HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-07-12, Page 7e"."" • e --eete-"e`. -"vet • JULY 15 Simon Peter—John I: 35-42; Matthew 4: 18-22; 14: 28-31; 17: 1-13; Luke .5: 1-10; 22:31-34, 54-62; John 18: ..-- 10, 11; 20: 1.-10.; 21 :, 1-23i Acts 2: 1,5'„ 42; a:147,25; ,, YICW.,ft-Y. 9,';12,? U17:12:': 19N,;;',16p;7401-35, Gil1,-,24.*U:iiCc:Pliftow-T0xt, eS,',,,ki..i. .... 'ti.-,t'r'o s . ese! 4' •F 1.1.g ' * 1 ctill, the ilock- 'all. "the'Year-7-ititits7iiiiriteessatyetel. ernphaeize--.theie.1.111-,. 6.6.±.-:=-`6kiiillitl:fil,-"'..-: ' _ _ --$ - .-. , .rouvrta.. st.ecial . attention - to 'till s ---41.1iseese, e.„, _ e....... e _ , t• •-r .1 -1-1 L - r't - - " •par icu ar y ,eu 1 duil.ng.the TIAMMer,, portance. Of enoeaie, nut It maY hd-ade ! .tESSON •SETTING --0.14 ,stild,V- thIS eicsus,Ton.' the 'Oecasian. of the 1ast4, . . . My, plen with poultry" includes' March! yisitlale'to stress the fact that a ca,re- week is the lif ',i mon wquld betray Mine' and that . . _ Supper, , intimated that one of ethe 'h,ateltIng, in order to,,get eailer-laYing fUl system' of eradicating the. diseaSed the Study of ii?grPfeat TI?iirli)t:Le;....initlie :!'d sscantteedto.avow . 2h6i.s: .pullets, •and the culling" of ehe old plants from, commercial plantings will making, of a great leader ,. in the i t31r3y5a)1,i.,;oettkei!! ehea tored (g bird t until' the breeding fioek kept yield a 'good economiCal control. The -training.. ' ; .- • e ..e.,torilye.. it takeX:tekrelve, ylonthe to ' de- ' it aPPeareda..fear r46:, .----'-. $:.L--' ' 'I' ' ..:- .'---16.:1848!;-:- ' ''' ' l!' "' ' aezistuh.s.a.'?".:.edhs flili,ssh'itIv°1witillainsq'te'ee::r .1Q,vdtidoi-eci. re°;vre ' --- - -•''' - — _ over---1S---e0MpeSed-Ofe-the..heate. 14r-the...situation eis emneneinere hopeful then I., YETER Ite.e.iivreee 1114 11 PRAisr., mATT. , cede iat are-,--teeeeleaetehiede-te-,lee-'-ePt -7Spmeeeeme-e•elneleokinge for -PlUnt13:',',..in.:V.,4,?:.?,..-:Liiatit!..--,-7.i0(484,1,rilf.i,Teinsi_aty, .r._,.0a'f.c.,/•a",e/-,....,seeeeree..ea„,.0,0,..:,!-eeleeetecteeeee•bioe.,,,e!`eiese"t_si L • • ee," ,e, , euilir4 is, a very yrereinent. part of young canes are. Mosi' suitable for el), 'area PhiliPPi',:Fhieh was a .eitY•awa'k' hPrte-ear';eve4i4ttnteto. s2,s:the:m51,ePmetb7ee'r6;es:i.naliten,cupildftievilreillvi7eilisis•i• north of the Seii ofGalitee,'and lying . few the: breeding ,' Pen and -suMmer affected, with Mosaiethe leaVes On '60. iwit,4 the,puliets; eviliee beein.te lay .In . be''friund duringJuhe 'and. will ;,graciti',- eant,eteh;9i'bb:e7 te,°f.tre°d11:11ae„i'i.11ifteeter'n.111:rjet571:- '1,:r -:111-W. eiwtseerner7g0:feib7ili(!;P:te1I.r.:70gii4i y:.".'0!e:1-°:inles:i.ib e7 :iiietiat and Oepternher; 'I bend the allY become mere pronoupcedeee'-the '''''''''--7 meat ,yritli. his diSeiples. Thettines a're S s ,..i as, is. geeat ,confestird7trio the procees of elinzipation. . Starting servatiOn 'The' sYrzePtoens Will: first eirliest Producers and if these birdaLseaeon advances. On the older:,Ieavet critical . with Jesus. •The thultittede show how immature he Was. , shoe/. up well during the year. they ! normal dark greenieraiseder puckered have felled to grasp the real meaning 1 eter's Fall Luke 22: 54-62). are kept for the 'breedi.ng pen next areae can be observed seattered over of .hie ministry and the li !.! 1 " Yea.n. It does not , follow, however, :the leaf surface,' ,the remainder Of. has become openly hostile. What abput While the storY of !Peter's. fall is not The his disciples?' Do the) Understand? f.eue.d in that 'the • eerliest laYer will ineke the! which ig a yellowieh green. the printed. portion, Of to- . siderations to be taken `frith amount! tied appearance with -the dark areas' best `hre.ecier. There are other eon- younger leaves. present is. more met"' niTis,Lqnt'ils .1!1:uSsIav°fornitetalolnf aainTmeimin7floinicr)ri:f-, tsni.h.tyd'is7r3:.eisltetoosbst.T°a!nte.i,floyolt:11:1woil.rld.7`bre. 6. n.eucnesdsearrJanted as given in John. 21: 1 band all birds that become' broody,' shewing prominently; more often j:fTsehifi's h'flirtsti8euhei:tiotnitiets only to PrePare . among thepullets, and add a secend, these are not relced. or ' Make the R 1 11.S,Q., 11qUicl -first Da not put 'gins° direct from .thespackage into the eeelAtieefeMetleehetifeetepiae.leag.;e0f so in a little cool ••• - .erearn,-Tli - 7 guar& efbluiling water, and when: Lhe frotb'sub-; sides, you will have a clean ninber-coloured liquid,. Add this liquid to the wash • ,tub, until you get the big' !Suds:: Then _soak die'cluthes clean._.. - - . ne of the chief lessons to be , puckered.