HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-05-03, Page 4r'''• • MAY 3rd..1923 ' f04.1,4.1 c#10-1ciaii:th.a 44.bei fitopyat,kany, aavd very seldoin gets?, b1tesave of The 1t ' tralue,which-e.pre”-4 vOlts*deig. eaPenditurea. Instaad• •• ndyour money in Meaningless WaYS; start 'a:savings account and watch. it -grow- into an assetogreai . nnainica-a. A. Glennie. Manager • INCORPOItATED 1855 ' Capital laud* ItOserye $9 000 000 Oivr::1251flianebew 11SAI, t COURTESY TO ALL - In all departments eVery:efforf is" made to elhninate puneteSsarY, fornialitie S • and to assure .speedy 'arid. coliiteoUS 'dervice 'ito-,euStonters.' • „..: , • • : - SaVirigs D.Ppartmenta at every Branch:, NikopR;--LuCKINpow titt:ANCH; 1-• AG. and IticC()RnIC izAk mAcniNEs and REPAIRS Tractors and *Engines; , • Geo. -White & San. Threshing Mac hines SIPariur Litter Carriers: Stal:0;- Standens and . Water Bowls; rost's Coiled Wire and Wove n 'Fence;. Connor's ' Perfection Electric Washer, Dell Pianos and Organs , FOR SALE BY DREVV, L.JCKNOW. 04 G R I-1ND TRUNK VetsTEI:( plOYED:'TRAINSERVICE ' Daily Except' Sunday ,•5:30 -a.nL 1.45 ,-50 a, "2-04' P.Tn- i: LvWmgham 640 a.m. •, 2.54 p.m.., irErusSela 7 06 a.m;-•73.18 pm -Palmerston - -8'28 a 23 Pan Guelph .1„ ti.m; 5.36 pm. ra.ntforel,.. _FL 1;ramilton • • 1.00 '0*.m.` 8.30 p.m. Ar, Toronto,. .11. 10. a nir 7 49 pm - Returning Leave Toronto 6.50 a -m._ Ind 502 pan. 'tTbrough.-eoac.h Kincardine -t� Tor U -Nee a Monument The Lucknovi Marble and Gran- • ite; Works has a large and com- plete UtOck—the ,Most ,,beautiful designe te; choose from in Mar.= tile, Scotch and Canadian' Gran- • -Rre "make a Specialty of Famil • --Monuments -and invite spection - - - Inscriptions- neatly and prompt- - Call and see- us before placing your order. • ----ROBT A' SPOTTON • _ Lucknow -Ontario. - Until we are periaanertly sett:ed u cd*•:::Rislnieitton • to. ItILT '..Aecat Luelcnoiv 14Yiigula'rs-MPly.itPiarand_ , est. Cash Price Paid g -ream, and. ggs . _ xuarantie at WAS A' LUcKNOVV •'BOY he death 'Of John AlePhersOn,.p.gL. ed 4.6 years and, 7 ineirths,',OcctirreLat McPherson, Durham Road. on Tues- day, .Morning. :April 24th.. It ,will • be .vitii, ;deep ''regret a, lark ' -friends -will 'learn:. of hi g ...death ivas a. sufferer. ftolu'diabete-s;• a Zia. for several-: years •p,r). ,streng, t, ...to.,.A.vercorne Jahr': MePhersomHwas- bai•rr :at” i Drit; 116--fo1lewed inii4flng amil ad -been in the businesS, in the Yu4..ori :and .,in prospector' and no doubt ,hardy frarne7WaS: undernii nad, by Soine of 'the work -he. iindertOle. About' two -years-ago-Ire carne7horne"Trom an- ' convex., honing ',by rest. and e'a 10 c to oyercorne: : the disease..Which ',, was Sanning his..life. He was brave in hiS:, tight but,friendS, c6tild:see"that itAvti'S a loSing .ganle, , did ri,-)t coMplain but -with a-c-ciarage that- ,Nas commend- able. 