HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-04-19, Page 1e
$2-0 PER jE41 .,11N ADVANCE; 821111,4111111trnelti .
0.0.4$0.A.T*. APRJL 9,
. •
W. J, Keleher, Ripley, Phone 29,
night or '
•. -DENTiarv. ,
Luck -new
"lie.."„Mlie.Leed7iVla ye teat, al
• terY sTuesdaY• Olhee
DR. PARKER, 0$TEOBA1'Ila at •the
Caiii:•11ouse,,Lazknbw, every Wed,,
• neSailY,afternoon,( All chronic dia's
•, aa. -,es Osteo-
• ..i.'anochies the lohysieal causes
• Of disease. Adjuatriie.11t of the
spine issmore• quickly soeured and,
with •••iewer treatments by Osteo-
pathy- than . by ariy• 'ether •Imethod.'
Toronto; priCaS paid for all 'of
poultry.. •'-.• •
9-6-tf •- • Ai Grospopf, Lucknow.
-Dr:McInnes, Ch:rtiaractor, of Wing-
!IiIIU wjJ eisit Luckno 4? three times
' each week in ftiture. Anyone desiring
an interview With hini May leave word
at the 'Cain Ilouse.•and the doctor will•
eall; or irita; gee him there verso/milk,
Mondays, Thursdays and Saturday
. • aftetneens., No 'charge is 'made for
egnsultatien. ' • •
•.'RegiStered Optometrist
-.G;s1ctriatetiepartineiit Zi`OPlithainsi51"•'-'
Me.f.";oteiick Medical 'Callege. Chi-
tagi) 111. noit_graduate,
euukse,•Cluring'.year 1910:••
•(Eyes.,eorreetly',fitted':With: ellagala
Headaches; Dry ItehY' Eyes. .Graniv:
fated Eyelids,'•Vatery Eyes, 'Pain In
Eye' Balls, lInflarried.• Eyes, Pus ; or •
.-Watery :•Diseliarge•:',-frein Eyes . and.
•Dizziness cused by EY.e-strain- ees
. thienieh preperle.•.fitted 'Olass-
05 s • •
• • . •
. ,
. • • •
Crnss.'tyes- straightened tliredgla
niorierly.." tted Lei:Mee. .•.". . •
•"Eyes 'tested at night. -equally as
is•during. d light.' -
A11 kinds of Obbical.repairs (trine:
Satisfaction Aesured./...
• At the Cain House. Lucknow, 9 to
.. 1 3(1 to 6 1311:: .Eveloing• 7, to
' 9 pan, :Wedoesday'of each :week., , •
. . .
'Highest Cush Prices Paid for all
kinds of taw furs Let me knew when.
..Yeir•••bayeallY and. I. will call at"ouce.
•-flenjamin.Peerlaiiaii,:::•• 'Phone 85:
:2Lucknow. - • . „.• • 30-4-c.•
_,_ I
a a'a a• saooapo
-.DoIIar'Dee; Wed. 25th; RipleY.-
--eMits-Ceerie-Geddes.-- ia-home 4rem4
Toronto for a couple of weeks.
• Mr.: Alex Murdie has taken a•Pesi-,
tion in McKiblion/.s Drug.Store. Wings
- Mr: John Murray i ,back to. talwa
• after spending the Winter on the -Peel=
fic Coast '
seenie to be fallowing the ex-
nple of March in making a reCord
for zold,
Mk. Kenneth •Mardie is spending a
two-•weeka vrietetion , at London and
Mr. D.. A. Magkenzie, Of Windsor,
was in town a few,..clays last week
visiting his aisters. .
Mrs, Melvin Reed has returned to
Nile after , spending seinetime the
guest of Mrs. W.: P. Ree,4• ,-,' •
Mrs. 'Francey (formerly" „Mies Mc -
Murcia,/ of Aghfield,:is the guest of
Miss Carrickthis week.
- Ripley's Dollar Day -.April 25th-
`Eyerybody-will-be-there- gettike-the-
greatest •value for their Defiers: .
•,•.•-•••kr.-Clithhert'Groliatt.'whd has beedi
assisting in McKim's Dru* Store the
_mat year. has .gone toHamilton. .
Mr. Carrick Douglas ' went. to De-
troit on Tuesday, and, will reMain if
he finds'husiness conditions favorable.:
• a -
Postmaster Lindsay has had aradiO
receiving set installed at his residence,
and ie'getting ,vere satisfactory
R.' J. Cameron, Lucknew. prepared
to do all kind °f painting end deeor.-:
ating. Agent for wail' revere from let.
per roll un. 22 inches e. :Samples
inaV be seenatmy residence.or shall
'Ale please/1th take them to vour house..
