HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-05-10, Page 11
.. •
rtr•-„c•-t trr,'
J; aKeleher, Ripley, Phone .2.91
night 'Or daY,-;-.41;.;
TT-.7--LiEN,TIST- •
• • . .
tt-ert tt.
every ,Tuesday. Qtnee, above thatkof
• • Drs. EIIottk'Oputiell.•
. PA1tKER,:,:OFTEOPAT4,0,*t the
•• ''.Cain ,House•Eqknow, eireryf Wed,
;11 esdaY. aft0hoori,/,.. All .eltrapic • it-
,i'il,noVeW Wet:physical catises•„
' of :disease.. Adjustment, of -the
spine' iS inore.:quickl(secured and
• .with 'fewer 'treatments by Osteo -t”
1?-t•pithy than , by any ether method,'
• Toronto pricci paid for all ,kinds a
• poultry:
96•-tf drosPoPf, Liiehnow.
, Dr, Mclime*, 'Ch:ropi-actor....of Wing-
. ham, Will NliS;.f' bt three, times
each •week -in future.. Anyone desiring;
• an interview With him mayleave.worcl
Lt die Gain House. and the deetor,ivill
• eill: or iia -N see hint there personally,.
on Monday and Thursday afteitoons.
•. •No charge -is -made for consultation„, •
Registered Optometrist: •
•t.-GradturteADMiartinent of '2-Oplithalinet-
ogy'.'11/1cQpiniiek Medical. Cellege., Chi-.
.....eago. II1.TJ.irtc Months pest graduate
cpurse during.year119.19... - • -•,•• ;:'
...-:-4‘iests.correetly--litted,with-GlasserS• ,
•••:.'• Headaches, Dry Itchy -Eyes. Grana-''
• lated„ Eyelids. WaterY' Ekes; Pain in
• Eye Balls, Inflamed' Eyes.. PUS or
. , Watery' D ischarge. froni ••• ]'yes " anci
• Dizziness- causedby Eye -strain •re-
1:eYed .thrptigh. pr.pherlY, fitted Glass -
Cross: Eyes straightened through
. 'properly fitted•Lerises - • .
• ' Eyea tested' at night equally.' as.
'gciod 'as during. d '
'• .6f °akar renairs One:.
• SatisfaetiOn ASsiired, •'
•'At .the Cain lionse. -Lacknovv,• 9 to
12 1.30 to 6. p.m, Evening, 7 te
:9 pan, Weildefsda3;, of eacli`week.
•• . •
Cameron, •Elicknow. prepared.
to do all 'kinds of painting decor-
ating Agent*for wall pariers from 10c.•
per:rollup, 22-•uic1ieS- wide: -baniple
may:be seen at My reside,nce: Or shalt,
be .nleased •tb take them:to your house..
• .• . • .
BabY,Chiek's and E'gs for hatching
from ,niV. heavyAaYing pens of White.
"7-LegliornS.' Barred 'Rocks.
, , • • •Black, •
• Wtite for !.-nriee 1it. 1 lakVe Actibleo
iny liatehing L-r)aeitv • and viil do riiy•
. best to 'fill. all orders, Clistorii• hatehing:
also thine reasonably. B'ost Makes 411-•
-.,Cobaters,..undobrO.Ad.er.q; f.9.Y
•friecatillogne if:interested•.' -•
:• -71.huicari 'Kennedy...1ak-12,
Whitechurch.• Ont
--FOR White7Legherriz
' old One Tiirkey-hen-and-Gobbler.:.;One,„
new Apply to B•oic. :402, Lucknow,'
' •
4._ Entries_ Will be received by the
undet-signccL fron members; of the
Liicknow Agricultural Society the;
" year 1923, in the Standing. Field Crop
'Competition :conducted by the Society.
• The varieties Of grain in the coin.. -
.petition . are. ,Oats and Corn: ; tntries
;for :Oats are required to Tbe•nriaae be-
•,foreLthe,.24th',43.L.,4/149.-.1;02•3'.2 ancl_ent“
.-tries-lor,Corn-before. the 14th of Jane
-Anv;person • not, now a member of
tho .toireinnnete;„rnay.:
, "Mare entries, by paYing '-'•e,.fee of :One-
- .'
, ,
• ,
Mjlnieipal Cbinicil Ott West-,WawaL.
.11041l will Meet May 25th,, .1.9,24A.:1.0
, ro'cla'k aln., as a court of ReviSiOn op
errers. or oinissions. pf-nroPerly
, , . . • .
,Will :be roOnSidere&-.014Aealt„.
Durnin Philips, 0erfc.
•.•Parea May= Ist• i921' ': • '
. • „
-.Trott $s.LE:Noltr cheiiro'ltgedan,
aripfts'y tennig, ,Annly to 'Geo, ,A, Sid-
'jails- ttiel6foW: • '-•
the -Street` in EiiCknoW,.
