HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-04-19, Page 6, I •
o--r000rr-,00--e, •,....."'..."7-, ..-.."--."..""7"."'"': , •
'4thr fibit*er. 'It 11 hard to inlaill,t1.0 an the reeSQUA I h„Y 7-01F07444
Ote914,1*** Ostec . On 00 'other Served'Ae: AsOPS' thIP,gio.a4do
!.liand, youoesizoonot,-..putoa-4neWinitr .Planoa--fo*-tinles,Oi4rtflf-o" 'ThIn,
wUe .net 'II fancy looking cow an .4, VtAt.1):•*`
about SAC Years oldk biit,tilie gave*,
0,000 pound s- of milk aeYearofe*othree: -- •
yearand then sold for $47. • his re.;1
Otitis ono that at itioSt galtig , have .'
atte1144ed. the fine ..1001cili anireal
plenty of fodder), hying tools in the liyashliao,tb`t11.71Nlyils' ifatilllY0;41%P.tx„:96.;,pirtaetty,ItZt
fail or iiiiiiter; OW,- °Tife-P.Viii'he-CheaPa '
oheo... , . , . . o .O,..",--; ,...--- .: -4,-Wille-ho.MY1WOO•allo-tlie.".04.0g:,-iittrlit:
if Ahoie.,,,*re-, -t ' f : auc' oon3 ' utilitySell* at $001eWhatless than it
coming one right after the other, you la .worth.. _ .
ere a lot more likely to get bargains ll°reee are J'euall3e-Well known to
at those toward the hist than at .the : the neighbors for miles around, at
first two . or three or the last one , or- least . In thitl liorge-swaPPing coln-
tWo.*-11 The reason Is that r at the ifi•si,,7 *unity, and one cantialuilly learn all
two or three the wants of the surl'abent them, if he keeps his cars open.
.rounding o farniere have not lieentBYt:',-the-:oame--teken, thy usually Sell
H. liK-i•O-t have th - f bra li"
A, ref) acres, o c aboutp0 er „ .--- - - .1 , anate lastone or two, there
250 ounsd- f f tilizer analys- filledand th
at their true value if at a time when
ntSett;Whieh, I WOitt• to seed' to al- .ing. 2..12_e. orbi will feed tender aro likely to be a few onon who have herses. aFe needed (ill the spring
(dig -'itritb, Oats ihiti, spring. . , Vent plantSand eV* them' e vigorous. start- .boa Off, looking for something .extra : - . • , . • ; 7, .. • -
o ' , , , , - _
hatifrom this field,; . t1 next 0,0.301.1 ' ..1.. 11.7 -Can 'Yini, please tel/ me .t.i,iFd i cheap, ansee that this Is their' last I '.there are.44*Yei"41*arietiee of .sharp
U.' 0.01ar 4°# Pa416.8.' ;TA" it
i'l. C"t*.°:1"1"til'izel' t° /aalcel4.1"
oI"',-., chance to avoid ,paYing the. 'new* Priee ' ifractia° ' agePlat' whichone must. • •
.tous..1.1.01.t.rial.nuredttOiee'4114.001;ed to lend.. to OW 11W ativ".1°Uitt;''''PhesPhe'4.''fOr .something -that. they mast . have, [guard. . If .the anetioPeer gets Paid on
• ;elftitoo:0..Wfit:siktftejeelta,reoter:ocg4ot.?.4240nodshoriperc'athend bPesottas:uusieyprzaftoer. ,utWakihautpwtoht6adpobte_!14anpdtuwhitoutfhveirei vfouri:ehuh! wmla,oret.theY , ,dluap
pbeirocenwttireen tbhaustise ihseunwliyllunofethbni4dreurn,
t.teid- : "Irittve ,aiottin -inanured; it this Oh and amnionia as Strong as. P08•1 AS to the actual bidding, It, Is, often; Pretending to hear a..hid. on the other
- Water; Will: f gain by sowing .fertil- Ole for celery? • . . . j poseible to Melee one bitewhich is fair, siaFar the crowd. if you suspect this,
• 'Leer with the linter and is the corona's Answer-4ser .•.4 celery fertilioetoly. high but is less ' than the thinask who the geritleMati, is, that is hid -
Wes the :Net tense? you Weald do best to have sone anal -1 Would be: tunnp to, and"have it struck (141g.. •-•
AilewerDo not Sow fertilizer:with '5!..aftgl. ahout 4. per. cent. •nitrogen, 'is, Off to you. ;At one atiction I was pick -1 . Another trick is to have 4 friend Of.
• - ,. ...
lime. .If you mix these two you Will Pet* cent' PhOsPheneie•e7, ,9, Per eel„ltol, Ing, IT, S9ip,Fcows., ,..They had been .the 71hano_Oelling out bid -uP .thingeol
Injure:the fertilizer -Materially' and Potash. To .emePearal-,Ihr..--.aulterial starting. m. at $P and running gradu--7, few' times: If 1- 'see , a friend of the
will not get as geed remota,' from it you would haveto melte a Mixture, Oily !IP to $40. or $50 a head. I 'started I'Maii: who is holding the sale Making, a
as ''. you; Should. ;.' The lime 'reacts onlah9ut as follows tomtrate Of. soda 133,...one 171 ,at. Po; there 'al',. a bid a $31 ',lot Of bids, but neer buying .anything,
the fertilizer tiie •Soluble :
peuncls, ; stilphate of ',linnet -11a' :11..1,-1; and „I got her at; $.32. " There seemed; I get* suSpicions .right tiveai •I on'ce ' ' . ''
.- Platitfood hick into a form In which Peuadal tardrage * .572' pounds, acid. to be something in the PSYcheJogY oft. let .4.. Pair of bobs,bastriack-off to one
oleo: :Aiioy niOe ).fiy, timephosphate:' p110uoilsPdel17,,.eTh-;'140(,)w°iiipeteun.4s.a, flaeowtasph02440,st,btheecue;s04*,.udliethhatudmuatdaeithdemhigahireoridthhaeuri aofuctithut b,usuidgeht"bittreerbsubasodfuarfteuL,etrhael 1; ...
