HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-05-03, Page 34 . ^ ' , e , • wise to .grow a. proportion Of Olo. acre'••• ate in :Pnnflewers... ' „.' -• • , : Where, there Is ir440,,sego: on the ferel ' It .019144 he e'er ,embered SP.:1110Were : ... 7e4.1 !Metbe 'grow li to: replace .corn. ' , . cep] ,or ,cgicKpi. T, Macount Dorninion liereeee, - C. esilI7e,a7''' 11hilali:.P.:191.1euret,,feeeetetreeeer iit hnbeS! ndIleltlofAPini411'3rarg144:1 - i. - . • • ' ,•-,','te-r' a' rt, lee.rer;P.,..1?8,-e.•!-......:'40,--,4,-..tq,i--.-....Yhe;tceneeeAta1tyeir. nie::,g' .r..e4".tY,d;idii.:61o;4t41ie.10iEdrgtozhcc04ditonstiil_ITat;rl 1Ovilk in IlieIr ng• e Pilien; trees, .buslies, or.' strawber 'T'-ri'llf 'ortivf BACON 'QUALITY c ''' to i ,',0-11,;.‘, ``',2civOro.,,:t ..11t11,5, are, taken: to the eb:i ,t9 04474 L PredisPobitiOn to • disease• in chicks CALLS ,11'0W.STA..N,PARI). • • .. ., thoreughly dene in 11. • ' ee generally peeped,. over ler' too ,,. ' •, ....F.E_BIN-,Ncie ' - ' , Sults nre given- in, Ste iidairt,,lAveceit,,;1c.S. oief•i951-bsi'Sba°•7191d(1;111)•eoueicIP14°esepdla4,ite144,+;s; ..if; ,: , ,, 1 , .0.: , " ',,'"ea lightly. . . '' ' ' '. -, • -. ' `.11:ne, average., aeloinet. Of. feed „.ee- hogs ' •includieg , "eq.:. - no efeeu, Y.; ' , !. te • .. e i 1 .• •- „ 4, • •• ,g1 .. 0 tinl . rorlditiOn is created ig, IlLr.e.0 ..1.,,FA '_prOclq..cq''.. a. poeno_of...Perk :Canada!! iss,ued;hy_ti a Dominion po, P'...341.)...Y as P°ss -i' e, a° " 'ie....Prey:en"' ithereemust follow . a' .harveet of.. chick deieeeeetteeti7r-Aele.bee§riiingdet-Seeeee"----i• eee_&teiliiieS......eseeiee_peaaltieeltist.'.aiiiiiiiiii , ..-.-10.-:.T-)e4niarlc "U.-.g..;(4,--*16,..-Iti.,-_..-c44-0A, -p-kcitiffe-iii..-or Atoto tuitz-,,u,t.t.t.i7:-at.ut':'- ..--.-.1:-:-;:•.:,--it-.1..„.vii,map,:.9.,,b'.K411.41Ighel7F,..4,Thio.,ti#1,0..,.1ylcir.T' 1..Eiopi,-_,.t.kifterf_,ciptailligr44.09.44„ixi,,,, , ,1,),Ipc,,q,:„.dpt,h_pf_1,i1._ iinting_li:Ilifiiiiit:70,1_4t;;ih,„' intant'einortilit-yeniidere..:Sini- . ,- .... is rapidly, eonijag wheel, the eletermine, g,eeerer•ese ley pan esh ' eveine. men, l'''' te'di 'F"s• and ' .1;14. 61:leff' 81'6'314 ,..b!' gar .con 4 .ons.., , • e • • . , ....440.n , ,c,,,r 1.6,,,bieb produeng,, .e04stre:es add,: ,.., "corn; i•delei, e feet „with eare ,p,. an e .fr.0111., "two or . three Inehes! Ventilation rimet •he.rnaintained In; . ... . e•hiall.pe.rmanently slimily ,tfie' Britiili••,:especiallY.' during Warrii•eir':eather.' The 'use:Per inSan'''''ineY '''''.°6*bef°re'' trafINT'-'• the care of chicks', without •prOdncing ,.. . , , • Timely rpiltters for Farm nd Garden. r • ceinSiineingenarket will depend on to befit 'feeds 'Fee- ground barley eruPlied-be'!„Y Planta 'SbOald be Planted aP neat. draughts',: ...' " ' • ' • • ' " ' . :.. fl:qii.,. '...., , ,..... ...ii '; ':" ', . .' ' ' :04*,,and wheathert;se. •Roots ;ere fed as P9 a ; . a , 4 Ptiq: .tbeY, .W.eXe:.:' Cli. ills la \4.ii: Mast diSas. trOns:;effeet •:4 . • • • ^ :s ible t the e • - 6., .Onatity of 'prOdu4 '.. linrink;:tho-.4,vinter WIZ :seihreg ,e rope , ' •• : • ., . ' . . - • [on' YOnngfchick life. • . '''.• . .',' ,' , , •, •CainticikenS., have :'etarted un [hi wEiy, : . mr. Thent.ne.4:51een.,...iyhe visited Dei,- :It'' L. -cc "tne'' ; .,..,.,2". ;:cheuvriess,., Of bi'dtbiatOil• ' 7 ' . durthe stlinn'ai•'•i' ' ' •• ' ''':' ' ' ' "' ' .f. '-': '- Sti.reie:”...aie:incl PsilatirutibnPg'!'ne;:l*S.h'oteIltr iibei,91)..eCtitQ,e'fi:-ttliriqarietdi,kiiuthte' :i•••tilltiii6ke:' to • Obtain i'luali,tY• ';NPA , wi0i. egPai ' /nark in -: lee' , eaye, that.' the' usual 'frui , .eeeee %end fruit . hushes, and l e ery effort shOuld be, made ,t9- Prevent. hr': 1. he set out early for best re- `dirseaae. . - • ' ' ... " eernestoces must be ',41 eri....iip the. teak „Method Of feeding there is of "slop', „. , , • • - '9.f na:ding }IOW ,tO establish a atandard 'containing corn chops15, per 'cent.; '1,"sa;i:S• , • . • . . . , • '• CARE OF BEES IN ,TITE SPRING. method of feeding that Will reduce Our •barley 20 per- cent. and tankage 5 per 'ir•A:l'u suNPLO'Vt'ER ,• • c Geoderham Dominion •Apiar- COSt 'of prodection td, the level ,or our eente, fermeeted in „,*cimmilk butter- '• C. S flo ki DO i i F104 f . , ' ' S. P n§' -'n n 9n ist.-I the bees are Wintered in the • ;tempo:apes or below its - ' "Milk or whey for 'tee ....'°y,four hours musbaiicim......n.suiinowers are ' ; pre- cellar and d� not show any 'sign of '•.,A One. ly..intimation is made by the before feeding. ;A CitiantitY of grain 'ferahie to corm in' regions Where, Orr 'restlessness, it es- advisable to ',leave, . .' ' Dorninic;Thanimal inisbahdmarr, Mr..G: efeed, generally alfalfa, is used in sine-, account ef cool \leather, the latter teem. tie , • . ere until the Willows aro;yield-! ri. ends. a great doal. ti pee the , eere people'self.either. directly Or throng . „. B. Bothwell when he affirms that her' with ptilped roots and PotatOes,IcroP will not grow successfully. Cern .