HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-06-14, Page 3. , • thivSlry.., -
Wow •listerk, rink' whOWer 47aTa. Pald
T•11-ft,t',.,41.TatrA4"' 4-eng-8i*A.1*-41eady•
,,To a little .tale,that tell •
40f a knight, who, leir•ecl: lady- well:
'Twasin a vitte-feril, harp and. bleak,
thOugh, may b44Pe pre,misesdid speak
O bettutylhat glimildstelothp'.44404)4.7
ladY re; lergegila, 8`1>W11,.. .„
-.--- A striger;VO!.'nf''Itiglinb,Viti,'. •
ilewtia'ma 43are tk hor nesting tree
With' a piece -of strew-, and such
booty. • • • •
Her lord and. mas,ter,'.hlu'er,
With weeter-iriii.
•'Close'folipived-In'ter,busy flight •
'"011'llitilted there on a pest-
` (I'loW "blne e was. how bac1 the
Rer'fWaiting' mate fipW to the, grojilld
_ _ ,
And te PIrr.PTISei .— a worm he
' faun& ) •''•
Then •what? Instead of gobbling it,
As most Would de, you must admit,,
With Joyful dart he.joined his mate,
And sang a song to the. worm she ate,
G. Young.
MOSCOW's "Human
•• Kornareff,:"the hUmen 'wolf," as Mos.
cow caiLshrn, was 'plated en trial re-
cently. He is :the •anthor, or .11.11,1appal-
• 1ingseresof crimes, reminiscent of
ti -de darineet '„'rattrder deit"%legerids of
' , ;dentral..Ettrene.,% After his capture he
confessed to. lsso than .13', murders;
the bodies • Of ,22, ,Ofr•th•e victims ot
• Wh•lcif had -:ttIrcady• been found- INve.
• plere weredug UP after :hie confession
n•nd.t.he reit -.1,•.taye apparently been los
the,last two, years •the.,'Igoscolv
police have. been. - batilled, by 'discover-
leS, incessantly ,i,oveat4d, of bodies ef
then tigl,itly. bound up in suci0... Twen-
',vete, found in parts of
•...the city., ' On ,Watte• ground; MOS•tlY, in.
; ditetricts south, of 'the ••river,."'Tpie
• ayted two 'retna'rkable ,
all • of the bodieS'were tied:Urn. •in the
:$° fhon-iused*like' Chickens
:ter totisting.,'! 'Said one of the Inspect:,
Otswth licrrrid second,
; clieCoVeries were;.fiearly” allWaYS'
; rriade en ,T1uisthys �r Saturdays. Fur-•
tlier inquiiy ebOwed..• •that. "the: 'sacks
'contained" Scraps .of hitY or
Oats, -indicating that the oWner. had
•something, to doWit horses.Most
the' bodies Werei. fotnid, Inthe Shabo
loyki quarter,where. there is .0.: -•horse.
niarltet„;cM Wediresday';-4..nd, Friday.
• . This disecvc,:ry, narrowed the.range Of
investigation coneiclerabli. • .-
After.-arpatient search, it:itas found
•,•t‘hat aleertain dealer, •named.„Keinaroff,..
•..•orre•ly ,'seemecli te !de btisine90., ri,t,the•
wae Often Seen to, ge'away
• with a,ProepectiVe, customer.: He had
sMpie- with tioltes.at his ,heme and
tlie-eldest 8 .years -old;
,direet 4inkonnect1ng
•laim with the murders;, and hia• reputa-;
tion WS. excellent ii•e•was,a
qt4:iting men," .a.Opyrtinoi tOthe report,
i'with.nethingtra., lige about
,save that the pupils of his. eyes:
'were unuanally small incoMParieon
'with•-the-White:"-",-SorThe Ptilice raided
his heme. Under t4e, pnetext of search-
' lag for au illicit . • '•'
. dustomer,:lnyti.;;sack. itemaroif
• Caried . through • a.: ".,Otndoiv, but was
atight fluk7.494Uf--18;ter:7 •, -
••• , , .
