HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-07-19, Page 2•••-, ;,;•0' • I 11,":„•,.• :' , •`,.`, _„ .,•-•,,,. .-.....-„,' ., ,. • • • . . '. --2!-- ' , ff'O'I•ITA.IsiEdt.TROilITURTION TIN'''. date r machines T(ketid..--in7theMse,irS.' • ,-,• • • ._. ..' , • • gHAYMOWS AND THE ANNUATI but abused by many), , :' : • ' FIRE, Losa IN ONTARIO. MIS. -article is'Yan 401100' to ever'', . • , The larmers. ' of .•Ontario haye at Arian to - act wisely this Tear -and •re,:-. . .last_..hetoO to.rettlise":09' Sari 'Pref. fraiit fretti Patting ,even one:lead:4i, W. a., piaaimamuof the-00at4.1:116.fitS9AclAtign ' nnder the 'roof- of .: •••• -- - - - - _- _ • . .1;"'"V".• ••;.• '-.1,-'—'---g:,:.;,- 7ultiitatCollegeer-that.4eiteti4rati.eve4y, ,anybuilding upon .iiiiiii,41*-tirEwo-.4-Ainy ; -, tio-40-0;:., . . ,T. ' .- .' • ,,. of there. is bound by the laws 'Pt 'T•Vainii:'.'iritlialttst.ir,eti,749*.Oedli *iof economy to pl, MS pr' In por' the 07100,- - • -", ' ... ' ,.., :, . • ,..• . , • , .the.,attempt; to wipe 'Mit; the."'illsgrace , ., , ',. - .,•._ ,' ' '• ' ..,...., ' '.of the past fa, years„, when inilliens , ERADIATE.' THE .:TEX8Tt " .aohti's 'have been. .legt'41a-,the..dor. 7:- The Canada thistle eairbeeta leat• '' '''' • Stinetion of our best :farip: buildings., .(4 'if thorough •• work Is on.° 4i, ti'iS •' . There 7 is nothing surer than, thefact right tinie, ad says ,/,. E.. Howitt of the .' 'that if:a fanner 'persists 'in •putting Botany Department p. A. panaie. „ • ,.jrtto ,the barn poorly cured, Or Tordst , '1st BY early after hatweet, eultive-, •-.„,‘;••fr-,-..,.....--.,-;hay.,..soorier-or.,.1ater-ltis-turi. t, -10-1--C '-910..t....tipn...011-attibble.'...graungl,' , '' • • ' , 1,r 9.; _ 2nd By careful' and"persistent spud- . to .stand the total lose of his buildings • '. •, and .crops through spuntan,equs .cOm-,' ding done in such a way as to prevent • , ' bustion of the hay. ' ' '. '' I, the plants developing. above ground. , • 1- The' Fire ' Marshal . advises 'Icau-• 8r4 By • frequent introduction ' of , . .., . . • • - „ . Coll.". ,., . ••' •• • ,, 1 heed Crops. 149 the rotption, • 2.. The, insuranee c,omparles plead, 4th, l'iy seeding with clover,' taking • "safety first" • . • -. one or two crops of hair, plowing.shal- • 3...The' farraerS who "OW,' by sad low early after harvest, and, eultivat- , .."!experrenee'What harm fires 'mean -sPeali „ink frequently through the Eall, ' :timidly' againit?-nttemptitig tk. atqre th .By stimmer falloyiing. ; • ,' ' 4.' Th'e Agricultnral cPliege''wains CANADIAN •VARIETIES OP• FARM .., ..,....„ , all.;#armers'against the •extrerne Oan- s• -CROPS- GROWN' AT HEART'S • ••• - '. '•ger'‘•41.iiell acceinPerkies the Practiced DELIGHT FARM, CHAZY, • • • ' ,•• • 5. The. individual : farmer' places .• , ' '47c-'-erlY;c4red hay. • ' • '-' • 1 • • . poorly cured hay in his barn at his • " .'. • • ' ,' Own peril.•. .. , „. • , I• The Heart's Delight Farm at ChazY; , All who know agree that the prac- New York State, consisting ,of eleven ., ties' should' -be -stipped and. stor;ped thousand acres, is one of the Most ' blimetliately, that means this year , noted farms in America: It is interest- ' ing to learn 'when on a recent visit . now, e ore �uput in a wet or ' `- ' partially cured load. It is not a ease to this farm, that the hundreds of .of "will there be fires,?' it is simply a acres of sPring grains tin* eilltiva- tion were in all instances varieties •case o whose urn it Wi e to suffer 'i ' . : the loss. Only the reckless •will ;ail which had been originated in Canada ''''' - • ,, to hec4 the warning. Let the hay stiou• the oath and the barley at Guelph, and • In the, field rather than ,try to- stere it, the spring "eat at, P48". . The ^9. . in:unf..i 'condition. If you do the lat-,1•A!C• N°• 104 variety of winter Wheat, ter the hay will lose its 'food, value' er-iginated• at GuelPh more recently' , ailyway; and it will show a lack of was being tested out. ' ' • ' ;' ' .• .knowledge of -good farm r ti ' '•' ••• ' the Part of the fernier. - JULY • SEEDING ,.OF SWEET • ' ' .'''' Tricregeed-aereage of elover- hay in- - ' CLOVER.' ' .. the past ,4w,.,years and the habit of _ Vicperiments at the Ontario Agri- •• cu„iing only he leaves, leaving the .miltural College, condeeted within .the $1. c .91 :improrierly ' cured, is 9113 of the past . four years, show excellent •re- tiVa main,causes which lie at the root Sults from seeding sweet clover alone - • of the iricrease in the number of barn in the month . of July. ," The seedings ..` Pre4.