HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-07-05, Page 3'4, 41,
S� 18
-4 Foil ".111A
Q"Puld'of R .0
Pic ue W4 #04,
V. sia
7- up OW Vx LtTxm
N iro "" )a ' M -- 1�
m"04 aroll cpqbooi� iivith the,
and, Restorl6d fOrrect 111WI. in uprloprewnwlt! territory oxiiopty,, -ire& IA14
0ploplAtty Co.; A _erlioro, .9".
.. . . ......
M only is
t powerful -OT o'TanjAc,tre e 3
ow 'a 1110 stm not p4 A , �oni ;!qgw. Pare #r(?thers.*
olot time :Q -,or tit A
oyal' od my.stordatb trouble, 4_ut'it_built ;ne
-DIE felt.,
Jarto �of ;It
'k VY ;N
tv Ata
h _ t e
.. . . . ........ the
-a,Balkian empire. Arod to no,
ry 4.wpui,( 10� ry, le4i,"LftistIng and'
to, now forI;Y-apven.,' Twenty-, hd
we e "you don t U
sbittt4r tl�
e her Y�a QuI4,11e, turtling
41PO, 'of rs she, spent to
. ... ... awake 444 once qt4rldt Y.04 An't, Polo tip vimp
Manfif in' life of �.wbqi
W9keT fr.6 -ip eel -You, talk as'though--therewe
a oze joellili
i riting, plays; T IRPLAN4
V4PA,out tsmqthep thing t4tectuatte -with', ine,, wheibd
Opera, tur and t y
dolft*� m6ti "' Die, e ieces,., h,6-9.icture.. aeheg 'h
in- el assure, y.ou a �.4 n4 #0* 1
g : ma�r
n'of 2,500.' is d�,)o ',an- I to, en
a_ Iiiiee Hoe.: liou r. the-countryn-;�Ap a -4b. - ----- -M
ailivalawt.. seem. 0 Any oitt- litti-T
or & fill 1 roman n io lefC nosp.lits;
In., At
Itook a ir ena, t r d
a �'Vfce AP4 a. to., on, u
te'86 of 6rai en4s.,m6re,,
K g: Ferman �hn6asker Pa'k
-7 4EVerY day ut, y
,oil can., live in Bucharest for �orrA'� Of
otI...have ravep�� man
Self-kattsact 6n` a -one - 'of, t , 0
ea i ( . , ., �::, I . , -tend
I I 'E D
inontha'qt a time Without being, Awarp: ual, antl
li*1q'd*ift6nee;" qays-,-the writer; "In, -S, S11. IN SM
o�si,-49r,wq. on. '4ri'xitot 'Ta*
ge a my t Word every time."
one standing. up with the tately- we are� sattafled.wit
some It tibem If
Tanlac Is. for sale lby.all'good drug cao% sleep- like a too�ev
-man di f I �? 4 1, .1
lk , ti ',uottf " 11, ' Igo t' , , ' tion , n a peo le. nqtided.,there Was a tru' 01 % lite
ggle t ' iinprove things Nybe boa
arie,, few people, outside the RUL everybotly wao sattstlied with
a,, Accept- no substitute. Over '87,
It thi.ngs., an �tliey iir$, wit.h. oqr-' 1
..oaIll1oo_bQttI69 Id.
'the -4nd ou r 4 SIR- - A-RTHTU_ �6t- H R& yes
antan Courtknew/tliat the Ddot er 44
of uR EYE,
B�alli;ans did,, not rule alprie, And,
odbe sure of Itt". ,es s.
even d6w the
would b6 at a standstill. A noble Tanlao.,Vegetable pills ar6, nature's, '.,Chicaxo.forEviCareltook
TURNS FROM AFROCA. Riplorntic Tri disconten is 'proiresq-,�, better- own. remedy for conatipAtign Fo
umphs. acco It qem
-it, *otodif ihb' liks, helite g-reat
4040 - � sal�, ex0r,yxiiere..
triumphs. It must be remembered, that 1 ment'a�ll along, the, 111ne., It has
A new kind of -field ass picka"out
given,d8-,, ourIgIrciat ' scientists,
Y,..won her victorles.,aldne, s, e Biritiih Scientist Quit$ Gorilla's 9.
-31clans, �, artists, khak Y.
le, elp �has had ilit from her-hirall'alrd a i7eiad figures As easily as if the
'L8 T1 KS rchce.&s, and urns to thib Study, d' 'red. The'lenses Ittractive,
she ha:s
It iclans, mer- were. reised in bright,
and: less from her minliltr ,,Alone; poets, authors, ph,,r isinieg
y chants, exploiren�,, railroad, build-' o. r di orange lFor maii with all round weekly,
-the' spaper exPe lettVe An
men and. green light an'& make 9 DPW
ers, teachers,. all.'the,great,
personall n. �p a
ammig.016''niquitrells'of. Europe:ahe of Mankind d' the, blond.' 'f
a n c ag, Le' -in d:e,o;r. -half dier'p. figure a ply pox 2�, W1180*
d -'t40
y dl�ectd the f�
It the. or $500. AP
nd womed. who..have. a u We. do,'uot use oitr brains,.- to ta�d out shar,andleaf.
her, Government and,. perhaps
Pubils Ing Ltd- 73 Adelaide,
their Capacfty,,-;sa a Sir, Arthur Keith
tclvilizAtion what it Is today--.--�
:only Mi i rob tn
0. S.. Marden' Br The atirentide Co., Ltd o. reet West..
--tish,BC16 tist, who:has �nst return Mere, P.Q.; ha�e -jab�ut, 20,000;000
L st
Urope Ily Affects' Ili, any
ed to Lon L616ri'jungS,
marked: degree, government p9li-,
cles, 6f nut , tons.. 'Ion from the white spruce seedlin- 6 d"' -trana..
"Wh ' ere 1le; made" d� Minute -study. Of��t 16 plants in 'heir nursery..
r ago-,
y & set. e4 cif� brilliant, Mar I iname
s and'The*ir 0 gm
brains otgortilas-tind gibbons
GIRISIND,'NOMEN. fl. she has, laid the fodzillation' -for w
ofus,li saYa Sir Arthur: "have I Obedience a:Chlristlan viritie: Nflmrd' 0 oxild be. 'in eYA7 stable4.-
vast Balkan: emptre-7-larger than 1 FERDINAND ME
Ali Ish Qu
t 'to �B 3 aid pridsoo W
is in, no sense &1umiliation op Ickly heala Cut
r�ance 'and as large as Mglhh L_�RELD-ly—ANA M, I U.M. ore btlitins than, wd known
-Y-arl.a�lo��s--=-�-Fernon,-Fernzindoi�y-Cr-, -Varlatlofts�--M�idows; up -re. ---
yet remains an unmarfied king in the
ropologist said thdt
non. French- Th fan
"Uilkans,- BoLris,. of Bulgaria, Stam- oo6l� Spanish., Rapiat Drigin-Eng also nous anth, It
Racl, 'I, went'�&'sea Ri�ioiirteen wit 150
easgnt - Premier, mqde, Rich,- R loold'NeLided to' Rem ..,changdsjarb now td%itig place., w the
b I , source 2A. !jyen inarne Source-kliica'l ed B A the of '�he,,Prodigal So'n,
t 11 u fii P -n w -b rl d in ia�ldl,�- thdrl at aj�y n.,
VisitAo.Buchaiest at Queen Marte's
Thl�, ls� A" fdMilyL name -which cmes It is the'vitirlation Of AT'eadows In this ;store,,T46r: He,alth. but th�t the ti�M�L` has Admiral -Sir Gu Gailnit�
I - L fo�rnier perlod !Wbiieh, of.these Is free?, he
for 5u� of.family'.' V; is not yet,�co me for the prbduction of
asked.-,hor, 'r boln'ting,lo..eAdh of 'toL ILI$ the most phrt t1frough thq. gn naines-which,gi esAl I ds of grow lig
There ar6' th6usan. KING OFFA
Ito: r g -; I i , L.. . . I . I I I ',
r c g I irls and- women held in t the War; h6'exi' -hie,, and
Rilniaiiiah he Harniless, vureli veget
Being pan" isypermon., Du'rl-ng
p Ili the S i�h but which - traces, back,. to the' c ue thle 6 1 in.
f. Children's 'Pegulaior, liorniallL
'Teutonic speech, to on. e4ry Ishel.