• According to his confessdon, robbery.
--w.a,s.'the motiva-ofithe-
trOuglirt lilm an pretage ot 80centS,
each,but•,the„inan ls evidently a Sad-
lst tried, t�hang. Mi. 8-
- Es r -old sort. who was saved Only' by
.L.,s-nnotheir's cutting hiM OaNret.i
, ,-" • 1
, SultecrHim, All •Ittight:'
• Voticing-ond of her pUpils nibbling
e.:;.1111 ii_Oigonc,, in -.school-one
the teacher called' the Culprit to •:the
•• ."YOtt; know," she began sternly,
,L,l"thet yeti:Must •Vetz,_eat AttringLlessen
• he*, ; ,punishrnent, , yot•t
muStfttaitcl-in• front. 'of the' -.class' and
•eist.eVirylit,of '•• • ;
, small bey..did as he .wee:
Otritnirt grin.everePteading his face.,'
The 'teacher 'misunderstood that grin
Meta' the • last scrap thtad'disaPpearet.4,
When •front the Close a. volte;
wn:ei•in tearful accents , '
''il-iregierrteiiehei, that wasn't ,,tris •
•Unch he was, eatin'; • it W,as Mine!" '
' ' ,•
, •• Fruit -Pici<ing
•4 eellapp,Ible Orchardladder is Made
• In twO sections. ...The upper section: of
the two-part ladder Is disrposixt, at an
.ohtuae.angle,...to ,the:ibwer. �ne, and ;ter.'
r mingeS in a Single reit • AS 'this rail
is..;sheatlied, no ditniage to the bark is,
pos-sible when .4- la adjaafted between
• Chia 'limbs Of 19, frUlt tiee; !lila the' fruit
picker' can pick over a; cOrtaiderabla
• . range, withOnt having to descend and
Shift, the ladder ;t9 It now lioaltion..
• Aodorflitio to coBtoin,
Dealer—"That , is a rate Oid re-,
• volver. It was: Milled 'bye, Christopher
doiumbua."': •• •• •,
• Custontot—"Milutti Why, revel:jets
• were not.invtAnted n Coluinbits's tithe."
Dealer "I. know, Tliat'e What
-Makes this' SO rare."
Instruct children' in actsrof kindnetli
Australia . bee' More pilldeSi,
proportionit0 pbpu1at1om than
• any other. country..•-. '
• fleeter 'Inet; bretik• than: , 'hay' 0.
Surnames and and Their Origin
-.0471;6,eA• Place' name. ,
••• .,Here.is fdinily name Which though
it- IS,. properly .classlded AS:an, English
one 11.
• . . „
Celtic 'OrlO,Iti". 'rather than.,;., to . Anglo-
Saxon sources....',..As a fatniii.",name,
.1IP Weller! I t, ittit as likely to he borne
by descendants /of the Anglo-Saxons as
'the ctornish-13ritieh fron whom' the
place name cornea down., '
or town" Of, this ,name,
spelled Kelsey „ to -day, 7 is in •Lineoln,
Shire., An older snelling, and ooe
clioser; to the original. name in 'the
Crnh torigne7 was "Refiyek"" R I
or e -
sYn." " • ••1 •
"Kel," 'in' the. anelerit'Ongue-o.f the
signified a 4neek" in the geo;
graphical' ,s•ense„-and bhe Word "syc"
"elyek" meant ,"dry." '
. The PlaCe name is; -of 'oolitic>, •(4'
greet antiquity, eatedn/tini the Anglo-:
Saxon invasion of that. section of 'Eng-
land, and. like other Plamenaines. in the
,inItidle...ageS, it liecaMathat bails of 4
family tranie indicating •originally: that
the 1?e4./rr, had Conte froth that, .1
was-itrzsoine' way connected. w t.
