HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-04-12, Page 1".„ $2 00 Ozit TEAR IN 4livANOS: Sue CKNOW, ,THURSDAY AtoiIlL 12 '1923. SOIGUIVAPCI ' ‘,'Ifi1'1111.01NA1 Y $11-iRGEON-,•77 Dr: N.V.?,‘`'707.1c'eleher; Ripley, 'Phnue'-'*90 night" or • 0*. • • • • ilavLefid.' will" i'!.i0it.".:1:40ti'ioW' • "every, Tuesdayt.:', Oilico..-abVvet-,;t110.44.-Of Drs. --:;:1,10nnell, ••P4,i PAI(Olt.: • Oi'TEOPAT/I, 'at: the ' 'Cain .1.1putE;;:LlineW, every'.Wed-', nesday:l.afteriipon.', •k ..01.seostlegettfulig • pathy ''''Adjnotnieat...af • more :quickly secured and - with ..ferret•' treatments' by Osteo-. r PathY: than1)3f'. anY .1Ytlior .lacth9d; Tetonto cc paid for all -.kinds ;of Poidtry. ' ' • 9-6-tf • .,Grospopf, Lueknow. • -Dr.-McInnes Clatiopradtor. of Wing- ' ham, Will Visit Lackno three times : each- week in future. Anyone desiring • an interview with him .may leave word at the Cain House. and the doctor Will •. call. or ,ma N see .him„there personally, :MOndays''' Thursdays and Safurday" afternoons: No charge is made for ' consultation: ' 1)11 MAUDE C. ARYANS ,Registertl.OPtometrist Graduate'Department of Ophtthaltnu1- ogy;McCoirtrick -Medical .0bilege; ,etigo.'111::Three months Post graduate" (.11:1 • Eyes correctly fitted with Glasses. •: Headaches. Dek Itchy Eyes; Graiiik:'• • lated Eyelids.. Watery Eyes."Pain in, Eye 'Balta. Inflamed Eyes; Pus or • 'Watery,;,Disclierke .from ...Eyes. and ., Dizziness. cnused by Eye -strain re.; keyed' tlirciUgh' Properly. fitted Glass-, • rota' ;EYet ....'straightened through , , . • propel lv. 'fitted'. Lenset . Eves tested at night :eauallit as „ good. an •- • f.All :kinds of7Oribical repairs done. , Satisfaction Assured ' At the Cain ,House. Lueknow, 9 to .12 a.m....1 30.to 6 ti.ar,.-Efening 7 to ' 'it,m;;Wedaesday ';of'. each week." , - . , Highest Cash, „Prices •Paid lot :all kinds of raw furs. Let nie know, when you have any and I will'eall at •ence. --Benjamitt • Pearlman .'Phone 85 Li:10010w:: : •' ' ' , PAINTING. ANIS- PAPERHANGING • R. J.Canieron, Lueknow: prepared to do all kinds of painting Lnd decor- ating. Agent for wall papers from 10c,. • Per roll tin. 22 inches wide; Samples 'they be seen at My residence. or shall ple-0--a to take theavfh-vour houe • = Highest Price Paid for Spring Musk - 'rat at•.A..Blitzstein s Store. Lucknow, , • BABY CHICKS A.ND.....EGGS • Baby -Chicks ,and :froth- my lisavy-layifirpenr-of-White :Leghorns., Barred, Reeks; Black Min=• • bicat and- MahOgariv: Russian Orloffs. 7 Write -'for pribe :lit. I have &utile(' •• my hatchinecan'acity and. will (10 my •-'74beSt.t1,5.1ill,alt1;aterS,ICcistoin•,:hateliitig•t t'alSo: done 'reasonably. BAct; makes in- • - t,eubators.anth,brouders,:,fOr.sale.Writc - Me for catatogue if,inferested Vatican hennedY. Box 12. " Mete 42L--611 ' VhiteChurch. Ont, Oft SAL • om house '6 roomS. Apply to Jas. Agnew, Lucknow.. ; ' • . ' . 22-3-tf. FOR SALE -Frame residence, •in goc.d retiair. Apply tnLeroy Horn. PASTURE TO 'LETv.-75 „.Acies: „. good ,water•,,supply,...APAY,:to.-Ered.-- ''' McDonahh..:;.:• -7-GRASS-FARM. -FOR:SALE -OR • •gENT.-,---Being Leta '25 and 26, Con. •71..-KinlensTCOnitant simply running -,• W.nt. _Gleason:- iLuehnow. ,;. .19-4.e LOST: -At tuckno'w station or left ....