HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-04-12, Page 2.,,., BY .!,f,,,..ID.41.1% 301IFSOX, • ' 104 ,T04 # ,Ple: Word ,ing elements, *led f vitamines Which eldi-*W4erikrO:.abWiltely-fiWeaVil-10 P1-4''Tiever l merely soMething. Oriple4 of the body. Ono of these la tPlY .# 1.6 nc.f.t, a.- 41144 in, all natural .foodstuffs and in • - step.'PoMirca:*wci'uld. a Properly varied' diet will not be 'tekee .41.1* ago. Neither woither- lacking. Another, net so common, but ,, f ,k9Tpt010.**Ilit VitejibilinVa.;v4iieh IS, lest as neeeSsarY, is found 011 none to ,•istiooyo., - row .•.4.4r*Hci4%.,.iegg,yallF,,,glitnclular,iSrtitns,, 1* 4011414 9„Mf _•-geaditiOn.-110.4.-100.0,5T-of.Outi,--g..4.11-4titci4itu ,1,__ ,m Vii, found 1,4.,cti:iinge.h.,,Onn0,9, , „gp,', • ,...61.&, -1•47,lnieht and -.'t.iir.R. .,All lt_.o 4itist be will pie -.'•included in the "diet to insure nerinai • " - ., grOwth. ' The continued lack of these 44:1411' 4‘.jelil74i411.41i4;;41-1:114:11iilAttille:a .11:-:411'141PYi . AftearsesPrevbilrind.OnePs4rerd asner Pv74;P,er" ' ' - • causes serious nervous trouble; in se- oie . ed 4s.t.:;114. flu:14 toki,,.4.riklgisOlauf a: lk-;prepared feed, the next -thing is to ''iltat.'clrbj."" 4.15T 'e ''"-t-s lis, 'use-•that,,•the meals ,ere, re.gUlar. arlci,.. : oat. . '.?, , at 'usually thin, and his ..._._ • „ - ,_._.#44-.I:lie.:41.11.4-1101*-"4114 unhurried, no 'eating beteel 1.1.',11k 0,itlie* pale and delicate or ia ' ' ' • '' • " ' ' /..!*.,:na .04:aty.in,.appearanee.. Ha W en a. ehild 'Is examined in . ie aa 41.ii circle under. his 6yes.., , h. •,,sea0o1§,,-iiist,. beiiht, and vieiglIt are •, 4 a "r,nII;t• hil ',Oda IP loose and. taken,' and from the cnartS:whi!,h give flesholut Sei,*S are flablii'and • tl'a Pr4Pei'f.- Weiehtb - for , certain . eta, Thikikeit• Of tone in:his nma- heights, .it is ,determined 'Whether ,1 7c. • 14 Tour min *WO oleauovEs his sliouldere ca, slump weight he, '0 underweight. . If he.is under - •111/411.: he is round shouldered idnioat o tweig14 a 4Pecial record iS-IcePt; he is thi,, point -.of . ii:avh..„. "wings. -f, ,rris .. given particular attention and is urg- :440 It flat' and narrow. , .i.PecaYed his inipaoaeulent is noted eae • --'''' - - 'ed to.d0 and eat what is good for him -;iteeth anddiseasedtonsils and aden- and ..oidi may alai) .1* present. ,,, • , • 1.01weit wnIti is snri>riSing how. anxious ' Such a•phildids likely to be listleP.P, will bring him up tonormalcondition •. be to de the things Whic •...and; floes not care to play and -1'04'A:table giving the correct weights fo :1',Iikis":"Othei .eiiildre.n.. • He, ,, tires easily 'certain, heights will be found here. And inay-,be considered lazy; :There ' .The'.. 'Child who is nntierweigh it'illt'be a'lack of sinental-viger also. l';shoUld. :have 'from nine to ten hours Mellower q cencentrntion. and atten-, sleep every night in a well -ventilated etioiltp, and a : ehlITS natural C ri • room, the ' windows, 'being wide 'open. , , einf, Mental alertness,.,are,absent. His There , should • be exercise and :play expression is dull,' he is irritable and 'after school hours, 'instead. of reading •'hadalto naanage. : .::,Neryonaneas and in the house.. :The child should drink, .