'continued battle h as' ende'd.'ihiS suffering 'lie was, ,alcindry = mari,,zgenial 'and •rioPtIl a r many' friends Coium,hla ,beL‘.'•Sorry.•-•t6,• hear .1 of'. his ;death. He ni.arried ;Miss A ggie ' carni)belL: daughter of the late Alex,aMletTam 4i Ostre,,a Customer, Always•a, • 'Customei. " • • ' PHONE . 75. rrial .thr,of, a,•large circle of friends is dx.,-, , .,,, 0 . , _ , e et. , i,. tend d to h, ,an i a ..-,o to the aged •Ltielcnow 1... , L.. No.. 42f,l, meets in theinarents. 'Captain .John and Alt's. Mc: " r Iocle*e rearn• every` second "rues- , , da', .of the Ineilth, at 8 weick p pi . Pherson,' and the brothers. ,Donald, 'of 1 ' ' ! Mr,114,:.11 ,11. . Parker; Rec. Sec'V- .r.'"Wtri: WeYbu,r•n*.'Ketin'eth' Chica*°.;i'n'l the Af"i• sister.s.",,Mrs, Angus Mcl,e'od 'and Mrs, c9ujjn. , ' .4. ' B Campbell --Dei.'et.eil --was an , --,--Y-„ , , herent of the 'Presbyterian Ch'urch.--, Kincardine Reporter. . ' ' ' !Over Warne a thild /or howling: Would_adesat.th methndit the _age that a hp4Ith'y,liorsp wiltrkt-„, lk.ArSt flire-0-140-1VOiliiiiiteti:- unacr avorabq conditions,' • THE AGE OF A itoltsr, ' Over in t e ownshinof Elders :a_far_mer. hy,,,tlie_manie. of l_raiL•,..1.4.0.W.-. rie mournint the death. of a :mari,, Uthielt- he and thefamily, raised from ani'm zit-Iv1gA-341/2' rcraf's14) when it died It had been an tintiialillv faithful animal and a family Pet,31 had never been sick, and 'death ' 'was due to old ag6 The inculent sueleesto . . TIM1- LuO T,3W PgNrINEL Published ever, Tbn*IldaY Marnhut at Lueknow. On•_, 4. n. MikahanaW PrOtnietar'• and FAitur THVRSDAY, IVA* 3r0., 1123., "7,•; Emu* vAGE LAW the .Unztod' -of-tates recently -handed odt a decision is likely bu haire centinent4kle Santle eengreass !Which governa' the District of • Columbia' 'in whieh-he national capital is 1�atid is, a law setting' forth that .wages Paid in • the district Inusf..0!),Mg., PP-,•tol a - given standard:,., Someone contes.,ed this law,. and the Supreme Court,de •,elaed'''that it'liiw;,-.4.•uticonatitti- tional, And therefore' cannot be forced., _That such , a law is, unfqr is plain enough to., anybody who :Will' think about it. As the Supreme Court'point- 'ed Out, a minimum wage law, compels, them• • eployer' to pay: not less :than a stated amount while at, the Same tim :. e it doe S not provide that the wage- arner_Olall_..PerfOrm, t leaSt.a stated. min:mitt if- work. The emplOYer has t� , pay whether the goods are produced :or .not ,The law takes- -no-cognizance- -of 'the -facts that- the Worker, may not .be able to do the 'required' amount of work, Or that the employer May not he able to pa3i. Suehlaws:are wholly one- sided.,They. work a hardship too :on • the dull and weak