HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-07-12, Page 5,
,, • „‘„, , • T.... • ••• 1, •Vr•-•••
„ •
(3kv„ tioki 4.**
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• • • .4 4
• ...
. . .
"k"1"406.1a60441frass?*".0"641rAoletor-71wiftstri„I s VZOITIliet Pi1011111ITION
.Having iecent1y 1nove4,.. Into. the.,..„9.',,o.,rtiOrStine;,,,,'ie,'air.e.;:,
e. 1107•
•,• A 42..
) •
ecore; not only In tr1but in
lowlprites.considerig Value.. You cannot appreciate the
prices-Tin,tillOu• „compare our values. Call. and see the
-bargains 1receiveourbest
' Ladies! AttractIVApron..,0„resses, made of good-wearipg
; ,nlaterials;..selling for
. La lies' White Skirts, very neatly Made, only $1.29.
Vsts, regular 30c., for 18C:
NOTE. THIS BARGAIN ----Ladies Silk Hose in ;many-
different Shades, also drop -stitch, for 59c.
• (Only 8 Pair to a. Cu§torner) „ , '
Ladies' Cotton Hose,131%ck or White, 3 'Pair for 50c.
Men's Silk ° Sox, 49c. • • ` ..•
Men's Heavy Sox, a pair for 50c. •
Also Fine 'Sox, Black, 3 pair for 50c. .
Men's "Police" Braces; and also Fine Braces, at 39c:
Men's Fine Shirts, regular $2.25; for $1.69
Fine Raw Silk shirts at a very reasonable price. • •
Men's Working Shirts, good quality, for 98c., ,
. Men's Leather Label and PeabodOveralls, for $2.39',,„.
Men's Suits will be sold from $12 up. C:orne, ,and see
my stock of Suits. You will be well pleased.
Men's Raincoats; regular $18 and ..$20, for $10.95'
Children's R.ol-riprs, very neatly Made, for 39c.'
(Only 2 Dozen in Stock), -
Gingliams, Remnants and Prints in different. shades and
patterns, at per- yard 18c. .
, Towelling, at per yard 18c.
Lien Towelling, ati)er. 3C
Yard 2.
, . .
Any. merchandise not Mentioned in ,this Sale:. will be 1
Sold at 4 big r.agmetion.• - 'Remrn.l?e' the Corner .Store, .1
one door .' east:. of.the,. old, stand, .and.-100k.."1.9Ver; the •bar'-'
.gains. You will save :Money.'... , ., i-::'. - • , ,-::' .. ,,'.... - „: * -.'
.. . .
, , ..•
,',• ......,"', .. f4Iontr.eal" '3•Yitnb:,sii).*' .' • : ;
Rea.etiqh al-f4irtt prhibition .j.laa al -
way tle• same' eAtIse, .namely,, dis-..
...appointment .J.ti; .,'.i'tw,i4ilure .tO• 'ab011$11 '•'.
'th0 plague,' Whicy :naturally' W has'
. never .dOrie... Whatever- reniain§, at. the
:ray/44;41s is4Strelas,10,,,',/tuirran,-,retrifofeng -
rf::'14."?4'.'54,:' '1"*ti-'Arii5kle•'";'144:s4VIP.FAX.-L'',3i.NeSf-,*1,;,,,,
and to ,61f.slaild' its enfiieffielit-5"-then.
.E.n.•.denhai,n:5,e1,*iiii the, c:tuse. yif th'Q,'0,:,11
, Whi.ch beccitneS,„ the 'glove, „criminal.' by
being ,fol'i:ed to.,...lie.4..la*IeSS.; then 'to:
in.itnt.e,the bear, in the -,fable liy liiehd..-
. try?: tojt,a.y(s..only.itS little:•finger al.lovv-
d-,in., :If -.'Ontv:.It :be allOWed tisi''SUpply..
',people's. hattkral•aii(Hegitimatelyants;-
: it ...will-, be co me -Its:, pyrn .? riter,e .sts- ;OD,
to it' tilat thri: law ,i's en1PreecI.Avitliput
: r(4.ytil:O{ and'',. natu rallY - Wh (1.1 is nibie .
