HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-07-12, Page 6an Ex exhiment-
a Packet of
.told, them was going to escape., TheY DO YOU WANT A . BOY? -SmngtiP10' We ll'rd 00a lir 'riznIrni.P.g'
mY Paat and all 1 had .done,. 'and '.I
.: backed, Me; 4. 4nd, .lipirds4,14) help, nrin„+„,,i yr,f,,;,1„ T.T;s, them around with the back of' a steel
404nes. reqUired for Babies: to be
Next morning: I haettplan.. •.,in the '---K--• ,-----' ---, &
e 68 St. case knife. , With.the glass -tops Jars,'
:afternoon, 'jitst after iiiimpril hadle Nie, elas, .pt...„. Toronto. '-- We Placed the top on the . jar without
the rubber and tapped the, 'onter edge
go to the,cOurtmanciiiiit's,roem. ."-They , ' ,. - . ' '.
-treated me 'a. little differently from ; ",Bo. I went put.of 'the window next ef ths. top, .If the top rocked, Miss ,
the others i$ for, 1, Wasnot a priSener, et day. • • It was the, Monday after, Brown *mild not let, us use it, for it
war, and. r went. tb.e,re to be. ask,edlt.utiOn.". ,. -, ;' , , ' . was imperfect and would hkely, cense
e*.tfelati-Vati,ha',...0"4..10.PrOtal?W-74`,::49rhat'-'*ii a tili*e;!.D..,E,4.4,14N.AheAhel!.rieaP..t0011ar:'*'1%:',z4,:t7,w.::z.i5,-
4 au:*.'Tbero3UsiaizaWriett:$uarcl :adriiiitingl - ', ii4xl...-.0..mAc.,' ,.........two,,,,, 1.
' 1 . . `VatilinTiVriratiWO:"'"VbiPere' '
- r4,-, -_, -,1,4.. ,,a---.. . O. du: -..6!-. al,....$4, 0 lifert.WSF•Nali-vatittie' n,--riroltini, it
seCond fleer. and distant' by inanytskilfal.„- haid,reter niedestly. ."I - ' -- - -
--a-,.;-int, If
11•17dA from - 14n2Y'' itair...eafie, '' In the TO 'Mein 'biryond seven marks, itiial-dilit-backon itself .atthesame point.
1 ,
it.4id.,'not ,crack.„ it was .:safe..to: use,,
Corridor artkide.:-the"" Corninandant'S had but etlek of clocolate.:I' bad
room there waa a' windoW which had no.overcoA:good rubber vll also spring back
at, and it was snowing hard. '
nehare„ and ,four feet from, the win Further, I .could riot,getdowp the tree, into shape when you stretch it. .,
cloW•th liinb of a. great tree.; 4 than. Which had Et,'' trunk : as smooth and "After we had adjusted rubber,sOH
. .,
might *tell' that tinily, and if he Were branchless', as a blue guni,'S.F.er a, little. each jar, we fl1d them With the. ben-
ectiVe as a monkey' Might de_seend, to I • thought,' I' Should be I compelled to.. ries, adding the juice Of the •:herries
. . the,grouriti,---Beyond thatjzknew...-ne-felve in, and 'I. was:710thaPPY; • • ' . 1.107.,:fil1'the. j ar8 ....instead:Ot-virateWe"
, thing, but I am. ef goad climber :Cor- ..."Btit,,LliadAeislu,:e,„for.,...4;;Ilitt,net_a-,mx
,e... ed-the-tapslOn'-'anig:half-way-and
7.,---rielia. ,,, : :-. • - .---- -; ::. - -:-----,- -....., :' ' nilt would be. mipsed.b fere night -r laded ' these filled jars in the wash • "I' told the'others of .rny plan,;They, 'fall,. and giVen. time. a men, can de '1133orlPe On the steye'WitlilertlY;e',nough
4.id, it as i'goati,7,hut he Dileoffer'd ..te:mOst things,' 'By and bY, I.'fonnd,:a .