workers,as those who cannot come pp to :the necessary., • standard, ofproductiveness will not be eniployed7 at alk—not even at 'what they -are worth. , ...Six states Of the United States,. and 'several' Provinces of Canada,' including .0ntariO,, have minimum wage laws; "and 'these are likely now. to be ;ten-. teste4 and 'those in 'the ,atates pre •certain to be thrown -out, as a state • may not pass ala* V.Thkh la in <con- flict with. the National Constitution . • While:business is good and.the pre - :veiling fate ofpay is above the rate- , . .fixed by lam, no harni will'reiralt;;but When': the returns.- business • are greatly lessened and the legal stan- dard of wages cannot be paid ‘,‘fitliout , loss, busines'a concerns - .must shut,c1o3Vii, and the, wage-jearners <will get ria PaY gt all. 1VIAKES, MEN ••'''RED" • - • •Ofirie over .a year ago a man, ey the 'Mite of Meyer Brenner and hs filth- . • •, • er, 'junk dealers • of Toronto were con- • victed of clefrauding•_theirtcreditors outof.:about ...Seven ,hundred .4hoUsand dollars - The. ,two were 'sentenced: to seven, years .in penitentiary,, and. both ,were sent :to • prison. After spending. a -'slieft-tlittelieliiiid'the kali the: older "Brenner --was released .on-'tlie Plea Of 411 -health aridlis age' • ..This_ekcuse „could not -bp -advanced in the interests pf...the_sonso t . other -reasOns". were being, manufactur- ' ed. and "Other influences brought ;to bear. In due tittle this,was done and -after serving' one', year,: or- his seireit- 'isiat-liberty; . It is 'said that in Spite of their con - h' (VI ih€-ZFaillidifl- hUi goOd.deal'of•moneir was used' in bring- ing about their liberation. ; , ' There is in Ontarieja '."Parol Coni- mittee” With MCassele,. K' this,committee, we presurne;ist� pass upon Prisoners as t� their fitness to - be „let, Out -oon •Jparol,:hefore-the'i.term, fe-r-,'WhiCh."-theY are • setdown IE beerr-orn Pleted; 'This • cOnimittee, 1107; •mot•.-:deal-.,-Avith,thecr.Ereinier? prisoners, although it was its business'. do pie' cage appears to lalie .beem,taken-direett0-,the, DePartinent • of Justice •• at Ottawa, right over the' heads of this committee; The liklihood is, ii4t-4he'--younger-Brennert*ould- haVe had but small chance of, gaining 'his , iiberty ,if, the ,Parol CoMinittee ha'd Av1:16.'ever heard of a poor man' be-.. ing.released-in-this•'way,?-11da-sort-ot thing has a goOd'deal to do'With turn- ing . men "red." It causes all 'men 'to, :lose' resPect:forl:goVern' irieritarid, the courts_ It would bp highlyinerestn to ' learn. jusewliat sort Of underground influent -CW -11S: atiVOirlc:andiviiiitithoner: it 'cost to•getillogetird riga-es-oat of , • prison; • •• •.We long ago heard it said that though it'was,-dangerous to steal' a Small sum of money, it was