-train,•;Fridavy. night,- a woman's .„ brown leather containing mind! sum of tooneY.v.valued.as a 'keepsake' Finder please renort to J. A.Stothers, Luckm4; • • . '7. WIT�THE ,ye 'Owing to rOughWeather •there Was .mecting-ek the Square 'Iliurs- •• .daY•eVening,tNeXt ineeting, there will 'he a•paricake'ideini.fOrineirilleri-OnIY-;- , Coine-and.>'tv.ri-A, rant-4,...eriiiin., • cooking. There will be plcnty for • -1, ' • :::1_*" L'• ' 6 , tks PraneestPitterald spent ,Plitt latttrieek with,:ber-aister, MIS, Jas. • • Culbert; **. • • • ' .11erh•-biirran,,.anid• 'Sent, Jack • and.bertram, and Mr. J. Vertary;: Of .CreW00: spent 'Easter iweek .with re- ryftives„in Miss 'poll Joluniton' ,eittOrtained number. of young ,folk on Thursday .eVeriltigi,„!and. Uri; Milton Kilpatrick Wes* 'tea:tets. feit t,h d neighboring, , .Yating people, ,Friday evening. The Box Soda itha dOti.edtt which *Eta to have,beenbliti"In$1,-6, .6•iehooli ApriI 6til, 4,nraa ,piistporied• itteennt of the. al) day' rain and bad roads, will- be held this - PridaY ;Intoning, Aprfl 1th: A4 7,`',-,-go."4-47-' 4*---* po4,0* • LOCAI: ANP OENN,141.1, 0, Mrs;, L, MacKentie it. in Toron- to - this -Rubber-iTires.-put-ron,13iTggies-G, Ostrander.' , ,19,4-p. :The regular monthly meeting Of the WoniefOtl,natitute• Will be held in the :NU-*11.*Chainbers Thursday, April 12th., at ....Treas. • Mr. Rtiss, JOhnstorie it home after lsending the 'winter- months in'Minn-' Minn- eapolis. Mrs.',Johnstone and little sen will be. home in..a. couple' of weeks " Following the Boy Scouts' Concert in the Town Hall,-LueltnoW, On April. 49th.; .a -dance ,iye•tiven fr3M"11030 to 4 clock, 'Princess Pa's Orchestra, $1.00 a couple. 'gallery 25c Mr. A. E. Buswell, Who has been ;in the employment, of Cameron., Mur- dOch .k.Go.. salesinon'fOr the past seven ,inonths, ha's purchased an , in- terest in the. butiinesal, and entered into partnership in the firm: • , The officers' of the Boy -Scouts' As-. *pcciation wish it to be ,definitely un- do:steed that they have no connection whaf,nier-Lwith-lbe dance-1-..adv4ised for Thursday; Anti}, 19th.. and also that the Hall will not be free until after 11 o'clock. T..F1,gain has made qiiite,a Change in his house' the past week The old bar aa•well. the partition 'dividing. the front sitting -room ilaye been re- moved; The large • room thus formed will be used as -a poolve,ronin, the fat end of which is occupied by a counter where soft' drinks. 'cigars etc are supplied. BABY CHICKS -.-Make •yout tfloCk _ . ' a paying proposition.. by 'adding new, vigorous, quality chicks "Royal Qual !ty" baby chicks are•from•heaVy lay - 'ng :Canadian - stock, ..Rocks, Reds, Wyandotte's, Aric9Pas, .Legliorns, -Der' livered. to you express station Pre- paid; §rli7k safe" arrival guaranteed Canadian,- Chick Hatchery, 'Limited, Department p N., 143 King St, att, Hamilton, Ont o TOR. Of.40,11".OWN, A10,1,0_. PROIPOSI'f ION IL.TakePOS!.R.13..-of-,-.Liteknoix: met in the Council •Charnber TileadaY evening -to -44N riihtieSeit.iiii •of the!.old -Town flail: building,,The. ineetini was Oiled by the Council with 'a view to ascertaining' the °pin,. 'thief:the 'ratepayers before disposing of, the. property, Or, nuttlifethe.town v ItrPie:•exPense.