HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-06-14, Page 8; lAT P. r*SZI,TrOIEVA niu4SP.A , VomOOONOIONINMiNVONOSOMMIMMINIP Tr, well be among the, bigIir-priced es •• !• . •....,•. e•tai • tir,,;.5PeciallV101. • ray Maid One -Strap, Black .8lackpatht L:eather,. , low heel and good ' 801e.;at Urriy hoes for :men is.all thatis required yot"Api.: attracted-tsy the ; syle; Alen are interested 'young men are the'.0:ii.,yOuOt then are h.etd by the, 4uality ocoua,4,-,..4ipatios.,.-qtro.i.iy; or course, -but if shoe 8 iot coxfst style, fir and finish, 116 will 'p,:over ,knour Oalit he *ill' not •:');143r: :them. . Hund!ede tiaiitsr‘ of.our :Murray-, Shots heCaOsethe young e' ki,u34:0g :them. ,shoe in ttockfor u k7. , port,,,Stiogs,fOttlie Ladies in White Canvas, leather sole, one strap fasten- witiLa'12hckle;.:'8pecial'at .. .* • '• White CthivasSlibeS-• :with Rubber: or Leather Sole, finished. with Black froni $3.25. ta-$3.J5. • * : ' . Thf,.,up:to=theqninUte White Canvas Oxford with i?right Red and ; Green ilk Lacings, priced at. • • ' . ; I • leet-,Foot'Rubber Running Shoes are 1,upping out Get yours before they e gone, e haye all$izes;frOrn N.TO.- 5, .uP to Men's No 10.. 1. mosorsOlomoam 44. /MEV is- a -etvice fed- Cash•:-- We • Sell. Cheaper ,than: The Credit Store's •"11( U: , ,.:; ..., • oommiimeramoco.rmaromarmoorroromo ,•000-------,!...-'4,-.•.0-,-- ,t------.---------, - This -weatherwill., make You -thmk of, an ':Oil tOve..... ;We .have the .. New , F...erfeCtiiiii,' Florence iitondat4c and the Detroit,---Napor-:-.Any,- one - of . 110's64111tivc:-Yoirfirstk1aSth--Ser,34c,-e-- -.-- - - - -- -----1 Now is it. the time to shut. out the fiies. . Our. . . . stOCk,* of, Screen DoorS and „Screen Ari.I:i.cl, OWS is ' 'aim- I -plete*,-,:ancLthe':prices,are-reaSona-131e.-4,----, : *--Li.-:-.. --:-...j,:- ,,... Now' Is the time to -keep-- yr -Lan- In .Ehape. Nothing looks SO 'untidy' is an :ill -kept lawn; and n= 1P-k-e-pt---Loilits andlethe Maxwell Mower. 0 J is ,an easy:running - inOWer:and--will-tut-tieata:—, ;.--0u'r ,'.•T:inshop,-1.44naer-L.,.(3-;--inanago-rn.Q.nt---b,&----Mr-- . , Solornon,is -7-at-Your-service:- g -make -a-S-pecial-tr •Of Eavetroughing, Fnrnace -WOit and Plumbing. 'ni5tliing'410(jkS'4L-•.neater-'-4t. . . , • 14, • Lime and Plaster On the .Way • - ur 1 ••• 0000* uno V - i2t1-1' • • Miss, May 0hampion, ''Relrnor, •spint ;ft few. da`ySlaNt. Week With111 ''r5 4F:frps-t.(PA-ittitIt,% • Mr, and Mra,l Ralph. Nixon ,and M,ks•° Valetta °TiffIn Silent "SUnciiii', t ,h iend :t L'OVett, *C. and Mra, Mel3ridc/ Ofmiths - /Till, 'spent° the Week-end,.With Mr. and' Mrs; Prod' Afidersori, Our ',Rural courier :heard tti Imay Wished lie Could hmic 1.06n at the Tniti8 field dAy. pots, 'lle":1Vinllit:,have'. won tha prize..,( ij .1).tiZe giV41 tor. thektpuzifis,) , • 'Zion- p.C,ySand„130).faSt• hoirs , at' Belfast laSt •Stiturddy,:'•Tha -team by: the,,ScOre Of 1.8'1171,: Ratte it°1 es, . for :Zien, • and- ' fer'.0elfast, •114.cicett :and 1:rWitt.