HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-05-03, Page 67; 7: 7 7 77 HU Al, Week- foot -11" hod T1 'c V, cl *t, CATIA4 In 109Z d to. Jeal 'tQ bb y p Oe -4 rp 0 r t the ft'Ll"41itled for .4 value, In the, ponkinion, W a v lue, of '$398,427. iptersec �s _pt :our large, critlei In tigr rev-&nue. of $99-;963,2340 In' comparison, d : th 1M SAVIP eone a"n, a 4 Imports- of flah� In 6e r ,At time' mo -Y ca, � ,first or e d 'Wit 41 '' ' - I R. - A' ddent m1p miz nl4e; nkakktbs�-'Of the 11-sca-I -year- 1923�'Tfklksion y, gra 4 AAA z I-An-1kV, ija N N iFd' 104 1;r7 dri en q9mQ: 41veril thO�*Ay gziO� y0 i 'I' ' ' � 'te % e vii Jow, valuothe ProvIncti, of,13rUlail ving.ked and I Ir 717.46 'when -for, d riyerp and f 0� p -ge # 6r4kp& when slowIng­4OW4, 2,: aqsen stead. of, allowing tbejr:,.c4r4 �0, cokiiribu�ed ;8,828,Q02;, -.N' And, PPP"rVed arcauped ljovh! for,404- Those. permissions. and pro 'm Slow hibitl mainj JilaaQ. $7,458,962 Importatf-one Were, -d , - 1, ul I ..,; New BriyRo -,619,892; to be ieppected; �andr the' -man QVM, wicke$2 y P, bef9rf4 tbb brakes, Are �ap� ave c ed ;3 el, elle 19,1� 40-VAit ,ta.te UnIted KiPg,-, who disregiird the ':warilin .'0114 -Prince, Ej& �rwkIk T runs t? Jok,*1 �.PvdrX tire mark on `thdpav headlon ff�r jikta� -tire, . ater & p,v 4- k n P44-44 % r' " "Ei ibdn 1114,0.�*,, _Afo ,y�;;M0.w1J1,-Am.-gQIng -to, �j'j­ T —�Ciinn-di!&erxports, In vAKA was sa kno'n, which h �.,peso ..evi 's%44rqy MA easy: when V, amounted, in Value to $22,42,1,14�,. fn bo-un4, As We Jive' 6 heed th&� I' 'a =Otorists ffhoul&� take thinks W ryAhyliv. lig e T ; at viiig,, , whetlipr I value, of -45,50 Tk,,,tu qt- U. - A 9;555..Of. the total :or will ch ifie-8h and f rb wkks'rew �;sQlhewhere,. cro R`� crowd ast; drl-i-� k� *piq `00- tW4nt 4-nVOL P" gna s� 'Y ee�nf; Cod _�A,3 54',046L nd 'pay 'the fipe, f6 �follp ed iyJth,AvAIu;H,,of te soohi�r oi- 'lpter= ,a yhluk- 'lobsitQrs took -third With' j% AW bbddiell6e. �,Thkere, aterrules: of,"hygiepo fi Of X4&aid pickledr.1 -.80: a: (I a R WPM QX- )T 'c4nnedr or, pt&�eiv'ed for IGII of, *3;290, 07. r6iVei, en, �bv a sudden jskmi�in flip-brikei,! 4$, 7 ing betwoen. A ii'4ollowed ior 'black op�nifble -far $d Ot6-g4l1r, kied" -sul te sin� '"ut,00 time t -had,,. g f -flih expoT s;,go�,to p 4!'bothlh th or' )f ' ' 'mo. '�P�ot" 'fIf' yog 'do;'. 70' ti�fj -and:, Is, * 4kpe IF ." , Q�wt -and tear he ii� .4 Qanadalis' t racti�ally- 'jord� to, ignore., Th4 natq e,VW .7: cpI,,Itjy_ of 6 I I , I , may.' n :to 6,� ent more a tr� b th $2,0A, gi'615 b - b avd t V it, 4. -p a ral ts _b 9 Vie r,i the �bdkfiift it f Ai , iA`4l.iQnr'dbIIarrs. h6WeverA Oy r e. lining , ­ .. '. r h IsV �vj6�v: im�parts, th, -16aks a -found the, r e period luide, r an,, idjury to,. the, brakes, A othe 492; &Q es :With $1,37 '96, and Inaelt. r r at -broken' for. th�' i p�V . .. - . r . r , . 11. 1 Its 'of L he car, I i. . 