HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-05-17, Page 6^ :. • •:,;- is guaranteed, the 'finest, ars N ,•---•7---shotVorun through . I gen% •imagiriO,T .,------.-.., . • eiteeptIliat"the.liehtenallt. loudly pro-' claimed that be Wai.,:ii crazy - Beer; AnyhowthetiPSheet Was that Petr was tuarepect 'eft to goal, aP•4 T vas left in., a Pretty pickle. . 6 ., "I don't believe a word of it,' I said .,A•Allffit..vo h had Moat Of mY otOthea On•; i now, audr felt more eontageous- "It. i. all$ tn? PIO) to. OP itinD_Intce.412.13 . . bi,iiiiti'lleit,I413Stit'PeXpee '4--- ‘o laili ioltiaittilUW;fOrtlintl boviiiiiiod.;;,.'77"-.t.-Fv -- O own: a verandali--ehetild have it , ' "That W4s alW4Y'rlits' 1:/es'tIlly;7- -"Ila- 'otiareened7TUF:00'i.W .WarP.1 -r:tatherf , said, .1-‘eve,r. sinee',I.• sew. lihn...dIewas no use to )is •exeeptas a man with g not only for the personal comfort and rifle. Cannon -fodder, nothing else enjoyment it gives, but as an aid: in Po ,Yeli- liotigine, you fool, that this safeguarding the fiunily health,: fez,' greatiripire-hrthe-thick of-a.,Worltk."•flies_..endlinciaquitoes. are ft -Menace te. WAr iS gOillgtO troOle.'-its head to lay life In some casesthe. Work lean be Hills snareaftit.aitignerantiltekhaae.21:- - ' _± -.; , ,..,.i,t wash, bay haddi. of him,,,,,I ..sto--d- -mauel-;-16,-Shetv•-iirimedinte-finaPtial---te-,, altilli0116„foi.:iti, irlikiliO*74-341.10.t.ilir,*140.44111 4,./1,3wriat,7„yo.d7say,„„.of,,,,hialfou...y,,,,i,,,,tre turns. la, citie instance endlesing it • • • 4 ..., I have no part,in-it.-- -13iit-lie.-WAS.-inY. Poieli:''frirth&I '''..t*''' -z*"-8 ..-716-i'77tlies'' \ ,•• CoMpaniop and, T.,,vish,hiin well. What -Seree4-,4-Oer-S-aPd Cori.e wlridoW," screen; " • ' de you propose to de with liltri?"..":" One seieeh,door for entering the..., ver- ,'!Wewlil.keep him under dur:eYet. anthill. being. all. that was 'required. he saift.;. With "a . wicked .twist of, the Anything, that increases .the'embfort: ihout.b.'• 41-. have a notion 7that 'there of ii home, increases ita• value. " :. , • • is' 1110r0 at the baCk of this - than aP- : Where tbe. porch is 'a rear One, the l' We will investigate the ante housewife can clean or sort fruits 1,11(1 ceclents of Ilerr 'Pienaar. And you, comfort ; : too, my .friend. On you also we have vegetables out-of-doors; hi . and freedom from flies or moiquitoes. BY JOHN I3OCHAN, , rv ,, our eye," .' i. did the -beat thing I ceikld have, It can be Used ..for ironing or. other • :..' • • : (Copyrighted Thomas Nelson . and Sons, Ltd.) ' done, for what with anxiety and dis, let tasks, While the entire household . , . .., .._....„.0k1.13,T,BR.,„..Y:,.=,(,.c..O,I4k1.,)„,...L.L1,1,t_pitl.hrilL.,,tio,:q_ity,„,„_I,....t.z...hiz.:nl.c.,xhe ..,ga hu: Lookpt tl., eit:oshategri nhe Y!. o'sf..thi r, tmc iP:e:, Cll. wed, e a,m4 oli 0 ."/ esh,eard_ , 77:anirl,.m:,:di,da,Y,:s',.ttiii'ellidr.d,eirlei4ggi..iiingfi:,b'i'll'iVglielp.ef.5est:EY.1.., ' .' -a ;:rrve, mothers t,2lY1II)LnEe h Po d.1 tAl IMO . i '14Ao..1'CitEP I. '1? 1,1 t • . . •,,, , ,, ' There -seemed- to , hfk 'nothing - sa far. i than a pat on thebaCk .. ° you' haven't :gThen me Much cause to 'sects, . . , , . f tift t ' . 'les ' recently in. re - woman I OU tear of 'attr'acting swaryna of in_i. nen!. Ltilidol5nitL'131triiiirtboine:;;tfrd°iIns:nci,p'"lds ofY.-ad . . - • ' ' As -I -sat -heside-the-•:stove4 fort. It can be lighted at night with -Ai.," casting back .to think if I' liad.",got wauted4t° 't4 *me thauYt 11-7Win- au:g and ftugyleiuslk- al3livat'' ahd he had he other language the •shglitest •elue' to iny ieal job.' friead, Stumm had talked .of a; von Einem The soldier NVin 111'5 old .rieSiti.on l'pve VPU` ' F°r the last two -da371I'ire Bronze ,Or: copper Wire ,cloth; is the -sP°a•e'• "t° . a Challenge hY;' °Ile .°f: tila h • interested in his de- ' ,,begt te.;• age,' as the 'better 'weather- artherS. Mrs. Groona, of, Eastbourne,. ateriais the Winner seen in the Picture, finish - with,. hiA elbows on, the menteipio had nothing from you but guarkeien „ . ,. Pertinent, .perhaps the Seine woman., and his formidable great Jaw. stuck and Insult'. Th.e OnlIr decent. Arian I've • „Inlet is Herr Gaudian.. 