HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-05-24, Page 8,j V "M d9t,11Y' bt,ftb MS. V,4 ,A -r— , - , r - , - , �. � 4.W7 71iA W: �We�k' TV77 q, 0 2, JY A MAN,' 044, xv, 'i T .......... 777, 4 77 P, F-1 d W 4 0 Y s 7� "Arc X. Ae t"O N . ...... 4 -IL: 4 7 t c"V. -on4he -CoAtWexit !a ai,�l 'WIX 0 di - 0 at Very.`74-10­ 6rso om... -th IS, q- irrR. tolila i Ana_ ui 41MInPitt td, a , Y 7 . j"3 T -he it a 00t, 0 4 a. 4 y#r�qap 0PIMMInately *165, as."cQrn �rednl, , V �t earn or--thp-Unite 74250t�-f or - _P -475 Q.J 6j,', Gie-,at7Z Riw,-Ca P �.A afCanadian Tad 1c, ''a rd'' -idih' Ldfi­ W W, ar : 111�.,,.qua ity, prliced! at,51 c. pe:r 07atte dockqq at 90 t Up. Ye derwlp J0114 -With ,ov6r-,406* Hebridean, fili-" k Alberta;,' mig 110 Vart 3pa xtrw wide,- at, d, 456. Th near.-Moraine- atch . .. W. Cla d Q vide. width e.1923 camp, - the, Alp Aq P.b. Of '-Canada be.'Pitched and. V alleyt k nIniles, Lake Louisle w di .4cific; Rockie ra le pe 10UK hours,, lilt ilvdiage" 6f­fj6m S Pongee WICIO -Triivel4ing p:1 -knots -ija 2, 'w Z4 Knots pet hour, th e Can'ad' S PROM liner "Empress, of Canada'!-' �ap 7 Ras ort ent of Widtfis d for - .s of 1. recently��,013tablished­a 0 "ifidt6li"" 6od f ors anc j k.. quai veSses4on -tho_,_ a n A the t fis hLiavy c1it Va1v e. in - : .. The last- s me., 1)u!p se., R1 ns suitable' n b e�--d n,� bbo ; a scenic, -tour thiough ad'*ot6i­ we�tern scompares. the' U� ited'-Staiei.-Will iii qtthl'ity with QaTiada and be thrown open to IcOst'6f an triaetorl-�i Vp oil traffic U Co ors, the biliff-Windermere, for U a e e, and:' a Whi t $Oth when 6 fro, _tt_ n oilpull'l Iubrkkti6n; pWitiMj, j,'tot ig.hw "ll b- n Anal ng ie; ext Maor H y a w ecb C part�.; opened ave-,atiti6patedi'your - requirements 1� ong the Lingelie-.._ atto'rd and Vited Moving its fwii6tii of iciall h" Like s6ores tom 'neve eezes and" Js- ep;M. men., -ssorted.,� car of' B and ha 6e our sto&, oo ing sys w a' A 'spen. some - tilne ith 'thbse:,good n cific.Raftay from Tor' arrive in, Yanepuver via Canada,'Pa.; ita inethoa Y a, Will - d �,�tickion 011ptiff w S 0. reat in. Yj Inge 0 ��Lp 0,9 a part ongandrun­,t the' Ontitri4i Capital- This�� const i p. ays� s d 41iig,-the�T­r6iuss� hrch- a er., ah, order,: h2id: bebn ired t u tutes a fecorA in 'E�&rvje 'oe Q pran ic�all Some reasons are: Let iij e., rw ar,, irt g1l ad iswer in --will be '2254-eet-high' and., indludin the Ooib�ic. ;The �Aee�16 ip,,fr�p fQ., linty 'the. RqmAn 'arid. mbinkti6n, of �KENN Hica'at St-: Anne akehi ectural t* Ali, sizes style.�,t 'new pi an Conibina ions 2 ler, d aim 0 p ease Let us prove�� ou 4 ye de.. B.eaupio will C6, r be a -co' ROY� P. nt., P poitcal t ose. in th:i cbalap)�.th' S Con in twentf-six'altars. UN' Sa T he. -honor of runnin' thi os ip, into Monticial harbor-,liom the flirst 'r 7 p ain, E4* zen, ;.c 'fell this, year � to 'Ca to: d Aikman, 'commander of a, 'TREEYOKA WEE, li� ds fol�hd that s6�-d eani6d-roni:a hollow. log� and' th ..... . ) he 1 .14 . . . t 9 'Blabk an: ePP!n)41'b6lohgedto.Mr.Ga6 Tolwil _VOG JMPRISO, IN 'On're t liberat0d..a, -of IA7 ro. eter' The d-og had bee� Otton llose.,.. . ian Pacific stehmer- C.: -at g of, ]a' t, k wicIt tori?s -bdys th( d e 'It Was r t er th &ki broke,", a'-fteightr. The "Montros6IP RAt Ash tlyf ol I a t Mr. owe sonie,,g' a ame-in­. i. s -ai,�pe Ito wa�.' g-00 e d aAsengers. o -he s4rhe, linb%was 'the firsi vd-s4el 'h ard e'Aniti f -t he vitl&. h in �s iE 6g and. ag" to', carry tra ia the.1 iinnble, i O'P,' t:Out OthG�wl$­-alk:'Iiiglit��Gorrie idette-­` V Anto the port in 1993.'