HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-03-29, Page 1rre ••.• 2.00- MCA. It ADY 71, vgistaNARY, 'S, UleGEON W. , Keleher, Riejeere Phone 29, night ,or day„-t.f. . • ' • - DENTIST .MaCLend:'will'Visit 'I:Meknes-1;in .„ every 7'.1.eifeedaYe Oiliderabeere-thatebf7 • Drs. Elliott Coiinelt.' ...DR. PARKER-, ,,OSTEOPATH, 'at the ' Ceinellotise, LeeknoW, • every Wede enesday afternoon. , All chronic dise •,easea successfully treated, Osteo- pathy tile physical :cpuses. • of, e, diebeeee, •,:eAdjuitinehe of the • :spine is more 'quickly Secured.and with teever treatments by Cseteo- leather than by any other 'Method, Tereiiee,Pricee leaid for .all kintle .Of poultry. ' ' 9-6•Itf' ' A., Grospopf, Lnekniiw. „Dr, McInnes. Cle.ropreetor, of Wing- hain. -will ,eiSit Lueltrid'eietiffee -times eaehweek in future. Anyone desiring an interview with him mayleave word . at the Cain House: and the dieter Will :eall. or may see him there personally. „Menelaers, :Thursdays and Saturday afternoons. No • charge ie -made for consultation. • • • e DR. MAUDE C. BRYANS,' Registered Optometrist Graduate Department. of Ophtlialmol- •ogy. McCormick Medical College, . ,eage. Ill. Three months' post graduate course durieg year 1919. • • Ey,es' correctlyfitted with Glasses. ; etedadaeheei Dry Itchy Eyes. Granu- lated Eyelids., Watery' Eyes. Pain in Eye; Belle.- Inflenieel Ekes. Pus .or. Watery, . pischarge .,,froin Eyes and 'DizzinesS caused 13.7 Eye -strain re- . leeved through 'ProPe•rly. ,fitted es • Cross ,Eyee straightened "throegb. Properly, fitted Lenses • , • e • Eyes, tes.ted at 'night - equally as • good' as during deelight. All"kinds ef Optical repairs done. •' ,• :Sittisfection. Assured • . At the Cain Hooseekleueknow. 9. ee • 1 a.m. 1 39 tO 6 Ilene., Evening 7 to 9 p.m. •Wedoestlay of each week:, 6, - eeHigheste Cash 'Prices ,Paid: 'for' 11. • kinds. Of raw furs. Lee me know when• ' Noe have any and I will cail at price. • -Benjainiin Pearlinan,. • "phone '85. Lucknow. . -e• - • '30-4-e; • • • re • • • UNVEILING, 4T ST vIllELEN ON 0';. , e • 1 14Q.CAlo ANP GENERAL • Iltiieeiet Met- ola eneeigh te eemeniber a last week ot March quite sosevere as this one. elYbe. AntleenY Doyle has gone to De trot and, is. taking:a :etierse in the i011iganState.AUtoneehile School. , The April issue of the Ladies'Horne jjoureal. which; ie,bereer, blighter and: better. nOw on sale' at MeKinfa „Drug. Stote it 15e. -a copy. . ' On account of the inclement weath- er and illness, the 'proposed Radio Conceit in the .TownHall has been poStponet1 fora week or two. • Card of Thanks -Jack •Wilson es. through The Sentinel; to 'express his appreeiation of the many, kind, messes shown to by friends while -afethe -hospital And ,sinceehis-arriyal_ • • BABY CHICKS. -Make' Your ,floelt 'a paying proposition' by adding pew ,viteorous. quality chicks. "Royal Quid- ite" baby. chicks are from heavy lay- ing Canadian stock, Rcrcke, Reds, Wy- .andottes. Anconai,' Leghmins. Deliver- ed to. your eepress station prepaid. 