te'..ceme.within an. ineh.of the
•coineWith, me /They'were-yery noble; branch',,Which ledbeyond.' 'the . outer Water
they declared ..: that ;the .scheme was wall Of, the -yard. and iiiinto above the tcip. of .the :jars.' ' After' -eountiag fif-
.nnine.ancIl should hay*. ,the fruit of, rivsr, This•I Xollowed,innd.tlien drop, teen minutes from the time' the water
' it; for if more than one tried detec,, ped fronf. it into the stream, , It Wasstarted t� bail; ,,,, the jars Were taken
tion was certain. I 'agreed' and,,a, drop of kane yards, and the water Opt and sealed tightly. Miss Brown
thanked them -thanked ' .thern %with'. waS yery 'swift,- Se that I nearly •ealled this proceshing. And that is
tears in My eyes. Then .one of them ,t1roWned., . I would rather swim the . all, only I am to wrap them in paper
very see.retly produced .a map,' ., We !LimPopo,..., COrnelid, 'among° all th
----:'---- , before I init them down cellar so that
planned, out my road, for. I Was going...crocodiles' than •that -icy river.. Yet' I th li ht' won't •bleach th ''•-•
and• see if it is not the most
elicious Tea-,,oci ever tasted.
ost-Teaamprrinkers ThizK it -is
. .
. Straight to Holland. It • wt6. long. inana:ged to ...reach the shore and, get • .g .
that can ma,de.,
The reMarkablo
tlesmPEehoox bay*
4Beea PreVen!
(Copyrighted Thomas Nelson -and Soins,' Ltd.) ,
had taken all rny sovereigns :when I "After' that •it wat 'plain going,' achievement and the, proof of the
With the evidence of her daughter's
road and I had no money for they my breath Iying hi the bushes
• . . . • . • .
method used,, Mother sPoke' to Mary,
CHAPTER IX.--(CoUt'd.) • 1 engineered a :big exPloslen. HappilY w t '
as arrested but they promised to thoughwas very . , ,
1 'on
I .knew that
. In one way it .
' . • b get a substription -up amonfa_them- I would be sought on the northern saying , , ,
turned outwell That I had the coinmon sense to remem er . ,'rig "I am of you daughter,
my job an .my duty o sticko
d t t it. selves to start me. Again viept roads,. as I had told mY" friends, for and I hope you will, stick to the Happy
'afternoon we passed the frontier and I. never knew it till I aw a man in a Peter wasin the middle of the con tears of gratitude.. This as on Saw. ' no one would dream of .an ignorant Hustlers." Bit to herself the said,
. s*
strange uniform come aboard, who voy and I found him pretty unhappy; day, the deg after Christimis. I set-. Dutchman going south away from his "Lost is the day in. which we do not
copied, some figure s on a schedule, and principalty through` not being allowed, tled to make the attempt On the Wed- kinsfolk. But I had learned enough
nesday afternoon. , • i from the map to know that our road rought us % mail. With my ,dirty to smoke. His companion was an ox-. ‘,.
' face and general air of absorption in, eyed lad, .Whom I ordered' to the look- Now, Cornelius, when • the lieuten- lay south-east, and I had marked this
-.'; • • ' '
duty, I ,must. have been an unsttapi-, out while I'leter .and I went over the ant took us to see the British Prisonbig'river".
cious figure. He 'took don the names hats.. .- .' : ' . • , ''h t let many' "Did you hope to -pick ine- up?" I
ers, you remember, e. o us 1 • . .
things about the ways' of prisons He asked. • ' . . • .
.4f the Men, in the barges, and Peter's ,(Cornelio, my old friendp be said, told us how they loved tocatcha man '' "No, Cornelis:- I thought you would
pame wag given as it appeared On the "there are some pretty -toys here. With
•ship's roll• -Anton 'Blum. , , •a spanner and a couple of clear hours . in the act of eicape, so that they could be travelling, in first-class carriages
I could make :these maxims •about as', Use: him harshly with ' a clear, con- while . I shoolel be •plodding on foot.
• ' : "You mut feel it strange, • Herr . .
science. I thought of that, and cal- But I was set on getting to the place
Brandt"' said the captain, "to, be deadly as bicycles What do you say culated that now 'toy friends would you spoke of (how do you call it?
scrutinized by a , policeman, you who to a trY7" ' ' • ' ' ' • I have told everything to the 'command- , Constant
' 'give orders, I doubt net, to • many po- "I've •considered -that," I said, "but• Nople)', where our big buSi-
. , ant, ,and that they would be waiting ness lair. I thought I might be in time
'icemen.", - won't-doir---We're-on--a- bigger. bnsi-'r' to bottle me, on the -Wednesday. Till 'tor. that.?' ' ' *.