' r4t-GrAfee.rneoehrialgn,..ode _
On .0atobar 1, 121--,e --;-ecie- -stie,a1 cal.:91'
Is A-4-Incikation That fhe„ Blood IftuaLEastterm Ohrilindoai, will be
---,,---711_ 7.111i11- and-.-Wat.er5c-, - ---- ' ii9-ito'fire47-144—°11Arni—row,"4,Vjg-ttijethkein'gth.tt
. .,..,
L 'rho ,first, elgu 0.,rheumat1ssai. is fre, tkc.> Jull.411., .tbe c,„Irlagreaa ofall'Ortho:
OntlYiltlitclii?i ' 'We/link fr - f Arttl'qhar4eurairter.0411144121100,0 attecTdi4117,a,
' 401,2047,;•.1,1W 3.1.•
"S.A....;0:41:',...„.....-A: . ,.t.-,.!-•1' -ii.d410 'te,..„,,,W ....1V.. Ar,"1.04441.1•0.-1t.'',C.W
the disease the pelson4preadt„. affect.: tober 14,:thervattleal3-niostetAbereat
Ing Ctliet ;3611:413 and ,tissu--some01:,,t10. „,4„414.,• -.4.4.ts•;.,,shaits is. 4.11,f4 1,0
tinieS - rbeatilatlaia att4CIP3r-0443" haar:i' 1 the fact that :moat of*. the Oriental,
aad ;a fatal. ' ' • I
1 countries 'have' adopted : the Gregor
• aAss,reciinterdhyeu.tinbaaittit:inas, icaorpriec.tvvedi',1?1•aaamiisy 4 4,,,,,b' ,olts43,d, osit,w
, thee!. 14.tes:, t• cOnsi,, „try to do fiaploi
•, Pink pills. •• These 'pills enrich• and I .,....., Le deciatottAh.p,es.A:s.elebra_ tlen •,,
-Ourify:the.--blooti-se- th4.----tlie..-poisonoira-',- -
- h '• ti - tt le "driVen•out of he 41, ill'IE--417:qr'iveat,:14441.1kigrr4-4. -.4tiritteirt'lthill-'6--_1--;-d-o-ois:
''.13'ykieni'ai...riatiire intended., WIlBe Ger'. ,':gresg., decider the iOregertan' filethed of
tie. :Deane; VVAS4ago,, Gnt..; ,wei; ',attaelt- .„rer,k1.4i-4g wi J rz*n, . eoi).. , • , Delegates .
' '..34 *Rh% rheumPtlini and 4(mad 'T0.10 161 f Ararat? ade. 'bon ea Scientific
,..atharoysu;._gh,A,Dbro4Wt .41,1a.ymiws* ,Ilain:to l'0,111sii,i,,a,S,,b;37,,,v44' ",vt.r ',; ,oxo-- -. 044c ., . ,
., . • . „, ,..w; . make
',ii•rt4Ig-,;,4.-J4• ertx.leru:At4t4lo'na!ly14befd?,r ',,r if9e '',„'')ieet.,41/0'hrill'e,sse'il::t''..pigrthee 'nt,iiil'ileg'64:ig.r:ide'e,
Irqu'Ne was a° ,PPlaii•11;' afregting tile Bucharest and •Petregrati to drew 1113, a
joints, �f My. limIls Se that 1 could not table fixing Easter Scientifically until
lavtaillidain'aiscm.e, ' Mother had 'a hint: Of Dr.. the year ;909. . ... .