• . or t e second uestion learned from Peter' faille the danger oftenband aS as a bird rePeats. The! Low'dwarf bushes .with . yenowlsh' 'Vs. .14-16. orne say. . John• of over_confidence. • • , , . . hen that shows a desire to spend the foliage usually signify the presence Of Vies . . Jerentias. These popularPeter's Restoration. Itls often Said does Judgments 'recognize' the greatne6s of that conduct indicates character.. No • mudh• time upon the breeding' nest; is mosaic in an old plantation. This Jesus, but not his uniqueness or ilis deuet in the main this is, true but net • never kept for the breeding pen. She;!not 'apply to parts of the plantation' Meseithship. They' leek to exPlain . is sent, to .Market. . I- find ,it is about : where the ground ia low or in which him by the past. Ilisholdpess of 'speech 'alwaYs. Peter was! noteat. his best that e'l ,plants. Such a con i ion _ Elijah, Ilis compassion reminds them -,Ali_el_ne_johnethe Eapeist or Iciigt't when' he. denied 'Jesus. One', lie as vtell to ship the fat hens to a city' the soil condition is such as to ,give suegeste. to does not make a man a liar, and one ' conunission house, as nly,Rheee Island riSetoSiekly d't: , , . ''t on • Peter's, Par ' do had no d]icellent t d inimnier. Earlier in the season 1 cull 'f.h(i, 'lack' of true mosaic' 'mottling.. on 1. . Within eal/ lee_thet` t faml' Tehir's is: n(riaeoste'h'iinl.ti*ee.:,'e.naek'itnhaacthttelimeerneeavie„e0averea., * Reds bring geed` Prices during the, can be differentiated from mesaie "leY"of the tenderness Of Jeremiah ,1 ' 9 i P el. qn8- tion in John 21:. 15-17 Jesus made no .out undesirable birds and dress theni the leaves. ' ' • , I the vital .'question. Simon • at home and find a retail market in al.. The friiit from diseased plants is leered. ' Peter iiusuallyfirat hi word, reference to Peter's fall. . . 1 . . e.,, . „ s • his aits_i Peter the ApOstle. Peter laidwell to • . .! -.I and action'. 'Ch?4st, the Son 6f the liv-• near -by city: This can be dorm to ad- seedy and lacks ' flavor:. ...! , .. d The greatnes of t heart,the lesson 'of his fall. His hineil'• vantage during the slack 'season but I Control - -The .niost permanent con -'"'g' `-''''' wer is ite acknowledgment of jeeus as . . , . , reliance 'anon .was complete but his ' . . , ures e elimination •of ' • • • ' ' • • ' ' ' ' '- during the 'summer there is toe much -Arca ineas ' forthe . .Messiah. • ' ! • • • . . upon divine Stren th mark d h' b' hens as rapidly as they are culled out.. begin with the plantingof !disease-free is deeply stirred by the answer. Itis strange, reading after what 'yee know e is su - or • , , .. ! . begin with , . 1 s. 17,,18. Messed art thou: , Jesus g . , to do on the farm, so so I- ship' off the l' mosaic from raspberry plantations ' V ' sequent career. Acts 4 13 makes On the poultry 'place where a thousand , sthck. : The practice of taking . an answer frorir Peter's own heart; in aboet Teter. The mud hat become' rock. more hers are kept,there will be' from an old- planting Irrespective of, which God's spirit had been. working. ,What bad wrought this great change . much culling po we 'have a pen. par, the. amount of mosaic . present. ,mus. , 1 d N . . 1 • - . t• es an 00 in Peter? ! Our answer will be found 'proteins carbOhYdrites fats' and the person .had cemmunieated • .. , this truth , in Acts 4!8, "Theft. Peter' filled vvith ' ' - - • ' ; ` .: tkularly for the culls. Aarapidly 'as' CC (-0 if the disease is td.be controlled.' to Peter. , 'Neither did it spring.irorn , th II 1 S 1 it''' • Peter no Ion er -calories ..in_ foods ,and Made. up a bal- , an undesirable: es found she iseackled ! , Old plantatioes -with mosaie- present the Jewish ideas of the Messiah, which - . relied mien his own strength, :bet . in . . . • • , I Peter shared •with his countrymen. .