' I shrugged my shoulders. "It is my ness than wrecking munition convoys.
. then I' reciconed I would 'be slacklycontinued.) _
,.profession.', business to go 'l He
know hoW• yen get lriere." • • guarded, for they would , look; ozi
:unrecognized IIIV
often by my:awri 'serv., He an:riled:with that extraordinarY as Safe in the net. . . . • ..
*antS." F could'see that I vras` becona-iSundasi-school docility 'of,his, •
: frig rather a Agin*, in the • captain's 1 "rtwas Very simple, Cornelis: I was
, 'eyes. He liked :the way I kept the foolish in the cafe -but they have told
Men up- to their work, for 1 hadn't you 'of that You see I was angry,
been a nigger -driver for nothing, and did not reflect They had separat-
Late on. that Sunday night' we pass- ed us, and I Could see would treat Me
ed,tluta-tigh a great city which the cap- I as •dirt. Therefore mY bad' temper
taiii told Me was Vienna. rit Seemed came out; for, as I. have told you, I
to.last for miles and miles, and to be; do not like Germans"
, as brightly lit, as a circus - After that; 1' Peter .gazed lovingly at the -little
we werein big -Plains and the air grow bleak farms Which dotted the. Hun -
perishing :cold: Peter had Ceme. aboard .garian plain.: •
once for .his rations,' but usually he,. '"All night 1 lay in 'tronk, with no
left it to his partner, for he was lying . food. In the morning', they 'fed' me,very Jo*. ? But. one .morning -I think; and- took 'me hundreds' a Miles, in' a
minaret's Liniment tor Corns and Wart%
oman's Sphere
' .."Oh, iVlether, we just 'had; the most
it 'Was 'the...5th Of January,. when we train to i' place Which I think is called ofun„ and :•ain ,so glad '‘ that I really
' had ,passed Buda' and were moving. Neuburg. It was a great prison,' full as she
Hap PY Hustler now,” sang 'Mary
,-...„.thrOugh, great a sodden- -flat--uof English- officers : . . I aSked'InY- as she returned. at fourfo'elock in the
sprinkled snow=, --the captain' Oak ' self' many times On the journey *hat .
it . into: his head to gee Me to:over...2*as the reason of this treatment, for -aftarnaan
, .
from attending.her, second
,.hail the barge loads Armedwith a I .coUd see no sense i'If di'y meeting of the Happy HustlersClub:.
..Sheliacis been invited to attend the
• meeting Of the previous Week by her ,
little 'friend, Doris, that She might
learnsomethint of 'their summer pro-
ject of canning. Her interest apcl ' en-
thusiaSm had developed te such a' de-
gree that slii-lcad accepted an iirvita-
. rifiegrenades and trench mortars. ,• It . their conduct hitherto had'shown that .-ti911 to become an. aetiv. e. club memb.ert.
Made .me 'fairly sick to .see all: these ; they thenght. Me a fool .• I ,could not, , : It was from; this .initiation meeting .
good things preparing' for our own 'understand it .. - j , , ' --1 .' .• that Marywas returning as She roaap-
felloWs, and I wondered Whether --,I. • "But ' I had not. been One night: in -edinto: the..,kitelien. w:..1.4.e.t.,MP,ther-•
would not tre'doinrinrbett-SerViee'irtliiit7NeilliiiirPlifei-heriFe71-thouglif
- * ' of the reason. , "Iliey Wantedto'-keepr'vtas-eanning-th-e-fiist surplus straw- ' ••
berries of the season All ecstasy with "
me underobservationas a check upon , ta
-yoni-pernelisv-I''figured, it' -out -this . her own aecomPliShment, fer.*she was. =
-- way. ---They _haargiven_ y9u,soine _very ?arrying_in_her.:basket_three.s.pints:..af
imlicittairt-Werk7w,hich*.reqiiirecr Canned'straWberries Which , she had
. A univiiisariiistom. to. let you into seine big secret:th: PSIT'101.canned . herself, : the ' began.' to ' theft
tr - . . _They,,,e% vide.ntly thought Mother -of. --the ;wonderful: 'things
e -----lhattenefitssvery.,lat,..gooda,-,... - ,
- ..' much of you even' yen. $ttinum,. man, had learned that afternoOn.