--FOR RENT -:--17 Acres of land.Snit-
.t able for flajt, Apply:On the Preitises,
alph llue1ass, It. R. 8.0Eu•clineW, •
-"la* aPply to Ge A SKIdaB0 Luck
noW. • . , :
24 5 -
giri Of 8 „Years... t*all'a far seven boys
2,..years to years:
Apply Re'
R. 'Perdue;-Walketton.,----H-f---.-,-.24.4,,e,,.
*lb; J. McConncll, Lot 7, Ceti: 4,
,Huron Township, will have an'auctiot
. Sale nt lilciarin•stock And iinplenients
on. May, 1,402, One
t &chick 11,1i1.: There is IR bitt -Hit of.
„ode, indivAing MuittithiEt.
of lialto:**Atit and straw, bosde all
taaTiAet •Oilla,equ$01100 *.*
, Attqt,
.f 0 0 o 41., 4,•"40;'ra07'4"."47"-o
I •
'. .c., i.T.T.C4. .„,1.. .. ,,,. , •
,:-:W.p-9'.0i.AN, 0.kRbn
. . , IN LAKE AT PARRY c . i.,
A ApeMothers 4L$071ce,oftery •
and ..001.-021-.:41.010th.e.r.S:.0E.:th0. t_:!,iible.., :i.!,...:-.1t.egiklotkr4t 4:Wizigiipri:44.47:':$*--,L7
will.,be.....given-Aqhe.,,,letlroclistChurat;' --roundilig,.cOuntry_-Were-greatl”heek
•-•"''''Den!t7-ferget. t hiace 0. -CeTtlegre , neZV -$1.nicia-y ...morning, 'A .'rpoCherS,'. e4 On ,Tlitirsday'pf 'lastmeek on"learn,
' liall.°11'44-114'ev.-F.:-Pf 'It9i1c1.4.4. A/1'47 l'413''. choil;:7"71 Pe‘ii4Ps'ao'I'innill n: guar- "ing :that7-t1he,011feleae bedY.'Of Meg .03:•.7
..ReeVe. 'H,'••Johneteri'•aad Mrs:. John- .tette will •takepart.''This.'is'•a,.gratul -. 'Oda IrWirl, !daughter Of , p4 and Mrs.
sten are spending • this. 'week in. Lei-'.rall,' of Alle., Whole' ecing.regation; in, 'IrWin, was tinindliteating.in. thte Jake
don' , ... ' -Z. "*.•• • • '• It • chiding, the undt.i,Y, School, tor.140th-4,c Pori,*uilii, 4.40,iiils, (fifficprt toi:
-'.,,..lylip'$ Gw.grittO)in .:mocLp'od..1v4§..'••PP ets ,Pa'y..,:''Wear ii.',•ilOWerla, 'hariiii,.olo 6.kidairi the tragedy iir-any•Other:•way
:N41' Nre*: 'Y"'grk °-..itY)." t'l•''gr'e.:44i the•:riir otether. 'The.:.afterneen .anil,- eVt::. „1,1han ,that•:•the ,girl. .commoto :sulcIde...,.
, Week -end 'with her: M.0tIter7. ''.."•"' ' .: 1.. : '.
. ' ening. meeting will; be withdrawn on '', .'•MiSs.'•IrWin waS, 'It 'brilliant YOnIng'
MTStj-farx'y McQuillin and Mrs' .M,
,Wooda".visited with , fAenda in • Sfrat- account" 6f. the presbyterian.Jobilee... .worran,, 21 years of ake;ind the', Wel '
• n her of '.1retrie. She *AS it. resident stu-.
, ford .a, :couple of dayi;this meek. . ' • A: splendid meeting was held .by
dent at TOrente, TJniverSity; and with
li/Lr' W•61.ill'10`m .1VIC' 43'Y ' has °gm- °I'El*'cirth.''..144.g46' on M°444Y li*Ilt.'•• others f 0•l.41c,:,
,plo,e4 '01e,. t.ingyink t'0 'hiS 1/001.).'04-)01. ..keigS, Agar was in :bP chair. Prayereher casa 0 onim.emoo..
'tO .the Teem recently Vacatedi by, the was'offered. by Mrs. T•releaven; Aust- .writiPg oil e.x,an'0:14-tionsi 'It'''' thoughtOninily Theatre, - .:'' . ' " .': • ' •.• that •••alle. felt that she, -was ..not 'doing'
. . • . , • 'in Reid read the Seriptnre less,ori, and
.- Firiende'ef Mr. Will Johnston. whoni a fjne:Aadtesa ,c,a.,;.1Es.ientiais fo.;,.: TwPni . att.& heconling',.00pondent,'. left
•we, 10t . week, reported seriously III H -the r residence c91't-Wethicdartrtthlid:t Went-
in.. Winghapr ;gospitalf- will ! be pleased: di:AA") #''°''''„'1'?4.g.iY_Oih3?...1v.!. W._,.