'It's 'becaush I reSisting: oealities of these In ". ,ed in 12 hours and 'twenty rii;mites. ' ., as the Hilda he had Mentioned the PUt• • ' belieNie 'that there are Many in Ger- make them the Cheatieet in the end 'day before to the Under S eta .1him .that, I'm prepared to ., . - ' ' ' • ' ' • , • ' use of you.... Yoh may be a charlatan 1g° 9r1 with this business . and do trik are inclined to thake..nlanY.hke 9,isten to me," he said.- '"1-1 'There was not much in that. She was ' G. audit! and. I TO CONTROL TI:l. WILY MOTH at dtuhael same ttiitme ,e, appealissuch ,c to tahethi ra iilnntir- probably tome minister s or aniliassa= 1 . . , • ..././••••••••••••...., , m "."WitiGLEilSr . Squad teeibt,, a good aloiaetitn and proper iripaa mi.JC11 ur-beadlth..7-7 WRIGLEY'S Is 8 , INTERESTING COMMER. Mt: U*OPME firtestigatIons Along ,'Liffe41Vill.'$ecicire,!.qrtar gPturns from 14w • For inaTiv7YeS'rs-the7*Prol):11*.:OE hew , • ,the rettormoes: was tage. of:-. • 10 tIIL' _ flax „ helper all this, haij b thesubject of-4aves- , ; I loll..v•r,og vtrark, a' liklieaany tigatiOn', and study. :A. EVery;:year,4, . fie,neficlat yeara 'past, Oyer a •z•million, toilS of thisstraw, after •the se,Cd bAs been 39 resover.ed •• by, thresh :bay& • been, wo,s(e'd"bY, bUrning, se as ti lerthe'.ttia," land ' ;clean' Pet. futhre • pgricultuial, •• i 'operationg• Ilealizing the potential value of tills, , enormous tonnage .of waste the. Canadiali Pacific Railway Made a". • ol•ose study and careful .* ityetiititton • -,Puzzling: the...Poatmen. Its Utilization -as it presented it, . POStAl.. erlicialS India are fre selr, under conditions , whith: existecL. • - iled`brt,lie-Straage-anoh;''-the problem *iie difileult ono _ resSing letters.'adopted.hy •Wite. 41191/T1 to lla:Ve. 03177-7 natives, \‘‘ tain value .fOr Ka:fibre, being shriller' The, fellowing- must hive giv.eir- the: in this • re,epeet,, though ef...iaferter. 'postman a Vantilderable °•'amount of grade to the straw Cultivated for the . , trouble; espedielly, It was written le, Production of fibre flax. ".13ut . after • an altnost...nnreadable. • • .. leaving- • the threshing.' machirie. the' To the tine inseparable froin .ray .fibre,yalue',.of this linseed MIX . straw heart; the fortunate: Babu Silinath 'W. 4.$, destroyed; 'even for production of hose having the same heart as Miee, 'coinmerelall tow, .e*ing to the manner Fr0111 post-erffic, ‘Ifl.Sllallad.:t0 the •Vil; ft. which the straw is. broken in the. late or .itananetliptir; to . reach the •-threslang , operation. In ,consequence , -house thefertunate Babu PrahAnAtli of this. .difficultY, loyesOgetiene -Gho,SO.; district Twenty-feer ; Pergolas,. were 'along .the utgi4ing:the Don't deliver this 'letter to anYperioa ..vvaite straw as a 'Pulping: Material for • . . ,other ',than' the addressee, Mr. Pest; the manufacture ofrpaper, • : The In man. This is myrequect,to you ." vestigatiens ;eonducted in thig;porinee, thin, w•dre, entirely sucvessful,..and 'the resulting product ',A:AS.4n eXce,PtioneI- ly...high; grade -ot paper- sUlteble for liljh class of wilfrak, paper an.a.;.airr,ri,T,, lar - piirnbses....; This . research 'was, ear- . gpmeet„. .riet a e in rcemmere.. s a e, U case you will e in edevil, best I can, But, by God, I wou dn By a chorough airing and brushing, that the right ambunt of nourishment which '11 b ' the of a mess and have ourself to thank raise my little finger for your sake." the moths mai be removed for theY is suitable for each' individual., Sim- dor's wife who had a finger- in high 111 r tirIti'tired .s•turaur had vim., ered., to Grail_ _for At. .1f, you are a 'rogue you. willrninnte. - 'That ,sound's he honesty," politics. If I could haisv4e caught the . y . • He looked at me very st,eadily for a little scope . for roguery. We, dian which made him' start and look have Will see to that. If you are a fool, ha. d he said at last in a civil. voice. "You you will yourself suffer .for it. But - -- better_clune_down_and get your aslcance at me! -But-I had , a gurgle of' something. like, "IJhn-' !coffee." - German , I if you are a good Man, you will have • word' that I knew.' '. ' ,' . ., - - mend; ' which wasn't any 1 . . . , • I was safe for the Moment but in a fair chance, and if you succeed we very low :spirits. What car earth would The heat . Put ine iiite a.