It 'is,,intiolu
now, spreading broadcast on top ..'
. -* . ' . . give but W
I ever. 2,0,0.t? ill , gyou the anal-therest. , Perhaps '.it ' was because !.dollars less than thapriee to. which he .
the ground, When the ground is sat- .. . - • •
fidently•dry-towork applythe feotil- ysis that I have ' recommende • . ! there. are • alwey-s those . who h9Pc to I bid them up. A•,good .WaY to scare
•" , . • • •
..ieer and work it in CaTefillly by disk,. Tfr
. G. W. D. -Would you, Madill tell; get something for 'nothing at such , a! such a man out .18 to make two 'or
Ing . and lotrowiog., . ; , . „, .. . ..ta_e_ it •ktminii _Rigs t. 441_19 eigit....19rfla sale and start_biddingcwhile_the,priee 1 three-AwentyfiVe-cent-bide-five-rapiel
Ground limestone is one of the very pounds each
at $5 aptec , and feed b; lvery low, and then. get In eres edisuecession and then lay off • bidding
geed 'formioprooidett you do .net have the, f011°2°Ing: feed: bh°2#)°4- wheat; and keep , up until the bids are fyretty! ;until the article is almost struckoff' te
talatil it very far. Wien are f di
Sereeningtrat $30 per tan; Aorta at well up •!tO the true value. Whatever ' the side bidder.' He gets he rt tail r '
o oantiremotoo sourealof-supply
it may 00, per ton, nrld knees ,at $85 per ton,
pay you to boy' ground 'burnt lime; feed, (1.0ar at $40 P''' t`riv, °ii cake .at •
. since 55 pounds Of the latter Material .$°° P''..' t"'' 4.660141 °44 :;(iil:d. barleY
is oval ih otteogth to 1.0.0; cho f at. $3$ Per', tOiv, Utouid be. a Pa1/ing e Stiriday. Sctio'Ql. LpA8Q.
•ground limestone. , . . proposition and 'What anwunts: of, the
HICNCiA. .1Y.P.R9r,"..iAiiiRVAII,10114cL •
4 "ilt
P11- tfk-tgiPct_!!".#104. 014.91.k.4t 1.P . -00.1g0:010410! -
,-FelliqW00;'1411.:100.0;1004,p004.16141.0 crePae.
DOMPIPY:- Minns& TefelS,
and entsoiserioelo *appear .1n,IthilOotothia*.la 'the order,
otoaleado ',When writing, itiodly man.
-1h,fik'perioreAe spa* ie !halted. It le advisable where*
*idiotic !spilt lec:rtetnieliiiiii that .111.stistOped and ado-
atiawelr he mailed direct,-•
'• -
Plachino grain-bin4er.in:e. flivvet,
and minyverhe. will bid will •let these.
IMPleMente, alone:
Buybelys in the spring, wagone in
the fall, berries in the falijit you have
Dissolve in
boiling water
foregoing feeds along With water
lormaR-Rtio--ItI onivou,nolfteelitk ce tovt 0 erl .et:orrtheite in:' mould „make a' aati.s* factory ration, for•,-
APIiIL. 22. .
the heat time te sow it and h mu: groiring and also lot. fattening, pigs? I .. , _ _ . . ,
, ., Answer -It is rather , difficult th 'noses, Liberator and Lawgiver Le•sson IV • Exod V 1 t
, Pu "re. are a field that give a definite answer since- there are 19: 25 '32: 1 to 33: 23; Deut: 34; 1.18. , Golden Text
is sandy and 'soloed it 10 sweet clover so many variable factors that •may
• last erlik. -.some of it came up but upset the accuracy of thesome, but
fleo_let VqwieTyr:estit.ictiik..,:ifilhen .torrh%g:71witinud.:iil'ivi'InPwteerd- by nireaferrinagbItcie t°twgiovePuyboulicsaric'ensleolpf
• kat very much? ',Do you thale it will coni arativel recent ~d th -
. .
Ae enough. to get ,
a big lasting suds
• Big lasting suds -one
secret of Rinso's ainaz-
ing power to disiolye
-dirt. If you don'tget
lasting suds you have
• not Used enough Rinso.
or rnorO, °7711:2°
ccoi-ed acth. az4 hour)
After soaking,. only the most soiled clothes need
alight:rubbing with dry Rinso.
Your clothes don't need boiling if you uee Rinsch'
But:1f you like to boil your white cottons, 1186
enough Ririe° solution to get the suds you like.
made by the -largest -soap makers
in the , world to do the family wash as
easily and 'safely as LUX does fuse things.'
• All neW, wealth cemes. • from 'the • .
eorthoor, tr())11 labor ,applied to .the
••Preditoto-at the :earth.,:-. If in,gettinio_ •,;;.; ;,;;
. those preduCtS • froni ;the earth wet
epend as touch AS they are Werth,. na"
• new wealtlohas been 'added; orifixi
•uPpising labor to theee'produets,to
change. theio into. other forms foo the
Use �f man, the cost, of the labee
equals the thereased-*- value" of the- Pro4• .
duet: no neW wealth has been: created, • ;
and the arbild'titiinds 'right' Where it
did before., ' • • ,• , •
If ;however ove, -Can, reduce the 'cost
:Per bushel, p -ton,,, or per peund ;
Wheat,: 'at ' of eVen, to
slight' deo • , ta,kid gaioothst
to that eXten bY. the more efh
dent use of oui We can increase:, -
the returns thetefram, both mirselved •
and the. world :•ere. that, inuelo better. .
off, , Our efforts aleog,this line. are
therefere fundamental to permanent
prosperity: ,-, • ' . • • " .."