-; -4:0'*-ParrY-$DOrtd-where7the-f4loily'llave
that ,
to know. at he , is much -better this Trolea•v°q, . Solos weie''WPUterkael-t•
" a :sur.niner cot44e... Thp,'PA.ren,ts were:,
. by I.,av_ern Greer and Mildred Treleav-'
•-notified. that she had left 'tlie;Uni-Ver.-
'11he•eruniiti ineetirigt4tifthe Woinen's.., en;reading was well.'given by,
,siy residence TitliOut -giving • ani. iii7,
.Margaret 'Rivers.' The Meeting next.
' tiniation as to where where, she Was, goring, •
and . the next.. information .they had.
• was of of the ' finding ..'cif. the hedY,' ,A.,
;byterian Church on '1Vloralay . night, ., • . , ,, „ . ,.. .. . ... .
• . . .,, •• • card found. in her, Viothing gave her
- Along , with places of:. businesS', in :PreShyterian, :Guild --T he . Gii 1':I•d...r,a0,ne,' an'( , address
-teWn';the-Pilbliir'Eibrary' will :he '''clo.s-" ineeting-on',..11tondaYr -0eveiring-t"-Wa Ili- t-VSS' 'Ir*in WAS ':' the only : "(ICU gliter
•. A Thursday ' afternoon; Miring. the .the hands of the Devetional.-:Contrail-''. ;.f ' Dr, •,rind ''',1‘,Its.T Ir.vvin.,; tait'lhere is:
seMmer. Thio will include the evening , tee, And: '0:s‘Plen4i4 program .was. Ov- or brother, brother, a young . Man „ot.,:abOut.
• , . , ,. .., _
s - well ag,the.:aftern0e.p,',ng th.e•Athia..,-:..: :iti,. :Miss ' Norma . Thompson,' read „th e • .11-8,-She,..W4'..W..61Lantl.-favarablY--known...
,•lan reports very little - &Mtg. anyway • Serinture• reading and .:4ev,. 'MK.' Mac -0; to residents, 'of' ',the. 10th'• •eon., Ash --
an' the evening 0 of: Ot. holiday. ' ' Callum., offered., prayer. Malcom , \Vat- ''.,fieid; Where: sli.e.'tanght...in .the. public
._ . ..
BABY'. CHICKS--;-.:' Make . your . flock . ' . . . .
. son favored‘the' audience With a Piano seir:;•ol for a- year.,•f •
'4olo' .• and Alan: MUrd'ach with u vocal '• . . -.,0' ' • '0 0 0
a ' Paying ,,i)ropositiOn, 'by adding new,
4gOrous., quality cliioks...."-"Reyal Qual. 8..01.c.; 'MiSses.,Lorna :Canipbell 'and Joan• L,..0.c.,,,,i,,H.. „ir'•EtRo.:.i,s,i,E5i,.,,
ity''' baby Ohicka are tiont..heavi.lai.' •'eCallugi'' °a:e'il gave a`'.'reiidni-and..-
. • • , . . . • . . . . , ,
.n,g :,•Canadial:i.... stock, Rocks, Reds, • a chorus, by a; niliiib'er of ,girls: Wag' '• ' . • •'11A:§'IlANDS014•E''SfiRPLIYS
appreciated. T h • 4.- 'Quartette, • • ..,, • ,: , .'t .,---'-'-- . . : ',
WYandottes. , AnconeS, • .Legherns. De_ .1.111.1 • c'h
ivered. to. your express, •station 'Pre-,„ .1Ai(3,•lisses'.ii,larthaMaCcallu, In and. Mary ,-Sinceitie:WaS $1265',•27. ,O,•!'er .All EX
Paid; 97¼ safe arriVal,..•.guaranteed.. tchesoii,, Messrs.; Watson • and Glen- , .., pepses, After..:Previding for
. JandaChiChick jint6hety; .Lin1i.te4,., ni-6). rendered k.selection. in'their'usii,
. . , . , t'peprteciation , ' .-
al ,pleasing manner. The '.address, gi,V.-.
. . , . ..
Pepartment G.N..,. 143' King St.,.•East, ' The',.Town. Clerk `recently.'-,reeeiVed;
en, by •?,ir: .J: .C. '1111.irclecli. on the top-:
-00 O' ......., •IroM. the 'Anditor•'Of • Municinal :Ac-.
.''e ‘.(Better Sabath Was '1:i0th ,,. . •0,,, .• ,..• ...: 1...,. .., ...• .