„ . b. • th t . ' When the: catkins given the bees during the 'sprieg. '• seed firms Their Seed crops are- in 7.1 • scription Offer The vext-thrge months 11,e •ino,nth: of ab, - orbin•g .jriterest to the elec-tors of Ontario. Never before in therliii;fOr*.-or tiii-Proittne, was 'fliere,,Si riuch ii43,31.t16-41 efttPli . is to -clay'; never before was it neceSg.drY. that electors ,should undeist4nd i.at of of -those with whom. they differ: , • The Farnier, Si'.14 during t,i* coming p4m., , elldeaVort.0 reeorclof_ ey,thtsax.idAQ_tkojl:7kq„bt: to the p0f1C-iiii-e• well as thosewho may sliPPOitother principles 1314 who -wish -to . well informed, it ()Odra 'a special subscription p.. POrtUnitY.,, The $tin will be sent to "..ari3e.addre$!..! • in Ontario for three mohtlis for flf.tY, cents; ele•' 'monthp f -gr one dollar. • .You may Sserid, your 'sub, Postal Note .Or Express Ordei to 'th• e Surk'Office; or through the Courtesy of Srotii local " The Farmer's Sun IOQ GEORGE . ST. "TORONTO ' ALL -Someone :bas reigid ,that society may .,-hg.r.41044,0.4.-into,•,khree:iclasgea',Oft;prealklef -- ,Q49eleqeeenOttitsfif„thoee yhQ .work. fur :themeelves. • They alit* no," body; they care for nobody. The. sole 13•14rPose of their, existence Is cit+ something of a perfectly selfish 'nit. 'ture.. They crowd other's down that-. they ,might rig!, • . -;••--11i-e7raeinhe're:''et--the-stenntrelase,-- re-n7littia-broaderr,:=4,11V-4.4.eiu4er .the,clorninieri ef their- laver, immediate ,relatives. The outside world is. to :Sherri' aeinedium through Vehiele • ,they act ; to the aeeds,:for themselVee tied ' --The third.•-clase is 'Maxie .nee , Men, ' who ferget:eelves, arid''WhO.MAY .even take issue' with friends when necee- sary for the sake of principle.i Their . livee are the uneelesh.livee. They Are the . reek in our seeial structure upon , • , 'which we build serviceable 'and, per, • manerit institutions., CLEAN-U.I,' TINE. Thia;is.:cleahr;up time: •:.The rubbish, h,is bound to accumulate 'eroUnd the; - farm 'where things are doing During ' the long Wint•et dayeewhen the great, ' feeds end feeding are highly import- thongh in winter, cern, all imported'. requires hot Weather to Makil e satis- e 'g finished market hogs. :.Perhaps lees the main feed.. : .. . . ' 1 eUther hand, Will grow well in, Is ..positivelY':kneeei ,of the, influence , TheSe •rations e And strietheds are much cooler teinperaturee4 This is b of i'ectli,i'•en the ultimate flesh -quality :quoted here merely as suggestions of all means the- most distingiiishin ., of .bacOn ehan on ..eny other pointeeele the Ilee 'along 'which there could be characteristic" between ,the two. crops the niany-eided'eaCtivide.s. in :swine, eXperin4eritatione With a, 'view to rea-1 In :regions Where corn •g-ives„a• satis . PreduCtien : '.• • •• ; • '," sellable. standardization of feeds and . factory crop every year, there is no . "Aside from,' soft:, pork inveetige- feedieg methods in order, so far as •thing to be gained by changing -.to ;does," lyEreBotinvell pays, f!verY,little possible; to, produce ei, meat of e.stand- sunflovvers. e'Where corn cannot ' be experimettat ;work has .been,„carried -a,rd ,quality, ' . ' ..,' . e. . • dependedeon eyeey, year it -might ebe ..„, -'rile eueeeee ,of -the -honey eereyp -de_ on .With.:the‘.,4apnite aim' of ascertain-. ' . 'Sikh. work' as May be undertaken ,-- ,..„the-equeility--of .thee'-ieltienate. preduet.' first aeration, of-fighrbacon typ--&-It---, elr-he Sunday. ----' Schoo- , -ing, the effeet el•efeed and •feeding bri ishoulde of Coeurse, only be after, the : ,Nevertheless;;. die bnPottaiice Of ,,these Would be . a 'waste of effort to , carry • •faCtOrs has linpreeSed itself very ode!. 'these, on • ,With lard types, because 1 . finitely in a practical way." . ' • : . while judicious feeding might produce It iS Of Some patriotic interest toi a hog that was :not too fat, it could . , . , , . note .hzt,t 'three Canadian .agrieultur- .not give the length of side, the come ., , . . LeSSPIrl VI.: 1 Samuel 1: 1 to 4: 1'; 7: .3 to 10: 27; 11: 12 ..ists,.. lead. the World in their work of para,tively thin belly ail& the general . • ' t4.13: 15; 15: l' to 16:.',13; 25: 1; 28:' 3-20. 'Golden - deterinining the causes Of Soft pork- character' that. grade . a• hog "select" • Proleesorep. E. Day; Professor j.."11. for export. ' . ,i , ••• , , . • ' Text7-7-Only fear the Lord, and serve him in truth with Grisdale end V.