„While our ..atterition,muet largely be
Centred around our• own business, we
-should not forget that we are but e
,part of the world -sized institutien, Of •
civilization, and all inierdependentoIs •
'..oituri7efft plainly
..eiveitdleuncet." tcheesItis' Allhaatit t diit
.new wealth to the world; and that.( nly ,
by. addiog.neW:ovealth. to the world .;
can we, as individual farmers, lahor-
e.rs manufacturers expect th, per-
• maneotly prosper • ' :
• ' , .
-Fear ye not, staAid still,' tuili see, the salvation .of the - in the .• Meantime' and ;you get the I Keep My 2 Tile iri Order. (;
. • , ,
• Lotc1.-4.aiOd. 14.v 13. ' " article On the .next bid. . Where there] , MY dram tile are. about the best* izo•
• •• . ,
. -LESSON .Ponvvosn--.Meses may be l•bnel first hardened . themielves, ' Get
. is' Much of. 'this, going on 'I prefer to! Vestinent I.' ever 'made; : and I' want
!-so tioroo,.tio*Over,, after. a , little 'judi- ! them th work:- • So. every year I try to
. escribed as the founder of the Israel- me honor upon Pharaoh. by • over-
eonte on Aetter:thle springi'as, sowed,At Missouri Expermieht Statlori by ife 'notion; oOnly a gigaritie personal- throwing him. A ,race • of.: helpless. °ens. advertising : among my friends. check up their pet n , ring
it WI:ewe:1PM dry? . . ' - . ; ; Ws '1 „- , 0
' . feeding' li through Self feeders' ity could h Ve , achieved .What ' he slaves were to be victorious over the In this section the practice of Sire hitIL A ril. Withthe i' ' i '
. ooreet !clover is: .in the inning, with 77,.4 pounds per hog and
e ----, e est time • to sow they began with an initial weight of achieved.. He found the children of powerful Egyptians :and the Egyp- ding is • cOnsideredWhile not eXactly.,•,tharairei cendog dosirri, I fioti ii easier i
withiii, doty "Israel. in Egypt' reduced .to slaVery tihns themselves. would' ascribe. the :crooked,* at least not quite fain - . , i'then *th locate obstructions, clean out,
victory - srao e ,Goci• . o
. . . L have found it a good 'rale net to clogged tile, fix broken places 'and tee:
. r.
' . IIL Delivered, le -22. lko, to, an auction unless kneeci_soMe......_th.atihajotitlets,..are working-properlYe,.
VO..19.- lip, to this .joncture, the tiling Then '1...go for that, leek it A few, hours' time walking over the '
g angel of God. and the pillar of cloud ..over and.;buy . t only if it sults 616.1,farm after an •April tain pays me
Then' I make a valuation in 'my Own well; for a drain left Out of order yeti-.
mind beyond which " will not go, and ,allyineitna a few bushels eff the crop
• • • , .
broken and spiritless. He 'succeeded in
some grain crop such aslyarley, wheat days ' had a, final weight of 178.0 inspiring them to confidence in Je-
: or oats. AS a rule from 12 to 15 Poundio, DUritlg this time. the 'WU havah, th the sure hope that. be: would
Pounds Per acre should be Sown- ---If was fed 1,015 -pounds of. grain. Feed"deliOef:th'-'ein -out Of :their bondage.
the ground isofa-heavy clay nature consisted of corn 17.5 pounds, shortsoThe. su ' ...... .
, and , the drainage is , none too .'good, 5.6 pounds;. tankage 1 pound. ' •I from Egypt, with ail its exigencies and had gone in front of the .Israelites,
there 15 „a danger of the heaving of Ohio' College .of Agriculture Exthii. dangers, required the leadership. of a but now they moved te the rear.
. i soil 'hi. 'the ;spooringo ki.„, „Meg ;the „eloVer sion bulletins reconimends for , pigs , a a i i y an a v- 20- Betiveen the cautP Of EgYPt
'man ef consumm 'te 1)11 d th t '
of 50 leadership' Mises, through divine an e camp 0 mac . e eland o i . e argams appear in the . Yield stunewhere--M.,11. •
d th ' f I • I 'Th
stanch However, sinee. your soil is such as you mentioned a ration meantime, I 'may 'buy thern for •specu; ----•
' fralways had' trouble, with ' spouts
'end" thumps, in young pigs tiotrl last
spring, when, I weaned 03 pigs from
eOws:viith no setbacks frim eith,er
•eetise. 'If ean, pull the pigsthrough
past weaning time I don't worry much
• thereafter. •' . ,
Scours result . train indigestion.
fed iny 'sant' no tankage bechuse feed
"theipch in, protein. Will, cause tho,pig8
to scour Middlinge-and oil meal inde
oig my .• slop ; feed; and I never USed
'mote than a double handful of oil meal
at a' feed. A sudden change. from
sWeet to emir milk, Will cause trouble.
bedding•often, and ain't :allow the
kept p c can, c anoe
pigs . chill • ,
p . • hefrost'coin ng itu and to . .
' : .aandy,:i 'see no reason whYthiS Sheol& pounds Corn 35 pounds groUnd.bariei ' poer e. o iy, i served as a well of separation between
• . . . - „ ' • • • .. ' lesson, Ove •catch g.' I. itn.pilge Of 4;lo-- 3' the two arniiee. It is 'difficult' to th., . ... • .
grace,'Ove.e. able ,to; lationo,-.0. IL G.