•'UinpfrO,: Pahrtat .• '• : •• field:4y A'yould h0•0 hettar than ,e,Vor yoar but. tha, mortfing etlYnaY. ; and Ht.hreaten Ifi; nAf,t,ar :These 13a11',{21,41110 he.hWo(n. Lang - aria and: ilefaSt, -Who-playoil. fh, ncrqs; 'When 'down. :tha :rain rand' gol;r00 Tiattoriai Latigr;i4 . Tiffin„.,and,--;:.$0•01•44:4r.„ frWifil, and: ,A1,1ton, SCOrd. ; 1.4o4040.6'i4, '0ior; timifiro.1.0040 • 7-12Abl0 FOR EVERYBODY ',:shont.,,time;agoLtheneomapeared an article'that the old. station W,J.Z.. of NoVailc,-,N.4., was td;be moved to, and and nciw; there greivio transmitters New York City' 4kink the Place•_ - of 'the old One ne Netivark; These, sta-: are operated.: together • hi the same ;building under I the -call . letters N'OrkYA partial program-iVen be- . . • . • • . . • - • Q S. If. Q. --How- far can hear --iYith'a Gniir0014.44.POII:T #1.7.111104, T. 4raPP(41-4;11/,'' 72; O-Ard:PPI6,7; rqIii3er, 60; A Ritchie Ot• G , 644iCririolVI:filei▪ P6e2T)1467-"' 414 719' i'''.4Fr4'41r1.11.:". A0Air.e10;L4E6.,.. itit'q,Tppnagh;,,o'; (lemon • 69; W Hunter '...•Mr R• eldfr • • • :„ •, • ‘•• ° 1,44•0 te and:lk e4s,ter) ' 04. - • Jr. JI4----Toti.41700,-,g'. '4847 Reid, 0561.'(f. Webate.).-• 264,7,7,‹ Alfider000,•44.,-•• .,, ' . • Gardn•er, .6761%`. C---Hardner--370. • jr.- r,R, Webster- 73', • Sr: •Prinierii-.:.J.,.Gardner, 66. • •'.Jr•.• Primer-r,Lloyd Hunter,' 40 1 • .146' ou • ROI' 30; AVerage Attendance, 28; Valetta M Tifiin, iaaelie • LUCKNOW SCHOOL REPpp's • • Room! , Sr,'.dlass-Excellent--Wilfred Brad- ley , Roy •Collyer, , lark .• Finlayson, • Good-DOrdthy Nixon, Mae McMahon. • 'Eldon Agar.. Leonard Irwin. Itlioda -Piriner.-Ernie-Salterc-Marion Fair -Kenneth CamerOn, Eddie Whit- by -,Marjorie Henderson; •Kathleen ,Ferris. Harold Greer, Dontilda Deug-: las; Clare johnstene. :David Herne., Stewart,Cameion, Harold Button, El-! wood Solomon,:' Melvin , Stanley, Toni McDonald: „ Jr. Class•Excellent-Clifford.Men- 'arc, J. C. Durnin. Phillis -Cousin,S, Jim ' Henderson., Melvin Johnstone, Jack , 1VIeAllister; • Bobbie Thompson, Winnifred Johnston,. Donald 1VIeDon, ald. Betty Bron, Good-Altred AtM- strong. Shirley Lt -ford. Maryftradf ley„ EdnaAgar'.' .EV.e.lYn. Reid. Jack: Fisher. Fal*-LeOnard,WOlgte,.r...Xerna,, Steward. -Phillip Mc1V1illan, Qameron Finlaysert. •George Whitby,, Chester Bruce; Ada :Burns., Charlie Palmer,.: Margaret, Craig EdWin Whitley •Murdie. Teacher,,. , Roem • : • • Sr. Ilr-'E2ccellent , ( cio),'J ,k• Brabson. Myficina Palmer, Arthur' An- • drer. Almeda DUrnia. Clarence Greer, • Alan Murdoch, Ada, Watson. Good' • (60% 'Stewart, Harold John,' • stone. ' Carlyle MacInfoili, Lorraine Brabseit.. Grace Anderson. • Phillips , denary, (Jessie MacKenzie_ and .Eve-• -lyn Nixon) ties. -Fair (40%):Stel1a 'Steward; Margret ' BUtton.