- T. Shutt, ..ok. the X- ' ; Given the proper selection for type; - all your .heart: .for consider how great things he hath - periiiienta,1 Farm, Ottawa.. -,Their :formation, quick '.growth and right done for you. -4" Sam. 12-24. warninge for the last twenty years on finigh Much Might be done to assure • '- - , .:• . • • the OVer'LdoSirie .:.f swine With, core „thefexcellence,of Canadian bacon qual-• ' .•Lessoef FOrtEwortoSamuel 'began With the Hebrews the heart was the and , .- i a, we I known though their ity on, the world -market through as- his career as a se,er,--eone who could; organ of the int,elligence. Henee Sam. words' have not •tilways been heeded. eertaiiiing the' best- feeds and leariehie see hidden things•at a distande and in ' uel bade 'the Israelites serve the Lord . • . , . . • ant. faetora affecting tYpe arid qualitY 'from, the United ' States,. constitutes. factory growth, „while sunfioevees 'on Bees,th'at•have wintered in peeking efs,E.e.ss-'br TIIE STRAlAiIIERRY. sPected beLre. harvest, 'while the 'seed from one colony tb.another ienless you either leaf spet• or:leaf •scorch ,apPear ! a casesoutside should not be from When •setting out a•new:StraWberry rigid eingsepreeftlrois4floset rnputittya,l.as: :wpealis.las :to.P.9t,(1v6Qi...siiisn;plboaslcaleile....at',31)..kweeipthalit tl'iianit: .' patch, old Ishowing' t Ms g in the first. super which may . he Be-! Y' the cases until- they are. Working -well. 0 eaves sYmp o of leaf 'spot or leaf blotch eeuid be ler,germinatior., Tf the growing Crop' in •order. . Old boards' and odds and ,:. , , • . . passes a satisfactOryinepection as re- ends of various sorts get thrown- out • eral weeks after cellar -wintered bees; removed. , It all the foliageisaffected gards parity of. variety and freederre to the weather in the most 'eve:liable. • - have been removed. , ;•' , it is better 'to discard the plants.- , ' - Do net transfer brood or honey As eopie as the .first .symptorne 9f'; frein, disease and if the cleaned .seed places; the ashes from -the Stews or germingtes 95 per ,.cent. or better. and furnace eilay be heaped in the back are sure there is no dieeaSe"preSent• in the etre-Wherry field, spray. Mune- is free from all-'imPnritieS' may be • yard; the litter„;acctilnulates abbut.the ,diately,with Bordeaux rnixture,euSing 'a 4-4-40 or a 4-6-40 preparatiOn.. Keep, the Plants Well covered with spray throughout the ,seaeo'n; • :spraying every two or three weeks if necessary. . The 'best means Of -coetrolling inil- dew is to dust with sulphur,- using an f30-20 'mixture, tie soon . es, the first Symptoms of the disease are observed. Repeat "every ;Week or ten days if nec- essary. • The dusting will also aid in the control of the strawberry 'weeVil.' •Ir 6 essZn b'e. the future.. (Read I.. 'Sam.; ch. 9.) Ilk 'intelligently Whet the bacon -hog industry in. the what modere feeding methods can 1 reinarkable faculty of ."second sight,"le• V. 2-1. fu-rn.e. . not' aside.We earl', Dominion now needs as urgently and most peefitably employed on the averi tog ether with , his very real, insight, scarcely estimate the force of Israel's . empliatieelly ie similar_wark-in-feedamageefarth - . ' ' . • . . brought-1nm intoWide prominence. In, temptation to turn aside froy,n Jehovah and feeding, having in mind the 'di -j• . • This 'is'. not -Within the 'seope, of an; a period Of grave external danger and , and serve 'other 'gods Is •a ' ' " ' ' ' ., i e_1Was,sur- _a_really...first_class. animal...would con.- --rect-beee-ing...-of,,these:-on -theLqualityr individual -breeder' oreProducer rit-re' Of internal-dfierder,•-diie'Clireify- tb-t.liel round d with great .nations whose," Eider for a momerit „ the using of ' a . of th,c-flesh.:.--- ' -' • , . ,, e ...' e • " , I quiTTS Or ianized work' in exlierimental'Philietine invasion, he aPpears to have civeimliez9etion tatendi military,. r scr,ub sire 'Or• dam foe•the purPose..On '.• Any experiment'S ought net to stop' stations under the supervision of techiacthd as:a sort of governorover Israel. se ' d to a s die' superioPri°tywe'sfs; - short•at the actiial killing; they ,ought ideally trained men. 'The increasing- Then Ban' assumed the kingship; and their gods. Theforeignsgods,appear- • . '3- the other hand there are,hundieds of . to be carried 'straight, through a Com --I importance of the 'role '•vvliich export Samuel gradually 'withdrew fromPub- ed to •be able to do things' : Vain' farniers who either . through circum life. In to ksson h tenderst/ * Th dutiesd *. I • , , e ttngs. e an , - idols of the r stancesepr roug a , ae o . a ull . th ' h I k f f , „mercia pac ang ouse under.,.reg,u ar aeon must take n oure farmi.econ- I.. .. e• . . van..the ;full tale 'be told. ' their fiillest" resonrces in such .. an. iseadnuiustratemr_buteheeadmoniehes Vahls reputation was inVolvecl-in th ,er s , ble ovei seas. nly in that way 1 Provincial •Departments, , ••employing - expert metbodS right to the consurn- omics .' amply fustifies Derninioe- ,.and ii . . . . . his resignation as a "judge," and de- neighbors were Unreal gods Who could at ppreciation of the importance of a vers his farewell address In this render them no help of any sort. , proper choice of parents continue to parting .addresa. he not only:vindicates Vo 22. HiS,great names. sake. Jeho- "take a chance" on nature presenting • Wer on g ‘feeds to the: undertaking. .