HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-04-12, Page 8xr� e .always reve ' s some replenishing those ,w o•iind this -to -be -the tua qtr - � ,e re _- seeing �=}} +e 1 es a can •'B • us els and Tapestry gest ": Rugs, qualities s it a we. cm esi nsandcolors that will please. o esupt9 9x1•2,-atsm all: profit prices., 'LC O. OILS , ,.t banner cov.-> r►ese die rio. " `enerall � �•r co n><zed ,as.th -. Nle: +.' fo ells .Di�nin -Ro �.ms' and Kitchens•- an man. o ... � , d y. enow p�referriti them for Bedrooms owing to their anitary qualities. "• , 4 ali at 3.8 5 . er running Ward. • 1,6 4.7 -.8 -Quality � � p y •. .. ,gY --D ,Quality, extra, heavf weight, at;.$4 5O h -T-E Quality, .nice patterns,: at $2.85.' . • ice new • atterns'-in- Floor 'Oil'Cloth in 1 :• `1 3:-2 w_ nd'2 hard widths: LINOLEUM RUGS ryf. 1 desi ns and colorings combined: with. reit.. lieit a� u. .; .. �::. . • , ; . , g od wearing .qualities are; winning j their way; more. n r ':into dail "use; Calf and see: our • variety' of .� . • � •« �� 1, .. � -- sizes -and ,d si ns-, •Prices ranging :from '$9;Oo for• 6-x9; ft -a to 18.40 for:,9x.1.2 _ft. .. 3BLE ,QILCLOTHS+ neat :fanc atterns These are ; ;1. 1. 2 ,yards .•square in , ... y p , , with border all a und. ' Extra quality, soft, and ph- ablc, Priced at $1.25 each. I TAINS ND DRAPERIES The .le nitre :and lOY of .,House, cleaning comes ,with the; brightenin pp of.. the .home with nice' 'New .Cur-, tains and Dra eries'• tastefully: arranged. To see ,our display of Scrims, Madras, Marquisettes, Art Sateens, Cretonnes and . Lace Curtains, may suggest just what may suit.. your particular: taste, 'arid you'll •be pleased` to find:themso reasonably priced. ti groom,/ ' esN JCINI,LI, NIi ti L `,- eL' one. `Ru sat our S ry le e_'. Sell-tor'ash We. ell her er.Than The:Cxediit Stores :1 Isure- EMEN S _t a 1rr�e otx At_ ,. ::- to, require - numerous are.. :: articles which you will End in our "store.; . We have a complete stock of the following: PAINTS --=Sherwin Williams Paint,.the best and linost economical paint on the market We have itin all 'shades, and a paint: suitable: for any purpose. SHERWILI AC --The ideal finish for floors, comes in all shades, ., Light 'Oak,' 'Dark Oak, Golden Oak, : Etc. It is also an_excelrent ' finish` for 'furill>Lure fifAR-NISHES==Wehave-SherwinWilliamS-K-opa1 gild h> -.-Name/ total - .: 1�Iarnot• Va1}nshes,Land-also�h N'a , and these,;hav'e no superiors. MURESCO. -This is an ideal wall finish, and we •have. it in •every shade: ; BRUSHES. ---Paint and Varnish Brushes at all prices.- A good range of Whitewash Brushes. See our Brush for applying Muresco. " pP Just Arrived ---A Shipment of Coiled Wire, Barb Wire and Woven:Fence. ra uccessors to- ' LucknoW' a *are oa. • HE CAN BE SERIOUS TOO :`. (Kincardine Reporter) It was shown 'at our Jantboree'that 'M'r, Neil McDonald not +only: speaks in lighter Vein, but`can give an interest- ing, talk as well; He spoke at some length ''to the 'Girl Guides and Boy Scouts, telling, how` he admired the Organizations and things ,he knew: it Would 'do for the boys land girls. We are :sorry he did, not speak longer on the subject for he , saw • Boy Scouts doing'; gretit work in prance `and could gi'Ve time interesting facts, We Will • be : p10aded to;vwelcome Mr, McDonald anytime r o a e atto a e tited � t G11� d11s 118 • NOTICE• TO CREDITORS NOTICE. is hereby 'giv'en, pursuant to' 'Section a i6, Chap. 121; ,of 'the Re- `•vised•^"'Statates bf : Ontario; that -air. persons having claims: against the ec wha :Esto e�es d t '~ oi .o� se -died -err.