-lialf-doze 'Will net **get it ' Tc"tnet-i9w I' ge• happen to poor old 'Peter? , I •Wenld arid I' began dreamily to Wonder what hoMe, and you Will Coni.e' with ,i'ne .and do nothing ehen if I Wanted; and, he• -. . other people were doing. Where had get your Ortli.s•'•' ' '" '. ' : Isided,' my first duty Was to -ray .rais, • -• Blenkiron been *rating .. to in that! , •I made shift to stand •at attention skin. •. I had rnade this very clear., to train, and what was he up, to at this: and salute. 1 : .- • - 1 him at. Lisbon and, he had agreed, 1;nit : moment? - ' He had been hobnolibiligi Gendian Spoke in a. pleAsent-.'voice,1 as if he wanted to atone for Stilihnir's, all the :Same it was a beastly ,refleer with ambassadors and swells -'-;-'I won.1 tion. Ilere was tha, ancient worthy dered if he had found out : anything. ; imperiousness... "We •are Men who .Brandt,„ ,..leift: to the tender Mercies :of . the peo• What was Peter doing?.. I fervently...love, our .. Fatherland, 'Herr "You are net of that.Fether-.1p e• he most detested. on earth. ° ,..1Vly hoped ,he Was behaving himself, fo'r I.' he said. land, 1311t atleast you bate its enemies. ! °Iiii comfort was that .;they' couldn't ' d 11 't bled. 'do very rinieh With hint% If they Sent seem averse le sunlight and fresh' air, but it is more difficult to the,,,gar- ment of the larvae. . The larvae may 'exist at:forty degrees. F. but are not active. ' It is best if clething, ten ,be stored .at this temperature for ''seh- eraLdays and thenbrought out in ordi- nary temperature. • for ." a few hours, and lAter',restored,16 the,,Colder :temperature., The larvae Cariapt stand Change ;•of 'temperature. : Sulphur 'fumigation of the garinent foods ; To -day the mother knows that Inuat be dole with care, as the fumes , dad is Better off with less meats., more will exterminate the Moths lint it muSt Vegetables, siMple ,,desSeit, and be done with ',Care, as the • fancies may. that. the growing ; lad and.lassie May „plicity, econornY and wholesomeness should lie the keynote Upon which the housewife', ,balancee, her menu, corn- ining the`.reqeireinerits of the indi- vidual in Such a manner that:the same foods will suit the entire family. Undertheold scheme of, living it was thought that the choicest cutit., of Crochet and Fancy Needle rheatg, the daintiest dishes, should go . ' • • to the head of the house. and the chil- Workers Wanted 1, dren shotild be served the less rich we sell your, goods on 'tonal • I t I iel e' I t ' . ,. was Sandy, tee. , As like as not buck- ! each ther 1e , • •. , l'Ic aallies- ()Ur' victhry ii -11n t. . they could do, he ,WO.U1101 eScape, tor. 1, ' the front, whie_h was the worst - • - - .. • - - After the moths and larvae ai:e re-deaserts -and WI:II:not_ Suffer dige, stive • become too -strong and rot the fur. have steaks and chops and rich moved, the coat may be Packed in A disturbances. - ' - '' • juicy . - to the delicacy' of our job. . Where! Th?ret:Pre.• we re allies ',and trust ..h• coast_ ordained by.. God. and we are rtre of ..„ eting in the hold of sonie Greek'mild, have backed hirn. to. get through mothproof 'chest with . moth balls or ... . . • . , , . er in the -.Evan.- • Then I thought of - . , • ..., _, , I any mortal:lines. It wasn,t rnuch fun . My battalion- somewhere, on the line' Stumm . v translatedina spieeece, for rne either. oiily N.,:rhen ',was tie_ ham_ , and • his voice . . q. i solemn. .e ' ' h ld u '; his right hand and so. did prived of 'it, did realize how mach - between HuIllich and La .Bassee audian, like a Inan taking an oath his coinpany had meant to me. I• was ' rnering at the.I3oche" while I. was 'five: -e• P -' hundred- miles or so' inside the 'Boche ' G : absolutely alone now, ' And I didn't.like • 1 or a parson blessing -his- congregation. 