:•,, ...powQrt 0 1 , than ,..the ,1.,Itjuor .mt.erest it
.to aecomplish this great an(l.goodi
.en(r1., '...his' .oeess. :of ' reasoning lias,,
Of einirse„. al,,,aiy's ,heen ..goilygs . on all
.over thi$, csrintirent 'whOi•ever.rprQibir,
' ti,sii 'was in ciyotiop',..,until-...the 1.1,bitesi
.. si Aes,' haVing --had the.. follesst. e.Nneri.-..
.eliee 'of, :all sui.sh 1":1(),Ftlrun;is, found the'
, ol.ly, thing tq. do s.Was: to' bang the• cider'
ts', -ollil 'bert..it,. and"..1Ock. it:,......and 41 ou ble '
a' d treble.- 1,pek. it-lir:St:the. pr.9.111bi
't.i.)n ' amencinient., ',th(-..ni. the :',.Foyanes :
• a...t, then...a],„cOnlivinatoi-y *Act, in."eVery'.
, FS;ate.. That (Wile, the': N'N:hsc4....nisoeess
. 0.1. untioing.haq .t.o.'lbe -beg-up , ever a-.
, *s;ii'n While tbi.i tliirs'tY N,kn'e J.. s till thirs-
: t•., '."•",..The„ first' plare-bi 'di-so:edit...the
1: A.' Was'; , f. C.Oursi't 'New ::-Y-ork .city,'
,\5. th'it, 1)1.1.111(.111..S,.01' ''1.i111.,CCOTIM::19.10:Q.q.
i t 'I'L' ign,o l'ii, .and its 'clooliGili !V.?: '1\ 111
1, `' 411 ilcs il ' e1 ith1;.,i.lia.l'hQ. r5 r,s5:t w;-,i•S.W.is.:-,
'ts, •nsf n, 'the :horn c .. of • heels ' and bur-
- sb tra •rec e•--,',. •• Those, edulci at least' de
-!-(re 'in re'•:(•!t.ag•mnst•tlics.
. la iNT, .11,1•1.0.- iti'j. .o pe re at ;.' but :Ili ey ebuld
' n t di (.0' the ,1)ig'.1)Q11.;' UiffOrttinatcry
1.,...r Canada,., which ,,Wes :long in :the
lt'ad, hilts iittitude on prohibition; she -
v, as left, ant 0-f thh.i.tentrls,a6 naive -
15 -;,snts,-)\ e' ncted, ii,otc,asi•T•why :s'he 'has.
i'qss;11. ;6k.'1.1.1,,4.'11.i .i in the ' :ii,:..1.1.1 :Of Vile 5bitel;„ ,
•V,,•.0.-sh'.• 11; IS n.dv,-; tip -AO' the Medi: l'at'!6,6-.
,:ii,,•41c,ctio: t:4•6i1.6.,\•,: 1('.'s. "th ei,'',/ ' liiive „el•Ass6hore
, d, •It,itat. they itii .`nizinage .
• . 1
1 -
• . • .
B. BLITZSTEIN'S Dry Goods Store
• . . • „ • . • , •
Al' IS „A; I.)_0.:LLAlt, W,O. .1111117
, . •
•••••• '.•,-Vorty-th•ree•yea•rs g.o. at „was -.on.e „of .
'•• • the 'Wonkier* of the Winnipeg,5booni.
, that brieldayers were actually, letting
•Inom entr ' to , forty
:Things' it was tliouglit, mast, he Works-
., . • . •.
• ' toward. a '`sinash'•'' and the
:••• • • 'carne..in • slue course: • Forty years 'be'
: • wage...in. peneepast An dollars. 'Jen
..• •:• years ago' it -was .as' world s.: wonder
* • • 40Ia.r.s. a day. ,Now -We
e'rs in NewAr_virk.is_tudi4f 1.Ourt.41._
to eighteen' dollars it .day;:iinc.1-atiout
. a quarter of thein •
, . .
,bricklayers'' Wtto'eS are different '•fro'rn
'tho,se- of !lectors handS.,- as
•lirieklay.er :can .bet.