. betty. ' .. ... thoughhe was as rude s a buffalo'
' Rerneving the jars from her basket
„ , But,theydid not,know you fully,
„. ' • ' e '
theY-wanted.a. h lc-- * 1.1-":- and 4to _the kitehen thelf she_placed-th rit
mighty type -written list, , I made ai wanted to• punish me for insulting
tour of the barges, beginning witItthe:,them they had the chance to send me
hindmost. There was a fine old stock; Off to the trenches. , No one could have
of deadly werip.ono=mostlY maehine-lobjected. • If they thotight me useless
guns and- some, field -pieces, and they. could have turned be ,,back to
thein: -„But -they treated nie'
enough shells to blow up the Gallipoli I Holland. , I could not have stepped
there, from thetbig14-ineh crurhps to , were a dangerous rnan; Whereas all
;wjAids digestIOS
heck._they..._foundLin.:-Petei--Pieriaar.rbeside_Ithesher„.1VIether4..LAvas.. just
a,1 .olealkies4h.e !e!th`r; 'Peter .1.W...es a fool, and if Tthere was., fillishr-'1g. Imine. late Y they b
soothes the throatanything to tab; sooner or later Peter; ,ticed the direct- contrast between the
. • .. _ would blab it:. ' Then they would' jars • of strawberries. ' Those that
stretch out a long arm and nip you ,. Mother had jusL, finished 'canning by.
short- wherever you •..were. Therefore, the_opezi-kettleanetliod-wers of a dark.
a good thing
Seated in
its Purity
red;.tending toward a brownish color• :
eye"• Alreedy Most of' the berries were
That sounds likely enough," I said. 'Bowan. top jar, while
"Itwas Cod's 'truth" ,said Peter ox
e rich syrup w k.
as at the bottom
'And when it wall clear t� me II.'
settled ,that niust .etcape. Partly ;,The,ones
because am a free:man and do% not:, from Nary' hadjust brought.bac
the ,canning Club were of,a flinch
like- to be ,iii2prison,: but mostly -be=ihrighter-Ted, retaining most o.f, their
Cause I Was not sure of myself.' Sem!' original hue, WithAlie: berries evenly
day My temper would go'again, and I; distributed through the syrup.
• rnight,eaY.....leoligh,thingt,:for-..whielt: was
Cornelis Would •stiffer. -Se itwas ,Motlier ethe failure Of her .,long;*
o veryl With-7nel n iff.h-er7 heartihit
:nted 'i
certain that:I Must escape. ;"' h•
•.."Nowr.eornelis,-.1 notieed pretty l'ebt, a ternoon s work. .0 .is pa. xi
goon that there were two kinds -among was somewhat ternpered by the pride
the prisOners.: There were .: the 'real,, in, her daughter's accomplishment .
• prisoners, mostly English, arid French,1 Mary, ; had thought you girl
,and•there were humbugs- Thelluni- were'going to yotir club' meeting, to
bugs .were treated apparently like the .play;,arid'Perhaps talk a little about
others; but not really, as I soon per- canning, but to have you come home
deived. There. wag one num Who. •
reeii-are -gelitlaAsn;.---:, I all. la all _al:: -"tir-a„,„
pe-Ssed as an English officer, another • 6., 'ID ten
as' a French Canadian, and the others noon s work surprises m . o me sert our thumb-nail•betWeen the , top
llaveyou called themselves' Russidris: None of hew, did it? How did you , make and the jar, ' the top was defective.,
•, .OR PORCH ^
add to our fund of knowledge, but I
have certainly learned a lesson from
my , daughter to -day. think it is
about time I woke myself up; jumped
.out of , the rut" and becaine. aware of
'what other . folks are doing around
A Garden Song.
. ,
Bare in this sequeSter'd close,
Mourn -the hyacInth,and rose,
Here beside the 'niodest stock ,
FlauntO the flaring hol:Lyhock;
Here,' without a pang, one seek
Ranks, conditiens and degrees.