-or about '-the -ninth ,day' of - February, A.D. 1923; at the .�I'ownsbip ;of Kinloss in the Province of •Ontario, 1 are r-.epuired .to send by post, .prepaid' ar--tardeliver--to R•••T. tahnestorne4 dw ing- ham:.Ontano Solicitor or° ho E xe- 'c1VuIaors.,, en, Dy o•1r=3befare. tt'reir;,napes dresses,.ands•°ad- with full. particulars, of• their: claims in writing., and the nature of the securities. -(if any), held by them 'duly verified -by a -:,statutory declare AND 'FURTHER, --TAKE .NOTICE that 'after • the said first'. day of -May ,. -.1923 _the:.assets of• the said estate . .will• he distributed ; by the among -the --parties' entitled- thereto, :having regard only,. to,•,the claims of ;which they shall then have- notice: ant' :the estate will not be ;liable for any Aiding 'mot -filed-••-at ;the- time of-- the `said: distribution • • '• IYated at' Winghain this 'third -day of -April, A D=; 1923. R ` Vanstoae, Win ham P O 26 4-c S•olicitor for the•. Executors_ NOTICE TO CREDITORS` In the matter of the 3- state-'of"bavid` 'Houston, late of; the: Township ,of i Kinloss n, _ he County ' of Bruce.. Yeoman,. deceased. e ,,decg d. l 1 'Notice is hereby given 'that all -per- sons''' lieuin t; any cc aims nor demands '' [against the •late- Davi% .Houston,' who diedon or about the, twenty-second • day of February . A-- D..:1923; at the, . Township of Kinloss: in the County of Bruce, are required to send' by- post ! prepaid 'or' to deliver to the under :signed. Administrator of'tle:_estate:.oi'.: T-tlte said Da d Houston; -their names addresses and->filll partrculara -in tyriting of• theirelaims ane-htatementr of. the. ir-ra.eaounts: and -the. -nature ,of .the. - ,,.•securities;if=-any. 'held 1 thent,wduly verified by affidavit `u.:A•nd take' -notice that aftertheit+vven tai -seventh day, of Agri/ A• D. 1923,A1* ' ° said 'Administrator will proceed 'to THE WRONG DELIVERY cea distr.ibut'e the assetii,df the said. de - sed among the'.. persons ' entitled thereto having regard only , to the .Tile preacher had .been, rather long- claim`s of which he shall ,then nave had ',Winded,' and people Wondered. :if his. nott, e, and that'the said Adnifnistra- •serniee.4ould reverend,. :.tore.+wi,11;, not be= liable•:for: the •said:. • A young bride in Ole congregation congregation . a•s'sets, or any part thereof ' be any suddenly remembered • that she had person , of whose_Clem .he 'shall" not then have received' notice.' This •notice left the•dinnet -On the gas -"range' with- is, given ,pursuant'to'the statute in, dot regulating the flame. • ' that behalf,. • She hastily scribbled'. 