• . to the mills. These ,birds are 'fed a'. should be 'left alone and riew :plants divine aid ' fattening 'ration and shipped off to secured ° from: a well recommerlded„ Thou.. art Peter and up'on this rock., - , • • ' '. eateli the best market ' ' ,• •• : ' IsoUrce.' Exception may be,takenewhen Themeaning of Petet is. "rock," and l' . .... , . . . ` • ... , r arm nor, eturns. .. some of the ,.pOints• evhich I follow :less than 6 per „cent. diseased plarits now Peter 'has gbien• expression to 'a her Thane.41‘tiontre lit at pWhe s: a You Need Music More Dr. .A. E. Winship, of Boeten;, the nail on , thehead when he said, the course of a recent addresa, is 1)eyarld's4P3es-zpOwer...to tell:•.wh7vt••:.:. it has rripa.rit AO our „country to hieice need the Multiplication table or iheee, * &U,, • -,-alir""701F7 ability to -spell Oeleeireity-naryeer . sy'nerecY.' r wonder- it any of you: „ men have ever walked by a!graveyard on ,a dark night all alone. .If You have, . did you recite • the list of irregular, . Vethe.?!!"-:YOU-whiotratr-tifitie the - •onTy.thing !•-eartic.-3,eneele.-ey •,you- irreethere."1-Thererareetirnet--WhineYouefe- need whis4e' m .re , than ,ydu do the.:, , ' We .want cur. .... boys "enci,:girle • •,. get ready`feze jut each opportun ies.! , get .ready, .for When yeti nee, the,:aeetlietle side, you , do need' it"'. : , • •Enlarging on this. subject Dr. Win- ship said further: "I:tightly' Used there is more disciPline for mind and heart More discipline' for *success and • en- • joymept, more discipline for character, in. learning to sing than in. learning . any other branale Thinking 'and sing- , ieg • eught •th he •companiene. What the public "sclipot„ wants of singing as 'a branch .Of instruction is the grandest possible teaching Of the art inthIlecta- • ally and fervently as e means of pro- viding the beet inarilmoil and woman- . • 7%. V. 4111' Rineo is as siolsndid for the , regular family washing as 1_,A.sx is JO' firtelabrics. , Lever ...brothers Limited Toronto R305 • . • , • ,A short time ago we figured up t e The Neiv. in Nutrition.. . all • "Oinking- 'it ' be taught the full child; • his entire . being, . mentally ‘• physically, , is . to be .:vi- brant with health, elasticity; energy „ and 'eh.eerfulnees. This branch is as important its any other branch, and unlike any others branch it needs to , taught from ,the lowest grade to the highest_i le the _ungraded as in the graded 'school- It iS needed for patri-• °tient, for morality, for health.. is needed to make disdipline lighter, k-lor the past ten years I have been school attendance .a pleasure, `study" . folloWing thelpractice of stabling` my more . interesting, , recitations' more ' in dulling, in addition to the breedi! are 'ieerid; In. such; a 'case it . :may, be • rock,..10F?the :bles dne ••• -s• , ' ..". A eeitch in tiMe `sav nine": is 4T1 •- encectratioh, , erefeene .This.was the. cpwe at night•dering the' suiruner. ! I -spineecle ,What.wings are to.the bird, .. -our anirea,Ins ;:d.. weet,.laios,uoghTtie ,I;lasie 1111011 '.hi we:learned to -feed' think; it Pays. " !•'. . ' . . • :, '. • . what .the bleapOin is to Plant 'wliat',.. things de*'• .t' W '' 1' td.'' . withlminene,but.the great obstacle ie. '''T !! - Y!:-.7 !*.• ' • '' • - • - .. . it hoaudt : ''r , . producing More etable manure to!beild ' 7.1.,. y,ea.re.„1 ha -e felt :the ' nee,id. Of ing! is to so ' • - ' id ' the face., .fetvencY'eto the Voide - einge e .juice es be the fruit, the eye to ' ' 'the. Sehoel.'"',!.. teet are Trebel:dee Well knOwnto most edviSeble for a 'growereto ther.oughly ... .... , . • ., . old •adage which a hes to • ver . . ,. . . - • • . . • • • ! able • Commercial.. fertilizer : With My ' - "of Peter •not that be is the foundation .. . • e • • • • • " ! poultrYniene ', '.! • ° , . .. .,- . , . 1, ei a lc te the di p . plants,. rn . . uttered the foundation rock a the „ , , • Of human :effort, !htit, IC Applies' with 1.in What We want, r" th th " h't ' ' , a, er, an.:w e . .we . • . . .. .. idea. 