• restlessness WM"' be -evident and he or get in some 'form, a quart ,oriiiilk 11111i4be firdeicY!' about - his food. food:- . I every day.: . ' Welq-booked, cereals and :•-:,:,Thera , are . many. degrees of Malvin:, fruit make, the, proper :breakfast fox7 etition-2-1from ,the very severe 'cases, him. Cereals cooked in .nifili. are ex •. were AR these symptoms are evident l'cellent, increasing the.foed valne..Tlie .' • to the eases where .oni,ir one Or two l comMon,,,breakfaat of pancakes and • ivill• be noticed. ,',,A child is • pronounced; syrup IS' lacking in Most growth . es- ' , nedernourished When one or mere efiiantials and 'Will prove: harmful if ... . these sYmptinns : hecome 'marked eaten every day. A variety, tit vege- , especudly' if he is:underweight pt. his tablea,is al•Sti' necessary in the diet, height and stenis flabbiness of - flesh Meng with a.,, Moderate • amount of and; .nIngales. ' 'When he is fouild io Meat.. Have' some vegetahle . other' jig. Cent. underweight he 1. consider- than potatoes every .ineal; tomatoes , ed sub-nOrMal.• ' It is estimated that are especially geed for children. Egg's, *in*. gb per cent. of the•sehoet:chil- Cheese dishes ,and fish add variety and • dien In Canada are this:condition. give , the, necessary protein. .„ „Candy , . , , In one countrY isehool• diStrict, 40, Should not ••be : eaten! ,I?etWeen 10.4.1i. . per cent. •ofthe children were Under. Tea or •Ooffee•are forbidden, and rich neyttishedL,-=a nnichlarger, percentage PastHea and cakes • should :be given than is found in: the -cities, With the Very seldom. Milk and: 'cocoa, fruit:, • ..abtriniante of 'food On: tha. farms 'thie custards, 'gelatin, .and ' simple ptid- • condi14011:- ripneeessnry.and. isgen-dings aro all advised. ' iiiiiiti,aue to indifference on the, part It is not Well to try to change. all Of the; -parent. With So much agita- food' habits at once. Make it a con - tion •pcivroird the bettering' ,of • these or him. Have him ee Whether , ., . ' conditions, ,the mothers Wig rieed• to. he can drink a glass ' 9f Milli every LCS9KING FOR A CHANCE TO: BE GOOD CITIZENS h Wanted -may refer to thp baggage in this case, but these two little Pt*: a pie are Wanted by Canada; and hundreds more like them are wanted;by,the ' homes;andlaterhy the'iirmS and inqustrie's Of this country Tommy Q011ing rql wood, aged fear, and his thiee-si,trzia,sister.DaisY,'In whom tte.takes More _ , ri of fatherly intereateihliere et a party.; of, sixty noting emigra' nte t froni.lv.Ll'irOirlx*" 1 bc'ule on beard the Canadian Pacific steamer "Montealni.!' • , They; have come to seek a now home in. a new land and are or the time • , • being, located at 131rt'sSheltering Home; Belleville,. Ont. Their ,future ,iv!11. • seeni in smelt Measure perhaps help to determine the future. of .the'DOniinion, : and as they eau be trained in 'Canadian national ideals and ways of living, they are the type of immigrant will be of most service 6, if. • Tomniy may keep smilingehecause he has come to 'a•friendly 'people. ; ' :• la year.' Defective hearing, and eye, ---Sight,-nbaceases-trteethrobstructioril' • "I in breathing; spinal curvature, weak' I ankles, all may influence the breaking • •down of the child's. health: •, .Correcti. „these faults, • for the future of the na- tion 'depends upon how seriously par- ents consider this problem. Tables for Height ,and 'Weight Boys . . - • ': - • Girls ! Average •. • • 'Average , ' weight for. • Weight for Height height- . Height height • Inehe.s, Pounds 'Inches Pounds 35 32.0 - ''31.0 25 '' ' ., 36, . • 33.5; 36, 32.5 , 37, ' , 34.5 • , 37 ‘- _23.5 ' 38 ' ..