,%sor15.,=L4at :AT events,'" ut his ,
• Still, the, f-ures are startlifig,
wh'en '-stich developments occur.:„That.
was all right. half a ,ileien yeats. ago,
•„*Iien-;a11 :the -..inoSt active Men Were at
'the 'war 'and. "the...reSt,pf cilpablo men
'-were'Targely dritwn 01tfOZY,'1',F weilk.,
'I3'.11.t, 'since the .war the. cry -Of' distress.
, oSt ;heard has be eri 'from 'out 'of. s‘v
•that is another' explanation:. Unionism'
-:Citn-j. 46:
'weapon berng to ,withdraii. its Men
'from werlc When Ili9St needed,' and re-
. ' • '
to -day's
pace •;
, IF* Ek,
idday, is 'mea-
he can do in a
'•* given thneovithr •
the aid of moifern ecitiiphient.
." • '••••'.)..," • ."
• . • •
k- •
duce ,,the' onfptit. 'When =diS'Satisfied'
anal ine,S,.'the f ereeil ti on s • Lt lie
Priee to pa3.nfor":thedonces'SiiIni
, • . • . •
.ed s--StiW.ipo•i•Verfultas- the-Uni•c,IIS a ei
.ntver • been di:1(7a' to.Veti.1
to ignore tlie iinporions.law of .supply
• • , . . , . .
and -den-land,. Neither' 'can . unions ,r,
empley,erS; as•,,shoWn b4[141.'
vh.1611 tliotji,,h''those. ',col
bir ,a5,9,reed"-t-o retheTdentaifdki
".of ' the, 01111) 11, ‘51's,
,..prebably uiTdeit t1an eifnitrae,ts;'a ith
e n, es• t „, _the
'wages 4 and yore forceTtOsfn'eventytho •
greater. loss; Or aey were btiikling'ie,
e11, 00 the- 65.peetiition ".tha,t. tinsy
" •• ..• „
wOtild ,ba• -able piniss on, at it;:
(1 4.1 an d the: Men in ight-mdke..71'n
Ufa iv. event' they w onld be 'o �Lh1n 10
.1,naMilt,h.ough.;:the•';dcifiaria. 'would be
!argely,..duc to the -,'Se•rire Nsork.ect op
by. thet,presS that 'Many Wotild.„,,haeyc
to' go..,lunneless,..,,The, ..reetilar centrac.t-:'.
',1tors4spoke "'or !these.... a8 F1)00.11•8tiv4s.
net- r.t.",o
advaii,ee nioileyr,on s;ncli reticio.gs
the nks o,u Id iCt 411 ti hb,;.•
.urityi: It 0;0d -bushiest% -If
they' • did • it; tSU»t1cirt' the buildet.'s.`:
corithination;.114, Some, gics-itidit,e,' for the •
att•ths, implied,it waS ,the
'the rS(wialists.; ',v1t1ipt4'
trades used, cleinoininatthemseIve..S,
inY,sterieS,, implYing that „they' Were'
tv_40 Cli_n 'P.S.-•!#'01._.11 al.).nr4tic$1.)
to . them, tohg, 'aPpren.th'esliip...,a, riot_
eSSential to -of tlae: highly *pee--
.ntealii a.pro•;•
lotipd initiation into the tinibi,i.%
tiine tkigeney,•shoWeti, that' there Was .
jittle•or nosnlystory abotit,"sinue of the
c add beCoine•erriettln .a few, weeks.;
• ' ;
,he. Wants torittit, ffiiir 30
dances; he is nodan15er4tOday. ; '
bootingsgsers"fire S.aid to:, be'
. ,
' 'The motor car sets 'too -day's
,pace. afoot uare
badly handicapped.
Overcome this disadvantage. .
See us regcirding
' • . • . • .
• •
• . •••
„ • .
talilng•S 1x tt( andup to,pkitisiotic *Peo-
"to. proinute 1...13Q•elec.Coriite 'a de-.