1.-- . frontier. •t. I seerned to have about as much • • I.' Then I realized something' of the • • • ' BI k'' a " d It was a comic. reflection, so ' comic . • chance ,of joining en iroa . n might f - r S Ge many. . he . produced • . - good and bad cads and gentlemen, • SandY as of -flying, to the moon. that it woke ine up. After.. trying in ° b t she could put a bit of the fanatic (To be continued.) " vain to n a *ay o . stoking that stove, ,for it was a cold night, I got '. uto them ll ' •-'' 'Studiglxt.- - • • - up and walked about the rooni. There in. : • •were portraits of two decent old fel-; • - lows, probably Gaudiari's parents. " • CHAPTER VI: There were enlarged photographs, . • .• , too, of engiheering works;-Fia a good I. - ,The, value of Sunlight as a giver and _preserver ' of health • hag , lerig been knowh but the exigencies of city lifri picture of :Bismarck. And 'Close to he 'S ME ' ' ' sto.Ye_ there was a cage of ;;" inapst- I Was standing stark flaked." next frequently : cause it to be forgotten or., -in-mintedMornin•bedroorn; trYing ignored. Many Greek eta Roman 1118 • ',. -------- 1, pulled out one at random. it was i to bathe in about a quart Of Water, . torians and Medical Writerg, tell of the • . "-----lit geological, -.Map ..:of Germany, and When ,BitPrahtiltered,Re.,Strede_ up.,,,beneficial aption_of the sun's, tays, and. - ' " ' - • • ' . , with-7-some-trouble-1-found-eut--w' 1--found-out--where to .111e .stared In .11 e- ' - - ' '-- - ' - and . e i the face. I we know that sun par.ors were corn - ..., .1 was. I was an-enormons-distancel 'was... 1..1f: tt h-ead-glio-i-ter-than him- to •:. men in -the houses.' df-the-righ-in-'an ve I was begin with, and a inan7does-isot-feel • • - ,. -- --,.... ...from -my goal, .and ..nioreo r .. _ '__ , _ _ . _ _ ,. • ...cient-Ftome. moreover,..therear.emunV. '--cleari-off--the-road-te-the-Bast."To -go'Plis-stOtitePt when liej-las---O° el -e -the -§,---us- roe- erhial-ezi)'resAions._thalt„•re. • there,I, Must first go to Bavaria and so he had the pull' on me every way. '-'" P - then into Austria. ' '1 noticed , thel "I ' have reason ..to • believe .that -3;cni• .veal -the popular- belief in the' efficacy fare.,,a,,diar.,+,,,,..,he_,,growled,____,.._ .., ,..,,,,, of sunlight in preventing or c.artag die,. --....."tgamititie,40WjAgFeaStWaRdi-and'i. atehi: , em erewas one way 'tlie-bethcover-round--me,--eaSe-i. ;'•=;-figileli'741--1,1i-e-sai.•.-lag,•:..t.Wher.e.-.Sult-..-• - '. 13 d that that : ' - -- -Ite4'-fa'tilled .- .00hstantiziople.zil• • ' - for I was shivering with cold; and, light enters licit there Abe' physiciaii , Then .1 tried' another-;Map.--.'-ThiS-- . 'a"' 'f•''''' towel is ''''''''-` - - ' , the. German -Ade -,o. ..a . . . ,-agoes. - . .. .., • -. ..... ........,-,..-,,- - pocket -handkerchief. I own 1, was. in,'_ In the crowded:cities' the necessity of one cohered- a big area, all Europe • ,persia; ....1 guessed that it was 'meant a pretty blue funk, • . . 'A Hat!" he repeated. . YOu and " - - • s - aartets' hes Sh t out the 'sunlight, hOusing many people ,in cOntracted from the Rhine and as far east as . . .. .. - • bri show -the -Bagdad railWay _andthe_.that s ne enaar. ...._ , • • ' , ' , • • . ' . other , Meth prehentatiyes„. Or :,sealed. TIME :EXCELLENT SHBRBETS. in a ,paper, sack or . , , , , . • :The following are threeVrecipes with ' ••' • the, fruits hhich One usually has at A tTNIQU.E CONTEST. , • an, in the spring.. Five sturdy mothers:. pushing per-, Currant Sherliet-One pint of .1red airibulatorg,eaeh -freighted With a Pro- currant Pound of sugar, the testing baby, -.crossed Westminster juice of three lemoos', One.,pint ().1. boil- . Bridge as Big Ben chimed *lock ing Water;,- DiSsoliip sugar in boiling one morning in a ..tace tOVeter ;• when cold add- current Brighton:: , • • , •' , and freeze. : Makes three plats. Thecontest Was the ciutgroWth of a:• Orange Sherbet -One scant pint of 'controversy between ' the Mothers of cold water, One tablespoonful gelatine,; the North' and South of Englend aS,.orie. Cup Sager, six orangee'on one pint° to which section had the .hardiest or,:orarige juice,'haif ,cop- of boiling - speediest baby carriage cha.uffeura• wa,ter: Seek' gelatine' for ten minates The -cOntestants:,, were cheered by :a in 'a half cup..of cold water;. pet sugar growd.