• • israel to ,•everreinain.loyal,toefeliavah, fortunet.of hispeopleeeThesurrounde 1 ' - ' - - '-' e followin the , . hem - • ' w'th. superior - offspring from officially graded -as " Registered ''Seed ebern"'lloors -.and eatables; :Old • fencee ;' • and handled as such :registered. that have passed their days of use - seed. ; is handled •in sealed 'seeks With fulness need, rerrioving entirely' and registration' tags.• attached. Faemers perhaps. replaCing with riew'ones.• desiring tc) secure *high grade seed of The early spring is "the time for 'aPProved varieties should getiri touch these .thingS• • The werm spring days' with the Secretary of this Association when the •froet goes Out, the refresh. Whose _ljeadquareers are at 144 Vit- 'frig showers Conie. and the grass he- toria Street, Ottawaee:-.1.;:11.. NOvinan, gins to: green, These are the days Dominion Cer,ealist. • , When life' asserts itself 'anew in the . 'bie'gsi, as well as in the grass . • ' . • -7- roots. We become anxious to do things Its the: worst NVIieel that mekee the after; the long winter. of quietude. It. most noise in ,the world, ' is•a great dine for the out-of-doora • 'well. One of. the best- farmers of our to•get these little jobs .mit of the Way, j grow where only one grew before. to set the place •in order for the sea - Decide this 'sprin ' " d ununer to son's work,• it'is•an Opportune time to wage:a reale active caiimaign against "slick up," , -. - ' all weed enemies:. it pays' and pays' ...How much ,rriore satisfactory it is . 11/4I6 farMer who -seta out to .produce provin'ee Says that' he- always keeps ' iii season, than to. have them go u'n- 1 Good Breeding in Seeds as Important as in Bulls. and for actiOn. The fields are still' It is very easy to let twir weeds too met to work;'. there are a.few daye • • • _ who has been their' protector arid de- in t' would • 'd Jehovah b animals of nondescript or very orch- Fair • Play for the' Hire• d. M 'I. SA L'S RESIGNATION, 1_5. • what he was able to do for his people:. Consequeotly, Sphagnum „ g na ions wou eu ge,Y 'nary _breeding, and as in the ;case of itIA The rophet • ' fi le ha • • ' -noted among rassed by, the powerful Pliilistities, ea their mine- surd _as tbeeotliere , _.• ; • „ we aimo_aarry I aro stoclU st fielde-'--likeehis--barneefloorHelean doeie -Or ---liariginge -ori----toe, 'bore us - • .and neat., , ;: , • .., e 1 throughout•the vrorkink:ilays. The im- proved appearance of the hoinestead is., HOm'e Gardenl.CollgotionLsuifi' ' ' . ' ' . cient reeompepse for the expend- „. , ed. effort, hut leaving that of, eerie' Balt' 'pound Corti. half ,Phund 'Peas. half po w sideration it always pays in'' ef011aTi These are an tasted stooks. wriie Pm' this 031iscilm , pi -one to aboUnd and destroy good food ' 13,•ene:viiii. ff., • E-.-. DISH 0 P ,& SON ' - •• ' . ' • -Baden= - ' • . --property-pi•opert7-are-these-gelf.saing-mi, - :bish piles,. of which we espeale • '.Flies - -- hreed by the millions in 'those ,heaps .. of heating,'• decaying litter, and the cild rails and rutbish are ,of,; some ;valtie-in-the."&bod Pilee' -ete--"7"1--'-e--,- .., The, yalue-of -yonr-farm-iseincreased • if it is clean;'• the impressitin. on •the.. 'visitor; the •passerby or the casual ob- server is, favo_rable,.....le_reacl.s your...-,.:, -char-acter -in--7your--handiwcirk; and.. , I Beans and l'.2 assort,ed",packasei- Viaetable Saida. , : • . ..;-„,, -. .. • , , - impala for $1..00.... ., :- • • •• .• - . and cents, •The -places. where rats are tua ,our &strict:lye, retain:Lir to -day. Onti• ' if he should .desere live etoek, there are Still hundreds, of, d• them his name• would fall into disr farmers • throughout .Canada who ade a. -kin e , • • • to ch.' 8,•Samue anoin_teci.Saul asekiag . pute among the "'other, nations. •His ererY Year 'Sow "scrub" • seed and ex- - , • , , Offer. the .nersary ;nee. Moss • , • , only under -protest. The people ha-""Pf°Ple'''' P s ever, insisted pect or hone to reap a pro tab r- -Two teo I have beeii both a fennel -land ,a.n men: This place•was .an employer of larm-hands And I be- ern -Olen& in that. sectio lieve...that_the..:_questien-of.-farm-help .nthen.