97ee safe arrive! guaranteed Cana- dian Chick Hatchery: Limited. De - Pertinent <04e -44a King' St. --East; .Hernilten, Ont. o o o ••DANCE f • . -7-eh' Carnegie Lucknow, on Easter Monday, April 2nd.'im- Mediately after the play, Fria- eese pat's Orchestra.. • o o'o--e•- •ROUTE 5. LUCKNOW" Those, who have rural Mail delivery ,eervice, on Rural . Route .No; 5..Leck- eow; are advised that ' they should, :nave: their ;mulles plainly printed on their- mail p bokee in order to insure primer delivery a. their : mail. The „undersigned- willcommence his dutiee te mall courier en' said route in 'eefew' lays„ -and cannot, be expected" to -knew: :he boxee miles neines are on.. .Andrew. Lockhart. ` PAINTING' (ND TAPERfiAGING R. J Cameron, Lucknow, prepared to di all, kiede. Of Paintieg end, decor: sting, Agent Or wall. papesi from 10c.: Per roll up e2 inches wide. ,Samples 'may be seen at thy _residence. or shall •• be pleased reetalce thein to- voniehouseee Highest price paid for Spring Musk- rat at A. Blitzstein's Store. Lucknow, • BABY CIHCKS AND EGGS . -Baby_Checks and Eegs for hatching. ;fromenveleeveedaYing »Cfls 61 White- Legnoitese Baited Reeks. ,Black Mine 7,eireaYealier M:AlroonTry--Russian • Writeefoieneiceelestee.1 havee_doebled •Sernyehatching' capacity " and Will 'do My -±best.:--ttaill411.:6i.argatitoinliatehinz, ale°. One Teasenaniy-:: B.t MA es en- ,..culeatorseamlehioOders for sale. . Write end Ter eataftegeee.ifinterested:•eeee' - • .1 '.,..'Dencen:Kenriedy. Beet'12. -.Phone ,42-611 Whitechurch. Ont FORMER,_EDITOR' WRITES TO ,LUCKNOW. FRIEND Mr' Jame e Bryan, for • many years ditor oteThe Lticknove Sentinel, and, a etoininept citizen of thevillage, re- -2eritly..eei cite -ea soinewhatieengthyelet-7: ter eo'd Lucknow friend of his, and as he former, editor, still -,haS a warm 'Tee in. his heart of many of our read- •.••••.!- -- firs we have gleaned from the letter referred to some information as to his whereabouts- and -doings and pass _it - The, village of .St; Ikielis is assured of a big crowd and ehig time gerieree Oi>litir.72.4fk7,4 this 3,7011.t.r"AT'"' 'iangements are being Made for .the unveiling "df' the soldier'e Memorial, ' heipee,:e,reeted 'there, by Mre, John• ', Joynt• lel'P'P' on that date. The 'Uppet 'part.ef'..the monument arrivedeserne time ago, en4 Mr. Spotfini,•:,-Ol„. the W gleti and' Likkeicsive •M' e :Werke., Who has the :copirect, eleyeehe will have everything -in readiness by . 'May 24th; •11/1r.J'oent requests West West WawanOsh. folk net to make other. are' rapgemente for that date. • '•. 7 7. • WITH THE Tle-XIS BOYS „o the., uxis Boys ha, n died away, but owing • to 7 sickness and rough 1.wesither they wei•e- not ehle to hold I, a . meeting until lese•eTheredity eyeing, when ...an enjoyable evening was spent The twenty-third 'psalm ,was repeated in unison, a sheet' talk by •Mie, Cosene.An open diseuseitin on motors led by 'Thos. Helm. Will An •deew evaSeawaided -Rest class •lieneee- for his skating There were everiil ,selections • given on the .flute and mouth ,organ; Next meetipg..will held', on Thursday evening, when epee-, iai. meek will be given by the full:or -lite. the 'construction Of 'privies, and in present, .there will be impteetatit . , business on hand- ' . • ' •e-ceoebeee. C1FI'UltCH NOTES , -A .fine meeting was held held; by the EpWoreh League • on Menday. . The meeting was arranged • heY, • Mrs , Osterhoute Mrs. Re Robertson had. charge; Mr Oseerhoetread eheScrip- ture lessen: A solo -eves rendered by" :.TeeSe--Reect, : arieinstininiental heelelree, eDre Neeeten :and a reading • by • Mar,- earet ' Webster The. 