4a mote.. and Pabed at ,Lucknow this• twenty.sev- to her husband who was enth day, of March A,D. 1n24, slipped, an /mord It, Hoiiston,,,iA,dminlatratoi,' usher. • • He, thinking it was for the m 12-4- ffolyroe,d, On inis-" .: •, ter; Calmly walked up anti handed it - LOCAL ' '3-RKETS The good man paused, in and took the tote with -a s hrlled to a 'frowli when ,.. 1000a 1141,0-1Qnil-'allfl''�tti tli4 gad 111s sermon . utter 45e, mile, which Eggs : • ; • , • 12 0 H n s ' @ .read: r r e r. � Wheat. . " .,." _. H_..,df.L_Liaift.l,l:rl.efd./.1.ltf:m.��ey�� • ... a 8 .,,./1.1,/.,,..`,r„iti1'}.' 400.; parley to TRSDA' . AFRIL Xsth., 1ros.;• ''> 1EI1 I1Ou1C)1_ ;$inlor LQti>ati iroei; o�rii 2nd; All, members prgseiit, The • TOriute 'of Mach_=,12th were-"reeed. and-• on -Motion - of Ackert and 11IeQueen were adopted, and signed, Mr;, Thos, G. Gaunt pre'; sented his personal Bond as: Trees- ' urer. Moved by. Carruthers'seconded by McQueen 'that, the, personal bend! of Thos. G. Gaunt Jio .accepted, and that: he- be-nutliorize-d_ to-eontiMle-depas;t-., ing Rli surplus, funds in the_Molspns. .Bank, . Lueknow,• R and... to !withdraw },therefrom what is required from time' ito time for the purposes of the Coun cil.-=•Carried, Moved by, Ross, sec, by. Ackert 'that this Council make 'appli. cation • • f o �reas r rtothe_.Dominion Gua nttgh eee — rid• Moved, , .Toront' 'Car e C o 0 y Ross, see, by Ackert that.: the Reeve ;,and Clerk• issue an• order, on' the:; Treasurer for . $20, being amount'` of ''reiniwn' ' arable •fir Treag icer':, ��•Guaranfee" Bondi . end th, Clerk tip hold th'eTeheque until the and is re ceived,—Carried. Moved by Ackert see, by Ross : that the Reeve" purchase , one Sawyer and. Massey No, /4 (;rad,, er=Nays:' McQueen and Carruthers Motion carried, Moved by Ross sec, by McQueen that Ackert' and. Carruthers be a-eommittee'to-procure tile for the Ross Drainwhen it crosses the 10th Con.,and :have the same put. in- when -required --Carried, {)heques7 Earl Culbert, for 'keeping • boundary of :,.Huron andICinloss open between Cons, 6 and • 7, $15;00, Jos. Agnew, premium' o f Dominion : Guaranteed Bond,' $20,00, Council adjourned: till Monda_,'May28th,Tat the usual time and',place to„hold , a court of'•Revision and 'for the tri section of ,general. business;: , ' Geo: G. Moffat, Clerk . o0 • SCHOOL REPORTS.• S S NO: 10, Ashfield Sr,IV-T„ Ferguson, M. Johnston. IV—E.;. Sherwood, R, Scott, J. login, G} Jchnstonr •' ' Sr,.III—J, Howard; M. Johnstone, wI, Lane,' M. Hogan. ' Jr. •I -H -T • Howard, C. MacLean •` !Lane, G. Johnstone, L. I R Howard, B Reid, T. John- ston. Sr. Pr.—D; Reid, B. Johnston, Jr , Pr E; .; Hogan. • :B V. Clarkson; Teacher; S S. No 9 Kinloss Sr: ,.,IV• -Margaret Maclntyre, Jean, :MacLean..Wm., Dawson, Fraser • Pur- vis, Robbie Purvis. • Jr..IV :Annetta Fishes, Mary Mac- -, Intyre, Alex MacKenzie,. Jean - Kenzie, Jessie Purvis ,(absent), • Sr,. III -John Wraith. John ' John Jr. III—Dorothy -'Wraith; `.CharIie Tiffin, II Class—Daisy,• Kennedy. Huntley Dawson, ',Alfred-Pattersron • onalda•w•Mac.Callum• `� Stua t. 'Br -'I D ..:.Daison,Hughie_ MaeKenzie, Harold -P-t s :Goldie r is:.;iohntl3� uttern:,I ,on -Pr:,--Catherine Patterson Billy Mc- Kenzie, E I. 'Shelton, Teacher. ie! .•S~ S =55 acL'ennan T r:. Robb, . 