A4�lent 'Gothid Or'L Thes names ere o course, origin- f pIa.1ncJa,.:the average stalure: for a ma
told' that the clitld,�Ileana, wa I 1 1. L .
0 16CA],tleA
ble, -that race. of whlch�, aratixely� c utches 6 anaemia;'SowlY qt!3W61�Y Guarant I eed nqfi�nnrCQtiC;) n6n
L6 remarked tn typical, so collip y� d-escrippve in ij '. - L. pallc if was: five. et s - Inches, the. same as
deAtb.ly ;e setti6s on the
-day, des It It e f In
do: little'tis'known. to o �h act whichi their rit 6ea�ei�'s� lived and It e i th pdriod. The av
chee;s their, eyps grow d.pll; t VhS.VnNSLOW3 SYRUP
rL part -ot k I a 1plarts' and Children's Resuldu
leadiii ' pr'fesSVdh f II.V I
r. my d -t C'kid . g 0
overran the grea for men
that it'! -��erei, of local riatdre.. a
tong�' AteiJ langld. their appetite '41 es, a bealthi and -ir�
ther -Zee
-stipation and- other. trouble if
so it is.-'8afe' to say A,,Elfrbile and*Vag responsib . le n" the days when p6pti lations �'D-klly. they are' t 6ight4neh from colic. diarkhoea, gatuleni�y,
of.. the royal matdlii�takdr Is in, �i larg a-ys-he-_iiI.,_'Con_v_Ificod_
Igh't. iply'sd qui ck)X�: tlia�,.th ere. were: t-rig—lifn—ess.
gi cuiraf g tirne.
wo, -for It e a -backaelfes -follow, _,nq life lat* cortitih, ehar�c'toriitic�,, Wh"Ich. 'are S fe.pleaddirtt-al aYibriniar&
years� -nos a d, a6h, a' nd�
hey, enijAre. Ao go rodn'' ifot" - . . . I I be
6 geat-R-o ni n- — It
n- thr0ej porhaps-t "to mu J otigh given ni
Little js"krio�wn, of, this,race,.- not be of,6 xi�kable and gia
yo.,iing* when. ttAg he�ce- tbes first"xestilt was tbie seems io, ie 'Worth' li'vi' e�slly.' r4C6gnI:zed- fn tfie� i�idlds
marry �,Chefii t AZI
sary It v enipfre-'Marie o,f. Ru- blood Is not�. �,ied,omnatin 'g' �oj It is, kind larg proportion. of our modern p6pu- tAZV
nam atlofis thrAuigh It n Cases. of '.D uggista
'"tic a' r'l at;Vls� needed I'
- to -day lal ion, are,orrecent d
o li'le. given e� Into v
n.any 'CoUn,trie� commonly edb d
a' maril fact,,if the addititin cif diminutive eridings� and is:fiew,fich blood which will, ring'
I. the use of, no] name L si I ' 3ut e human body, lie-
ueen:-of"the Balka's." cimsed-As "Latin,":but. simply because k ven 6is back t� weak; ailing &Id:,and wo pjastio. onQ
Q -up-OW -pomp etion of its cqnquest_It-re-- in the
every ay th rfect mA;. In w. lCh
I'I . glibekti. of pe said;Is tbat itrid�er' tho�`gu h
aa:,, ndt% enough,,, one[ n 'd e, Chaim and -br
6C e of
obtain this new,�rich H
eeth'L'are. tdoted and" it Is. her(o
qnizeM4 th-6 valu the superior., blood the t" Mrs.� H(Aiberg. Tell qw_
OwSame-Lahtil for 966 ni4n fb�nd., It, nebe�sary' to In- To
n and1iinguaige of.the:Roman Lydia,E.Pii -le
civilizatto try try Dr., W nPl';Their :tlidt the Most,'markq& Chang r as. are to.
ears dicilite-which, John- or Th6irias br, Ha .6 rikham"iVejetab
tthe Poublan family, most. part a bowever, d
Thi�-. 8t0ry4 on 66 N'A tit 6 s,, Helped
aiid, adopted, them -for th.6 :1.they. won roferring'.tii'. This"they action is di�eietly: blood,; 'they be no.te;11,* , Compoi iu�n
C a'!Ige I jn' u rn,
by- some 'reference to parentage or supply, the, e emen
I ts nece6sary to ffi�ke h nad4d
C -3 p
'Frenchi fin the, extrROr- t it'KiCil And ro-d_and. in . this way 'they'
rs, who haveit tura y no adopted ta the t : ..bl"
wer' lie a etbe'man-IJVeff,'or.to,1As:tr "rli,quite e ci�n't. of. the p4 ple
t Viking;
bring -back th Ith to thp Ahls'boo'�-,!!, o' tin.u6d Sir Art ro
oe 1623, As to . Id n It a'gIven.nArn Ifari Y, c n in the, time �w
''I eel�
tn a, s tea d of,sprea ing outward
farm, sine fi� Amerl- �h'e Goth' Itail' brigI ness,- to "d k�t such'sick f`
e heeks;' 15, years old I ox]i1d it di s.
a omen
a d'Ragifer, Thus streh'' narhqs as "Tom.'afte lrlg�..iii the -lower part of my d
Ag . tilturist by Barnh r thc meaning bf'iOlch was,
I � energy. , to,,. the stdP. 'In the roof of the mofith�a boninths,' or "G� ss., an dinary record.' of, livi WO 'sdm-e �qxte'nt as!speecli_
Ing' on the :sa ,or some Personal pcti glow 61.hea
M d" Voln.,at, t 'd b'
Can r!6' R 0'L"f1MP"[
n g
.:now Ili: France, 'who jaw the piesent "adventuring life or, I other. '*dTds,, ea' he M f6116Wd1by Cramps atid-vomidnigi' Th' !Sp:�
the Meadow), tn pt melfegin riiywokk (1 -help my par-
(qie�rala o
day represen ative Of'L the. family. Co., Cas,' -I usua had ;two
u an -7 of Luegarrier, 'db-, ng.:-. Possi y it,
Laca a ainldh Goths, a" 0: 9 �Vouj Pills ma'J., Johnston, R.R. tie e s 0 e Y.,
nd, iikh. in li� is Miss Em
61, with th the Palat6'.a`,n&rrpw. t tb d Or At,
C raf6d'b' xistene C
f- r , "L A. ong pre Istoric races,,
In, th' urso,of Vine the gld.de Mead" �OsL e who hay.e,Lf6uad be�efit T6w. vault,. tis I n.., no
urage�ll f__Dr_W_IIIjimSL_M , 'y
pas -s"10 It Of e JA
0 y the Minister have 13�6n nioi§t'-polouliii, 'at Q man,
Ko. n e Is
bearing It, and s son e.