'sPeelel feature . • . • • . was ,an ehteresting eddres.s , by. elr,. •]Celeyee. op., church cenclitions in the province of Quebec. Tre7 l'eaen-elosed the eneetirig With • pray - There was e good, attendance. , Methodiat ChurcheSpetial 'Eitater. Music' and Easter • messages in the -2Ntethodisi4dhuidi,next,...Sunday1 In the eyening a special Song Service will be held, duetts, trios, ellornees, and some of .the greed `old resurrection hymns. che following'is the programniee-e ' Mornine Seryice . ' F0,11----A*L-E-.=-Gona7fort'-alde-21-1-iraInt house 6 monis. ApPl_y2_ to Jos: Agnew.. leteeknow: • e 224-tf: 116:eaeSi, '.rFor-the peet -leave been saneettry-nespecterefeneethe :British "=Colien'bi_aeGovernmerit; .There' are only two of us inspectors 7in-.the ,,...royinee;„ancl-.J4though,..jny.clutieseare, chiefleelcenfined to, the eiwatersliede:, do a 'great deal of oe seetial. work for -.he provineiaiBoard of Health."!_t . • . • • J.JRSDA •-• Mr BretMele •• • Mrsejlendeescin Brennan,: w h o,:*. for riceire died. at 'Kitchener. on March 22., at the. ake. Of 17 years. Theremains were interred in Kin1oM Cemetery' on Saturday afternoon., mrs., Brennan had heed.. for :the 'past few years. at. Kieehener:, andlToronte. She is tier, •Vieed beeene Sea Wen J of Toronto;e `epee:WQ..dtiugiltprs, Mreeefettes•Hynie. nietiee'ef.'.M,opereell, and Mrs e Herman Heiser, of •Kitchener. William J. and Mr jeeieer Were ..bere .at the. f,une antl.-,Spent a fete .eays" visiting with LucknoW friend's. , leIrs., George Graham, , kb ..g11;,.. GOO, Graham, ' .0f ',.GOLIOriell, fermeily...Meee ,Procter, • of Leekneee. passed away at her home, early eon, Mendey Morning,. at the . age of 7e. eelrs. • Grahanee„, early hoine -Wee'. at, leirdosSeillage, Where, for Many years flee .father, Mr. Shelton, evae „proprie- tor :of ..the 131ack .Horse ,Hotel.. She :is survived .by four brothers 000 three sisters: Dr. Geo. II, Shelton. and Jo's- epli 11,ef:DetrOite•and Jelin.; of Rip-. eiteeeeezleereMeteDoriald, me( ..:Ann e:4e,ithoe. Alex;, noseetted' .eIree OpepitigeAnthem--"Th'e Story: Is ...(ikerni, Cantu-:;;'T)e 8,067:1:7A- -The-(iose);hereDedleyeBuckeee- ' Duett, Tenoreeand--Barieene-teThee -,-Shade.-insieGloorneit -Night Are Pass-' ede" eCeeBT'Atiattie.-- e...111..alse-Cnoruae-eteowejle The • Grave ,• :Teeleevee; •ne funeral, eon. le'tehiesdliy neteerrem; was te, KM- eeedine ••Cepieteree,.•e.e.,,.,•• . ••Mr Geormeleiathiestin Monday ef this weeke•thee pIss- e-1 away. at the home of • his sop, .in, ettaeriee Mi, George- Mathieson, a :Mane familiere to every resident of • Luck - new end eicinity;:excepterecent come,: ere. :About e -year:ago Mr Mathieseji suffered a ,etecike'eof • paralysis,- froth which, he.Made• a 'partial:res-: , . • . eevery so that deeieg..last,spineher. he was•ah.le tovisiteteLuelipow•and Gee- , - • , - .erieh.. From . that tine, however, he ,eieedily,. fence` in health, .,.