' •
Highest nrice.paid.for Spring Musk-
rat at A. Blitzetein's Store, Lucknow
• ,
frii iiv heevyelaYing. pens -of White,
Rock. Black
• circa§ and: MahogaierRtiesitinOrleffs
•...W..ri,te.:.•for.have,. deehled:
MY. 'hatching capacity andAeill-kenty-
'etcl sciedOne'ereasoiTable;ieflee niakeg,
• celeitOre and brooders fer sale: Write
• me for cetalogee if, interested,
•. •Dittican Kennedy: Box 12.
ephonel_42-411„:„. Whitedhatch.',..00._
SALE„-Comf6.rtab1e. 'frame
-:•,11.0114016 rooms -Appy to Jos. Agneie,.,
%Lucknew;._ •' •
'PASTURE TO LET -15, Acres
good water supply. Apply to Fred.
GRASS FARNt":11!itif.gAtE,-1."Or.
RENT,Beipg, Lets •25 and 26; -Con.
C.,:onst.ant supply •ruiuiiflg
- wat'r• Apply to Mri Wm. Gleason,
•'7 -Venue Pike for -
FOR SALE. ---4 -nuinher of pure-
hred Yorkshire Sews,: hub!), tYpedue
in ,farrow fon-CA-aril
John Turner, R, .2,. Leckilow,
' • .-74..-.AIla-TION/eSALE
•••• Htigh Phillips; Lot 11.reon, 9, Ash-
.e`eld, will have auction sale of his
farm Stock end inieleinente•• On Wed-
nesday. Anri1.25tle There are a lot of
• goo,d. iihplemeete. • . • ,
• • . •,,,, • J. Puris, "Anet:
.N•EWAto,Atir:itiii,p, •
,..cenont„ 'toad niap, .shoviang life pro-
viiuuil SyStern. 'of •,.Ontario,.
. the best reads in Western Quebec,
New York State and Eastern Michi-
gan,. It kiireS the locatiori of all the.
eities, prineijial towns • and .villages,
•laket, rivers ' and ,sernmer reserts in
--enatesteof ..siVer,•20nAo„..sqUar*Tnilea.
•,The roads shown extend- all the vay
• time' IStitilt Ste! Marie, to New York
City; ilia from 10.0 : mike .east of
Montreal to 10() mileS WOO Detroit.,
A. in otor is t Planning :trip anywhere
in this territory Wilt, find ,the niap
r, inost tiseful„ The relative impertence
of eoadt is iedicated by three"
• elessetbr-linesSeereciniediurie•-„and_
thin • • •
On thc reverse eiite..6t2the...mail are
printed a number of city Plans.;speed-
Ometee'reeding for important routes,
a list- of ferrieS),lbeal,itnd laternation4
el. :detail Iran Of Miiikoka distrkt,
tind full-infOriat#10 hlkardinll
,andJicenoo regniatiOnalo- ohe
•aotyod „rooboriata 'fail 40111 _ the
00140 C1.41104A 1.04 OS VOItt
. • •
Mr. •Eldon and Miss Lottie Ross,
who spent last Week with their aunt;
Steel Hunter, have returned to
their, home in Detroit.
' ":• • • •
Read it Well. The ad sheet ycntwill
receive telling "- about ,Ripley ,Dollar
Day: bargains --Dilly •new goods are
?ifered..Conie and save. meti/O:
"Lodgers Taken In".''bon!,r'fOrget
the' date; April 27th. in Hall,
Lueknow. , plan opens - at Mcleiin'e
Drug .'Store on Friday. April 2etli.
Rcv and Mrs C.• Omens,
ifeein Cornwall, -attending the funeral
)f Mrs. Cogent" 'father • Mr. Brown,
who died suddenly on Thursday last.
. . . _„
.:•111rg. (Dr.) R. M; MacLean'. of :Wei-
;and:is visitingWith her parents. Mr:.
and Mrs: :D./Sliereiff,, Mr,'Sberieff•tat
been quite •seriettsly, ill the past two
Weeks: a. • . • , ; • •
• Mr. •
-Who .during thewinter-took 'a ',course
in the Hemphill .•Schocil at Toronto,'
has taken a. petition in the -Ceetral.
Garage, .• ''• • "' ' •
-15F4iFitivityg-ireiirEaseir with: the
_.,rainense.„:haegains the 'Ripley
April 25th this .year -Be ,there and
sect your share.' • " •
— ,
-,Mr. John Cook. who it now con-
-deieting:a large.drhg -Steresin;Beaver...a(
"-visited over the •Weekeend-Witlf
lliS--:•narenti,•ineAshfleldandsetalled--al:Lut-kny- friend:,.t
•.. • -, •-: ,
tip the Old Ford 'and4head-fe;
RIPLEY on April 25th, neXt•Wedeese
The'.. stores. are all ready ..with
Ing DOM': .5baTgainC4-1.V-e7gliarantee-
Yoawill hcnne pleased.
• .
-..-i...card'of,'IliankS.Mrs.Steel Minter
wishoo.4.0_thank„the..many'friendi and.
neighbors who were helpful and show -
Much 'kindness dining the illness.' and
at the':death of her late husband.
W. G. Brown, Of Red' Deer,
Ow of the outstauding: men of:
jane:Chutch -wilt, Speak on he •Union
.,sttrenoniticiriner Helene., on Sunday.