„:„arOund the .Parliament cold water into pit- ings as they got away on their "long. cher, also the 'orange juice; if the -ffek. • • ... J eranges-are-very•Soui•'-add-recire-sugar.- -Officiail,'"ofihe Society :for Ethe ...Pre- -Dissolve, the . gelatine _ nut-of•town. send stAn for reply ,' Litt- the coSt.of Oroduetion•of the .miln was arid SpeCialty 120- TiAnferth, too high lot. 'prtietica I onerntion. ' °Subsequenvinhestigatiohs,liaveheen• • Avenue To,rcnto,. iaeugurtited by' the HoribrarY0ouncli MATCHES -always stitisfy- the housewiki ••• avairywintses cm4ADA . ASK :cat luau ey Imes for Scientific ,and InduStriarRestarch-• • In efforts, to':Predlice' pu.lri.trout • • which 'ft .jrewsprint',:-... could he inanufactiined.:-..The.,resulta .- have not se •:far ben disclosed,•-• y,; • ' A'New,,Tertri. 'of :Threshing. Machine. :7o:day the utilization', of these vast ualitities. of :waste "straw is .nearer , ,aceetzipifshineet.• that before.. ;Moderri, --iii,vented* and per fected maehinery`..„ bals the reco.fer3r.:..6! the linseed ,-,Without destruction of ,the through he'w threiibing machine.. Th.1,s-.: : at once .rernev'ed.tbe old 'obstacletotli litilIzatiolt :or the. „fibre 'content' of ' the ' straw and sets fee and ,:avaiiaiTle-, an enormous. rieW•.• sapply:. Of . raw 'Material: for A'the. ,imanufacture of the : ic4er • grades Or. jilafi' kOd4Cts, V41(11 CO- _ tain todnein . an' Impertant indwittial ..; . :Tice V'ele p m . • ,Iteerininde Xanitobk_nearWinni- peg the. use of this waste 'flax:straw by the pitiductlen'ot an lesulatiag nia- • --teri ;Hwiffer-iiwsrli-eeitinn.Y-47,•"1-ti710't.i'ne.- eflicient' • nonconductor heal: and Celd,, and Is being ,xised, In Western: , eonstritotion-yo!erk•asL-I Mine- between:7- .00 walls and under -.the,. roofs, to keep .out the cold, ,and, apabers, to: have 'inetiitated effectively success • in, -these , been. used :tatblic-buildingsLas.well as 1ndistr1a1 plantsice.-61d-Storage- and -others. --- and ig,Irecorning7:general in ;its 'xi:se in pri,whvatieid It, has Created ,a situation more .satisfac- tory for the .future: ineiheting' of tlax tor_;iipholatering has developed a desire on the part orinditstries'iouth. • of •the International.:13onndery ilt,...,lar_ge-A0tinage • . , , , .„. ---Ventiort-of:Cruelty-to7Children-entered-water-:aridadd,to-the--mixtute:-,..Straia-.---,-,-- a protest againstAheraffair;_cleclaring .into. the earl ;and freeze; ' .the proceeding liarinful ' to , the chit- 'Pineapple. Sherbet ---Three lemons, two quarts of ,Water, whites of three eggs. Whip the whites until stiff and Taddeto,t.the,„-rnixtu-re-_•,:after-dt-iS-_frdzeif; turn awhile to thoroughly it. ''-`-- through . routes' from 'Germany to -' W-ith my best' effort _AtIran-41-111-16---'s....1-?th, ou_gia Modern .sadnitiary.sellite.eiis b-nuoswi. .. , -.4-losapotamia. . reh.ere,were:_markings, .asked ...whet 'We. had done: .• • • . reme y .he.,.. et ,• , . ' seekoig-% to it and,• as L loOked'closer ,-;I ' saw , . , "Yeti 'lied', -because"'"yea. 'Said '' . y., . -dui nes.s. qUarters; however, ;the eillcon- , . that there were dates' scribbled in. 'blue' knew:.'no. G.erinan. Apparently your stantly growing, .and in %many. Offices -it .. ... . . , . . . 'If,- qaickly;. ..beeartie•': apparent: '. :that , pencil, as if to denote the; stages of friend, knows enough to talk treason is. imPOSsible to work at. all without , . , • . . , • . . , 'hie leather stamina were not ' in to AraeriCan radio concerts: Other Tine:gave me ,back sOme. heart: - ,' °Infants espeCially. need sunlight;. the onlY 'factors in the ,raCe____Mrs..._A_dal.laSta•nCeig • of rebeiving . from. distant • s journey.. 