Pink .Pills la the -house and . •
. .
thought they Might help Me. .I began , '. ','• G iaractiiidors.,..
liking them,. and; when I .had taken .. ,
A ' sPider, native of Trinidad'has
. these Pills Opt a further SalilllY,. With ,_ - •• • : . •-,e a
tba-reSult-tbat-the-Thellinatiain-Vallish:+9PdY-aS:' l'''4 4rPand-aa- a "t3-i•L- a:at
ad indI"was a well girl: • I may add piece, 'a..4d. 'Iglirt. leg6'; w1.1.101 ePread
tha.r My inOthen.40 two .of MY Sisters glaalsalYes,;°at 49 a °I'reuriltrenPe tb
have also used the. Pills for. various 411- ' size l'°f a'''eliasse. Plat's' F;),Iru:s14,411t49 at
meats vvith, equal. success, and 'new we' ,a tIrt.O. ' these •PPIftra! ... 4 .., 4'
•are never without them in the 'bottee." wife: will live-•tiT61.-kr9gielalltaY:-togettker
oitiou• due tb: peot; ,,weteo •tbiook'or.;.. 'Oeillhoi, where they 'stay . daring the
...w.,elaf.,ky.tinue:ees,.i:::rgtiatici,:... apnr.y., .. 75c,51::. ia '4 'chosen ;Corner Of a. etiltheard or
llama', F'init, Pilla, now, lipid note h hiedru.r4hiitfe deagYil,ighte;'',,ttphplierwifte ,c,lils. .).piliii.
Your 'strength and health will improve fprelege. After darit; whin 'they hunt
:dealer, in •ritedleine, Or by mail,, ,..t SC sii4?-
You.• can get:- these ,' pills" through any they nr6unweabll,.'1.)04Vtergitth,teh,elifor.ii,ISiepfzeraLtlitFi
Ithiclicine„to.',' Brookline, Ont. .
CentS a pox. .f0m. The 'Dr...Willie-Ms', in.8 6!;')4kroa•011eS: bY sheer fleet/let's...0
:feet.. -They are''SEirciapl diattriled' of
, , , • , :. . . .. :itilled„, • partly 13ecatiSe „af • their. very
cansidemfable rtinning pnwers...'
V4Hations FianeSsY; 'O!FenneaSek,
• Finnessy • •
• •• ' •
, Here IS, an Irish faMily naine
• while perhop,s7' not so widespread , to-
day as sorne'other Irieh namesCarries
'with, it much Of hi5tarica1-tomence.1
This, name was borne by one Of the
piost poworrui otos in Ireland during
the Middle •Ages, which .was one of the
last in itssection of the .9puritry_ to g
dOwn before the forceof English 0110.
The Gaelic form Of the • elan name
was ."Ocpianguea„", derived from •the
given nante OfAhe chieftain, 'Tiepins,"
who . led it into fame 'at'a ierYearlY
Period of 0:m1%1h:idle Ages,. lite strong
hold, of the clanas near bf
the Kings" in Tipperary, County,
• • The pronunciation of th aidGaellc
name is act soT Afferent from that of:
the modern Anglicized .ferni as might
be supPosed from the spelling.:
Light Without Neatinvented
in France.
A French engineer has 'mad dis-
Coyery which,..it is, belieyed,•will eturie'
4 revolution, in 'methods • of iliuinina-
tion: At Present Mast electric 'IamPs
use up, 70 per Cent. of their energy in
glIringout boat. ,'rather than
.Risler has, contrute1 a lamp Which
• gives Out41girrivitheut ,heat, He rMace.$.
use Of a *Retain% tube through WIalch• a'
phosphorescent Material IS ,passed? As
,seon as. th,e, electric: curient .is,pasSed
through- thise. light 'ie' produced .whiCh
1.5.•-fiOgliter than -that the largest
lamps *now in use.
, The. consumption. Of energY. is . only
1,8 'watts •eik, hour tfla' tube - six metres,
long and Seyert'„ Millimetres in
No Death by Accident on
• Railway: in 50.YearS,
, There is a railroaCia...apprat o _
day which hold's the: remarkable
crd Of never having; haitrati aecident
se- r ei as to calise,lose.of life, says
a Loudon despitteh. "It.inust be a tok
,ritil'road-22:-some-bne-will-sa-y ....but even
those ,meet .Writh 7.entaltroPlies
Sometiines,. • .*"•'
• This isa reel •railroad,' Whi0 has:
.heen running for more than fifty': years,
, •
time It has earned more than 1,000,-
0000 passengers : and' nota life has
beeffrlest-due to, accident on the road.