. • -
-• A117-YdiffitaditrWints-e'fr-be'Sinis'
• alie4J?Y• Dailkins• ancIrJaCk, Osterh out
7They "tirelegents-for, alfskiiids-of
Radio -
sets •ited Supplies: If interested call at
-their-home - andellear-this!alatest-Mate.
vel of science.'
• Mr. and, -Mts..; John. Hackett Were
• • /
.Goderich., last (week in 'cOnneetion • A. Splendid meeting Was held bY the• the wieding:' uP'af the estate of ,Eijegirtle League on Meeday. Welt,
Elie late mr: Andrew ,Yonng.:, Mrs. which was greatly enjoyed : by the
afeckett.;is 'be congratnlated dn. be- large erowd. 'present. The teeter Coin.
ing eine of the ISnefiearies of .the mittee at -ranged! the 'program, and
16111410ra 1, . • Mrs. Ostrander Was in the chair. The
Mies McGregor, n travelling .Secte- Scripture lesson was read- by Miss W..
tary'•Of • the Pieebetetian.W,MS...-will Agar, A splendid :topic . on •'.'Whit.
Address' t he ' Easter )Thankofferieg Seek .Ye?" was ' given by Miss L.
ineeting.of the Lucknew Auxiliary in 4reer: a piano- Ili:lett WAS given by
the PresbYterittalChurchallidav ev- Mrs Reid 'and Austin; a reading: --hY
ening:- April -20 thiat 8 pliff;;Everyon e "Mrs_ Flora
-welcorhe, • • •• ' ,• • , Andrew arid Margaret u'dizett'
,• , tlelaay. and: Mrs. W. .Toyrit.'
CHICKS/ -e., Malce/..your„tloek .
An•,;itt6teating., centest..was•lieldt and,
'e• *Ong OtOPOitiOn by addingnew,-Pie was served -,-The.-„programs,
`yiecirring; quality Monday night will be put on2by_Ahe
ity" ;balSY 'alas are from - heaVr. leY, junior , league and the 'IPPQt4lg:Still,.
ing Canadian stock; Rocks, ' Reds, bepartes'746i;ri'art outitcLir' '1'16' .1). io'gr'ani
Wyandottes; An,ceritite Legiwrne.--De
eresented be the Meinbers of the choir,
lit/bred to , your express (Station pre-- at the Guild meeting on Monday even-,
Paid; 97% safe art -Nal, guaranteed. itie• Wee., without donht. one of the
,Department 1418 King St., Enid, 'etts°.n occupied the ebair.'Aipt the,.
oue. hymn Misi Martha. MaeCtil-
MTS: Mary Jeekeon; of Glasgdmii
w. • luin read the SCripture Lesson. The
Scotlafrid.-spent a few ,days of last, Topic for the eyeiiint .atas ,taken by
week' with her cousin. Mrs. K. Mac-, Mies. -Joan MacCallem. who gave an
utior:te„her,depaTture for New excellent, ilaber' on the "Lifeof the
YerkiCity *here she is to, take charge t Great Mueidare .130etheyeti."! 1Vlise
of a 'weigher lie& :leaden, had four Norina Thompson els& tette a reading
Years-. andrierite-in.liht-military hos- (on - the same ,eubieet. Mies 1-fe1en•
pitalelnEranee, and is a graduate of fThoinoson gave a., 'reading on "The,
the RiiYal•,Gerierril Hospital of Mae- Life of Shubert" Miss Margaret Gede
cheater. • Priglatd; Queen Victoria dot 01$ a reading; "Making' *laic
Maternity Hospital.. London, Dalreell a Hobby." Meting,. Tit/tibiae Watson.
.Hospital. 'Dumbarton. Contagiolzi and Carrick Dotiorlas contributed a'
caries, Arid • of att.Iddis Mental Hate. ,duett. And-MitseisMars ,AiteheiOn and
'13141-400..„_,Gtaski,,Wit t4tiflPii a. 100 'Ciriin..(4104.0 UnlifiriVe a #010 Which
StaNtritt In her me4teal'hyniiilifint#1- 4117101:10#47110t Cloginte-Mnbibel'*
C4114004 #01 00011. 1#4* -404,1t.!0. '101040. SOS- t#4. Old 1010004 1
,71 dfOrtitlf trtR* VI Ott '
The 1014 lodge of OddfelloWs
attend Divine aervice:"at the pfe4
29th. All iiiernbereof :the -Order:,
geaylially invited .
' Commencing the first week of May
%and coritinaingathrongheut• the sure-
niera Lucknow Places of butinese will
be clesed Thursday afterpoona, As
the poet says: "A little nonsense now
and then is relished by the best O'
• men," Some of the Meti 'say ther are
h -going to help put' in the garden.
