . '.-of Mi. 'and,:mi.s. Gibson Gillespie, on- --Stindayi ',''.:„, ..,.........,.......:„; . ,,,.: ' , .„_,,"02 ., ' • lAt• are', •stirrY , tO report that,":Mr.. ''. .'' iitii6'itial sili 64a, b[Vil'e-e, ''.1-11[11.aI,'erotitii:tint6dridNIYaol)g:a....:6ici4n{:.• Its1,11O:6,e', 11:. ri,:„ , misfortune ' 1 It, .P; eile ' . ': . ' a . • •_./. BORN . : • .1 Wiikie, Sask,,. on July 22 1.923, 4-n -Mr and Mrs:. garry •daugh (.! Mat,g4re *ishea their many, arel OX4 LOMA PlIfTileiltA The Annual' ;Meeting Of •Theljnek. now Elevator company ,Liniiteil; Will , on' '$atnr.ilay, August 4th next, at' -2 o!elOelt p,m„ fOr the transaction ..of iegniat business, . _ FA3.41., 118104 ITON,t• SEP „ TEMBER 4th. • ' Central Business College • Stratford,' Ont,. '" Weste,rri Ontario's, leading ......coinnierciaLSchool, where you c g t,a• tholough prattical traintng under 'experienced 'in- structors in Commer'cial, O Shorthand' o_r' TelegraPhY • De- partmenta. We assist gradu. • ates to positions, Get Our free catalague rioW; b, A. 1VIcLachlan, Principal, MID—SUMMER SALE WHITE SHOES B-u---y-LY-b---11-1:1-Va.eation'T,Slitofs at ' .„ " " !„ Bargain Yryeiu , , if) ited *Canvas Strap Shivers, leather sore, 5„ to 1..0 1-2, Sale •Price.50c. a.pairr; • .Ladies' White CanVas Bals_,. leather. sole, /reg., tlar..$3.0 and $4.00, Sale 'Price $1 00 pair , All_ouriSmart 8tep 'Canvas Strip' Slippc1:,' . , • White and Two -Tone, regular pviLkYs up to $4.00,,.Sale Price $2.79,. , • ' • A DieCount Of 1.0 P'er ec tit. 'oil. ,olir Foot Shoes in Child' en'§, 13oys' and.IVien's. MA11.10.7,A.- , ,Ac.hib,i 0, 0 '0 0 jak, anu Oat • • .Butter '0 4 '0 0 0 0..0 0 0. 0 0..! 04 '0" f 80:3200 '41; 40 0 4, 4. . ' 41,$.75 trf (111114' ott§ *tit I t 4 UUQfl,' • - ------------ 41, • • • , • , !. :,0 i!'•;'. I". . ' ,''1 '0 , •, ... .• . , 1 , , . •' ".' . ;;.,•!•••,..',. ' ;°•''' . ‘,'4 „ . . 90.• • ..• . • - . ' '' ..., •.• ...1 , , , :'. ' • .., . . . -4,, 0. '+' !" .„ .. '' , , .. „. • . . " I , • Z ..,' h31.,,, .- ...,!. ,,,,, . :04,-,,,"•4p,.. V...0",...! ,00,01 0",t9....,0,06.,t1,,,07.1,,,..,.......0,,,4t..0.04t,Z,....?.....,,,iiy....A...,0...,,......w.e.t..1,4..o...0. f.A.,,,,,,,,, ,' , p.!4.,,,tviy,f,,,,,,,,,:,,,,r.., • 40::,,t., 4.,,.:." :,!.-....!!!.., 0. 1, , .r,,,,,M.,,,,pett,t,10., ::-.:,:b.,. 6.!!!,4:,.N.:".o.,444:14,4, i.,;...;;;,,,,:grk,,,..•4.,,,,,,,,:iii..4*;Alt.Ar4.1414.;4,..ki,.04:',;..ri,4:14.14:r.4,4t"Loi.4:4*.>4•4'4'-'44,'''41'44-',Yt.,-4X-..43.,•14.'."-.......; .';;.4,;...04.,,'"..,,,...,..,..,,,,,:k,';,;.,1, -...,;.,',.'N ''. ,„,,c,:,. ' ' ''' ! - ,.!,:,,, ./..•';, '4-",ziE;Oia,'N.A.At-t ;!.o.:, 4.': :! , Vt., ,4-4,,,,work,,. 44,..':i5., . ;:; 4 . ' ', :!:';!, tai !.,,....." ',......*: . ' TUrner, 000ifort. St0.1'.0 Hurlbut and Pussy. rat ShoeA for children '