Ragner kribwn' Ad
�oiit�racted'paldte.3-4 er' times I woIiild ha e to 'walk, the floor.�.
of!Ag�lcplture� 0. who. iayw: � ; go:td'bed for th
'I . " n'thes
of the Frehobi d thi6o I lto "]�ier-
. o ,nor I t tern. Ggoffrey the I m other- e
mont Among, thd Inor 4t,was"with', dIfficulty '.o�r a re crowded;
'S' the Aelieve wo A d's'. a' Led oi by so. e`., q n -od suffd a friend in�.';'
�UiIlic. Mr. �1,,In 'FeriiArr, .an 19211 fel't weak'-andxer� no 140,ri redin,,this--Way�until
to niuph--'iun-do'� ri.: - ger room for th fiortral.nmber It6hed:'and B-r 6&'1
do.' W - 61 i duced,nI6 6,try�'Lydik�-E. Pinkhanils'
ritim." -But If the.famlly- continued to app
ongs t a. als-tine- e— 'bythe'�mdadici ng
6ompotilid.'� ",had
�L_�jcixltlq�al_'endulranc.* d ra,flegls'
1. 1 1 P I � - - 1� � Me t laiiii-nifff Vel giV n, names have y am e
A&FOML these. I had' headaches, was.'ver y'pal�e�,.7aii-i-d-ia: 4r, ar�
My fa6e was affectedWithpiMples ng'the V6getab
tion.of having, lived in thoi.�a sooner or, later thb' bxprem§,ion re,.a ent a together.
me 'h'611se deviope4 t4!2�fqregoing family names, ommendi le,Coffipound,ttio:�,�
-t constantly tiked. In our,'Iocal "Tbe
:,ioll foir� .. 'pe litch - Pat- . !i -Mead!" -would - Come, to-. a6i te of theeeth gtve�'the for about three. years. -'They, friends. I..du
lilled -the same a, rlod'.of by. w ------ gnate-'the�,pabb OF. friL' '' ha- ,._ , my rely-arri glad''I trierl
ntho:'nattiral'pir"ess T-ralf. a6zi ss -ib stimbintal7' t aii 'ch b 'd and'red, and festered a.A-iffeiiMt por8oft.b
�O moder -n6 ar anLun ue.prom
999 ��Y'earii Writes Mr., Ragner. 'LL family and nDtLai Mere hidivIduaimem.' 'L, 7
entagg was,4 first, indicated, "With t4e� a' lady.' who'told of. -the bi�neflt 'she; h 'and scalid over. The that I, don "t have these troubles. M nence; e,,t
e bere'di-, Idols— jriod.Orn
:C ange; a to' f
"Tht n't,.,but t :broaden tion te. -had" from us n,g Dr. Will '�iAHOL �.Egia,'Box 9.3)Viking
Lt.,io6ki; Ifio a mispirl ing� of appli6a ber.of It., and:sd wbuld b.ee,� Pink h" a ;I 7a.rd itch ODE Al"
tary'ind. f .-thb -production o plep ed and' bunied M Owe gene- Letters like tbidestablish the'roeritk
causing me o scratch dnd
Isn't,* for the, taint y has docurd6fits, of a n __ thent- a. ibng andnarrow -faces. The �adendld'!
Include, a specific fault Pill', ,and I.dedi ed to give,
-authentic! _,�;unddub 1-kild, -face; w b.-wh la ic Iff
=itate -4betii,"and -1 -lost -.�
f ich in "d nten,. 9
-back I -a Paub The lia 'of: Dup .1 had' pany,a nig It leep -tell of elief fromsuclxl�l
1023 Ian owned. and p6lolig -in! this %oup, but I me Ili- me ply the :the:b46tter,- afid�,by�Ib6 finie'� , re ami iar tit ;modern' Yound'. They t he' r
a so ''of th -IffJitation'.,'
qu'ivalent'o'f "the eS and alinfentsafter takingit-
ch eilink-utt.French e. gh "of ,taken five, box _foft like new perm eb account eL
_w_a nown-�in.�p.rehAs-tQr-tc-iinlp a-tir
omestea ernan. ia� .
Fei or sonc. Th6 e worn, ou d Oint' --C
d _�e went for Cli
'!'JoAn', of I'd go 'about MY,.. fied-SaMpleWhIC
fictia Soap all
-Are chastid the British In vanis4ed 'And cou mentroddentf6fa o h' a e romnativeroo6irid:bcrbs,- h
-but t Ith-. bid e ful drugs he
-vader--frord h -i a no na'cotic'oi,1ar.m
the soil �f France', pe me so purc use mare, arid 0
a t
—Fib n pl�o -w-ed- IxeIr_fLe1ds.L"_.1ohn:_ -out-iny-�& I- _1 ema n - rin after"iising46idr akes of7SUii.-iqIth-,
-THAN, ------- u
most suce U re r. female illa
Calvid wrote 'bils'lDstltutes and. stimil.', ft)y �of BQoZ;' on the Coinimebti.1 *as h64led.* " (signed),
speak,to b Pink
_C10Ae_*ttkAq_*Istfu1 eye;the o or In this c.untry,-, 9ndA 6iis:ands,bf voil-
Luth; -anytin
lated,the, feformati n started nd�whieu-Iffi-eet e -1-DOG�DISEA-SE& L Miss Martha T.heus6b. R.'2.,Box.46
0 Once a!,MGtI ()wn That -.oppnh Ao, your chirdfsh bRnd`.uCi sti 'ohials kdVe-this4e
It. the Poublans sow-, 4nd.-run-down'T strongiY'*�"wdvLig'e-,tll-e'ibr. Feed- -
or And ZwIngil;.bu her'-flas used -Babips Vining,. Minn.
the r whea t. - Christopher Colum-: Ta or her little. 0 s e more. ent-a I n Ve YOU Oil t t At'L vdia inkligm
b. give, t ese pills : rial."
,�N -Author
h dress by the e P 'YOU,
Mailed Free to an�.. Adj 'Git Cuticurn Soap, Olotr I n
blets, n64'h would
t e worldt! gain.0t,tos, �getablo q uh will, h I
A t "else. 'The -Tablets give 86f�re'you Is' 0 � , I . ThIciim', the tdre of,y qr skin.�: t1j& .
ia Ew Finkhain�-Mc;dl—
VatL such res,l er' as o.conquel 4th Str
ulta a e It 129, West 2
'T' orMall'Addei-tymans,Llia,
4 i , . medictile deal.er�or by.Mai at 5 centii York. U.S aL raid at., W., montr ;choose:.: .A Red, asi 'Ian elite Co., Cobourg,' Ontario, fo� M
a h ed% their Jean Sold everva
Moth ay wbere. SoaP h. Talcum 26c�
evoiu-11 , but wbrds of praise anil'th'anfS
Ja6qu&'Roussead preacted-�his-r ng__ b'di :from T r. L 1 26c. Ointrumit ?Z and 6 Piftkham'a.'.pflv4te text -book and leArni.,..
of ujiic' Soaspahat th
ousaijUs -day Is the kreat day -04 MOF C ura 21� Wilrquir-
tionary do:ct Among -the' tif, YOU to kville,,.Ont.,
r ties, the'French' Revolu- noss.; opralse the turn
throughout Canada wlt
ean,.Boriaparte, 'like era 0 Ito tio sole, gapol ' 1, 1 1 'Llf's. -broader Mrs.,, Daid, A.-Ander0on, eson: from a. on:
Lond ig-Be el
Now w, V.S., o Writes: - 1 learn; 7
Hance, flashed adr,o'es., the Eur,o C ea R1.1
*�6rk be. ofAccuracr.�,
-have use&,Baby's 0*n, Tab y 'To Death a�.storiner t che?s,
Iets for nl�
y, but the Foubhins, gerene][y, loya g_
an ::I -t6
lyp V I -would-- td -tlib Time�4a--harshex-
�ugj6j�,Lwhlciv the. thrift,of ancestors . 14
b44iteathed-1he rers,
ofthe Tablets-Ini tbelidd9io.""! Th -674b- fh,6,`Wbrld,: 'Thla� tatemehit'U"bas"e"
t" -ft" . . -6---_
which. -6's Poiiblkn who.