‘ The other cause ' is ' haste in which took place later than July were • curing nndiitering crops with up -to -unsatisfactory.. ' : • ' • - ... , • . . A' Business YVhem -a, Little Knowleilgo •Often. Saves Many • „ , • IZ!.-.. :4,7•!:.'f':;,.: f...: --,,,,..;.,:',.;- ,:,•., . •• Arif:OLIVEtilM.t,,,INOQE-Z:FrIIT•;,,,,f,•;-.2.,:.•:':.t'L'-' • '..s''':. '1,4 ' : 'Mir' ''VW:4' ":WW•V.It44 vv:•4';'''-at ''. '''IY.,14t'',:itfAt4V,V1.1%,10mthu.i.v1,51tIvt.'0'1041.1c-4..i.s,,q el 4. 4ent. of the feirmer,0'_,,huittlfrige',fn.caii-, rAteiniiitely1,04'ittinItera'tik.!,.e'-49.fg- . • ..7. . ...," , - •••• ..- . -- ..... :: ' • . . aoa need painting:, The alithOr reaelal This, Can -also he'deteethd, in...the sante ick thir eonclasion'whe-n 'erossitre'thelnainier,.: as it does net wok-as-f,reely 7,---- ' ---: ‘4 ' .• - — ' . . , „ . ..„ .., ' etnilitrY by rail between the Greet e'under Vie hit/0i as the pure sine or telsgs, and the ,Pacifiiiover two differ.- l d, ' ' • ent.rentea and noticing the' Condition ..:1.3a,i7t4 la a, ''','Ilite'*-St'inle tOnad in of , the buildings along tliiii• 'right-ef- .Veins With, Ores .of leak sliver ''and, , , , , way'. in. the. Country through which he, Mercury. This white steno ,Is 'ground: ;j1aSSed...•,,,....•.... ..::,--..: _: ....... •: '.L.,.; to'. lt-Very-fiPe-./2.Pwd...S:9.1,St then cleaned of 14 ° Y91..i. ais'...UMenir the. MY-per:sent . all 'fOreign Snhatinces h7.a. "•‘Prtlee's•s. whose hnildingillicied-Iaiw:iind," ye'n, .'callecrliOating.'7Tbir..-considt.S,Jef...mix., ' ' ' th'." : ' ' ' ' ' ill h Ve in it 'With Water '-..aiiid , running., it 1,1'••• •:„ . 7 • • JR ,-,-,r--, . ''''''''' 4. . . . .. rhe Su Sanday Sc• h.o., o,l.- , Lesson , • . JULY 22 • 1 KtrjEg1,442A64.(4, '11041115.11).,..9k49460*. irohilla; 21451 1/11.-26;;..274'21.: 20-23; ..Ag4 4t, la40);:, '.,01.11r40-14-n*Oklaiiilf*t chierelloth-InIkire-dwiliethin7C4ifindZ-047*-.4171.3, ' biuti 4: 10; - • LEssoN :serrpro---This Week We their particular church was the deor study the life of John. the Apostle. into the ,Kingdom. -Like Peter, -he • was -called- f rota the, John the -Transfernted Zoiln , , - pets to, become a fisher • of' men. came a. different Man. atter he nad fel, recognize distinct differenee betireen •lowShip. -With, Jesus.: , John 19 :2b-27 41-4e-eliaraetereof-Yeterand--„,jcilau.._:.sliows ..us„...a.,..trikilL.whe is contrast to Peter is the: leader of' t • tjol-m-is' the lover,'"'; '";•-•,"‘ made an investmenethat will' be offset ' thi°nKh a series of „Settlinglanks• ` In two, ways, . It, will ..add,,,Iiioie t!la.o. -tishelillla:ivt.6tdantlecA,_rmearnimil_kp-illitilie,ts;bswtaanteet, ' what it to the;-'velue'eftyeur Place; 'and' it viill add Years to the^life elarifies, then the ivater.t.s.„ run off and pofurYpoouser bou?pda.iniogts:vilherZoevoi-oe;.;otshoPdthouflua ,baotptuorme owfhtilitee s;labnskanTeehiiss• is rtminovede• , good combination of ingredient's Prop- dried,' ar.id.'grehaa again and is now • ,. . 1 -erly.„-reiked-aruLskillfully.„applied„is ,toi .f_eadY f.9I''AiSe. ' • ' • . I °Oiers -without that Small circle' had''•wanted an uppernoost seatin Clirist'S: Perm's rtidce.,11,0_2g' yre1.441._glrie club form' a compilete-weatherlireof CoVer- - ,Iii this felliTil-fr nowir—itiii-gii. liniiit.e he.en. ultIgred to service-aTd 'endowed-Kingdor-Tcl-Th-e7reggbli for tei-is-iirat---sager--t° . . John's °Nee- were but for what they could becorm • glie . all a , and . zinc. ,Haryta. fnUoweth not un.th us. 'structure. Without this *Protection ' hbth white lead both wood and, metal. soon .deteri0rate, 'Slides .free from under the brush and. I follower tion is not that this person is not a It Was daid recently. of •u great cho. " •' '` . ' to make' changes and think ,'" - -- eorf of 'hitt ithatbhe. is ne,1 master that he Could 'detect at once the • '' the asSimilation of n'eW-fangled :' • Although the usual 'procedure fol- makes 'a Feed 'Paint, .itS enlY"•ha(ii fee- ts:nd, and qualities.:er a good voice, even •if the 'ideas by the ,,young may disturb 'the, . • ' lOwed in getting a johof paintinidone tare being the fact t• hat 'it 'is' less. therefore lacks trdui e'. P• le ; disciples; the, pieture we. getearher-...in the es- ' DON'T' KEEP THE14,; BACK • . . . X•4 ' • is):•thai agla otwisdonmindr, . , ambition' to fuifilt that vief014.•"'WheiV " O;41.4.°4-kaTeenrhnIP,Rerif14-•:`.a,Pd-ARC., Auillilegnrolfdttett41014bliiit111tftiVfi-.4'4,'::,-;',;-+','"'" • elianneld, -11,kuth atcomplishes things, . • "Woith-- w'hite, 'When interfered with, . the; eigeiiiesarte do 'id 'either killed 'or. abed ,in cletitructive Wily& 11,0/Oat of • ourcriminal are youfig pe3Ple- whose . energies 'have no,t bad! proper - guid- uce _therefore,' quite, necessary-, -, • • that. 