• ; " . • Mr Mat hieson was berm. in . . deeneh ire Scotland.87 .eiIrs ago Ile keeme to this. country As a young 'men and, fellowed the .oceepatierr of stet- eonery engineene In 187e ,he caiee• to Luckncev tram Clifford to take ehergte ofthe. eligirie • and „pumps •at the Grand frunk -.water' tarili, •ged he, ioniained eip that position until superannuated., • Other' than.. his '.' occupation yvith. the ;railway :eompany; his chief Merest was the -workeeeefeethee,Preebyteriane Church -ineLUck-now, with'', which : he • • Qiiartette--"Sottly -, Evening-Servicee _ Anthem -"Easter Triumph,'" bert J lield,en: i • • Ladies' 'Trio and Chertis--e"Crown Him." J Filltn�re - , • • Chorus -"The Lament of .The We hien," Wilson. '• Trio VittrY," ifairee:RoweeStielly, • WIt.-13tyan: was sent Into the mountains'• to take -bee-go:of health arrangemente, at the ee'AUCTION..t•SALE 'Britannia Mines --and he has had other 1 .4SZ6lsott'Bushp'.1;'Lbt‘6: Cen.•12. kin- 'big contracts of that nature on his , . „ . . ,•„„...,..eehorses,eattee. (mostly.... well-bred veey :kind tce nie, for I am still ,alive yenhg ecattley on"Tueeday Alien,' `.3rd. • - d e ' . • . .,--. e ..., ee. . - ee, e. • „Cinimiiiieing .:eteorie4oeclocle,1),111," - • -..=, ,an • •PnrY,P.:T.-Ille. verY °eat °I nea`In• ' • ` ' elolue'PeteviseeFOr-fieler el'ara71 ifigeineeeectoteole ',the, 77-7. ' watershed in Lynn Valley,' and • he loss; will have an auction sale of hands He says: '"Providence has been „FOR SALE • , goes on to`give a description of , the , magnifieenf mounteln. scener,y . in -that Frame House -Seven lrge room P, cellar. _ part'of, the nce• 'proviHe -is still there gond e , . hailant.1 so wat er feere, . • eg to. his. wife, he says: inside.* theeeeeheartee acre lot, small: Be' • APtil V-Te:•'Tsabell'allerree - a li'd'einie.lef"it"lateeleee'ebut sheewas- ...„4prcharsLAlso 'small stable: Possession am sorry, to say that'MrS.B. has had -APPTY- e derson, care e'f'' llar`i.FY• improving and *Niailld be ;herself again 'hex 113."' Ont.. ' • • • getting on a street,ear,, the ear start- ' 5-4-106 ilea few weeks e It appears that while AUCTION. SALE' ed before she was , inside, with,the • -• • reseilt ehat she was •jamined .between Administrator's Sale of Valuable the doOrs and ene of her feet, trailed Farm property The undersigned Adrhirlistrator will along the road fora distance. She was ffer. fot• sale • by ,Public 'Auction at in the hospital .for four weeks as a • ' ' HOlYrood in the Townt eefeths M ahin. of resuliishap.. She, eertagily , • • • lit' len o'clo(c)fk,,Ae.perlii .0Ao. rp.eeeenet e -the . has "-ed it eebneer, life since eve ,e.aine'ete , .. ' . Tenthoviiclay ' D 1923, the e Const, beth'in church work and ' follng..,.farin -lands being lot num- tli 'her Five in The seventheeeneessibet of . ,p.olitide,,,,Deitingeeheelate'electiOnsefote .":OCB-14,---iieee7s-iileleefe, '..'elireae•Lease efestiaid: eletielkeseeeeeentleenteTthe'!"