..ro„fiperate;onnleeeler SOMe reason water :15 'petindsotankage000Tha wheat and 0fl-- -- - • . • - • ' o" 'P. teitif-te -the-liebi-e*'text at thia point ; ...
- is held back ottOthe..field..:IteineMbei tha,barley • combined will, to ' some ex- Exodus • , , . ' .• .but we r.nay. siiPpose.that the dark side ." - 4
e o t e ctitical-,mometit8 .of the - "
is it lasta*only*tWo years:: You can you haVeleft.mit of consideration the] !' ;' : . • . - :
, . .
; • that sWeet clover IO -a biennial, :that tent. substitute for the I *note; . .. • , o • , of the cloud was turned to the Egyp- '
' I • •
'En c ptirdg ed, ' 16; 13, 14. - .
' .tians: and prevented thein from seeing , .-
, , .1.i. IP 4 .
, .
. 14Increase Year chance of.a good. stand „feeding 'ef animal -protein source the official title 'Of What 'they :Were* doing.while 'the*. light ' .'. ;000le things are Jil sixr.,ple:,,iind,sp, ;
. . , . . such the kirt*g..i,5 etEgypt..theOkingeof - side,t,ernedtewardsoIdrael,an.d-shovtred - 4 • .
, ,PUttine • on.„,abeut...1 000opounde.of oisotaokageolloderre.pigfeeditig's ews..-Egypo.
linie.par. acre, any time before spring this to be highly 'profitable,. were ealled: Pharaoh, Rametes ,them. the, way ev,eri in the night. . O'''''' iiOE:ii that .the POultihnea Who f:rid
. .
Mehl . -out osreiletound Maybe :.teep
hence....1:olIonolds oon, Mernepteholtave I:Legally oovoololt.is represented, here that *a . ' ; 4- • • •
'Otte* and at '.-thetitne y0are sowing Wedd 'advise Yoe! to include ,it„inf.Ythirobeen re,gardeel.,the .- Pharaoh ;-ef ' ' theostrOoo' *too Arooe b..aokotheostoteoe,oto ,:.'..71!..1`e".•........ (hie' :nf *Othege-oteojinighlg..--theo
the ...Vain.- and, -sweet . -clover,' apply consideration. . ' - . ' • - ' ..-" Exodus, but it is difficult tai,:ideritifYniiieha Wily
with certalaty.WhiehPeraoh is meant.. to. pas s through the sea.. The miracu- 'seelaYingoability of..a: hear by the; size ;
.. _ , .. : . ,
of her crop. Have you •ever :tried it?
as to •Perinit the'Israelites-
The Egilpfidii$,.,Iiiarehed- after the*: 'loos 'eleirient Would ,then' be that God If ' You:hive net; the ,experjment„ loin:,
rkaroel. had escaped out .0f..Geshenirtheoshould-.SettdtheoovintLettheoppertutebeatioeyaepener.. , : - -. -• - , - " --",.."- T. o''•O;
, , - .....
Marshy: landSO,,noetheaSt:':et: the Nile •Geographere, :maintain, that .,:. 1. have use . this plan for ,the;past:„.._
. • . , . , . ,, : .. ' • the : preserioSnez, when . 'delta; • , and ' had reached e -paint near i near the • '$uei :the .*,ovater,ie _.. sliallawotwooyeariOaritt -find it absolitely.,.. deo •
EverY spring :.and-' fall there ,Ateithevointeroan, no.,00e.. e .....; , ;nt
army so. en yoapPeaxed.. othei.
.i,....on..,g,yotiertoond-thatioadtrengwie-dobioWirigin5theOpendablegIL ifo.'014....:to..oewlomooteo,oi . ,
oatetiatidOtteineeflOctilitieoo: and.! te,bidatrall.V:.!,thait.Xgootrieadeo-androphre"ogoo- - . Tki,•,-r. ghtedirec • , iii nu It , . bare o th. 1. work for me to. step onto- a house In
oolitiamt. ',ntiturally::wOuld:nat , channel .end. petinit • a: Passage.- In • . . I •
yott°ctiti'.°0ftelor.-fintrbargains . at them :,:f000.-..dehoeoy ;rake at hoineond ..did no,: wish tolos, the_.., luable slave ser ice in dem tunes_ Arab _tribes, .haveobeen - ,i.,;ooti;,,:itija„...t.o.ti .-.
If ion . are 'citefill in buying. .'Io in ',need,therroany„irearethan -totave ne•eds'-whichotstaeFtendered-inthe'.'Egyptitini.
" ' '
the eireningo atter the birds are on the, .
.o. years, l.. havionoticed.eettotio peerilliii-
. experiencao-Leovering-°•-abOutoofifteen, side . pecketso-blit--I'lenld'toietilet them-- bitildlifeePefatione -' ' The w• eircuinetances. . But as .Driver,' says,.
...„... ,,... .. _ _ .
t the -I d r' . • , „
. quickly under the rows of cro-ps. :All •
. , Ottiewriote--e-tioisothe-Seaounder -these -... - • • o .
50.',,41and '..geritly“'-but-- lreigalleti.:,,F4Oakin.
go for .nothing:' . I . did . le .. e oa e . ' With the Red,Sea and possibly,
go; ea it needed .some- repairsobut 1.,;,; strong frontier fortificatione on, front, afrctid. , ,
the.:Redo See .ctin be queetiOned-only -ateragesized,-,,,egg. are'earnini•L.tlielf..
t-itiefralietit ilieferin auction,.aodlsorne. "the' tectLofotheolsraelitesTopatisage . Of .the - beneowith-Orope as . large at ori t; ..“80.4tit!Orfi) 4.100e.tk.