• • W. M. S. MEETING
'regular meeting, of the. Prese
byterian. W.M.S.. was. held -Wetinesa
day. April 4th. the President, Mrs
MaeCallum, Presiding.' Mrs Cairdon,
read the Bible:lesson. Mrs,. J. H. Bien,
demon and Mrs. 0; Johnston were
appointed delegates to the.meeting, Of
the Society in Belmve
on May 15th. The. payer on the -topic,
"The Building of Canada's .National
Life," was given -by Mies M. A. Me-
Keazie: Solos were rendered by Ole
MiKathjeen Hill and Mabe Me-
Clure. The Misses J. MieCallina and
D. -Ge(ldes 'sang a duet, and readings.
*ere given by the Misses Norma
Thomnson and Dorothy Douglas. the
Easter message -being the key -note
of each number. ' • -
. - •
- Work in'the Sentinel Office often
has, been -held UP ,by advertisers com-
ing late with Cepyfor their advertisements. Tine': results; in extra. work.,
.working 'over -tithe z.irid delay, all of
which is expensive This.' trouble
:experienced., in all printing, 'office
Where .strict rules for the receipt o
eaPY are net Observed.' ' ' •
In order to ,,eliiniriate this -troubl
the following rule is adopted and wi
lie.adhered to: , " •
No' copy fordisplay edvertisemen
will be accepted after Tuesday noori
and We, shall be pleased to have it be
fore. that : .• .
„-and • notice
Such as l'Per Sale." ,"Lost" an
"Found" Will, be accepted no to te
o'clock Wedeeiday morning. but ia
after ime.• • .
• ' The Publisher •
. -•
'The,•Osterhoirt 'boYS 'were a loit•Ini
-ciagam =ma
Mrs. Barbour visited friends
in Helgrave last Week, .
;ia'aMelts'sSiti edvattikaaltiriceltr alie'rrioet-hWerinegham't
. Miss MadCregot.'•Field--"SeeretarY,
- for- the -West. will aaeak-at2the
S. on Monday afteraoen,'APril
- A. Radio Concert was given. in the
•Feresters', Hall.ander the auspices of
the Baseball Club OnTuesday evening,
elf this week. • ••-•, .
Richard 'charters, a lifeaopg.
relicient of the Kinloss and Calrose,
heundary; had an auction sale recently
and teat week lett on a trip to the
.Ale, Carrick. ,Of BIY-6, is assisting
.Souter Taylor•at euttng wood. ,
' Win.. Webster *eceriM• hoeght 7
•tbhairu7Idsooiafxo;i1B.ialtiy' Ir.hitecharelt. Some-,
• i ri"Ws eiln4tela.seteacIndwihthatil•31rrJohn Phil'
Prosperity. for the sumirtr:
A number in this locality are 'mak-
ing Maple gYrup. pnd report the run
of 'Sap better thanrusual: ,
31 is Yieteria ClinmPion is as'sisting
Mr. Alton. sof Lanes, (,vip„) has' net yet
fully rec•OVered from h:$ recent illness
e -If enri.ent report is -true, ltr„::111iiton'
Bruce' has Tented 'his farm to Thos,:.
Robins:ore:and intends go,Mg to 'De-
troit: te ,work' for, en ry Ford,. •
- Win MacRae, " of the Second Cori.,.
Celroet,', who,, last winter, 'had the
Misfortune to lose all Airs tarp bend.;
nig* and etock by has bought the
property. of John Burchile 'feetherly
owned- by the late .R.Tbert Marthall
s his. gives. Mr. alaeRae a set of.bai.4.1.--
S- Angs ,fin .farin adieinieg the one -
f which the buildings Were destroyed.,
• Word 'received in Teeswatee.
:last week .of deuth of.Itol?ert Mar- '
:shall; who passed away at Vtileen,.
hertz': h April 10th Mr Mershall
was a life-long.resident of the Second
' Concession of Culross, going to Alber:
ta three years ago; imaiere •his Sons end
daughters had preceded Min. He is
survived .by his ereiew three sons •and
n three daughters all in Albert
• , .; ••••
lucky, in the matter of weather las
' Manday; April 16th
Mr., Jacob.; Hunter • and his mother
spentSundt-St -Helens-
Mr. Jew Fisher. -of ..-Goderich, •spent
t. Sunday .at Mr Peter CoOk's., '
:Friday evening' when they gave a
public .demonstration of radio tele-
phone -iirthe-Towit-111111.-"The-soUnds(
-didn't came through Very 'satisfietiori:
ly. anicngFOsterhout eiePreeied the:
opinion that WeiitlieraiiidittCiiiielikelr
were unfavorable in the Eastern .
States where most ofthe hie.broad-
casting stations are located. and with
:1;J:bleb • the boys were trying to tune"
in... This ,Was verified a little later on;
-out t'Ic,-wei the r-,4-eoni eitlinost7-eterr•
state along the Atlantic and as far
weSt. as Ohio raM,was reported. That
, meant that therewas a.goed deal ef
zelectricalee:=distfirbanceand,-Las the _
breadeasted sounds are traesmitted
by • electric currents in the '"air.- or
ether, there naturally was -a- gooddeal--
-ajnterfetenee.. Some musical pieces,
-however. did come over.. very' well, '
and Mrs; Clare. Irwin. of near
Lucknow, :spent- Sunday- .with ;Zion
Mist Valetta 'Tiffin is. back to her
visiting Deteeit, friends. „ • .•
Mr: John Watsop. of Iucknow. is
cutting 'wood with his gasoline outfit"
fer-,the,,happy,„?.Zion.,farreere.. , •
The ThxigtRoY:SLLaineeke-aricis-affan-le.
syrup,,,feed,Was,great....But wonkLyou
belie-eThe-, pancakes were all,
eaten, and syrunleft over--atid"
ramie boys at that. 'After, the •eats,
the bate had 'hexing contests and
card ganles._ ae_etyig Thur -
day. April:19th, 8:•o'cloCk. ' - •
' • "•
—o o -o-----
. -
just • suggesting what could be ,done
under favorable conditions. •
There.,wete- about gpo in the Mall.