. -77 an -andAock.i .011ts in'Canadgk during, 19�ffl* D e -of -working V91yed in tho'litrillies, wilp 00 1,975 276.- Approximately if the, number; 'of war. ing f ea, Piellll'of the time, lost In car! . . ...... -was ith.-th 6-�striklds -of '-�'t oal MAN in, Alberta and R -DIE .1 THT AT. MrIN41i h S he - nd, a -0iB, f -a 0i Iran T. opping,th dstein ints of the A921-22 bi*theri er dn .. . A 'ono r. D -Gol � _y St. J"n rom., l'eesw#ej:i:in. he h Nx qav e grain,.s. ipfii _4v storm 'of last wdnes anew - Ne Than'Tlie-i:, ea -------------- an! '.partarolume in a a hal Or une � ve .. ..... Lpa n I n i i a. m ot at,-, t r i i t Uanadian ej re.e 'an -'h 01 'au -G -about s the', 1922-23. NTS rossing. Z H T,flps, froiij� here;.'.a:nT, gustained-i seli. A -sh- unes-from Which'ho'diet -v I lavato —Ove n- d- Blue andsomg, eks' The sipg e, s 1P.; was knp&6C,to �to re -he ll 6 rid U0, to Tway-Lst to,tall u are - e,� a u a Sur y or 1 Vard' raking -at -0-0 e' B*iu extr :7 jure&man­buv� e, and B1, ave A -a :S 'the, time Th ink 6n6wistorm which� S d s blamed f*r." the accident os Alth ugh hedieal asBiBta CASES AT,TA9A',.' nee' aTa in i n ute A ndition, -was WO court 9.1§:qs -Were-':field before" his C6 N --h L i, ere-yes- !� 6-5 e and. later. to; Toronto­'*filare-.hil6 homei, !�Ven v.ia-Ve ead as epop, c. a, p er in rning.with-: ssault rem W6-haVei-f WA He,died on Friday'mo agaAnst -,h `husbzid, for �'..SpeciAlly- Pjic ik6t. , ca -paint"on, he-'w''a -Mrs. _1 d er'� The'Arst. was thht,'of flar 'ribbed top' T tardily afternoon. sayj the th liAll1r,"' C40d -Mi br- kistrate-MeXab-; Gi6n�r 31 Hosiptl, Tara Laid- �Sui laving regained. ,d at Air 'Mr -,Goldstein was, Od an wi e4ppelar,�t6 'have o4iched-up P rp in'bbdil- liarn, 7' any Th'e lifiBbaficV.: os T e, -engag the 'junk, business diffiedlities Children. 9 Ribbed e. With, Mr. Odt%of ourt'hhA'the Ine; qua i YL9 ."Jn" d C__ -Th ." ideal finish fbrl6or HarkY Vard[4- ",Very S, -C es,in mmes press. or a conviction, 'Ask bli 46,, Mies;-, 51 t -a i fjrom� -6t f ef,: Light of t*o"Wn.—Wingham T1 wife �'did ii k� for' N ail shad' 'B, 0:A') -batic".0aki, :Golden OA he ina--Istirat6,'�6w6vet,�'l-ook�d!ppofi �F is a' so an ex affgir u9 2 t dellent,fini$ rnit fu 4 016� �t6'60 c h u an co'sts;,4he t O=jon y v9s. a"- tihe� of. sio 60. Williams KO S in- ay W h "in 8HE ave, heiw ad VaMiShes, a, t ar. heavy., losses, aar-not PAI and Ottawil, Ont. --Fur hi :second,cisei was thAt,oi Ye 4gke; 'Ins in a, fi-d -also Chi; 61'Na P An -se the- _610iii .:Ahe Eldaralie�-,TO�vbs hip eri- e.. By Scotia - rom ;hatg9d 'with,,cariyirig.; fire �x &r- Ri YS �d_, public, place- in dek bbed O'se '.-for B4 LMURESC fu6l -oil 'ateleported,,by� the vbk.i? fi n1d ideal "wall, fini6,liiiid - e h a"'ye, a man er. -a U.11 t Fact' thit.