„3,6.0 . ...28 ' 35.0 39,, , 37.5 - „39, - .36.5 40 -;... 39..0 . :. 40 , 38.0 ' 41 40,5 . „ ' 41, 39.5 42•• 41.0 43 - 43.0. ' 44 . 44.5 ,' 45 . 46.5 • • The Final Curtain Drops. be the generals in charge of the cam- day for a week, wielding tea or coffee. 46 495 paign to secure a 'Strong and sturdy If he succeeds a good -habit is formed 'generation, ,• • • arid the improvement he makes from 4$3 53.5 • The, most important cause of this Week.to week will reward him. Keep '••• 49 • 55.5 " . condition is improper diet, . and not On in this way until all 13ed f d 50. 42 , .43 • •.43.5 44- 45 5 . . . , cient• food or„unenit- habits are changed tegoed ories. Com- , ,. • • - . 'able. food:'' :The 'first requireinent of Plete relaxation for ten or fifteen min, . . . • , . , , . , . . 14 :growing :child , is . feed:• • . The diet :ntes before,meals*iii--creitinch :be. Alit _ •,,. shougd The a • generous • one, properly 'n -ohilil',s body in readiried.s to,aisiinii,: prepared and, •correctly divided ••for, ate•Ns..fdod, .. . . , • ' ''. ; -, ' ' ' the 'three tneale.' ' P,ach' 'meal should • . Plaeased,.tonsils and:adenoids' also i• furnish an atleipiate aim:Mt for. that -help 'tebring about a subnormal coni., ,-. • 'ffilliie :Of day, for iftlie.„ehild-Teetanci•,;-ditien:4.-7-They:•-.pbstrtiCtliir: fits7itge:•Tip . ..-7 iiirealaiii end. little lunch, and , a large the lungs . _preventing a .:Suffi,cientain_.. .. . ., . . , Supper, the •hotly,',•Can not "take Care 'eti.rit:Of 'oxygen frem,=,rael_i_Ing jhes, 01,.....this--Otr&ablindance-•-tit-'-orke-tiiiie-"O„_Itiitithirthe-y_$econie.diseated.i ..4eiaLtlwf,do,c1-does'_ no -geed; leaving the The . poisons . from •' these:" ' d' - _ .. . pourislie& •-..4'•child should- organ :4-j Spread' 'thrOngit the bedy.• • ,-- - -,,,- -- - • • not be alloWed•to eat lnrge, arnetinti.„ Bad teeth -May,:halhe-.Testlit±...ofzmel. v of• tWeett,-,orLhigliTi-"tieatoiled---foodsi7nutrition, or they may eatirseflialmi.: ..nor••te:catbetween•.ineetri,,,te:itarliii7tritt40.1A4i:i.oit.4.fgr 0-4-er mastica- late,: nor .to . ago.' in an„,unv.entilated,; tion, of the 4.6b.d.:-...:'...'•• .. room; tinrife*It Of IheSe:-Will.'i.esult'., PoVerti!?!kluYranee, arid lack Of par: 41 ufitileky'.,!, appetite and the • taking,,r ental .controtare underlying cause of hi.sof toe little-food,7-7•- '' • , •• - ' 1:MarritiffitioIty'`i --aiiiit-,-43, f_, 0 be'tifi41. nenriihed a-.-thir4 must muck importaliCe, far , Many • children body- ' is iff nacessary'iO, enable his,' liarinal:::The other.ireaSenSSPeni Mere - muscles',. to deVel9p., •nerinally ..and ..tAi'.:Plaiitihie. -11ave-yoit not isec n Parents' 'keep his internal Organs, in.'cOndition. li giving theirchildien:„.4eed---they- ' Animal. ,.protein foundin-inilk,.. 'eig,*•'ii.lienliiii't have, just beeatise., the chil- and inqnt. are ' 'more:. • vaNtib10, • for' dren:cried..,:fer it? ,• .' . --•:- , , ' , growth than those foUnd, in • eereale', '.' The'''mallionrished child tends, te be-,: , .