61. p Erma Shiells, • 61 Alvin' McNain 45 - •+Sr, III=Wilmer • Robb, 62%:= Ewan”; MacLean,' 60; *Annie MacKenzie, 58; -Harry Carver, 41 Jr, III" -Rosa Shiells, 42 Jr, II—*Gordon Boytl, 67; Noma Shiella, 63; Billie Campbell, 53; Ken- zie -Boyd, 50. , Primer—Isabel' MacLean; Harvey Robb. Easter • Test for I11,:;IV and V ,• , w co'NOf 'marks' .pessiliFe, 500 ..aek .'MacLennan, 308, Sr Iv,—No of marks. ptissil�le, 600' - era_ Robb,..407, Erma. fells, 901 Donald'•Boyd, '• 398;.: Albin MacNain, I RONTOWNSHI0 OUNCIL-'ti G'OUl3eil nfft ptirsitant; tq adjourn• •m,@n• with fieeve :lrivin in athe; ,chair,' Members were 411.present,' Minutes' of last meeting were rend' anti adopt `ed. The following orders, on the Trees user were i issued; Saulton Graham, $10,10, Amusement Tart. D: B, :Mac- Leod, $1,35, granite pail •for Hall. Geo. Ar 'Hodgins, $8.00, •wood -for house ;at Cemetery, • Mrs. Mary Ross,, -$5.09, fel-damage to cutter and liar Hess`"on /toad 2 'Robert, Tn�Win, Reeve;" D; .c,' McKinnon, Deputy -Reeve; W. J. .Mackay, Roderick M;eLennany; and John Emmerton, 'Councillors, $25.00, eaeh,,for part payment of salary. Geo, .li--'1Vloone .:..9.60: for all u _.re .Vet r z,,. List3 Insertions': Make n; Matheson $5;00 for'erie cord;-; ofwood delivered - to Angus McDonald• .,Ripley. „Hydro, Electric •Systenr, $3.65,' light for hall; McKinnon --McLennan : That- 'Peter. Campbell: be., appointed In` sector 4IJ 1-+riieipal Drains `in the Township 'of' Fiiirdn for ,the `year. 1923.—Carried:' • McKay, -McLennan; , That D., J. MC - Donald be appointed , a Trustee of Memorial ; Park for the next three „.years; -;--Carried. Enunerton==McLen nen That, the Clerk beinatructed to. order six copies ..of the . Municipal. World for the Council and ,Clerk, -=r Carried: MeKay-McLennan:. . That this Council repeal'the old agreement 'between : the village Trustees; and Township Council, and. that' app/ Fa tion`' be made to ;the ' dge ;to 'set the +count of the deduction from Town - :lip rate to be allowed by the village: -Carried; D, C. 1VIcKinnon, voting 'Snag", The follewing ;by-laws' were'. -1iiissed;signedand sealed: -By=law -No •373:, To: appoint an Inspector of Mu e•icipai -Drains in •the Township sof - Huron for the year 1923; , • By-law No 374: To appoint',..a'-Trustee-fdr Mem- )ria/ •Park for the next three years (1923-4-1),,.By'-law No,, 675: ;To re-' peal a greement"..between the Muni •ipal' Corporation 'of the Township of'. Huron'and the Police Trustees of the Village • of. Ripley, and bearing date the` 21st' of April, 1919:. •, By-law No; 369 . Re • the Henderson •Municipal, •)rain, which:WAS '.provisiohally'adept- ori the -12th day of .February •1923; wase finally. •Passed'; signed and sealed, • . Council adjourned to meet 28th: day of May, as .Court‘ of Re-_ aisian and' nd for general business, Angus Martyr,' Clerk THE JOURNEY OF A ONE. QLLAR„ BILL • -.In order to trace the adventures 3f a dollar• bill, in tht' c, n rse of a. `Iwo -weeks' circulation,. -the Chicago Chamber ,of C'r,t:wire . recently„ put into circulation ;a new bill, with n -eirculai attached,-.askingvtry per- son int-, ,whose hand it chinr,a t•): u!al.e ` note•,.of the u; , lie no.: made of By the end of•a fortnight it had been spent thirty-one' 'times; • Five times' it = had -=gone in' .