'we, i , 11*-. fottilerl)ictu"Te•--shelsNc' td -1-• thewevs,-of-our• n -" t.' a man Self - assertive and "intolerant,': rfseigics7 .and fiSten, atto' otively. te-Yt°hueir...77•' • i• j64.'N's: GOAT )418'fAKE, Jglix*'.1 these AT' erses portray 'a disciple Who , . 1 V . 4 , Castutg. 9'ui* 014).8. si:rt was steltbfrgetfu' deeply svigrnitel-• ensospeenatiaal;cipaid,:nstairls.dutIY., tz9e. dirueretina°n9t. • 1 4 a when John • came • . •'. gtaMe. Note that this perSon-,was. doing his Gospel he does not ncouragetheir_e_ne4,,gies a good work and also doing it in the self. It i's.• not that he 'conceals '116 . lines."'. • ' • ' name of Christ. 7Iiis ineident Shows name, rather ,he never seems to think ; For this reason we regret to he • • .tv.h:et nt(1)iteeminzille-dwotroklf the kingdom ohlfghchnhainelgfe. itTlithereeni= •vibzen :anriiaenruteznr. •that .,.frequently parents do not give • sion 'when the children are • :.` ,•• , Thinning Apples—Both 'Size Qualitir improved by. -• the 'Practice Thinning fruit is not at all gen- ; • . picked, it' took '649 apples: from, the anti:darned trees, but only 549 froria the treei that ,were thinned t� -„fill a - The increased size Of the apples *On the thinned trees made up in bulk end--amOng---orchardists-Jn--,--Eastern -for the-apPles-removed, and_the_per_,- worn. • l'erhaps the chief .'reason , for ing to all the Wood. and metal in your, of iharYta, and is .used- te adulterate,•with, PoWer• Forbad •• be„eause. he Christ loved men, not for what they: h • ttitude is that 'mature peo- • , . e sane ion an owner was singing wildly out of tune parents' travels along theit narrow, • work and let the job to the'lowest bici- an Pani not . . not•aleaust us • • for us.. M- 'John even. when that disciple' showed 'w° 141.° •den paths of * ' all -lead ' der, one should have some knowledge These are just a few of 'the Pig- though he was not a partner in the' egotism and inthlerance,' for ' withafl.• This cenIhril haman"failiag is Preh- - - merits used te.,adulterate Paint: We diseiPle band, lie"was a partner in the john had great possibilities which ably ,keeping many boys and girls ' of just what a' good paint consists of • is to call for competitive bids on the 1 y, , g ance. Forind ham and in the wrong key. ;Christ' loved opaque, and does noteover as good as authority, ' and iiid ' • • ' should''also elie some consideration to work which that barid•was 'doing, and were revea.led in later 'life.. . , from taking an active interest -in prO: ' and have it definitely' stated' in the - I not a rival. He should be feceived up! i When John,loved, he loved with all_ gressive agriculture and niaintaining the relative, quality ,of oils. 1.,,,. . ,,„ ,contract as to the'k• ind a matezial to • . ascension after his his heart • He remained "with Jesus their interest in farming as a liven-- . • For all exterior work there IS onlY '' - 8 6 ' I death. SteadfastlY . . to Jerusalem; until the lest. To "John's care Jesus ! heod. . It is likelY te -cause YoUng folks .• , be used ,and how applied. •• .. . one available that is capable of dry -their ruralsurroundings and ... A job of painting done with some . . 1 hreeep himself to go to Jerusalem, committed his mother.' John had en- [ {0 dislike of the cheap; ,aduiteret,e4 materials g . Y g 1 owing the dread experience that. tered • into the deepest ejxperkences of ; • • . . to seek at the earliest oppo tunity the in reasonably fast and formin the knowing A . . ; Chnsts • ife and ,t at probithtlty dis thhe 1 city?, rig , ways, , , that, are found' on the Market th-day, goo,l lasting job; and that is the raw Vs. 52-56. Sent messongers7 to make, reason why , Jesus cornh i e i and these improperly applied; ".iS -al- • t ' h•s 1••• Therefore, We _beseech all parents • - ' • Pure linseed oil.„ , . ' necessary preparations, for himself InOther to him rather It is not the author's policy in this substitutes being used to -day by paint- , ' A vil a csof the airier/tans. He .. • • brothers. John 'gladly • aceepted this in •belialf of their children, that at ... • legacy. From t at pur o n . her . . , s, h h J h took h least- they offer no barrier to the most RS good ••as no 'job at alit, with However, there are a eat many and the company that should go ers .in doing *cheap work. The cheap_ I ilimste'illuded to go hY way Of SaMaria and onto his'•own home. - - young people taking up club work: If John, the Apostle of Love. ."John's they but knew the b'enefits which have ,• • • film or binder required to produce a. awaited him •• there • 1* ' • • Canada, and attention. is directed to centage„of.No. Jr apples proved to be the advantages' of, the .practice in a 58 per cent , against 32.3 per cent . bulletin ,"Modern , Orchard Practices," from the unthinned trees. Shipped to prepared by the Horticultural Division the:English Market No thinned mi.. af the Dominion Department ples-hroUght-42.01,--;:per....barrel.