compare- ,..tive1y7/4 safe tto,..s teal <,:a-<.'railliover :446: In practice there is still one latv for the rieb and another for..the, Poor.; doOD ROADS 'PROBLEM ' .It ha S been suggested that those who-to-:inta-the- tidnsportation-huSi ness Using ( rtnolor viiclea On the puhlic •Inghwar ought -to ;gay ;;fotathe privilege. It is' Argued' in auppoii �f this that as the piiblie ht.,!ye hint the roads ' er Compitlfei who ot_trilsOolttnv; ,f.gifitt p‘ill!tOiltiliVflItht!.reildo, 4.4 , . , ought to contribute to, the dost• of ,, weakto,Parry en government .withOnt constrtietion and -Pp -kepi% It is further kis'sistance fristh other Parties, he Pointed --outthat' -this. „inotor bus..., ; 'wotild not hesitate' to ,.arraage •'with ineaa gaa!e,s no direct.'!compettionf other ,parties to 'have that assistanCe, „ _With_the4ailWaya,f.w1ich--..heitiviieavY. - 4...v.--e4iirtet--s,te that Itliere,=;-Wis,'It'tlY'.' tax-payerS; Ile)p= to buil4 t/ie roads.. thing' *t reng, With thatannouneeinent If this,proposed. taxing' Of tiazySpOrt It was merely getting away from par on our, '"g•OOd.,roads" is once startel, ty „-rovernmeht,--. gettiag 4WaV1 .frein. ..weAo.•:Itiotsee,f.whe.S.4,0p4p.,01-d, ••,A,J1tr ',-the",iileti:that4licrezinust,he iii.:aqi'aili-,` itaxinr•e*Cryptie•;who.uses..the-i•ozitl; um ent-,z-one-',Part y -sti;oii1;-, , enough to and, it 112011. not 'Matter Whether the meet all possible- aPPosit?0;'..-Prolier road iS•a•iiighlyimprovect;•road, or bot,. Drury's' ldea seemed to bp I;liat ' gev- Where ,are you going ..to, . draw ,thp" l'J..111/..0-it sllOufd I he '• 'b:.."' ' any .. ' iriirioritY line ?.-and,' Why :should' any. line be of .a ',parliament 'that could.. ag'ree to dravft7 'All, roads have been, iiiiprov:,:, .?arry, on •,governineiit: ' ad infere or ,Jess And all are "iiAed to ..., This,_,-how:ever, si,d, '.i'f,:t 'Inect:'the Softie , extentjt 1,s fip4, CI ear AVIli..,-..t.,U . 'v i,ews...of Alle_korriS onreleiiMn t '- Of the- --Taa..)P:,.:P:14,,Alct ;,11437,,-16r .,h0yivleke, ,I.T„..,,Pi0. :par ty.7.-Thei rvi ew. sereins,tirb-e- ---- , , )f.. operating a, fiV,e-ton trackon a th'atthere-shPuld helm co;mpromise in., highly improved...road; another4 man, order' • that Hgovernin en t Indy l•hould not be made to pay 'for, operat-: ried on ' That •stand is all !rie,ht if .the' ..,rik, a ..one:fan 'truckon a 4 poor road: od L•ty • is strong ^enough to ,parry , out . , . Besides • Wouldn't .,- it .apply' to , the ';' its prrigrain'; but When it ,iS'not strong 0.tru:enet'ry:,.7hfig4nWeit.lyty.S.' As we1-1,!'•• As ' 4' ' the ,bain!.:64,,t:ljtigio.hic160..a'dfo ttbil:i:te, 'iiils31.•eil:;'.1.1'Y'iftog'ebtet'ilino. Followin& . his an- nolincement at •Milton,•"•Prernier Drury met the' exe- cutive Of tbe U._ F. (Y. .party, and, ac- oerdinc", to the announcement which . , P•u- followed, he appears 0.