- and vegetables. • A. Child.shonld have cOnie 'Weak end'incapahle45if ert: letat a: Pint,ef,'Milk-a. day and three -dl'sease: ,', - Stunted. . growth, ,arieemia, . pint e ' would -be -better., It is- net,.!'ex:, ..neryipli.Less,„ irritabilityand4ditniniih:" :pected--that-theTeliildihetiki drink; all '-er energy:. are the -siire".„.eifects-,' 'Of - 1.•this. milk.: • Serve it to,,,Ifirn.an.-.7,..crealti ..,faiiity.-'-rrintritiOn;''',.TheSe7elfe-et's'.folrew -"ifeitPi•-•elirda,..,C..ocaa, . and creamed: the .child- into inanhoOd::a"04.."inake:11.4M • 'diAlies _to._that;he won't- I"' that unfitted- tO.,do''hiS part in the ' 'rid'. ' he is. eating ronnething'-kIthet Is' "geed ''.":11.e-'.: is • an -inefficient feanwith fev; for him." Gii,a la.i.t a sinaltquantity...itharices•fer s1.4_0eSiS....%It'lite':The-titiht;=,, of IMeif-andinelude fidielf,g'InaTh'..5111'.0.4.''Of Siii'We large proportion of the boiled eggs • in: the diet. • • ' : , ..• ' ''t ineri,..called.to_talc,e„pnr-t-in the -recent ' 'Mineral Matter IS •also' needed. It.. War Was, dap ',to.' improrier ...:care ' in builds •hone and teeth, • 'makes ' red childhPo.d. '.. ' ' • ' '..:•' : blood, and keeps the body'.proCeses'i ' It you have a child who- has, these .. ' '''' in •good ' 0.0.hdition: ...Milk., .vegetahles,:*54nn.toin S -:Hand'. Watchl.caiefully, for •;•fruits, -Whele, Ceteale. and egg yolks at. 'first' they inay ' not • be -.glaringly tiro • .Partictilati3r • 'rich • in ,mineralsI noticeaefirat 6ci 'the , cause by 'Milk it %the .7ripSti Valuable sdurce-rof: Oaref,41 ,Stlid,S,.. Of the chiles- ithetheda lime WhiCh.strengtheni the bones and, of .h.viot .. i•Id then Avoile to rerncivet he teeth.-' • ' • '• •• • - • , •. ',cense. • 'EVerY child ", shoUld.'fhave a" ' There! are ' cert ' . gr. - -,regnlat,1 eorn.p.e.,e- physical-- :exanilliatien-Zhcel . -59.5. - , 51 630 -52 660, - 53 „ 69.0' 54 , 72.5-7- --55 75.5 56 19.5 58875 '-.'• 61 102.5 62 1105 63 1i6 'Ay ' Th •• have each day:, prool :13F11,4 up. his from rich' homes are found to ,sub.! 46. " . 48.5 _47,:-% 51.0 -:48--53,5; ,49: 55.,5 58.5 r ed a State funeral and wa ...i, • . 61.0 buried a, caftlii which she purchase : _64;0- thirty,years---age,apd-ni4W-lrichshi 53 67.5 ten -slept, She.. was the idol of three 54 „ 71.0 generationi, baving•7been 61'3 -ear's on the stage As a girl she Was ferced on the .stage against her'Wishes, as she wanted ,to_beComeatnain•v_:'-, ,• ' , • 44 • FingerP -Vire: bylieirs-1:.syStem has-been invented 'in •Deninark for Sara Bernhardt,. the werld's greates tragedienne; died March 36, in Paris She was not only aaactresi, bat also a writer,. an:, artist and setil:ptor., She a,s acce d "•• / •, hiclustrialWaielne medicine -deals with th. 7'IME FOR SPRING OVERHAULING. relatiena•existing between oceuPatioll . .,, 1,,, ' and, health, , It forces the phYiician mobileNownersi sthe time,1."cometurallogthP:daiadu, 0 -of -iduirt,iis„-th . bl ' into th • ta 1 -and -a.ssnine a -mord intelligent and -Import- -fall-into. ono of -Awe ••-claSseS--L;thoSe' - •;•=: who have -usedtheir machines Tight :fuel tank is drained, .,._.„. ..,,,,„.„ , J. 4,meellaillie,:inalang.repaurs, to. theidefie, ‘If.earp _shoilld:•-he :::dinie.--before..