'that stable. manure is ..,the best Crozes,. I' can euie' get :away' /tope the . . • rock of Church - but: that. he 'had • • .• PP -- e Y • that .toce eneny of us. 'esell. alWity,s , eat ' • • ! • ! .4 4. , . • ' • ' I • • 'd a • ' 'sea ed • from !a . • • • .. . e . - • • ure - . e. . „ssia s i . .. • • - • oug .... ... , , , . , Ch h ! th 'Me • '' li hp of 'Christ More for& aiici. Uniformity' to( 'farm- ferti izer or the ,farmer to use • I ani ' always, on the . lookout .for • few rowsin his Plantation ih order, to ,Sikpa that , indicate that a -bird e has ' seetire, ' hisown nintser.y stedle , : But Gates (;I. hpli.", No Power .orevii, shall ,ing than:to manYothelelinee of effort. e. . ,. . ,. , , . , , ... „ce ra one. e.... . ., . . However !these Milan'. '<I! ti ' did " stabling:my tovie at night dure papsed ho'days of rieefziln,ess. -0Ma- the wholesale era Ica ion of • dies, sed • prevai . against *a .church.ep.:founded. Thilli.lreze for. the, reason .that there eot elWaye-!-WOtk. and expert ,experite . - 13Y, , ,,.With -White -grUbs, .Wirewerine, and .sionally..a. bird revill clevelop. lameness, i p ants from a . commereial plan -pop Te et.. viTek ner'ettiiiNe: STEtill REnUKE, ... ' ' ' ' ' aremore conditions to he met in fartn, : mentatiOn ori . rate. ":guieetie Piga ,,tind ,irig the summer• I have. been able. to cutworme, the. three.' Chief. classeS,' of ' .• Inger; y . yin own from e roos . • . . . - , . e • • , • .. • . - -. • than in mOsteether kinds 'Of ,buSinesa., ./..' d‘eee e , ' :., . - e .. • Put Last seasonethe..iiianure made b fl - g -d • -I ' ' the t. Caused:by sr:me obStriadtienin scratch-, is. not reeornmended.ae a general, zike-1:. ',. • !: Sure for the Control of 'moss& '!. • ! '' • - !' ' - ' ' ! • ' '' 21-23. '' - ` ink! eVer. which We•!haVe..,no :control; - .. . .0 i e, in , Ica . a .w a . we e-, • • . e ch l•k! -' ' cl* ted th t' ' h t • b ' ' Cense .zrepet Of :the' troublelie a 'riniced, soil -infesting 7 field... crop insects !that....! more then double •my mandrial, ent.,- 'rMs may. in: .time turneinte bumble -1.; .0n. setting :o , t 4 ..nev.! pla tatioh the' tinie thatJesus' Meesiabs,hip is am ' 1- F ont that' time. fOrth; •from • . • , • ... • .. „ • ,, ... ". 'eve, -. . ... e perfectfoods..were not as es • ...: , .., . , . .. : , , . _ . The weather is oneof the MOSt .eri-, perfect:it .Vre ' tbcnight!:.they .Were., „It ,frone,the cows' stable daring the .9u17 40 ',arming COnnnUnity;- ceop: rotationee met ,coyeredover sevezi, acres. Of :lend With., a topireating!.Peevious: to soW- •reaye.Mrel-Lep:',./Tildson,,, Assistant:En- ' l' " .fecit,..so"I believe it hi, hese ,to ship .stiebi viith ellieaee-free steek, it .it advisahlei: eeknowledged • fact ' in the; disciple . One of• these ,letindiCape.e. 4 ' 4 ": 7.§. PeYer !was foundethat ,theaeptlierWite perfect , , - • ....! - ing• the ;wheat. Had I ' allowed mY 2 . if Id C Insects'" • ' d d - ,toinolegist..at Otteevaeln.Circuliir No:.:: .. birds. , The ' lanienese hi . nothing that!, to hai-e it •isolated.bY .'50 to itife. feet, .barid.., "To thew. unto ',hie' dieciplee. ,It r ideal ,freni :our stendpeint'yet ., 4 'sore.-- foods, lack %in'. the Vital 'eeientials: of ' .. . . . . . • .. • - :is one,thing to. recognize. Jestis is the hOW, most of ' us fail. to, take this 'fact . . , food th ' '! 't' ' • ' -• ' cows. to gc• back to ,eraetureene ;night 1 • 4 ,a, .,satisfacthry,:rriedsere. . consistent'. . ,..Fit Crop.:7-1,”1,5 regar e , . burth !there for the table in'any'. , way, l froin anyeethei raipbeeties„, el:titivated , . :.. If they areteken off ilkhtetWay. Orice or evild Durieg• the, first- bee' .yeats• Meseleheanotber thing te understand into eiCeonn,t in Making our p ane fol.. ,.; NOW, these, vitarninee I are"aerneilling v, .h. _this' patch should be' •c,arefiiily inspeet- how that Messiabshipenmat be re.elliecei a the! season'e !cmpaign. - Right iloW ',neer las!'fer !a's: the Paind'iS, cencerned,'' would haelost raost Of tis *tenure with.geod farming and. inemt.:control,:, • ' edseveral-, timese .aliti • all diseased: . I . . • This is what Jesus must teach his di s- niany'farmere who have delayed ploVii- . brit We have been eating -theta till our `,„!Stiebimg.