-' Alex; Smith. Jessie Naylor*. Stewart 1‘11.0- Jr. II -Excellent -(76%)- .Gladys MacDonald; Alex. McKenzie, • ,Fred Steward. Ruby. Pinner. Roy Finlayson Isobel McMillan.'. Frances Thompson, Ivy- Whitby, Mary 'Macintosh. Donald - 'Henderson, Winnifred Afrnstrong. Good (60% )-Margaret :MacDonald. Laura Webster, Helen- McLeod, Ras- . zella Mullin; -Tom-MacKenzie, Fair (40% )•:-4Toin AnderSon. Armstrong Wilson. Wilson Armstrong, Pauline •..e4 Absent on account000f sickness Norma Thompson Teacher• -- Rootn-iII . O -Jr. Class,-ExCellent-Margaret Allister; Katherine MacKenzie, Helen :.macDonalds. Vera Sherriff*, Clifford -Web-st-er.-IVIakolm,..•_WatsonGpod. „Charlie Webster'''. 0 Winnifre,d ster: Rea Watson*, (Arabel Cameton* and -Mary .-Jewitt-) Leod, Pentland,' Archie; O Sr. Class--Excellentorman Menar ' -Living:4ton: Cd --Blanche Pinner.'Alex..Andiew Pair -ijar'vey Naylor, Dorothy Reed*,, Ge ge 'Pinner, 1Vlyrtle aret McQuillin, Edna-Aexter.- , E nomPsoo,,q41,t IT; Eng., PR; ' :kat, ; -T.hOM1).Sen• '• B. 101,,e,un;p_ Nesn ''". ' eaPhera, JWie QIN'iti.411-17441;.e.M,W."0:4"? $101g otIng teOk 12tb.: }ifad i c , •Firinigitir7 Tfarn..114:13-f nom. '• .'Xilten • KiiPatrick'S. • ' :Watch ',for bi11 and anhouneementS for thO` Anonal Ashfiejd izui'Gar; nen ;Party „which ,wi11be;held- on .1$/j,, ,Saninel lamin inthe evening .if ..itine.g7.th; Don't forget thb,flato.4:., at the Hickett's p»mtxncnt Mrs .pr'anoh, .Maoti,ng,•p.fth a0o1otY. whlah; ..vas hold ir London rn Mciii.The.,stuay alianter „will be taken • by Mrs,: Jas, This should. be a most interest:: Mg meetingan all the ladies. are O'ordially 'invited 'r .NVESTFORD,' Monday,- J'Aine• 11th. ,.. . .. • • • . , . number.,froin here attended: the ti.:F.9... picnic in. 'Teeswater on -.4bn- . .:, The .,Dean•erY which,' was . held' .a,t• Kiniough; cn ynescley, 'Jtine, 5th,, ,WaS largelY attended. ' ' '' ' :.' . • - • , , , ...Mrs, JaineS,,:Mtrira :has . returned 'honie...With: •:her ; brother„ ¥r, .Minlon Doriairon, Of Chicago; .'' ••• . ..z - ''. : . , •A number froni, here attended the garden party at the -MethetliSt; Church it. Rervie" on .' FridaY" eVeriing.:•-•.': . . .. .. ' ,fMr. and Mrs:" Harvey,:Antlerson, of iAlyinaten; pent., th.., eek end atthe home of.lhe latterar,r:Parents hare .. . 1, V ,e, . e .sorry- t� ' report that' Mr. Edward Wal WalI°..iis- cenfinedy to his :hen. We all hope to..s,ee him-.