All the sessobe. run their race ,
In :this quiet.. resting -Mace:,
Peach and apricot and eg •
Here. ripen and grow %big ; '
:Here is store and oyerpits-
More had not Alcinonsl
Here iii;alieys pool, end green,. .
For ahead the thrash, is seen::
Herealong the southern Wall'.
'<ceps the. bee festival;,
Ali •ils ejuiet elste--afar,'" • •
Sonade. Of telt 'and 'ttirinoil are.
Here be ,shadows : large and long;, ,
HPre be space e Meetrfor song:* ..
Grant, O garden;g9c1, that
New that node ,protane '
NOW! that niood aad,morrient Pleastt-
'Find. the fair rieridesi, "
, .
' Dobson.
• Water freezes •every night of the
yeafin Alto Crucero Bolivia while at
noonday the sun is hot enough to
blister the flesh. -.2_
The word "pharmacist," which is
of Prench,origin, seeins likely to sup-
plant in America thewcird "druggist"'
'and in England the term "chemist" as
applied to l'itirveyor of drugs
erican druggists think • the word
"drugs" has fallen into disfavor and
'is 'altogether too narrow:a word for
modern : ideas of medicine. British
chemists On the other hand are pro-
testing the right of the pharmacist' to
use the term "cheriiist" and propose
that pharmacists shall call themselves
by their own name hereafter. •,
' IS
• Tivo of 0 dozen
Delicious -- : Nourishini,
• Prepared ia a. minute'
Add. Milk, to the content's
of a package of INVINC-
IBLE Quick'Pndding.' Bei'
for a inizurte. Pour Ina
mould to cool .-and your
deffsert is ready.
At all Grocers
insist on .
• *bide McLARENS-LIM/TEp,
'Hamilton and, Winnipeg.
, 4364. ,Percale a; Pretty pattern
is here combined with white linene to
Make a 'pleasiitg version of a ,popular
style. This :is -a ,good model also for
gingham, darrinsk,•6r. crepe. -s
„ The pattern is cut in 4.Sizes:.
34-$6; 38:40; Large, 42,44;
sure. A Medium aike 'requires '4%
yards Of 32.-inehniaterialt-Forfac;ngs
and belt Of cOntratting Material "%
yard:36 inches wide isrequired.
•width• at the foot ;is '2 , yards.
Pattern marled to -any' address .on
receipt Of 15c 'in silver or stamps,' by
the Wilson , kubi:shing.CoinpanYk*7P
of2.2 the honest' men, susp,ected thein, but "these straWherties, look So i•edt T.haVe
OfliTWU,YOUT -they wereihere as spies:to hath plots canned strawberries for tiverity years,
izoes go for escape and get the paor devils but they never looked like hat. What
.! caught in the act, . and to worm ant :did you put them?"; -asked Mary's
confidences ".Whieh might be • of: ;Value. 'Mother. • ' • • -
That is the German„ notion • Of: goof; • "We did have a joilY Orne fogether,
.1 AM.. ko..L.A...,'Britistt_Sold4r.,_and:rwe' f otind-jt-i-lotS'inbre
2114 1
Shoe Polish
Sates You
M Ploy .
;:--,-Itnaw-that'artainght-rreirthere arecle-A:1;'tl-aw' Pn-t°111P -1)
ornt..6k0.//1474.6„ so 1 soon ..pieked.,v.pancl..:.talk: .We neVer....pUt4i thing in the
this genie. , It made. nie• very' anr„ berries tO-ihalce them red, thengh.. It
., but it'was.a. good thing for my p ait• tie way . you. ,do.,it,DQrs
• I made. my resolUtion. to escape th4.4„ekd the' 11.5rigtaes,,ter,d,..q,..fand afte5,
'day arrived , at ,• NeubUrg, . and., oil Wagyung and 'Theta; put thein
Chridtrnes,..baY;.4-400-ti,plan made!' n a:large-Pah With a-oup of.Otigat to
, "Peter, you're an old Marvel', DO' each quart Of berries ;and letthem
you mean to:Say you were aulte..eer'' 'stand over hight.