The Rev: Mr. Oeterhout gave a short
Jack Osterheat explained the reeeh-
anicalereettirementseof aehreadeasting
„nation and also the working of a re-
seieingret,2The ..instrument_used,was
a Westinghouse. one of the , first t •
..tbe:Aterfected and amonge-the'best �n
the Market. •
' The monthly:ineeting Of Sciuth,
lots W.M.S. Was held in the •Church
- on April 11th: '.The Meeting was op-
ened ,with singing and preyet...grs:.
in Matthew., A. riuMber of:books were
•sentete:a Siinday-,Scirdol-14--N-,.--Onte-
ario .The Treasurer's report for the
-first--quarter ---ofthaeyeare-s,howed
TueadaY. April 17012
Arise Celine Clark is a visitor with
Toronto, friends; •-• ,
Mrs 2 Rathwelie of .S.t4nIev .Town,
Mrs- W. carneran returned .011
.day after spendirzg a week ,with her
4$.ter:'Mrs.'D. Me -Donald. Toronock.
Mri Morrfs and little-'oranddaugli-,
ter., of Pittsburg,-.. are Visiting, with
'the 'fernie,r's. -Sister; Mrs., JOS: Gaunt :
Mk, Lloyd Phillipa .left en Wednes-
day for Yellow Grags, Sask., Where he
fvyill spend the surnmer with hie
"brother', • , •
The stork' left 'a little daughter at
the home (of Mr. and Mrs. Eiliott TaY-
tor on TtiesdaY, Anril'17tia 'Cone:rat-,
Ru.1v Chui. ('uulumirtg, Messrs .1:-
Miller were in Winehern on Tuesday
tibytttoenrydiaf.g. rneetiag Maitla.:nd,P.res
The annual ;meeting 'Of the Wo-
inen'S Institute will be held 111 'tlie
flall on Thursday after- on, April 26
There will be a. towel . shower. Roll
Calle-PAyment of fees. • All' members
are especially invited to .attend this
annual meetng, Lunch „will be,served.
- 'Monday; Aaril: ipt, .
Mrs, George of Zion is the
guest -of, Mr and' Mrs, George Seetri,
of Lothianfor. the week. ' ' •
. Miss Sadie-Qameion, of Loehalth,
.returned •hemer from 'Detroit where
She, spent thewhiter'inonths
mr. '« Mis Wilred Deennin.. of
Lanes. spent Sunday' with Mi and
Mrs; Melvin Raynerd:' of 'Paramount:.
Mr W R Walker. of Heron; is
the guest Of her daughter; 'Mrs. Jas..
Struthers.. of Paramount, -for: the
Mr. •Will Buekirigham, of Lothian,
entcrtained a numbei of his friend,
tO an endoyable dance last Friday ev-
Mrs Eohert .lohnston;.'of. RiPlee, is
sciending a few days'with her parents.
.1Ifie. soil Met. lVfacKenzie, oi;„
Elnier and Hain Stewart
have returned . froia t h e a A..; C.
Guelph, to spend the ,Suiraner at their
resnective homes. " • •
. • , •
Mrs: George Opleknan and daughter.
Gladys. and Miss Eunice Reid, of Var-
na. were Week-ehd euests or me and
Mrs, ,Jes T. WebState of near Luck -
MI -S. Tennant, of, Buffalo, and :Mrs,"
Witshbiirn..-Kenneth,: Alex and • -Don-
ald. MacKenzie, all of Detroit. are
home on account of the illness nf their,
father, Mr Alexander..C. MacKenzie,
• 'Mr. S, B 'Stothers, county repre-
sentative, will hold a moving pictureshowin. Club house
'ori'F,ridaY evening. the 20th -inst.. The
al' lines,: Mixed with a few humorous'
Onee:4FreeladieleeloireEeereleidy aistela,
,..:•:Afters-heinge-f 2P'sTearS4-ons--hisa-faaa.
011 the A-SITfield•a'al-trgh•-••
Phillips, now, one of The very old
dents of the 'Township, is selling off
his stock and implements with, thelris
Untied; we suppose, •of-tairratire`
Werld easier. He will,haVe'' his. sale on.