'The .date e 'began in Eur- :;aard-lilasplier, .y...,- . - • : '. ,' . : ; ....artificial light . • , •.:_._ • ope, and cOntintied -right on into Asia ' , . , . . WordS.'' 'pity is that they are generally'wheeled. ._ May .E,dWards,.tif Manchester, mother tiointg , are beeOming:known, ." Three For . a '' rimment my heart ;jumped,. ' 13 it I told' yOu Peter could .talk a, bit ' r• • ' . • Of a fiye-iiionthsi•Old. batiY, Wheeling a Statioas,.;in. the Hawaiian -Islands bail Miner ,and thea, south to Syria. , , I; ."I told' you I. knew. a :dozen. ...-ler,..Tftlaiughtl„:liadlfallen4iVekeident,',4- -.:told ::you thaty3testerday-at,ithe sta,', a.beut ,iii bAbY,:caroages Wittcoply- the. light..folding-"Praila," 00k:the:lead at hear" inuSie and -speech broadcast :from. c ti ed -;•so-th•at,,,when..,th.e.;•sini. „.' on the .chig,' I Wanted. . But .X neem .tion."' • 'Fervently •I •lileased roY Tuele„-,, .- s ::'".,. '.- _ .., '', ; ._,.. _ -.., ,_ ..,._.., ,..„Aheztittirt -:.(ither."•the'',',:foiirzlizayierAtaliy,z7.Troy-,77.1,;.-ek-'::YOrici-le7distatred-'zif.efifty.i- ,-...-=,..- • got that rnap,examined, ,• 'I lie`ii-d-Toot- for 'that pasuall•emark, ,..- . ., . . ..:. , _ .....,. _does toucit-tnein.it smiles an eetty-int0--da'rri-agesTfratt'sooriAiait--,hep-ii-aatage-fi-ve-,--huadrect,-;:mile,.3` ., the___sfatiori---at-L . , . , ...steps in 'the 'corridor;' and. very' gently ,...,eVidently,;;r'ernehibered, for .his • their ;eSIlld'; does them harm .y,ather ' when' she ' had to -halt. because hely., elf-. Tte-31---Cait ie-ci-Oh:a.-terivergatien-,*ith •••,',;;J-:let-...1-the:L.:,inap.-2,2+611.:'-itii.----atitl'-`-4tui'lltifltone--became,-,„etrifle:-,more-rivil,"•• -:•-,7;i'"-`7:::rthaia--goods--.1:1-11_!_e4rt..11.4.1e•,botlires,.-8,.40u41- :Sprini`.:.I•Oadl'37.,.,•UOied •,,iti".„...detnand ;: er:-Calgary.,,Alh.erta,. for more than iiixty' . . , °nourishment -It''‘r-An ,a-tilitiekThro. li., triinutes:Tthhttostt.e.ttv.Wut),,-.zte4ta.c,uttsOttiiut,•.:Atttreti=;---4-1. . .. • centreet- Was. entered into late in the . ..7'rittr.siy....: V, her' the dOot opened,I.. was,,,.. " yo,,,, -.ate: a....vree,tons pair.,: .If :one, he-Oste-that.W.i1113 expos -en te.-7th-e--.stin . . . . 'betiding byet: :the..,steve-,:trying to get- of' YotiTts:',°,8%"7Seealtdrel'i%-'W'llY2-"IMP-';t1teg.'eTerr."-tda`Sr',-.10Itt7'ilPTXtritl.e'."4'-14te•;11.4•Dr Ittligr:EdWaril.ST;•...slioveCtithe.infant,,liackl,,..1.1ttle...legs. a., ,; JAMES SM.ANT.PI.AtiT_BROcgvitit.. '0 ..-_,,,,,,i3.s.v.,,I,,elai,,„1;;,; tow .11h inl 4. tiii,hb:.-.644.q' .4/ a light for -rey,' pipe. ." • ' , H... ., „ .' ,ogierr.-• , ; :•.,;,•:. ,: ". : ,:,:s ., ' .. : ,"...... ' ..sheUld'heitaken to An ,Open windOW4t, into,2 .0,,,e. .fp4arn" „after Stich ••st shert,Yaparti. hilt tile A iffranIlie •or. cOnvers .,,....lt_lhasGaildiettLto bid .rrie_io.:,iesi_., ,i4.1.tal.t..'e no rePoriSihilitY 'tot' Pete:r•", sunlight, edifying- ilir etigh•-aleged'•hilii; -;"- • tri'''Alanitiiiki:'1O4tike'-eard'atbiA"liiiit ' arid Stumm. in his rstUdy.. ?",-7 • • .,-71,. : . I .said, f-,:t.lelt-Ttlikeva::catt,p-rsaying,itr ilei;'-idiel:Iiiirelf NiritS effitat:TginCe`. iiitetVal that °his orie toitipetitor pass,' tibn Oher land •AteS11011'.-thittihi.-f eat ' ' ”e•-a:'h'er:,-.:-: 7 ' ' . - --;-, " ' ,;: . ; ' . ,- --4-----4.-is;,-tiot-at,rilleoraraciitantli•probtiblywill - On our Wey"..,thete he put - A ,kindly" but that was the ,bargaie we had niede .til .eheiiiinat rays P.,aS's Witli difiletiftY . . . ''.. at the start, , "F, have ltriOWn ,him fdr,„ , . . ,,yeais. as a .g, ee un ei an a i a ' ' ' • if it all thiOughglasg,-; -and thertAhe 1 knowthe ;Sought., well .gainst , lega and arms:, °he- at a tiree,lhe chest.' Westminster; at,„9.37 and 'Mrs.: Ed -.1, :the E.eglish.; But iiiore,I caheot tell aP . d th' aidornen and. fihallY, the hacifi., :, 77-skTit".77-Yo-tV-hai"e- to judge hirii "foti ;.shputde he -13a i ed7enti-,-ex-pos.ed . to :.the .1 7nagr,a, ; at, .?..!5;.'