‘70f taking a'Vote on Mt• • Henderson's offer. It was a real live Meeting from start to finish, the (liscustion lasting for more than two heart. To an on- looker the sentiment, of the Meeting seemed to be,against selling; and our guess is that the • building Will re - :main as it it for the present. A maj.: "ntatr of`the-Cnunell appears to''be'; favor of,selling, and as .a matter of dollars -and -Cents that Would .,appear' to be •the Wise course to take; that is failing to get the building heetipied by a paying industry; The outcome of the diseu :on was the pasing•of a resolution k Which may be taken as the-adviee of the meeting to the -Council) submitted by Mr.-J. G. 'Anderson and seeended by Mr.. Joynt: The substance of this resolu-,., thin was to the effect 'that he huiid- ing be otsold, and that -the,--Canrici endeavor.to procure some suitable in- dustry to'occupy it. , • •' Mr W Murclie moved an amend ment that the 'Council expend '4 stun net. ekeeeding $75 in advertising for an industry to occupy the building, and that, failing to secure one, the building be seld. : • The amendment got little support,. and the Meeting exptessed., itself, ongly in favor of Mr, •Anderson'S on 0 3. 010TUARY Lizzie Doyle° Miss Lizzie Doyle, who•for„a num- ber of Years was •a -resident of Luck . - now,• died at the home- of her,brother cOvittii ,NOTES , ' Fresbyteriaw'Guild-.-On•WeOneSdaY. nf last week .the 'Guild' and prayer. '-riieevvtit'Tk-7'C'6iiibtned'teiVTC;S;:7,v'''vanir „splendid.;,prograin, WaLp7 resenteerhy", the.Devotional 'Committee. After the opening, exercises, Misses Jpati,ancl Marthi'MacCalltimi. Mary Aitcheten -,and.-•....Dean:"1Gedden ;,gave[a.....ffnartgt.tet:, Irving and -Dorothy. eiich--taVe7Erfeidirtg.• Mr. MacCalluni gave A very sive address on :;"The Seven, Wordi. from L the Cross."-The..closing,hymn brotight veri'profitable..evening.tO st,,- close.1 'The -choir have, charge of the Meeting on Monday 'evening. A .fine Meeting was held by the Ep- worth League on v Monday night. The ,program,which was arranged and put on by thee Missionary •:Cornmittee of the PresbVterian-;.Guild tellent .`offe...41.1rs,":MCKenzie,',a-cratigod. --the meeting. Mr. -McKenzie Was cliair rtian„, The. Scripturev lesson -was., read- bi" Mrs. Jack. cotifile;:d Prayed' -15Y Miss MeMrirranairiti-Mr;MeNitY. 'The Wide •Wat -McKim; 'thought:S. On.the topic by Mrs. McKen- zie;, duett.V;igii. McKenzief and Mrs.:J„.6.. Murdoch"; a duett by Jessie and -Grant;.ItifcKetitie; reading ,by Miss,F...Jrving; MiSsioaarY•dia- logne. noir:her:9f, ladiei, arid -10 solo by Mist .Mary Aitchison. . The progrant Itt,ad greatly enjoyed by the leagtie and a hearty vete of thanks was tendered the visitors visitors._ for their excellent ,rtieeting on 'Motion, Of Rev; IVI?:.'cistetifourtin11-11,ef;z7)1r:-Treleavi.." -:-,Eitz;f04e7 • t Mendai;tApril v9th. • Alf Hodgins has been butY.'Cuttine. weedon the 1ie thc past wee , , • Roads are getting into pretty good condition again;only a few banks of ino* left to give,trotible We are 'glad to , know thae.MrS. Janies MacLeod, who has been *ill foi sante -time; is • improving. Mr. and Mrs,.. B. J. Chesnut cite, " brated the 2iitit anniversary, Of ,their inartiage On. the Cl/ening- of April -SLh when a ntimber of neighbors and friends