. . . _ • .
se . fers b0t1 er' irgs.' has *Ohl-.
bo thy:, bi cn dicouisa gth.g. ,111 'Ca 11.6
:1 L has not 'bc.s,e.if-so:iii the
•.a.s,a whole, 40 .well hasit'woi"keLl• that.
' ,aW to ,se' dttteni'plae.
i(dly UjlOfl it 'llye4.1,Ufl1JSj 1:1 as'. been
A•urroiiM`o.,i;(1 ih annoy anee:frein,vith
but fiein .: Canada,: .',and
1.6 what 4W( ill hear a' binit*. 'And .
...edileA in k''',..anada'? • It • has.,:
'hes !•d (hie good j'Work.,(11
.us;it has,.'hadi.cryi-'7-"nce„,.
prOh'ibitiOn 10 in
.s.'8:0ric.ui..(hi.: is allewed
•i ted ‚It (.t in the ininlgltineht 01Ui ink
the „pth:son 01•;.bui:
11 lLI (1 It 4,6 a 6 oin el45.1i tt h"frirniii'aiTiiii,T
„be • t11es.S.1".ilijeet f. e%•-
.• •
tkimcn t-
44 • • . ' ' " ^
A. •
' A ' • •
..T.. .. . ; T .3•••••:.;:i 1.4,1 ...'
• .;
• -.5
„ • . , • - • • • • • ,
Here you wilU find the best of every' kind
fot4tirtiishing-The-New-liome - .
S=== •
Of, Carpet
To fit an'room in the
III' AIN.MA.TERIAt.S in, exid- '
, . less 'liaiietp..Madra's Map.; '
1 . .1.quisette,_ :Seriin, ..-;Ar,S-a:t.... •
I... eens, Bu-ngaloW, Nets, Dra,7.,:: .
1111 .perY 'Cloth.S. You'll, find:: ,
all these priced
, . I • • •
Congoleum," ••
, Oilcloths , •
Ytll'e Yarci' in
th Made. Large -stock and
pretty designs to select
Window Shades, Curtain
••• Poles and Rods, Drapery -
Pins, Curtain Rings, every-
' - thing needed tonew -home bright -a n -d
make . the I
cheery. Get our prices. II
This month we have a Sale
, -
in All Our
Sale Prices '
• Are Always
Low Prices
tottld -Not- 'Eat
-CoOkecl, Food
i‘gestive iv:A:hies ended by
. • -
Drego-••LLondon' Woman's' case typi-
of the benefits offered' by: this
, . , • • •
,splendid rentedy,' • •
James.: I'Veir---.6f..A73 •Grey S,t• ;
'With ,tlionSande 'of ni..en:
'a.r.ar-'v,' oinen, for there. are inan.y- whi jo. ' , • .
dtii. ..ee fl.gh.t..:;,,,7,9r]e..1"a, ble to'..s' 'save' t.1,7 , (1,r.iV,i.Tig
v 6 iitt`or., ''. romi,':one, .(..:„.1.r.11.t.112 ,T:a.tlhe%....el
":•.;;_n't-Pto in s.i=g,:s1C-.4--,--....i-s-9-5e ---,i,--,,---r-Y,.;-----s,s--s- zti's:Tets.'sthes-.-pluck.-ancl-presence ,,of,•-•nund..
' hb -''v ' 'high
; .. shed The neig , ois spoke el,y. ,, 7
'Co A Weakened.:cdndition Of the organs of the ti,,,,O,Riiohio, ..13,07s.- Air
ili.•!,,ught:ahs:mt...hy -persistent in lg. s .. .
loSs.:Will•be k heavy as:•all.the,trisnrance.
ti (in's' and: ConStiPati tn. '• I•eiriedY - these 7: 'h ''" '' a c sit'd. oe$1,00(1,-i5ni-the
ailmerifs: and Iffe' lvIcile 'body, it.'
action .of their tWo 'young. .sons...in:
getting otit the Stock,, their loss, would.
4,6 , been '.'Mueh,: more s serious; The
boys, who Were-in:the. house When the
struck,', had -just; been ,diitussing,
What: they:. would 7do if the barn-tboh.,
fire., Thej7 looked. tout Of. the door :and.