April nth.- -
• Williarn W.....Iirwie..-rThe rather stici-•
den ,death of William .W..1rWin, at the
,hospital:Of LiStOWel: • :SulidaY.'iliouf
part,,,earrie as ihock'to his friends
•and aeqtraintane,es•liere,'Ai..•e7,FATbeen-.
increase..ovee last/ year,.... Mrs e P,,. s, tho,ugti.t.„, to, he.se. near: the end, ' He
•:•.:1a4seilOcinalelLaeas appointeete tome- was'Aust•gett.in.g_iiitct:fittghape,ori of
, _ _ ....
the best hotels in western Ontario;
sent our W,M;S-,.. at the , Provincial
meeting in Windsor. Short, Papers on
read by Mre; L. C. Mervor. 1Vliss Alda
MacDoneld, Mrs, Duncan -Graham and
Mrs. .1). MacDonald. Mist E. Mc-
Gregor.. Field,,Secretary- of, the W.M.
S. is 'touring the Maitland Presby-
tery this •menth= and address
ineetiegs as followe: South Kinloss,
on Thursday evening, 19th;. Lucknow,
Fridey. 20th: St.Helens, Sunday. 22nd
and Whitecherch. Monday, 23rd. .
Mondi.APril 16th.
Mr, and Mrsa,Malcom-Eane.,_;eeet,
Stiaday-.747the bride's.' former hate,
111r: and -Mrs,: Richard Elli-Oit•
ed with Mr..apcl Mrs. Alex McKenzie,
Lang:side, redentli.
Mr.; and Mrs, Tom Robb. of Amber -
lee, spent the w.eek-end With .Mr, and
Mrs. Richard
Miss Lena Olson has been eh-
••ggked .„Ais /.Mr. ,Finlaysores
•grocery Istore,:'Lueltnow.
Mrs. Robert Elliott ApOrit. a "few
days with friends in.TeeSwItter and
'Whigharit the ,pliet Week.
Mta. Thomas Hanle has returned
hente after spending a few days with
her Mother:, Mrs. Palmer, Klecardirie,
, A atimber of our 'young people en-'
*wed the winil-tp. dance giVeh by the
U,F,D. in their thib house Itiet Tues
day •
Mr. Will Stattera. Utha titta tilWays
driven ,a Chevoriet Special, at. last
haa purchaded. a Ford Runabout, we
Mt James taker, vitio has beep
(NYC agiferinit f#'4n. • 0010ir Wit PCP,
WHI '1991 nliint
•after running the ,.Cominerciel Hotel
ih -Ripley for ,nianyeteeatt.: and taking
Over the Queen's ealled it the New
Queen's and reinodelled it thr,oughoet.'
, Mi. Irwin Was a •niember. of bodge
No, 184 A A.M., Lucknow, which,
had charge of the funeral; Court Her-
on. No 51, Can Orden Foresters and
790, Oat. The fun-
eral arrived on thelloon train Tueed,ay
and after a service at the onnnereial
,here at 2,3p pro:y.eedeil to Ripley Cern-
aralltri hates -from
all the lodges Tut f Club, and rnenibei
of the iaimlyand many friends
(.•Irwin leaves to -Mourn his loss -Mrs.
Irwin and hildren„- mother,
liekinle'Bert;2.ef Paisley;
•Russell,, --of :Mrs:, ...tile'r.,,'-.OT-
tGuelPh; and lirs.c. Bortilarris
ley The storeS.Closed while the set..
vice Was on The •ftnieraIwas the large.
ast ever witnessed here, . ,
• .
, •
'TaYlef,--Iti, theTownship of -West
• Wawanosh, on April 17,, 1923,', te,
Mr, and Mrs; Elli tt Taklor, a
daughter, . ".
lylacGregor:;-4n the Township of Ctil-.
Winghini, April 13.-Thomat. Ca
more of Turnberry Township, was
,syeet4iorejildf:eih:::.e-,.;16,.,:aildhwsiiiiMieg,aaA'ettY:teatro.gilt:r4etlahiye:11.tt;aee.:_s'allorawogf:elliWcirlini::tviongff:ggwe' hGG:
Wingnam, waS present err behalf,
Mrs. Casemore. Casemore plead
guilty to the charge and wee assess
104, including coats,. Ile,WASA1S0 T
(Mil*: to fliTP,iSh',tW`A SPretieS to ke
the peace •for one year., • • • • . • „,:
' When asked 'by the crown attorn
eahy he had se battered his wife. ell
ting her face and blaelcing her eye
And she a small delicate wornan, Cas
More's prineipal excuse: was that s
wouldn't .bnild the fire hen eske
:previouglY, Ile was heavily ored b
Eaddence was adduced ti at he h
'....eieken' his wife up time 'and agl
tho ert,wn attorney for his miscondue
els Casemore'. aPproached, the da
where •his wifeand children were Si
ting• as hp was leaving the court' h
seized one of the children and endea
ored to escape with it, but was i
stantlY pounced upon by an officer wh
steed by. Magistrate Reid told him
he" egain aepeared befere him. 1
would he seat to prison. '
se -
e -
Richard C: Porter,
who. are .arniong the oklest• pioneers o
HtirOn cOliety, celebrated the 65th:
aneiversary 'of 'their marriage on Sat-
At the flake if Church; move-
Tmerit.'in "Ireland' and ScOtland to the
Huron tract their 'Parente were anion
the nrst faipilies to come to the coun
ty. At that tiipe Goderich wag a wild-
erness' toek smile . five weeks to
'clear a rote/dee:1y from' the lake Port
to the farms, on whichthee settled ire
the townships and 'noon' Which des7:-
. cendantt of the families still reside.