0 NeV know. The'znechani�al piIr eref e, ,Z., d"! -,a anada fel way,ito the- extent of aie a' ua'l'� flilt er with *$1,1'83,729, Ct 1 Y exible 'and impartial Vg.v n Mai, f - fAiji6. *bi h '$321,583 a d experts' by $1,050 .e c t ii ­ 1. ­ There a.way, And we,mklst'vmlk'in � t t t. It a. pu, more pressure.oh th 'n U.01kilial), 710 -A q brakes than In -the ProvIncp,,.o,'f Brit, rubber Will, and ig alsolutely, necessary a This decliner,la"e t,r. a if to -Ined' in the dip - "116h with tb.e 'revenue1c xpla We Sball be p,un- t�arfiijg,� oUt',the ilve, thiB,fabric Is.' stop.-at,Ahe the greatest r clining an we qo not' -'Year Wa . S� , sa mi ya oint you, wish. the, of 'the. p6rl.b,d,. AS, a i$bcd. ''Nature 'does n,bt ineli Wa ?n lklih. $j,o�jB,302 greater voluiAb of trad6 'Was ne er W etd': .b' Olt OUS to k h frequeptly downhill inke y�uir foot follp, ear, so]! transact y.. halibut worth $2,,563,09,0 ed, CanadWs fish ,e' n.ow oW we like .8 atori and -the in t xports, pillibit a 'what �she, d des; and 'sales $8r5.092; Nava. ScotIa,H first slow but -d- Cons at ill h;9_d the, car ba:ck. an fls-h'was 'th-a boa; I n The whol� histoty of th e race js,.zi th a value of $3,- or iise� -Many tA ngs,,pan ror.reffied' r It- the grade V 102,864i" followed by., 11 legend of p equutiork, wbich,he who A b6' er "I)POe through,11le result. biinj�)% leak: a safe pa�e, w steAdy by,: forcingAhe ne* va!46, 6ff the, acceler 6 or sQt ored 0 is steep shift 'to eM `J 9 . 91 p. *a'lvq to another con ar., first. 's�ee(lr AS liad: an and F6 -w -Ill.' We, 6� tub6`4' V e a p'ro- the �,htenll :are not made ag, productlVe so . rro . w- 16S1jjj'ffj6­. _the�, _n e;ng,the ofili t:ibl' q te i�nay,requlre, befoi Z. Inig e rn by s6nic ancift 'N � "l L, *-r. ', . 6 start n 1pot-S wi�h:a ..value ixoe�edlkkg, on&' 11- a8 should be'th "440 1,V _lit 0:'cai-b- �vlth a country ilureAf! wd w.'bdld,, -we - mig, circums ance6 pi4t" Itk fro, "Under no t If01n`-dolrI&t.Ii.- ful f� ed t6r It fr- -avoid.in-our me -a,,* is e revenue, te: irr6a.test 1�i Tu�� -greatit. and.-.nf6s! -th firs� Asable to -throw%th& clutch,. 6ut, uns, Ell I A d HhIhg,iTounas,.In,..tho Warjd.', It" 488, -fal-_' elently much,. greater Atte-riti I t loss. ofi'dan baolute trOL, '�S:r t' of lis' I* q: proper ac�ually, driving.' downhill..,, To. -do so Pk, having a VAlli6'of $79'5 iamiin.�s era.' Mos is 'ItO t k t a el 0 anmay mean �a -1. n I o.)vea b mor 0 y error,. whetb6r, it �n a6d yros, pr U'r " h 'valVe,back It. c9a come to focussed fr6ni- �uf own. b T Ien�,cu t a small hol t 53: Cdd� Was -eb e,c e' gOp 1driVings. eitlier'to Pbut $347,1 or that of. anotber be e,s,, a iid - obli e: aspark completely.'� It Is a saf, any, glory of!victoryi-� We I I �. ., . I the ilk n,g AN" P off1h ivtth a valub oi hmoblibral or�po fLrom� the valve, ,, m6t.6r' "runni a 'bf -$241,0 an filiVrovment fr_k poliditt6n'and an to those who, pr6gent liry e, practice to have.. '40-11owing- wltk A_V'iu�' au6l�io-r�phe "It ust not4lgh -to. ::-1*- IS an'd 6xiihnsion of It n be, -to1 rade ca do b' expected. valve. After rew : Of in - r.5 - - in'6rder Ave power.on p;In i4it er the. 