• savv :the building in..flames., and With-
O.,at, losing 'a, moments. time, they .get.
busy, ,They were.able to get the horses
and Calves out but ',two" young. pigs
• Werellburned.' A large eitowd of neigh -i
hors ,were seon• on •hand.- frein
around,, and -by: putting. up a.':vigoreus
barn 'ai-Cd $1,500 ton's the eontentS.
" t 13tit s •ifter all it a ..s,u11 in her,dase.-: • ' • .
tf1P? qui -mulch „ „
s the past :tize,year,,,..te.•stat,e:,.
' \S'eir have 'siatrerecl agonies „cause._
• 5 • .
onee- last, Wednesday' aftern,Oon, says' ,'..
•The...,*Idmay Gazette. He was
ing to town.: freur the Noecker:ville
;direction, \ hen t he big ' storm- was • „5
gathering, so he 11.!.,rriect to get under. , • •'..s.-„„
shelter In coining down froni
corner, the, dust as .So bad that :hit • .' • .
was unable to, see a. ,great distance -
ahead la the Car, and as his machine'
reached a point opposite John Devlin'S , .5
two children -ran ;adross-the road dir-
ectly in 'front of the. car. It Was•a case,
1,Cirere sguiek :and-...aetion was •
-necessary, atid Stanley ga e his car a • ,
st4idee'de4 in doing, , but the
,•Car-„upset and, turned turtle, smashing:. •• -
the top and 'fenders, and demo'llshingi "
the radiator.' Mr. Darling' was rather
shield, • but, after '•having his wounds
.,„ •
dressed, . felt: fairly comfortable, It
aS12.14en. ,!'°r ib(--;:th: St -4. 1
the cl11415,
- -
" .". '• t.
'that l.:ivotIld Sinother. ...Fin.- months I,.
II)y-$4130; •.••s's . ols•ked in. iVOU141 51,199t
:Th'013.4.2,11 491.1gi g agi•le4.40i1 l'hi-Ongh.'`,.M'y back. ,andacross.
• :lcsv.01.55'?•,'''': • • :' `'s• 'rite , -ant • .
' • ifict fail tio. 1).(2 0% to?1' a `-. s 'fisn't -.11.:157.
.s I ..fa tar, - to go i-ouncl 111.
qli 11 of d
-* I eouldn:t'slee
)•,, p and dizzy sih)ells
. no;s•sq, . • ovosyt ing
' ° ' • • hated at
" s • • ••`. ,• - • , fa0t, _that. h
.sels of'. a ear I•snalA , ye,; • it 4,-ne-ver
111. 11Lt.: paSs t.tt y8teni
1 'hall 11c)f)gtil 9i1g " 'attack itie. MY, ell
sg01.110 • . • .•
11 Iiiit-r
t •- . • d 00 • , •
' nly be, (.1,, • tw°
• .112t Jud. ' . • • . .• • „. . '
a in 1,..b.1).Tr:vcrzottics• a,t
'that ssmirteday-`,
)ec:uliar days., • • ., • . „of ,,D;rec 0 t,
get DIV
jx•(-1, rurd I. tal4e ' whatever \sylph
noto- 1)11(1 1iotk
s • s , t,1i„. no had af.ter, erff-r:-"1-ec s.. have ,n
brl‘ake:s $11;1;1 eb4.1•1:1 hr-ibjustgst`'fe1
• We'll,' 1)1?' 1x1('ts •refeslieti. My neighliors ev,en
I.expeetl to g5o clown111 Xisirrit.O'f s IC • "d
' • , , , , • lio* well s oo trig n
• 14.1 ad1%, .46 1 tell theni that Di eo has
• .';rsst,1.4.11t" sme 'these wollarous results',
41 I\11iti'
at vi v av'iil
tr ,
.opportttntty•---.- •• •
111111 . „hr,_:61,. • fl'V 1i1 Ire Tr,yttp‘a15.011.-:.if15,cola.ti„i:tr.--1111iwe5hSt•rni-ro1,si
9„ ..:
• • viving '
• • ,' ' - ' •
eneve,„ tr4. vet" 1. ' d
an.eentains. Inercurk,
st)7eat . . • , •.4. , , T
a. SC ;-,,,(;-,,,(-i0).i..cumbiliation of IN,at g
-2.11.r..I.L.SDai;ling, drover friat
-with a:painful arid expensive 'exPeri,
. •
• -
, . tit:7 ........ ....i.,_ 46 .......... ". ‘14,.. ... . .... .... .4 4 4 . .. . • .