-It1s theNerth London; Railway, begun
by Robert ,EtephenSon.
Pick and NAck.
•..Thla'iltafe season vailien .plenics•.are
in fall. swing, • birt ,hoW' Many of • the
thousands who enjoy them' could .Say
.why they. Were given their name?.
' The explanation Is simple. :When a
picn1c. was being arranged it was .the
custom for • those` who were to be pre-•
gent' t� promise to. warmly' food and
. „ ,
.• •
'114.. of the'things necesSark :was
drawn tip and passed round, eaCh ner-
son picking out the articles he or. she
was "nicked".. on. the list—that is to
say,a mark was placed'against it. The
,.open-air entertainment thus °came ' to
.be knownaa' "Pick and nick:" ' The
custom is suld to, date fi'am 1802..
. '
IttlaStepieces of Music.
, 'Many of theWorld',s greateSt master-'
'piecesiare,known to have been ' written
In an incredibly short time. The Mes;
reported 'ttiliave
. taken the ,coinposer' exactly twenty.'
eight days. TheBarber of.Seville Of
. .
'ResSini ii,•eald, to haire'been the work
of afOrtnight. ita Trariata, of Verdi,
•..-blograpliers tare' -.Correct, ..Nras
• done in Jess than One month. • Schu-
bert Often ;:poured. out this :irnmertal:
songs at. the -rate of threeand roar. a
kindof. musical fountainence ,set
flowing- it .continues withogt:Interrup,',
tion in a ma,rvelouS,matirter.-
Minard's Liniment used by Physicians.
_ _
, ,
The , roads of Junpare paved with
• :shadows dancing,•
Tbe.,ficitvers, new magic knoiv,..-
•Through trees,...thOck-leaved, the' silver
,inoon Is 'glancing,' • , '.• •; •
The 'glad -reeds' Whisper .
, When .the -baby IS IIV-,.--when he is
conatipeted, • has, intligestion; colds;
Soft ivy-flagers at my pane are termini!,
condor simple fever or an; Of. the
When sep'hyrs, drows dream 7 •
And -idle willows' in the .dusk arelap
,ping ,
the waters ()Vale Stream.
• .
.Iune'S :cup. of'lOyeliness ' my areett Is
, .
• ' ' '0, E, p,...Duguay Thunder ''River Otte.,
Ah, merry'soUndathe,surge upon the • • •'. •
_ r., „ , , says:—"My baby was 'e great sufferer
. . • . •
13a7 , • ,
• " • ' from colic ,and cried „continuallY., be:
Atk . in, the moonlight ,• lone1..it gin giving him. l3aby'S Own T,ablets
, , • latighing •
and, the relief Was 'wonderful,- '1 new
At•'Eyen's loYAStar..
aiwitYs'. keep: a :'s•Upply;.of ' the Tablets
18 the Ibuse.".....'1111.4,• Tablets; are sold'
by meditine. dealera• or, by • Maii. at:25,
cents a box fronsT.Th-e-'Dr.., '
Aledicine co„..13rookitlle; Gilt: •
1;1,1;Y'S OIVN 11ri11111,ETS
. •
r •
other' many minor, ils of 'little ortes-
6le Mother will find Baby's Own Tab-
• lets :an exCellent remedy.: They regu-
late,' the, sten-tech 'and, be,wels, thus
.banishing the cense Of most' �f the ills
of clitlohoed. Concerning- them -Mrs.
The hearistringS. Of the _stint/net ni
• ere 'throbbing .
,s wet
•Then laughter of .'the creeping • Morn
• conies, robbing -
The dream and heart dealrei, •,., .
• •
• Theiargest Hotel in the ,'British Empire •
VELLERS who krioW the world arid what Is
besttherein appreciate the high standard: -of
service Which the Mount Royal Hotel' supplies.