-the--ant,,_role;,,clierfa_-no:-Ienger," ?only 'the. - :Drain ihe -Oil' reservoir rol..the enj•I'tiv0 1'11111841 Willi, b1-4, also, th'e: en- " - ads'. the, welfill* 7theit" CAN.' MoSt-autoniebile owners through the winter winter so ,oisse whos6•gine and put in a new stipply Of oil.' glu°or walle• PuPer:frite Where there is a screen at the pump 114d th'o 44414'11°a '°! th2t •Inc'st mar- cars have been hibernating in. a' Pr7,:th,raiKs.eshthoeulbdbtteertyaktoen, out and cleaned.' vellev, _ earn. larzi .not_beerr,,40.;._this is. tha, have.it 'tested arid -recharg.ed:if neeesL f-U-i"-ea..."--e:elli -410 litiornO, iiidl. • 'eitxPai Th.' • - . - - r •oatises which mi,glit. Interfere %Aran itii ' r,,agproviinetse as t a:74,i_ , ,.. , , , innebrilte, the Milian body, to . age during the-cehtwiiiteenaritha..In, , . . sary. e interrupto its greatest' power of• productietiwho :. either case, and especially -Where the- . time for a general, going over of the, , , varlaus, parts... vh.iiiie; .hovsewife i:--oilm,e7nlegatnaett•nsn'ol.--i'ahaejtisstaterdit-rt,--g-In.insoptoe'crt-atiihde --W-olk11111'.g.--0•Pq•-'0117' --44(1-44".041"4.40F7-7 . •-'-. "A lecoinotive. • MaY arrive. atter a announcing the advent. of Spring the • • ... • . , • ' . onto congr...0.1.6U.1d, be x-ettiilg . to. at,, -as, nou, smoota. remove. and smooth in ,a, but •tt Wilt Peautre,..4 Pey'FOd of res. t an,c1:•: alicOlkien.in tib, rourip pali.,9.,'. .‘T...y.p., „ lathe.' Qicack up', the tensien' en ihe' .-El is to Uridertm. the 'job .lArsOnallY• tora. .- - u mate . the bearings of the L b ' " ' ' . • ' 4; olugtn.ition -- .Overceine "In: bringing the load to ton. Serno maY, be able to C°11-1 Ile dISTribUgtOniT7h:ra.d' AT:dkeWQ1frpethite. ' is cleaning house and the robins are generator. Clean if necessary. -,It-it'airundred mile- ran in Perfect condition• • in shape .eoming eeaseu's use. springs brushes to be •:siire the h.C141.1:.1:1171.1;11-611a4, ' are.twe'wUYS .do thi:S:,6he JI 11 Contact, With: the Coinmiita. • Another is to take it, to a service 'Sta- • • • • destinatien. Bo la 'trained to, exer-' eiSe the:best Possible lad•gnient in the.. 'e.election of. ftiel and, their ap..2.. pronniute (Nati-Amgen: accordingto the atmospheric conditions,..the eifirnatien of grades; the. length of the road : and .: the weight to be carried:. • The., asseStkinent-ef-PhYsdealfitiiese, - is certainly iniportant fifevalua ,tion of the inerganic..,..qualities..-Of. Pre metallic xnat4f.' '1.'he,,,af4lOney, of the, human organism and tbefactorsattiCh; ,.influence it Is one of the :moat Import..• •• ant problems of the day ' .Pliysiologt• • cal 'causes' are the basis, of . any ac,.• cUrate gauge of bah:404'4 and mtist he • • reckPcied •.witir as a factor. In Indus- tnlallsm.": • • '•'-, • , •I• these two Methods by doing part of • ' the work pericinallY and leaving S.Orne iCIWK 11.! TTit B44kEs, . Of the more technical phases of it to; , check uP the brakes to determine if the expert skill of the. ant° mechanic. .they need relining. If not, make sure Each °wrier , will' have to 'decide for, they are properly adjusted,. Drain the himself It shall be done. The transmission: gean caSe..and the-differ- portantilling is. to be' mire the needed Catai gear ense. Wash thoroughly worLis •with kereiene and put in. a fresh Mb- ' ,Pffibably many care needed_ atten-1 ricant. • Fill the steering geap housing tion before they were put away, but with lubricant. the owners, kept running. then:1 wit The un • iversal pints in. Particu ar the