„Lcojn__ , In the process Of thinning, pared with ,,$1.67 for the unthinned. ,:...,..•apotted or deformed apples . are re- The conclusion . that 'Where :. moved. 'Where- there' are „toe Many the trees . are at all loaded, it pays to apples inn clutter the poc•ter one i are thin.; This partibularly-the ease' of . removed, thus giving the remaining ,such apples as . the Baldwin, which apples a better- chance to develop. A t.safe plan• 1i1� VW° •iipples will -he touching/ each other, on e . same cluster. In the demonstra- on' "orcharcla at Kentville, N.S.,, Ex- erimental Station, 'thinning 'experi- produce...heavily every other year, as Moderately large -00 ,L eairbesob:tain--- ed every Year if thinning is practiced to some extent. • • • • ---• -No Matter liow they squeal give_th article. to boost any„partibular .brand h messengers carrie to the village of a readY-mixect PaiOt, Or to -'saY a est, and poorest' of these is a. by -Pro -I • • b d D•d Epistles reveal such a man as is se come to thousands of boys and girls•• t roug club work, they would I en- ' , of the Samaritans Would naturally be of the Years John grew in Christi -in paint that id put, up--iby some good • • uR thing that 'will 'injure any brand. t f , d- • • Guinea on the Samaritan • 11C , 0 C/11 e This Oil i:i not . • h. Th ".. •- f th G ' • . However, if a...brand:Of r d d e re igious hatred or in e. pspels. With -the passing Tea y-muce doctored op with dryers` and called "Celve househas large patron- 1 reliablel that h 1 age, is being used, it is only reason look • • • •,. •• i 1 '° • ., variousnernes.” -''' ' , a i east of Tabernacles Wilt thou ook fire 1st de it is fresh but • t• the of the f ' • We must prove dur, sonship by show- / : ' • :-------4"---7-- , ' t. • - •'' . A job 'dor e with thiskind f 1 -''' oi will of the great feastsThis the ' . I shown most to Ito 't love • Love he'' t '' t' ' ' .. i was e time - se ging up o any • , „ . points 011 , is no simp- . • - • . . • ly an attribute of God it is his b ' g• to become 'cti e •in coUrage their children to the 'utmost - their future erate linseed. oil. In this case the j 's to -James and John- oari• D RY . , that we conimand fire. Here we see the mg that we have that love in our - . ' - ' - Ai , , • able' to expect such a corripany, will 1 end of ,thirt,st dtitirs 'will ..'have the ap .1 fiery nature of JohnH • h ' ' 'hearts '' Tf It. ' t 1 `k we now no ove we- new . • , • •-- . . . ..1 stroy the Samaritans" b li ht • not God for God is loVe John had 1 Milch cows should •be handled very .' 'keep theo ' their • • .. quality f , . _r goods up to arance of a job ' f k 1 • • ' o a soinining. ,. e wis es to de- • Th. b . Y g "lg. • t ,t ',. •- ' • ' carefully in hot 'Weather. :There is' a ; • , is ears out the name givert by no he impulsiveness of peter, but i. • The ,per • coni eli .buiin.cs.s_. ::...:•'. ., p..Tr. ot,e;:til, Ptp a Certain standard which will ' ' ' - Fish, oil is sornetin . , , ies tisea to actui- proportion. th the ani•-•+ - • " - ... • , • •• . - .• 1 . • , , . . : . . as Ehas; when at Elijah's reqoest; es4. -. . B erges, burned ..„„,..,).n ., God , , . with advancing. Ii -t -m, e lave of great deal more dan er of injuring•- • - When a fire .is first kindled -there is hot weather- th th • • ' ld ' - brighter in hfs heart than '- cows giving a large flow of milk in an ere . is. in co ... ' • , -Sons of Thunder, Mark 3:17.- Evtrz' g lq' 11{1111'g-7a:4W hinding.,-.qtalities of, yenr 'linseed- oil 'demands . ' t k'll ' ' ' ' - grea . s 1 f sand ,experience is •Wehkened iri s ' . ' Were carried out with the -Bien-- 6a *aim 'medicine farmer eiriCP101ififitlilittiSfactdry results. made a dollar-ali-eadinere-last7year d th n' s With sangmin c ,Of When' the' fruit' was sules... ..• •,..