•have -Iabandon The roads, good, or 'bad,d shoUld -be , his •eiv'n policy at?.d.a(1°P.tea'thF•t :"'f, •,' , . , )eft free. Any charging ,of license 'can• ,.• no. col -apron -rise, " -reitilt,TOtili: In:Creating iiiOnoPOIY:iii' - „:111.,i's.'-an'ePt'et'ha'S'S"-h14ii'. 'te..1"5 shutting off conipetition, I: •',' .; - ...• P..r'esti.g.° .throughout the Prevince., It - Free, . , nnlicensed %rtraffte L'ilp-on the • •rurist :1°4" the -1'Pre-si°u 1..th...4.- th9,Ye paved - higIrkays ' suggests 'a solution-, 1a-,,s6r1CellilirirICt C•"4:' i-i.:.:ffieks,In-e9ntention • _...0.1" f the railway' problem -la solution ' +1,I't thePlli7: reiwas .Trrepared fo • Suggested long • ago' but 'never t` '''-•"•-ltlee P•r'nettd°' fbffice•-ahd Pawer'' ,Puftherif • those who engage' in l'ansPurtation are' made tO pay for the privilegei, won't they just have to charge More for their . service ;. whowill -Pay.; this, but the gener:al tried. Why not hive railroads free 1.s §'hce•the• Pren,lier'•hegan waWthg, well as the highway•s" C • the ',ConSevvative and Liberal' Parties' merits build and maintain railroads As .appear to • have 13 'erne greattY en- vell as other roads, allowing those: coura.ged and •there is ;.tall: by both of wh° 'dOire',use theni Thie would eontestrni every ding It looks as have ,to, be more strict -regulation, of th'ugh,..tn" the• general* mix-uptcan , pirties ifl'.1fave-- to. (le -- be' practicable unless railroads,' were ,PcriCijargel,Y.forsuccess 'upon' them" double or even' feur-,traeked' aCcOrtlin& • selves. rather than 'fix" their''Parties- to• the amount .of traffic; Under .snelr. • • o 6 in, arrangement. any' :one•ti. dt satsliedANDE-izs IN .6ANAD•A with the service on the; road,' could, • • „, • , , • • if he had the money, Put . on ,a, train. 'Free:Press), , . of his ' 'and , operate' a§ 9P.P°i:' -----------•have'tunity w'ritte'n offered, just •as. he. tricIA'7' Pnts d* to the Pree Press asking in, re.2,',ard to truck on the highways or streets' .te ..the na,tienality of' V. Stelansson, the, •hi• :own hatiling;,'Othersu-puel' go. Canadin, ',,Sti4ans,iun,. is a.' 4nto...the'businesi-of hauling Passengers' carradia.0 ,heru' ,viur-,d. ii"t a‘v th,.0 , , ,r,aifyv4is just a' vba in IIanitobq eet. Or freight over .the • 4 I . ;they are now going into' the bUsiness ing-aniong. the -Parly;:settieLs .the WALK El T of operating „passenger , and, freight Wet In t'ne, early'seven,:16s, long be-;,', • . • trucks on the irrinrove& highways.- - f, re the arriVal --of' , the- railroad, , a '" Y°1 -211q 01 nNims.• • ' larte o-o-tly of' qcelandOrs settled: in and cost's; et ' $10" 80, itel ill • b , , . . , . . Mandaa. One'Veltlearezit was'locaterl; b on T s• PREMIER DRUR. inSouthwestMafltobanthe neigh- ''orderl',..centinct.. .the-,,t,i'oct 10 torhood---Of-Baldur-r-hut-•-the--ehief-.