• the cOwi inereaseEi the. A suggest( d 'erep, iotation .,ii conSe- plazite rerneved,„ root' and all and 'car: ing for ,'Iiite , planted! crops,. aree„*.or- liyes.and did:not knoW:ii.,.lt,j:uSt , eees• labor -seiniewhate bizt I' aznevery ture qtiently presented."for .4 tymea wes -40 to. Some-ilistance7from °,.the . plinie-i- ' celiCP :ci.1110,re°. His Citlesslanig es?aTilif°- • ried-beestuse-'-of-a-t--laelce-of-- e +el ,tetion ,where . they earl' be ',destreYed.i ferriung Messialisbipe Jeans ' does :!nOt Whieh ,Makee the 'Plowing heed and.the Meia-eret the-eleceVethat--Weecan not always tell-thptL..the rnaniire_payi.,fori_the labor__ern :' Ontario!' . farming cominenity,l. just what We: are:eating.. " ' ' '. •seyeral times ,over. I, use all .thebede Where he SpecialilatiOn.ef ,any'ceeP ! . It is quit( , eafe : to. ',replant.' the: lezieek of this' suffering ai a hurrian ye - crops nneertain, while,the fiternere in, . But - as • mYsterioUs • is ',these :V1ta;. ding in the 'stalele poeeiblee as .e.ii,, eh- is., in .).evidenee,', and '. where the' Pfore...1 g P''' ••sult, j3llt as_ divine:•purpoa'e„. clearly . caused • by 'rogueing as infection: elpes eteedeserbent, -.-eMy..etable,is2ceineUt .So•r.'am :said ''Inieete are 'present•ze•First 3iear,..-- foteseen arid !cabnly faded Raised:: . Iliel'if:me7.Ceiniri4iii.t.iet. . ,Wlie- gotTiFeir - inhiee• are...tie'ut:ordin'azer.eaterje: ground plowedearly for ,:the !same .exPertsare shewinge by the feeding Of able ' ton . eoserve them , liquid azinte. ,, I :Plant, the , field to 'eats! or similar graine „ 'creptewereeableeth-,coni3erveeneedede,!=foode4emiitainifig-theseelife-givingei ---use.aliquidtight-8057-cr litter that 71-6-4ialiiirii-'ite clover;,loond moisture :against .. . • - . - . - , . . ...1 gredientse -that 'they can ,.' produce. all the manure the stable is car- year, ,cnt., the clover .for bay, plow ,e . ., ,. pleuting • thee, end ,. kill the weeds in •advance of the!ctiltie •healehful results; :and by eliminating tied out 'seine distance frozn. the barn. field in. the.,puninier or early •fall and "YetifigTeeasentereTheereosreifeideveing:qieem "fit-MT:leetr;:!tthey ,Milf :cause! 'clit`-`': e Wheneeleareiziketheestableeledleari-',Out- 7 plant-,te-Wheretteehird--yea#,,Seddehe4e!" -early ;When -ooil-and-fernperatiira-corr, -eaee. ' e, ---e-, •-•-..-.-"t`'''''"t'-‘74-:,--:-.----,-Ihe-liqUickalong__•withrthe othermanurewheat-rte eleeer.en,..the-sPriligi_whiefi4e,e„' ... ditions were better for the work .was: , , since the - findings? of : ' the.. 'expert, and dump on the pile. This, gives the mey be pastured in the fall or allowed.: Im'1,. and tha..probable returns on: the ,menthrs Many ofut.,ate eating_yeast 'straw a chance,. tO.abiorb, the, ' liquid to grOW ; ,tOnith yeiq, pie* the !eloVer: ... latior''iliveSted Are .m.u.cli greater. , '',`„ !th. -Init!'feet."'inlike and are renewing- ' ared-,eimproVete:--itseeferelliziur ''''-Vitliie -olle,earlYee.prepareethe,egeOunde4OrIve:e-e- ,nels Of ,crib corn in .a ' pan :tindee.,...gisLwoght.inrugli_gi•.:.:•.Toinateejiiide-is..bee! _:, ',' =•-•,'" .--ee,-----4.4.- corn' and roots; fifth ,year„ same „as!, ....:,.The,,f,arrner_Whoeplented_a_few_lter- car interest ' in 'Cod liVer ''' oil tie a: ..I.,. H. .. .. • `,. ... ,. .. '' . .- • kitcheni stov-i.ith d.-C-offlucleit-i:t4k!-A47:all-Atig--ii-nbibd:rvii-ith-0041.4r enjoyment, ,!