-larmers-weiteerue JS] not on'aceount of that Jehovah ladchosen and redeem- •veSt. ' The One praetice ab- ;154h. •„.1,41143)....54t 0-40 :Pet bah" , n • aed when nn ren in erne -lawlessness, b r_ eing„eaeomeci.,:f.ett.....theit.:4-king...eva.s.enegesser.yetoeholde. s iniP...9retalicee tilt....legealeae be •evEL. 1;es He. waihed• make. of • e,•,14,tterunv.i,hie_ eee. es-ospeeratepreeeeeeen. •• -ny ed t at - to --produce ftn §EED:A14colir, IT ISAIL) " • ' And • DALE ESTA the, prophets believed that the king- County ; and y'our. province What ;1*.' is regarded as standing hi la , skeial • 'of 'ero ' did. • eleepen MitiLahoutethe "shetilde-beeethezeiioat-delightful living' , . , ,• , -Placeffietlieetiniverse"' 0 A sraePse trouble -se ssiona on -People-laia-D„ifirdt, da" mi,riacfg. or vorietie; - -• • * ,..,.., Israel togethe,r. Samuel; • OV Iles :largely ingivingthe-farm-hand _trying to ,get merf,-this, .T1 :., hcrwever,' them 4.a'pecUliar'.p.e0ple,,7_=..,.., the'..pe(),F,.16 %..,••'...-.....•'14..;"e- 1' 7'P.13,0PfFQ-F.,..4.)j;,..;,.- ..,•••"4."-;1".".".;.L.4:..../41.6ijir614!" 7.77 --,Te. : • -; . , '':".•''''' 3 1 '"they'''"Ii-- lel 'h --- ' ki '• levee, 'hat s Ott ,-- O -,ye- 119" a!ecietere.,,dealeS'e . • e '' • ' '' ' "--- hecleaefulleerevieanii''I'ae-e: - ' ' ' a '- • ,, h. .., to pick Up. extra •hel,P, ee le , it. -,;He w.ae noted ta4 a i.:biddi1,18.i,be *el -Anted 'semi; Years latet. ent freen this;narrative -that .Sarn.uel Welk -beech" .'.r he ,, artificial breeding ' GREENHOUSES, BRAMISTON his 1, met' a ,:-EnnOtE.,.." deal ei •, • '• ning, ..! Three la „ kinire had, been. thee, . 4419n -to .1', -e-hovah-ardi a ••.. san qribegirmingOP.theinetienth-:ceritury" - - -ally was-one.*.or-nok and awir result -I ;e• _ " • NIsstunis lestly- you -o,--ilr-have,A7-bette-FoIS 1010 Piiiiori. Plant , There has been too much of a, tend -1. V 23 To pray for you. appar- paying crops may be considered to be . . TE, , td. o yourself and S,011 -will be doing peter bit toward .maldn f eneY,'. in mapy, quarters, to treat' the ,fatne-handas a hobo', Whether \•1143-..getu- •'.„; leCd :ehip was a .inistake from g .yonr arrn, your 1 II • Aiave•eaceriernariY.•fellb-vvi-,:iiihOertetediii ' ,7011:ift•trive. human- bei n eae. ,•? Froin71-07:, ee,9$rieneesee-keee;aeliiiiede:causee- ore.mciet-- l''''' ' -' " ' - ce • '.behalf- l the' ' - would.' ---- Mid ,-strains „leavee'beene-prodUce-dan-d--- 'treat and how not to treat .farm.lielie: • ship refleeteel in the books'of_ Samuel; intention fee. continue as mediator be:I SenfloWers• will -grolv-andthriVe.'orie- Th. I' eh't.' mparatively 11.60T , '5011 '''and • -require If ey_weree o os.;- e-eauee-of thew hare , • gained'-arielieseelit eriteillidkv There.are,thus!-tveo •views-ot.the_kinge PeenliareeffleaeY' Sunflowers for for Poultry.' .actions,b6loig.... the ' Way ' they, were e V..2. The Ici•epeivallceth• before' you: tweeti-,`God .eancl the' peo'Ple., I will., spread. abroad. •• , • 'treated ,by• their: -ernployer-e- „ _W_Iiereehetinie . - - ; _. • •• • . . . 1.41 4.2_s_.4s. t °e4 .„ . 0-N.v hae-iee;s d . teach -you.- 1-le-wi so ins ruct te.. e eience %%hie eels s e ween . , ,...A ad 41,i,i.„t4i•e_:,othe.....hii.,.4,41in•re ,see•n- empleceyereef farin label, enys'elf.; I ni d - ea er, VIP g,,epe7le in their diztita.' 71.''''''‘` "..'-'7""..""' .-"'L;VArietiOg'firoit'-ofilY.: hi' '-gener'Sr; iiceljear.' ', •• e ' ' - a' e•":1eefOt•S*.;:tliefrelike' •-tfSliefelier a 15elOre lila • - • l' some Oi. the • hin 6 l' had leerned-'e ' • , , • ' ' • Y 'IniXidt to pot 11'14) * °,1)(71,I, I (:, . fel ,„ k,,e'ri.i.'il;1 s8o°nisis fiCtri. Isvuifthfielifenut. pilooi;'; reverence. The:foundation of the'lle-:1-mons •Some varieties furth ' • ' • lot; 'Cif , real eholios who; ' under 'the 1 ' up ni • • . .. , , . . . . 24. Fcar. the LO7Y1: Aold God: int ance' but in. pract,1-7•3'..vOue.••ig .(;';'7 • influence of:decent:treatment 'and' fair. . . • a farm-hand. I,.,reseived .tliat. I d, that Ihe is an old. men;.arid on iiccouat brew, religion .was the•feeling ofeaWO I 'are • partieularlY '-fidepted ' 4-::-•,,,„ , ,certain .P1a3r, developed. into - good; 'honest as4 shouldlike to before God as the • highe,st 'and'.'holieet 'I ,eonditiens ol aoil and 'climate and .not ' ,treat MY ' moil . hayA Ofhis ' ' gghWieh e, e, es to he relieved of faithfal Workmen whe WOrked for the - been tr,eatedmYself 'in ,eny farni.;:harid,' the burdens • end oresPoneibIlitiee , of. being.' In' truth4 with. steadnSthes0, I at.•all . Cie veret '-pe • rIV, '., te others.. .The• e?-ee-,••• • .1361.-.0tet;,,6,e't-Pf-:-.016.1**-40416YP•rq' - ; -Leeete-e"-e-e- '--'-"----'. ;;;-..e, e - -:.;,-`,e-e:e." '';';',•••eeeerotaCeize:regatnuersele• nSe:Were'.-regarded,'wela!`ebTee,1-lee;dlie:erietietTeeef:Y.2°)ebeeedbi.e..t.ac.):1-B .c,,,peit-ieriental Fai°•inS" '.'id'ak-,--init-n--iiir -------------.,,"---.