-arotind again , 'Quite .a ;, number': df wOmen'. from, ' lier'e attended thaInStit i . Weinen s . , u e, 1:1St '.T,bprOday, wb fell ,v,aS held at Mrs; Alb. l'hbnipsen's; - . • - , - %-,o-o-o- ,SI11,*-11H40"Elst .IltieSdaY olnne 1•2"f Mr E. 4, Wous 41,411'4..V.toghani0* ITospitat f0ot truArci•erki;; Bliss IVIargarat lflRe s liume jr-041 ; CaldWell ;Milli', where „she has. been ' - Messrs, David- anti starday • Todd Ant tO Detroit'on. the Greyhound' opr • 1▪ -.106.-15',Cho,of S't a e 161' Arise .Mary 14iggars, 'of Grimsoy,, ' ;vas. -a visitor with. her consin; Mrs; Ihst week . . • LiaL eeL `Mr rWilsn 'Woods inotored:to 14:Stow-el, 'oo Sunday Ribeit Joseph Phillips and 14£1.1.').ST niotered Toronto" on Thtirs(lcry and spent a few. days the :guests of Mr, „and Mrs:. Js Purden, •• ...Remember 7'qrl, WORIFP'S InatitnteO ; Meeting ion pridair, :tifternbon.at 2,30; in the 11414'7 -when Mrs:.; • ,ToSePIT Mac- Lennan; of •,the' speak:: Den't' forgetth.e•Rasiebell game on • Fri(lay oening ...1;vben: the :I3elfas,t teatn plays here at.5,36,20wing to the rain, he gob • ta be playd at.Beltast. last' Friday eyening-Was',postnerced. •The annual' Garden 15rirty: Under the •an's'Pices of Calvin. 'Church :vil1 be held, .-Thnriday‘ evening,: ,Iti1le,•:21t,. Keep t.f.o17. • he... b - 1Viernbers'ef the Rifle Club' a -yeryt,-Otijoyable 'clay '-,at :the ;Col -1.56i n e Ranges,. near Goilerich, last day,.june.fith,, when; the, Ceunty.Shoicyt WaS held; A ,tonfo• :frinn St }Tclen .won second, placein.. the ,conipetIOM with three' other, ; ,Leams-C-„,(lerieh;• Codk;rich .TOWiiShin• antlVtilborne• the loiter Winning 'the' silVer eun by 6. Filwel1,Webster-Won7the-7.menal, 1o' bc:hi.gh1?afscore-(37.... out of !if), and : Unite: a' nuniber, 6t1iei-e.', Wen ' prizes. tt is eXpeCt.ed ,that there 'be ahother Shoot:in.. the' Fall ••:,------o-o-o The Soldiers' Reunion' held at Ches. 1 ley on June 4th.,,,•••was a -solendid stn.:, Other% vices nyeari no •cvilhilt, self-' cess, gate receipts -running' up. to 'yer.v- • ,. ishn ess ' iii,jus.,1preinedilited.••CUSsad.: •close on .$2,000.- . ' •'••• l• neSs.. ., . -.:• '• ;i , . , ' .....-.....;„..;.,..:'-‘,--, TO III13 tlX(I'ORS••OPIr , $PUT At the' imiest of Mr, Well.i0,011, lliry, and the executive pi: the Hgrth Ix 'LihP Association, .1 havdiclatQ 'Hi o:,. oopsento,d,tu,kugullierthe,..LIberel ,0p. forthcoming' election, ' As the' time is short$, anythirig Lice Persimall"Vanta,s rcl.5.41lOr9i'dlaV4sf,1 , 'as •4)4411)1.,a ,be1or4 the polling .