--set-' -444"-44-'744 , ....0.•-•.'„,,purcase i,e••„•,.; your wire quireinents. -. ..„....„:„..,...„.„:„...,..-:„:„..-:._.• ..,• :e•:.,L,...44•.0 ;17'.: . .. ... ..... .• -ui11ine-4.:„ofQoihLSpring,No..,._ I1.4.11).. skyles and ire, - 80-1bod spools, Inds ofwoven fencing. New Perfcicticn CoaI 011 Stove, one, tw'o, three and four -burner, alEo ovens in all styles. Have you seen the CIai'k Jewel. orrian Oil Stove? We have it. urns -less unpi'oducesiiie Now is the tirneto oo •our .eavetroug11,:requirenlents. A car of ,ortland;.. The 'Store...Where Yoof' MOneS;.7.,Goe:.th•e- Phth10. flow - ' '• ; ',.,.. 4=-7-7- , • •, ' ',I, ••,.. •., - ,": ...,'',:..:tlenients were'.....on".the Sh 0 res' of Lake.' 0-1....,t11,a..41.fi''..:(2,1'.1.;:rrd.e, .1'6 t'n'1.*an'tj,., t 9 6 4.vf1 ••tan1in;!v,weli'pli tnlii:i372.tfh:,filp:ve... oafrI•e-,n'eaiie:idy.',1',;,..it,'. pWriii,ni,eniiiPescifii.ria.11.:1011i....s,:liina,i1.11'e:4e.labie)Oe'.:1:•ifihsell'S; '.114C312.'''il:ttl‘:1°o'n)./:-iLtf':11:clio.i'•(‘:11:::fict'. ''',`-',.liin°:Iti'li'1.(41''''JrIllii:E'll'--'•'' 1.ip.proy.i.n. e.e,..,tilere., o ..1.3.e.i,n-fo.„,.:(1...u.e.T-8,_ ...fleialtn..iitn9O,01alois•,,ag.t:i._aoiti:lein•loailh- fit;...11,ea,,15„4,ei-i,.O. ri.vc-sh!e1:ef,` ,0,,,,,r.i.ig-).,+i,t,..1.1,,,,d;::(1)."'itii',t17,(::11,•,..,O,...tf4;1,.isliz':=2;(6,.:,;...1,,i.iQu'-I.:?1,7.';Ft! 6:•',;.,,l, j...ii;....': . .• tion.' btli. that Preniier Drury's ‘COti,rSe.' .they • could follo,\V ,tric.... tiVo.-.V,,,-cationg,' „'s,(4me,... ti,,,H.., ,and,th.,,, .m.,1;..pocf,Itol.,,, 1„,,,,v, wealiened_hinn_vi.r.ith,hisfriends-Outside-- •earrY sa•t"ers' 'a during the pagt.feW.Weeki;haS greatly '',' .'4,.'edk..1,171,:til.6..., . (11.L.e.s'cia:cs.,.n..d.t,'ai 1172.63. 6.;:r.• ,'01,,,,,f ,41,•,t,$).1e_,,?1:.•...' li„)te...t,;„4,,_,0,11.,31o.J•40%.11.t,ii.,;,....1,,6a,1\7,,,,,aiy.rcil'• .31.iiri:l...,i'it:ii;.',11;,-Ikd,,,•u'il'•-t.•:•f,, . • of that ,•parti,....11e,',his.had. ' . ,4,• iii,,i.in-te....u.i„,t..._, .•,1,1!a:e.,:7'...t.o..kb, em.1,fari,droliiiii11.1,hic.In•tii,iiit)aobr;t'i. Tltilei•e•• ..05, ,t1.16„.1,10....,v ,.e.a.:fc, ..w.,....,; re awa:,,,.:.,:...)3,Lit thiy. e 1 .• . , . .. .,,, ,,,........ .....,,T . 5 •111.;....i., :wor,110•„,,,,eas:e,, 'ofy as the 1,..,4\-6.6.•. task' all along' Contending with strcng -1,e‘ieloonlent of; tli,rit- •-pro4,,,ii1co and' tile il,,•,,...,,,...„i,...1.t •,,,d, 1.;,,,,-,. 0., t . , t.i.,t,v,„--: . . , • . ...• opposition withont and within.. hia' W,est. •.Steiansson is the ..-oos. distill- • . - party.'. While. ,everybody • liantczi ...to gut.shed: cauadian Ic.elitilde'r-• '1 -rat . i'eY' '' 13o 1J( .-Alr'.-and 'm('''. .1)--7'.--,--- are•-,=.46:.•he--1.-`6.urrd• irr'-the-tegattrix.'0.7 hie `-r(..tr,'"ca.-.