idea that VieY ;would stoon be should receive attention, as they are the idea ' that ,they would_ soon be alit to be negletted during a',seasen's were forgotten: The garage is usual- 1 running. Lubrieants should be SuP- ly cold and consequently is not a veryplied, to, all parts taken care of by inviting environment compared with a grease aupst;_the__greaSe-cUpS-rshould -good-n-and7a-cozy-flreplace. ' ,he refilled; tile() those• parts that are CAR NEEDS NEEDS ATTENTION.' intended to be lubricated bY "oil..froin ear 'Which has been run only oners squirt can. season . needs certain attention. It is All, wheels should he removed, bear - well tiihave'the carbon remOv.ed from ings inspected for excessive wear or the cylinders and the Valves inspected breakage cleaned thoroUghly, re - and ground if necessary: The spark , Packed with• fresh_,.grease and care - plugs should. be cleaned and the points I fully adjuSted. At, this time make evenly adjusted to get, an even run- I sure the rear wheels . are; perfectlir, •ring engine, The Vacuum tank should, bight on their, 'axles. Where wheels be. drained. The Strainer located at are keyed there should he no play the top wherethe:gaSolifie ,feeds into between the wheel and the • asle; it should be taken out and cleaned. I Wherewheelsare fastened by flanges The float should be tested. :Fill with: be sure the bolts are tight. , • • gasoline to • see if the float •rises ,andl :"'The body springs •ShoUld, be lubri- ' closes the 1valve. ' •• -, Cated with graphite, either ,by remov- . • The strainer, located . at the carbur-: ing •and dissembling thein or by jack etor should be taken out and, cleaned.' ing up the car -arid Using teols'design,- .7 .At the Same time the carburetor. float' ed to spread the leaves. Go over every chamber -shOuld be., drained ' . . t . ems. earl the muffler; then look . punip'. In this ease the fuel line is left' forward to the best season et experi- ,•,conneeted to he main fuel tank The enced with your car. . , _.______„ s -Source' of Edible Oil. '''' . . •,,A1.,:plant_tha,t4-heiih;igs- to -,,no-lt7ttice • Time Lose, Through SIcknesa,. • dents etc. ' - The Ph3rsiologic ••ineftleianCy, of the Enghsli People, is bast .attested• by the . report on • preventive za6dikine by Sir George Newman, ..whieh-;,,,:slieWs, the Minimum average :annnal, lota oftinie • thiough ••preventa,ble sickness • and ac- Cidents amounts. to 14;295,,72,i iveeltir• of ". a •period of 'upwards •of 370;000; : Years,, and thiifigare :did nisi' include absence from. worlt due,• to 'Maternity :• •hen.efit, .saiyateritim :treatment, Or ab- sences for less titan • • four days Pik; • patient: If , undu -fatigue: causes • Lisa of five cents A day- f' r.eath worker in the 'United Statee itanienntS te'an an;', nital•expenditure_‘ef $,591:1,9.04,606:- . to nu and belt anclbe sure all. are -tight •T11:- anyivateir or, 'sediment that May •have ' aaPPliO4 ' with kicking .,.devices, • , collected. .The same shoulf1,- done such is cotter Pins and. reek AVanhers. to the Main fuel tank.. ; • F.:. rqgnireinenta-- La imbed , t bring te, .14e, etnliloY- .....While the .gasoline If. paint is'..in.g4edi co.ndttiOn give the Ele4f-gifird.:4diiiiirvthti:einist-°,:, ise7f.estimnted that in connected from the vactinrn tank. :it surface a' coat Of. varnish...,' • Look ,ever, at".health; efcliness,:inidne fatigue„ and 'should be 'blown out with.Ceinpressed the upholstering, thelop and side cila air. This, niay be -done •-with • t' • • ' • breventable 'aecide•nts .eittalla waste of ;,000,pp.9*. week. Dr.: „Collis; thitates that proper:medical Organizay tion would deoreaSellits amount by 70' . . 