Oof these follow -•;',';',.';' .;''',' .'..„1:,.*".:;',OO. in.the rake ,,at.$15.56, ...;...i.ltauled...it
''''ittid the Well diociplinad;WelLequipped,
'''EgYptitin arnly . in . the' ..rear, . escape. hiyoanO-extreme .and 'baseless aceptio .oray. The others, are ;;Ioaferti. 'Serpris- ' .. rof' the raIIIIMill ,Vanithall 3:1 stria ,.
. ., llaw' Iliver Irrigation • ProfOot
In the first Place, .junk :always. goes lionteoleft ,it out behind the ,bario • and:;Seenied inioosSibleo ,., ...O. ; , .; , • -- - . eistro!' . . : o'. .O . • .ing as it may 'Seem; ;in the,..saMe 'hen
ofot fat more the.* it is •-wortliO '. . Of • at „the, beginning ; Of haying a • . meal • V 13 M • • pe; I :not Bine .. ' -.. • ...APPLICATION, t there is ,little' variation in the eize- of .
, , An e.oped;ally gOod location. fOr tniXed
- ''•,' ,00t,ire,' this its partly because ,,junk . is .
.•. • traOTUNIO4ig,;dre3tVgie'rriiiZcii,AV?trit";
'came th- me, gave *me :$50: 'cash. and His'f ' h ' ' - ,. • • •
. , . . . • . , : - . „. , . ; eoit and et:nit-age were equal to ' ' The story of Arosei• andhiS'aniaZing theocrop fromodey to day, .except in
. , •
time, when the Coop' is Much , n districts .where .good land' centuit
, worth se little, bnt. eiren , if one . pots heideo it away. , There were at .. beast „the :Meat ciltical.. ;eit . t• ' ' .
a ions. . 3.tand; ,achievements is 'se epl th ' • If 1
an extrayagant' -valuation • on it, it two -men, in the broxvdothatoneeded:stillo not 'in.the -senS u ' f„,"
0 ::-.1Oetnaln4,og,; e - .,., -1,....O'f ..-ag: • n
..... gioueoteachin thatr.th
. o. •
e.; ...r..t .. re,i„, riiplbrig
1, ,,,,, „,,.., ,firet,6_4,c_ces .are;.,funr.O.E.tt104,104.„
TFIlg .IS . flap 'PIONEERINO,• the
be.bolikht",at reasbnable prieee;
• WOrtl-OUt pieces of harness, , old irons, new. Ones; the 'folloWing*.oarnmer at:a
.• ;ie... .a..OfU.1-t-Y."-:•..is,: ,einallet000e-o-2---..: - .....o.; ..., . . ,, ... . .
'.. . o• •.,o'l feendO I.-ineye.-thenr:: to oeeepe far: the. ft,tepitnI.FirTint_ETnI14:1;A9.-illir.'78,17,:,
:geeiv.s..aboiat.',Sthis:f,:gf,.,,inost,:zaUctions.4116,460n7-..;iii4,-;:nnin,InikIt,,-n 'set- of.;t0A10riatY."-lytit:ef -"ceentinuing - As the hens with; stnall crOns are ' seitt ' e ' • . '
' ttlernent• - maximurit:.9itststnce' from
The . Israelites were not to k,se their
firnO" - ne .O0 - se ec on: ;..-. • efollowing les- „: ,:. -, . --.... ..', •• - . , -; . - - 4111°Inor'4°,"°--"rea',--now'''
Sons .hoWever,.are. 'of .paramount int, '
: it is. leek.' .....- ; ' ' •
courage nor to b ' d with - • Part:lace ;'' '' '
e. seize ., mu ::panico. ,,,,,...o-oo °.• , ' • --.'"- . -
broken -seSithei; 'eth4 , are luinped • toO, price. arinind $206O. Whether • ' ' '
I'daylight culling' tests th : Ofoll " • ' menti3, ektendlrig clree iff•_Yearts__,
ogether and eftemtlie-biddingoto Spirito.lof 'foresigtir'Oerookeek 'Jet:Zee-an A.-
, .. -,....., o___;,../.7o.ThetsaFtrotteio-OtthpOL,Ood'Oothe;deliOort.. ', „.,...:1:::.„A;k.....„mp,..:.,:ha.ve..!reirereeeeofer. otheo, . . • . .• , - -,• _ _ . e, 1 ,
',a-omoa te , ought by-th-e , Loord., To-theolittleo-clnliloTno. one,' ein-171,..Orsee , the '.rnornITIg,„.orio-pens7withatrapiileisntf.
'itot Vert a ri
: etl';76617-tft-u-fr. 'lig-tke7tiffit-Wlittrria-;:unable-10- tell but r.:have ' found ' it earlier'.'
portions.ofitheQld 'Testainent,,, Test_ enthrprises...that. God will ask- the The hen o ''..witholarge....crepaoneed:rte• ,-
cANADA.. LAtql1 • datt. Igt,RICI•4,TItniti.
.1..tiery. .,..year. or so Oa get rid of -It) . Will good policy tete to Of&seaSon.a etion '•
no , eothe terprof!ealvatioil'O..
itentillY; allUdee,. ;Y:Olirig-thild'teOearrYothr*,1O-fof tii..-tRiither"attention . ' 'd ' f ' ' I ' . ' ' - ctl:."?'"11:: 't4''' ::LiRrxTli' ;
... _e ._ o , ooasi. e romosopo sr......._ .T.Itedicine...lrre,t,,-;*---.,-,---,,,,,4,-Alitertar:,
' 'Aifte ti, 'brine several -aileron. I to. 1511y4thilt- --.'1--r--- they'.
, . . , things need, as' . alwe ' : S. - ' . ' ' ---- ' ' ' . - - - '. ' ' r ' -; : , . ce. . One: eF1-.. .ng their usnal,needs.