- Y,,, " , ' • ' :, ' -• : :-* ' ''' , as Corrupt men , ch . 8:1 . 1 .• have lvalk-' ,. Wheiii WBS ,going •to.,,school, I 're- A' ;don% pare what 'section of the: a mombtone stimmr I. worked on. ne ioere cd, ete: :He has been their leader for ,people and the:kip g. - , • colleges throughout Cane,da. have done , e,' eequietry a Mae, is ,4arming. long time. Pethapa he iS'here Cone ' . AAPP4ICATBiN: ..' .'; : ....',' .' •. and -are doing An immense amount of fruit .farm. I Wasn a. hired as aextra certain problems that affeeteis ell_er,astieg himself _as,one,whom the• pee, eeLooking back -over, a -long etreteh of _work -producing-varietles7suk_ed,:t.P. esleep. Was a little eo0P-of 1 b f 'd e • , th utre ' h d I •f put d 111-, 1 0111 u -rink -the. ru,sh season end ma..S, 2•reeike, :Vrcd -one of*_:those - prObl ems 'knew wath_Saul, WaSz... tlee wT,i.tecf. of; tnichis-boof k-sd Far:es,- f,osr- tc,iiieffeesi:ellItt„,-eveN6.Teiede,r-tteadinins-0:e.- 7ariti4s;s. emnarteiltrse in, vvit-h the regirTar,hired man ,to,*-th labor problem.. Farm labor, like v lo, still, comperet41111 ively little. known toeus an idea ize o .IsraePs -outs an in , ionefac-• •t e fir al- ver ict as to ,theeuitability THE "BRANTFORD!: COSTS) 1(58 'Concrete for aIl form building' needs la . sided economically WU/11/W r•:-r.,:rd, farm model Mixer, for hand or power OA. sklde or trucki. "C.64 tour. own engine ot au, 'TYPe Kerosene.,Enelne.. We also • ' larsd.:-D112.er,i-ter, •htf5-i , GOOLD. SHAPLEY " MUIR CO., . Limited, 200 Wallington St. ' , Brantford,. . Ont.. . , •i ••,,,a- pi arle,, up dtidei,..44....poof. ,- ..I•t•,liad :otieeameeebiee to 40,0,iit,!,.,•.kirilic-oiidition§ • - ...v..;'T-Sliintel had Veen' not only ,a; tiers. Samuel, ste.odeat,tIM 0,1i8$BAiCoadt,.:.,0t. ,,ai,S•Olit,t,015.•a.,:giNqqa,:t'airit - Thi, 71 eentallwindow; that., Woulde.opetre-Only)..ai,d- faTk..,i11.43i; r4-teaeyour 4if.m" help..., , Sort':or 'Viiidietitor of ther ighte Orhii: in the' hiStor,y Of the peopie,"when theii quires the cenSide'retion :of:the Lifinei '. ,'.0.-A;ery .littie, and,,,t,lie•beil.,ArfiS ,h', fea:- or8 like men ...and in . a iliajariv;.of -people .againgt the it Les ad noppres-e political fortunes took a new ti fl enci hitnself; 01- at tenet .that of..seineone• • ‘• .tilP*'1.-!acI•• ' .,• ' .''. ' ' ' :* : ' ' ' cases yo YOU Will have inee...tO„ deAreevithe• 17-,,!!47.74,-,.1'41n!,..the,13-Ocitik9711.-T4liidiknegS.'-'911,ii' at.'4!:Sitii.e.wii!„'sP:.-twhi%aal'Irin'dt:1;'c!tfg.tiltid'at'af(4tsinliPlerl.,$.4.,1;ii.S•dtLin ;the (11-11 'e "4:S";e•CeniPetent to , "After .the elicitea Were done' At night -.Treat :theiri iike ,holede and 'Yon are 41.i!' -I'd. eia cted as a magistrate, ,adininis., , religioas 'genius:was at..tha.helin .,,,,,ten ,. Make a' .reliable c6mParative '.test„ of. ;tlie"re 'W.,. iii• nothing, , t9,: 46- Ind ; go: to' Mighty , liable- 'th heee. hobo*. tO ;.deal ;tering justice. Now thee'adrniiiistrae ; the transition ,feom a loose national i the. most likely •sei•tee L " ..... .', ' '-, • ' bed' or, it out hi' the' barnyard some- ,..withi• .•,, _ .• '..'. , "..• . . , , . ':'.' '' ,i,tion of juStice .in the East is •noteri- .oreanizaiien fee that Of .0. kinbcdtran was l• -CFSE;'"d0;/,31J-tin• OF f'HOSEN'VA'n.T.-ET; . isylleretil0 11“ili,l'Y 'flidlq i'reeni mix'''. ••• there' isliothing.that:Will..,gi. an' Ceisly, cereal:it. 13ribery"is., rife ; the'nticlee-• :..,", - ' ; , , ' . ; '' ' '.; ' • ' to ' '• ' ';'• • e - ' • • . . '• lona :to beVe the 1111(11 helii nrOnnit 'the 'eni'ployer' '•,of; faiin. lebor...,inte better,' rielr U',11 1113 'Win" OlAt.;.....thO loom' are-',, . l....t,t fis; obaeilJe:.,Saitiner 8 4.:itatillea. , • . , • • • . . • . ,n, or .r ,opro,tuce Titi ins crops it. ••house,, except. to 'eat and .sleep,i, and repuee,eeith his meri tha'ri, givirig them ,pushed JO the -,Wal . , Samuel,' 1101.1.01.11, (11)0+ for. leade,rshtp 'at this erigia, (a); , be groWn.,..AhnostZetjtail.lv ii'-ripertant,' 19 not enough that suitable varieties' 's. tliereAm'ere • no tieWspapei.s::.or Anii$e,'' a ;•tiOnare 'deal and ''Phowing :them 'that:. v• .,111.4iFltes:. :Min. eel!. .a.S.-,te Like end up -eel -lee wasjiche en' experjen„ce; ieH„e;,;liad-"" ' • : ' ' • - . • shies • to rend : , ,. . be, is persenally intereated in'•thern.. • , eight Judge , dealing empertiallY. wjtli ' "judged. .fsrael. for many. years, end is. ihe "lis6 iri,f -g°0(1 e.8.(2...dt..; '91'i' to; „leervert,,,e ,Ther resultelereSetfl4t:•We .1i*Ki.t.:+0 1.60 I ,find . in ' their Weifnie.... The-Intnen all alike : ft -ia-saide-that-M-oh-arnmed-,HIA-ego- been ae`PrePliet''-tei 'the peOe'-'tO ti,10-tirinino,l0;&:', ,"V•f•Tth,-1•:itr'Odely'?:(51 : :•''' , ''• , early,'• and 'the Combination , Of liet2attie,.', I, shortly before. hie aeAth deliVered' a pi.e. During.hia-long life lie learned---eOnsidered -bilt-individaality. inust--be7 ' roorny. feather bed aricl;nearly touch: betWeen . the.. einpleyer of, &rill' spaach similar to. this .