„ • ' ' • - he apples were remove about the on' pgtreated•Ile thinks of -his mothernand,' f m• k.' • Hayinakinw ovipe because it 'then cures ore what a more fitting, that. tie should e 11 ing Utensils. asily. •It may be handledin the same' and it, stands to reason that „a Intinu-! ount of fish oil used. , •1 fire consumed king ,Ahaziah's messen- much noise; the crackling of sticks + weather. -, • , , • _ ,• , . perience in the business, the proper on ptat tmiriest tthh:it has any value as manner of spirit ye are of. This spirit machiftery for the grinding and -mix- • only .. or insee ,gers,• , lugs, : . now no., w ,at , Cows on 'good 'pasture and well-,. - true soya.hean .0ii. , of retaliation was never. the spirit of ' Jesus. He came te save and not de_ ethr and st;epaadsiseerd glow Immature f during the summer these is less noise but there is tr warm- greiried produce a large flow of milk , • season, cense- . • e irri a ion o and leaping of flames . After a while facturer ,. who has • had years of ex -1. The *substitutef 1' d. 1. 2 K' 1 5,14 K • h ture than -the local ,painter, who theray stroy: John'sd thod w' .his ouently 'along with th 't t' f ing can put out a much better mix- However, -mos, .o e, so -soya-,, t f the called buys bean oils sold to painters. is. not, the calm, intense, 'purpose .esi ue e a er extracting, the,. • , the method of anger, not love. -Went Pr°Pase- surrendered life. When at last the excessive heat are: called upon to,per- cur in is a ou o a en e o orm eavY.P ysica labor. o hurry ta• b tt f 11 the l'f f f h h • 1-T h - his material.and mixes it on. the job. ' the r 'd I ft ft tO •'another Village;••turned• eastward• , ' Many diStricts -throughout the . firer grades for cooltiag oils:The one to go through Jewish territory. . ., John, mie ,see a, man Whom •ar•gurnenta the cows or, cause. . IIL country the competition in bidding on: tad feature'of the soya -bean -product Jelisirs un'EAri-T; , 'JOHN' 1925-27 theories no longer excite, but one' "end' produce. digestive disorder and. ha've ceased to interest, and whom excitement is likely. to overheat them - jobs has become so keen between local' is that it is very. slow dryer. This . painters that in 'prder to -keep up the /flakes, if necessary to doctor it with I Ars. 25-27. •There.stood by the cross whose love to . Christ irs-, greater .and : sicsness” • ' ' • fixion has come. Mat,thew tells us that JIOULTRY ' drive their cows some distance to and materials used and speed the work up dryers are - used, the quality .of the off viewing ,the sad scene. They had Egg eating is a habit that seems to up, frord--the pasture at -4.30 olcloplc in ,. , . , . • • • • . • deeper -than ever it had been- before.' iltanchird of 'Waged , they have been artificial 'drYerS. . • ' ' ' ' .' • I ei. Jesus.. The time*"tual eruei- • forcedtosacrifice the, qnality of the , When red lead, • litheroge, or jaPah 1 there were many women standing afar . .. ,,, , . • from pasture.. Where cows are brought to A point where it-iimpossible to Iniiiit is ii-hVieired. ' Tuniabaltt followed Jesus from Galilee in devoted ,come f rom idleness and the fact that nests; tilne.. the afternoon, as most dairymen prac_ ,,„. . do' a theroughw job'. ,j• ; •• • , - -I dryers the best results with soya-, friendship, Then there was the small-, the eggs. are laid ,i1:1 °Pen nearer the cross • • • • tree 'in' -order •to, 'begin.: milking, 'the • , , ••• • . „ „ anY dairymen find:it necessary t,o ' . • ' This adulteration can be quite, easily bean 911s.• .• er group, standing • •••• . tunes it can be stopped by filling an d d th h tt t accomplished by a :painter Who mikes., 'The most important feature•in get.; within hearing of the words of Christ his own paint and has some knowledge ting a goodfjob-Of 'Painting done, ia 6. jeaus..lai-iiiiiTheiTlie: time had -come egg withni•ustard-and red•pepper-and,--...-'...- , • _:_ . . • • • , - • '.;•1:1:s.eitisa','7Wi'iii.le 1-11.recaution:""sneuld :, be ' 'taken- not to ,,,i__. mehe. day.• "-Everrineasure..of----'4',.. ..6-flhe''',n17ahll'il'irdS''61-"Zh-e-aliiiiaterTaTIS.7S-ere- -Writ iliaesir 'aiii•ftrie-6-i-foThi,•itiiiirif,t+wheir,!Sirneorea- words -were to be '.1 ill., '. 'illaC.ing--4.,ine filled, ..when he said' that a , These mat.erials are foind ori the All acale and blister 'shoUld •he re- woUld...ple.rce" the' son] of Mary. 'Mary are slightly. darkened. Mie hens' enter Sviord best remedy, is tO baVe• that are being 'nsed. ' • ••'-: i' ' ,.:. : , . ed are 'first .properly prePared.. : hurry the CQVVS .at thia. tinie. • ."' • , : ' • ... • . . . . ' I h ndl' theh •d t ', ' il f in ' . •• re removed -by lowering -the •door--ie6,iide---a--. fittte--Efidoyai.0.-66-:hir iiii-"Iii-m-g rent. Then the eggs can be gathered . n a. track it the rear and the eggs. , „ ,• . - out to one side, back to the pasture or pasture it is, not Unusual far a cow a a__•„„,,,,,,,, ., .