, • •ys to ph,y teal. deliverance eromaterial-forwardmr -of --tre-rit' ' ; :','"--7----• ----- ' ''• ' ' - *----
, Gootilituff'wtdoni hriiiV-irilint, IC
a ,ge ,cheap. This...iti iiiiimet 6...un' '1' 11-b i g:cO., . ',*,,. .....„,_ .,"1,', :, ..,..o .,, ,' . not _Calculate .the ,infltience...of hil l'
, ,., .a..e d.o.- , . ., , , -o----O--oo:----oo.:OO. A7---. riSt7...gT,ii, r
0111' ,thelr''-'
. . . ., .. .
mmaii .
1. 7
Built for .
• Years of Service
irili .ter
Jobs Is built (ItAIld up under rale
• usage. • IS cuts labor In.batr when buil&
ths silos., foundations, barn floors, 'to,
• many tarnaera u.se ft to nut teed'01 ter lie
Iter.,Idade tor band or power. Vi..0 81,01,
-,blit1i.4avgamIze,m/troto tor !wavier wo9t.'7'
--WrItelor book1et-7- --
••" , E1AS•Pla,
/ kept the pigilreregetting.thtimpa
hy. avoiding .high feeding,. and: by see-
ing that -the pigs got, e*erciSe..
Thesemidele-may seem Osimple, but ,
they have the .ezidOreeineht .Of Old-time '
hog oaisers. know that I" would not
have had so 'many. 200Pound .porkers
in the 'Cornfield last. September :end .1
Obtobor if I. hade't attended carefully •;•,
to the little Pigs' feed and exercise in
rchotind--Aprito • ,
Case the Eggs Get,Chillcd.
.If :everything progresses smoothly,
a sitting ;hen Will.: usnallyoreturn..to
'her iiestlirtfieViiiiST-orTEffe'enTlrir.:'
...twentYounnotepiobut- eceasionelly•she
-forgets, or by 'some mishan*she
vented in; doing so, apd4tetnezne aivey,
for an hour at more. Iniestancei^like
this a 'good , many believe that the
hatchoi lest am:. not op.ble to;;OsaY,..-
lust how leng:the.germ in an egg will
Jiieogter. itoheconieS.CeldOit,will d,
• Pemr. on.',:hoWorongo',tlieoeggoha8-oheeno'O-'
worth..for Use. i .lieVe seen moviieg I fele. • • • ..., . . ' .1 1r,.14"...,LTht el ../ if. '.01.1 . '
. • , ......2...t.-.1-,...,-,-- - ,....r. ...s ta ,,figia:-••In.l•thAtt---,e-atten. ion ,of- hristian-poi,p10, isT , , ;The followong of Carefully planned
reaChlites-'Which 1 ..kiiiiiirlfail-WoreliTi-.7VtragOns Seeni 'urge pi' it ' ; h I "
age it, Waiobeheiredthat each god wao 'being direoted-perSiStexitlrin ' the ; di.,' rOtations will tend . te standardize' pro-
,o,too„ -tbioty..4o.too,-,00.t000e: 0; for :ese.:..00,oreotooee otogoos,, ti,i,v 6,f,-iiihial were .1 „ ., , :fight. e battles -so 111,. peo._ rection.. o • child , ,preservation and.' duction and:. therefor
(Cost 48 new), and at the same atte.Obought at auctions / paid$25 for e prices .'
phe. _lite fortunes d
. Were bound up ,
t,h education. , .Ptoteseor Ellwood, Writ- f• , -.• : • • .„• , ' • ; • '1;
. $! ; .;,..
. ooSigh.:pekedomoebinery _usually goes, With. -a -.double. box, :spring :seat' And. victOtY hoWed*ictoriougl' 'Moses' be- problem otelirilizetion, 'and".SoCial Sci...ing
$30 . tee one• 't .a. af 'hie POP'S.'
form products, and 'no field • of
. ....lion an old wera-eut'One go for $12 i one without a; bcix arid .In :their , ibg ,a.A 4.ChriStian •seciologistodeelares i •,' At such a. time as tine; it is all-
; defeat be. was.. defeeted;Oan.d .in their that "hid •welfare .is Central"' iropeita.
, „. . . ,
rit th lower the ;cost of ptodueO
• : for "a entailer proportion' Of. its. initial ' oviliffltieee. The gear alone,. without lieVed, lieweVer„ .that Jehovah .wOuld., ence ' shows " that. ,it . i8. iinpossible ref,
'walking cultivators and other ionallo$65. Lhave used both of these wogone
pries than. 01141 sttiff:' Plows, harness, ' box et ..whifiltreee, at that time cost
tiarie„. even ;.- though they were,. one of life" , - ' .. - , .: : '', " .• . ;: . " *. '': ' i th this line; than ' does the prodUctiOn
be. Mote then a meteh'for the 'Epp- solution without a., normal • familyegticuittre offers greater ;opportunity
;things that are, in constant use have a I, ,(six and eight Years , respectively) the ' , great..' Er -linters,' . powers . of -.alio' , 2.- Leadership and "fat-reaohing''°f live stock
tendency' 10.. go for allthey are worth; some of the time on the - road . hauling hluitY. , ..• . , - . . ' ' .publieSerViee'do''.niit 'come by ehanee, '
. ,. ,, II, Directed; 15-18. • 'hut.ate...theOeselt-of_petience,_dleeip_,
.0r, more .Roba;Seent usually „to go fooOstonecoand.. they . have stood ;.oniaofa.
. . .
hr,Le. tlea and; e train nge - heoL-
; far less than. they are worth "-/-have;--dotire a good deal ofthetithe' : ' --7--..o ---It....I6'.-thi-iiiirMesels."..rod_OvaS".ori
.,: oseen-a-tetefogeadolYobioeoldotOr-.$1o25 -EOSS'IN7-SELLIN-G- VAL' .7`,---."'"..