••• first Year.' This four-year rotation will ' he -fonnd :to mathrielly. increase there. -T- . . • Protection Against Insect Pests. , 'Ina While I find a bird that, shows a" lengthening* of the upper' part, of ' the beak, or one that has had an accident ,to one eye.:' ' Such bride may be. ! the - best! . layers, but it does, not Pay to bother „with. theme eBirds that leshote• ." the Prittyr-unruffied cpat ' after' they . shOuld have been laying._ for many ,not. ,_.corhe !rem, the soil. , 'rhe second the. third 'day.' It is . to b. e:: a 'trinint ears aftere-4Plaritiltigrthelelialit---stifferinge- etidingemeil•eeurrec- : men p, re practically; ,. .. ''---III-1iiinf-irdiluiera.'''And -01r4 "-Y • , . „ .. . ; .. . During the spring and summer. I.eull Patch ;should yield, it high Perceittage tiori. , • . -.' ",,Ptit 'many birds that .hive handsome of disease-free stock, and if the grow- I ;Vs. ??, 2_3„._PeiervtoWitim; ePetereie ,fititherS, golden:shanks and beitkeand",er":it , desirous -Or ellePOsinge. or -t-tichi-st.art.l.ed-bY-lhidaP'°uncexnenti-itn-cl- in - is horroreet_the .thotightiegraspeelhe it' general" air of - good looks!, ..'sueh stock he ,ShoUld: apply to the Division ell- • , hand of ;Testis: Bea9i, to r.eblike him. Krds, are butterflies Of 'fashion and the of Botany,: Central' .Eetperiniental. a teeing' proteet. against ,the 'thought'. .: poultryman cannot i Afford., toe keep_ Fenn, :Ottawa, ' or :..to.„,the ponzinion What Teter:. says_ he. says, ftcixn 'true , . them. , 4 e '.. 1. .. ' Laboratory of Plant .Pathology, St. loVe. of the Master. "Get 'Mee "berailit The head telts 'a lot about .a7.bird'iiatharines, Ontario, for einspections]efte,e$a,tciii.ePeteee,infallibilitYeiliclehot , productiveness. : pet...ricleekeethe_biia WIth the view '- of obtaining: a ..centifieelaet, very, long. Ai OffinCe. The &mi- . : with the crow hoo: . goep, the ones" eath •pcfreedOM ,fi,om. disease. . . , , • i dation 'stone, has ' and -delay' become. a '... that have ' full bright eyes: and red, Any inforMatiOnecoriceining •this or stone of 'stumbling in the way of duty. :wee_ _-_,..1.Comba; 'The sunken, ey_eIS a...siiiii.if other' plant •Iliseasea. Will :ehe - •gladly ez,Sdvourest riot .the. things that; be of , •low vitality and ' indifferenteprodtic, 'furnished on ,request to either of. the' .7.°-..61' "Thotie:thinkete-riateevith_.:GOV!,. Lie...PETER' FE6EIVES A talFtEAT CQMMIS- . tiveneSs. 'I pick up a lien and glance offices mentioned 'aboVe. '- '• ' `,.. . - • . __ • sioet,--e_oner 2'i .15e-1-7. • , ----aleTieher bie-k7:7-- If theyesout -- • , y§. 1:6-17: , 147,1ten• they-hadined; ,like buttons, she is .proleably ,it.!'gOod . scene,shores of Galilee.' Tireeee--after 0 Id Peter's clonal 'and, Chrisgs. death:and ..one.,,..Still,',,,L,denot-Want the henetliatLL. shoWs,the.heaVy beef -type of head: The cullinfl. season extends • from', resurrection. • Lovest, thou. me snore than these; not, More than the other ' SePtember to September. usually ! in a general way hens need about as disciples, but More. than the nets and line.. Maximum labor .returns on the 'bill .of 'fare insthad of a prescription. • .right for seed, and finds : digging and • hen , fruit, sunny side up, ..• will -into the •hills in the -geld that only! more ! frequently eiderne tebles, -about- .half„ of it is growing, is be Milk Will: supplant other beverages Meaning his luck -e -and replanting' his and green' Vegetables aregaining `Weide/9th the certainty that the return !-new imperteriee. 1•07T-Fa7---neee • for his labor .will be less than that of of the yitarnines they contain. • his neighbor who inside an ear test efel These successful testi in nutrition his seed. indicate that perhaps in the future The same truths apply all along the visits to the doctor he will hand us a in the . boat and the *old fishing life to farm are the reult of careful plan- Of 'course, bis other bill will also be find skfew Pullets earlY in the fall that much carafe'. heavy 'egg -production and .sell to the retail customerS, or, if a hot summer' the worms go deep and kneTestete tjhec:usl, lic°11veewtiefidegee. 01 915 1)'' handicaps that are more than likely But in all seriouSness, the discovery ning, Which takes into account the presented; as- - I do ziot,wish keep, so L dress_thern the_suramer„ie in the winter. During which Peter: had gone back. T hoat 18 In- to be met. , Of these new' things in nutrition is un - there are enough of them -1 may ship often the grass becomes tough anknPu7sts heart. •In spite of his denial, he. . ' -thenleoffeto-eatcliethe--goodePrices.thate dr yeeetxcessiveeheateoneiheerange--andeloves-e'Jesuseand he eknoweethat4esus ' • • • • delehtedly a cent sten forward., These , prevail around, .the first of .octoner. in the laying:house' is often as detri.eknowir of that love. Feed my lambs, Ciintiol of 1/VIlreWor1118. 