HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-07-05, Page 8114 r pecw a es a is week we offer 11,- 'To in t„ortflyp ecial ;lines in Grey. stripe `+ r 5' and .$4.QQ'• ureraad Greycerl•-oi s assorted 1Qr of' colors : and `;sizes, in whiteand white tri nmed with blue a rY 5 ILK OL -INE anel, at .50c. SOCKS in 3 colors, K COTTON HOSE, 25c. or'3• pr. fol :65c. Ire. ;e. Dresses fanc 'tri:m P ., . � , : Y ,, mEd,. new 'style, For ;$2. 9• • „ and .;Green Canton Crepe •Dress, extra fine is year's style,, regular' price$30'for:,18.50;' overal Aprons, regular $1.25 for 89c. • ,t. s', tai 1:' es s, assn, ed clearing lot at 25c. wo , lece Tweed S 1 s P,, :., u t, with 131oomer Pants, 10�,. 'er off :each suit sold on Friday, and Saturday; adies' Gin. ham Jumper . Dresses re ular P � �2.5 g � h e- middy Dresses, ' trimmed with blue,. sizes nears, regular .$4.50, to clear. at $2.69. e.-COtton 2.69: e -Cotton Ni g ht g owns Special' ;•o 10Is at Your Service 11 for Cash—we' Sell Cheaper Than The Credit. Stores uiremen 0.4 This , weather will : make you .think • of _ an ':Oil Sibve.: . We have the • New Perfection, "'Florence `Auttomatic' and .' the �:' Detroit ' Vapor. Anyone of ..•. Ahesewih gi a you first-class, service, 1�Tow .�is the time to . shut out the flies.., :. Our stock of.Screen . Doors and Screen Windows is com : 'fete, and the' rices:'are. reasonable Now is the time, 'to”-kee our I aw'n"in sha e, Nothing,�1ooks ,:so untidy as. an -ill -kept lawn., _ goes - nothing - looks neater; than :; a swell -kept .one: We , • i handle the.lVla&we;ll Mower. •� it -is an :easy' -running mower -and -will cut clean.:: Our''.Tinsho:., under ..the `:mans ement= of g • r• --So omoiz • is—at-your—service W r—rn- ke a pe -nal y7 of Eavetrou thin Furnace' Work and g g, ,Plulnlirig. Car of Cement in Stock. A Car ' of Lime and Plaster on ,the Wary W m. 1Viu jrd e; uccesSors"to='Y:uck110w"_ HardWare' par co ASH FIELD' NOTES Mr. and ..Mrs, Wni Shaw and child ren. who have been visiting with Mr, and Mrs Jack Henderson, of i ars „"`'.;trriiunti;: have:rettirrie2i 'tai Torbnb6".... `" .... Mr; Neil 114cKenZie„: of. Tarotito, spent : a feW day's visiting', With' lois brother, John N at'La ai lei'. ll'e carne up to, attend the fur c rs 'uf his late Sister.. Mrs'. D, R,;Macl'•rizie, of, Loc.: halsh The, ,Womeni's lris�titute :of Kintaft rt teliave> a Stralvlierry Festival at til+ F,,Mc Of Mr. and •Mrs. Rrod;' Mc - T, r $iotas.• 'on Thursday evening, ' rr-�r4T'rL-fir` deer navy, Fort Albert ,.and rturrouruling cdgntry+ A1ea' i*efreishm.nt booth, Ad ill i9A.Pbilt*1 1, 14.4.40,r ,.;<l'c,, • SUSPICIOUS CHARACTER A SU A nun her, 'and, little daughter were Walking on ihr • `rind aiid noticed g w��x �'iiim4._.�s••l;rined galy °sties i .flap n .i t, thy": khrec , .. Little p� � daughter :'says "Ma Mfr;: ,nisi trigs oi1e' those Bootleggers, t}ixt-papa ' 'ahr,i►t 2'+, BORN, McInnes—In Ashfield on Wednesday' - Juste 2't, tis, -11- `;14ni. : Mrs, Itobert 1. McInnes, a daughter, (Mary I!:iiza 's beth)' y, •,... _ t A :GOOD HORSE 'STORY • The, Midland': Argus tells this. one:' "A. strange thing happened in:'connec, tioit withRthe_-fire that :-:destroyed-the frame buildings behind the Finlayson block, ion' If ing street, early. • Monday • morning. -Dr; Burrows :had his Offices and'; living rooms on the:'seeond floor' rof ;'theM �nain� br�ililang -.over ,;the flour” and feed' store' up -tio which leads: a front 'stairway,as`' well as one 'to the; ••backyard;. When the fire broke out he .had; a horse that, he had :purchased s,dme time. ago:. -;from -Frank• Westoir; - housed in a Small ;lean-to •shed ,beside: -the, ,fef€rey bui1tjing and` ireertly •.across the -yard ,from the -Ones 'ort, fire: `,,Slipping dirwn the,, stairway:he liber- ated .the_animall so -that' it -might -have a chance; to escaPe if that Were pos- 'riblet the 'only avenue appearing to be, a'.dash for ;the'• lane past the' burning buildings. After.' letting 'the';.horse_ loose Burrows 'started' •back 'up., the' stair to make ':preparations, .to' move' ,hoist°—the ; frames_reacha _the --main building,, .and--to-rhis--amazement he. tcund. the • horse ; following hrm`n d i g; a a t .rnade its, way 'right up, the stairway r to e•ya back; kitchen where it remain ed in' safety until the fire was over,;' The problem of getting, the animal do*n ,the; .stair which was a ••fairly steep -one, appeared . a:'more--difficult ',Tie than' the' coining up: process, ani. Burrows thought •he !would .back the _beast down, and taking a firm hold' of rth-e ~lig t r -he Proceeded; biW t1ie' halter broke and. the animal. fell.•bacic-- wards down. ten or twelve steps to' the bottom without; receiving:any van se,-ereginJuxie_s,,=::A,fter:,;th'ati--Wlib,W..il1; say,a luorse hasn't got sense Meafordt'• Ont.,, ,June . 23r--Meaford 1ight'-}touse keeper' from '7876 to•'rgE3r cateels r r b d his ,ninety-third •birthday: here 'y esterday, . Mr, •.Sa'mtiel •Ditcher wail •born in England' and came to Cane:' ada s " an _ _ 4F• d settled !h'ere m� i873, s:tartea... sirs .'duties' -to 'lgok- after 'the looking, eaeen�' .light in ig,71i mics is still loook i g:afte>' thesame'p a des rte' his ;advanced ag e;. Itis 'wages started' then, at two huii. fired'and sixty•dollars a year and haNtt tc mrained' the iaame = ever since, Mr, Dutcher is still hale and happy, has been married. twiee and •• rai'seil rthi'•rteen"'•of a' family. •` �' Well, if he raised 12 of a tinnily en, hat $260 ,per year, hu should be pen: brined CO mitt appointed' advisor to }te provineial financial geesatatir QAC » oG, clkusEs' • gcIREi y 4Miidma ' 'Ga vette) 1Vr htie etni.ning, home by nroter on• Th.N Svnday evefrrng?fro' n1 K' itcher}er NV. 11'91:e they visited friendsi Mr; .and t'a, Jacob Y Ierrgott- of 4his'vilfage' net: with a# rather Serious acotdent, '`They t�ha�s,rel�,ex1 a,•„�q.�nt atlpui� hx�,trrtlge-�; .Rr�"t�+1i�,':�fr°1•» #�,� r� Z`¢t,tho., �tfiF1�,���..,�14;, treiah zs,qutitt�trax ow; ie iliey rel:"', big touring care w iuCli AilroaclielC al T a 'terrify rats .and kept.:right iii the ,middle of the travelled .no tion.:lpf the road,. To avoida colhs"n Mr, Hgxrgott. had tapir/this. Caroff the xoatlt.'etow the- sassy slop -on he tr ht Ju't is the big sacroirndea pa�st,theiear ends of 'the. Her1'go•tt•c u seemed .to •slide .down the slope •and iipsr,t Mr Herr gott•succeeded in getting our Froin the•, car, an i` escaped :serioy`s. inlui ,, al through he: received1r bad',:Cut in h'ls iez • 'bele*: the': knee; ' and- several •bod bruises; Mrs; Herrgott -receivedmore serious. injuries, having had, two. ribs fractured; and her. hods' badly uru.,Gdl The children,in the' rear seat.we •e .un ' injured. -Help •s'aon;arrived and the ca r was , turned' back on 'to' its •'wheels; again. Mr; ; and', Mrs. H,errgpti hado •their injuries attended to by. aDiay-' Dray- "!dbetor, aiterwhich they were able to • continue on' their journeYr oiito, Mrs, Herrgott is :still suffer ing ; con= siderably, but .is;,imprOving, satisfar,, torily, ON A` LONG .MOTOR. TRIP• (Huron':Expositor, Seaforthi.