000--..,----- o • 1 . .• . . - • -, . • .: , . • f .1.,-,Aslie oves a ehepherd at thetinie; -g
..:. -laid -Others "'foi°42,' to •-$4, .. 'Tnese alie-. .yriiirst:..,:pane,h7rne.au.r,,slofiyouQnr,ktehdlt,.82,.-pepVealln77; . ,i. 4.
d ihg .. 04 'g d ' DUCKL
,biallYeglitniohirtiobv-Telievali _EX- doe:::
Itio.O. well7kriboin.tict that the..fitat-'of,hiScall,-,the TOkr May- have*b'en that that 'Way. occaseyna. e....... but -it.- well • in. atiyomointi co- "frimi; r yen .aYera,..'.n,
- tiensurerein-the-epring and the - - • - , . I
' • ?var,i., gtme:!.•• .!,1.'1).W.).-44detu- dieuot- 'want:, .--, ; -..: - .
! year .aftee. onO-bliYa. a new. machine-: Or dindtily- used, bY, ehepheodsie';It'iveas...ta regi.er•Oer. that ens . of oleStist,*niaino-te„el°11riii:7,-,--thge'=1-1,Tinorettr-Waraq
..40,../aitt.,,e,r,o.,,,hotho; . „ ., . , .,, .,. ........,1,ther4i.-it, hy•ofer..-the'greatest=Iosoolo:I-a-eitib...-obooto-000----oeet leolg..,--wooto•-•-a----idealowee'rte,eduenteand-trairothe'diszo g 0
(Mem, oleo .WhIte•rektn Mick! rig&
:', of • foresight' among auetion • etewdk • or ,too„_foortho ,ot tho ,,,,pici,68, paud,.; usipd as..a -weapon .agaiiiStf,robber,a 'and
i 7 1... death . On the-whe ,, , he of We carry a complete ilite-arilithY 'Clhick
Chrifititin chUrch nrill, bebetit carried r.v0114's, luverfi, Ilt'Ond000.- IneObatOro,
tO curry On his work efter. his eA.;Reelte. Rhode. islet& kate,,,Whito
le ' t - work* ; the. .tir'r"an
• ' ' I 6611ing„ value Often after one year large knob at one end, into whieh we ''ciPlea
, there.. seems • to ,:bei a.' strange leek -. • " - -
you Can. notgetr:„Oriora than' .one;hait.
: driven.:• . '; large' headed ' ' . ' -
,-hea nails This was
. Avhich makes a teed .that is not needed .' ;#.047(14iii, to tbo, stories en'by highly trained: Men and woiriew'. NA,rterapt),4 ,ti)crifreeill:fttiitteTt glget.:14,4nitet
. during- the. next two or three triOntna:
t, Tnat is 'the very tittle I ..Litt6, to .,.b..uy.!zid..11o8i1:us,; .Mtysegf rod was the The ,greatness Of ti leader Hee in' ,z;'ronto,tteistht.„..1,imiti.y..gin -tit,. 06;4 lad.
ttr"ival;: Write ,fe circular to the
There is alsoa lot of ditrerence,,be- i t b ' • . ' '
.0 for touch .less7,thill Otte which 'Wilt ' oronto'
, tweezi aUdtio-ns'a3 to the.POssibilit; of STriersu, In,WlitshaYuwenhdle.all lie worked
winoinvf 'Ii.the°tio4niti-rtoi4rth.oef, cainSs*eissOi6!ithaPtdnoin'tehtnisp'' 4tae! 1, 'aa•la Pattetta St'''.
he needed inimeclietely, As an eieoripie ,. ,.. , • , . . , .
.:Of Alit, J. attended an ..auction.':forr:,the7 'pitiong:kuphoiegaifid. oL'Oft•Seaken: ' '..d r; " . • , . . - ..,. ... „ - •divides-his•heattfot 1
, . .aneo o_ets.-; The..oea;"%tillett"Sea Or &loth -6 .tion oftho world '
; , thins are fikeiy.tty.orb. unsatisfactory Hebrews called %,".0..a Sealef Weeds"; a moment Moses set at noiight, the '.
i.1PutPeae.'Of ))1117,,i'llt a :riaarlY, new' cera' th the Mali'frelltelglititl corresponding'' I corresponds with thernOdern Gulf Of ,,„that. might :
riches, the .hrgli*" Offfeee ''
. , it:denier, There 'wes a chatthl niett: ly'sethifeatory 'to the buyets; If
, suez, opposite a . pleee 'canoe, moideo have been his had he iiimply.aeqUiese-C'..
tOhe a 'mien attendinee; , , „pripes.!
the -1; - ' ;'
e Y, had fottificatiOns, k defend heir ,hot- ' t.n.
, (v. 9). where the E frti"
a.qatir:phamy.i ed. In the hendage. of his people, and • :
e . ease that a Pi•ince - of , Egypt .