a thorough lax v t t at ig en re ved the
ati Put, by your b ok-
-bequ-eated- the �6_
began :thd famllyreklsto�r rd:.�Lmild -hilt 'WeIV __ o . L . I tflie iA
9� ru
tfie "whic _Yet d —on o t _q__uIre 16i;g4t7' I
h reguiate, and � sweet- bon: wireless,tl a
to,'h;s holm Is In depart' e 8 Ign om re�iiZ
ment n . I
dtive'.out eonstfpg- ays,of Wich on'293 days ast V64r,,64.
eh'the'.stoma6h; Axid beauty intlikeM, the short d d.its 'tr
ii� Basses Pyrenees rear the Spanish rea un co
�IA - -C%-4 � -liadi0e9tion b k " L' Ida' vouth
'4, 41,
S� 18
-4 Foil ".111A
Q"Puld'of R .0
Pic ue W4 #04,
V. sia
7- up OW Vx LtTxm
N iro "" )a ' M -- 1�
m"04 aroll cpqbooi� iivith the,
and, Restorl6d fOrrect 111WI. in uprloprewnwlt! territory oxiiopty,, -ire& IA14
0ploplAtty Co.; A _erlioro, .9".
.. . . ......
M only is
t powerful -OT o'TanjAc,tre e 3
ow 'a 1110 stm not p4 A , �oni ;!qgw. Pare #r(?thers.*
olot time :Q -,or tit A
oyal' od my.stordatb trouble, 4_ut'it_built ;ne
-DIE felt.,
Jarto �of ;It
'k VY ;N
tv Ata
h _ t e
.. . . . ........ the
-a,Balkian empire. Arod to no,
ry 4.wpui,( 10� ry, le4i,"LftistIng and'
to, now forI;Y-apven.,' Twenty-, hd
we e "you don t U
sbittt4r tl�
e her Y�a QuI4,11e, turtling
41PO, 'of rs she, spent to
. ... ... awake 444 once qt4rldt Y.04 An't, Polo tip vimp
Manfif in' life of �.wbqi
W9keT fr.6 -ip eel -You, talk as'though--therewe
a oze joellili
i riting, plays; T IRPLAN4
V4PA,out tsmqthep thing t4tectuatte -with', ine,, wheibd
Opera, tur and t y
dolft*� m6ti "' Die, e ieces,., h,6-9.icture.. aeheg 'h
in- el assure, y.ou a �.4 n4 #0* 1
g : ma�r
n'of 2,500.' is d�,)o ',an- I to, en
a_ Iiiiee Hoe.: liou r. the-countryn-;�Ap a -4b. - ----- -M
ailivalawt.. seem. 0 Any oitt- litti-T
or & fill 1 roman n io lefC nosp.lits;
In., At
Itook a ir ena, t r d
a �'Vfce AP4 a. to., on, u
te'86 of 6rai en4s.,m6re,,
K g: Ferman �hn6asker Pa'k
-7 4EVerY day ut, y
,oil can., live in Bucharest for �orrA'� Of
otI...have ravep�� man
Self-kattsact 6n` a -one - 'of, t , 0
ea i ( . , ., �::, I . , -tend
I I 'E D
inontha'qt a time Without being, Awarp: ual, antl
li*1q'd*ift6nee;" qays-,-the writer; "In, -S, S11. IN SM
o�si,-49r,wq. on. '4ri'xitot 'Ta*
ge a my t Word every time."
one standing. up with the tately- we are� sattafled.wit
some It tibem If
Tanlac Is. for sale lby.all'good drug cao% sleep- like a too�ev
-man di f I �? 4 1, .1
lk , ti ',uottf " 11, ' Igo t' , , ' tion , n a peo le. nqtided.,there Was a tru' 01 % lite
ggle t ' iinprove things Nybe boa
arie,, few people, outside the RUL everybotly wao sattstlied with
a,, Accept- no substitute. Over '87,
It thi.ngs., an �tliey iir$, wit.h. oqr-' 1
..oaIll1oo_bQttI69 Id.
'the -4nd ou r 4 SIR- - A-RTHTU_ �6t- H R& yes
antan Courtknew/tliat the Ddot er 44
of uR EYE,
B�alli;ans did,, not rule alprie, And,
odbe sure of Itt". ,es s.
even d6w the
would b6 at a standstill. A noble Tanlao.,Vegetable pills ar6, nature's, '.,Chicaxo.forEviCareltook
TURNS FROM AFROCA. Riplorntic Tri disconten is 'proiresq-,�, better- own. remedy for conatipAtign Fo
umphs. acco It qem
-it, *otodif ihb' liks, helite g-reat
4040 - � sal�, ex0r,yxiiere..
triumphs. It must be remembered, that 1 ment'a�ll along, the, 111ne., It has
A new kind of -field ass picka"out
given,d8-,, ourIgIrciat ' scientists,
Y,..won her victorles.,aldne, s, e Biritiih Scientist Quit$ Gorilla's 9.
-31clans, �, artists, khak Y.
le, elp �has had ilit from her-hirall'alrd a i7eiad figures As easily as if the
'L8 T1 KS rchce.&s, and urns to thib Study, d' 'red. The'lenses Ittractive,
she ha:s
It iclans, mer- were. reised in bright,
and: less from her minliltr ,,Alone; poets, authors, ph,,r isinieg
y chants, exploiren�,, railroad, build-' o. r di orange lFor maii with all round weekly,
-the' spaper exPe lettVe An
men and. green light an'& make 9 DPW
ers, teachers,. all.'the,great,
personall n. �p a
ammig.016''niquitrells'of. Europe:ahe of Mankind d' the, blond.' 'f
a n c ag, Le' -in d:e,o;r. -half dier'p. figure a ply pox 2�, W1180*
d -'t40
y dl�ectd the f�
It the. or $500. AP
nd womed. who..have. a u We. do,'uot use oitr brains,.- to ta�d out shar,andleaf.
her, Government and,. perhaps
Pubils Ing Ltd- 73 Adelaide,
their Capacfty,,-;sa a Sir, Arthur Keith
tclvilizAtion what it Is today--.--�
:only Mi i rob tn
0. S.. Marden' Br The atirentide Co., Ltd o. reet West..
--tish,BC16 tist, who:has �nst return Mere, P.Q.; ha�e -jab�ut, 20,000;000
L st
Urope Ily Affects' Ili, any
ed to Lon L616ri'jungS,
marked: degree, government p9li-,
cles, 6f nut , tons.. 'Ion from the white spruce seedlin- 6 d"' -trana..