' D,ANC'E PAN'CE:. ..- , 0 _. • • - • . should •coupts the Annual ,-.iLt-v-rt . Pt the,
. impressive. and hispiringi and .
. • •be.....6,f, great b4efii., to ..the.3jou.ng.,.p.eci,„ -L,,,,,u,c,,k.riew Ho ro,.,..S, ..tstein.lioethe, year •
:./iie; • The. Guild will .not. meet again " • ' ' - ' . • . , ,
_0_ i . Ina letter from the :Aitditor-••which
until __A'liv:,„Clst'-_0•WitIg.•'.,1.0- '. the ; j.e..V.Aee ._ :______..- ..... '_..,.. .,...' ........ •---..--,---, .-i---. •-!--:'_--..,4 ,,_
,... -. „ .. • • ,,, . , ,. : . ,., : --the-the-,--,Repoitr ne.. says.,.. ou
Pef•v!ce''.', .-.••. • .• ' ..;V.0ill note a'..net ;surplus frolli, the year.
. . .
, The 'Eucknor,V Presbyteriane'ongre-- operation. ef,.si2o.g7, !4.f.'4i.r...bfoyloig
' ii,•ti.r*in Will '' next Sunday, , Aiay. 14ii,...,, .$366.00 for-,• depreciatisin,.:. Which .we
-MORE MILES PER GALLON.- . hold: SpeCial"Juhilee: ServicO.s,:in 'Cele.; cens`ider 'a:Very •eneott.ii:ging report . •
bration of the„.,•:'56th. anniversary. 'Of:.. t• Many users •of clirrent. or .ratePaY-•
..cn'e •:organizatio'n of the cengregatien., . es • may not know,. jn4,..,i,,,,,init„ ..,,,this.
ane_inurni, n.g. .._„se. 7v_ic' !ii lt,..1-. ;,1.-. , ,-, .1,,
- Nv-------------t'—ilt-.0•-,--1-'-..-ineaiis;0,The-4Gontriiiseion••-•-•.eliargesi.,the,''
, . .
Institute will be held in •the Council
Chaniber 'on Friday. May Ilth., ,1923,„
'at 2.30p.m. 'Ail 'nientbers are, r^emest-
"te be Present,*--;:IVIrs, A, Turner,.
week 1.v. ill be held on Wednesday night
on` account of the 'meeting in the Pres-
dance will be ..liehrin• (7,:trn•ogie
efal1 Mondtiy, .1Vlay..! 14th Prince**,
..ady • -arid gallery; 2'Sc- Lunch 'Served
, • . • .
Mr; Auteisl: Magic Gas will give
•. Y o u. frini
'if .gasoline. , It cat's out earbon:dinoek
ind•• beck -firing. Guaranteed ' not to:
_njUre the finest motors, and to.deall.
tinded..SUld "by D. D,.
ailtreobl; for -the
'a• stmoath. gave farinerg an excellent
. )pportunity to get on with • their
:shed .Seedingand by •the,end of this,
:e nractiCally,1-completed', throughput
,-.N-ca'berrr-Ontarie:.Theblanket of ,sho.w •
• . , .
2Vhieh."pyered-'thereiiiid-pp Weds-
-.ay morning was not•unwelatnne, as .it
nuOh.needed:thoisture to the
'cround. Fall ,wheat is reported id
iretty good condition and with a fair
imoUnt ofaiit,. PrelPise .of aood crop..
., • .• ,
'Jia Re James ;Wilson, .13.1).... :,•of ',To.:_, ton with :the -.-.0.-1-tra,i,„--6.6t. of ,_§,itroy,_
...onto, nncithe evening Servicte ,by the ing the current used,, midi the.tekini ;in '
Rey. 1E);' T. L. M,c1Cerroll, B.A..,',a. for- °turn, charges the. users .of ,thr'reo.t.'a:
mer Pastor -of,•,the, congregaboui. but „„rate twhich.it is estimated will at least
''4:5W-'iir'17'61.'bnit°1-''''7';"'?'''''7*--:-':': -77' -ineet7thiS clidite. 'The'LiickneY'irat77
;-•:Qii.'im'emda3, evening-rfo'llowin.,''''. at'.g.:' has, done ., a .. little : better and inig.ht:
',Aleek'a'ineeitng will be held at which •have • been a ,little lower' ...and , still :be
Will.sive addresses The choir, asSitst
' liv,iri-.. A ...E-....ilia.eltenzie-'df--K-in-
airdineZWII,:" t:' C:'"Beletter-aild .11iSs:
Belcher, of Goderich, will giyespecial,
0'intiSie-en Sunqay and on Monadp even -
-mmnorr -of- the-heroes-ftom_Wewatesh-
TAiioii);77-ty54 bo unveiled 74 -E -St.'