- , . fe - .. ften• ' ' . t. • perhaps refases to go immediat.ely into -Keep the -hen43-laudy'tirrecrefelring. , littet and mrtuhrne'n.thtehmes,nuatre pOssiblei , „ , ei.lbarseyngoeut_if Htha6Vestapbaltei.ewnejethWith her Do net Yell: ''. ' • • the 'rest of the herridc. doors they have less time to form bad ..talutilite,r. and call the dog, but wo the". hens with plenty:of • oyster shells ' g, erier%lyti.;ngdoiianikWiglhodUlyt ii•noc.lublbe-!11. t..:•:,..„:„::.: . habits in the 'poultry house, -Provide .___•1 ....se.....the-eggs--will-ha-ve--firin-shellS4dand, Cows handled carefully at all times not break easily in the nests., al.........-......-...4,- .IMagdalene ; ..of whom it was said that ,9 _market...Under .many.,different_names. TrieVed.f-w-ith-.-a-AteeLsereP.er7:70r,steehseoeo-deyila-went-out of her Now she .. -a „ . The Taw material principally used in' brush.. All „stir:faces , where the old is possessed a great leve for Christ .f the ','Manufacture ;Of these „adulterti=d paint 'IS decomposed 'so that it rubs '' that will not•suffer her, to forsake him 0 _tient..i& as follemrsa_Carbonate.....alime.,,..upon „thp, hand._ should be gone. : °Ver. •in Ins .!leat Jagony,„_,./esua _. .1-$.4.W._-.1t2S, 01') hFillt white from. the chalk pits of , thorpughly: with . a :steel; bytiSh •br. a mother, and tke 'diaciple . .1 whomi he rig and and France . Chalk contains , good stiff. scrubbing brush If. a good /4,ved.. ,John, alone of the diseiples is wnii . near. John seems to have some ac - magnesia, siliea and clay. , Paint on-Igrade. of paint 15 new used and tinning a ver • large percentage Of brushed in on the first coat' you Wil • y• . . , , . ,l,..him quainhtaiipce.wilegeth C,afiabephasg,whtihchiestis ghvg chalk has a .tetidencrto-he gritty:. and havea-job of pamting. that will • last through .does not -Work freely_u_aider :Onrush. and look 'well When the cheap joWareBoho/d-ih.y-sOn.'-....;_ftehold4.14...mother:_ "Christ's trial And crucifixion. .Sulphate of .lime or '.gyrisuro (also being done'. again. a • . . • - ,- Even.' in the Midst of his pain, the • thaughts of Jesus are not of, or, . • ., ••• . • '.. • rea to rve at ome • When it is ice.cold, nothing so,sure,to.pleaser.reat • home parties, when. uneio, • meted guests drop in arid • for just the family. And nothing is more convenient to serve -oraered by the case from your dealer like groceries, and n fen, bottles ' , kept on ice in your refriger., :nor. „ ,.••-4..very Veal', for 22. eittre-th-e-fitirrearradien plant wail.' established ,itt . Toronto 101901. _ . r'Cheirestproducta from •nao "bite- -Make • Our. sanitary Plant, with . . sterilized bottlea. makes . it Pure. ' • eliclous-and Refrett4ing, • • TIIR COOA:.COLA COMPANY' ••'•• • ..P;Kn•?•' Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Vaneenver . , . <.• • 147 ' r. •e • y •• commend the mother whom he loved to ..,.. Milking utensils during, the hot _ There is an old saying, "Make_ hey manner as aLfalga-,butyunless-the crop- the disciple whotrche loved $ From that weather4hould_be-lie-pt-CFein., Clean- . .while the. sun phines,", With which: is heavy, does not usually take "quite hour.that disciple took her, John ae- liness. is not only essential to the pro Prof Wade Toole of the '0. 'A, College as long to cure. The hayleader .has cepts unhesitatingly the trust commit- duction of high-grade dairy -products, agrees -and fortunate is the farmer Changed methods to some extent ' It is 1 ted. to him. • • ' • but also to the health of the family, „-_:_who:gets 'sunshine for the. job . . „ good practice to eut one day; tedd,the ' HT.. 3,01-11e13' GREAT MESSAGE' 1 .3:6.0 eSPedally if Milk is used on the table. ' -- -every-with hay_teharvest,l,one_Cannet . followinglrierning- and -rake .the next :'-: .- ':--, •-• - . '4: '7,- . -intd•-hiattet Made on the farm. •. • 'always' Wait fpr. the weather. ' One of afternoon... If ,the crop is very heavy , . . • the essentials in the, ,produetion, of ' Beloved, let us loVe one another. At Forest Greve Farm we separate it may have to lay over an extra day. many -years have passed Since John our milk. ,The 'Separator is Thorough, --•••:' good hay -is Ilia-cit•Will-be-,enVat"-the' -suriarisiiig nilich-faiter hay said; "Wilt thou that We command fir ly cleaned daily: As. soon as separat- • :proper time. It Must haVe,srifficient , maturity to ensore curing, quality, but -- -ever-TnAturity,-ineans. coarse, -fibrous,_ • loYecioality feed. Sweet -clover should be cut in the late bud stage; Alfalfa • ... ..is ready jost" as at begins to blossom ' and the new'shoota are Starting at the base Of the , plants Red cloyer is ..