."'Wetite'a't" • - ' •
te -of' 'getting :.e•sitay,....Niheriater,_you.,:.......a:jit-§t• soon ar.s-Hvtr-e" o'ris"ko`i ther,
4,Qditd,(ibrtain, I:, we sterilized and tested the jars, rtib.,
have 'been Wicked -in lily time anti know hers' and tops. TheY were all Pitt. into' .
Something about the insideof prisons. boiling Water, ,for ten inimiteai and ,
You may build them like groat castles, then taken out, with, the ,funniett sets!. •
or they May .be -like a backVeler troth, sor-shaped iforles and left tOtdraiti`:,' We
only ,raad •and •Ccitrugated .iron, but .didn't dry !them aSre 'aiWty8 do, foV
there is always a key and a man who 'Miss BrOWn, our.. leader, • EtAta • their.,
keeps it, and that mall can 17,0 bested t e step'n .1,-
• t knew I, could get away, bat. did w°u ed then. oroe
knot 'think It WoUlci be so 'east That, germs that, .ight 'cause ,epoilpg'e
Was due to the 'bogus prisoner, s.irn y Wetild, be on the: towel arid woul,l'
friendo.the spioa, • ,'641-14 to the CAWS.
"Ti itido:great pals with then). On , "Theh 'We ietited all our jars.. 44d
.ChriAtinae night We were very' jolly tope"to see if they were perfeet, With,
,together. T think 1 spotted ever'y ono the sereW-top jars. we PlaCed. .the top'
on the jar Withent, the -rubber, -arid '
,sehled it tight. Than if wo Could in
Oh 'the CP11„ and C;N:R.
-where QueNycoUnts-
Eddyrn aches are
served topatrons
ASK roa snov.s MATclins
188UE No. 27--'23.
'of them' the, fi,rot.day: I hragged about;
: Millar/3'a Lintnent, tor. ougns
!Mix Keen's .1Auetard vvith water to the
consistenty eta -thick paste. Add Water
until,the desired thickness is obtained. ,
-it's milder flavor is desired mix With
!reshlyjor.: every *.
.0cie.ob/e? Actrg
AS//ent,eaSy working and o'dra,
bie pump that definitely rep/aees
the Wing type model
Pumps al/ kinds of Con
boo/raj/7e°' to prevent neezin,61
lasy tb,orimei and to repa/r
withhousehold tOok
(39.6*W; at 04T.
uti -kits11
"Lily White" cuts down the cost of
preservingkeeps the fine natural
,color and -fresh flavor of the berries
-and prevents "sugaring".
• For. -all your Preserving,
use half sugar ani half
"Lily White" Corn Syrup".
Alai! groets-,-in 2,5, and /0 lb. !Jim.
dlscoveries in the t�mb
lie Instrument cOnSisting of .4 num.
ber ine4t1 rode of various. lengtial
and thicknesses, To hear the .tinkle
of metal toOgnes, silent for 3,00c) years,.
;quickly. ,, Montreal ' has -recently, had ,
both :4 414Bic. week and festi•
val. 'I'he Music, Fes t,letir .at .
Torentoattracted,,public ',interest
rew days ago., the ',coining. festival 'of:
Music to • be hefd. in Leeds, England,**
was: announced, and it was net so long ,
a$0 that Australian, inu,sip papers car,
ried glowing accountecif a great Mesie'.
Week condected ' in that country,
,Traiy. the imPertenee. of music in oiir.
national life islieing•seen on,all•sides; •
The 'deal
press has been making
agood dearof protest- against the pre-
Uesal of the Polish 'Government. to re.. ,
Move the remains. of 'Chopin, from the.. '
Pere-LaChalse Cemetery Paige . to
, .
Wkrsti.w. Although, Poland -influenced
;Chopin's. music, yet. it wasin parts
where ,he lived , and worked,, that no
drew his greatest inspiratie.ns.". :His.
aleoCiatIons fa 'Franco were' made ia-
timate, for:the 'reason. that. his `fatiter„,
although an exile. Poland .and mar-
rled Polish wife, Was•Plreaeh.''
typewriter for Writing tloWn muslo
:has 'beea_invented by an '
clan, $ignor' ;Porten!, Who gave a de.' ,
monstriitiOn hisinvention. recently'
to a gathering of inualciatisAnri4onden.