. • !gage On . it end the priee.:Wetit -e
. ;plough' to 'coy& it. , 1 ,paid $42 for 'it day is Vety unpleesatit, .there ii lik I
r\thitili; and the •next.:year they .cost shOtild be ; leWer. A Small tiliettilacteeth ;in dovtioalleinilst eidentadic itivodero. ;. , ; might litotes -these he , tossed ' k .0/16 •
INC r de "tiOt know hist what' they
- dtaVe a tit-nail:et Crowd : . 0 te i eide as .tefueero . . ;.: • • 1
....Oyer ,OVOtth at the time 1 bought trilne, result; It the weather tempts •
, with theyosuatetue, 8/Cfyyplianfl'. . .The:' llebte*, with their I, '' 4. Moses braught h ' '
tkut PI think. it weeover $80. .1i was strong • se666 Of ' the -soyeteigrity , of t.gain'!. .because ., h itde iWoirnIdt. "ct°11:tal
-prettiVally •lie*. , -; * * '-' r .0
go . . to ' an ,atictiOn0-aribde;',8Yuetriu- litre; not! fell?, directieered 'thingfi done by. men to :. thought of -God, ;ariStaittght, c'''4'* Iti
much th do at home;God Thus), while human . op.preoliion ;we. mean etiohLtel
,.. '. VIE TIME to , . BUY .', . • ooll•-o-000-, o ,aat of oleffibboto ... -.'Yttlot"ii theetin .t-etlteirtattillPne'l.W9jie*eMbelilened i: thin g; ': freedom. is' " Miele Si; l'3%-v,ri thole t '- - '
sideouelliVeri rake th ba , sold ' ''.1'ills, at the 'gale; An auction Sit an ut-
Thor o- were aiso a hay loader and stone' bent, told "61eto will bo aire'qodoil Israelllee, their acti0;en eigerafp;.iearn th is leSS" 1:4)-d.''. °f What -
L 1 aii it part of Clod's, ' 1 ' Consult cur Agent or write Us,
r . . . puwrsiusitrof the ,obedience to divine Itioxi. We need-te
Ottende°d;li denveeotiee.,,,,Ged,hOrdened.. the' treaaertsil.i' ttelloilast:.
Ovio jeat et the: tittle „When toels we,re tife.way plebe will be poorl e it to throW off the yolce of . Agents Wanted in'territorlet
Where we stre'not. reprosented.
•-illtyfkketiii4 but the ,iitletien was hi theigh"."§ifil,e, the advent-of:Y.6a ilhititli;Of ' the Egyptians only becen"-Se they Lenin Witli'Olit • spirittial saoCtioes°!
4 , ,
erbta book le olio tbd
beet aver arrl ttc forew
. horaelriaxi tisd the rtazi.r.
loplalo, VOrpieyolt olyr•
ste.ildAble Eh:filed .-
tr1111:evrty -ailment that a •
hiorsollseh Is belt' to, eiLd beilp.bewte
• treittlbern.•Itlias colo:oroo, okoo.„..,„
fo, bode ti ;arotttl maity,illAtriie.to 160
-all yoit o to (1.4
Ae•to ask' yOur 4vogfest for 1311 tii,*iiit81y
frue, Here Is oId 01.1111011
zettle.Jok resinoie smt-settout.stliter-Itelifilk-
klere.b•rn 11'111 your Eciolnift Srrtiln Tieut**
Ilk:gator years sail tilIrtk I t 1'41;1'440 tf.ri:itrilebt''
11 von 4ruggit 'has oot•rt,f, the book Ieft
, „
• Enosburci
You Can Make Big Profits!.
$4 to $5 per ac•re invested in fertilizers on grains has fre;;Ittently
'node gains of 13.to 12 bushels per acre on VViteat, or 25 to
30 bushels on Oats and, 15 to 2,0 bushels on Corn,
Remernher It costs just as much to grow the crops when you. get
the low yields as it does when -you get big yields. iroUr profit
with Big Yields is many times greatet. •, •
Fertilize your croPetlus spring with GUNN'S
SHUR-GAIN Fertilizers and get the Biggest..
Profst postub
1204,Clah• Street
pet; and the, vitality Of; the gerno.but: ,
life Will exist inuelolonger than-mariy, :
woeld tooPose.POSOible._1aSt yeat'ino ;
April, a neighbor, by oversight, shut.
sitting-horoaff.herneSt at -night O she •
:had been ''sitting -about
eggs were tronvPure';,bred '.stock, bed
'cost -quite .and -he naturally
was enxiousaboutthem. When the •
accident was discovered in the triorno
ing the eggS Were thoroughly eold:and
'probehlT,hatt.-beenofato ten-lidera* or o
more, bid, they Were at once placed,: ' •
under -the' hen,' Windt -in -the course±
„*..tione.obreoglit „louto"..-eight.:.:AppOrleritly -
otreng, -eiticke:" '-They--did-'not
the ..tw•enty=siec, orid dayr due lo
:the, ;Ch1_1)_thg;h.ot,„-the-YoVooitO-:i,tn:4ietf
lot of 'hicks and every one Of them :
A few years' agein tureing. thS..
•,eggi. in •, an incubator, •;I rieglected 16 ,
„ .
close the4loor of.the egg clieniber, and,
didnot discover it,until nearly nig1i.•
. This Was .in ,,Merch ,tiod: the wee'ler„. •
quite cold, hilt I got, betteiothan fosix-
ty per eeftt. }ketch' of the fertile eggs.
Thesechicks were not quite as strong
as usual, but ,they ,did fairly Well;'Por.'
iiittingohens it is 'besto.to -have a.
sepainto teem, for this .special .perOO,
•..ogge. [lieeoree expOsed,Oby ono
_ the ;Setters .going• . on with• '
oetherhens • Asittinhth1 should.
.Ofto'the neet.14.:olifteenoinireiteeevery-o.---'
daYo.W.11Ph net:SeVerely Cold, het if she o
is _eft,. fOiOseyertil hours I ohotild:o2ro-' -
coed' With the eggs just the same,ol
thoughthe "reselt knight .be quite
ferent'frinn •these tWo ineteoces Moro.' .P
tioned eboVe.--V, iX.. •
1 prayed tor'' groat .talligii-ogavetlie
smell. •
I prayed; no Answer to my call,
I prayed that I might gtvegreat thiti• ge
My prayer ,wtios heard. On airy *Ingo
• There came to, me from 'God's own;
My beart'S SuPPLY, mY detnend,.
olive Jordan..
linschish feadarehip is the /11031
valuable factor In cOMmunity
Carden produce grows more:M.110k-
ly brmeonlight thanby the light of