-. . • 1 '••.• 7.• give a.. larger yield of milk, keep in better flesh• and prove more, Profitablo : , ' . • • Tips on Bee -Keeping." '..- : : -:!..?. ,'' '. Every be,ekeper _kneWs that. seino__;',.. : '',. • ..'„ colonies are miich easier-tohandle-and--- -,------ - more •profitable than ethers, ,The good ' ,•• • „ -. 'agatitlep Toond i in pertain colonies • :, '• " should he encouraged and in building.. on the apiary become the predeminant. ,,i:- - charadteristic,- . ' - , . ' . la: " '.. Colonies differ rnarkedly,,in .dispesa- .,•r,:',"1,4•,•,",;••,:r tion -td.' swarin. -Sorne-delonies--Spend . most of .their trine: ddring the Workirig ' " 1 rupning eight qUarts of hot Water .ean :h0 held, in, sea on,swarrning. ,Swattiiing.91course, :',., -I-1--it-ir te be Coiled -the be 'done soon after raking, and the Avorlc. strotticle-WhOie- duty of life.:- Love is_of G.od... hil'irian: heart ' through ' the separator: Belling, water 'advisable te encourage, this tendency': check, imt _it id net, • • • ,Inet-Teitlite . td the7.belling, , point). have' turned brown, ' .and timothy jest crop andweather „are right 'it, rarty be the briefest and fullest definition that the 'coils fer •••a, 1.4ve. thust reign in tile Ea should: remaiii in• because love , reigna ' in' the heart of '' M, the apiary, ., I consider it a., gped,„ 'few,- days' '-'te sweat 'out.; ; However, God We can only interpret God to Will set .the :cadein and make it more 4 ;plan to divide '..,eplonieS hat..t.. Man ifest .•,• • :: ,.. ,r •:, tmen through the spirit Of love., :' He ',difficult to wash. The ..howl is then Most of ' it is drawnmit Of the win-'' &out and if dry mak ' ' es good feed. is. e separately i ' - ' ' 1: _ ALri warm water the seald.; ., ITV:Aerate tendeney toWard Ay in' • A good ,Working disposition With only _ _ _ .hatabveth not knowe.h, not God, it taken apart and each part. washed ' -handled-to4beat..advantage-mbenjap- • ..proximately one-third of the blaSsonis 'Timothy is the, eaSibITtir cure J1 iritideratalid-,-G611:-"Gde is- loVe.-. This -hi- - only the loving heart that can e tyire, do net ase • Any ,sPecial pre-. ing charactieTitssit.ng-an-iictivotici.Th. Colonied-- ' ' 8- ar irig. ' ' • ' will „make, after it has. gone so far; • • . and' Consinne them." We see howl ing is. finished tve,cleanse the bowl bY ' • When pulled or rolled into Windrciws. his character has mellowed.: Love is in :, Washing..: . put dairy ' itic o..gather:heneY and ..". . .. . , cut one morning and hauled the next We' store sidd 1 nst Can have of 'G°11:' V'Cn. j,ohtl.:' ‘Chil'}I't'; liPteaTnnasi!'hl:or.:ts' vi-reathei the d'Un 'is . ' . S 'e '1'). f I . • .. , • ' • , ••. . .., . andproduction, ' ' ' _ . . surplus on, should,be en - 'after the second blossom fella. .. . , • - afternoon and • ;In' curing sweet. clover., two: Methods ' ways. ready by the third day. ' It is '• . • , , rifair weather, is a - , , . .• , • • .°I: their . t ' a i Was the liVing definition of God.-. . . e most effective germ des • - .' ''' ' ' ' 8 tioyers we n„,•,,, i..„ t,fi • , ' . . ' couraged, There are. colonie in every '• • .. Own use • are followed, Perhaps cutting' • • . not necessary. to coil timothy to cure.. ...•,. , 1.• th - - ' one uf - ' ' ' ' ' • • ' • 1 the binder. and atholtiok unlike grain • NO matter what the hay cro C' t 'in a Jel'S' IntoicraYieev-LuLe•-:,..'9...,-.-.49.-.'65,....,h,„ av•p,•-..,..11....dair-Y-:teteilai-ls-USec14.4.1atig-61.,:t2,;;;;•'-'' ' Al'PLICATION. , . ." ilt, ateligyand ,,,di,,othful,,,,and., ' ' . .•-'-',--1,-41-'ellalialif.e7•!' '' itin .1 , de.e.roP is. dri5r-SaYes .leaVes bet, in •tinie,, ,rake as . oon . as .pose.11 filet:id results as h dancliesten ,drYing, tedd. .01..iy when! -;;reetiltiol' characters,siss•tha•-j!toleivn'' Or "itanip"-anir--6-60Iii-1,cafet - ' ' th''''' , y wee er. study of N:ITt e,, sintani II e„.h._.:, l::oert„,,..titio,: t,,:ceeptp.sebi.ciul.htfiorlitv, fi;uttelif.t.,:ir,eust),,':r,e60t6.fhlittortan,f):,,it:y•.,,:_ :;;;.....tildi:p,broefit,d;I:ebSit'erieybeellides,!tale!:i'ie likely to 7 ...__ . , _. a 0 . i?ae: igeeenMantihuectorlm' in 1. het ..weath. _. .7 .. .._ . ., . . . ......,.... . ; -Colorticar ineritin - a 4 •'' ''' " --""t t,,red.'. ro..bile:is and .ilisease. 'cariierS,. '''''','• I, kotriv, thr.t it requires more time and ,.1 down and_alleyyrel t 'latirPin11141'1..07,-cre;iletilh' No-edeubt-elf-alfei=and--red-•'eiover-Jin Ailidetatoed` "'•Instead Leo-C:-ReyncriclaY . : ,--- . rfar strong healthy Atkins and ilr • nes ' ' ! for aboutlwo ys' -L-sun', and then • °' • • • th t J 1pf was a . orn ea er spent-- g - isposition.