-11.' •NIZIT'alifs7'n('-...Z.r.:-Aln-ril 1.ith, aVoide -iii ''eleetreii-Iie-.-ga-•atiOng-,76iii - When an ',election' became.: inevitable, the . Conibinatien.: became. anliatioge-' able;,,f..............:4-,..-... ...,-- - ,-,-,...-,..1,- ---.,..- •• The4xemIer..__appeate•c1.7.toltaketlie and-soid-iiapers 611 the'st,reets of, 1,V.; n- ttz; 2,1•'•e- - -;'I el- twerii v• st:e'14.-'' i,'1)1e..s,, . ---' -'-'-, , •°-- - . ' •".°P-0-4iti-91-1.1' ot 'INIes'srzlafie-IS.4411'cl,C!ts77.' 5-1.0) ez.rt-- lad:TT:ire' i61.11.i.h.t''be"I-1O1-,f)11Oiit,'.',..li-i•ill01:-.11-4,1,10•••.--...,:s . ,1,-;; - --:x.`• -seltiiiart'.4-1.1ttle,..tdo'"seriolislY,•: am , , ta the .'fiiiiriacle of 'saccss bY sheheir' er. 't-st1 4.:,,••••ess,,:rs'-11a's' y- . t: .' (,1) r.r,..4.. .macie .' I . made sornething.• of . a blunder' in so, • pluck arid 'gilt:, ,.. . . • • • ',Ice lin.c.ersili:41(1 • a ,retdrned: 111 11 of -: . • ... • • , n . h.! ,.(1..,..s•ti n ,i• e•n?")1'0,? r -.••ili w- measure,•:-and...,thaTilisSolution.: Of ': the' •• - • ' - • ' • house His speedy defeat'In' carrying ThePh' ' h I • '1--C- f 1,I ' b'' - • 1 ii , ' ' ' L c' )\ 11 I'Ll; ':''. ' ' . . 1- '''('-i ., . .• ,_ .. _ .. ...,,..... . .1'4 a'n i tohai- Collor2;,ir , the . 1....aflin•=.2,‘ •11.'n-lorrs'-- .=',: T. i rO1. iriid n•ia n'o , i l'el,',:',: siYil 1.1 1 ,.1. :c1 ' '.' „''• ' ,„? is (id 01 ed .by .th, •-',I•'in'ir •'• I ' his.,,. ., . --• ,• .---• - -- - - - •• • des.--S-CP 4•1,s_.J.P, ..„0.)!,1••arl,40.. a tr() • L.', 0 -- - -- - . dents., and• eve.ry?, yea.1., ..:arry., off „at...A..; •o/._ t ,..i..,/. i \ ..1 (.01, .c.,/, i 1 , siii.0e.1.10..0111•elaigrh. .t4'1,1(;•:,0;0,0()o'of-,-0.:(LIt,0•;-,.1::,.,i,I...y,,eolvc,.n. c N - L5'1--i.-K.,...P,. s ., and., ..thei 1. • .,. \‘'..;i' v4...,1,...,...:.. ...t. . ,., .... . • ....., 4 .a...._t ftonsan( ,..,.. c'.•.a•TY ,The. ,Leelanders 'are ;world erfiii' Sti„i-' 'W:11%ertcn, lia,-, been nra.,t,i(•aTIN,-',,,1„A•_,•1' suddenly announcing his redistribution ' -at.it'u'rogi-ini-s,-.46-itrid---t-O4,-weark-en--„on"---seve'r-al-ocrea4ri-o-n"-I' .1.1-fts-beop---al..-ard-,---1-,r(17), 41-c(7.,:,tiiiebeGitnhge.i.(..iitpiazierri.5.1:5f;i-iI,c1„,,c11--otsf;„,).i. ,'.Y."(‘-'1,--E:Ta_lxel,r,\\,::::.111.11;(r7::11s, ercii71.1:2,..:;4,:lita(,trIra,in,os him. with the 'renerar public. People • el tr'' lee .3-c•I 'rs' :1 1.1-6Y: 'a're'a;so'''''''''t `-,.,\ 04 II,: 1,1,4( !The. ,salaty wiii lc . Lie_ iners, not loserst,:illiki_r_el,„77131ti:Ve,'_f_alt_htlirf.;:li_fir.:_Ldl.o,llow-__' .=, 7 ..;,:a.,.1t;lli-/,:.ilin';,:rur:z.lit.;.'a,..•7111;),--41t)11'10.eQrifsChtallini,3ea. dr.a111,11:1 ,11)11,,..(-c:-,.