-the Ws. near. Mr. Tli6m:p " VOUVt it circulnlistanc6s G t9ky -bi Pfficer,­, for,: -the� 6 - - - .; aiarm frov, A11 'ergansetq;, Ances,.. ;70 ove- o rit a; d Var"n1sh lburf6s,Jons, nd" ft�B residence fired'hellg film rifl n &;--Paint` n h44dr & of 'a" 00 un We as,, r A-119 d ange, M �3 C n ying, along t a c 'faniilyr.7The ma�istrate 0 oast. from or. applying Muliesc, Sea� Bfwh eCour ',a 'd- a -abo t' a ed h lan410 ChPa Cod is, wlelfas on- Cape fine R In t P* C MpEed a of $10.00 and costs' S E IAL-- -each,:.beinJZ"thd'ini im�.m,Ans 0 ti -6f -C a Red Wi -Atlantic sejboa' X11 P. -A- Ave. it at e, rdj,.The,bir0'fii:thers RArb Wir6 d,W a,n 0 0 Feac,6 war,e,,healy, c at d with thiek oily GRAJ OMING TO GODR1 aqtAnce like crude pre-' that 801 f, the' Some' Visitors -to the 466'r n Sui�&y S9W thelarj�et'cdrgo,6f gilill, b lssTj� M rs ound silea e. ha" Wlich:, -,.to ;-ha-nd 'in th' s'vdt an 'eked t 10 his pgtry 14, an ing to &V fe x yar S t b6come mired with, �arkb of'' x 3 AM the bfids id" Wol& being )n"poit with a 3k3 Muid ti&ess�rs': 0 Lu� ad hid' 403-.600 bushels, of corn, a 3 4 d hil oats fr6ni n6 a4 Fl 'ih. -Mills elevator -Wa, e, & CoW, CO. a lisia ei traw. -7... .0 ---- -------- �_p )tTuctiOil Of` migX'at6ry,-, waterfowl. by vat6r. hits". unloided the Christopher,* M, vis, 2& fig, --Wheat and oats a 0 IM,pOi e oth-.-the Atlantic. Pacific Coasts And' Pri la e Ces. a.re­V19 eel 'them, edill" Varna Hamiltotij of, bbah�' or ithe,, 9! siolt: of �tha�� eff arts are bbilig'mid6 t 66re YdA William (part: of ithe cargo otice is hereb�,�iven th4fa, Cdprt Fort Willlain,. the, Dayton 'oat , - -l", I- ' ' - N-Mew`,�Bao-6f -,;are,, VIS10IN 1. 1 -1 s,-cauing AebP,lddn�e corn rom Glen, "M'.iiv -CO RT Or ]ENFORCIN6, 0.- T, A- H. T "t art.- Willia t6n N r a �week d from for. tfie.17OW, was lihlbaded at the mill 6� Friday 416h, llbaded kpiity, beord -7 nd RO O'f K J W I . . I n8hin inloss Will # new PrepOedoli,- A a: -liv.padh "t, the. a, 0 1 rians an SaturdhV),, the'Vindalli 1`11aving', liquor other rood ID Y` on Mond r aY, -the- 28th -ay I k, L oc a.lm.,.. o. a an, a *ere, 'the Crbsbyi, �diorn The and -dcte;Ane,-,anv 6 is 1!fam 06ft''M 11ilant-, Siaknfari ne'1200 f hear X 6 could and - the Valca�tier, ubSO4:46i the k., e'6f kiiOsClOt thd*lvea� aff Ord to own y()iJ,,, or i - W., T �el "the Assessment . Rdll'fbr the I Townhi� 06tJot-i'the thih�&*�'WiSh 1AVJ Of iand Aineri all 16n Iramilton s piro0erty"t, Parti The Thw( Davi _d, Bon, 4, co , rh afid'oats Triflaiid crested ta Galu tie idek Andrei kOv&n th6inselvesi, Accordingly at, the W C , 4 " dv6nue ­om, k6 n6tic� and' �ivias, unloaded, 0 t Ne Suft On r M abt-,MeDdnald. who bkaik�t fr6nt 'th"'t*­ 'likkkaB 11fayd paid finoB U gig i1tOn, Datea af Xiiilosstms 12th,� dally aLOCAL' kRKl4TS Ur0by into part I" -of-Marine ampu-ti U4400 An41600tB116talling. P,m,a-vor. met lakb captain iind 6,60t *$40 oeCity, Jle Is a for, 4c Was tat $60.00'. r for this trio it 18'man 7_, t itAffiNg,� ae was n 0-derih, A Special 6 d Hoks he a Yocank 6d temIxtof 420125 ib6tAl bY t! ; $ 4 0 a; ad P mdO�4 Ar9t ho'f_ ter fi� 'It $20125 y -it -will W.6jk And 06n, Ae turox�O;