Were, in to Spend the evening with cards tnuic--410, -dancing. The, prize for the evening was Won by tho. youngest tonple, present. In the smid : hours the gtteSte teak theirrdei39ttllt6 itOlit'SIIII'119114$0111411. it4p0/0! Steve Doyle, Ashfieldi on Saturday 6f last welc.,'The deceasedv suffered.a stroke of aritlysit More than.a year ago, and never recovered from the •'• • Caesar„-:_terdtte The Thestalon Advocate, of April 5th contained the following: ' '!There died in Thessalon, Sat- urday, March_31st, 1923, Mr: 'Caesar, Perdue, aged '6'1 Yeara. The funeral toelc Place on M,ondar.-14,2 p-nonr• the .farnily residence,, Dawson Street." W. W. Irwin: " Word was received. here on Sunday . . Ikt(..4",S.AN.N11:AL•lyiEETING 'The Annual Meeting of the W.M.S. 19f--- the -.4neklriqw--114•0thOdist. Churelr was held at .ilie.Parscinage-ion, April • ' CuPied the. Chair, .0„p!endid:',Easter Program was; giVen•and the business' .cf "the.'past fiiiithed, f r a4 •possible...Mrs. Osterhnut. was aPnoint7. .9a:,;:tT take"' the t the" election, efficers Air the following Year. Those appointed were: President.,Mrs. Osterhout; Vie Pres... Mrs. E. Smith; Cor. Sec'Y„ 11,1„is.• T...°Phillins; Rec. MrsGeo, Greer; Treasurer, Mrs,'JnO. &Others; Pianists, Mts. J. 4. Anderson and Mrs.., Geo. Andrew; .upt,Systematic Giving‘ Mrs, -RathWel1;7SUPt. Mite"Bexes, W: Reed; Supt. Cradle Roll. .yr. Rae; Strangers' Seity, Mrs:. John. Button; • The following Heralds wereapPoint- ed:-For China,' Mrs. Afton; Japan, Mks: Spence:. India; Mrs. 'Button; French and Foreign; Mrs.. Phillip,s; Oriental in BC, Miss Clifton. • ' ' , WEDDING ,BELLS• ., A pretty_,'„Wedding-ii_Vas on'W,ennetclay'hist at the hone -of the; 'bride's parent!i,. •and Congrarn, •7th, Concession, 'Kinloss; when their, eldest, daughter, .Lea ,Myrtle, was, united'Iri the holybonds of inatriinony to ,.Mr;;Maleolin .Lane,..9f Kinlis Rey. Andrew Lane, of ,Drinn- bo; -brother of the, grOorn, vcendUcted. ..t:he ceremony, , The : youthful. bride 0oked charming in her! gOWn: of, silk' crepe with Egyptian -trimmings- and ornain,ent, and 1 Cartied a 'shower 'octilquet 'af.Pink •and: White carnations 'and' maiden -hair fern. The: bride en- teiyd, the parlour., on the anti ,vof her: father to the 'strains Ot. Liohengrin's Wedding March' 'played WT. Mrs. Well- ington cousin pf and ..tOok her place by the groom under an arch of evergreens. and 'pink and. white rose. :The -bride's attendaptS.. were Miss ,Phoe'be'Congrarn; sister of the. bride, as. maid, Of. Jinn oi; tind little ;Joy Henderson„.„ who Made 'i•klainty dower girl,' carried abasket of 'Mauve -and pink'sweet"--peas.viritli media -hair : :fern,: The lteuSe was beautifully, dee- orated and- the ',tables Were ,decorated: with myitle; vines, .which 'yvete very approptiate-for--the„.:oetesien.,,:.-MaaY•, congratulations' Niisre •extended ; 'te the of the. 'register; the guests sat. down * to:a suptuouS, repast. The. happy coup- le left for their honeymoon, aniid -"Oktbe.rtigath..0•-telltthatz-Aateiratt,,,Liste_Weh.' Irwin, ,fornier hotelman 'of. 'Other points. The bride...travelled. in - orial Hospital, Listowel,, after .only A few ',Illness. 'Ile .bad„moved to LiStowel,-less",thad--7a-,-year-,4g-o--whero: he bought Queen's Ilotel: The funeral took place Tues- day. 7.' Mrs 1).'Finlayson . Very- Sad Was the death of Mrs.