55 75.0 : 78.5 ::.57 "82.9 - 58•---87.0 59 91.5 • 99.5 105.0'. I transmitting, finger prints by tele- di./51- JE.RE,' 5.1-R:.• • Mli7r3dti. 'WHAT.- DO ;• 8.- WAN:1'9' farnily aad that :is •now.eultivated ln upper Egypt ' and can grown with . profit in certain parts of the Sudan Is , ' a new source Of edible .011.. -The seed_ 2 '31_elds,-u .4d e'r ''•PreSSure 410.'38 pizr iacl-eer:tain-specimens of: fresh, seed plATAI the Sudan.i.wiiich contained" .lessr,-fhatf:-"4-per, c:eift The 4111s- odoyless, of -a light yellow: ning •for?"or Eve...7 Litte He•j",. water, yielded more than -„,,1 per cent- "whets the 'natter? What , „ I • ___ • Serviee;to-the•OeniniUnity:-.' . • The Word -education .rneansf4the velopment of ..the physical,' intellectual and moral faculties •of tire hunian-;beLIng., ••• cur modern' institutions for lie-eulture:tif7th4"-yenth."',.treaVeare"1"1-:-• taken e..-7-a-;goodTh turran7trainta.5r7": for. the soul • and „tho, brain,. but_ the the adaptation. Of. the body to, the _con- ditions of existence,. In i the fanilly.of . classea. , ".;210 , made to -guid,e, •the •ohildr,en towar,ds the career or the ealline..1 for they. are .best,fitted,hy;;;.their•qihysieat-,•::: termine-the proper correlation -between ' the •Mtetle,etii$12,......anct aptitudes, Too frequently:the` need -of money to. eke ,ont,',the • family- Midget, the Casual -advice of. a 'neighher,' -are -1?iing "-heir ; into a definite field .of action. • industrial! medicine the., . young Man In lida choice of a Calling; workor tbut Its gloor7rthrtoeottee,tii,hehritre: the inl,1,j1-1 health and bis capacity .to de a fail you rUn- • ,.....409,5 .... gral) ;-,-. , - , . ' . .. .: •.- eeler.,-and,without Alengretable•-•-taate..,,:va.;•.o.t...4,.'Alide-aVi.4dy-teye•----‘-taitiligri . , . The sed is so small that it cannot be ! horde' to .add te-rnY,Pile_!at •,coal." . handled...with •ordina•ry, entiiiiinelit,-, butt,: - , _ ...,-, • - 1' •• . • ' • ' . the, oil-prodtic t. is, s o.,, valuablethat new•r - luachlifer,k. wiLU.rie-"dtrubt he built to do - the ' :' ' I Shall. Pcitget. •- . . .:L4.-- .,_:::,:....- .. , - • : oh;r1,,,iiiiii.,foi”,:ou ' 777-1.1. fwrStthenvea oti.r, dL_o;riill'...,__,.ily:.: . In itil:6 lqii4 64)ting; ' _ , •-,;-,41fliCi.2."bolk7i?intia4p oetiboYiles-a aQnuceiSieote sit,airplinegrf.wkien, 1 I 4.1,..ir olifolt.tz.tee...g. :toii.en43gros prongs of j.if . w. „1",..,..1:;11,t. ,77111.71.e.il.mo.,._11711s. El)leeitt; - whic1;7:"r•es,. e' trible. those• 'et .a.'n'itelP iforic;) EtAll'esE7Itasa:17y'en:4291114...r.11:704e1;;;P:.:F:i14". 7.firm_. Me. 'handles, Watch ,the *Indii,..etir ; ,,riknri In the.i birch -frees deldbate„ ••' :.•'•1!x0s't "S.i.x..e.,',1••.be heads, of ".the,forks.:!'El4lai$R44,"'"aait"dear-'-1 '-' -. • • - fitodelt 'CONFEesioNt; . :When wa,s'ellppl;ed.11y:.$4 'flu; Seemed' my end Was near, t' and every... time sneeed, kerchoo; I thenglit; of. bearseand bier. t,ty, day and night. I coughed and:harked:with dall..aildraitk'ning „done: your- 'beat iivitn, pill and ,yerli.to Save me from inare•;..; bni!:tmutindoiltEe,:ghaStiv..,garh that orily.deadm-0,-4.