.,..,....„, .:,...::.r . ., 4
' -
• -
. , -_, ---,.,.--.!.......---
- • • i
_...1 ' out of Kinca ine -
Pfa '. 3 hours on beautiful
Mon-day-Jitly 10 9...i.,,
• ' --, I.." ...
' • 4 '.ike.ituron....:
- iiir'eltutring .
.1 • • . ,
: 50 4 .
• • : '
Iferlik*IffilanaRliale* ' 4001000,011011611". - *4
Ati A • 1 ash Or "habit- forming drug's, it is
klrid 6r a ss4.i115.Wi'll 'knock nit's.
s •• • - • ". ,•• ' owri,"..rente(lib. for all ttliSorders of the
s -nfy-sfonet:, „ ` ,,,•• • • , ,"
' ' • • ' • .s''' - •
01 (.Oh, icatirey,, tiver"ana arm.
.15e,i..t..01..es..thettl to healthy 'action in art •
, ipige : natuisal 7 • •• -sss
:Will in Overland ,batter 'and. 111 Ilal 14reee is beinsneeiallY introduted
•• 1110.? , ' • ' .-:" I lit ateknt)w. I 1)t Spettee,,,
‘,111 bear dolisn and rob 11-115is sold 1):y 'a' tto.i.411filggiAt everywhere;
• .' . •
.. •
Old Age . , 4••., • ' ,
nalming ofi' cOuntedeie -triOneY 611 1 Or' a liinonsine „cinfin;
DritiSh kiiStillers,•o•Wcil are , eVr sent.s.to make 'peace, with
'eV& 41441141 1110' 'ofy. connterfert Whisk oy ‘".
ell there, , 1.11 Ft wrids of ,ft (10titor51 msliosfit'
• Jng aTorci
'Thes rreneli. say: N17,0 liasfe more gold* •auest.
WM NAYLOR' • Lucknovv.
4 ,
ra., •,••••4..
VT•:;a4 44. 1••
ttart. iS good for us, $till, We 11nVe
to he atilitted with something; we Itiltin inends, his lite. cussing' the
fes and worryabout the
.elon't kilo* but 'that we would 11 e el
teld as*swell asothythingi 1'1i,'fl.' Afl15Mt0fl,• .
' , •
(71.1.4208f4 FAIMtit,
While Mr.. awl Uts,
...1ee4Water,. Were. •at,:Walkerton pa'
•fune 11,15'on a :Visit 4i the' latter'
YolitSM r; and' Mrs., F.• Ritchie,. they
irlotI N'vb.tdi that: iheir .,ha;ri. had been.
strutk by iightbitg.. 0ft,roach1ng,hOm0
'by Motor; the Y fent& the heti .reduct
". •
ea to.. ttehs,. nut /or ,t1'.ta 4ouragoenfi.
" 7 ,
neowniss. •
.• .
--With-the Strongest -Tower guilt
, 41.
It's the "Toronto" Se1f3Oi1ing Windmill -requiring "Oil :only once
a year All gears operate In a bath of spectal oi affected by
. neither ;beat nor coid-every' ',bearing ana -
working part thoroughly.. and , automatically
lid. . "s . '
If yotaavest ,•!loionto" Windmrn now you -Can obtain •
-thii •self -oiling' feature by interchanging sthhead '
using yotir 'present *heel, -Most Torento•
too, can be made absoliitely sslf-replating rn operation.
The 55Toronto" Tower will stand fora lifetinie because
'is the heaviest,' strongest and best...braced one built for tu4.5
windmill. Sec* sew Mill note ----or get tny booklet •
MELVIN - REED, Ltickpow, • 0
..ike••••., A 14,
• 1