}1,.,0;11:::7110,. ewin..op:it,4..4;aN9vr.:.::::4.-:jonn.
and will 'will coltintenCe 'at 2', p.m. The
monument will :ie,.'illiveiledia'Y Lt. -Col.
It., P.' .0.:;10e;-ci:likinAliciiiig:Offleer of
the' 0.61.st.).flureziWtOiterseas Battal-
ion After the unveiling ceremony, ad-
dresses will be given by the following
geritlernen;' N..tlio have promised to be
present;'il. M. Poyenlosk, 1Ar:1).".P:, for
Centre Huron; Major *1,1y., "12/. Fenton,-
M.C.:, M.P.P. for North 'Brace; cant.
C :H. Thickland, M.P.P. for South
..Niellin`gtOn.;: ;the, ...1-1.0n...„ Co,. P....... _Car,
_miehael, 1).S.O., MX P. for Centre.
arey.; bpsidps. local 'speakers Mr. Ben-
"jaipin Naylor, Reeve of :West 'Wawa:
. , , _ _.-
nosh Township, Will. act as Chain; ant'
The citizens 1)f'.Wawdni)sh, under
the patronage' of the Council and
t Women's Institutes, will furnish • re-
, ., a
freshments. free fOr the occasion, All
'returned . men' especially. invited,. to
-attend, ..ThelucknOw--Pipe,Panil, the
_IW,n,h_e_oi;,KghiBilaogny:.,,,,B1r:aastIst BandBotoi_•toaP\vd'utih.,!.;u1;runcis4h'7,,
... - Benjamin Naylor, Iteeve.;
. . .
music, Everybody 'invited.,.."God Save
, ,
• •
Monday, May 7th. -
..Mr. and Mrs. Will Finlay and Mar-.
• .
garet spent Sunday with Nikatfield
friends; • • •
Mr,. and Mrs.• Rebt Fitsgerald•Vis.:
.ite•d.'their daughter, IVirs. 'Jas. Culbert,
. , • • .
on Sunday. . ,
.'• We .extend .to. Mr. arid Mrs Thos
_Hall congratulations and tbestvishts
.for a•long"and happy wedded life,• "
Mr.% John 'Biake.,,,,whO has 'heen:On-
.:der. the decter's Care,;•is improving, 111
health. Mr, ('.:Fowler, of Ddiigannii,
PUtting m his crop:
, Mother'S' Day 'will he 'observed :ori• :
the, Ashileld; Circuit ne)4.- :Sabbath.
Service Will be in Blake's Church nt
7 'o'cloek Musie bY a ....11Otber'S
. Mr Jas Culbert received' word last
week .of,' _the •serious illness of his
Mrs. Charles .Grant, of Monehy,,
Sask. Another. Wire pronounced her
out of danger: We. hope to soon hear'
,fhFoinp1ee eovery'
sy, HELENS .
.$8769.37. and the expense of, opera- •• 'Miss -MATSi.:-M-e.,Quillin is. home tioni '
lrnn$7_.5040.:0,=le`a!‘' it7ffe'riiet surplus Otnpah--tot, a ta..*-.aloath-'81, vaeiti
oi • •.
, The - revenue _wag "ina.de ,:np asfo1-
lows:'.„ ' ”
Coinniercial Light
i.inercial „Vowel -L.' -
Street Lighting.
' On Monday afternoon at 2.45, t:telocli
rrsMclierroll-Will-address.0 -meeting
the ..:Wonte1i's,.'illi4,aianary • Soefeili:;
' to weinen, are in vi ted., •ThoSe;
tikho have heard Mrs. MCKM-:roll speak.
;Anti* 'that'hr messtke will -be -fuji
jf information and inspiration: Every
•‘0.:•oen Who can attend should be, at
'this Inee.ting„ to heal...one of the lead -
cis era ntne work', •
, , ,
; Those who'attend these Sunday and
t•-'1‘1 Oho
;the beginning of, the: j-)resbyterian
.Chutch in LticlinoW.; are 'assured Of a
hellity Welcome. A
Jubilee -c'i1--
ebratiQn. been
`rho:reaideinte of Mr,. Milton Nailer issued,,giying ,an historical.: sketch 'et.
ii.4.100100e--;.streev,hatva„,,,nati.,o,,,,,i,,,s,s,,,. tin n ri growth • of . the, ch u rch A
„ ,
ape fr•orn, dei.ttuti,ori by _tiroJay aftei:non "':at Luck/1(4,171re booklet is artisticallY
printed on fine book. naper and con'
of,Jast week The -fire ,tains,' many:. portraits„ot tll ho
seerned to originate somewhereabrout. were active in the -wok- Of the 'con -
he kitchen chimney and.Was not .gregatiou lii' days' one by, N1
.:overed 'Until. it had made consider,.. ih°8°.now*e°1;rYin. Pn0
. • •,
-able-headway--An-alarm was „turticiL
in and,:the• fire brigade with equip- citgwg
nont was soon en the sjyot an - the -
•fiarneS,Speedily gotten under 'cOntrol,
-This, however,,Was not effected heft:ire
th "Icittheli-utirs-ipretty.'We-Il-eons'itined •
and the interior of the house; especial- •
IY the attic, 7Wii'a good deal damaged
. . .