(14;•• 1 take thiS Ineans, how:, • ever, of reaching ,.many. I shall: ,not be able to get in:touch. -an ether • Of' sane econonrical:' bitAineSSNen to Conduct' the affairs *or Ontario In •thi- • respect neither- Of Our • past tlwo ,gov,• .ernments has bon Conspictietugy: sue-, 'cesfal;* as witness: our rapidly giQa; ing ex.pepclitUres; the .tmecmal. hydro rates theWaste of our forest wealth • )3Y fire, .4ind- by grants :to speeplator's °Witliait;•'Itch"Atnite • ((nil PenSati . . • . dis72,antent 'of New Ontarioand'inany other th'in's. .mention space jorii'llt. ' •9f. 1 hav myself' ,T -11tiVe aey: �eO is b.ori in yeCtorts in tho g��d, town' sf Win, inglia.in, wh • er,e• '4e Many O friends. and . s� ,far• . • „ • . • • Mv htishiess talceS the over theme:st. of the .ridii)g• and. ninny i'w1Voni .1 -(1d. ;10.1: know ;..M''I'S,e)PallS(' may recogni:)e r c("f' rue be • spaalc.' first, ' • I hclieVe the grea.t , need Of .th' 4 C.913 n try at thepte.sent time is ,econ- O01/ i iph ; Pi i mci d onn pec - •s , , , . , • onal (Teal ing•s, fllJi Ives but; or „the burden.' ;3f 'debt' that .1Ve. are findinglieaVy a load' - 7 • hi c. Area (i y Man* unsolicited ,p f 'fers ..supp,ort,Troni, qiept,..rs iforo forinei•ly votecr.ly.O. ,or Cemle'rva--• , tive, •an(1...'ir. -.elected I Ishall ,onsidert my duiy. to the • -"electors' North }Iuiorm' rezardleAs 'of lielitic; " Yours sincere , ' Abner, Cosens • . • omootoronossirommarommommoover, se for Ladies tal de ndIsoa4ube1d.1-#0,_s_e;rnare_cl (*).'have, been. neither, Ilate-rnor*absent4luringi---thetinonth.__ . • ' J., MacCallum, Teachei?. scRoOL Form,a II and. I. Report ler NOn- denartmental subjects. X...15%;11 60c,70;' C. 500r4; ReConimend; 'Failure.• ' • • Coni HI; GeOrklet-Fgr:07.4.-fferef7 son.Lit, III; •Eng.. Comp... III; peom- etri, ,C . Blake. Eng.: Geometry,eaturif' :. It, ; • •o. -Com: C.. ;• - tectorl•"Riao O 4.-The41iStance at, whieh.yon C'an receive. .eigiiala on either :type:, of, a .detector ;depends on the JpcoWer of the trana itter, which : yen-. wish 11ear.T, There is a great .differeficei 'however,, 44.1. the 'sensitiveness „ o,k the' different detectors. :A crystal is -Much . less °of- -41,cient•ztlien-tubei'.•.-4-7.341,»(caittEbe4. Tiia-npon t� -Up radiophone froth" 25 W:30•MileS, the range "gilibileector-Asripracticallynn: - i'VXZ., New-York-14JY • Radio -Corp of •-Allfferieitp,'-4i3O,:--Me- ties' • 'T'fiursday, 9.00 li.ni.f=-Bebert ,H•ayen.: SohAuttiai,_w_elitictioWri :wilt lee; ture. ' `0•0, '"' .1' , 'Frida3r; 9,10 P.m.°Piano &eta end solos.''hy Eunice ,Howard and,Geetg-; 'Iana':->Martinez, :4);m, -Contest., OrOgrain by Robert HUntington:Teil;7.' Saturday, 8:110.p.im.-,--,Concert-bY -the" ,'",-Pentisylvania Y. ew---Vorki---Nir,-k• Radio- Corp, DUO; . ' of :A.merica. 40°5 ,Metree ' • Thtirsday, 4.30 p,fn.h.7Botel. Com - ..8;31:1 So, aiaty, Oraestra. 