Largaairy roorns'oVerlOok the famous rnoluntaln to the north
and the majestic St. 'Lawrence to the south. •
It famous cuisine series a variety of, restaurants from the
great main dining room to the Grill Room;thaCafeteria and;
•,fromAto September,. the ,cool,luxurious Root -Garden.
, • •
• Your Stay wi4.13e,a 'continuous pleasure.:
VERNON 0. CARDY 14anitger
1, Direction:
•-blot:Shaky-Enough •
• The. Guitte-"INTovi that yoteve een
• the ' real_ thing, hew do you like the,
Indian 'Snake dance?"
. :Miss Tiptoes7:-"Not a bit'..1; eillected
to see. some ,Sinuous wi1gies that
could lntr�duce ina hesitation,"
The Awakened Apple Tree.
it s,eemi3 so „short...a,SPece...ago,„I stood,
Beside 'you 'neath a: ciarlt ,and cloudy
To all aPpearance, dead,' yew' naked
- Raising- aloft stiff -branches, black
a.nd dry. , ; ••
Thout -foreknowledge ,we_lcould--not-
•, Conceive ' • . •
That you would taw) a. resurrection
.„ .
„ receive, • .• , •
That filled with pleasure,',Nve would
gaze on you, . ,
'Knowing that God int6 this world of
• .
_ _
Had-placed--,this7wondrotts„ mire -die
• of Spring, •
This •tree awakened to a' soul in
•-flowers, • :
• Exquisite joy into'ourt hearts to
-,-Christina W. Partridge,
Sell Verse,Scratehed Inn
-7-Keep--Talive7within yourself „the "ThereCtrirTlifee: troiSeis'Itt yOtir;
spark of human greatness Calledayin, 400r, • log'. up .y00,
pathy, .1t..ite:.the voice of your Creator •count four.•t ° • •
fintinlialimr-You---telbeintr.tY',Tel Com- , ,A • stnall pane Of glass beiringAfie,
mon intereit'in above couplet, scratched In a moment
„ •,.
of, 'chagrin •,,hy.',,,Ibriathati.„.•;Slf4,.:tb,p,,:sa:
,mons ' Dean of St. Patrick"Cathedral,'
•DuSlin,--his,jUst.hPen,eold bY'. auction- '
•or 4!65. '
• .
' 8Wift wait 'Went' te • keen •at an irin
•Called..Three Crosses at \Vhllougliby,
neer Rugby, on his v,fty" to and from
big dearierY
landlord'':-..". wife, being:Oen-
pied with' Othei . visitors, offended the /
iraSeible-allitlirldniiiver'S Travels" '
• by -payinghim.,-ress than usuah ntieri,',-
con., To rnark his jdispleasnre of a
hasty observation;Dan swift aerate&
ed the co,Uplot .on thovdndow with h18
disinond ring,,
,,...That .200. years ago and sine
that day ,tile.. name of the in hes been -
changed• -to Four CroSoe;, .
,Failing min is likely at any time
drive into a room • and dealage the
floor, wallpaper and .furnishings, One
manufatturer has dled an electrio
, rain alarm. Which wilivewartiiig as.,
rein in ttnY qiiimilty fella ittd a room.'
The deice 'ConSiste 'of a 'butt iceritaini
ing n, battery, a brizZet.; a '1'1ml] elec-
tric light.and, n switching arrangement
that holds what the ,maker calls a
Tho bei Is puton the
window sill at 'night tirlien4the Whicicw
is 'left Open for Ventilating purpoaes,
The tailing raindrOps, on the ••dtse,,
awitchezon the, entrant aitcl throwe
in • both light and buszpr into circuit. the
nfctAnitritt,ctatl,rmintrEetiocii, 'buzzer awakets the sleeper and the
tight MOWS Which Window peeda' at.„,
lives ,of Quality
Packed in a Mall-
• IlOr which insures
their,keeping in
fresh eanditton.