'findings will add, greatly to our t`.0.711- Latere and all during the winter, the ental to heavy laying lib the severe' Jesus "haire-nce calFed Peter to be ciency • our real 'enjoyment of. life; culling continues, then during the' cold of winter. A good dry mash can fisher of men. Nove he .called him to • to' the results we! get from live An outbreak' of ' wireworzns is re- . , ! spring, I usually ship quite bunch he !nada of .qual parts of bran z-nid-I he a shepherd of these vehe are wet* ported in some paets of the coun rye - • - , • • ' stock feeding, if ,we' will but nee -Wein. etIlingS corn meal, "ground oate lulu' as pet,er himself hpdbeen.-.Teeust Itelative-to4his-pest the Chief of the -of hens. ThF-surnmer is -74h- I , in Peter:It:It he..wasi' ireinwner of Control, fa:pi that co.Oling s s way of show g for- yls o Field Cr ep and Garde . (, • however, when the cleaning out 13 beef Scrap: 'Two parts wheat to one • 1 • • He ---"It's awfully sweet ,'Ff• You Jo want to know whena have my: vaca- tion. so you can arrange acetirditigly." finished, in fact, the greater, number part corn makes.' :a good suinmer given was to call h again to service. Insects -of the Dominion DePartrilent A weeklY change of Water in the nilno He saith .'.the thtrd time; nO refer-, f Agriculture, in his painphiet on radiator .of ,a tractor is „geed for the l• She-"Yese I want to take of birds that are not to he carried scratch feed ration. ' ence in this threef Id u tio ' to ° y tem. 'when you're working." ' ea e... . . ete "W •over pre-sold-during...August n Sep -e If--Youehaveeplenty-of-seureni milk. the t th f Id de al _b . e. re_e o u • on y . . insects-oce_ur-niestelfrequently-ine'-bet, Umber. letree.to,geterid•ofepoor•pro= •proportionef -beef -scrap , in the Mash Impressive, way of recalling 'Peter in from p a st wi th its laijelires,; tom lande, 5oil poorly drained, and 't * J . U y. ducers as "'fast is they lueve passed ear, he 'reduced ckylc-half. provide love Laze' haze and golden' dfeWs their .dayS of usefulness; ---•Chas. Ir. plenty' of fresh Wathr and plaee the: t° a great eldmmigslen '1,°v°,. a!id isnPastu uch•as.relind potatoesS '., 'c'ourril., em Chesley. • ' 01 10115 • "feed is lacking on the range' it often ' fountain in a' shady place. lir gi• een 8erYiee' iippt'ic AT/0:x. . 'planie'd in sod 'land, frequentlY , suffe; ' .0,pportunities in the , 1 t 111111 1141 11 near a run ai tiE 1- or the Past two seasend.raspberry and ' 11' ah4ientrilieSyUinteterP'rliPeller vvell-drained • soils, the injuries are -erinar Profes-siort seVere 'injury. Orebeneh lands, Or, in, • . , . ,RASPBERRY MOSAIC.' Paye. to have a row of !SWiss 'Chard, 1;eielat6trh€:ite gesIntiwe the •SS`00(1 hard by, soil fertility; as 'rie crop.. is, allowed to • occupy the land for more than one , yearethus'ensuringeamplercultivation. The introduction of. .two crops efee_ -clovere-will-preyent -the growth -e -o ' 1 Weeds, 'and the •• likelihood will reduced to a minimuni of any, insect Pest becoming •established. The fore.. going of course applies to arable, land. - A new piece of land, 'or an old sod which has been allowed' to remain for a number of years, can be satisfactor- '11Y dealt with as 'follows: Break up the , new land or old sed: in late suminer ,just - after haYing. an 'd cultivate entil lait'evheriethegeolincle`shouldbeeTIOW- edeetlie opposite -way -and- left, rough • for the winter, in the spring dultivate as , frequently , ••, as possible,' plowing . . agate iferiece.seary. -The land may be plaeted to •oats in the second year seededand d d th • , • above rotation, • - • I ' • „ •,occasiona y cut ,E1 bushels of eerst,, thoughts." A :egreat laireaeher not so seyere, .ahd he a proper. eelec- ' • ' sUcculent leaves for .the hen's. Grit, coni,plajned_ reCelitly that top.: 1Kendall's Spavin 'freatment 4il get .tbat leme horse back on the lob again. For more than forty years' Si Kendalls Cure It has been removing ringbone, thotoughpin and all kinds Ot . . body' growths: k • 41 .11Prettgagteiteliort aihndfrieok s Wags OF writ* OW to • ft. J. KENDALL 00m,PANi. toolburo Foils, Vt., U.S.A. .11Ceridall10 Spavin Irreptmlnit 1811Wit No. 97-'23. I hiiieear'-faifil:-,.