• ' Mr. and Mrs, Joseph' Teiitenburg of'. San`Francisco, -were the .guests, this week 'of Mr; and •Mrs.. Thos. Geary;,'at their home on Goderich Stiect, East;. .having made the '_en1 ire "trip by auto, Mr; Teutenburg is an. -officer: on San' Francisco police' fore, •enjoying" a five months' leave,.Of absence from:, his .duties; and his wi•fe "is a `niece .;:f Mrs;, Geary, and:•before •Herr r}iarirag:e. was ,Miss;Annie King, daughter, of the late Thos. King, for .many' years_: one 'of the mostrprominent i'esulenta' of Dublin and-viernity,•in theeaily da; s; They left -San Francisco on Apri1`1(i,.' taking: the "southernroute through•, California, ;..Arizona, '.MVIextco, Texas • Louisiana. to New Orleans, ?rem there they came through the Soiithern'Stat: es of Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee and north ".to New York City;• where: they' spent, •some ,time before corrin; ton to :Buffalo, from-. where the,,'. ci•os;s, ed' into ..Canada.: This was -Mrs 'Teut enburg's 'first' visit, to •'her, o1d home since her' girlhood., while•} er •liusbantl had never ,been in "C,anada before, :but: • :there' are a. number ,of.. relatives .and, many-friends-,-rof Mrs--Teutenburg's- family in • this: vicinity, and they- tho"r oughly enjoyed. their .two'weeks spent here, Mr: Teutenburg-says"that riiotoi ting across the eontinentis„not all,fGin,„; as the.:roads; or what are called, roads, especially' in•the Southern. States, 'ow- ing tto,the wet season, were in places . • :impassable, 'but the experience !vas 'well '•Worth, ;while :and ,they carne through without'any ..ear trouble what-;;. ever, aside from •a; few punctures 'ills also said that the:best ro'ad'encountei•- 'ed” on the entire trip, was after 'they crossed into Ganada 'at Niagara The ,visitors:left .VII Thursday for Be-' 17/7 Carelessness with: ci•garette,'. butts, : cigar ends, • matches,' pipe ashes, camp. fires; :,fry, smudges, railway locomotives, slash -burning', '..•operations=human carelessness of Some kind accounts for 'over 95"%... of the forest -fires in .Ontario. It •is,impossible to say how many"fires,•' along• railway lines.:are not- due to�':engine sparks, but to' the .thoughtless- smoker tossing away his cigarette or. cigar 'butt.. However, there is no doubt a fair" num- ber' of forest.'fres originate in'.this way, and such are preventable. Each dividual, . should realize his ' personal ti• responsibility":'to be.''careful' with ,fire in any form in northern On.tari;o. retts...taro' Tire-Ontario-fir_eranger is• at,the mercy of all types of.::caret sness;:and-cannot: prevent: fires starting, as a rule.. He can only attempt- to limit the consequences: Ile.is:entitled to. yourhelp and co -open.. • ation by being careful with .r!Kbt' a.1 7 rtrii l 'oiG";��'xr f ":".ifi't; '°Si,;. rte a; Ontario Forestry Branch. Parliament' • •Buildings -'• pronto;_Ontario • •••TH•E VALUE;'oF A:SMILE N:bbay ewer wilds -snip The value of a smile, We know :how ' muco: a dcila'e5 wortl. And how much is a nine,• Vl'e.know the,,distanie,:to the- run,,-, The size 'and weight of,: earth,' But no,one here -canis.. us just• m,uch-':a-,smile is-wortl> ready?''lick! And the picture is ,.yours to keep.: KOD Air , 6 }3 rovcrnies z.Op up,. We do odr own fin t ing-webiaw itesrsght. • Bring ,os" yciir filxn,s • • e s ►qtr �I o ey: -o- atAir da; - a- Selling;Neve-Gnghams, • in ! • s,t washing qualities, 25, ' 35': andA5e. ayard. plenda:d' values in . Ladies' . Summer' Underwear' 235 45• and 50c..•:,�m oze'n G i re eeveiess; yS peer i Pri .e rt sie �V.e.S RC1 ,.' '., � 1,. ; ; , •' � _. s an ti Na�v. 131u.e .Ser es 7�► . .• 2.:®0 2 .7 $, 5 5, $ and• $ a ' e Bathing' l Suits for e'en'. Women ' and h idhe See" the New Camps.` Crepe per„ya•1 d 2 p fr,