9,00L -Good Houffe- keeping, 11,;15--Brociklyir Society Or- chestra, als4Lat p,nt, 9;45 -Pop - War SOTS 13y Vincent' Allaria, also at 10,15. " • Friday? Orches- tra; '7,t) and 8.00-1. Wolfe Gilbert and •tiincent Tay Talk 8,I -"Sports," Wm: 3, Sl'oeuni, 8.30 -Waldorf -Asteria Dante, Orches- SatiirdaY, 5,00 0pjr,,-7Walciort-As- toritt 'Orchestra COnCert. 'rgthfloll .(ba--gaine. 'between 'Zinn Mack- SOX,'" and7S�uth1 It Helezin,' Oh _kadamt .••a tho., iti/ak '7's#poried mitil thoodO,'.. bite 14t1), 411t4 *PI 0t • -Geern,..IILLM.i.:LDOnglasrLit-4-1•1-;-Er• ig 4210m01'.;41.-;,4141r-':;41irteot-n-•;';etrp-:,-Itail., frit ,-E:n g',-•Comf).;111:; .!Getant.•.:C.','B;• Lthrn Lati.1I; -Eng, Con'it).,,III; ;. III; R 111.1eDonafil.J4t.', C:; k]ng., O oni.. 4, -L:-41e0111,vray,-- 'Eng, Como., C,; Lat., C.'; Fr•; C.; Goom,;:C. MeQuoid, • Enk; Cornn;; ; Giorn,, C.S.' MCIcenzie;Lit;;X:. COrnp;,.111;',1.,at.,,,'I';. Fr., I:, Geom.; III, .L. Murclnelf. : C.; • Eng....Compv,0„;„ Pr. It • %Geom. .C', W. 'Murdoch Lit • III: Eng: Conrip,, III; Fr; C.; ,,Oeorn,C;, --.1),LOSterhout, Lit, Eirgi-.Comp„, -son, :•Lit., GoLiin., O POyin I-0, Alton-. ,Ljt.., II; _Eng, ,A1,g;.41.1.,AndersoIlit,- Eng.; COmp,..II; Pr:i :' •AIR,. I,. E. Stirns., Lit.", (:),;,Eng,Coni.p, , La A 1 g,. l3, 0liesinft, Lit., II; Eng,Corno,„Ql; Alg.- F. -E. -Gardner, .Eng, 'Cann.," O R'. Lat ; R,. • •GeddeS...'Llt:.,..„It;-, Eng: Lat.„.,,, 0; Eng'. 061rip., • Alit.;.C, A, Ret- ChebaW,. Lit,. f.• Eng Contip.„ C; 0, '0; Kennedy, .Lit,4-1; Eng, Ponln., III; Alg,' . M. 1; Eng, Coin. III; II; R. '0, MUrdie, Lit:, .111; ttim R, ; Al.g.. Rivers. Lit., I; EtteCOMP:, o,• W. ..siitoui, : Statter:e.:L , n . Coniti Lat.! V.; 'StiiwArt, gpFe, Q603044 .17r41 77' X" .. is oneofothe best -wearing Pure Silk Hose on lemaarket, Very fine, -even w-eave, and has the popular ribbed top Colors Brown Biege Smoke Suede Black and White, -Priced at $1.75-a pair. - - , O. 8X has the popular pointed heel, comes in Black only' aline we -sell -a -lot of sizes 8 1-2 to 10, and priced - it -0 rif-f200. e 'ohlTieaffill2fiihioned in Canada. 4.44 • lack and Brown at $2.75 -a pair. 4800 --Kayser 1eavy'Glove 'Silk Hose iri Black -only • ve-t3r wearer of ,Silk -Hose knows this line. Pticed at $3.25 a pair. anniel3T,cif-Socks,Lfor4iail -r i- toPs, also Blue and Brown, 35c: a pair. ,orfnire-Teit", Silkocks'iii.--WhTte anaPtrik, • ilcarat-Womol-SWeater YainsinEe..neW Paisley, shades; also plain 'colors yery much in vogue • for., Summer. Sweaters 35c..th_e_l-oz.'ball ,• Jiffy Rubber Pants for babies -medium,. or large now only 5 c • , O SPEC1AL--- -up fo $13 50Fi Id a , a • Etti. 4P a s , Value 5 Remnant -of -Linoleum, -good pattern size -7feet by ,12 feet, End for 7:75; , wealher .! les._ • ; , ishmart Macte7t6- O ..Measitre Clothes Ordets Tak'aft.' Any. Day • ‘• .0111 1,