"Wh ' ere 1le; made" d� Minute -study. Of��t 16 plants in 'heir nursery..
r ago-,
y & set. e4 cif� brilliant, Mar I iname
s and'The*ir 0 gm
brains otgortilas-tind gibbons
GIRISIND,'NOMEN. fl. she has, laid the fodzillation' -for w
ofus,li saYa Sir Arthur: "have I Obedience a:Chlristlan viritie: Nflmrd' 0 oxild be. 'in eYA7 stable4.-
vast Balkan: emptre-7-larger than 1 FERDINAND ME
Ali Ish Qu
t 'to �B 3 aid pridsoo W
is in, no sense &1umiliation op Ickly heala Cut
r�ance 'and as large as Mglhh L_�RELD-ly—ANA M, I U.M. ore btlitins than, wd known
-Y-arl.a�lo��s--=-�-Fernon,-Fernzindoi�y-Cr-, -Varlatlofts�--M�idows; up -re. ---
yet remains an unmarfied king in the
ropologist said thdt
non. French- Th fan
"Uilkans,- BoLris,. of Bulgaria, Stam- oo6l� Spanish., Rapiat Drigin-Eng also nous anth, It
Racl, 'I, went'�&'sea Ri�ioiirteen wit 150
easgnt - Premier, mqde, Rich,- R loold'NeLided to' Rem ..,changdsjarb now td%itig place., w the
b I , source 2A. !jyen inarne Source-kliica'l ed B A the of '�he,,Prodigal So'n,
t 11 u fii P -n w -b rl d in ia�ldl,�- thdrl at aj�y n.,
VisitAo.Buchaiest at Queen Marte's
Thl�, ls� A" fdMilyL name -which cmes It is the'vitirlation Of AT'eadows In this ;store,,T46r: He,alth. but th�t the ti�M�L` has Admiral -Sir Gu Gailnit�
I - L fo�rnier perlod !Wbiieh, of.these Is free?, he
for 5u� of.family'.' V; is not yet,�co me for the prbduction of
asked.-,hor, 'r boln'ting,lo..eAdh of 'toL ILI$ the most phrt t1frough thq. gn naines-which,gi esAl I ds of grow lig
There ar6' th6usan. KING OFFA
Ito: r g -; I i , L.. . . I . I I I ',
r c g I irls and- women held in t the War; h6'exi' -hie,, and
Rilniaiiiah he Harniless, vureli veget
Being pan" isypermon., Du'rl-ng
p Ili the S i�h but which - traces, back,. to the' c ue thle 6 1 in.
f. Children's 'Pegulaior, liorniallL
'Teutonic speech, to on. e4ry Ishel.
A4�lent 'Gothid Or'L Thes names ere o course, origin- f pIa.1ncJa,.:the average stalure: for a ma
told' that the clitld,�Ileana, wa I 1 1. L .
0 16CA],tleA
ble, -that race. of whlch�, aratixely� c utches 6 anaemia;'SowlY qt!3W61�Y Guarant I eed nqfi�nnrCQtiC;) n6n
L6 remarked tn typical, so collip y� d-escrippve in ij '. - L. pallc if was: five. et s - Inches, the. same as
deAtb.ly ;e setti6s on the
-day, des It It e f In
do: little'tis'known. to o �h act whichi their rit 6ea�ei�'s� lived and It e i th pdriod. The av
chee;s their, eyps grow d.pll; t VhS.VnNSLOW3 SYRUP
rL part -ot k I a 1plarts' and Children's Resuldu
leadiii ' pr'fesSVdh f II.V I
r. my d -t C'kid . g 0
overran the grea for men
that it'! -��erei, of local riatdre.. a
tong�' AteiJ langld. their appetite '41 es, a bealthi and -ir�
ther -Zee
-stipation and- other. trouble if
so it is.-'8afe' to say A,,Elfrbile and*Vag responsib . le n" the days when p6pti lations �'D-klly. they are' t 6ight4neh from colic. diarkhoea, gatuleni�y,
of.. the royal matdlii�takdr Is in, �i larg a-ys-he-_iiI.,_'Con_v_Ificod_
Igh't. iply'sd qui ck)X�: tlia�,.th ere. were: t-rig—lifn—ess.
gi cuiraf g tirne.
wo, -for It e a -backaelfes -follow, _,nq life lat* cortitih, ehar�c'toriitic�,, Wh"Ich. 'are S fe.pleaddirtt-al aYibriniar&
years� -nos a d, a6h, a' nd�
hey, enijAre. Ao go rodn'' ifot" - . . . I I be
6 geat-R-o ni n- — It
n- thr0ej porhaps-t "to mu J otigh given ni
Little js"krio�wn, of, this,race,.- not be of,6 xi�kable and gia
yo.,iing* when. ttAg he�ce- tbes first"xestilt was tbie seems io, ie 'Worth' li'vi' e�slly.' r4C6gnI:zed- fn tfie� i�idlds
marry �,Chefii t AZI
sary It v enipfre-'Marie o,f. Ru- blood Is not�. �,ied,omnatin 'g' �oj It is, kind larg proportion. of our modern p6pu- tAZV
nam atlofis thrAuigh It n Cases. of '.D uggista
'"tic a' r'l at;Vls� needed I'
- to -day lal ion, are,orrecent d
o li'le. given e� Into v
n.any 'CoUn,trie� commonly edb d
a' maril fact,,if the addititin cif diminutive eridings� and is:fiew,fich blood which will, ring'
I. the use of, no] name L si I ' 3ut e human body, lie-
ueen:-of"the Balka's." cimsed-As "Latin,":but. simply because k ven 6is back t� weak; ailing &Id:,and wo pjastio. onQ
Q -up-OW -pomp etion of its cqnquest_It-re-- in the
every ay th rfect mA;. In w. lCh
I'I . glibekti. of pe said;Is tbat itrid�er' tho�`gu h
aa:,, ndt% enough,,, one[ n 'd e, Chaim and -br
6C e of
obtain this new,�rich H
eeth'L'are. tdoted and" it Is. her(o
qnizeM4 th-6 valu the superior., blood the t" Mrs.� H(Aiberg. Tell qw_
OwSame-Lahtil for 966 ni4n fb�nd., It, nebe�sary' to In- To
n and1iinguaige of.the:Roman Lydia,E.Pii -le
civilizatto try try Dr., W nPl';Their :tlidt the Most,'markq& Chang r as. are to.
ears dicilite-which, John- or Th6irias br, Ha .6 rikham"iVejetab
tthe Poublan family, most. part a bowever, d
Thi�-. 8t0ry4 on 66 N'A tit 6 s,, Helped
aiid, adopted, them -for th.6 :1.they. won roferring'.tii'. This"they action is di�eietly: blood,; 'they be no.te;11,* , Compoi iu�n
C a'!Ige I jn' u rn,
by- some 'reference to parentage or supply, the, e emen
I ts nece6sary to ffi�ke h nad4d
C -3 p
'Frenchi fin the, extrROr- t it'KiCil And ro-d_and. in . this way 'they'
rs, who haveit tura y no adopted ta the t : ..bl"
wer' lie a etbe'man-IJVeff,'or.to,1As:tr "rli,quite e ci�n't. of. the p4 ple
t Viking;
bring -back th Ith to thp Ahls'boo'�-,!!, o' tin.u6d Sir Art ro
oe 1623, As to . Id n It a'gIven.nArn Ifari Y, c n in the, time �w
''I eel�
tn a, s tea d of,sprea ing outward
farm, sine fi� Amerl- �h'e Goth' Itail' brigI ness,- to "d k�t such'sick f`
e heeks;' 15, years old I ox]i1d it di s.
a omen
a d'Ragifer, Thus streh'' narhqs as "Tom.'afte lrlg�..iii the -lower part of my d
Ag . tilturist by Barnh r thc meaning bf'iOlch was,
I � energy. , to,,. the stdP. 'In the roof of the mofith�a boninths,' or "G� ss., an dinary record.' of, livi WO 'sdm-e �qxte'nt as!speecli_
Ing' on the :sa ,or some Personal pcti glow 61.hea
M d" Voln.,at, t 'd b'
Can r!6' R 0'L"f1MP"[
n g
.:now Ili: France, 'who jaw the piesent "adventuring life or, I other. '*dTds,, ea' he M f6116Wd1by Cramps atid-vomidnigi' Th' !Sp:�
the Meadow), tn pt melfegin riiywokk (1 -help my par-
(qie�rala o
day represen ative Of'L the. family. Co., Cas,' -I usua had ;two
u an -7 of Luegarrier, 'db-, ng.:-. Possi y it,
Laca a ainldh Goths, a" 0: 9 �Vouj Pills ma'J., Johnston, R.R. tie e s 0 e Y.,
nd, iikh. in li� is Miss Em
61, with th the Palat6'.a`,n&rrpw. t tb d Or At,
C raf6d'b' xistene C
f- r , "L A. ong pre Istoric races,,
In, th' urso,of Vine the gld.de Mead" �OsL e who hay.e,Lf6uad be�efit T6w. vault,. tis I n.., no
urage�ll f__Dr_W_IIIjimSL_M , 'y
pas -s"10 It Of e JA
0 y the Minister have 13�6n nioi§t'-polouliii, 'at Q man,
Ko. n e Is
bearing It, and s son e.
