The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-04-19, Page 5.1, Aiij,"': q,� I gill .7V!, 777 V�: N� e. -ovil tF: 4 "PR fl 0 0. The" 04 LA D plike the 11,011t ak'4� t4w big. -V I)QW Oat qii�, t, 'D;AV the s4Ntel;over;�Areu:in one -jyg kc,", WE S R, NE AP tb I'llat's S�c4lpibjnx� -for, t 1,101140 Mrs, jh ,us gow -town! A is'YL ar as oo( 600' of:tbq t or: Oqck- in . 1, b Day, g, 'by 9i .9'Ex ke, this -D viii ma pa1min f ro. �Rargainsjo barg 'N't-h oRar L. R O'Steal", Co; Tb 30 qd*,Ch�sley peopIt in to iffeied. Cbme' d. 01 ing ut tie ord t xne.-�w. 6 1 Vidf h fuff'po'cket -01 �he eryd-a' =7- Y 9 a a s--, 0 *�q stre satisf 0. )n4tq Ari6w, Ahis�paii�-uf­ ntiQ un ugy an w- o. -robbed, *jdqwA 'd w6rliing� Oeop.16� -with OW ':Pe'W' Iles' e v ery,, in tied, hi ConlLotive- h c6 inot ey wel 'o tr CA �recqivinjron..th, sileof s-tp ,Or sonS n r a: 5, (W jDal us mith their pogt- 1 7 Yards Minch' 4NOred, ijran' office addiess: Proably ' they tE rcr afor- wyc4e-e�, 9 e dio ;th gh �e public sportati6 hich n, w Sh. ... I eAr(j. we -had heen cAuglit when th Ithe'advantages e ornb �0-jnch. Shake*r, co oil -'k gushipg in� at 5. Talrdf $& 00i Vill BU hi h,,: Y, tber me th ds, offer several years ago.'INe'un'der. d One inthis f6w. 36..inch ripe St W was.on' ,d np ne, 0 �isad h 'ith f their dil $1.00, e,Oolrit lo haves in.9 qu A Bo�,.W,Suiit Fin� -Bleached to ttn ite -a large 5 Yards UY NOW, AND yantages. suTn in the "Steal Co when. Shp, eqn- $1,00'. a. aro suit' l.ur �..Linen sulted.her banker wh� ��dvised her, not Y 9. 1.84it A an's TA IN chZind TO*' a e g t.b. do, wi th-: it � I e t ailroad' to h, v anythin AT tHESSE 'PPICES, too- -true �:2 Pair Tweed Pants a$1 -00 - ti f r e,a compe 1 o n n, a: t, gleek;-tongued'lag�nts get their i s VIC. 2 Pail r Large CDtton 11 nk' lins so eager � o invest in �a, cOni-pny Ards- 22-irjcli� Hand Crash. ne G11 ­1z 11 00 '6049, $445 as. 'st d :. Cross-coun, ry'. transportation- that they ire� told will ."O'ha obotit $405, 4'Y .314 t ield large T. 4rds- Ch�ck, Diess - 5 Yards able1i To h ou e -:the� street fliyiden6; tha�thcV'.caii't wait t Man s Pain oa 0 36 -Inch Color C e'6�'�,Undies a Ni Kies. C -As. c wit.-any'fifiancial authority ibetie'lno-. rep jz� ting ' est the koldb, read ' i ' ' ' for $J.00 c nd y convep, encie'and I qoupi? $ i�ortiinity 006iri�'Puliovers.�.6-t�,'42�,w6'r' Silk Dress, pass 6y,,'If aiiAn or1woplan with plen4 th to $5,, Only $1.001. lo,�,V`nxileage costs. ty of, money is wheedlbd into investin .2 Dozen Linen -Napkins �Sed M- 85 Pair Meii!4 0' surplus f verails; Blick out bib.'Bluii and, ha's: 'P u ed a ottioxi 1�f theii , with sh unds, tKey hose Stripe with bib.