At that time London was the • nearest
supply„ centre, ,
The. present Mr, .Ppiter, at the age
of21. moved farther north in the el:inn-
tyand cleared the ,laarl upon which •
his sons, ,J•ohn. arar James, the late
evepieg. 10 f9i:t4htel ci it; wonf s h..: thisi p „ inabrzilyr he iAdvee
retidk on -Elie 'linTin.:Huron•_eatint3e."
‘Ire•tiolitics Mr Porter has ever been a
staunch Conservative,. .• '
. Five years ago they celebrated:their
diamond .Wedding. all the members•of
tilc• latnily being .present. • Slime , then
•the, youngest ene: Richard.who had
'gone to Arizona -in „ search', Of health,.
haeclied• Owing to_theLreeent.laereavee.
Ment, the 6th. anniversary was quiet -
Ir .remeinheredhy--the,family,
At the age of89,Mr-WilliamMillar
!••passici ,..away(oh Monday: -.He was &Orli
in Scotland -ekrife eutle 'Tenni a.
young, the faniuly settIiig
firet-in-dsiortheEastlropeaPerth Cos -The
Millar fainily were, however, among 7
_t1.= fii'st-settlei s; in ' Kincardine Tp.
coming„ here in 1848 Mr. ,Millar was
Arifarriecr teaBitiffita".•Malseocl-.•,ofe-Gede-•,
rich, who died -April lIth., fourteen
years ago The family consists of :Wil-
liam •and 'Robert on the-honipatead;
Ree..Fergugon.Millar, Penticbon.-B.C.;
and Geo.
"B;C:s and Elizabeth- at
home-mrMillar was.,a very intelli-
gent and well -road nian r,wlith. whom it .
,was a real eleapure fe ceneerte., He
was a member of the Masonic bodge,
Kincerdine,and until the infirmities of
old, age. preyented.‘.. seldom missed a,
ice ti zig of his -ledge -,LIt Vag -Under :the
direction- Of the Order that his funeral
itoek--.7-Place-,--ons--sWedneedayi""-anany •
.-friends turning,buto_,show-,their_res,
pect and regarels:for--"thesmemorya,.of,-aa
rein:who. waseveran infiuenee foi-
goo!J_anfirwo1dgraceft11y- and
died With a 1eputetaz,iopit
About twenty years ago amen 'drove
'from Dunkeld, near Walkerton, and
applied personally to the Pine RiVer
Cheese. and Beam' Co, for a position
115 eheeeereaker.• They liked his ap-
pearance • manner: ,of speech and
'safe ted 'MMon the spot He was a
daysuccessful maket- and
ie the estiniation cif the people. That
an wasW A Bell
he gave 'up the cheese business -and
'bought: the„ local, store and Went. into
'thesrperchantile business which he,can•
_duetedas.uecesefullY-szetil six 1110711 s
.ago .wbeealteretired and_Weet t� live,
iri TbiAlltA:-.1fe-rbact-eriotebeen•An.;good'
era -tie -ea. Without Mating- benefit
died. ot Sunday and his body was tak-
en to Kincardine on Tuesday for'inter-1(
nierlt,. Rev, Mr, Gomm conducted the
'services, and the funeral brought to
the death Of a Man (so honorable, faith-
' and trustworthy. During the war
r,Belr received a alteck that no".
ubt helped to shatter hi g health and
hits One telegram conveyed to IiinT
e awful lleWS' thAt, two of hissans,
orval and Clifford, had been killed in
tion, -Remaining of the family how
•e„ NITS, JEtelj, Miss 'Thelma, and live
no, Clayton,' who 1i es at' Tro(w-
idge; Bort in Windsor; RaYmond in
Ilueon; Milford in Toronto; end Wil-
ton inKincardine'
The average man if firmit oonvirtc-
.ed that he doe$,T • aeventeen finites as
01.iiqh tot 0601! gthqT0 4,9-f0
' roiis. on April 9th _1923, te, Mr..‘ N
and Mrs. Dtincan MacGregor, a son.
keuth -In the ToWasithi of •Culress.•
on April 4th, 4023., to Mr, and Mrs.
W ni Keitlitalain---Gorden 111incan.
Spanner -At the .General Hospital,
Ont., oft April' 16th, 1923,
to Mr, ttfd Mrs., John Spanner. a
40464 Of KirlIdtiih)
194! 1110 torner1ve.74.05 1,4114 pleb -
f I ,
SPedals for Saturday
CreaDi 1,lcesi.„SCherry
jelly, ROHS, , RaisiAl_Bread
B4 ad
• r •
IfighOt Prl(e8 piud forjtLi..•Ia(Eges
Phone 36, . taleknow.