South was held Fn
the Atxra.h. 011 Wednesday,
'Miss, Nicholson presided. Mrs, Collan
COntiritled 'the, Scripture study In Mat-
Mrs, , A, •-•11'pghte and Mrs, W.
.MacDOnald Were annointed delegates'
'the PresbYferiiii.,nr•Belgrgive. on
MAY 15th. Miss A 'MacKay gaVa".a
Very interesting, paper 00 "Canada's.
Inuit:Japan-ts,. and- the Kind, That. Are.
Needed?' MrS...E. ladelchart alSe "VP
At', .064 'Pati)et onl'AS far, as., North
Western: Europe ,is concernedi. Canada,
migrants.". :Mrs„ .Gollan and Mts. xi..
the PrOvilidal..ineetliirtk'.:lit Wifidt01.7.
The Meeting thited With singing, and.
Prayer. The;. next :regular .ntentliiv
trieetng is to, be held at Mrs.. • A.
HUghes,, 6th: COrii' ,
$101IiIrEePUt; in abliStOV#.0.1Hitent,
'trier -Itittakdi‘taLtstivitigitobeAvOlaii.
laay ;NO •84010. On' 'Orpiting OtOpettyt!,.
19000 00100', t '1!rhO'f
.Gordon and, Mids., Dorothy ,;1101iller
were .weeli-end. Visitors with:Or:cleric/I
friends. - • , '.'•.•'' •;'•,:, '; •-,..
42019t21 ;,*:•::.Vcillier'S bafyitalx.,,lie,-.:'-eithseryecrin:
'2 si27 54 .the_Preshyteriani_ (burefi2Aiere .....n.eXt,--
- 2025,6,2- sun,.fay. :. . '. ,...___.L.
153-7. 00 , :Miss Bessie Murray, of Buffalo, N.
,y., is.4, viSiter:with.-.4ei'.f.col'isini. mr,,,
. 'Taal:, ..:. _
. ..
' 8769. 37. D. B.' Murray,' '''.• :' ' .•-• • ' - '• ' ."-
.,The dost:of operation and: maipten- .' :Misses 1Viai • and. Elialietly Salkeld,
...anee is:piade'uP,as follows:. ' • : . 'of Gederieh, were -visitors wit li friends'
piitril?nticin...':aY4ePY:t....„. ' $3:99 'here .on, Friday. ' . , ' ",.. • ' .., ,
Poiver purchased ••• 498
' 113.61: • Miss. Celina '.. Clark •relir..1.1011- ‘li9.'01:49•
:Street.'-rtight-olieriiMnFan frniiirTreiite-•:-WirFridaY,---afterl'heing
nia-interian-ce- - l' : ,34:0(,) in the : -city. fat; iriew- weeks.
'General 'expense', ,. _ .; 412.56 Messfs.'W,,L, • Miller,'J.' D. 'Ander-
Interest, on ` Debentures ',-.;' _. -172..69. son "."Geo;....:airol...:Harvey:'-Webh attended
. .
peh..:Prin:, and Sinking Fund . 5 1. 0 th,e baseball league meeting on- Mon-
DopreciatiOn: • • '• , i . 366,0Q day night. .. . '
Total , , -.7,--,--„,50,1 , . ivri•-..and 'Mrs-, Will: were.
10 at Nile On Sunda 'attending the fun-
. . .
•':-----.' :-------,'"•!---ASsets-- .eral, of ,their.. ,
: ,cousin- ,
,th e Miss „ late: ,
, . _ _ , , .
-,TetallTalue-of Plant. ..• ,s21025,.74.:. '...:oneida -..trwinr.of-•,:griiigbarn . . . ..., :-.
.CaSh 'in Bak , , ' , .
„ n. 4.10.60 '' 'My",'• ' ahd',Mrs. ',George McRoberts,
Accounts :Receivable, .; , 7,80 Mr. and Mrs; Ed..Alcitoberts and,Mrs.
. -
'• 1q.onday; May
Miss Irene Me,Quoid spent Siindai.
Benin:111er; .
. , _ •
t ',Mr. Thomas and tigi8 Mona*"
snent.theNfveektent,tat the, home of Mt,
Blakey, •••• •". ‘.
'is!te(l atthe -home of J. Blake
on Monday,
Mr, George ' Mcgiieticl, of "!White-,
church, spen.t•.a'day s recently
With friends • ,„ ' .