„ Donald Finlayson, of the 1st 'concen- sion, .Huron 'Township,' who passed Yk"in140 picture hat and *ore a' r.ing- tail Opossum:choker, the .gift- Of. the groom; VThe -bride and 'grOntriyere ' eipients 'Many beautiful and costly presents.. They will make their, boine' on the graom's farm,;.near Kinlough.• : Graham -Alton A--.Vety pretty weddineWit-YoTertin- on,April 40,4 at 11 !a.m., at the hoine of the -bride's parents, Mr. and -RAPP) CONCERT' • ; ',The' Radio Concert that you havo been waiting for will. be put on by. Jock and Dougl0s, 00terhant,' in theTcn ApriI ; of Friday, 1-.113.;at "-; e 0 1111;1% ii'eivienr ag'• Adrnission 25e. -war tax extrn. •• , 140LYROOD .spent Sunday with `AY finer Ackett.- . Mr. and •lyirt. Whitock,- of Tees-' vrater, are ..spending a ,few days with .Mrs. Rat, ' • ....Mr Robert Elliott Who fias, beep: poorly this . last counle, 'weeks has been taken to London hospital.... ' tiipReavin,•Dureacn;).n.gMrceTga,4vitioanh.a,,in:•-ni'hoeeldtiiringg.. Friday April 13th Croup genies have been arranged for the' 'fitst, pert of the ,evening to be 'follewed by a short literary program: After which. Mr, 1VIeTtivish will, deal' With the iinancial ttatement. Everybody welemne.. Lad- ies please bring baskets:. • . • 0 CitEWE' : • Miss Mae, Menary is spending a. few •Iays at. er-home-at-Shenpardtonr---:;-• Mrs; , Menai): spent Easter . with , friends in Hamilton. . • Misi-Tda Rivett entertained a num- berof friends at a:danceOti Menday• . evening• : ' , Miss, Ruby. Kilpatrick, of London_ -Normal, 'spent the , holidays:. at- her home hei•e;• • , . •• .Mr. and MrsWilfred' Drennan vis- ited,at Herb. Stothers".,of Dungannon, 'OnWednesclay. :.Miis 'llughenia king, is at present the. guest of ..1C,,fts,. Petty Finnigan.. We are -sorry, to 'report thevillnesS oft Alma Blake; who has had a .plight. -attack v of appendicitis. • A•.nuniber .,from„ here' attended e party-. given by Miss Beryl Johnston. of ...1VIafeking; and all report, having,,a „ . . very enjoyable. p-t'rening. • •: Mispes Etta „an&RubY-McQuoid,,91 , and Mildred ,MeWhinney, ,of have returned to their stadies: "after 'holidaying ,It ',their respective binneg' here. ASH -FIELD NOTES ' , • : j i -.Brad ley., -L -of --.L. ri.e s pen tt the. week end ;., with friends'. in Kin . eardinel, Mr Eldon Henderson, of Para, Mount ..visited' 'friends at Airiberley• recentlY; • • tVA-a-4,1.ttiej-ifffelni of? Was .' --the for unvaryipra Greatest Mar ro uality is Distinction; as aifiTen Matchless tailality for 31 )4.11,ra., So Delicious Just Try It. , DEAL DIDN'T Go; THROUGH 1 plIr announcement:last week :that ,Mr.,'Leroy 'Horn. had bought the °Al-. lin propertY now 'occupied 'bY the • • . Chinese restaurant, as a, ttle preinature...flefore the deal was pont-- Pleted some 'hitch oeciirred., and, the;. purchasenlat_c_orriple,ted. • "KILLED ON THE TRACK - , AT WEST TORONTO' Tertian. papers of • Thursday of last week, contained.,•ani•aecount of the .death of Mr Richard Stoner, known here as the haSband of Ettie Graham, eldept daughter 'tof the -late Robert Graham and Mrs.. Graham Of town. Mr. Stoner w'as with the Grand Trunk -Railway since hewasa; lad,:of 16, and for some, time,'Was condpetor on pas- seriger. trains. Of late he Was ,;yand foreman at West Toront.e..He was 51 'Years of :age. On Wednesday of last week he was cresting ,the tracks neat, the Virest Terente Station when, he was ,hit;b1. the. Detroit -Flier.. Ile Was taken to Grace Hospital where he died tafeW hears later, • . , • . WHITECHURCH ' Menday; April 9th. -MISS Moreen of Winghatn,- Spent the, week end at •the ' Manse. Miss Lila Humphrey ; St.-IIelens,„ -vvitviiiitUig-7 her mint NCI'S. A Fox - Mrs Wes Leggett,' of Blue -vale, visited during Ihe..week at the home of her .parents, Mr, and Mrs. jno.: The tY13..5.. _Meeting. on „ Sunday Misses :Irene' Moore and Susie Carrick gnest .of .ber'frien•d-, Mist 'Susie ib7 - Mr: .IIrs.• Ra.yriard of Paraineurit,,. vitited V With friendS' it' ‘,Lanes -during-the weekf---' • .714-rs-;-Ifilii-fivf:1\--latDo-nald-, of Laurier, is. spending a. few. days with Mrs. Jet: of Parainount. •;--Mr.• . *Harbld.Bell, of E ineardine; spent", the :.Easter holidays with his unch,:WI Win, WileY., Of Laurier, . We .are sorry to hear of the :illnesS'• , of Mr, Alexander McKenzie, cif 1.0011 - on ' Sinittlaki" April 8t11.1:ifP11°w% ,Mr Damel, .1T -41'11g4'41°141.4114-14.88''-;*B°R.°**'41ell'ill;r" '=";-,-c,t1,1riin7gre,P071;',4;:,47.11;17'1 •riagetim Waeltabella Ann Macktnzie h toative, of the Loohalsh 'R'n.chl Ant.lr---iv4s** Ofnear LiieknoW„7.9,--fient a daY recently • ia Where she twas_:bortt a little _More than to Mr:. '6rleP Mrs :; StatileYM.Pataiienni, i" '4& years:. VesideS,..., her: husband,�f. 1Lr i1so of and' PrO4114. ;'` gisi„Annie' Puzvio;;;Ol• .ParintrOant,.., Asliffercr..The--bride; Mr, and Mrs,: Jai. Purvis, of St CHS' : Mitt:Violet MaeLennari has tetUrn- , ed tO "teach at Letliiait Sch-pol'after 'be- - ing confined: tO, the house for a.feW months; ., .:Dunchn"-MeRae;* of •Lochalsh, • has returned ,.to ..StratfOrd Normal after, spending the, .aSter.bolidayS •at, his home:here,. , . Misi Katharine Blue, -Of Stratford biticniaL., Spent.- the'aEatter with her sister, 5. GrantMcfliar- mid of Paraintifirit, *its Olive Terriir.rand 7MCGregOr;---of -Whitetlititch,...;;werethe- ueit's; of Mrs jack' qenderitinT'rir Parainotint,. uring.the v.'eek. the.r annual om itt tht resi- lonce of Alt:' 4rid. MatDorf-. she -leaves to niourn a family of , ten song and three ,daughters.,The. family have the S synipathy of the coriiintin.: .ity in then" -great loss., ; Steel 'Hunter ' ;Mr; ,Steel Hunter, whose illness thr.Ougliout the past Winter was the, stiblect.p.f interest, passed away between ten and eleven ,Saturday night. Mr. Hunter was forc- ed, to give up -work a little OVer,,a year, ago • owing to .declining, „health; and, been peas. yeas, ;Mr. Meredith Grahami,brother losing2z-Strengthr.:".-Atter-7•her_and,..-Aira;:_- 01. ."Lne, .goolit;'-istay-6-d- the. Atifedding: ..1-.1.untcr_moveclAnt.9:_theirjtew house pn march The.--ceremony.:_watt -performed Okra/n•.2 Street*, Ate ,,,eatne-de‘wit on, New:, Tears!. Day., and was, --very, -given away by her father,- looked • charming--in-a.t'dress-,of-white-sitin: c?'"eiSe de 'thine; trimmed , with radittrn lace and satin .rihbon.. Her; veil of. Belgium lace. Was taught ;with orange blossoms, and her bouquet was Aineri7. can :,beauty '-roses intd Maiden,hair fern. Little Dorothy, Alton, neice of the bride, acted as flower girl, while Melvin Morrison,nephew of the bride played the role of ring-bearert each carrying` dainty; 'basketS. Of Sweet •'cheerful in 'greeting his friends! -A few days later, lic was',obliged to go , to bed, and Was,able.to be Up very little since: Mr, Iltinter Was a nativ of Ashfield, but passed a, goad p4tof his life in Lueknow, for many years having !„..charge of the .water!.. works power honse..Funeral sexVie&•Witst'lrele in the Presbyterian Clitirch an 'Tues- day, afterifinin, rwben a large*intinber of friends gathered to show their rat spec( for the departed and his friends. Besides his widow, Mr. Hunter it sur- vived by one brother And tWq. Sisters. arch bf evergreens,: . Wltb Easter .1ilies, and roses. Ptiring the signing ofthe register, a vsoletWas sweetly rendered by, its Reitt . Gra- ham, the groom,; The guests, the inniediate relatives, 4,t1ie. Youiw sat down', to a,suintituous Wed- ding.dinnef: bride's g-oing away -costnine was, a .suit ',of.'naVy:blue,laerget with 'blouse of navy and .saila etepo de' thine and brown vilat;' veiled. The happy yciiing couple left on the'after: noon .• trairi .from LtickneW for a thOrt. „ lioneyritoMiittipi ito.Clnton' and Brant,' _ lord, They will reside On the gtOtim'a fettle, •situated ille;'Sonthwett cor- ner of Ashflekt,,T0wrishin; The pres- ents *ere atimerousf intltiding' sever- al eliectues.,,,aad a beautiful cotieli; the 'gift 'of the HaelottV0hureh and cern- inunityt to whieh,. the bride belonged, , • Wallace Wo Johnston, who for many years has conducted shop in Tees*ater, has sold out to Frank Stefiller, who for onte tinie Ms had IL. ''$itep iu.:1100014:41.000040410•: h.riPTIIIP out io . . wi#400 PI Os who c14,44411014, Mis Neil ald an April 4tIt': All had a really good time, There was a splendid pro- „lz:rAtuti-Sengs, ..•tiehateS,•iiiStrurnerital music; speeches; ,readings; recitations: and eonnnanity' singing,, A' guessing ,contest proved verY.`lamnsing,.. the gueSSO being as to the weight' of the eliairtnen. The 'prize), a white take made' hy Miss Katherine MittDoritild, wai Won, hy *Ito Greert, of,Port, 4. bert, who generonsiY, 'requested, that it Don't Wahl, iLbout the' chid 'atid 1';'1a-valleY; and. NN'oro 0 'diamond and , thc he Sold at atictien, It finally went to i.„,,ickwayd tymather, \sreit,A0. ',L111,1,,eret f -Jint-Matdregor,"-the ..highest :bidder -- •i' - - s 154:1-1.• """IsE, v ') wore ue brocade' Mil- y sang a deett.. The -Meeting for _next Sunday' to taken by ,Mtn'. Jas., Complete yout- . . vacatioh preisaratioals ,.Our srock;th&geritkine_t ,KOdak:Filni inthe yellow box, 0)67 • p -1.t.6 for every- Sized. . , • , carnera. Before you ,Start oriyour vacation, show our expert some of your. negipx-es:. His helpfulcrittctsnis are sure .to bei,tet pie- : -•furis frorii your Kodak.: , • .FOR .SALE BY•* k no ). TWELFTH cON., BELFAST KINLciss -Monday, April Otb. extend,-our-heartiest-pongrata,- . _ honielast\vek» - 'Mr Ben Stanley -visited 'fi•ierids in , Kincardine .on Sunday. MrDick Richard's. recently sold his. driver to the Rev. Mr. Smith at Ber- ' • vie Mr, and Mrs. William' Scott at-, last week. , ,-Aptetty:"...hoine Wedding-Was:_sol- enmized at high neon ,on April -4th; at the home ,of Mr; and Ws.' James; '-l-finiter den. 7,'Kinciirdine; when thefr• Youngest ,daughter, Etta Pearl, was united in jnarriae to Mr. Samuel, HinmerSeti; Of, BerVie, The bride, Who Was becomingdY,attired.in'a gown of ivory silk crepe' de chino,' entered the drawing room, On, the arm of hr father; 'to the',..strahis ,of . "iklendelk, sohn's"MelodY" played;'hy :1VirS. Jack, Emmerson. . The young couple .were . unattended; The. ceremony ',Was, per. ' trirrned.bY the key:. Mr. vSinith, pastor of the-Bervie Circuit, in .the.presence -fi-.0"ds- orthe (.1" gia-otn, „.Affer,, the ,.signing Of the tegiSter all Sat Tite afternoon -VAS .;,Spent terc�urse interspersed with vocal and instrumental iiiusic and i-ecitatins. Thc'bride and ..grogrn then left :for their future' honie -near BerVie. Where a, reception: was tendered them friedds and neighbors ; to the number of about • 3,0;,,glitherod.to weieeme, them,:A: very , evening. was, *.pperit.. preSents,,were numerous and Valuable,. showing the osteetn: in 'which -the young couple is helil, 'We: all johrld •Wisiiing them n happy voyage threugh , life; I 4atioris7-to"-MI.F7g4ie-M-re.77POCY Gra- • .111,r .'Dynes:Campioe11, has returned •;", ;711.960-7after:-operiding the ,. -winter With his uncle.in Algoma, • "• ' t' . A • large • number of, thefarmers.. t. rom here attended :the, sale near, Danl.'. • ',.' annon,.One,•day last week: ' a. day. recently and,. .1-lerh-Stothers, of Dungannon; The titieke.,cari again he 'teen' rising ,in the..neighboring:basheS where_tho. • farrncrs are busy making Maple SY.r.1 ".fainily; of LiicknOW/:VOited-:,..at the horne of Mr, and -Mrs. Ralph Nixon, on Sunday'. •.. • . • ' -Our leacher:', Miss -1911iitart;,'haS reit; ' ;turned , ±0 her , :duties .„ after ',spending the Easter vaeation, at her,honie' near 0,twen Sound. ; . Mr, and Mrs, , John Bradley: and, son Eldon, of Latirier, visited: at •the lionie•of..het .parents,. Mr,- And *ThS","-rfac- heft: Ole* 1ay hit `Week; ji`iniet-,..713ittbOur and faMilV 'of. have returned -210,nte. after Mrs. Sam Sherwoodor a few weeks ...;,:MARRIAGE, TEESWATER',,,",.,,, ' • • ' ,ver.v, ni•i.t.tty .weddiria' was ito,ed Teasikater:, �Tt „April 4th, , when .112,191ettei•,' 'V.,Ourte'est dtiakilter of Rey. and; WAS united t .'inantitiO4-- Io:torne ,Pattison,,of Ian& P-fotnotivT7'irt. eleYen-thirt-Y--t30.,bride snteied',the church.' Sin. the , of het,.father;.who.;:trpo perfortri- ed the .tererr3ny,Mid kOWii was .of c teary. liberty. satin .'„0, 'radium •lace with Irish einitt train sthi, veil With • ni.ange blossoins. she carred. Iv • hoter bouqut'of ithstit4 and lilies -of - ; lore. , P in ii( %IT igthet, ilred Bradlev.‘ ht. bl ' splendid itnieb was serVed bY the ; and over XONV Qntario there .`tviis a satin with large hat: and. cat., ladies; after which h t6'it haul's \veto., 1.001(4' 'blizzard on .1,1611daV, Tetl hounoet of sunset roses,Tttk. spent in qinoing gaineit.,,At,Arate Of 1,Chen' ofesnow, fell) seflonslyintAiziPrifk.-,Grt%,2-higgiVi4g,„1114-1114.4.--- flianlis-iiair-lender'ed' 10; 'Vs; ra' ttattc, as tbe strong' iev, voniniing pale Vita satin ME* URtMonaii), 01‘ the two' of thoir' pliof) too poor 'drifts shaclot'' 140 . 1111,Ved the Weditlikil , • ,*).„ w. „