Voters' List, 1922, part III. Munici-
pality of the Township,' of West
•..Wewariosh County of Huron
Notice is hereby giVen that I have,
.:•omplied with Section 10, of the:Vot-
ers' List Act ':and 1' have posted up at
my office at SL 1lelen.i, n' the Eight- '•
eenth. day of April AD 1923; Part •
111: of, the List of all persons -entitle&
to Vote :in the. said Municipality for
Members ' of Parliament, . and , that
such list remains there for insnection.
. • And I hereby; call upon all Voters to, '
• take immediate _proceedings ' have
any errors- er-preissicinsectorreeted
co.rding tolaw•
Dated thig.Eighteenth ;day of April
AD. 1923:: • • .
• Darrzin
Clerk of the Township of West',
, . • • ' •
. The"Mialster Of Education has issu-
ed ".• a circular.. respeeting .the _lower' •
school • "..examinatieris • to be: held, in .
June. In the case of the loiver school
examinations (.theMinisteie has 'made
a• very ipiipertaiit change which Will'
red* materiallythe, pressure' for' ex-.• ,
•amiffationa' Ile has decided.dhatepun--
ils in "ttendahee at any collegiate itt-
high„ *Idol.. or continuation
•schoolwill be granted lover: 'schdol-
staridiri' for entrefice,inta"tbe rairmal
schools ontheTreparts•.:•••••f -their „pita-
eiparg.,.In• order...to 'be entitled.' to
credit. in any ISUbjeet,_••a :Pupil in a::
collegiate ie.,...titete, high school or
"cesitire.: -Shall have corn-
pleted ceurse•cif study. •
• in .that subject and'ehall have:nassed "
.cemerelie,ngive. tests epialuetedby the
•-teaaher of the:sub'jeet with a standing
of at least 50 per Cent of, the ,aggre-
gateinarks assigned to the subieet in -
shalt VrciFer" the whole course: of Stir -a -Y.:
,terest...iyas-eelebrated At, theAsigMe
McDonald, the Village...trier-. 1.
-claughtergee; •••,- was: •'
•married to 'Mr, J: Of: Grims-
by, :by •her ,pastor,
Chili:Th. They were 'unattended in:the .
niarria,ge,c,eresnony. The groorifs,gift •.
to the brides ivas,...a.:fli4iii.61.0,OelldalltZ:•
itt platinum,:Settigg,After partaking -
of a ..wedding hreakfaSt.'•the young
couple left .on a wecidieg trip •:to
onto ' And other-:•points:---and-,-will•-bea-at
"Ireiiie Grimsby on Thursday.' April ,
wedding- -c(ake"WaS- 'a • fives -:;r.•
"-storey ' streettire,"
prepared 'Mrs.' 'Albert ":::,'Icatifthign.
The .bride's'.trousseau was. a •nierlel 9f' •
..beauty, and showed the, resonreaftil-,
and;•skill'of the'dieSsmakerS'..ahAT
milliners'.art, Only a ,few of the'im-
:Mediate' 'relatives were,present at the ,
'brides,uncle, Mr: (D.' SI Campbell and- '•
daughter:',,, her Miele. and .aunt, (
her sister, Mis. It F S:uiderson of
t1Ti Rev
•of Egmorideille, Huron County,. *rid
-her-rbrother in-law wife and faniuly,
tee; A•..C. Stewart„'",\.14A"..,of Acton
• 13:14.7k3 WATEI;.:
Theitday the 5th.'•mstait, thOpe
prorno.ting the 'Bit e •:cVater •IiighwaY.•
met" the'lioa, Mr. HiggS-./a the earlia,, •
meet uJdings 1aij befereJiitn the,. •
, cheine, Leiegates ,reprceiented Sarnia'
andevery'town along the lake frail! • •
Kincardine 'eSas "repreSeritea- 1,1y s
1layerall Itebt„.2.:tattoe§it
• u
Warde n•
-Reeve', Byers; \vial ten; ...ltec've:',nn 0- .
s0n.-16bermo !Ittd ;‘I. tr.°D un aTf,
numte.i.•ed,. Deer:. A 1).11A4.t.
An hear the aenedits to aeertie were
slaced before' the .i)litilster. lioa,
, I3iggs' promised the da•oposal,
eration. but nothing definite was ser.1
'•eured from him. r. ''-•
-1 he •dealitritien,W0tild-lik0-,t)10:0b1/47,
ern me ri t li 'taktl.'ovi;r tiiis:11/„LiWay;
making., it (One' of tl..10. !lath:Mat,
rotites' through • "Ontario,', fer' tourist
tragic, Also it would :4'1ve'the'sett1erS,
along .the rte,- Who are nots,ereett,
with a tailWay, better '"faeitities` f6t
itiarketing titter erodtice,:,:k 1 utile sueh
hs pi•Oposed svottlel also '•
cottage 'propastti,iii 6 •
ta'Ainerictin tiutiStant-rd thOSe.
.00king fez,. plact's 14pend, the
iner,. ' •
On Prides.' the Ministo Pre,MiSed,
Seed. an errisinger to the Pinery, out
Of Grand Behd, and look, it over With.
a 'vie* to attisting in cipenlearthl
nine:MOSS, and