'felioco ate candy, seraj5h't ca e :lq,,)st6.r ta P $170,294" -The fll;st'flsh'�of e ergencyi 'b nor.tb 4everse, -the Is old,vilve,'yoiz I th e tirle !,',,but the'' 4 The" - is no �q'tfe­stion' :"at' al " at T man in bis,image as lie lived',* fha , We'. -t e now. �o ailid NAM may know the 'mistakes he h" !.,.H F-, SAME�'OLD, WAY t ne, -Which is, brakes ar6 6xtreme1y.-'ifiipo'Aant' Trees, '.made in an d foi Uncle Sm�17orglve and forj�t' Your claims Ier! 'an 140 �,u hrough:the,j�Alve h0`1011tO t e purpose f . � � 1. �.Aga nst G Y. ."� � %:, .: it, I : , - I .. w. shi§lter-belts, ri iricre�is-d pota-.. avoid the si bi, h or wfiidh* they re, iltL, ia B'4116 ca niila�'pitfalls if we 6an' ---A-16'rgepart ofthe work Tha S what. Fmdolng=ft _way_y Mf aVl� nd foi%: ds-on,Ahe 7hut-sImply­bec6u9e-ihey.­a From Toronto Tel, �ted" by rimeb. ly. theii client' ZU' U iablei'and the., easy WA jo An LVW r, flowedJoneslB.,instructio rpl Insti I consists'in. get n q,t s to obey", ti valve at, thia, E inrnn, praceed de�. d hi uses� ich 're- 6n.. 19' p �B_Orrly ad,the,new, ng reason for their ab xPerimen-tal. -Farm, ks and pot, to h9 the *ash-' maige" to."o' -katclfti,,�an' In! th Then Would HaVe F en, Kim at, Scoti, �Slas 6ults* in' da thei'� p' I ' , I . I . ,at fia'Oy7 'very face,of arti. of the Sprhig�, 20. Gold them. The' Poill P op.&n .06ld- Yielded patient,: 6ften listell's �'%vlth ... apparent'., Spring, he Si4et 87e4th#�Vl p,.easar. In "orde r. to misHidna,les idid,their'worlc, 'Dr. John_ buph-el's': acre, pays 1oi the lecture and fob� the -subject 'of er-An hut.� bii, the, vilv`e,�:Which hitd 'car. as,w.e.10-- Lecturing, atat6eH in the� neqqpparlly,.bt-��n' Tq-ingve� lit th6'rk6':'b d Is the doci it U 6, he ask4 bbe Sqottis.- evangelist,, old. i e Yi ''Be ffie. Best (if this-sto-Y hii blooms'ea6h I ing'-p o -surprise i. there is puidillm e'nt' Adiff�iebt� eofifs6. Th�r 'need b h ktlig; h T J�* hee, r h must do, now V f 479 �bhsh*61s rte -o be h 0 a owing year' e .,,,,,A:?.;A�ittr,,vueaniz6.,ojr'pat6h' tb6lole ' 11 , , - - :i -1 , -- ­ " , .. tb�; -s6�uel' a. 'an'. r nt di 6nbe in a ri�g 611 A ch er In the, New, Ilbbtld,es islaild! pre- ty birdip ed 4t hw-tat6' 't a ;ra Cold- dosth�.) 9 .. i� bus-hels the-; o edience. 'R. P lie' oni the top or u�Lnll uu was 4s',BIble, one -love tho Valve'.' Make' e: "is convets-io ha een,a 9='. .,Open .)rOV­made,-t9.,irpi ' bekQr h d' -b b who 't be -can e,.d "and .761 bush!ls jis�ld You We' nut ia screwed, d' 'Cii e. the% ow -to eko,o,,,-ju-g-J 14e da heir a. t 'd' ug; P1 Another v� ar,ety; .......... ... ..... bf ra er came, up'to him and Aii t n iezi' test' the d ti yaljqy�- u D -exclaftned t you are gave� 121' b a ube' 1&Ae4k6., The' keasbix- !of mak.