=i;1,--,T,.1.1.,.si..tle,:i„:;(!):,)fl,,,0iii..t.,>1.1.11,1•61711.;:,e,r..tni j$,Iiell,,•••;;.. _i; - 0;fil,,,2 1:'; It: lt It ti:11( '1..;'' . , F:.., , z° '5, 1. n" °J :, ..,,a,. ,:t 11 :un:d:;:t:11,-.),a_n;12(111,1J1:111;14(,k1tfof1110.711.:),-:' (7()Nni-Ci.';,..1:: - - . . ., • , . • FolloWing. ,this -set • back •Prenlier r-enresented the oi)oniini,bil ,at • the: _9:L. ..,, ,. „ 1, . .., :,., . . , ,,, ,.. .,0,,(}0,,t,3..aelf.„(:t,,,hil.11,01,c, -a .:,,,,ia:.,,,,,.71:11 tlile, "".. Drury, speaking at Milton, announced -. , , , . , Ivihnic ' coritests,,:. AltOgittilin'' 'i.,:a71;1 ;) ... , !, , (,,14,)n.s:..,,,II,n,t,101:,- 121 ., ,,tu et. in ,,v,.en,u,e„ -01., 11).-,..41,.,.i,,, 40, (•), 000 ' 111,1-e• ;;Ii.y...,}1 1: - . the,- electiOn,, ".with • '..a: f 011owing • too ,that if . lie .:altpuld fink] . hi inself,- 'after ', c/hc::iie. n,r7ii,j'i bdeedetat6:-.1.1'leo.i.l.rtizebefntsiri,,;:t;11:7,•,.!111,11z;,-,J},''' , L' -'1' ' 1 1. ,..!i''',''' Q2.'(',r11 ' . „'c, 0•1,i,s'...1 ' ,• , a' '‘..' ,...'1 a: c.1 , .• i')-:....,,,.1,',tf'•a(: •Lat,1(,lituti,nale,j:111,7t.`;1;c:orN,':e4.61;i0o.:(,11 :1 'il ;1:e.: ,,,,t%.ve':,•,:i'l::•,:,eit,i,,,,tirl. ,,,,...; 4 ' escen an,c a,, ;\ , u , .• , ,. . . , • . c.„ . ,............ i, 1-1,,(11.0.(c.i.,....i if..:,.,.,ri:,,,,, ...??1 ..t..).1.111 1,.1.1,.....va-c..r.....(..t,,(..tic,,,,,,,,;vi;,:ii.;Qi.,,,,,,....,.._,.,„.,,f.,,..va t,..,,,,,,I,,,...• • , . , _ ,...... .....,.....,,.....„,„,,, ..y....,.....„...........,,,.....„.r...,..„,..7.,_r_, ...s. . .. .,....., , • . ., . : . . ,. , . . ...../4„...,,,„,,„,............,„.....„..„,, ...,......:-.....7...,,...,4„, , , r'',0"(.)!Cq0.'''..,611 1•1 pi 13 2 41 ,• had • a • D.! 1••• • -4...}1,t1411 th:..v' ;1,1 voIrt. 01 1 r1,4a,X s 61111.Q. ti ct 14111 4.ap,:17e4.1., iota„to 1 3411 . I 04i ' Ia- Ly ar, 1 .1 o lijC11 '4' '111 nj,..(;... 41d t 01.4 4j s05iTliiTiRT7.T67o.n , t 1..tc•]eplibne!•06,•:-,t;'• 'almost' Co.nipt1.t,l,y piPlishing the 't.O.p.,*(f•-th(?; clra 44 11, (lusIli 1•;in the „....•..:t,..,.,•..•;„rap.at4oi,r,,:.fron. tl10i1i.ii,f44711(:1171iT(\the1;l;;;111.e.:7)111(1,10_andn •,i:'','''- ..everAry, Pr02-55111-:-.1L-)11 '1'416 rnas m's143.0.318' o1 (n). t) r-arli'd'11.411 4 lpL d froi th 16'44' w' f I )ohnson,• attorney -general .10- the .1\,+ ,;‘1112.'911 Of,, 'be .! 411*, livos rs one ol 1 I,I 4 3xis say- oye.n ept. -13 1 n,est1., larch, 1 c, iiiicnt1y .11 1).cd 1, .r 114. er.-,1„1;H:es o 11. C.:.(10,,I ineipher:: was: an liecor, - -to• -7;7,1.-17(iTT.T.'7.-Cftildrayrs ' 19-0 , •"'„ • , woAg.kt • -c9). SERVICE ---Our constant endeavor , -to-serVe profitably -and , -pleasantly. PRICES ---Known for all-the-yrear- c•ilud Reliability, ,LONDON; - JMI--TED CANADA: Western On t:iarr o's Largest-andFines -EquiPPed ,Creamery: - ; • Liieknow: •••.• • • tiratih,„ ';siSttagera... Phone 47, ;-",-1•• amine the' Seams, "You wiil ;find 10kihOIiiib1yTand be article - 1.22 ss; , .s if iE'"Er• I ifilE;L'r s: Atoms 1 1 me, : =S. ;45,47.4 -2 "Myr '