-payment:= of: -salaries or _Wages. five : �times:;:for ' tobacco; five Q. •m .._ .,., �.iS;�4-,-.Filarexte's.,:.ihree-tmes ._. for meals', thre a'ti s -' me f�r candy, twice fornens-furnishi,s, an d:: `•p�' ', ^'"."". -•,�r '*" once for collar buttons,_, automobile accessories, bacon'An ,,,washing. ,powder,-'experieneed business man says, ,• went -y -f our.:d,ea lls..lia.v .. anter. `,.n' n . � ., :,�: �. . •:.� T .+ k , h_ave 00:1117-7.2,4';.: g sand tooth as.t3 }'lova'o Con --an- A an Your interests` will ";: be:.best. served. Sending your cream, to the 1-IAITLAND CREAM= 1 gY a .. _ _ erated,. -and. '.ERY �uvxl Ilam a' Crea rnery, op • ... for your,ow•n farmers' (rganization 4 , We are ' preparing to give you frequent and effective collect n _serv_icejiurin . then corning se son In the theme ntlrne ship dire cor send through the following ,buyE t ,: Wellington Henderson; .Luckn; -F. D MacLennan, '.Lochalsh:. W. J. MacL-ean, K nlot gh.' Qeo. Emmerton, Ripley... Lorne Hodgins; Kinloss., PLOW:. 'UP - CLOSE', • Champion Brand "AMERICAN"*Fence:• on Aire; car CaLV. p =c1 :Po•sts take the -least possible "fence -roomy you get the -mora• •-c;:at of r ,r- ten.acte • Putting up Champion', Brand •"A1Vi3+ RICAr7 ' Fence i, •!rot i i • itis a wise investment plow, up 'cic+se for your :pit s s, i:: yc,,rtr' increased;prodnction win soon taL-e-rarc of'fen e old •by L �:.k::' , ab �.:... ...... c no -Ontario. _ u � ® a >tv.. n -'w thinks a chin an `T e oil. ma her cit ure �collect io .- •or a.•n e r -insult d �c eIthadnever into a pavrrreritif }ie'kntiv'hdw; • cir4iTc m•,, e!,r tE lynuid•. Sr; III No• of :marks possible, •850 *Annie •:MacKenzie, 511; Wilmer, Robb 5021 Ewan b'IcLean, 498; Harry Calver, 298 i III—Ross Shiells, 'III ss S s, 312 `Perfect attendance 'for:in'oi th—Don ald Boyd; Gordon Boyd: :,Best spellers marke&!with' (*) ' I. Hamilton, Teacher, 34TOLI D_MAKE-HYDILO, • PROHII3ITIE he'-== lectrical ' i •-= Pres detYt :Th is e Trades ,,Qni�oX asking tTia Hylrtr employe es ' he given ., representation op thie Hydro' Electric Commission.' This' same ollicial has also express- ed the opinion that in a few years she whole •hydro• staff, Including the c1•erical ,.force, will be ,organized 'in One • Big .thisis asked'; for and exPeete l is obtained. farmers thay bid'goodhye to all'`hope of Hydro service. The cost will', be prohibitive outside of urban centres, --Farme'r's Sun, Do not sufei another,day wlt6' I t c h i ngg, Bleed r ing, or _I'rotrud• lug Niles:' No'. surgical open% aelan ret aired:..: ' Oiatment ifU :ioilev0 po alt one tin lr; *ell t' GOO. a D011 -11 ton 11410: a•C0.0 Mini 11 uiesWon, • .%. i • • • • uaiz>r'es ose-- ont t� _e • No.. 7X s� rnu h InIS, our ' .. the 1 Y bd -Id • . . . Comes, in ,Suede . �Ie .e . �. nr�l�e...B .• w•n . Black and W,:. Ire ,' sizes, 8 ;1-2: to � 10 'at . {' 1..75: �,lr•. ,• ..: No. 8 m Black' oil Th s .has th.e new :4446.. eel so much • in voprue Priced • a Y 'To• "=1548 is: ,-new number v�r,-`1 4$4 ,- attract�:ve me at $x.2.5'.. 'Ivo" :No..201- lea ser Sllk in Shownµ :r B?a • 23-75 a' -air. p s, till.. h A,