IS. Pending' a :few' days ".at'tb-e-IMMU'Of•
Mr, Percy Finnigan,
• Mr, and Mrs, Sara Slietweod visited
Antiag , the weeit,it'Alie.fipine .Of Mr,
P. Sherwood', Of Belfast.
•...ea..at.tht61.0.14a. of Mr.; ,Yahe.A:Iitaeltett,.
:of Adtatroirtioretlit-ttoo;'-.--.',7,--'.
• Mr, Ayo ars, DAyo McWhinncy Aha
don,' R01)Crt, visilcd at thohome' et,
John Blkiltey•el Mitteking., ,
We'ate glad report that,. . Miss
Aline tlekci,', Who has been itt
.dipt 14,4
TOtal -Assets . 21.444.14
very gratifying It'd :LtitirknOw
citizens 't6 learn that' the enterprise
IS: more than making good,: and it
•sPeaks well for the. Committee Of the
Couriell„that, the business is.-coridneted
in• a way telitodnee such satisfactory,
.0.1gr. ...David Scotthas '..pureliased a
new totiring ear,'"
Miss Phoebe °migrant wasa vveck.:
„,1,..enadivir_i..sit,orH iwitl, 1.,lir 'Si:,s,ter,._,M_Ts,..,,N,,l'il,.,c,
, 1, ).iif• awAvieria,:otv:o 18.ietioe,rietotr;:;est,t.itl., i•be,upt7ht:)ritehetit:ialthi:h7:
-r-ti 0,*6--z- ..
, Mr. James tane.,:ot Ashfield, visit.. , Mt, A. P. Meivhinney, M,P,F4.i who:
. at the home of 111k, jeektErninerson has been ill in bed l at. his hoine for
.-on--Thiirsdayof loat..weelt,;. .....„....._ .... .._....ox.erLa,weeltomilt ha....1alit Alt 1Q10Aern.,P1
' Married—At the Manse, kinlOsa; on time. His daetoy hap ordered him to
-Miy--glid.'-ig2.3., hy'-,tlie .IteV-.--"-Wtt•-• Av:,•take-a ,rest....-1-Te-liatl:-a-eVere winter,,_
MaeWilliains, Mrs, F..derttude Cur, owing to the., entire family being ill
riec of Htircn Township, to Mk, Fran -0 with flue, his dlitieS•oli..the farm arid.'
cis Milton': Welsh, ' Of Beryl°, 4 in the legislature. "Mr,.,MewhinheY heal
,4011.110.r,o:f trlepilf , who *III be iIed Ito
learn that his ceitclition le no i danger,'
'tat ---md-iiiat---.-ho----will-ber ..,out-cfgaiir
Men -tyre . Were in Loti'don"on Sittut-
'daY • Cttending the Suneral.'of'. their
uriele, Rebert''Movoberta7--,..----
. Alvin Miller,„ the 'young son •Cif Mt,
and Mrs, jack' Miller, got, a severe.
Shaking 47014 'S`a r-;
day_wlien, a teani he was &lying oil a
itiusly'. had not the'teani..broken loose:
When the .diSe%canic.ili„c:ontact.with-
poat. As it -was,, -he, young Iadwas 6b",'
'caught' in the jruPtenientiliat he could
not get' free until his father, • seeing
there was trouble, tame t� his
has :pretty „Well recovered
andis-back to Scheel. 'again,
.• ..•
got -
bad . that 'Von `taii't tell Whether Inat
rl0Fte le rehlande 0#14
Monday, May
:IrAFP!ItC"ii isspendfng his vacation visiting -with
hi aunt, Ms. Barger, of Lothian.
'MiaSes. Forrester 'and Scott, .Of
Eticknow, *pent. Sunday the guests • of.
Miss Mary IT: *Kenzie, of Laurier,
highly •reSpeeted' resident of Aihfield
011. i,nat4i'ing 'Another ,Old and
Passed kraY An the perpoh of. Kenneth
'Metean; Of ,Kintai4 in the 79th Year
of his age. He came to. Ashfield 'With
his Parents when but, a &aid, and
lived • in ,the vicinity of -KintUil• ever
since. Aboutsix years' ago he 'retired
frorn active 'farrn work, and retired to
Kintail. Effly last winter he. fell
ice and sustained a fractured hip, froir
-which he suffered a- great:deal-Una
_relieved by death: He Was a hard
7d he
NivgnWs scrupulously
d:liYib.nafi.,,rilaili'ne:stMat Kdaell'eniniie‘enr.
Kintail.;,TO, them five daughters
and sons were. born, all 'of whom sur-
tery on Wednesday, the 2nd:inst. Rev..