- Be a In the t :'�'What Is thi I h "I A: lbha tor!sAtnd P e scrub, by the side- a ng. 'acre In the field and 4' 0 beat lIttl pa in, An the rill - -The MAY -'makoL IS busIi&ls1:insld Th' out a foot -the because: h ouis 6S ga'y," elter:b,elt;'� aid' in J -re the Hands a air follo f: iii:Sfi 'rebelffon. ht-. -:4 repair. ne , thii a bliBil r If YO can't b a tre 6- h friskand' pla 7 la n ing,,out. Chakes Yearthe Y Olds wi§�&.15 Yi the. H-hbplierds urgess he - ' . . t St 't i 1. 11 .., . , 13 "1 doi­ beh6ve'-Jt I P - - . f Connor II., e "that.s PliYed ��'; b to make;alo, ELI likely `j� trader. ever. d pipe alf day ig�.. �,6ipe�tively� hil'4erH* And',Rory r�kin� Be, p nc Ae s' you can't be a u a, bit In ate TgL� Or iaf, th AnYon e any, gog, an -Finlaild f�r6st, fire, dead..; When Childeis� 'the iciat �Ubel,-Aeie the rd A t If- ftbqi� le" replied th*e AM 'Insarabc ss &an�b - 6 ust itse ay". - on; wab. execuL w� S P LL nd some;hIghway', happier make'- 6t W4B no r jug -j 1:4 A And we hear; the bi s line 'biliffid, the re�,�eiii' e e4ful lhd 0 0 me te I yo ..s 91Pkii Iit':t -to tilarn IL;ynch took'hiw pla�a. Eve- to 'fi i n.0W Anct Y 0 -�he-Bible-yu-;would- U, Lnf-14 Coe 001 I -t-b 'u'r's t - Whit: ou-cau, '0. .1 ;­ rte _; :, , e p e.n 'shot t death a runnin', Oit. Earnon-de th thi. llvelieH�t,bis' in,, 'A OT DRIVING But ­ .. I : ' Tie heids His'-Theorl ."a ba 6t' " L j6ith .I rfi�e ..the company -fwi lake e swoeb,"the, daiiies ten t6 )n'ty�c6n es Confirmed -P 100, Yal4to. is iL some new, hidirij 'Albert Eiii�* l, Whose p ace a to- We, a u eet.':, wori Both z�f -qndue - nd lib, a e'nL`Hup'portdra,.of is. '40 'r tis I drivers to_ It 'K6ung lovers -'meet 'ol( wiyeq� gsu-n. on -the In at OIL-,. ll'e. r'ea-:. - fe�iAiiv,ity" ipt-ve, been lits's 0 i. f li�Gf Pro e soof* ee 7, ",The g eaL t faUlt.Vi thL 6 f th I b 'L crew, L L. nin 940 t'thIS clasis'of Ihs'u,rg. 'firnktA,by r6SuL ve 'Con 13�%T, T., tney is f6 f 1 fill lieliteh_" W: Ith. 910 T a th e r be �,g tL Sit', Its -.,deduced, frq'ni.phptoe� ants, have e ScIat E"ed, Ievery, sti�ee gr,,,p of t ere!S, far all' these tunes Olm ear;H wt tteri.1n' these. �6,eclipse 4he still, takeh :�thous irregulars" a. veieiin n the -'Therela� -Te, kid .9, work. to W -an I a 11 do anadA s becai�se of Aus;' -jails. 167thetict-4hat life. gl,.,,tPned a t ris ixty4even of ibelr'lead- t611316bile 6ade. Th�r'6'6. bf n sY40��r �'o ft th,�', il C8 It c aIi- I h n d publc, ris., fty:be:du:e lesser., 'i at -bylith, the rest-auf4ior utkoo �In 1 11 11a In. �p 1. 1 t '1'', '14 _nas been -exec d' 0.:.-wh.i. -to, h A vi— P9 up'zo,a clizzying.pace;;, -Our ZTea t-,cIaSS,;,figbtfhg m6n An the - ie ai el rafikH`,Js- done. '9 , - R ", , * A Off re conge.stW With the s -vie e t' S p h u- re Pr wetion whe�ea's Day. b autOM6 I le It . affic, afid'that - -the brake� If you caw Its adeduat it rc n. e a,,higbiway then J�Ht bom. S Gglia4lans -are n.ot', 'ye sufficiently er can h t NB.