Remove capping
from cork by dip-
ping in,hot water.
• Every single olive
- and quality before
it goes into the
• Plan And Slued.
all Grocers
Insist on
• • IlicLARtNig
ilticg :OF A1-10ME
Wirs. I.ogue .States • Money
Tanlac Reitored Itrnr
grateful statement of Mrs. Emily
ElbOtland '.'e1ev6n iaarS 4,0,7 is the
Logue, 129: N. Park St., Hamilton, Op-
'tAt thnee Indigestion, gas bloating
and heart palpitation tortured me till
'-ive -Me-frantic:
'My appetite was so poori scareely..,o,te.
-0-41-0-Wleikilicling', and T 'grew- so
hviosrewaolk7g,bornIvioktit4,4„f -1144,dachtoedleitm
• iii
thbaglit .It. would sp1"4., I hadfet.s„rful
dizs'y',0141-.h,„ and -couldn't get - 'good.
'IlIgh,tlf sleep. , . • " • •• •
l'r spent'enotight'onfoneY on medicine'
to buy a. home, but nothing helped me
until"j started on Tatilec, 1 notv. have
a.- splendid- aivetite,-, my digration is
perfect,andI always feel, strong and
well, for Tanlac has built me Up to ro-
bust- health ,and I Will always' praise
it:" •
'Tanlae 'IS for sale, bY gnoti. drug:
gista; 'Accept no ,Substitute.„ ..Over „37
m4lllon. betties; sold. .
,Tankic Vegetable* Pills 'are 'nature's
. . „. .
own reinedy'fOr conatipatiiiii. • ,For Sale
• • , •
everywhere. •
• •. British Servants Rewarded.
. • •
. In. :England ,,there.,fs a sOei.00:,..09114,
ducted by women for the .p.rerneting of
long service -among • 'servants... • , Yalu;
,asisified:-Advertiserben.W, -,.
1;elliir'Z'Wcorig--7091,1"IlecCultkie4rilfflt4 4113'06,PC,?g,r,44
nest •Ia uszeoremetad temper', Of new 10 ;Ate
F4'24' .''"t4 41'4' "441. tiF'.' !1°4 'PS",•'''' 'qz541
:-ItillerrAIN7yelogDr-urselot ste.--CITtOitetc'771=11144:: ......••••
Aiv4'' •15],7 mintifacturiis -CAL .;.;.t.,0•4' *Fitl*110;
ottiirlOt • • " 14
14.Y 0400.4 nit>tlexItIegas'prociaeg4 iy
OT•14Ve• Wil4n1-140 a ,
• bex, In WITight any mateeal, ric•at.•-•.
bea le burned,
-„. „ „.
'1;kt:1i/444144, Elgireas :Monty
• .., •
shawl ,(geing, tir.:041111Jeimerlt..49epi.'
'fag' 'aceounte)••,--43,ut"..witat • ittthd;,^:. .
earthly use of Eitanting 'aeaoUnto. with,
feiir'grOcers?'"-:, • 7' • • •
. you. see, dear, it makes
the bills so Much Smaller!"
.Eldest In the 'Falaily.- •
• ' Mr. Vicarnleetiog father' and son) ,
to serr---i,"Well,. my little man: are yo:
the •eldest of. your „
'''Father '
' IEtch,yeks.'raItaitthoerrTlr
1/RAVE retaid 7=7.
VOUIt I La flamed &Granulated. ,
.._• sn• C if Sore, Irritated, In- 1'
useMurhie often. Seethes. Refuges. Safefor
toInfranreateisyriiimgokdUlt.., misisAt alt Drggistt Wlite
•• 4 • • 44 • •
abie,prizes are given.' • •• FACE SORE.',
1,700 Women. Pa/item In U.S.
United States are -More then,
1,70. women ',Kilo have lieen ordained
to the 'filinistrY.
.amerleeliv kqeneer Dee Isenie.die•
• Boot: on
and Ho*ito Feed
Mailed Free-to•ay Ad-
dress 'by the Author.