The „thaehino is .all that ..1s req1.1.1rect,'
.Not'only can 'a .ceinpoSition. be written
'down as.with Oen and inki but the Use'',
of,a transfer' paper ; allows' of .many
CoPiee.behig Anacie•at-the same '
The machine its worked with. a ininia•
ture plenOkorte..keyboard. A, pointer.
is moved., from. note te.'nete7 and the
action secures '.a, .correct : positiObu •
the staVe. Transposition is eaSy;• arid.
the' types 'include the three elets'io-•
quired; It can., also, be nSed as an or.'
feliiiarY'.1YPewriter, thus inakingit:Pos-'
Bible te write in theiWordh'et,...the seine,
time.' as, the music .and also .to:. lasext
anYdirections Th.e. Cost; it ..".
ieetated,'Wt11 he rather less 'than. that..
"of .the,',.average tYpeVvrir: - • ••
Many'. citiors'--tiona !haVe been eSked •
about wood alcohO1.1, It Was notgener...:
. known how deadly
cue -concoction until 'theenfOrCetnent.
-p,rcihiblUog. to ' the many at
4.04: 'albonot for ,drinkIng ;parposes.
.1 -phice: . the. nurnerous deaths atitU.
cases of •blindnesS. reyulting have .stir.
red a very ,deePinterest the...Subject
Tho 13.8. •nationalobromittee for the
prevention �f blindness has is§ued iin-
"-piertant.-pamPhiets -Showing that,' the
--Ilattor"is''eyetr-more,:deadly ,
than Was supposed, ' that its•hatintui -
action may be mduced by breathing ;.
the mucous ,:nierrihraneS of the bOdy,-"
'thitsclearly'deinenstratiog that:, t is
'E-Vestiln cases not. reSulting fatally.• '
. , • .•
• thera is often total loss, of •vision. •
Wood alcohol used:in...this coun-
try is obtained ..chleilY froni the ie • •
wood;''bircli-beealr-iitenle: 'eft lc • " el "
andalder;heln.gg those most frequently
useth -The.•chiet-inses.tr>'wbich t. le
pu:t are for the denaturing' of •gralti al- :
oohal; for•varlaus purposes inlines of
eetnition • inantif:treture '
solvent in the proparatiOn 'ot's..hellac..
..VarniSh,:dyes;Setc,),,..as: 3p -ingredient,:
and MitirmaCeutical.', pre-
parations ;. in the 'clietnical
recent:years IlaiNyood
.,alcoholTbec.orne• se. dangerOus , to fife
and , Sight Pornierly. Itwith a emir,
;bed -smelling, .bati,tastl:tig fluid -whieh
aprocess Was. develeped.by wiiicli this
smell and taste ,..11 're'.. reinoved.
• Weed .alcohol; when purified ip this, ,
. „graand'insy thus ,be easily ,
Stibatlitited for -it by unscrupulouL 'per:
•Orio tensTioonfOi of wdod alcohol tak-
en internally is, suillelont, ttt cause te7
largerantrintity often
auses 1e.,1th. If you .'valhe your eye-
sight or your lite, never uSe Wood al -
'alcohol • for el/inking ptt rkses',z Pas• a
Aids knowledge on'if 'yeti wqtrld assist
:reducing -111e fatAl tl[isWcTh fire Cc-
' on ril ng fro in :tills cans '
el •1
The Test.
Trishinan' was !,iCting in ',front
-of )1 is boubre nulling a ,
, ,
It eV) leally pine. jIg._ s TOIL
rjigh ta igulch pun, and0.
at his pine, 1h en raw the:match*,
away and light tool her. .
7COnie 'in to flintier, i'it" said is
wife 'at,the. door. -•
ari!. Ot will in h
dy.,". said he, .hns boon. :Lenin'
' me that If Oi shinelted hit ay g1C,AAA,
Ofcud So":e the 'Al.itti4s 'on' the snit. 01
'don't -it -110W witother' P,toike's- been fool.
in' me et Whether )i'vegot hold tiv •
- the wrong kind of glass,"
There's a bettor Man behind an hon.
orable fM1uie than the, one. behind, a::