Ragner kribwn' Ad
�oiit�racted'paldte.3-4 er' times I woIiild ha e to 'walk, the floor.�.
of!Ag�lcplture� 0. who. iayw: � ; go:td'bed for th
'I . " n'thes
of the Frehobi d thi6o I lto "]�ier-
. o ,nor I t tern. Ggoffrey the I m other- e
mont Among, thd Inor 4t,was"with', dIfficulty '.o�r a re crowded;
'S' the Aelieve wo A d's'. a' Led oi by so. e`., q n -od suffd a friend in�.';'
�UiIlic. Mr. �1,,In 'FeriiArr, .an 19211 fel't weak'-andxer� no 140,ri redin,,this--Way�until
to niuph--'iun-do'� ri.: - ger room for th fiortral.nmber It6hed:'and B-r 6&'1
do.' W - 61 i duced,nI6 6,try�'Lydik�-E. Pinkhanils'
ritim." -But If the.famlly- continued to app
ongs t a. als-tine- e— 'bythe'�mdadici ng
6ompotilid.'� ",had
�L_�jcixltlq�al_'endulranc.* d ra,flegls'
1. 1 1 P I � - - 1� � Me t laiiii-nifff Vel giV n, names have y am e
A&FOML these. I had' headaches, was.'ver y'pal�e�,.7aii-i-d-ia: 4r, ar�
My fa6e was affectedWithpiMples ng'the V6getab
tion.of having, lived in thoi.�a sooner or, later thb' bxprem§,ion re,.a ent a together.
me 'h'611se deviope4 t4!2�fqregoing family names, ommendi le,Coffipound,ttio:�,�
-t constantly tiked. In our,'Iocal "Tbe
:,ioll foir� .. 'pe litch - Pat- . !i -Mead!" -would - Come, to-. a6i te of theeeth gtve�'the for about three. years. -'They, friends. I..du
lilled -the same a, rlod'.of by. w ------ gnate-'the�,pabb OF. friL' '' ha- ,._ , my rely-arri glad''I trierl
ntho:'nattiral'pir"ess T-ralf. a6zi ss -ib stimbintal7' t aii 'ch b 'd and'red, and festered a.A-iffeiiMt por8oft.b
�O moder -n6 ar anLun ue.prom
999 ��Y'earii Writes Mr., Ragner. 'LL family and nDtLai Mere hidivIduaimem.' 'L, 7
entagg was,4 first, indicated, "With t4e� a' lady.' who'told of. -the bi�neflt 'she; h 'and scalid over. The that I, don "t have these troubles. M nence; e,,t
e bere'di-, Idols— jriod.Orn
:C ange; a to' f
"Tht n't,.,but t :broaden tion te. -had" from us n,g Dr. Will '�iAHOL �.Egia,'Box 9.3)Viking
Lt.,io6ki; Ifio a mispirl ing� of appli6a ber.of It., and:sd wbuld b.ee,� Pink h" a ;I 7a.rd itch ODE Al"
tary'ind. f .-thb -production o plep ed and' bunied M Owe gene- Letters like tbidestablish the'roeritk
causing me o scratch dnd
Isn't,* for the, taint y has docurd6fits, of a n __ thent- a. ibng andnarrow -faces. The �adendld'!
Include, a specific fault Pill', ,and I.dedi ed to give,
-authentic! _,�;unddub 1-kild, -face; w b.-wh la ic Iff
=itate -4betii,"and -1 -lost -.�
f ich in "d nten,. 9
-back I -a Paub The lia 'of: Dup .1 had' pany,a nig It leep -tell of elief fromsuclxl�l
1023 Ian owned. and p6lolig -in! this %oup, but I me Ili- me ply the :the:b46tter,- afid�,by�Ib6 finie'� , re ami iar tit ;modern' Yound'. They t he' r
a so ''of th -IffJitation'.,'
qu'ivalent'o'f "the eS and alinfentsafter takingit-
ch eilink-utt.French e. gh "of ,taken five, box _foft like new perm eb account eL
_w_a nown-�in.�p.rehAs-tQr-tc-iinlp a-tir
omestea ernan. ia� .
Fei or sonc. Th6 e worn, ou d Oint' --C
d _�e went for Cli
'!'JoAn', of I'd go 'about MY,.. fied-SaMpleWhIC
fictia Soap all
-Are chastid the British In vanis4ed 'And cou mentroddentf6fa o h' a e romnativeroo6irid:bcrbs,- h
-but t Ith-. bid e ful drugs he
-vader--frord h -i a no na'cotic'oi,1ar.m
the soil �f France', pe me so purc use mare, arid 0
a t
—Fib n pl�o -w-ed- IxeIr_fLe1ds.L"_.1ohn:_ -out-iny-�& I- _1 ema n - rin after"iising46idr akes of7SUii.-iqIth-,
-THAN, ------- u
most suce U re r. female illa
Calvid wrote 'bils'lDstltutes and. stimil.', ft)y �of BQoZ;' on the Coinimebti.1 *as h64led.* " (signed),
speak,to b Pink
_C10Ae_*ttkAq_*Istfu1 eye;the o or In this c.untry,-, 9ndA 6iis:ands,bf voil-
Luth; -anytin
lated,the, feformati n started nd�whieu-Iffi-eet e -1-DOG�DISEA-SE& L Miss Martha T.heus6b. R.'2.,Box.46
0 Once a!,MGtI ()wn That -.oppnh Ao, your chirdfsh bRnd`.uCi sti 'ohials kdVe-this4e
It. the Poublans sow-, 4nd.-run-down'T strongiY'*�"wdvLig'e-,tll-e'ibr. Feed- -
or And ZwIngil;.bu her'-flas used -Babips Vining,. Minn.
the r whea t. - Christopher Colum-: Ta or her little. 0 s e more. ent-a I n Ve YOU Oil t t At'L vdia inkligm
b. give, t ese pills : rial."