R. Cliy Glover 'Go., :Ina
• 12,9 West 24th' Street
New York, 'II_ ,S.A. • '
Attractive Proposition
. For'Man With , all round 'weekly
, . .. . . .
.newsp.aper ...expetience• and ..••8400 - '•
... or. s590.. . Apply AO* • 24.; Wilson:. ,
' Publishthg.00.4:14d.;, 73 Adelaide,.
Street West..'•• . ' • .....,:'
. . • .. • , .
Cuticura Talcum
Soothes -And Cool
SOap.there is nothing More refresh-
ing for babes tender skin than
Cuticula Talcum. If his eidn'18 red.
rough or ,irritated,,anoint with Cutl-
et= ;Ointment to soothe and,heel.
They' are Ideal for all toilet uses:
Seap2Se. Olatuent25 MiSfle..YalldSe. Sold
throughout theDomlnion. Cangd nDegot:
kams. Lindtlo W., ad, 344 St. PagIl°draft,.
•'.cutictua Soap shaves witlsout mug.
ilute 3fina4's *a -bar sOti.i'swes
.aillir:Vroisie--itzitripijIrliii-Olirdiri •
hen4 ;itinples..,blotfited & chaPI4 iki
• How Backache and PeriOdiC
Pains Yield to Lydia: E.,Pink.
ham's VegetAle Compound
Sas1.---1'•For al')out year 1' •
was troubled with a distressing down.
bearing pain before and during the pe,
!backache. 1, hatedto,,go• to adoctor• ,.
and as I knew several women who hacA
• taken •Lydia E. Pinkhem's Vegetables ,
'Compound:With good results, 1 &tails
bott*ht:serneand tool: four bottles of it, ': •
cerainly 'do re'Cominend it -to' every'.
'woman Witiftroubleslikelnine. ,fee1.
fine now. and hope' te be able to keep
-your medicineen hand at all -times'," zuf v` ,
no -Woman ought to be:witheut-it-in the .
Mrs. •Oscait A. ANDEasoNt.
Leslie,_Sask. ' _
Mrs. 'Kelsey Adds Her Testimony
Copenhagen,'IN. Y. "I read you'
aclvertisernefit. 'In 'the papers and my
-husbatidinduced rite to take Lydia M
Pinkhanea Vegetable Compound to get
relief -and -weakness. -I was
se weaktliat-17cOuld-notwallt-it-times...
Now I can do nnY housework and help
Il137 husband out doors, too. I am willin
• forsou to publish this letter ifycluth.
it will herp others.!' Bl_rs, Hisamr
KELSEY, 1U.1)., COpenhagen, N. "r.
Sick, and 'ailing wornen everywhere
• In the, Dominion shOuld' try Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound before
-theYgiveliP.,40Pe-of-15aguv@rY. ,••
UNLESS yoli see the name_ -13.ayer•-. on .tablets,, ybu
are -fiCitge,tting-Aspirin at -a 1
• Accept, only 'an "unbroken package! of "Bayer Tablets of
• Aspirin'," which contains directions and dose worked out by
,physicians during 22 years and proved safe by millions for
Colds , Heada•Che ' Rheumatism
Toothache, Neuralgia •" Neuritis •
Varache •LuMbago Pain, Plitt
. . ,
Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tabletts-Also bottles of 24 and' ;01,-.T./ruggistei
acetleseidestor of Salielleseld, While it la wall knownihst Asptfel„rnsajp,Lia_Yor
AsnlrIn Is the trade tnark IrogIstprod iri Ctinfu. Ara amr IditettfrttUV et Motto.•
rainufetethre, to eailst the Public agatnist Itriltations. the xatiets_' ex iteestes:trt,,,ae
' wIll-bli-ettutpad -wktp--,thalr scutral'irmlifluarkt'thg-"Itgrgesizessi4 -- ' - '. . '''''4001......'''',-*.
. •