-co placiclir'..g.4*,:itrusive•dis ositien,, lie r. , . . • says a o be made into the best ha,,v. by -.eoling does seem as if,'Whent he• first cina aeile o. I raked into sinall windroW,S. .If the: but in good ,wc.ather th!e:,extra *rot* j.esils, he .orae decided y aggressve. Weather" is •dry about three days in; in • , t necessary. , d b ,, • 1 tlie . ..htdrpvi„,_virith aIr.,,bee"i.onal, ted „tens the .ha,rvest . , . . ; 0made a bid for one of the two upper- , .. ' ding Makes it .ready to harvest - If 1 , . ,•.•Most seats in the ,IVIeiglianic-Kingdom.;"- , the weather ' is catchy it is. advisablel „. „ , • 1 - „„ Mark 10:35-37.: Ile comes forward ' w I to colt the er.°P .as Soon aS it is ':ral5e, 1 , „ -I Sell to a Hatchery:. . ,,. iahgeenshilluet: ft..rgPallekisanaleariallnSreititi1:. Sar4e. al . 1 up, ' ' " : : :., ' ' , 1 t keep the purebred . White': Wyaii- - --- - -t------ ,•dotte•chickensk of from 300 -to 305egg-Litinrnke.'.3'51!''Plialsie-Yall°afrPfilYte r ehrindic' ssislitrnder' - - ..1 ...Alfalfa is': inore..'easily,eirred than . • • sweet ..cloy,er. If. the •weather. is, fine..eitaih.:,, intend of selling eggs, to the who, while evidently doing good,. Was „ --,•-d; store at market .pride, I 'contract all not ii "Professed ,folloiver of • ',JeSnS, „ it may he cut in the '" frio'rriing ,tto , ' raked tile.'"hfternoon :of thei, following 1.0t ---' Luke 9:49. ' The linpreaSion , produced . •them from February' Istinitil Aug- by 'reading 'these thiags is that John , r day. . It Must not he all°wed to rd -1 wit 1.6th or, 8eptember Ist to 'a hatch- was assertive and intoteranL 1-16' was i main .exposed to the dew :too, inartY' ety'' nights or bleaching re.sultd.' After .• -Lfor 1.freenth a do.een itboVe" the lOyttl to Chrifit, bUt.glinth S. hot ninl arket price here. I have built up n inisgiiided zeal. He :hacl. at thig. tinie , 1 °rakin, if the Son shines, one, *Ore day ,reptitatIon 'fot. good 'obiekohiri, and seii, the . seine Spirititwhifith led rilm" irtioC In 'the -w,indtow gorier/111y inakes good , • • should be an essential factor in. up-, „, lets of eggle by advertising in, our eiTPi.fY ....Tesn.sli . V9...,,x ee9. :1;;.P ,,e liaY. ' If rain 'threatens cell; it up iro- town, parier....._mr. L. it ,, . *men, T,.rom titrie to tun na . matt Iti any event -be Sure it iii dry when - - i.....1 t. IA I. tri ,.4.,;.: ' • 1 • " . ,:rtf(!.1-fplgi,,...9 jeertaP'. Palr.t.',..°.v.`,. In.e.,...\v,S) a inediately ,and' let it make in the Coil. . ' ! . • - ---,4'—'' - ,-• • s o nst ail ....ase.p.esuip. ,.i. here • _i '' 1 ' • ' ' To criticize is One tif the easiest have Quen niany Woo wee ...Kaye Ade liarvesOu and be cateful of the' leaves, • • . T .1. lier,„ praise ,coinintioien with them a'..teat of °OM- , iri handling' as they Constitute ,the things to do, .6 Oa .!,I,6 OPOp., Mileh of' it, itt alloWed to got 1, . i 1.311E,N028tj'23i ,•Chriat'S preregatiVe, and haVe'titought intinion With' Christ.. Jesus Said, "I • ani the doorP Many Christians have tried ,to arrogate to- :thernselveS 1 ' • ' most Valtiable portion or .the feed, 14 due Is Is °ft" left lindene".. Red cloter Is.-tbe. dont Mon 'clover haY‘, , • • , ' grading the apiary.--Wekness in'' the • queen er drones.is very likely to krned. • ' Keep Ke.nclaIt's .; always in the;, barn: -A strained riiiiicle, a 'Or a .k00,ak.clemanils inunecilitte atterition, A le* hoots' delay will result M a long larnetiesii,...,perhorei ,•in the JOS of the, horse. ,:.ken`clall'ii 'Spatrin Treatment has ,StiVOil.'nioto: horseflesh than* till the:ether:known'. remedieS: • Under the name ,of , • • Kendall's 80.at'rin Cure, it is'the forty-year.olci 'standby of horsemen, farmers and ;"ieteritiariant. • -Cita tioite of kendoll a folog., Mo, for tho' hive Book of ' write for,11 to 1R fl. J. KEI413A1,.1L Oitli)ANY, ENosst.ffiG PALLS; Vt., U.S.A... , : 4 r, neis impeterrey-vithrtli,i,eitse. Nr' thing but, strong, vigorotis e�qies. -- should be selected ..fierki., The queen •• • and dt•orie colonieh that tte etesen, q.; the foundation for -a!pgrailing the apiary be Active :workers, •re- ,sistnnt :° 'disease, luid good' honeY gatherers. -...t. C. ' , Th'? stIccessful fattier cd-operntes with' the, weather to grow good crops.•_ gelf-Satisfiteileit•is 'one 01.' the greiit- est ebritacles toSCCompiishrnent, :From time' to time Peonr,m.have re- volted ;from the over -loading of gov- erning bodies, either with men' or with prescribed formal duties. 'Wise lead.' ers who are seeking the permanent good of their , people keep as tar as possible from this doge,/ • • , . " g • IV • 14 • „ •