&II6 1567- :jLfb ituall other,' said little "wb,t De alera n6 long built so' me ahically y Is It afid,,necssity..','� rebellion. be ha ve' iOes'.. fa er gb downtown" for dIts, IM d fost6red seei Al in ever zn� to be sp te 1W 'n �to u Hn't by s _e It" Oe 'be te'skili,, b y� sound that 46 . ..... �777777�7� uri d thoy.L blt"d ------ ey. -are su jec h b �t -e'thing. Sul '&r te,Fre6 bid �'-Un el Work. e. 4at-D Stor Lhe_ _y_�,of�S- t�kch-� 07t -4rchives 'pf� the­-Appubli ;o1joy con nave. can, iovern- Ditto - H rse dens 3, good ,very, you ear a raf c of� wou,are., 0 every' d' Pdr);oife'd cow's milk U n6t:gWd The'r'e_ -can ­b' ay, iii the'- e� pal. whistlie:ifi-,1arge �ity jou�al_ a Ifftle-d6ub his moth ment _Ar PodketsW De.", aldr —Doff-gfas �MlIjld orses have, debt a1able's' Its hea rnfouslY -Wa ar e 'f-Y-e�4-,­-and,4 h rik'es­-, an' n see whote�L 'Ith a'.g -6-. eVe- -hnd7__ aVer,_hi scin -,b �y --co' )n d 'the �w rud e againd,t er,feUow-rea-, b Ari tires On h Inig: of s the- Iuv6- a --rep Mosi'immMiately' ch. d eased -'&n hear"a iciulitihing of he- 696 of he. autouiobll�., 1.on..O vain voman_ h' ":,th own:- WE -a the old, h, 41, one.' r. ca 'eye. SOmO, of the inhabitantsi of th 6tdd "Pon SIMPle-niffided ' �.nlken gone.. fav'orlte t d. esources ead from 9 -run, e reat.6nekll o,&ever a 0, ree; tat Arm 'th a h,!.s- body b�, r y of its- h6igh dn't'do, much, Strengthened- rellgi ! Ous' --the- greater tibe nuniber 'Of e seive, t a an' h, Y, ee' Pa th4b.r ad a- belfefg::the' �iafes IM Y % the m -ore, day -j -d& -Did iw is quiet, h. iI:Wa ','[I Ai -their sched -ILJS 'tory veiiII69 - the fdow. rhaiataffif erViCeL of%the Dipar mu, _1*_ _h - ;I . . I aln� a their. bk4 sh. L a ril ..Resources -PP gence umo. rid kebuini am u ment of. thelhteridf -at Ottawa gsloika�y, P P I reservin 'T anc[ dynm. W6inbers of, the� ]London M't Prac'cQ..Of 8farching, whibbi came'ini 100,iayi.- -who 'addiese­d.',j fasln mitings, grow, Mar of A -Ve-rmont­Iha­n-­-ha LS __1 1. 1 -, 1.� -1 Is, I hvs 9 a h PPth,Jrdhkn_d_n.ow__tff.an. tPeKe ente(t anish- w6-�'�niet-hp!d,�:f'6r�:;pr,eserv. ng a ones As -been in'L-Month.. b y-- i Sl) iftgn -About the"MIddle'af 0 _h A -4r er e, -con-�'- :01 'the rof stricts, rec tifivanc6 U011 III 'these. at th ifteenth 'by eive In any n �bentury. 'w'l: beat! their edies�a'fidbnekS. OCS Ppurposa, of shedAotbidd�a,blemi� thin'I'L f c'ement; leaving t eir Ini but it d aYeTS,0 PrOv cial and. -other or ginal,opin . a to, th h the policy ot,exccu lonsi On- I'ns,aa She with 'e'is,�fidfdeei oil her neck, lx�ppear that Irseries. are:m Ing prepAra- t reluctantly an& sort6wf ally A&o�dlng io a no. . ht tions to pro 11c, TO eni a ivomah, -TIVed 'it as". EAsY' WAY 0'PP to, twenty the Cosgkave, Wealth andh�lipfn�ss`and gained 'notorlety, by _I'nVLe t' us ti, to- nifake-a- 'd �HaVe ar.- -a. at '-,Sh ere -are arge clv�wa ri; :; __� Y, a ;a matter ot.