•W ear, W1len_l .:Iteaved MY, ..„ SkoW7-and-lelf l'iii:the-sinner, Vile. w`ho Shot, his,;bobltailed ot..PoiSened Meat, •and. ; And .Gr(ieei*. JinipsOn' will recall .Ceitain _bogus ; .,rny . . .:;ezerned-face--tO ,the,'„wailt-cr-got•-thar,-bilL.Ifern A.Y4 :tell • , • . , .,Aaserskaar Jinks ..k,erchoo, when I tie ghost shell 'yield , that .-what I told .him. wasn't true -my assts I ;concealed. • Te.ii all " these .pe1e 1 regret tlieSe CrinieS and tqady cOn1,e5si,fra1S. the ' Safest bet, when one is at deaths docr 111greep",intfe::: better " ._.!••hatht,he'dew, In ‘S'el'itudes';nirfen'aed, if ';:,-ou wilbear'4'61;r:,rle.., ,kerchoo, to. those I'veSinned agart,Tit: Whatthat you ,say?, The' crlsls, past, and 111 rehover Soon?' Well;;•,,jp8t. forgot thoip ' drearsavast• you ate1y .heard •,Me.Croon.: '."One, Cannot" kee•O%"the truth .in .vIeW when he -1S" racked wiih ; pain, and, ,as:, yon knjv _. kerswoosh kerel, co I was not s*ricf.tly Park, " ' " 1,-AB1311"1130,R0 • HE, *AID H. CPtivIV • IN ' TER GIVE, `.(00 iCaQQD • iSND- VOLl' , soy-,•,? - Tat OsanaoR kttokt> tan wtioLairs- • abeut-:2.feet high, th.e ' bokheing--,011,.:„1 'shall •ferget. you n •When ..the reins shall. wasdy the dead; • - - CI -raging- old •things -.from th ear d'io-e4, Work' • , :--Zoe ", . ' r:dientittal Su.,pply. ..• " Bobble ,..."1o0.11,t').o ,fi, i'v(,, 1 hroken., 'ipiyf . 'elate to'bliAl't ' "'". . -". . - r OwAti:Aciattuticet, al mti....rigitt: • ,11,Votli,-i'--.:'"I'N.,TA't cry', dear; y(.1,u can' 6_4 , 592•Ja,oktillf,Blill'dfng• ,! : • - .' 'MONTREAL • .' topRONTO:. , 411).r.a..,p„)it-e.,.1:::1111,,fi.,,,-.1ahge. .;)lccies-ln--,:ilks•Liz,„:E.,%••,.f..,:•-',:,...' • • ...`,Y17"I'Avv-A• . ' •.... , - . AkIis,• • • •.•-• • Honored. •• Rather '.especial honors have just' come , two , Members of ',Oio .gtaff of the •Onivereity, of •it, 'Macleod,: Professor of and Assecinte Dean of the ,Faculty.:of Medicine,' has ;been 'asked ;to 'the. lanious Caineren .Seriesmedicat.- ltaria ,at hUrghduring. rieXt October, andthe... Beird,Of.'GOvernors;. at .a yeeent.tneet. trarli•,.ca bra Macleod" leave 'of ab- s'1iice for inOnth of Oe'tobor so • that be May deliver • these. •lecturca. f)r. Samuel' Beatty, 'Associate Profes,Y. sor Of,--;111athematica,:-has-acett:granted leave of' a.bs en Co for: nexti•v,iirto oin - the staiTof,the 717s/tderat ':4berY-RWYt11:T.Iri;i7oVer -. Dept of Mather,mtic in the Univei-- - to secure Prof. fleattkis..tervides ,for one Year, Prof.:IleattY,Will give one. undergraduate course and one • or' . more graduate courserwh.ile in Wales: Attaches to Cap. ,Whif6 sonie protection for 'the eve. necessary In metering, Many driVein. •:and tantitts' object to, .the c:oniraoti forth of gogglee. To evereCine this Oh- jection, maintfactitter hes', &Sited it• •folding,eYeShieid of 'fidinitiableeolidold: It, ig tiotohod to • fit tlie *Careen noise. • • 6 'The . fastest; flowing river In the World Is 'the Sutlej, in India, which tiaea 16;200 feet. above ti?e 'sea and • fallis,42,000 .feet in 18,0- MO' NW EA LIN INVESTMENTS: LIM IT ILO .;-.540ribe for !IPA or CAirrent Westment opportludttes . oul.:Ww/tVEEORvr'TS0v,IRRY--, Bur , , 44335 o Tok ,tkA61B,IrEfOk0 RECORD • • ...