�: 'I hei g V* t s Some Bar - 0 arb �not to- en ure 4 br�sg S.J�trtq -a - .5 Wor�-Shlrti YY' we kht mater al mpl-�.el t�irns, u to'' .93 y P a ilyr, $495. notfi,ilix hort .0f. crime 'o indu&- he'dls ard iri 16-vy-ft c&sv. rst 0 Pair La s SiJli BOB $1,75 hi6s#,� 2;bair, $1.00 'tS .2nd os_ T el. brea rier All s8L awaV` fun a Ad o;w' N ON d s akl yr W gpre:- in so q n u mbY-e —rof -pr 6-e7g coninany, W;!,.h t- the.� car., b, �T' e I s purpos d Lly -d' i,... se ingAbe public froin''investi �e jo ' f us Argains pace clos. not ng in ild- by the. sjn�66th and 1�­ enumera a, a -In. -Under H Osieryll* r r oves" u S 1110w us Aslati6n will qerv"'t There tre b ceOf F t ent�rprfes� Lo mr wor s W We don'tthink niuckcam be- honed io� ons, an e rocery ion. tt d in, th G" CA Us 0 j uliscrupu Ous ,agents Sheethigs,.' 0 4i, sheet -d ak etra motiey.- WE N R -s froni th 6're- SAVE. the', AY a,,belp out thelinv�stoi IDO A an e 0, W 'ON,,T I pon on,' t: , he,�* MANO he'� I'Steal 2623 0�0 -0— NG MAN GET S. IN D, V UNNS, STORE A YOUAI-K. UhUp Q er at W-alk6l' M Who' y4!j dl oi- YOU: Whe, TETLACE','' 'KIVing f the, Dominio E lait', week b' EX to 't �l r Head rr'u '�:B pTess, Co. got; in serlou�s ruu 4 , ES. yl app -him ofil C paid to. lift te r r B argain, �A th(� agent iniss, led the,paiofl,an there S'h Lqr I e ag�ed', 45LA­otj�fngjo for I the7 dr�er,ab� t' j - W ]Ad said" a the pai�el`iriu`s, t bake bedn JoBt but was q?q. '�Nabj where it one call t& i the ph 1.44k to w oni -the )ioct�d', i�at �e h paxcel as a I:., ty 6n. ius- Messed bioug it. the in- P, w u:d be all6wod. his lb6r end d sen'te'-nC .B. ut when: 66urt op-, f4mation, -that she:- ad ree�' e he P q, a ei v d piiir�el. O..'K4 and, had paid Yor'dt, �mend the -y-oung...lilzi .failed tidaippear e --o ---po reelth -with-..tbe result--tha t-- a warrant f 'Mang or v- -on eing ccuse ave Is.arre ou 7 Y- urlint",[�ie8t, drj%�er, h st -was ngde. f Othe znoneyj.HO`howeyer� s as U in. for cbriteni I t o tourt As. w6ll armers . .11 .. ' �, , -be , , ..be"be§t serve& by., ed opear. fore, Magiitrat�., f �h4,theft. ...... .. .. ,sending. Your cream. the MJ�'TLA V C ap FO. PLO FOk N.' M REA SUMWE and:- fWOR #?AfNT 4'cramery pperateO, by -y6tit.-.-ownfaribers' 'organizatioh"� for. �Eied G t -d n --a lid' -g -YOU T Ni d �ffect�V.e'�.c t e vice . urli lic,,corr4n ir Ov S P o -O thnouhAbUf-01 IoMni -buy rs:','... nine. ihat"Aas be'en-gr"-wil e -e s nol;. accliniattz4 and wil I not stand'eur -rigorou -beenAn--afaKa- ed can lime securw-f�om�a-fi,61d--that-Lhas� i -greatly improVe th� appeir ears., so in k W.ellingto'' d c.h t ie 0 er �i.nice 0. yol�r libine with a t ou6' of: 0aint here and n en erson ouc now. -e men ion64 F011 cured seek! of the a boN' strain t1ibre. Don't neglect youi'furnitu'ie and oodwork. s thr6u, c t D Iq c-Lenn n, L6 h2ilsh, -Mv, J. A Garro goveraluenh CA representative of a un-: a A, �,co4t of .'�r6tcciion'- w'ill': work, 6 d h 0) girbivets. J can a ers. Save the a he,. therefore,: give, ti save W. Ma4A,ean 'Kinlugh. 