,�N -Author
h dress by the e P 'YOU,
Mailed Free to an�.. Adj 'Git Cuticurn Soap, Olotr I n
blets, n64'h would
t e worldt! gain.0t,tos, �getablo q uh will, h I
A t "else. 'The -Tablets give 86f�re'you Is' 0 � , I . ThIciim', the tdre of,y qr skin.�: t1j& .
ia Ew Finkhain�-Mc;dl—
VatL such res,l er' as o.conquel 4th Str
ulta a e It 129, West 2
'T' orMall'Addei-tymans,Llia,
4 i , . medictile deal.er�or by.Mai at 5 centii York. U.S aL raid at., W., montr ;choose:.: .A Red, asi 'Ian elite Co., Cobourg,' Ontario, fo� M
a h ed% their Jean Sold everva
Moth ay wbere. SoaP h. Talcum 26c�
evoiu-11 , but wbrds of praise anil'th'anfS
Ja6qu&'Roussead preacted-�his-r ng__ b'di :from T r. L 1 26c. Ointrumit ?Z and 6 Piftkham'a.'.pflv4te text -book and leArni.,..
of ujiic' Soaspahat th
ousaijUs -day Is the kreat day -04 MOF C ura 21� Wilrquir-
tionary do:ct Among -the' tif, YOU to kville,,.Ont.,
r ties, the'French' Revolu- noss.; opralse the turn
throughout Canada wlt
ean,.Boriaparte, 'like era 0 Ito tio sole, gapol ' 1, 1 1 'Llf's. -broader Mrs.,, Daid, A.-Ander0on, eson: from a. on:
Lond ig-Be el
Now w, V.S., o Writes: - 1 learn; 7
Hance, flashed adr,o'es., the Eur,o C ea R1.1
*�6rk be. ofAccuracr.�,
-have use&,Baby's 0*n, Tab y 'To Death a�.storiner t che?s,
Iets for nl�
y, but the Foubhins, gerene][y, loya g_
an ::I -t6
lyp V I -would-- td -tlib Time�4a--harshex-
�ugj6j�,Lwhlciv the. thrift,of ancestors . 14
b44iteathed-1he rers,
ofthe Tablets-Ini tbelidd9io.""! Th -674b- fh,6,`Wbrld,: 'Thla� tatemehit'U"bas"e"
t" -ft" . . -6---_
which. -6's Poiiblkn who.
a thorough lax v t t at ig en re ved the
ati Put, by your b ok-
-bequ-eated- the �6_
began :thd famllyreklsto�r rd:.�Lmild -hilt 'WeIV __ o . L . I tflie iA
9� ru
tfie "whic _Yet d —on o t _q__uIre 16i;g4t7' I
h reguiate, and � sweet- bon: wireless,tl a
to,'h;s holm Is In depart' e 8 Ign om re�iiZ
ment n . I
dtive'.out eonstfpg- ays,of Wich on'293 days ast V64r,,64.
eh'the'.stoma6h; Axid beauty intlikeM, the short d d.its 'tr
ii� Basses Pyrenees rear the Spanish rea un co
�IA - -C%-4 � -liadi0e9tion b k " L' Ida' vouth
borderi Ift'has'indgeAsed until' It now ILI
% make teethingl-NorAt' sweet'd teartl%' its PY0111-WO Rod days."
eludes eighty hectates,,approximato. And simple- tbvm an 9
In They are sold by. me,01.61ne deal' its joys. These faet%"W'efo Isclosed y-Slir
S Ce
W,neo rank' Tb -1 1
7�r- —( —u- N-L-E-5s---.�yo'u—,
g. )r rl,�, str nomer Royal; who
the Ancestral
says Big Ben 19 practicall�,up to pre -
z I I , , ... �, 11� I - !are. not. .96tt1ng.,Aspifi11,af al
Poubtan,15 theAwenty c1bys,
a ! )r:, Williams Mbdictne Coi,.)3rockviIl6
fino," ays.the
It -Ali does the, nectar of too dear success, wa� ofil'ciency. Big don's 4e�6i
A, IneriCan Agriculturist. "'He is A Illie
pridd'ana Joy"a Ike Are' Ili ei- 0e ni6re rema
�Wlf&sco considetlad all, rkable,
-example -oftho-Frenoli-fArmer-m-
7:-7-7-,-' -66p
self-co-titrol 1-�d, ' a' capable- !r_(isao__p1_. 7
11, -grid passlo 7-
fihtely,., 'devoted -Itb ''. - , ;;:. . , 1 6
'Your Y.,
with,the Orbenwich observatbt
his' home abid'hia COUD&Y, HoAs`66
9 extraordtfiary
May 'drink. of youth 6ndi kelop Its wits Notwithstandtlig "fill
4 Miy& of lifs tto*nship� And blis son,
rd:c6rd;i Big' Ben- was togently--ilverr-.'a-
4 ___ '_ ., �L, it�,,
Er -1 rt�, I-vi-c".-iatil-oli-lal;,,-,w..Ii ;11 1'e-, _ *-"-"--,,- " I _ - -4._- �6 0. �_ :n nti
�Florence 13. workers careful
military �et*lce to Franc6 sonxe Y`bvoro
qA .1 , , . . , battle
f at W a
oJs,,0ntario' e Emirkswrs'.'�monater time.,,
t6a§6ume -his-- ather's.anae ral-
RY 'Idee, f6r,th-6 first ffitie,gfnce�ihe, waii
ikod 'Civiii funotions.
on lotpre6 rd)n6y� Ord6r
Ups a
nd DoWn
-Wfec tat East I for,ifflve diollars boats three Cents -
A' "Pendants, of Amber gra6
9:MargoylWa dchool reports weren't #16j, , �,#, .8
Laburnu os�.�Lrock,
-hor Utber �sai& ��Opthiitche-Shi&wn. Ob Fe6nA,,,.._.___lqi.
yl, T
iThe'llrat time that,yoii eel I Vii i Thread6d on sunbeani lacd.,
to I 'Pe
Ile qV- -1 0
146vie i ms. 6f
jooi�:�jrlth, it hundred in' anything Vil InAll& Wind's fa' 0, 1 . , . -4�
Aecept only A&.0 Bayer
ih I ictlon`* inbroken' pack
& AfiA�hfng too -n
Lh ds,
w.1 I
'Rod -Atill,'Marter t-sAbject tot, 1. 6"moxiesAri, WA646� !1d1VZ0fttM s_-dfr to ..Ao
Timi t -P to nows., �� liatoo I I
we 6. yo - f'"' . '' on
e 0 loprove 'the' t6e-th 0
crop ars aqd, yor6ved We by I filions,
,,could"riot c1AJm,,0,e'.'rbWhr& 6fie #,Wdt is It' wot kill. smell all i this" Hung' not on drZophig 6t6ads' bocitn%'huit A bitf' DroO 'a 'Littie! phy§idam, u0ng 22 ye, S 171.
day the child Was tAken, I'll When th' the. peopiej -During th el 'w'ar' it was
e swells wot,'is 'T e a Instant.
found t1tat of thib, manboOd -h Ir upward quiti t 9.0 aching* corn,
dodtor had gone she 6'skedi �'Mamrntti "Yor i�hk's 'IeRkIn'! oli� y6a,_ yer It I
radia JY that copo 6tops hurfinai the'a shortly
f the n1di0n. were dentAlly uilt 140 Pide%drea&,�
41, c you -lift ji-Irliht cod with 44pers. Trairl N
swe Or6soi, a national ald fund Toothathe
AM I Vory, I k'?, want me V an i, that,, douj6r� Well, 0
iNo detif; ', Y61if toM001sture is I% 11,6� dns, hose.01 The 1vo* Sometimes my 601rit'wdats Ydur ditisgist "iells A tin , b
y ottle of
Mont o " 1.