• .,7'...°trh.e7,,,"11'.', tina' il ' If. Whet -has he done?" •' 1 :direct rays of.the sun for -three or foul mai 'had got it minutes each. Except.''at first in v ry ,' . The p,aie, for. the. i iii,...t Our . hours. cole,w,caa,,r 4,,,e eXpo.s.ti FP ean be made.. w s se „hot that „several , men, a.cco , I '-vtliaCin-ofn.ing on 'the telephone:- :While 1 ;17 ,.., i :, 4 i -•".7- e tl.e ..gtetit.li ne , . , • . ,t, , ,panying;.. the; 'Marehing, motheis .:tve,ie Aelliiig. it, he was kind enough -to allow •; without .deng r.a • ' --A. , .tne to ,puttrousers.. r ' i r'el •arrival A .. ed iiill; .,. ticof...the,child: . , .,. :. . , , fatigued op th, ..i. , t R ,..,, ' ..4t...,,,i.,•,:ki,, jast' the.. hiri g -.4. y . z. . : .:...... , . • , ; butthe theri-y thetroris were Still,gelhg,, drcn and ain;erting that if the little ones suffered the . tnethera would be prosecuted.../...- , = ' '."My ;baby: is. in the hestof-hearth- and temper,. and,: I ;have ,botle Of tea at his fee_t_ te,'„L„ keep . them Warm -" one of, the entrents„.21sponded. • .-..-: Three of the 1:Wiles wereunder a inartits_t_iniment for Goughs_&_G- _ , , Radio Feats.._ , ..„ . ince- London- has been- listening 7-114-i*jorider Smathl‘lowersorex . so Peptilart They cal to easily ellfactiorond wohirno,..ho cuo; . . ATIEVcRY• iii.ROVVARE trone -• , Lifebuoy, may be safe- ly -used omi the•render. kl'fir skin. , wonderfullyJt Is cleansing for litTlc hands, faces and hod- • 1..i/Au.;), a;'641,)14O;:imo011: "Jul 1110. •This." is an interesting Western Nita' Lily Groom, of East' BoUree, l• not be :usual* .-----------------iie to 'come, ' 'fiiereintlileyeleinifeitehefitting'of '.-reaChecl: Red -Hill, twenty tionas an example Of 'the desire to weste:prodticts. . The West. has JilreatiLreellaPd that el/erything, Must , rhe;41?3ed•-eont about • . satislectery ..finenciat returns, and . . 1(0-1118 rlets• and' cbsta, of, produetioh thatare pro. e'er, ling, along ,variourz...lines• Will lead eltimately...to...e-g-r.eater,.vaitte...beirigob„ ,Wegl era rlv. °in eriniS• than perliaps".bes ',111thertd heeii . the • t CaSe • •-, • jiillglii- '1141* .::tiir;6'e--'11.' ''''''1161:6):1..: raftd' ' A Cool:•Headed Little Gii1:- 1- -. The Winitee'reeelheci.:a sih,,ke, s.hev-, , _. ._ then •i•Cel:less. ' Ile had ,perguaded-the • • 1 fi.e- eozilest--" ''att-T-e-v,--et•-•si iv, ,,,..'.a...vs,-: 'Nir...,•'''.in'g'''',e,iiriiar.i.ltl.- .a,bo-ti.,,,C.,henoug.h...meney.' . to' ' at, . a••••bik, . Berlin, regtaur..aut- . There, ...,,k. tn et tean...Magazine. ..wa-f!',...$.0.hite.11191)..01.54;,,.....„.1.:* ...-..' •,•,..L.,;-:-----,. • 1 ..1W''''.- , . !,'.4,,......2....,-..,...?:: lieuterfeht to' take hire; out to ,s.iipper,Akek Stita"rt, a raftWay'enginder, in ,the I huy' a tiew'liarr..to s. oes, . -•"3:fiattifilr tt..7..tireflittlit4ntinrningitt"--'.'[[6..i:Oli,"...flifehilli,v..ifetiilie--.e&:.W:enVk.,• 70-irit ,F.,--!--•;;,-. ,- rspyti-ND--131t T.;.-__51•0 A,. .....1:d,,,...0i,....v,Hme.0.1.p.:41.1.:,..:,e,..;:,..,,,ri,,..kbotrl,w,„.r.. ;Otutr,„' •.•Eind. he. loubt:bdred ' still', ltY ;his 'emir! were ltaveiing test. whin i '.saw.'i%"0. ,. , „ ..,. stacin., portdil,•;•(:t;eraarnsn,;bring' MaY; .•-flowers, . 1 16e -tired isithrnme------ , Vie ViOA1.1 Produtei Titity, he. bad; proceeded te-: get drunk.,-; AT -•• tAtrelei . PRICE '. ,noveI' thiiiga , for a.; baCkVeld bunter-- ..A.inarly..... •see ,,i..e,.e •i tittle' late and , 0,.,..._ . „ Thathad. harpehed.in,•thy ,eXperichee . :, • , . ... , „... ., ,. , 1 . , „ . ... , . , „. , ",- , d'P.P.'trk' -'iltistnei'tteiritare! ' . er Og ire. an is, . r ,Caili' or Orddlt • '' lat'fig1:114 e.•.;) the track -straight ahead.' h i ; f . , . ' . • . .,. t ii • • . ;II i, ; .... w... tho. sa....perilla- and sasf,rastiv took,: , If..),uelo 'to dlis-,• etd (rlai,,In' ote -With-Peter aliotit price in e.,e,ey three A. fre. ight was comm„, ho, t... on t ie an ‘,. '...sdriv!:, tet,ion...' Peter., .boteil.,end soli .•' dangee'arid jumped crear., . ., 00 likkili.., ; -„ ' • . thoiffial ' PhitriOoraith ...' Coitt.