• '-;.'. .' ' ' ' ''',, ;to ',know' ' 010 Weaknesses "and, the live 'stock-,inot,'OnlY+ Mulst p.eilikred be,' closed ia.bor and the hired. hand* 1k t . V: 4. ,s reng , 11 of . s fellow 'coantryi eti-Insiste • oneas .wel. , 4.Goo.d seedl :may , . . he .peopleencknowledg..e that. . .,*indow ..wee''.Wie" thitt',140st.,eeiialiiiY'..jtia :4.,as smile ,-. advantage nq ..n1 faaY. . tnue ••:: ati,.served' Ilieweeveil, , • • .: e (b) He possessed an runblethished tb-., be . defined 81. foilowt4,.. .viz., 1.,.. .„ ... ' -did, \lot •Work,.tOward „die .tontontineat! other line of intinstry. , - ...V., 5. •_ Tee '•40,,,e/ ie;ivienese..,'He calls . tpntatiOn.• :.,..NO. one could reproach hint (a) Seed WhiCh helOngS A. .W ."%arid:aiitiSfeetiOti OL he.,ir9d..ha s. . ,. , . ...,,., „ ., God to: ',"itileas, that Whah t lie as S;fld with haVing,,tised hie high ;office for '' --- , ' ; id. d11.1 •'• On this farm. there was absOlutelS7 no • • .• . ' .. • . , '. , ,,.. , • ie., the Saered.tillth• Mt. 'Ribbany-An ; perSonal gain . • (e) .fre was intenqei , bred Natiety.• which,. has, pro,N*.ett.. iti, 0l1 1.1 teucli •bet,Ween the employer , ' When.zOWnig ImrstlIN eeiee; or 4PY , his Seilait cApist, Points. Out that...the xeligiouse , pf„..eourse,„ tha-Ni4iii.,..tim„sile.c.1.4.1- fitileg,-. fltre,..01O ,;.li.f.s.tliCt Ay herd; ;iild ., tele- „member* et , h le. ' temirye.: mit .itther:seedi:thaVamslobrili, germinate , peeplo of Pgiestinee fee- thi eedity- add- BBtitt-•(- of - his'. stretrelf.'; . . Prom,. hys, :it '.ieretie be., 101.1.71 101111 ';''',':-- ' •":-""e!'; :'; - . , tee eh:ad, halo-. 1,- ,', . , p '''l • . hit ' co «r therOws„ of ' eeed's With' .eMPhasia •.to. ' their' speech by..calling, pliildhoOd he.,knew • the' tord,..and his, -(b..)' Seed' whiCh • ,has ..vente•'.freni iii,,, 6datrast to that, ,tarld ,,o,faa.:-aa, bwitd:Et ithit&ifttfoy nteee eneeiegi ,•arid. it oll God to Witness to their veracity.,.eharacter , grew • steadily because. it strong,vigorous parelitS,! Which. poS,, •.:-.4jther ono Where •I /Jade worked. • Ori. leaVe., tbeni 'for 004' a Weelq then Tho ,in6de'rii' SYrian 6a3.to. BY'. Allb ir.a..§ rooted in. humble toietS',.:(d) Ile seSSOS Stkcjti '. r'j.. In' f" • . • " . large, .uniform, 41:11iiin, sound,`• well. inatared;,,.`,free,,froin -Weedr,:seeda iii10- t • • from other-ObjeTtiotiahle ',seeds. or keraelii: .•; .. : • .. * . •,,. -, , . A:, bulletin entitled. ",Sest. Varieties' of Graitio-hy-rereal;f)fiisioriy*EXperi; mental' Farni, • Ottawa. . in which .itt given A' list . of ' moSt highly recom- Mended, .:VarietieS: is aVailable.' fLOtti` fliii,gt0titiOn ...13.ittneh,.. bepartnieht . of Agrichltate, Ottatva.' • " ' - - itovho Sta4cii tipoii gEGG; . . irrigated farms Southern Alherta little care .eirid attention after they : 'get,* good start: -:They Willoktowever, stive. 54 ,thuch better yield eit good soil.. • Sunflower -seeds not only make change itt the feed -for poultry, but. tr'ouble that is likely. to decal-. during the molting period:: The.. fowls, will ,-,bare.••••leta '1,troable„ .growing .,•crop •:,ot - -iieW7featliers„..sin,d; besides there 7 will' be a:betterplustre to the feathers ,As result, .;the anake:atsiatier,••- :'. '1111**daeraina(let'be:lie.;'-e. is "Atli ad*, r vantage to feed sunflower , seeds in "anS..*;'„'•iatiantity.e,.,seePlidilrrng-t ei•. , molt- ing 'period. ' A sinall, quantity, how, • 'ever„ mixed. With:, the feed ;is •of bene.„ , • The Giant Ilussian sunflower is good kind of plant fer poultry. The * head'eare large and contain quantities • iciod-Sieed. seeds. Plent,I•soen Eater fourtii gA.f (TA, ei;t3„iel. ow. ed,...v4ii:enii.e.,,,rs:tohleee.:.y9abl4onucte.....„ Omits appear, look` out for, CiliWOI7118, As thElr may go Straight ;down. the rerat•i-: clesti•oing the planta. When danger froni entWorms -Witt; :thin: the plants te. about four. feet apart in the rat", ' ": In the Parnims Paha/ran Di.1.rX�E Bow Paver Irrigation Project An "especla.lir good location for rniXcd farming. and eatrelere. Splendid op•t • portunity, for young men bovrilvtng I Ir. -di strIU tr,vrtrertr-gffra-fahrTre nno be botight at reasonable prides, THIS IS NOT .• PIONEERINO 'the 'first 10,0U 0. acres are geiticd, and ' another.. 000 ''acrers' DOW treacly, fot, pOttlerrient; nia.Xitnurn taring from retireace, seven .mtiese Geed -eeaas, .teleribbnis and schools,, 'Payr' th'e Bost Laild Al4e,zia 'WHO for ful-ther,information to' CANADA LAND and °IRRIGATION . CONEPANIr. DINCETVD -- Medicine -Rat, lailerta ' • ' d I - le d ' th• . le- t (G''`" w116.t I iemove, en a, a , ye . are, e ;ie. n s . baVe Said IS right ari .. Wee learleist. HoW, faithfully •he, re- , this Place the boss .tite•..his 'noels, ie true.". 