•;oyateT".- -'--ifiellialrelifo-..Ghriatian-peelire•-•--aotedr-uppif-Tliefr2iiiit..:•,:krie:.-ta.avo-tdiiiiii6i7.14iq,?,*-ill,t.i.plesi.. 'necessary in keeping the liens heelteiye impulsepe but rather, weighed 'eleary: ef soil fuitatatioo , w af4 ges..fdiming, In'the fall the hard grain ration can thing go ,eareftilly thatsirtohdekt741 maietios, have e4rti.in vir.tues!, but are be '.eli.iinged i;;:i• equal parte' -i.:(if-',Wheatr:Wa-Ofilltadttlyi:e-le_enNT-h.,06111-hii;,ve-i'it f. ab7-1,0u ,-.3. and corn. • ' • , , • e.sese not- reeommenctecr -iiiiderr fieldTeeridie4 Peter gale) 'utteestnee , to his first. tions; °Wing id the 66t1 the danger . ' ..--".-'4-""t-''' '' • . thoughts, and ,• said, "Their ate the of injury to plant growth. ,SOil tr,eat,•• When replanting,. it alwitee, ptofi• to ('heist.the See of 'the living 064," v. Zweite with. Ceinniereial fortiliZers Will eees, keep 'a ball of dirt around the roots 16. That WAS .the answer for 'Which. O• ften enable plants' to ontgrow aneet-at.,t, of the plant you Move. ! . Jeans 'longed. He knew that the scribes! . tack, b.01 voli,:.n9tdeittoY!*the. wire-, , • arid Pharisees hated him, and the 0011) -worms. Trappirig ednits . and larvae --OnlY-:!twe-OrethreeephietseehOUldeliaenion-people, thoukhetheyeadinitedhline.b., voukeheattii„:„hicifiiiiiiri,eli.r.,6ii• ,,, left in each hill of melons,'OUbliPiberk Litt' l'atirs.ZaPont'thi:11a,fh i18112:eintY,t' ,,vejiiivuot' V• aluable lend,: and *4 crops having ' and squashes. :! Wait Until the eVork of ' ..it thin had rieen te e supreme thoughe: of A 10h. COst. ,ef: prodasigini,. ,,such as 'the stripod. beetle.13 ciVer; ii...e. ;God's purpose in Christ ! ' Market garden ceoPs :of onions, thine - the Plante, leaving !!Olily, the beet , to The Issipuiftveitetts. Of ite Geed Man. too, °tee but with gillin; grass' Or prOdUee, a, Croix . "' , Thero'are several recorded tricident4 .field 'crepe, CUltural noithoda of &M- in . the life of Petir whfoh make 139 trot Must' berelied u)sesp. Crop rota- To iiitiko A giolett of araauteo spray rid:AV:no% 71, ptlioitilltimo.f bilaien' igWauaniAtntaniel:: ticin,deeipnlOtwheiniwith judicious k Mkt thorough oil-, a ',• niat0.01A1 tliice titre, 1•1' lOaPOOn,. - 'Vtritere21.48 erf to -day's leeioil are in thition,oge fulal.°1 .146412310 Of 10141 'In . put it in line With keVeriel other scentee iri Which .solketion 'of otoPs, will offfiet iniery to! * etile,.. • Then add -a 1141 e water and petet to 'toe 111,110110 tee •Avotaeljlea la Very Marked degree. . , • , Z' PAtil 011 vO 4 000 pOte, ligh..,,Th.ViattheW 14: 201 wt hays to: i. gallen of *tilit? iin account Of !Peter 'endear:Wing: tei set oa., • ., Walk en the Witter' to JeellS. . When . When a. b1rd1&'1dIIed,btga i•cjoie.'. --- you 'cles4e to 'enter into a prOfession you shoiiiiEcon- ' sider W114„ the new field of Veterinary Science has to OviTer, ZiadUateallave,ariendid oppoTtftitieg . , for a suctess ul Career. " You sh,,u1d Inqune: Session BeginstOctOber ,ists -1623' Write for bulletin ent calendar. to C. D. Mc.Gilray, MD.V., Principal ..Ontario Veterinary College GUELPH ONTARIO .! ' • Affiliated with" . Tender the Ontarle • 'reivetto. ni'Agfidi,11ttitti 1••••••• go. 1011. 1 Ti learn, and 'elii.,n for all .the best. 1 Life holdeln store, -, ' , • ' , ,_To. end, dare,,,,,theley,eto,shere,*„. • ; With all the 'folks forw'soineI care, , , , Along the way.' . Jely gives nie a ,,rate beefiest," iip ask I 'exibre. • ' ' . , --Pi oed Meredlth. 'Beitale Pati$: I The lieadle, fan is a Englith invene ' tion, in whiciethe,rev.olving blades are. made, with' cured surfnees of A ciuthir rforin, whireh inipel the isle he 6 direction parallel '‘ to the axis et the fan. It is sald,that 4, 1 tti1ly th.owtolo power is ,utitized in making the air , 1."travel," and very litto in sirnpfr " churning !flip. it is bJileVed that. the , invention .6nds practical appilcation fii thcpi:opeilers of -ships ,and'airplanes. 19