Mr. Hardie,. of AShileld Presbyterian
icf--Whieli --church 'the, deseasect
IA as a member, Cenductingthe.service.
The bereaved: family have the ,.sym-
pathy Of the entire ,.Connnunity::, •
,- A business man Of Lueknow, izteon-
versatien the other day remarked
that seeing that the P.O. 'Den• sup-
plied rural:Mail-box Oivners 'with sten-
sil* .twith which' to reprint the name
,on the liex folks should be more con-
siderate and seethat this was attend-'
ed to. He and eYeitY.' other .business*.
man, On -.driving through.,:the country,
was; interested and onleaged . toknow
where the people lived.. -,the people
they seoften met in the course of
husiness.,A 'certain, •eitigible :young
-bachelar who .chan'eed tobe listeninir.
to the conversation,. here *poke Up
and said thathe heartilY agreed as he
was ..at tinies ;greatly handicapped in
discovering th'e •whereabouts of the
;home*. of -ceitaiii-.,yentig-lacliei;---:1V-e
timid to make...oPen enquiry his trou-
ble would disappear if the names were
..ort'the mail 'boxes,: (We wish to acid:
that it was not the cheerful Zion cor-
respondent :to The •Sentinel. Who thus
_unwittingly gave away his secret,
, .
The smile of the cheerful looser not
'tnly means he is a 'good, sport; but
Specials for Saturday
04, t
.:l '
• Home -Made Bread
Iiighest PricePaifbr1trEggs
• . at.
Hollyman s
,Phone 36, 4.uckncw
COnvention .of the Eiberal' Party,
5f West: Eritee be held in the
fown. Hall Kincardine on TuesdaY:'
Mar 22nd. Mr. 'Wellington Hay:lead- '
31` of the Liheral°ThurtyTin the province,
•and. James' Malcolm, M. 'P., will be •'
present and address' the COnvelitiom
.MPntlay, Mak. 7th,'
„ _
With the coining of Arie. weather .
the Sunday' Schoolhas‘tre-operied, -•
. .
t It looksas though' housecleaning is -
once, again the order of the day, ,
. Inspector, Bald paid an official, visit
to our school Friday:afterneon•
Monday instead'. of Fridaywas.'nb=..
served as ArborDay'hi our „*chord.
Our teacher. . • MiSso Stanley,, .spent
the 'week -end at her.home neer '.Purple,:.;,.'
A riuMber ,of our young' folk took,
in 'the COneert at Bervie :lest
Week; • , °,•
Mr: Torrance Guest and Miss:Edna,
Of Kincardine, were- Sunday- yisiters,',
with Mr.. Jim Geddes. • - •
Master 'Ells on Ilodgins' had. the, mis-
fortune have a hPhe in one of his
,legs broken one day 'recently, •
'ICaake .i's
'siigeting •fropri
•cracke6.bdpe in, the shoulder:. f ; •
'Mr; arid Mrs Bill -Benneririani.:'Sr;*
-and Mr and MrS. Dill:BannerMaa,4r.:';
Were ',Sunday viSifors, at „Geo,,'. Banner:. .
• , , . , . •
• ..
and son, of Bervie, Miss ,Lydia Smith
and ,Misa Sara.' Harrison -attended, the
.S...S. sCenventien at. Winghain last
. ..••
o Yo-u—,10-ely--H ens ?
the:Henslteep yoi
. . '
C White Leghorns and Barred Roc
A FTER several year4' :use'of ilieTraiirteid eansupfily, you with
"..Chiaks that; willdeveldp into REAL LAVERS: The' first..year.,
we used the .Trapnest Our highest hen laid 26E1 'eggs.' Last year our,
highest hen laved 27 eggs.; Theniale birdsat the bead of oiir' 'pens
'are lien) these•high :record hens, '
In the Month of June ,..‘ve will have 10,006. Chicks
'Legliorns at 15C.'eaeil. -'". • Rocks at •19c.' each.
alter Roe34.
- Phone 4:38x •
Em• press.
• Worrien-
1:40:..11bri*of POOct Shoes
Foot: Shoes -
, ,
Good, coinfiirtable shoes h1p 167
'ake life,pleasint.---AVe;are placing on _
" our shelves shoes made ,by the best
makers in Canada,' 'shoes- that we can
guarlantee,to- give' satisfAc'tory. wear
and comfort.
We have Men's and Boys' Work
Shoes made by Williams* Greb and
also the farmer's 'Shoes which
is made` to stand the hard wear on the
farm.-- -
-for Gi•Owink
Cirls will
Itedue: Your
. ,
placed, on quit,.
for Men are a ,
shelves a fulfrai-
sortinent 61 combination.. of
Fleet Foot and -arid ' Style and Ar*.j('
1S yr boaot tt :w Se at erp , i
. ..4,10._001iit: