HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-03-29, Page 7urnaples-an
VarlatIon-I-Gatnett. • Racial, OrIgire-r-Rnallitiu '' '
, gf-turP.P.-74..N.' I obal I tyt .....
Here is a fiimily nume:;•Which-traees.
' name:* 'In qt,1,:er 'Wordir therti'Wal,r1t1".s,t':
4.$1*.01:17Paniei,'.frOilt'wh.I04 Was:forPleil,'
a local bailie.' Then. 'at a later' period.
when the.given' name had heepme ob.
• •
,Sotorce-A local name.
1141.1$ pan tiviltkrAitli•,, wit tts0,4.1.ittle. • jn-
gpst 4lieen it,Warded 1,Proi)03•".
as the hest , Ca.nedlita for n4nie.
• ••60 th.e• P41•)" pt•one-, ".•
lisherk. Mesers, "liodder 4' Stoughton. : But-tlie •a'sso.cla,tfoti of idetta 'h4re,. 18 ,k4tP;,"'t,1.1,,. 1Oe;i1, llallIO,.wgii. o.y.e..49p9d,
-and.•-itlin-MOSson-llooln.,Com.patiy.„--is..an_.. i- , . -..:.
: intilleadTag;i-ViiIii,'70,-.67.-'faiiillY-Iittifie,--iT4Q"``Tasr4P111Y--';)41.4'el---4°. '6'; "PF"t•--4•••41IY--.
.-auth•ovese...:of.Tigternathinal,_•-farnoi---4A151- ,- -..• ,• --- - „.•,.,' • ..,..,...' • -,t,-,,,..---T- -Jaa-rgo.•-letticattgg illa:coal--,repidence, • .
. )1al, had:4erlialbi-the most ,coe'mopoli,-;,.;` Co.P.1.0.• ft".°4.1,7.1.1-4,441,°'..-*'," '..-.; The: place nanie-",i0 the .4,4114e..... 1_ ,
- '
: .itipt..--.•-7roer .-.0t-_--an*,, ,Iiitoplan, -*Tam.' 7-1111,-6(0-4-371'.67-47:'07011)111'411 Of.. t-.4.0 :401.-- 7-in'octerrt''fifitilly -n a ni. e, .:•'. lib:71-pg',.":'017,707-. --..-pti
..., 044ad..1, . .. , ,. , , . • .., , .. ..,r,hie, reeords, go to ShOW.,..13.0r;gY.rv.t.,114t . •fhose ",.01.d.4..lgglOh, •.place natileS. • at)
1 ;The ;fact that the award Was made, 'it ., s.eldoth,":.1(..eyer, ...acteally •rwas 7a• de.,..'strilple•*et pi.onitherAffen. that:it his not
her inennieript,witlithit knowledge of Y.elOpytent 44 it; *. '1* ' `," . '.. ' ' ,...- .1 :-Oliant;Ad‘: • throtigh•'the ..eburse,,Of..cen,:,
. .,..ige,` Writer's ...,hleitijty hi just one more I. ,•,;.Fir if,,,you' trade'. the 0 nanie. ha:0c • a• 7.•tiirles',,,.. The Wage is la..,.'ithritet - (OW* in'
' 'prUfirjbat merit : goes further ,.
In the„.hit..y6h• conie across -the Oioll„tag ."4,41r..,r,3e,rh,§...hire,:ap,•t4O!"•.ni-v..07, fC•Ooliet, • .
ityrit".in.,•thaii rejitif 4t1.0 4... .14161 d!! itigte4(1, of-,1".P.aiget,•.,,,,,-,41,•.-yOii..tr,iike,:;,,,,,,--preinz thb, e go'i nit tk•k',f•O'r. tr. y•cit. rrOgh't •
- -,iiTigs MallAvraithJS it present a .resi-if.. still Nether back. yeti .41:`111cP13?...T0•, have gueSsed that it WAS- a ,Coriiiiiutaty
dent '4f. nuritifeton„ptit'artb,- where the ::.run: acrOsS,.'.'• -t,#'. sneaking. ''"QP.). .odtlr . On th,e ;hank' of s'eorq e .river. or stream.
long -hoped-for reality,. of-Settling-dOwn [which .•(it you ; ItriONY,that'it is 'W.-dish)0' '.' Hunger:ford. •"Wes,:,Orighially......f.'„Hun-,
.... in. her "oWn Mile borne!" is •iheing •fui- ,,inore,readay .a.S.seCiates, .1i:serf, wil:ii. the • ger'ii Ford," :and iti• got at th5. reason
if t lied, Anii, her' chief desire • In life is,' ancient (ektte v;brtr."Oail111'•'..ttli1AtiP:g. for • the ,piace te-111,i .§''.O..PilIiied.you,hoye
to "i'become,..titi .A*1 girdene.".. ',.',,'.. ;.. I. a' pile. of Stones, er inere.,s.ppcificalty a. to..delve",boek to .iltaf ;Perfect • in Eng
The author of nearly a dozen boolta,.(,strtletnee;*or IitOtte *filcli..WaS,4'.pruid II,cili history.. who, 'the Dote,. ifotlq,s in,„
a prolific contributor i0r• years .t0.chis•-feilinle,-*' • ' ., . -.,: . .. . ; : , .. .'' x;a'tled'.Ilvitein:.; Onk. of...01k nio,st" fa::
.. . , ,
..criminiting-PeriodidelS, .eilltor, new•7'- I , Thiswould nalltrallY•be*4 local. na.1.11e. moue .. of.. the Danish •chieftiins ' was
_. . . .
„•:,pap erwo m a ii -..and -SPeCial...•-CerreepOn...; found ... .i,n7.;ar mos t, •an Y.,s pp: t ; in.5;;F_Ipgland,•-named. trungeri:,;:.B.itt few".Nvlio Veer: th 1 S
dent, traveller and :1•01,fe.r of history in,s•dr'particularly•of'W4lee",,In Which snch.' name,' realise- that, iadirectly, they are
its 010 •t, fivid forms, 1111,Ss* McliNvraith.!.i.nins,...reinained. , if:: was exactlY the nanied after' a "faMous. Danis,11,' leader.
. stands out "a.' an,, untiipal type' of Woisort of 'Plac.e.:,nante' littelY:: to, .1>ecpin6. • N4(s•iived more .t.,h0.31 a:. thousand: years,
.. man, •Her 'first five bOdlte W, Pre- writ- 1 'the'siirnanie .of an:yhocts,-. living near it. • .ago. : • • " ''. ' ' ..'
,'-..:.ten..in Hamilton ..„ at , h'er old •!lionte.; 1
then she migrAted..to'New York, where
". for, many', Yeare 'ehe, filled! imp.ortant
., positions in the'literary .And. publish:
. ,.. . .
Ing worlds., . .,..:, ., ' ' '
-. -- • a ' Isfahan 'Of:Armature yeers,:Miss
: Al.ellwraith's • refreshing , personality:
-.' 'and .kken enjoyment of- the entrit let:
adventure and youth IS what has made
her one., of, the% ablest people .in: the
. . .. ., . , . . -
world, to write,- enjoyablestories for
• Canadian boys and .giris.-; '
, . ... , , . .. . • . .
. -Tlie.. story "of: Aliss,:111ellwralth'S7-de-
'irotibirltIti7hq77thollier'ieAiliwli ich W„ill.
appeal especially to her „young .read-
ers. -.;,-..iTlie:,,bendi.betWeen'•: the Ian therese'
and her Mother" was oneloof....unusnal:
•:"..:ifildersItainling and •fidelit,y,;:..it grew, if
.:-.6Sible; in _later years, When 'Mrs"... gc,,
---..11v,;raitat.,.'heegmide 4 total invalid, de--
Pended -mere -and" More apo'n• ih.e•live
. ., . , . .• .,,,.. . • . ,.• .. .
.and -Care ...of her..daughter.,. For • four
. , . .. . . „ . .
„ ..years. ilie. yMing 0,,writer remained. at
. ••.her';'*iffetb,er'S ,side' ';at ' the -Old *home,:
„ . .• • .
-Cairlibrae, "An' "Dariiillea, •and 'produced
.1a li(Yoki 'eacik- one •Of these : winters'. •,:,...A.t
' b.e.r .inother.ii';'deallf„..la,190.11-:--11.1-10.7Mc--:
.11wraith :breke;:iwaY :from: :trery, 'ord.
- , assoeia.ii60[1..eong that the power for
• , ,
bit,'•it h at...,-
..-t,hat i that she 'Went; y0ik'
•....incl''begati her Oriiiia:itt 'career
--.whicli'centintied.fOr; fourteen' years. :
• • • •,
• After 'Order to Step...
, • .
.againf! malt he- a -,nicittO 'aPPre-
ciat ed. by Lord, earnarvon. since, .hiS re-
. , , • A' •
cent diSCOV,e1SpS in Egypt:
%Whet the great neWs,reaphed him, he
• .• . ,
. -had already desPetched .a..wire .to:
.. • ,• _ . •
toblS".• to. Howard ',Carter, Fho.
for. over: two . yeare;.;ted b,eeif earring
;Nth. carter for. spine 'time' had:
Weir'Itingtorflie7:Fgyptian :govern-,
, .thenti• d it ..i.S.•°-1.6 gOvern,
•0,-,;iiitha.:„..that.-.,inest• -of' the spells...Will go.'
• ,
n1eps to Lt1 value of many thousanIs
. Of ':-Piliffirile•S:ciiiiii...iirl'AVEieli":110°;"-iriteride'
....preeenting,,to the 13ritish7.1‘luteuth. . 7
ob,E.'ood.hiis 'somewhere .niad,o:
."e'•711•4-tetrr,7"7.;::,.;• • • ' •
to, see..
• • Than a. Majestic tree. - -
13nt It He basi.011hinkrit grows ••
*11.11,e r, 6.6ios• ours .c19, Sing,
. tree,' he lie' akin to Cod, •
,„. . . .
in this impatient agei;;.,, •-•
IS. bowed r
'And. hideS, ,hie ..nurpoie. In the clod, ••
'iftiOt.slitill-grow'nobIY; on
dad and.
seenis to love ;Ilia fetid* Yet to be.
aird fade; ‘,
, . •
Tle eaSons. Coina'and go
.-.0idsiottnts Shall drive And hICtc
Sifri "and ,ra.in-fliat.froni"...liiCtainh.'„
Efface hls.name, teneW the hloom
,glory of ,the'fiyontinient he Made,
• . ,* -- Author unknown.
. .
• . •.•
• WaliOno. on the Invalid; ,
As •10 ig As •the, grass In a 'Chicago;
siss*•!, public • Park Is healthy anct/green the
, pitrieiTh". AO"Orn to look •upon it as some
•410, s•fg;18, einnmah,a thein. - When It
Do Not Realize That Their Troul•
ble is Due to Impure Blood. ,
' Book -Tasting...
Every publishing firm employs a
staff of."readers,"'whose."duty.it is. to
deal7With-t h e--constairt"Sti in of man ui-
scripte.th at flew into*: initilisher's
fice ;Inst. As••.e.ieo expert,: tastes lea,
so des, pihrieher'S ',"reader" taste'
Peen ..the judgment of the "reidete":.
depends -,the sueeesS Or 'failure �f
A :Woman ,p6pds' a • biped building „
pubhshing. house. •The„ reader. As ever
medicine regularly, just becauSe she LS
a :1,‘"-oinari -From' ';"matuildr7tOti-Ufa.dre-:.;-011-flie.-ailettler-fire-inainiseripf•:Nyli iCh.
life. the. 'health :of • every • wobian,cle- PlaY 11.1.,',9•ye,,t0;,be a "best , • ,
pends' upon her bleod..;,If:hkr•lorood. is ''; noyol. MaY "he, Olever and
opginality'of.plot and.of style, arid yet
'pop h w pelt , ' lanetricv• pale :and
nerNriAl. If the ,blood supply is,..irregu-
lir", she ..suffers from headaches „apd"
baCkaohes,,- and. ; soino' -women have
.grown expect 41iis suffering end:to
• hearlt in. silence.4 They, do not realize,
that 1! the -blood 's'applY, i9. kept' fich
and pure; their 'troubles will disaPPeAr,
but etich iS: the.c,Oiel .In. eVerys,wethen'i
"life a:. tonic bloOdentichifig' medicine
-is :needed and -for his'ptirpose ncithing
can :help ,them so Arinc.11, as J)-; Wil-
liams'. Pink Pille;which act 'direetlyi'on
the blood, -furnishing- -the eleinents
necessary to Make if .and pure.
Watts, -Kingston, crit.,gives
her experience with this' medicine as.
follows:7--,"my• first experience ', With.
Dr. Williams' 'Fink Pills Was ;While:at:-
tending the •Collegiate !Institute at
about the age 0! Sev.enteen:- beeame
very inuCh runi'dOwn, and 'could not...10
up Stairs : without : resting half Way. '
Flnally-a had to quit sclipol 'and -nOt-
withatandirig•all. that was •Cleme for me
:there were 110 :signs Of',Impro,venient:
usinguitl1 after. 1 had begun Nyjk,
use of (hie perhaps,: that be ,.::has dischVered a
Medicine 1, became: well and strong. perhaps,
a:ext., eiperleneeNvitir
Was softie_ years .., f Wee,' married,
-G-C.r0re7e--xi-ereiti,f11;:-Ge9rge: Eliot, iFrafili
After my baby boy was •born;I' did not
`should,.-ise:I at obee_Stirt-
n• ' •
r 1.0,';,k-vi,erii all the time 1 was books '
ptibliShers' readers , With ",nbinotenOus.:
pursing baby. • And yen"), shbiild?haite....L.
seen: What o• liealthy. boy
. . , ,
regularity,,untii 50me•farSTliCed book: , 9 e ine s ir ,o ie a-
Nidest. physia, earth,',, fen grown mpg., ;
Whenever I feel doWn 1)r. • • • sej. n)Ogtap,is. .The,. primarV 'purpose' .•
Cia411.1a.4.'.434roti weather -one
day loright; but- -sloppy,- the, next
.e.ery:f 0;1,4e Mptlieti" (9: Iteen'11.1e.",lit(10.;
ones indoors. •• They are Often con;.1
fined° to overheated-, badly Ventilated
,roorns.. and catch colds: - which, rack
• their:Whole sysfetnr. against
rlieSo:eoldg,,and•fO.,•keeCtlie baby' well -
sbouid jn•the .arld an oe-.•
casional;,•iibse" given the lieby, to heOlt•
scoinach .andl bowels Working; re-
•The Tablets '.are a mird bUt:'
thorOugh.leiative,'which rail*A9,
•regulafe• ',s,t0.1114,,eh •:.anq
Colds; * arid sirfiplo , • • ., • • . •
hhail"" af '5 cents a box from The Dr.. C4-•it"!."":11Q'se:519.r3."' !‘•TI•1'. A 11161't s. sleep
••• ' '
_5tory Contes,t"
fevers and.ieep. the baby. St. The Tab- • . • ; • i hardly breath.e? 1' had ...Corush. to...the
lets are old clealei.•5 or„ by Or'•31.1rii•ngt;";'• *.winclow• for airl and eeldottl•ilgt a. geed
Wifiliams1,1'.'i‘I-0,dic"in,„, ti,rocili.v-dre. a LI hive to be "-• hundred years old
011t Petitipit cOrif•11c,o,••••1‘. :17101.det will always, 'bless the day started
. • • .,-..,sougbumi., -is based ,on an • • , • . • . .
. • , • t l'unliortieetment.. I have gained
actual- Ili° days o.f the co4quest• nine •potiii'd4 ath • free of indigestion
',Vetetatiori •,• . • , . • ' ' '
I Classifietisense •
-ITSAVO.R.V1141-0°, 0-1'347tria-eaxwatle(Pan'Ylitirrlsy":4111111.0-Ivrtrolgor;w'
' - • ftoeOrTcooimi.ofeorgrrteerreo.ii•Lo-rgiroctfoliNwex•nodriglkes
'oronto. Lady Values T. ardac
lkillbs; Georgetown, Ontario.. •
Highly, Declaring it Ended
Stomach Trouble: -Gains
Nine Lbs.
for forrY:
' *bald have given that brach' .before
took this Wanderfut treatment to feel
atbtaet'ewn1.7ntX.ndiadr twlio;"oWtIlsr tnila; PbriMtir,V4e-
• AlatIld-aI.Levoin,742, Strange 'Str.i. Tor911-
* sufiered with-- stomach trouble,
--geharal ' run-down conditionr•AnciT,-bay.
neryes ekeited they nearly
droye•nie . I ate searcely enough
to--Iteep going. Was .dreacIfully and
•weak, and Often had ..tO give un"laii
hoptieWOrk tO 4,1t0f.d. -
on my sioithch.hlhated inc 1111 eould
,.of QueJec. • • • . , nervousn'ess and Sleeplessness, and' mY
housework .. is like play . Tanlac Is
' Tenree is for: sale by all good drug,
. .
.gists: • Over ,35 million 'bottles sold:
...Attention has been. in,viteo .10 whht •,. ,. •
ilP •i'Og'grded• as 'an-, iiiipertant,' illust-ra. •
tionofthe siiree•results of-,defpresta-
, ,
tion 10 •the.APPalao.hianS.-. Near a to 11
jut tennesse:e ttra roasting . an'd. •sinelt, '
ing cif, "copper Ores.. have entteely deS.:
'able area...and left the ground Perfectly
it:royed. the, v'egetatiiin over..a. consider,
"bare. Consequent surface:: erosion is
rapidly "remoi,ing the soil, the slopes,
-aro Ocarred with Thlties.,: the' „waste . -
" California
.frolp Hie, steep'. elopes has .birie4 :the
. „ .• Syrup"
„for.iiiet _sniface along the ...s.treainlets,
, . Child'I-Best.tLaxatilie. '.
*SO, that neither ,slchie nal: narrow Peed,
plain. is of. any, value, for agriculture. --:
. ..
or.oraziek.'" Floods " on these st:renins.
rise.. higher and inare,renidly then, 411
former times*,, Nyliile..i11.!,dry' seasons
Springs once perennial -gci *dry and
: .. „ , . . , .
•Others alinost •cei's,e ".floNvirig. • •
. • •
;foil the •
, • .:.
r00• took
prove a....diSznal,fitiliire. .C4 the Other ant bbildle `.to
hand;',a--noVel,..lacktng., "origiealit.
Virritten..;ln:sIOvenlY. style, -may . ;The:Chairman:made rop,ea'ted, efforts'
catch 7t,1°::e AvayWard :fan ey of the read- •i:Ci
ing public and la.:k•-frasth; the..aiftlfoi• f.USeil,t0 •-c41.,ij.ti:to otdc 11 cia
May' hee'erne faino•iis""' throughout."!.the &reit. laeted hely an lubir.:‘, ;•*
World, an both the;
-author and'.tire'pnlilishen'will,fiturtheir..:ehhirtffan asked -.1, • : • ; ' • •
.shapliing.;ae.cOuntS swelling.', , • •' , ".."Vesquite;'. but defy y(iii'lelden'y
•Al.though.e Pitblislier's-reader;fries.' the. •of • my ;:statetherits,". he 07'
AO feel .the.pulsepof ,the..reading Viihrlc, forted.' ..`•: •,""
0:and .sense sort :Of .a. novel. Will ' "1, have no Wish, the'chair-'
inan.;..•""Th'e:ges. coMPallYv little steniach '11ns.et,. tongue ecated.,"•.-
fanUre§, •the':reader'S',judgruent,-..mAY a gement • et:which :brp;iit•Phlenni!frtis-.L'.1.0Qfr-eirc,-1•)d'°;-•11:orr. lQila'161:COlsi•ce,raG•ts.;a.'srePlo'eo-rars•l11"°
"Capable ;Fruit."' .
; A YOubg -Irishman, shortly After
..coming: to this • C.th.ntry„" was' stopping
, With a•friend of his boyhood nowllv
ing. -N•eNN.Yorlf. 'day the • friend
Obit •liim d'olVii TO ;ha v e. a lick at Was IT--
Even .a sick child ipves
taste. of; 'California' Fig 'SyruP,:" \If the `.
,•• • • •
ingtOn': PasSi4g .:friiititand,:,
fhey:saw. some gra'pefrulf„ which the
new iir:rivaj'.0.frierid Were oranges.
!.saifcr ;Abe", other",:.,'4'but;
ihe'y're big, fe11oWs1 venture. to,
say,' now, it , tvotkidn't.;!take, Many- Of
, then-I.:to •Ibake a d`oz4,t1.,!!'. •
1114Y farse; And alroyel•rdeited hewing ineting :in tire neit tomb, 'ne'ver'laif,'•t0 Open", the' ."lieWers...., In ` -•n
„, •
fifteen. Pnirlishers ;May he accepted; by
• • This. AS :the'Vegefirian, SOcietY;" **- hour yon ca.n, for .yourself!.:
„the' sixteenth and have:a big' ' ' , - "he W. tliorbeghlY it .works, all the:,‘o•ri.si
• ....
Reject Now F.:in'ous NoVels.,
. any novpls, now, famous have been
pation poison, - -••sollr, bile and Waste *
from the tender,. little bowels -and
. gives you a well; plakfur Child again. ..
Ittrned down and rejected again and
again-.--,- r -vat ottr,pu isiers •readers, - . Millions of Mothers keep "California
. . • -
Fie•Syrup" handY,. They know a tea- , .
and then after A peried,ef'Years, Often spoonful tO-day, javee.,A,Siek child to- ! .
Wh .11 the:author has :abandened hone;'•-
.. . • morroW' 'Ask...,y4jiir druggist, for, gene -
an ,
enterprising publisher, greatly der- inc f'Catiforifia •Fig Syrup";which 'ha's .
ing, accepts the oft -rejected mainv. di r•eifiene„;:for.;habie4-1.in dl-ehilil ren ..91.,,,,,„
ntra-sriiiirdirro--.1figgiffiriire" sir ages', Trinted -6n. bottle.,.' Mother! •
o kr:0411U
Doctors warn against remedies
,containing powerful drugs arid. „
alcohol. "The Extract of Roots,
long known as Mother ..Sei4el's
Curaiiiie Syrup, has no dope or
,-strongirigredienti; itchasea away,
indigestion,.bilithisness arid con-
drug -store,',' • Ger the genuine.
50c. and $1:00 Bottles";:',. ,. • 8
est Bowel Laxative
Yon :must, say. I f orn hi" of -yon 'Ili ATI
.get an'iniitation fig .syrap.
--...-To-bow el 13 ---W-1 011t R S •
cram in*, -or oVeMcting take 'C Sea ' ' way eisnicigraPhs;
."et. Sick headache, blllousnesa, gases••of:' Adie-,..fafienese mind' .in•'.,:praetical.7
indlgeetion, sour, :Upset, itethaeb, and
ou •14,e••,:ives;•-•..:Lincl,,.1.F.waS :.:StrIang •-eriice-.--.iiiare-,',.',..tSISI.-r''..,-145 P,.0,'"Ita.•6?(whlh ;!•••a.'1•,si.',.:Xlll'.4.1if,fg:itep'r it.1.: dri.-.&-e.blidte"*.--r.---,'irae.", if'', ficW,'' ' Tat- -(e.'"Ii. ter... xt61'°"•'"•°,41'60'1'.'il•-•-"e•-4.''',5-..'".'''.44'-''.1*41'..-s'•";•',6', .".''''-'1--
. leapt , .t•
twin..iain,i,..i.iik,pifis_.r.e.,,tn..3ri.,01i.i.,,c.„.._airefa:01;t., ri:i:ofc of, 'pornii4r.,,dees,,-,,,-... -,,,,r..::-: :7-; :..., .:,„..:.- ,:- ::: , ,4,.,,,,..-,..,,7, ...........„,...„., .7.:..,-. • 0., ...-•,;.. -, .i..;o.f,...the..s.eisalograph.,,is to•IneASini-the r 1
. ___ , ,
17- t,r0/1.013.,- 1...q.e6itme44 thein :to. g'it,..,',,Pre-mt. of th, Tiihits.het.'e,readerS. is ..'...r,;.„ As You Were. ....-„-: , ,,,...7„...os.,ciii..titiiytiv..0c..art4;014.ke,e2J',.:440al?e9'7'
Ing 1: gil!ls. 444 Of wonyth:7, , : - .. :_:,•:Inot e.happy. One, and.it. iS;diffieult to ' . The .questibii;bed4uSt been pCniied,•:'-').•gi'l:ee''s t'S'e..,•tr'fdr' .det61:ini•Shig'1.11'e ..:
". "Vim . can, get..eieee'.pilli ili toUgh- -any. 86.0ido, whiC11.'IlOvel ;Will ' succe:s„ 'fiii-I.,1,•: .1 aild the ything (Cloyed belle was blush- *,ProPei.,thalenee.O1 AP'corneitii;ei and .the ,.•
. .
..triedleine•• dealer lo r :;by m11 at iid , tents , appeal.. .1:c" l';''e•-r..0.4(1•;u•Ag -Public ...and whieli ' ':ierg-a•--meist ide 1 feate.,:Yitilet 'shade. . ; :0-o..'-'§ take of '.1.114.;i'e.r.:inale,.13. .1" l'i".•41 -0.11.• !rail'
'a Vox .froth The 1:tr.,. Williams7.,Sfedieine. will fail: : The •read•er,, 1)001 Oil! wades • "'Jeff " .• She *inti'llilai•ed,. ,,•''clees' •'`'yco: .WaYS• .' M•al13.'",PractiC.al •advantage -S" t:11-'.• •
C9.;:BroekVille-"Ofit:- • ' * ' *". .,:through-Itlie-Tecrihad,'„ 'and" indifferent - *Ili Soya me Or -2doe q; vo!. jes.' think
rnenescrip.ti,:and-ii.6: considet's:hinielf 'Yo'.•d'oes.?*;!',, ' "... , •;,," ', - ' . ' faults :in „construction have tliiis.•.re-' •
the- sav lug of,fue1.4nci t..e.diii! "ct,on. of ;.„ "
" •
• '
The,. Poor Divorcee .fitarrles
• '
Millionaire. '
See -saw; Margery Dan-,
She shall have tttiew_ rilseteri,•
She'll have a thousand della rs II; clay,
And .rnore, she-..s.PendS, it: faet,er. • '
• -
lucky ,if the dis,e.overs„.e. "hest 'seller" ibdeedy; andY," 'replied,
once ip tWelveuanntlis„. • p iove5
...suited. •
-'S o eii• .s end .y ()lir , n P 11t et:!' ' • :
, ,
tiq 140 "plibliabei's, ..(i.o,n't think lori " •
:ar the. ''''readerlt if , A' Ki'nfz`
• , -!wa aii„egg
, Jumping to. conclusions 107,' days.:.• There's a saying* in • fikery
, • .
ythi,traver a liner At is wis'e"iicit.:*61iPase that an °° a .(1'n**' keeps
baterief ' • ' - `*. •
••*94c. •.:00,..v.eatA a Yarhiiii C.' ' • ' ** •
.6tetyerd,.., A I)as�n.l- 011 4)111 1l,cTtj,
get hit
hlfd rewal'cre'tf lie nian- With .a sliiluing
:for,doing r. Half an hoar,: later. ,
beard,' that itO..tiadtipifed Sir. Thethas .
' .,has been telfing. •
the s:tory, a; sign ,of
greatness h1 part. 'Tennyson and
the , fare Duke: Of, Norfolk were .alao
„ ,
.tipPoit their 'AiMe, and :0...bragged
•About'll: :•• • "; " ' '• ' "."
11161Y, your out-of'-towii dceouns by
„..lapaneee_Turn.to Chairs..
• iher-Japanete.
'fashiOn. • All tile schOois,an„&•
• begi nos d fa -out,'" •h o wever•-; thelirrrec- • f* •
•• t:' I " 1 n g41:111-Gring Place's *nay' h"e. ebliks;'alut":'
; spec • Instant • •,-.• ••••••• • • ••••• • - • ••• -•••••••••-----------/C-Chines'e7wenititn--Whirbas
Denehes 01 the,westera istYle„`, „ . a.,
A • man In a ,burny•-started One".daY: •
up. “certain tiituiigi.itA • .0.0; -.111,0yers, claims • to he -the oldest persen -in the
Per park. but Was. stepped by There..are mornefiks tihe „Bout is wdtld. At the age Of 131t.ie frairelled •
-rqan;• .1:- • • . • • '1 kneeling, n65 e.416.•atiititdoi IroP1 Hait0),ong,. the. •dhieg ,sea.patt. of
dreg jt 'Make? do , uf •thfe bOty. way „._vietor
rigkIng to Saigon which place she
mended the eitikert.• • • . • • ` - as - xprosse at ,. is is) oie
'7 half' dead'••• l "
:. • grape...fe
• "Sure," said the Indignant- officer, frttnard'iL.Lleilinent tried. by 011yiriciani:
aif 'Ye had eidie 'filendWoeld4titt
.Poi roar •
' walkin'• en bis stoma:di ?t • '
, •
' ' • Senate of , Women,'
Balled. Firm. Price '1 I a ts and-Info:471a.
thin free,' 13edcnie a, setisincd eustom-
MAII °Merit ally •Spedkiliy.
. ,
. A '.0ehato Of; wajnea was 'established TEM VINT,' fitirrloll . foTTI.,
. •
.111- 1.1ionie, 11;8-22 A:1), lii"ii Zino*. : thitt.. ,i1:0,,, 007 0011o11 •8t4•*(s1.o.#.:0
_. Elagebelne, for` the, serteite COniiideta-
'11.--17" ton of.(1' . toOe ahdetiqiiette. • ' *1 n tbiAir Night anti Morrlo
Waterotooft,ng Cloth. • Iff"'we," Newt Mak liehh4; '
, .,..... EY... UAW Tim .
- 'Cloth fe •wifterPrOototiti lb 'BOlitlit 14 ;
. i ..k?,:01/' .-:' Itch, Smart be Miiii, ,
'Ctiiitiii,g it t.vith the freib istot from ' „a., arc if Sore, Irritated, lit-
tobbei,Atreos.- a ki a ,th On Ititi3Oltthg 'it or ;!...' ' UR IlLatl'auted.orGeimulated,..;
, it, *06.0 fire ,. , A tioeMfliineoftetiiketine,Refreliks.13ellgOt
'' Infant Of Adult.. At MI •Diiiitglitii,, Wtitti.
I ' 41' .......,,,i.......
. A loot iiit 4.1,00 teed...,: . f9tItteelfEeilOOitddrsiiitriatit4it.4;Chkii.
• -
4114 1,114
Teddy Was Chewing. gum nt'ost
nriergetioitily th Seltdell'hoizrs.' Finally.
lie teacher ethild gond it ti�. longer,
sho•oloilert, "it Yen' 'Can jet
'along withotit that. glini. tot.: a While.' I
*Mild enjoy "" •
PoWer 1../i.wri Mower,
, An invitiOr heti deVeleped ii,PoWet
operated lawit ntow'er 'witching onlY
125' pOlihtti" 'Can be gaited;
Ilke a hand maeltine whore. Cutting is
ca Ificifgq
Instantly!: StomacirCorretited!-'oir
, never feel the-slightst,..clustress from'.
, indigestion or s0,11r, 'avt(r...glOsy loin-
"sa0h. 'atm' ythisfqii a. tablet "Of:'"..Papelne.,.
1)iapepsiii:" • The. inotnnt 1L „reaches'
the stontabh. all "Sthirness• flatifienee:.'44 ,
easeS, a 11.1A
d Ise pPea 1)rnt•1''.guar4lititee• ea eh
kxo• . to ,,,orrty0t.dtg4rtrnr,
• Doetti't 'hurt a hitt Drop .a. littlo
Y'Freezone'', on an aching corn; instant-
ly that corn steps 'hurting, then shortly
yoti lift it right ofti`with Angora', Truly!
• Your druggist Seliti a Uhl bottle Of
"Freezone for A. few' Cents, stifficlent-tei-
' remoSe, eyerY hard corti, Soft dotn,
Corn haired' the tcie8 and the callinies,..
'Wttlfoilt, Serenest Or Arritatien.
,. • ,
'The be Way fa earl a .0•14.161 lit
19 alifiln1/4;11,
fiflinR I1 front
Mhflard'k Llnlment everywhere
' kinchis Hv Maxy 04St-re.
flhllfl ier A .1 le -rest Q, ieliapit. at ion.:0
are divideif•'un into
of• cas rel1g1otidvseparated roi;
one another, In Wilaievet' eilstt:' a 1, •
,man. is born, In Hip, caste he reinaing',;••
untilhe dies,
.„. ,
"tr•t.'*44-611.* T *IT --HID 1110. AT •
..'Write, for
deco:millet* r"fni*er. 1440041.
•Onterlo., •
_ Busnonssw or Tot*. oviotp
TV arabitions inclivIdtials;--Who. 'stand
for .honesty- and integrity in, their corn-%
muntty..-whe went a „business of their
own. To the proper part$,e. we offer thq
onPertunIty ef. • baftding a permanent
'huiillaese-in---thelr ty:-We - -
-facterers of•woAmereaand.intsses!...dresis.-.7...,,.
FeS;7COAtio7:-Slittaii.iii17,tleisiery. I we-
-tha_ middleman's Profit- tootling '
;direct -to. the. coneutner- lhrtriloch repre., -
SentatIves aach.locality. • Experleace,
.or, investment •not necessary -we teach • •
you bow. Tell • us ,a11. a.bdut yourself.
National :Mail Order House, direct Out,
littors of Ladies!. • ree.dy:to.:weer, 'Unity
Funding 46 ',St •areirancler St.., Mentroa. •
• Azu•rt. PlOnim DB8oroiclitoble. on awl,
_ ,and How, to read
mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author..
U. may 08-.. Mae.
120 west' 24th Street
*I‘jow York. U:S.Alk-
Fingers ; Cracked. Lost
Sleep::cuficura .11eals.
1,.,..Ec4ema began with, a "rash on.
'my hands and I could„ not put my
• hands- in water; grew worse every
'day and my hands and fingers all
cracked which made them covered
with eruptions. I lost sleep with the
• 'hitefcli'q!Tirrehgr'..hfrekr'.141';:rflaes'utteldcutrilireSeoinapc)n• and
Ointment, and after. using three:
cakes of euticura Soap and two and .
`a.half boxes of euticura Ointment
the eczema was; healed." (Signed)
Miss Eva E.13ellive.thi; 338 Highfield
•St., Moncton, -New Brunswick. .
' For every purpose of the toilet and
bath-Cuticure • Soap;Ointinent and.,
Talcum are wonderfully.:good.
isuoris44EINdsht. Trarelbect." mAd:rittresirees:,:',Lsymcds.dnes,t•
where. Soap 25c. Ointraent 25 and 10c. Talcum 25a.
SgarCuticura Soap mliftvei without mutt.
I Was Greatly Benefited by
Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
: 'Sydenham; ! Ont. --:---".I. took your' ..•
. medicine,beforeitny baliy•Wes born,and
'7:1EVOSIiIreae; help tii-erfe As-ViNiaei,elf"--
iihorly until l had started to take it. ..
just -fel t„,ae-tli904.1i.l....Nsies-:-tir-ad-ont.ell
: TegelliTIfirrial•IWW-51:frIb-ri.r.ner rue un.,---- . -" -
...the time ,4114,, -would ,havi•-.v.,0•k-,:•faint• • ' , •
ee ita ,
til I-cotild et.littlerest nilit bt ' day.. . :
fiyas told y a friend -t0 takel,ydia E.,
1 '...•-.'''' - ''''OrnjnlykihorOTili:1,fe''CWgebteatbt•litir"(iii°131-olr!itTililneT.'d..nrideard;Irild:e*.*,,,..
foiTtri,i ts- es4 rains' ..
. ,c•:„.ipl.1ri,,,:ii.,.•.,7-. _I, .71,' - .....b :r...tt: s;ii- . 7s-: 7-,1.1:17i...7ftl.„i ,.. iNvonder At14......„-„,1,1,N.o..., d -,.,e -co.• -, , , ,.
aby woman.. 1 a...-1,,doi.i.,, what I ean-o., ,
;.4a:-.-..,-.'zii-i;:---:i..,.,::,:f"1,,y, 7.4 d(1.11.711e : .-.',.:141.gd°Trithrtgriltrttlejt oigoblco!,:IYOrriti.asdeinc:•tilaIrrie.'e' gwarilYlt1-2':.±:-"'•
-t..e.)it:1-• tliein..."-: ''.;,:',1 -.•• ....- '..••-;: _,, one -I Can help, ; You cap With thereat.
I.-bAt ni
at i'-; whl 1 I icins..-kp t.Y.- • - „...est., ple_e_sure a
1•"cizi,,,,,.h.d.",.. ,.." •1 ". :.7'. • ' theVeeeta1510;CoMpoilivi if it Will -help, .
.. • • ..• •-• '.. , : ": I' , , 1 Others take it,F,1-me!,,,,,• ,.:t.i,,ty.1.,,*11..L17
ow \\-iill•se.)0J-t-..fitid, Sl.dnit.S,',.. ...I G.i,, s,dc,;,.11),,,,•,;.1 Ont.., . „ •,,
. , . .. . . •• ...,.
k 01 brt 115.i"4 61 4-1.1P,11 .a 11.-‘' (1) t l'i er' 1' 1 " li is reinarkable ,lior,-.Many tases have
, , , . ,
' 1 Wm Ili A ow nit (liCiiie (741.1 been report, d bini la ,.o this one Many
- , - -' • , .- -- ,i " • :. • .• • ' • . - - - !" - ...--- • 7 . -,
. .;, t .-, It 1 ..• i• ; up.fl , . 1... ' wornon are 'poorly atistich time,s and get
ge.s.tion. thi.a..,ca• ,us.,(,th(..... paib:.. • . into .a Nyeakened,, run-down condition, .
.. • ••; when -it is essential to tbemother, as
-- , Usti Sician; s te ptotec t,,,'cni-,- ... ,• well as the child', „that 'her. strength be,
fi!k!ti)„.!tillj.11:.,4§:,-,37.P1.1.A:0'..1„111(1,•tisb.,;'.j4-ei3i.,bp,•,;.1,,,,,,..".„.,!:•:.:.., •,:•,..,..„,..:Z,..,....•:: ,,.:-...,......,....i...
• A:,11."'"i'itrlisOlTh'f6.13r0T•lit '1,11*". -:::' ' Lydia t, 'Fifilobainli:Vegetabie Com- '
li7 t ie.iri.,:,:i..4A47,fleyiTeir ;(.1 r;uggist...:.s. ' ....7. Polind. ie• an, ex e ellen t .tonic;,. fOr.',tbe'
tiler at this -Tame. It is prepared
'17710a ,., ',, _ mo
-: -0 ' ' " ' . • ... ' en' -' klliEtaiii -4rein ModiErnaLiciots And herbcian does .
45F(1,K,Iianidind.Salinitisr:„,..iorilliPiSes*.siti;i!is.c..i.etic-.e*ViK :fie.feOritelharifha:rinfir di--cg-S".Ty.may--be---7-
t k " 'n safety by the nursing inotlier.:::.
, • • ,
NILES$; th6Hrialyi4,.." ayer?!.•on tat.ge't
kspilull'at. a
• SeOtlio' the ante Ilgrui.:406*.
rapiiiiyNteeeveir full tisd "el the •
ilab by tiabbitik ANIMerd's .
(Men -fent. It tiene1'Inr6V. it •
.Miildies all tied it.
• The Faitilly„Madicine Choat
„ -
rtSs.OE No.
Accept only - an "unbroken package" of . 4:Ye.r Tabkts of
Aspriti" which •
toittA.41, out Aly • •'
p1isicis tiuring 22 years ani proved saf- by:P111.11.PAS'..for
..Colds , * fiedaclie • 1..RIletrtlratisni
. NeirfAlgja
'Earic•ile . Ltittrbago. Paiir
mly 1,.`PAYPr..1.1)91Pii t96.8 of 24 and 10O--'flruggiati ..
Ascirindio th6 i'rads tnisoidto et IrAyer MilfAtur of. M'OnOa•
AfC4Olit`1,0940. Of sends' ildovbi. it 19 well ktiolva fhtM Appiriq nitskilA DAYer
rorOlortionn,o., id assist oho, pithite 1g.411101 14094.109. tli 'prible,k 'Or ConiPl.trO,
*ill be situtiped ihdir ledhdiel,treds inetri4, ••tw '-'neter •
' • ,'
VarlatIon-I-Gatnett. • Racial, OrIgire-r-Rnallitiu '' '
, gf-turP.P.-74..N.' I obal I tyt .....
Here is a fiimily nume:;•Which-traees.
' name:* 'In qt,1,:er 'Wordir therti'Wal,r1t1".s,t':
4.$1*.01:17Paniei,'.frOilt'wh.I04 Was:forPleil,'
a local bailie.' Then. 'at a later' period.
when the.given' name had heepme ob.
• •
,Sotorce-A local name.
1141.1$ pan tiviltkrAitli•,, wit tts0,4.1.ittle. • jn-
gpst 4lieen it,Warded 1,Proi)03•".
as the hest , Ca.nedlita for n4nie.
• ••60 th.e• P41•)" pt•one-, ".•
lisherk. Mesers, "liodder 4' Stoughton. : But-tlie •a'sso.cla,tfoti of idetta 'h4re,. 18 ,k4tP;,"'t,1.1,,. 1Oe;i1, llallIO,.wgii. o.y.e..49p9d,
-and.•-itlin-MOSson-llooln.,Com.patiy.„--is..an_.. i- , . -..:.
: intilleadTag;i-ViiIii,'70,-.67.-'faiiillY-Iittifie,--iT4Q"``Tasr4P111Y--';)41.4'el---4°. '6'; "PF"t•--4•••41IY--.
.-auth•ovese...:of.Tigternathinal,_•-farnoi---4A151- ,- -..• ,• --- - „.•,.,' • ..,..,...' • -,t,-,,,..---T- -Jaa-rgo.•-letticattgg illa:coal--,repidence, • .
. )1al, had:4erlialbi-the most ,coe'mopoli,-;,.;` Co.P.1.0.• ft".°4.1,7.1.1-4,441,°'..-*'," '..-.; The: place nanie-",i0 the .4,4114e..... 1_ ,
- '
: .itipt..--.•-7roer .-.0t-_--an*,, ,Iiitoplan, -*Tam.' 7-1111,-6(0-4-371'.67-47:'07011)111'411 Of.. t-.4.0 :401.-- 7-in'octerrt''fifitilly -n a ni. e, .:•'. lib:71-pg',.":'017,707-. --..-pti
..., 044ad..1, . .. , ,. , , . • .., , .. ..,r,hie, reeords, go to ShOW.,..13.0r;gY.rv.t.,114t . •fhose ",.01.d.4..lgglOh, •.place natileS. • at)
1 ;The ;fact that the award Was made, 'it ., s.eldoth,":.1(..eyer, ...acteally •rwas 7a• de.,..'strilple•*et pi.onitherAffen. that:it his not
her inennieript,witlithit knowledge of Y.elOpytent 44 it; *. '1* ' `," . '.. ' ' ,...- .1 :-Oliant;Ad‘: • throtigh•'the ..eburse,,Of..cen,:,
. .,..ige,` Writer's ...,hleitijty hi just one more I. ,•,;.Fir if,,,you' trade'. the 0 nanie. ha:0c • a• 7.•tiirles',,,.. The Wage is la..,.'ithritet - (OW* in'
' 'prUfirjbat merit : goes further ,.
In the„.hit..y6h• conie across -the Oioll„tag ."4,41r..,r,3e,rh,§...hire,:ap,•t4O!"•.ni-v..07, fC•Ooliet, • .
ityrit".in.,•thaii rejitif 4t1.0 4... .14161 d!! itigte4(1, of-,1".P.aiget,•.,,,,,-,41,•.-yOii..tr,iike,:;,,,,,,--preinz thb, e go'i nit tk•k',f•O'r. tr. y•cit. rrOgh't •
- -,iiTigs MallAvraithJS it present a .resi-if.. still Nether back. yeti .41:`111cP13?...T0•, have gueSsed that it WAS- a ,Coriiiiiutaty
dent '4f. nuritifeton„ptit'artb,- where the ::.run: acrOsS,.'.'• -t,#'. sneaking. ''"QP.). .odtlr . On th,e ;hank' of s'eorq e .river. or stream.
long -hoped-for reality,. of-Settling-dOwn [which .•(it you ; ItriONY,that'it is 'W.-dish)0' '.' Hunger:ford. •"Wes,:,Orighially......f.'„Hun-,
.... in. her "oWn Mile borne!" is •iheing •fui- ,,inore,readay .a.S.seCiates, .1i:serf, wil:ii. the • ger'ii Ford," :and iti• got at th5. reason
if t lied, Anii, her' chief desire • In life is,' ancient (ektte v;brtr."Oail111'•'..ttli1AtiP:g. for • the ,piace te-111,i .§''.O..PilIiied.you,hoye
to "i'become,..titi .A*1 girdene.".. ',.',,'.. ;.. I. a' pile. of Stones, er inere.,s.ppcificalty a. to..delve",boek to .iltaf ;Perfect • in Eng
The author of nearly a dozen boolta,.(,strtletnee;*or IitOtte *filcli..WaS,4'.pruid II,cili history.. who, 'the Dote,. ifotlq,s in,„
a prolific contributor i0r• years .t0.chis•-feilinle,-*' • ' ., . -.,: . .. . ; : , .. .'' x;a'tled'.Ilvitein:.; Onk. of...01k nio,st" fa::
.. . , ,
..criminiting-PeriodidelS, .eilltor, new•7'- I , Thiswould nalltrallY•be*4 local. na.1.11e. moue .. of.. the Danish •chieftiins ' was
_. . . .
„•:,pap erwo m a ii -..and -SPeCial...•-CerreepOn...; found ... .i,n7.;ar mos t, •an Y.,s pp: t ; in.5;;F_Ipgland,•-named. trungeri:,;:.B.itt few".Nvlio Veer: th 1 S
dent, traveller and :1•01,fe.r of history in,s•dr'particularly•of'W4lee",,In Which snch.' name,' realise- that, iadirectly, they are
its 010 •t, fivid forms, 1111,Ss* McliNvraith.!.i.nins,...reinained. , if:: was exactlY the nanied after' a "faMous. Danis,11,' leader.
. stands out "a.' an,, untiipal type' of Woisort of 'Plac.e.:,nante' littelY:: to, .1>ecpin6. • N4(s•iived more .t.,h0.31 a:. thousand: years,
.. man, •Her 'first five bOdlte W, Pre- writ- 1 'the'siirnanie .of an:yhocts,-. living near it. • .ago. : • • " ''. ' ' ..'
,'-..:.ten..in Hamilton ..„ at , h'er old •!lionte.; 1
then she migrAted..to'New York, where
". for, many', Yeare 'ehe, filled! imp.ortant
., positions in the'literary .And. publish:
. ,.. . .
Ing worlds., . .,..:, ., ' ' '
-. -- • a ' Isfahan 'Of:Armature yeers,:Miss
: Al.ellwraith's • refreshing , personality:
-.' 'and .kken enjoyment of- the entrit let:
adventure and youth IS what has made
her one., of, the% ablest people .in: the
. . .. ., . , . . -
world, to write,- enjoyablestories for
• Canadian boys and .giris.-; '
, . ... , , . .. . • . .
. -Tlie.. story "of: Aliss,:111ellwralth'S7-de-
'irotibirltIti7hq77thollier'ieAiliwli ich W„ill.
appeal especially to her „young .read-
ers. -.;,-..iTlie:,,bendi.betWeen'•: the Ian therese'
and her Mother" was oneloof....unusnal:
•:"..:ifildersItainling and •fidelit,y,;:..it grew, if
.:-.6Sible; in _later years, When 'Mrs"... gc,,
---..11v,;raitat.,.'heegmide 4 total invalid, de--
Pended -mere -and" More apo'n• ih.e•live
. ., . , . .• .,,,.. . • . ,.• .. .
.and -Care ...of her..daughter.,. For • four
. , . .. . . „ . .
„ ..years. ilie. yMing 0,,writer remained. at
. ••.her';'*iffetb,er'S ,side' ';at ' the -Old *home,:
„ . .• • .
-Cairlibrae, "An' "Dariiillea, •and 'produced
.1a li(Yoki 'eacik- one •Of these : winters'. •,:,...A.t
' b.e.r .inother.ii';'deallf„..la,190.11-:--11.1-10.7Mc--:
.11wraith :breke;:iwaY :from: :trery, 'ord.
- , assoeia.ii60[1..eong that the power for
• , ,
bit,'•it h at...,-
..-t,hat i that she 'Went; y0ik'
•....incl''begati her Oriiiia:itt 'career
--.whicli'centintied.fOr; fourteen' years. :
• • • •,
• After 'Order to Step...
, • .
.againf! malt he- a -,nicittO 'aPPre-
ciat ed. by Lord, earnarvon. since, .hiS re-
. , , • A' •
cent diSCOV,e1SpS in Egypt:
%Whet the great neWs,reaphed him, he
• .• . ,
. -had already desPetched .a..wire .to:
.. • ,• _ . •
toblS".• to. Howard ',Carter, Fho.
for. over: two . yeare;.;ted b,eeif earring
;Nth. carter for. spine 'time' had:
Weir'Itingtorflie7:Fgyptian :govern-,
, .thenti• d it ..i.S.•°-1.6 gOvern,
•0,-,;iiitha.:„..that.-.,inest• -of' the spells...Will go.'
• ,
n1eps to Lt1 value of many thousanIs
. Of ':-Piliffirile•S:ciiiiii...iirl'AVEieli":110°;"-iriteride'
....preeenting,,to the 13ritish7.1‘luteuth. . 7
ob,E.'ood.hiis 'somewhere .niad,o:
."e'•711•4-tetrr,7"7.;::,.;• • • ' •
to, see..
• • Than a. Majestic tree. - -
13nt It He basi.011hinkrit grows ••
*11.11,e r, 6.6ios• ours .c19, Sing,
. tree,' he lie' akin to Cod, •
,„. . . .
in this impatient agei;;.,, •-•
IS. bowed r
'And. hideS, ,hie ..nurpoie. In the clod, ••
'iftiOt.slitill-grow'nobIY; on
dad and.
seenis to love ;Ilia fetid* Yet to be.
aird fade; ‘,
, . •
Tle eaSons. Coina'and go
.-.0idsiottnts Shall drive And hICtc
Sifri "and ,ra.in-fliat.froni"...liiCtainh.'„
Efface hls.name, teneW the hloom
,glory of ,the'fiyontinient he Made,
• . ,* -- Author unknown.
. .
• . •.•
• WaliOno. on the Invalid; ,
As •10 ig As •the, grass In a 'Chicago;
siss*•!, public • Park Is healthy anct/green the
, pitrieiTh". AO"Orn to look •upon it as some
•410, s•fg;18, einnmah,a thein. - When It
Do Not Realize That Their Troul•
ble is Due to Impure Blood. ,
' Book -Tasting...
Every publishing firm employs a
staff of."readers,"'whose."duty.it is. to
deal7With-t h e--constairt"Sti in of man ui-
scripte.th at flew into*: initilisher's
fice ;Inst. As••.e.ieo expert,: tastes lea,
so des, pihrieher'S ',"reader" taste'
Peen ..the judgment of the "reidete":.
depends -,the sueeesS Or 'failure �f
A :Woman ,p6pds' a • biped building „
pubhshing. house. •The„ reader. As ever
medicine regularly, just becauSe she LS
a :1,‘"-oinari -From' ';"matuildr7tOti-Ufa.dre-:.;-011-flie.-ailettler-fire-inainiseripf•:Nyli iCh.
life. the. 'health :of • every • wobian,cle- PlaY 11.1.,',9•ye,,t0;,be a "best , • ,
pends' upon her bleod..;,If:hkr•lorood. is ''; noyol. MaY "he, Olever and
opginality'of.plot and.of style, arid yet
'pop h w pelt , ' lanetricv• pale :and
nerNriAl. If the ,blood supply is,..irregu-
lir", she ..suffers from headaches „apd"
baCkaohes,,- and. ; soino' -women have
.grown expect 41iis suffering end:to
• hearlt in. silence.4 They, do not realize,
that 1! the -blood 's'applY, i9. kept' fich
and pure; their 'troubles will disaPPeAr,
but etich iS: the.c,Oiel .In. eVerys,wethen'i
"life a:. tonic bloOdentichifig' medicine
-is :needed and -for his'ptirpose ncithing
can :help ,them so Arinc.11, as J)-; Wil-
liams'. Pink Pille;which act 'direetlyi'on
the blood, -furnishing- -the eleinents
necessary to Make if .and pure.
Watts, -Kingston, crit.,gives
her experience with this' medicine as.
follows:7--,"my• first experience ', With.
Dr. Williams' 'Fink Pills Was ;While:at:-
tending the •Collegiate !Institute at
about the age 0! Sev.enteen:- beeame
very inuCh runi'dOwn, and 'could not...10
up Stairs : without : resting half Way. '
Flnally-a had to quit sclipol 'and -nOt-
withatandirig•all. that was •Cleme for me
:there were 110 :signs Of',Impro,venient:
usinguitl1 after. 1 had begun Nyjk,
use of (hie perhaps,: that be ,.::has dischVered a
Medicine 1, became: well and strong. perhaps,
a:ext., eiperleneeNvitir
Was softie_ years .., f Wee,' married,
-G-C.r0re7e--xi-ereiti,f11;:-Ge9rge: Eliot, iFrafili
After my baby boy was •born;I' did not
`should,.-ise:I at obee_Stirt-
n• ' •
r 1.0,';,k-vi,erii all the time 1 was books '
ptibliShers' readers , With ",nbinotenOus.:
pursing baby. • And yen"), shbiild?haite....L.
seen: What o• liealthy. boy
. . , ,
regularity,,untii 50me•farSTliCed book: , 9 e ine s ir ,o ie a-
Nidest. physia, earth,',, fen grown mpg., ;
Whenever I feel doWn 1)r. • • • sej. n)Ogtap,is. .The,. primarV 'purpose' .•
Cia411.1a.4.'.434roti weather -one
day loright; but- -sloppy,- the, next
.e.ery:f 0;1,4e Mptlieti" (9: Iteen'11.1e.",lit(10.;
ones indoors. •• They are Often con;.1
fined° to overheated-, badly Ventilated
,roorns.. and catch colds: - which, rack
• their:Whole sysfetnr. against
rlieSo:eoldg,,and•fO.,•keeCtlie baby' well -
sbouid jn•the .arld an oe-.•
casional;,•iibse" given the lieby, to heOlt•
scoinach .andl bowels Working; re-
•The Tablets '.are a mird bUt:'
thorOugh.leiative,'which rail*A9,
•regulafe• ',s,t0.1114,,eh •:.anq
Colds; * arid sirfiplo , • • ., • • . •
hhail"" af '5 cents a box from The Dr.. C4-•it"!."":11Q'se:519.r3."' !‘•TI•1'. A 11161't s. sleep
••• ' '
_5tory Contes,t"
fevers and.ieep. the baby. St. The Tab- • . • ; • i hardly breath.e? 1' had ...Corush. to...the
lets are old clealei.•5 or„ by Or'•31.1rii•ngt;";'• *.winclow• for airl and eeldottl•ilgt a. geed
Wifiliams1,1'.'i‘I-0,dic"in,„, ti,rocili.v-dre. a LI hive to be "-• hundred years old
011t Petitipit cOrif•11c,o,••••1‘. :17101.det will always, 'bless the day started
. • • .,-..,sougbumi., -is based ,on an • • , • . • . .
. • , • t l'unliortieetment.. I have gained
actual- Ili° days o.f the co4quest• nine •potiii'd4 ath • free of indigestion
',Vetetatiori •,• . • , . • ' ' '
I Classifietisense •
-ITSAVO.R.V1141-0°, 0-1'347tria-eaxwatle(Pan'Ylitirrlsy":4111111.0-Ivrtrolgor;w'
' - • ftoeOrTcooimi.ofeorgrrteerreo.ii•Lo-rgiroctfoliNwex•nodriglkes
'oronto. Lady Values T. ardac
lkillbs; Georgetown, Ontario.. •
Highly, Declaring it Ended
Stomach Trouble: -Gains
Nine Lbs.
for forrY:
' *bald have given that brach' .before
took this Wanderfut treatment to feel
atbtaet'ewn1.7ntX.ndiadr twlio;"oWtIlsr tnila; PbriMtir,V4e-
• AlatIld-aI.Levoin,742, Strange 'Str.i. Tor911-
* sufiered with-- stomach trouble,
--geharal ' run-down conditionr•AnciT,-bay.
neryes ekeited they nearly
droye•nie . I ate searcely enough
to--Iteep going. Was .dreacIfully and
•weak, and Often had ..tO give un"laii
hoptieWOrk tO 4,1t0f.d. -
on my sioithch.hlhated inc 1111 eould
,.of QueJec. • • • . , nervousn'ess and Sleeplessness, and' mY
housework .. is like play . Tanlac Is
' Tenree is for: sale by all good drug,
. .
.gists: • Over ,35 million 'bottles sold:
...Attention has been. in,viteo .10 whht •,. ,. •
ilP •i'Og'grded• as 'an-, iiiipertant,' illust-ra. •
tionofthe siiree•results of-,defpresta-
, ,
tion 10 •the.APPalao.hianS.-. Near a to 11
jut tennesse:e ttra roasting . an'd. •sinelt, '
ing cif, "copper Ores.. have entteely deS.:
'able area...and left the ground Perfectly
it:royed. the, v'egetatiiin over..a. consider,
"bare. Consequent surface:: erosion is
rapidly "remoi,ing the soil, the slopes,
-aro Ocarred with Thlties.,: the' „waste . -
" California
.frolp Hie, steep'. elopes has .birie4 :the
. „ .• Syrup"
„for.iiiet _sniface along the ...s.treainlets,
, . Child'I-Best.tLaxatilie. '.
*SO, that neither ,slchie nal: narrow Peed,
plain. is of. any, value, for agriculture. --:
. ..
or.oraziek.'" Floods " on these st:renins.
rise.. higher and inare,renidly then, 411
former times*,, Nyliile..i11.!,dry' seasons
Springs once perennial -gci *dry and
: .. „ , . . , .
•Others alinost •cei's,e ".floNvirig. • •
. • •
;foil the •
, • .:.
r00• took
prove a....diSznal,fitiliire. .C4 the Other ant bbildle `.to
hand;',a--noVel,..lacktng., "origiealit.
Virritten..;ln:sIOvenlY. style, -may . ;The:Chairman:made rop,ea'ted, efforts'
catch 7t,1°::e AvayWard :fan ey of the read- •i:Ci
ing public and la.:k•-frasth; the..aiftlfoi• f.USeil,t0 •-c41.,ij.ti:to otdc 11 cia
May' hee'erne faino•iis""' throughout."!.the &reit. laeted hely an lubir.:‘, ;•*
World, an both the;
-author and'.tire'pnlilishen'will,fiturtheir..:ehhirtffan asked -.1, • : • ; ' • •
.shapliing.;ae.cOuntS swelling.', , • •' , ".."Vesquite;'. but defy y(iii'lelden'y
•Al.though.e Pitblislier's-reader;fries.' the. •of • my ;:statetherits,". he 07'
AO feel .the.pulsepof ,the..reading Viihrlc, forted.' ..`•: •,""
0:and .sense sort :Of .a. novel. Will ' "1, have no Wish, the'chair-'
inan.;..•""Th'e:ges. coMPallYv little steniach '11ns.et,. tongue ecated.,"•.-
fanUre§, •the':reader'S',judgruent,-..mAY a gement • et:which :brp;iit•Phlenni!frtis-.L'.1.0Qfr-eirc,-1•)d'°;-•11:orr. lQila'161:COlsi•ce,raG•ts.;a.'srePlo'eo-rars•l11"°
"Capable ;Fruit."' .
; A YOubg -Irishman, shortly After
..coming: to this • C.th.ntry„" was' stopping
, With a•friend of his boyhood nowllv
ing. -N•eNN.Yorlf. 'day the • friend
Obit •liim d'olVii TO ;ha v e. a lick at Was IT--
Even .a sick child ipves
taste. of; 'California' Fig 'SyruP,:" \If the `.
,•• • • •
ingtOn': PasSi4g .:friiititand,:,
fhey:saw. some gra'pefrulf„ which the
new iir:rivaj'.0.frierid Were oranges.
!.saifcr ;Abe", other",:.,'4'but;
ihe'y're big, fe11oWs1 venture. to,
say,' now, it , tvotkidn't.;!take, Many- Of
, then-I.:to •Ibake a d`oz4,t1.,!!'. •
1114Y farse; And alroyel•rdeited hewing ineting :in tire neit tomb, 'ne'ver'laif,'•t0 Open", the' ."lieWers...., In ` -•n
„, •
fifteen. Pnirlishers ;May he accepted; by
• • This. AS :the'Vegefirian, SOcietY;" **- hour yon ca.n, for .yourself!.:
„the' sixteenth and have:a big' ' ' , - "he W. tliorbeghlY it .works, all the:,‘o•ri.si
• ....
Reject Now F.:in'ous NoVels.,
. any novpls, now, famous have been
pation poison, - -••sollr, bile and Waste *
from the tender,. little bowels -and
. gives you a well; plakfur Child again. ..
Ittrned down and rejected again and
again-.--,- r -vat ottr,pu isiers •readers, - . Millions of Mothers keep "California
. . • -
Fie•Syrup" handY,. They know a tea- , .
and then after A peried,ef'Years, Often spoonful tO-day, javee.,A,Siek child to- ! .
Wh .11 the:author has :abandened hone;'•-
.. . • morroW' 'Ask...,y4jiir druggist, for, gene -
an ,
enterprising publisher, greatly der- inc f'Catiforifia •Fig Syrup";which 'ha's .
ing, accepts the oft -rejected mainv. di r•eifiene„;:for.;habie4-1.in dl-ehilil ren ..91.,,,,,„
ntra-sriiiirdirro--.1figgiffiriire" sir ages', Trinted -6n. bottle.,.' Mother! •
o kr:0411U
Doctors warn against remedies
,containing powerful drugs arid. „
alcohol. "The Extract of Roots,
long known as Mother ..Sei4el's
Curaiiiie Syrup, has no dope or
,-strongirigredienti; itchasea away,
indigestion,.bilithisness arid con-
drug -store,',' • Ger the genuine.
50c. and $1:00 Bottles";:',. ,. • 8
est Bowel Laxative
Yon :must, say. I f orn hi" of -yon 'Ili ATI
.get an'iniitation fig .syrap.
--...-To-bow el 13 ---W-1 011t R S •
cram in*, -or oVeMcting take 'C Sea ' ' way eisnicigraPhs;
."et. Sick headache, blllousnesa, gases••of:' Adie-,..fafienese mind' .in•'.,:praetical.7
indlgeetion, sour, :Upset, itethaeb, and
ou •14,e••,:ives;•-•..:Lincl,,.1.F.waS :.:StrIang •-eriice-.--.iiiare-,',.',..tSISI.-r''..,-145 P,.0,'"Ita.•6?(whlh ;!•••a.'1•,si.',.:Xlll'.4.1if,fg:itep'r it.1.: dri.-.&-e.blidte"*.--r.---,'irae.", if'', ficW,'' ' Tat- -(e.'"Ii. ter... xt61'°"•'"•°,41'60'1'.'il•-•-"e•-4.''',5-..'".'''.44'-''.1*41'..-s'•";•',6', .".''''-'1--
. leapt , .t•
twin..iain,i,..i.iik,pifis_.r.e.,,tn..3ri.,01i.i.,,c.„.._airefa:01;t., ri:i:ofc of, 'pornii4r.,,dees,,-,,,-... -,,,,r..::-: :7-; :..., .:,„..:.- ,:- ::: , ,4,.,,,,..-,..,,7, ...........„,...„., .7.:..,-. • 0., ...-•,;.. -, .i..;o.f,...the..s.eisalograph.,,is to•IneASini-the r 1
. ___ , ,
17- t,r0/1.013.,- 1...q.e6itme44 thein :to. g'it,..,',,Pre-mt. of th, Tiihits.het.'e,readerS. is ..'...r,;.„ As You Were. ....-„-: , ,,,...7„...os.,ciii..titiiytiv..0c..art4;014.ke,e2J',.:440al?e9'7'
Ing 1: gil!ls. 444 Of wonyth:7, , : - .. :_:,•:Inot e.happy. One, and.it. iS;diffieult to ' . The .questibii;bed4uSt been pCniied,•:'-').•gi'l:ee''s t'S'e..,•tr'fdr' .det61:ini•Shig'1.11'e ..:
". "Vim . can, get..eieee'.pilli ili toUgh- -any. 86.0ido, whiC11.'IlOvel ;Will ' succe:s„ 'fiii-I.,1,•: .1 aild the ything (Cloyed belle was blush- *,ProPei.,thalenee.O1 AP'corneitii;ei and .the ,.•
. .
..triedleine•• dealer lo r :;by m11 at iid , tents , appeal.. .1:c" l';''e•-r..0.4(1•;u•Ag -Public ...and whieli ' ':ierg-a•--meist ide 1 feate.,:Yitilet 'shade. . ; :0-o..'-'§ take of '.1.114.;i'e.r.:inale,.13. .1" l'i".•41 -0.11.• !rail'
'a Vox .froth The 1:tr.,. Williams7.,Sfedieine. will fail: : The •read•er,, 1)001 Oil! wades • "'Jeff " .• She *inti'llilai•ed,. ,,•''clees' •'`'yco: .WaYS• .' M•al13.'",PractiC.al •advantage -S" t:11-'.• •
C9.;:BroekVille-"Ofit:- • ' * ' *". .,:through-Itlie-Tecrihad,'„ 'and" indifferent - *Ili Soya me Or -2doe q; vo!. jes.' think
rnenescrip.ti,:and-ii.6: considet's:hinielf 'Yo'.•d'oes.?*;!',, ' "... , •;,," ', - ' . ' faults :in „construction have tliiis.•.re-' •
the- sav lug of,fue1.4nci t..e.diii! "ct,on. of ;.„ "
" •
• '
The,. Poor Divorcee .fitarrles
• '
Millionaire. '
See -saw; Margery Dan-,
She shall have tttiew_ rilseteri,•
She'll have a thousand della rs II; clay,
And .rnore, she-..s.PendS, it: faet,er. • '
• -
lucky ,if the dis,e.overs„.e. "hest 'seller" ibdeedy; andY," 'replied,
once ip tWelveuanntlis„. • p iove5
...suited. •
-'S o eii• .s end .y ()lir , n P 11t et:!' ' • :
, ,
tiq 140 "plibliabei's, ..(i.o,n't think lori " •
:ar the. ''''readerlt if , A' Ki'nfz`
• , -!wa aii„egg
, Jumping to. conclusions 107,' days.:.• There's a saying* in • fikery
, • .
ythi,traver a liner At is wis'e"iicit.:*61iPase that an °° a .(1'n**' keeps
baterief ' • ' - `*. •
••*94c. •.:00,..v.eatA a Yarhiiii C.' ' • ' ** •
.6tetyerd,.., A I)as�n.l- 011 4)111 1l,cTtj,
get hit
hlfd rewal'cre'tf lie nian- With .a sliiluing
:for,doing r. Half an hoar,: later. ,
beard,' that itO..tiadtipifed Sir. Thethas .
' .,has been telfing. •
the s:tory, a; sign ,of
greatness h1 part. 'Tennyson and
the , fare Duke: Of, Norfolk were .alao
„ ,
.tipPoit their 'AiMe, and :0...bragged
•About'll: :•• • "; " ' '• ' "."
11161Y, your out-of'-towii dceouns by
„..lapaneee_Turn.to Chairs..
• iher-Japanete.
'fashiOn. • All tile schOois,an„&•
• begi nos d fa -out,'" •h o wever•-; thelirrrec- • f* •
•• t:' I " 1 n g41:111-Gring Place's *nay' h"e. ebliks;'alut":'
; spec • Instant • •,-.• ••••••• • • ••••• • - • ••• -•••••••••-----------/C-Chines'e7wenititn--Whirbas
Denehes 01 the,westera istYle„`, „ . a.,
A • man In a ,burny•-started One".daY: •
up. “certain tiituiigi.itA • .0.0; -.111,0yers, claims • to he -the oldest persen -in the
Per park. but Was. stepped by There..are mornefiks tihe „Bout is wdtld. At the age Of 131t.ie frairelled •
-rqan;• .1:- • • . • • '1 kneeling, n65 e.416.•atiititdoi IroP1 Hait0),ong,. the. •dhieg ,sea.patt. of
dreg jt 'Make? do , uf •thfe bOty. way „._vietor
rigkIng to Saigon which place she
mended the eitikert.• • • . • • ` - as - xprosse at ,. is is) oie
'7 half' dead'••• l "
:. • grape...fe
• "Sure," said the Indignant- officer, frttnard'iL.Lleilinent tried. by 011yiriciani:
aif 'Ye had eidie 'filendWoeld4titt
.Poi roar •
' walkin'• en bis stoma:di ?t • '
, •
' ' • Senate of , Women,'
Balled. Firm. Price '1 I a ts and-Info:471a.
thin free,' 13edcnie a, setisincd eustom-
MAII °Merit ally •Spedkiliy.
. ,
. A '.0ehato Of; wajnea was 'established TEM VINT,' fitirrloll . foTTI.,
. •
.111- 1.1ionie, 11;8-22 A:1), lii"ii Zino*. : thitt.. ,i1:0,,, 007 0011o11 •8t4•*(s1.o.#.:0
_. Elagebelne, for` the, serteite COniiideta-
'11.--17" ton of.(1' . toOe ahdetiqiiette. • ' *1 n tbiAir Night anti Morrlo
Waterotooft,ng Cloth. • Iff"'we," Newt Mak liehh4; '
, .,..... EY... UAW Tim .
- 'Cloth fe •wifterPrOototiti lb 'BOlitlit 14 ;
. i ..k?,:01/' .-:' Itch, Smart be Miiii, ,
'Ctiiitiii,g it t.vith the freib istot from ' „a., arc if Sore, Irritated, lit-
tobbei,Atreos.- a ki a ,th On Ititi3Oltthg 'it or ;!...' ' UR IlLatl'auted.orGeimulated,..;
, it, *06.0 fire ,. , A tioeMfliineoftetiiketine,Refreliks.13ellgOt
'' Infant Of Adult.. At MI •Diiiitglitii,, Wtitti.
I ' 41' .......,,,i.......
. A loot iiit 4.1,00 teed...,: . f9tItteelfEeilOOitddrsiiitriatit4it.4;Chkii.
• -
4114 1,114
Teddy Was Chewing. gum nt'ost
nriergetioitily th Seltdell'hoizrs.' Finally.
lie teacher ethild gond it ti�. longer,
sho•oloilert, "it Yen' 'Can jet
'along withotit that. glini. tot.: a While.' I
*Mild enjoy "" •
PoWer 1../i.wri Mower,
, An invitiOr heti deVeleped ii,PoWet
operated lawit ntow'er 'witching onlY
125' pOlihtti" 'Can be gaited;
Ilke a hand maeltine whore. Cutting is
ca Ificifgq
Instantly!: StomacirCorretited!-'oir
, never feel the-slightst,..clustress from'.
, indigestion or s0,11r, 'avt(r...glOsy loin-
"sa0h. 'atm' ythisfqii a. tablet "Of:'"..Papelne.,.
1)iapepsiii:" • The. inotnnt 1L „reaches'
the stontabh. all "Sthirness• flatifienee:.'44 ,
easeS, a 11.1A
d Ise pPea 1)rnt•1''.guar4lititee• ea eh
kxo• . to ,,,orrty0t.dtg4rtrnr,
• Doetti't 'hurt a hitt Drop .a. littlo
Y'Freezone'', on an aching corn; instant-
ly that corn steps 'hurting, then shortly
yoti lift it right ofti`with Angora', Truly!
• Your druggist Seliti a Uhl bottle Of
"Freezone for A. few' Cents, stifficlent-tei-
' remoSe, eyerY hard corti, Soft dotn,
Corn haired' the tcie8 and the callinies,..
'Wttlfoilt, Serenest Or Arritatien.
,. • ,
'The be Way fa earl a .0•14.161 lit
19 alifiln1/4;11,
fiflinR I1 front
Mhflard'k Llnlment everywhere
' kinchis Hv Maxy 04St-re.
flhllfl ier A .1 le -rest Q, ieliapit. at ion.:0
are divideif•'un into
of• cas rel1g1otidvseparated roi;
one another, In Wilaievet' eilstt:' a 1, •
,man. is born, In Hip, caste he reinaing',;••
untilhe dies,
.„. ,
"tr•t.'*44-611.* T *IT --HID 1110. AT •
..'Write, for
deco:millet* r"fni*er. 1440041.
•Onterlo., •
_ Busnonssw or Tot*. oviotp
TV arabitions inclivIdtials;--Who. 'stand
for .honesty- and integrity in, their corn-%
muntty..-whe went a „business of their
own. To the proper part$,e. we offer thq
onPertunIty ef. • baftding a permanent
'huiillaese-in---thelr ty:-We - -
-facterers of•woAmereaand.intsses!...dresis.-.7...,,.
FeS;7COAtio7:-Slittaii.iii17,tleisiery. I we-
-tha_ middleman's Profit- tootling '
;direct -to. the. coneutner- lhrtriloch repre., -
SentatIves aach.locality. • Experleace,
.or, investment •not necessary -we teach • •
you bow. Tell • us ,a11. a.bdut yourself.
National :Mail Order House, direct Out,
littors of Ladies!. • ree.dy:to.:weer, 'Unity
Funding 46 ',St •areirancler St.., Mentroa. •
• Azu•rt. PlOnim DB8oroiclitoble. on awl,
_ ,and How, to read
mailed Free to any Ad-
dress by the Author..
U. may 08-.. Mae.
120 west' 24th Street
*I‘jow York. U:S.Alk-
Fingers ; Cracked. Lost
Sleep::cuficura .11eals.
1,.,..Ec4ema began with, a "rash on.
'my hands and I could„ not put my
• hands- in water; grew worse every
'day and my hands and fingers all
cracked which made them covered
with eruptions. I lost sleep with the
• 'hitefcli'q!Tirrehgr'..hfrekr'.141';:rflaes'utteldcutrilireSeoinapc)n• and
Ointment, and after. using three:
cakes of euticura Soap and two and .
`a.half boxes of euticura Ointment
the eczema was; healed." (Signed)
Miss Eva E.13ellive.thi; 338 Highfield
•St., Moncton, -New Brunswick. .
' For every purpose of the toilet and
bath-Cuticure • Soap;Ointinent and.,
Talcum are wonderfully.:good.
isuoris44EINdsht. Trarelbect." mAd:rittresirees:,:',Lsymcds.dnes,t•
where. Soap 25c. Ointraent 25 and 10c. Talcum 25a.
SgarCuticura Soap mliftvei without mutt.
I Was Greatly Benefited by
Taking Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
: 'Sydenham; ! Ont. --:---".I. took your' ..•
. medicine,beforeitny baliy•Wes born,and
'7:1EVOSIiIreae; help tii-erfe As-ViNiaei,elf"--
iihorly until l had started to take it. ..
just -fel t„,ae-tli904.1i.l....Nsies-:-tir-ad-ont.ell
: TegelliTIfirrial•IWW-51:frIb-ri.r.ner rue un.,---- . -" -
...the time ,4114,, -would ,havi•-.v.,0•k-,:•faint• • ' , •
ee ita ,
til I-cotild et.littlerest nilit bt ' day.. . :
fiyas told y a friend -t0 takel,ydia E.,
1 '...•-.'''' - ''''OrnjnlykihorOTili:1,fe''CWgebteatbt•litir"(iii°131-olr!itTililneT.'d..nrideard;Irild:e*.*,,,..
foiTtri,i ts- es4 rains' ..
. ,c•:„.ipl.1ri,,,:ii.,.•.,7-. _I, .71,' - .....b :r...tt: s;ii- . 7s-: 7-,1.1:17i...7ftl.„i ,.. iNvonder At14......„-„,1,1,N.o..., d -,.,e -co.• -, , , ,.
aby woman.. 1 a...-1,,doi.i.,, what I ean-o., ,
;.4a:-.-..,-.'zii-i;:---:i..,.,::,:f"1,,y, 7.4 d(1.11.711e : .-.',.:141.gd°Trithrtgriltrttlejt oigoblco!,:IYOrriti.asdeinc:•tilaIrrie.'e' gwarilYlt1-2':.±:-"'•
-t..e.)it:1-• tliein..."-: ''.;,:',1 -.•• ....- '..••-;: _,, one -I Can help, ; You cap With thereat.
I.-bAt ni
at i'-; whl 1 I icins..-kp t.Y.- • - „...est., ple_e_sure a
1•"cizi,,,,,.h.d.",.. ,.." •1 ". :.7'. • ' theVeeeta1510;CoMpoilivi if it Will -help, .
.. • • ..• •-• '.. , : ": I' , , 1 Others take it,F,1-me!,,,,,• ,.:t.i,,ty.1.,,*11..L17
ow \\-iill•se.)0J-t-..fitid, Sl.dnit.S,',.. ...I G.i,, s,dc,;,.11),,,,•,;.1 Ont.., . „ •,,
. , . .. . . •• ...,.
k 01 brt 115.i"4 61 4-1.1P,11 .a 11.-‘' (1) t l'i er' 1' 1 " li is reinarkable ,lior,-.Many tases have
, , , . ,
' 1 Wm Ili A ow nit (liCiiie (741.1 been report, d bini la ,.o this one Many
- , - -' • , .- -- ,i " • :. • .• • ' • . - - - !" - ...--- • 7 . -,
. .;, t .-, It 1 ..• i• ; up.fl , . 1... ' wornon are 'poorly atistich time,s and get
ge.s.tion. thi.a..,ca• ,us.,(,th(..... paib:.. • . into .a Nyeakened,, run-down condition, .
.. • ••; when -it is essential to tbemother, as
-- , Usti Sician; s te ptotec t,,,'cni-,- ... ,• well as the child', „that 'her. strength be,
fi!k!ti)„.!tillj.11:.,4§:,-,37.P1.1.A:0'..1„111(1,•tisb.,;'.j4-ei3i.,bp,•,;.1,,,,,,..".„.,!:•:.:.., •,:•,..,..„,..:Z,..,....•:: ,,.:-...,......,....i...
• A:,11."'"i'itrlisOlTh'f6.13r0T•lit '1,11*". -:::' ' Lydia t, 'Fifilobainli:Vegetabie Com- '
li7 t ie.iri.,:,:i..4A47,fleyiTeir ;(.1 r;uggist...:.s. ' ....7. Polind. ie• an, ex e ellen t .tonic;,. fOr.',tbe'
tiler at this -Tame. It is prepared
'17710a ,., ',, _ mo
-: -0 ' ' " ' . • ... ' en' -' klliEtaiii -4rein ModiErnaLiciots And herbcian does .
45F(1,K,Iianidind.Salinitisr:„,..iorilliPiSes*.siti;i!is.c..i.etic-.e*ViK :fie.feOritelharifha:rinfir di--cg-S".Ty.may--be---7-
t k " 'n safety by the nursing inotlier.:::.
, • • ,
NILES$; th6Hrialyi4,.." ayer?!.•on tat.ge't
kspilull'at. a
• SeOtlio' the ante Ilgrui.:406*.
rapiiiiyNteeeveir full tisd "el the •
ilab by tiabbitik ANIMerd's .
(Men -fent. It tiene1'Inr6V. it •
.Miildies all tied it.
• The Faitilly„Madicine Choat
„ -
rtSs.OE No.
Accept only - an "unbroken package" of . 4:Ye.r Tabkts of
Aspriti" which •
toittA.41, out Aly • •'
p1isicis tiuring 22 years ani proved saf- by:P111.11.PAS'..for
..Colds , * fiedaclie • 1..RIletrtlratisni
. NeirfAlgja
'Earic•ile . Ltittrbago. Paiir
mly 1,.`PAYPr..1.1)91Pii t96.8 of 24 and 10O--'flruggiati ..
Ascirindio th6 i'rads tnisoidto et IrAyer MilfAtur of. M'OnOa•
AfC4Olit`1,0940. Of sends' ildovbi. it 19 well ktiolva fhtM Appiriq nitskilA DAYer
rorOlortionn,o., id assist oho, pithite 1g.411101 14094.109. tli 'prible,k 'Or ConiPl.trO,
*ill be situtiped ihdir ledhdiel,treds inetri4, ••tw '-'neter •
' • ,'