* years-. arid it 't'ilt,hays; happened :for the ijt$11,,ONick.., *Grit of ; le g . sa . hraarav .;ii n. head 4t9...,?;:liskLi-9.116-61t6teln:4t)}112(ti he tot 1.4e : :,,.nC' fl:hec%ti g,!;1,1,:t' , 6,4', ''..j.,......, •,:; fl,„,,,.i.,t;o't ,.h...e.i11,N1:1:.t...' ,iri9.1,1 ht:1'.... .:e5:teili.i.:roh!e:1),.fk;',6i!.b11.d:','f:ITiAbbl:erti:.;tvlo'7;:ltddnh.6-.i:toirris..,.54.,a;;; rtii)h:oll'ynurlseii-linhvgit,f:es,h,°ibineesd!::1 . ' , bli;eao.lipt".fin 28527tai,;:s' a n,t-' .th-' r-(411:lirci1' i.°41-'rliti°7-r- 1/..- -will' 'nfit- 11-4:-4 -Qt. -t4e' tWii:: frt4510'' and "Y6" 'Wa-4" end Plenty' Of' hatd, Work, to throw.'.Otr''' Ir''.., 'Vas'. quite ' ".. g.'idollat''' 'in • trapped. in.th.e:rer, . 54,.. '0. t lulled 'sidewise, „ iiiiii; ito•u:sen,d‘iknoti "iItik,rits_telf•a,q'i I,veir , . , .; ,. .411 ..., ,t,ra,4,1r „4.0‘rh ,,,,t,, the listial spring tailgating, or fever, as hit h( „we'As aPcto he very: fr 0 ' 'th 111431 l'ilt .1'.'"Y" 11 '1" . ' I , ‘• it .i,,,•, .. ti ci, ' .. . e, „ nr .t at waa wha•t•e,.. -get 1,..ele, ';,•,s•4. ro,:. '.' ' . ' 4., ‘ o • .... • tr Tle . h tul, ...: r,tineiscana, . ' ' ' • .. is'etiY- lit ill. ', -I It,r.keti 'her....k' 14t.ei' :."' ' m° ern wi el*. " ''''' twentieth 1- i beg.,,n, by insultiii the .v, ra . n° ifii t Ile :(.1.1,...s,..-„:..H,,,,,i. ,,,,,,,, ;,;srrs.. st'i,.,1...1 .t:tt,t.140,'rt:rth:ih -tvode'ian, is:.:4(cfficail''Onet' .;iti:he'r''''''-'' .. _.potoc.,.i..t,, s, eethe4,,,, fie dra,t,i.le 1.03„....heeiths.,,. ieg' .,t,,..t.1.0,, .4.;;,, ..t.„,,,,,h, t,i,.. ,k.itt4.01..,.. .y,:tot...hg . lin -hold, awl knoWing that .a.'11; t•lr' IAA ..S id he retrah,ded him of a wart, t . ' sear, _6‘: .t ..e„.1 eut.,n,,,,, ckr, tjho .t1,;51,1;.8 .v). ,t,r..r.,,..;,, , cyr ,•,,.,tr:0e,,,, .,:i,,,,,serving :of ,gr4n foods' is :Vety neeeS- ,afit's :seal,. Thert art oitr(Iceir_h. etyll ?...1. ;Weald ,liqvr• ;I.,.t.•ri ht 1..„er ' ir rtii,„, j '..' ' 1$41'Y.. ill, tin- 'late 'NVillter a ti ; .1 ,ritertrioti4,1twell...0t; ,itti.aefill.„, c....,,r(v? 4; olkpe,f flat f111 140 ' g-r,;ittri I, ; fte.t: slli'lfal :'',t1..)..i.-1.1,1.6 hianiSi g`•;,11,1„a:nage.:-ed.q...71,,yStatra'nnSd:" 1)1t,l;'1•11: h6g. and thereby ,',lig I.'" l'it"' '• : •e: .' • i',.. 71; 1117,1' 11' ,'1'.'1-t..1,.,,,I,1,14:,-,;14:Vi"' 17- '1'37' ;I.' - 1 . h. ,pr... ass Mr.:, fiati480eatiti; had ',51,4ected to his tallr': Itg 1 1: 'ill*"..''''r 4 ' 1 ' ' ' - ' .1, 1, ,,bilotto:,mirxte•pd t;eth• fi,n8o 7,tly in ,4,-',:::`'.):l.*:. ' :", t.,1,.: ' 1,7'..v "' ' ' :(fi''rmoti.1.1.-•.t4'tel.ttli.:1Yrr,•t:tetiii ' ttl'ie::f.il'onii;trea'n'T:, *.tki,leistip:,et,t!b•le ',..,_(,.,e., rni,a'u; rsA,,,f„..te,t;tis' :t4ititil.tistittt,.,,..„...,..,1 ' i.,,. ...i, ,.. : .1(,..;•;‘,..,, . ',,I1,, ,t. ,•() ..M.,,,,.4:.,, 1 .vq,',..,., .,,l';1' ...ita.. 1.t.k.,,I$T1 1, ).61 .tr,101; .'' 4 •, MI 'j e.-ai:y. twat:ter tr; t A right, during Which, Peter r"uril'''''''''', 0 ,, , a ...lp,,,,,„,e&,,n.41)le menu. and thel' • .dt.tertrrine the right' tornbinaltiortis: that. . . .. al'utroliated d. 'eettvtarrny 011 . , ' i'60: all ito.1 female aneesty, Ilew he wasn't: Mil'Ar(1,`,''''" P., GP ''411:t. An. ti WA rt4.1,, 'W111-:xtrx/reixXitti 'the:, fatally. hunger and 1 - . LocarAgents Wanted -7-Te sell and demonstrate -the World's most efficient Snell Supersensitive Concert 'Radiophone Receiver. to. Farmers; Townsmen, etc. --Apply to SPARKS, RADIO, COMPANY r 34 Yong° St Arcade - Toronto , , . Our Free Booklet i)f,Eng.ravings: • „re OEM ake- lives 13 ualitj • ,Packed in a man-: ner which insures' ' their keepingin fresh condltion. -Remove capping from cork by dip- pitig.iti hot water. , Every':.'singie olive inspected for size and quality hetet& it goes into the IN V I N CIBL/.1' " bottle., . Pinto ai;d.f4tuffefl. all Gro.cerit O.* Flasammapos. insist pa I1 Uhdedoe. th;rillthl lid, was hard-boiled:" Atri,APPIvt.4. • 5A'W,410',$:. only al f 'baked fl". Iln•r6q."'''' WhIt'jOlt1 h Nod ' 10 ef buttar is said to• io, .•hIgher atraimee rwrir18,_ 0. kiven toots and hay., , t