eisitooe" fog'a
gown. pa:W`
i Kr�l blind e. do WA�eli:i f, thi lilac Earac e
r'd. but the ill,60t6t' tbInks: You'll` that�laa ptoitded , ,
t e mind as more than 866,66.6 ca a ow, Apdn� V
d6rn,' soft c6imi
6a h , n
b6'bettek f6M6kfb'W.'; ore F1 a potek1y,of h Sotnotlines, 66 to rismo*4 eveO
W #Mndy I I
ldeiman�,Ueh ilordit!i -a fithl �11, wh ck 'A throbbing 8,6 be 66 61. U/
MR . I welgh6th it do n.- 010'Co'rh botwelill bar toes,, and the c� -19, 4tlets-Al tit %,#
rkZrIb1si face lighted- Ido, "Thbil,Jiwelt its of the �oiket,4 the 'A
olotdrod, In Its. Most ext-ruclat. I of
Aapirl# iii, the ttadf) hifirk, qwstoroA In Co
hava umerf i Draim no* prayers, lus.oij *1114lat., acetidociiingtof of Wbild It is well kno*n IV
toy Aciliat, can't 11 T _�orehew- or IrrftatioiL
Inj 'Those w a aw, e. -D --filAts ilfiiliturotd�d opt at- tho� t 4 rn 1 it tionoij thb,,T/,
T, rat
gAfd,'he`1a41f6 Uw bib it a Will be Oti��j)ed With thoir, gone the
ont,illmmd -'ISSUE Noi"2,,� rvade mark'
Minardoe UnIm
9, likimile, Lin m6ft 14'evoryWher"ll' ififo.attoji�d its
Mod red '!A�AnYtlli.ni
borderi Ift'has'indgeAsed until' It now ILI
% make teethingl-NorAt' sweet'd teartl%' its PY0111-WO Rod days."
eludes eighty hectates,,approximato. And simple- tbvm an 9
In They are sold by. me,01.61ne deal' its joys. These faet%"W'efo Isclosed y-Slir
S Ce
W,neo rank' Tb -1 1
7�r- —( —u- N-L-E-5s---.�yo'u—,
g. )r rl,�, str nomer Royal; who
the Ancestral
says Big Ben 19 practicall�,up to pre -
z I I , , ... �, 11� I - !are. not. .96tt1ng.,Aspifi11,af al
Poubtan,15 theAwenty c1bys,
a ! )r:, Williams Mbdictne Coi,.)3rockviIl6
fino," ays.the
It -Ali does the, nectar of too dear success, wa� ofil'ciency. Big don's 4e�6i
A, IneriCan Agriculturist. "'He is A Illie
pridd'ana Joy"a Ike Are' Ili ei- 0e ni6re rema
�Wlf&sco considetlad all, rkable,
-example -oftho-Frenoli-fArmer-m-
7:-7-7-,-' -66p
self-co-titrol 1-�d, ' a' capable- !r_(isao__p1_. 7
11, -grid passlo 7-
fihtely,., 'devoted -Itb ''. - , ;;:. . , 1 6
'Your Y.,
with,the Orbenwich observatbt
his' home abid'hia COUD&Y, HoAs`66
9 extraordtfiary
May 'drink. of youth 6ndi kelop Its wits Notwithstandtlig "fill
4 Miy& of lifs tto*nship� And blis son,
rd:c6rd;i Big' Ben- was togently--ilverr-.'a-
4 ___ '_ ., �L, it�,,
Er -1 rt�, I-vi-c".-iatil-oli-lal;,,-,w..Ii ;11 1'e-, _ *-"-"--,,- " I _ - -4._- �6 0. �_ :n nti
�Florence 13. workers careful
military �et*lce to Franc6 sonxe Y`bvoro
qA .1 , , . . , battle
f at W a
oJs,,0ntario' e Emirkswrs'.'�monater time.,,
t6a§6ume -his-- ather's.anae ral-
RY 'Idee, f6r,th-6 first ffitie,gfnce�ihe, waii
ikod 'Civiii funotions.
on lotpre6 rd)n6y� Ord6r
Ups a
nd DoWn
-Wfec tat East I for,ifflve diollars boats three Cents -
A' "Pendants, of Amber gra6
9:MargoylWa dchool reports weren't #16j, , �,#, .8
Laburnu os�.�Lrock,
-hor Utber �sai& ��Opthiitche-Shi&wn. Ob Fe6nA,,,.._.___lqi.
yl, T
iThe'llrat time that,yoii eel I Vii i Thread6d on sunbeani lacd.,
to I 'Pe
Ile qV- -1 0
146vie i ms. 6f
jooi�:�jrlth, it hundred in' anything Vil InAll& Wind's fa' 0, 1 . , . -4�
Aecept only A&.0 Bayer
ih I ictlon`* inbroken' pack
& AfiA�hfng too -n
Lh ds,
w.1 I
'Rod -Atill,'Marter t-sAbject tot, 1. 6"moxiesAri, WA646� !1d1VZ0fttM s_-dfr to ..Ao
Timi t -P to nows., �� liatoo I I
we 6. yo - f'"' . '' on
e 0 loprove 'the' t6e-th 0
crop ars aqd, yor6ved We by I filions,
,,could"riot c1AJm,,0,e'.'rbWhr& 6fie #,Wdt is It' wot kill. smell all i this" Hung' not on drZophig 6t6ads' bocitn%'huit A bitf' DroO 'a 'Littie! phy§idam, u0ng 22 ye, S 171.
day the child Was tAken, I'll When th' the. peopiej -During th el 'w'ar' it was
e swells wot,'is 'T e a Instant.
found t1tat of thib, manboOd -h Ir upward quiti t 9.0 aching* corn,
dodtor had gone she 6'skedi �'Mamrntti "Yor i�hk's 'IeRkIn'! oli� y6a,_ yer It I
radia JY that copo 6tops hurfinai the'a shortly
f the n1di0n. were dentAlly uilt 140 Pide%drea&,�
41, c you -lift ji-Irliht cod with 44pers. Trairl N
swe Or6soi, a national ald fund Toothathe
AM I Vory, I k'?, want me V an i, that,, douj6r� Well, 0
iNo detif; ', Y61if toM001sture is I% 11,6� dns, hose.01 The 1vo* Sometimes my 601rit'wdats Ydur ditisgist "iells A tin , b
y ottle of
Mont o " 1.
eisitooe" fog'a
gown. pa:W`
i Kr�l blind e. do WA�eli:i f, thi lilac Earac e
r'd. but the ill,60t6t' tbInks: You'll` that�laa ptoitded , ,
t e mind as more than 866,66.6 ca a ow, Apdn� V
d6rn,' soft c6imi
6a h , n
b6'bettek f6M6kfb'W.'; ore F1 a potek1y,of h Sotnotlines, 66 to rismo*4 eveO
W #Mndy I I
ldeiman�,Ueh ilordit!i -a fithl �11, wh ck 'A throbbing 8,6 be 66 61. U/
MR . I welgh6th it do n.- 010'Co'rh botwelill bar toes,, and the c� -19, 4tlets-Al tit %,#
rkZrIb1si face lighted- Ido, "Thbil,Jiwelt its of the �oiket,4 the 'A
olotdrod, In Its. Most ext-ruclat. I of
Aapirl# iii, the ttadf) hifirk, qwstoroA In Co
hava umerf i Draim no* prayers, lus.oij *1114lat., acetidociiingtof of Wbild It is well kno*n IV
toy Aciliat, can't 11 T _�orehew- or IrrftatioiL
Inj 'Those w a aw, e. -D --filAts ilfiiliturotd�d opt at- tho� t 4 rn 1 it tionoij thb,,T/,
T, rat
gAfd,'he`1a41f6 Uw bib it a Will be Oti��j)ed With thoir, gone the
ont,illmmd -'ISSUE Noi"2,,� rvade mark'
Minardoe UnIm
9, likimile, Lin m6ft 14'evoryWher"ll' ififo.attoji�d its
Mod red '!A�AnYtlli.ni