20, tending purc -asers the, of h the.,seed I am: s I' e.1 Ing. L -ey Merton ie we liave the g, S Ivc .41pur Cub 0111 ARTI N 'EROUR, b I c ion as.,%v t ed' "-r, n, e -1 7�r continued, sitifa ti e. have. cut' and pas or son-, 11 609in d -,of ---------- "as 6een grown,�aud stilt'lind. the -fieA grows.. a first-clas� Fie ri in i% 0 Foe 110rdWood. fr in". ps, .1 1� 7r it and QillnMv . . .... grpv�n 0 r a w op -r ­ 4e h ifsh that will n9i or, pu A y ad e g, or tuboff.; ny p sxitg rd 16 .'tiAis haidest usage.' A ha 'Mah that .-an ::S1jggPst a ajirvle g'uarantee,9echrW -by inspection c it, be washed ring -Jfqr� ivith.soapraad groi watdt., the field to deteriftirle type, or. stra Foi il�odt�ork, Cie.. in.i the sworn sLtement of, P, RNAME t he numberi of yeaig- the,� s�rain has. been F6r FurnfiturO I Ml�tIWS WHIT 'L the groi p t Uxe a ca 11 on on his'fairm,Andd Ae gove'rilment xertificato -giving; 4 y roN -b ',W06D-;LAi0STAIN--4n-maij y deJ also cl Jor',bathroolii be�d-' xhades, Oak,-Mahog gra ed th at th siiccelss'of the growers in �,'4 e 7 "W due Principally t -the straiii being grown iati Y-0 U 'It, siayq. wh!'te- 'etc. Gives to i nexpensive Woo 9 km 910111"A tile, ap ra f hescjite points orlh considering. tomatk—Sa n tl y use. f- DA!S 1, .1, 0, , to soil co4itions. T F"NotiWS, FL6011, PA re,. INT U er, r I f eolom It Jril? h,s C� j. . 'I hiindlt'all'.ki�d' u�i-fi-a'Wel—'ObTSIDE F0 CH -,PAINT-�-' o intious'i et-dce— Cioverg'and G� Mir day an&' d: d i ' hard, in, a feW hours a' ,oar, and wdars an r.ies FIG "A �'L eed .6 �a high vitality,, an .......... —!�.allway'x unidetpr46ssiure ears e ird frinin 'noxious -T0RQ d ome ah coh �A' NTJO a er r en. Be s, ai 0 in s uto!. n liave se ni and W43 and 66st of, 11, abolutely.lix-­­ FrAfige 4 We' have'a ful -ga d everi.,by'far 6 ed for salp: Co e d d ni T M,1 njoy this, tonvenjent service how eeoi,thb,nioi an a Uab* Chick Cracked 'Graht fteed, which is co'hiposej;:of, �donthitidus,dirudgery to tn the . kno* , 11, . -I and a -ft nst ve yotirsAk and: titalily,if baby, chicks 6r,y ID AE' &,,�Po Iitltte�'Milk thicke -F Sold,,,,by RTEOUSI, oung tur eys when gi, en as rtalit* in you'o chicks is I uc I o'-putrip, 9 rains fineilY lrackedii is the ptoj;e rl8,differeht, ki. r x Ing and -id.ijrrying,,' ouir- daily -�Va 6611"llupply., ....... S6 liant-leertj izer. tor And vegetall garden TORO -0 Outfits 'c6n, b; th Drop iii-wid, at. �ar low '0 Ovicto Prices -and fillf. �S A fkw�6gs: 'Cotton se�4; 14 a 0 nis 17. And fint ground' Ini maii1on' iwaly fut he Calf M"Ij Ake Oil Cake- Aleal, ntit,si set aid toda 'A , %11 uV A, AIN Nit Cldvef"ftmlo ICEAJ� BARG All linog 6 lIUCt?6ns Ard, belft� sidiiPlied afidi'thoL i All Assodistift i I I . 6111y, 4 OY ift) 11 61 0111h' bY the C'' adian F6kos a r Buttef.,-ildtail hAdh YotihOAnbdilfig Ir6rest L-049, d: Mid f6kW 10 Ban vtoj4�j "t 6644ji W1 4 ts, ot thd . ..... A' NLAYSON itth It d 1W W $Nib ii * en