-Preparing ell- was�y6ung and lot. iso fit I irgu'ed,t At t It TY urn 'far 'areas" Wfi �, - - 1 1 ace *here liehad: cith6r,ta iov� - 0, provinte.whi ar I t e I for. the'hext EO earth was b -ern-or go, 'S'. W anotlibr laid I lifid to 9 ve,11617 e, wqh t, the'l ree tate e, ong hours, away, tbis.cliused the' produictiah, of ly f' f, me, many s, of' too much'to'-d timb6r� e one,knan d t�i gr e or in'su.pa.'r likiligs.8 dAys siare was-mb, vould have gone with lihno.thei Ang o�-, wo-a r _Pn.; E und, -ces td rs, whil' t 6: f in Y" 15 f I'd In.. Irish, Pa� An d It gbrap-,*l h- a JAY BeZ h d Js,�A �PjOr ion of -the prd�:� .­ : a.s,.gpne og, grain ct-. of exls.tekk� t;'-vh lo e- ese, areas� -d6dg low, Purple', W -'she hiis'be�w. ')a- r't& awed, we' 'Argue till *�,biotfi w, aqk again 'to erd sl an h' howet 'd h thleilifOS6 the,rev�-.;, means R coniffill" t th If., Cps -:-w.6u4d I e6k; -and, Still, as, by'.1ta., nial P"Inil bellion 1ind:ALo be Put, F n k.dU_ i�L in a the `§,tafid " . . tioin'S' nd 11 :b - t nd ;SAme ti d ',To, hi' th at 6th'sha'l The more finport; Spoil , h , IS' er e t e ;Volled:on this gorge pus. Sph erq.- e Pdsals`,1061[ned .-ProductfVie methLo aL b 'b , " I � .11 ­­ " ­ " _ __ " - - ___ - � fi tt �, ven aW� are a ' �j ' - o;�n ent ankil�kioiw we g 0 ;ict care a cleil at the, ir reoels protect the f0kests alread h y for,tfiffigs that run hlh, t,�e positive, Creat ly the sting' ind de., us, fuss; ,And IfAh iVe bAS',comc to: its' final' 6 ddtth be, d" ellicourago roun. ' or flat, ene L Tb or hollow a� eproductiOn`�-:-T ziij.os of I.,reland will- big if. t y ,good,, old earlih, �anA weggreSe. It�fi sure y war h who is. not e�selitiliL that, dare �be- exerdise'd �,hafeve� 'it 'has mot� faith, 6 It Hour :th and to�eA f1reSL prev Is. v, In, to hQur tiVe',, b ants and Ut negAiv ented. t* w oret Branch. 10�* ifret 'us and exbatisb�, When' our': wa in 'that -wh th be.,see brlf.��.da'y a-, ' x eve 11, trfvie�ht, Llbr�rlaii. good lat;4 -We "s' ' t I � I L L �L L .1.1.1 1 - I . . I fl of ms, to I'h' A­seli��ot 'but Itlid"he'l es, he folly, of, de"te iof fliss. nd:, frot,an be t e Result,' p, of !- . ght, intereSted: id Thickens ai, 6,e Other. ThIns. -have, becau'se 1he - negative. wisbilig'.1 t6 11* o4n( 4. ba "all 4Y..: 6S s q earthqi I''d 1-, L, . I I _ 8 . ini .6-rit "Yes'; "the bootlb� 0JLjjIIjlz­ Improv n that. ney or. OeS. not.. we., are., oj' TTOV68�­th-&t we are rIgIlL d A, Ian Oe" g d for, ra. fid -a&�-d t i"t' en `6f I it lie talog,ile,, 1p, I It C�i 1TR(J - ------ re�'y -All R"13 MO d IuW, de had k, �l I)ON "r Me Iffivnellil) PXBOU 'N OY A WORD." 60 .5.5 tp of !�HE TALK U Pl< t" H A U4. T .610 1;3 UN A i tho'card., cat06-gue -1:�o,oK teacher. U N 1)F_ KZVT^ N 'D �)�J . I . . . I 'Dum lj,� I C, N6 A- Do DuLo A NY _TA g stild t, I' "No won(ler., MIS, ut One At a T I'm e. WIll �7' voice wo"li link -bar dt 1:64 and,, 1 fimlift &A a OU 11 t 1111� I a L