114. crotifinted Saal, the king: . Minds the peoPle of •their•past laStery, 4,---..-atdvanee.,O•Clila illel'4'644:'-lhen4liettAVo.,Will;,,b,ethrottfth-the.,',,greatid,..and.,,,brive,'ghbAankt., IlkeNtheeprieeeeeirid.;:tit,heie:•aridetheeteationii they*.haeceeforegiati- .i filed, late the 'dining' 'reoin • letie Would . the start Of 'the weeds that :take:, so :religious • digniteriek. was , at/bitted' .itido .atio, loyalty tothe Lord; „.11,,tri„v ' Sit ;at' the head or the' table; And keep Itueh • time to,puli: ,tronl hat*aan .the with sacredoil to syttibelize,' no doub.t, earnestly, tOO,''lie 'etteilipte to dissuade 6 sr•1437' one's• Oita. add' las fast 6., 4,..it.ttio p.iiiriti3:.-ivirg.,4,A.' 0:, . ,. 'the. OUteitairing. of. the birine•: spirit :therri from their Plans for a nionatehr. •wite-emptle'ili . 'And-14W4sAm,,emple.y.., - !:, •• . ' "----,--4'...-.,,--t,----- '' ! tiPoit•liaim, ,,•• • ' , . '.. '' ' . , ... , • ,(e) 'Seniuel Wee, ' A -teat leadsr, loa...- or who believed in. good food for, his Ilivep feed .greeti.01fie bOuglial .ttist• II, SAMIIDVS PAIIT'IN(i ONAgitit, 2,925.. cause lie:loved hiS fel ow Countrymen,. and bore theta on. Ida heart before the fainilY,'.arld his heip,..• WO Ihired,liarids w nter, while walking through the . V. ,20, Fear nOt: in Order' to con- Lord. He Was. an 'intercessor" 011.1116 'Wit thO: §arde' sert of :fetid 016t.' the ' *6°4 1 br°10' tiff' a'.‘fe* green.. Pino. Vinee the • people •oie their Wielcedneee Peelile'itlehalli -' ' • ' 4 , • '-' •• Kenny got Mid tilaity,,,,' of lt,, Our ,b0UghOf t901C thtilli ..hollie . :and threw in 'having_ A910.4,1X0r....it„....king.„...SainUel. e--2,-, SantjeePe--1;iidieiettlece-evete-'eliettelii-; alaciiing Viartere •werelargo and airy -them into m'ylionitryliou,Eio,:Thelieniir-haa prayed for reineand thender, Vs. ecti sittnad' be .a theocracy, that o, the and thei.a wore PoPera end :MagoShies,„ate. tliein iso•-readilY:tha,t 1.:gitliei,ed J..7 and 18. -It WAS at the -dine :Of W1.3•004 'T,0),it.titiouittiro iholi40-64- 14 *owe: ' ii10"-i".'enii; In'ilirtifedt .dinner rriore-.:7 X begoiietting eggs, SO 1 leCiPt lilirediti, the latter part. of JUI10. or in , '11, . staying lasra 6.,8trti oh4 on tha ' rt:qt liPtirii Mut WO 110.4 on ,the farni the head well St11441ed, . rrhl,e hohOS 'early. JtilYi ;Mid At this 'Season rain ,.):•ilth 'that the nution .that doe e • Oil. the, b'oss would sit down' with us and" neeM..kitet like .ut 011ie ,And the .,,bircht 111-61Y.. fAlle: lil PaTe4i•lie' and forsakes Will eOnte to shame ..tne people were terrified, .at such mt and ruin, 060,1 Sam, 12: 28.Y.. Arno* talleOVer O'irClit of the. •olity. end, geol.. ii:re lively and .11g*O- rani, '' t ;never be- , . . . .,,,_'unusual •ecatittence. ,147itit al/ ".your taught the •ennie tioth).1.fide;edc Alt fhb, 0tettl.esx.e.,,,Doielt,„00itatilfijittiIt.tAtiitii.L10§-14-44-0-.0-1-40Y-014*:4-0-tillt:--WW .11,eark'''',1Vith-turt-the-liettrt'it-lifeth'z' '60-oligtettr-leitilefillimi. iitOrtiiht: ., Vtat eMpleyer hilt! the good will nt Winter .mentlis.-.0, 4,. H, ' .phericallyi the Seat Of the .affectionid ,, d ' ',' ' • 4 c . ' t. ;Kee'litkendallt; always' in the barn. A strained muscle. a' • sprung tendoir,ra. jolt , • or a:.:knOckr deniands,:immediate fete heat? delay will 'result in a long lameness- perhaps 'in the kis Of the 'horse. • Kendall's $,"„eyin Treatm'eat. Ilan AtiVes1 tiltirOt 'horseflesh than all the ether known 'remedies: Under: the halo° of ,Xendall's Solaria 'Cure, It is the fortylear.old•standby Of horsemen, -farmer! arid-viterkilians; • Seed of approved varieties Origiiiat, - ,Celekifantiloititifte,1060(tfienitell,aotosaitar:or ..';' 1 ing froni i;eliable' sources-chieftt E)e. 'DR, n, j; kENDALL. COMPANY, perimental Varmi and c6Ileges-18 ENtisatlaci, FAU.S, Vt., ll.S.A4, propagated now in considerable claim- tittorlsr ratiibetrist tthl-cittiii'dliii - , • -:. Seed Growers' Association. thete • ' teSUE No. 17 --*230,, ,,Earbr. Cpconib.0&: Get boxes grooi:?e, Inock out•thg b4ofrnivel •each, :put screening, overAliehottoin and prepare:Tear hills latetienale...-,Thereeplant.„ .yonr: seed In a- , hilt .not larger ...than the .siti• 'Of Stip,' vliog press the bet into the oil, s the bugs cii.n.",t,craW1-under, Lea'-e!tlw .1i;Ittc•sunti!}--the•..W.eather-gett ' warirt, You dab, 'Plantfour, or ,tive weeka before you ;could in the open,, :and -the screening keeps the :bt,tgi from, . when the'' re keeps the frost from killing ,.••••a tatilicati -*tin !'freah' horse intinarei and you •Cari 'asa. thSitid• of screening. ' My father insisted 'On mylearning htatott m wefl as ''oad xnnn other* ,,,4jrhe tota Maye of tetv-itoot