-ii116ein'spenGeke ietl'e'A7:.: the'Townshin Cit,KinlosseiretheiCounte, theeptOyipciel house, . ,on., e: es Ole theeFiret' „We: teeneeslie °seoke-atenearree air bi:r. fl'''' latids-wbfelleexpi_ f. Agra `A.De 1001„ Mfortahle Mac onalers and General Od um , '13• .0n the iPrernises is it co b .50 ft, 'meet/Age. In. church. week she is as. frairee”baein 40eft. 6Whilehd IS6rgfL11191°1-13Sr 'ft' aned'shslgtiiPaetne milberp. tSbeehttldiBes",,,Ar-didipriteb-54;,. • • • • ippt:rgei rt on Tuesday. . ,eturps to and Mees -::4.erelalaTi'LD:oinn4.1111:1e7,:itly'''.n, lAior'aolindt.O,.,1.‘!nr!'ian expect to go to -`4°sIdy to_ attend the ;giadnatien exercises of „the epreebyterian:Mieseonary; arid Dea- coness Training Hoene and the desigee „rieteien ef -MissM.mie Goll .0pea.„.• eonesseto Bonar CluireheToroneee 7elee .leuey leeee Missicin Bane have prepared Sn excellent program_ for their Easter enterteinineet in the 2nd Concession Schee:house.... t o n i'g Thursday; Iiiteresting exercise e and recitations,' will be, given • including , patriotic- gageante:„"Canadians' All," ,liberal, offering -ie.. .asked for *the Jubilee in Formosa • ' The •-rneeibers of . the. Presbyterian Church cheir met at the home of Mr: Jobe Roes to ;hid farewell : his daughter, Mrs e McIntyre ere 'her departure-. for her :new 'hoene in , Sask. A-Pleeeant, time 'was .spent in genies and music and the chief item., tifethe program wes-theleadengeofeen address to Mese,e1cletyre iiepreci, ation of •her va:uahle services in the eleeii• for niatiy years, accompanied, by the presentation ,of bulky- en_. voiip,e...-.Mr. Ross made a suitable ,re- ply'forhis daughter; •-•tee-e o ePLAY; BOX. SOCIAL, AND •DANCE At Lochalsh Hall, Friday, evening, April Oth.' The •'St..'Helens ',Driunatie Club will give the hlay: "Which One Won ?". followed -by box social •and iin old-time dance: Lots of fun; every- body: come. -Admission, 'adults .:adies with boXes..feeeeehildeen,.15c. early becaend connected: Of e deeply earnest and religious nature, he was a, constant attendant at: all services) and efter'e%leefeeearee'eeeigereetifierin ten,denteeofe the Sabbath '• Schoca-ea eposition for eliliterhe • h iderardequ al i ileattairsrande eiefeithielteheeealways....emenitsiceled respect -and reverence 'ci*f the 'voling 'folk e He • was eie Liberal in,.. polities, ente He proudly, Woretwo medals eeceiered •.. , •eBeelibeierian•:e0itildelie:feteeekeriete COmeiittee had charge of the pregrain on Monday:' evening,. The. ,topic, •"Filendships_ThetAre...00k.W4j!,!!„ .was la,bly„„deale with in a .Paper'Written by Miss.ietaty,-MacLeade;whieli Phemie teed; Two very Viefe71114-111-tiry: Aitcheson's solo, *arid the eeieding �f Foss's p041111, "The Meese 'the Side of of, the Road," by Miss Isabel ,Cliesnut, Miss. Norma, ThOmpeori's ,reading twas also very acceptable. Mrs. MacKenzie and Mrs, -Murdoch •sang ti tiu.et, in which the audience :joined in at the seireraLehottises. These clifielisese-en- ,eisted of 'a„,verse of each .of four good oldehymnee-whiele-,:eyereenie enjoyed Ttv,o' instrumental .dutts•,coai log' housb.i, de rneatheealso-a-en awe •••••e.5fiereeaseevereris-Suptelef-the- . ere, - 11 ft. by 26 ft. The nroperts, t th cer and e qUarter wes o e . flcmile Tjpp of IIce(Sellrood_end is,ceneenient • of "the W. C, T. U.; member of the , , • twit r s . Rural mail Distriet tree-ritenreer ef-tel•,C 4" excelleat-lirogrirh-7Pialle, neid by •Miss .:Uae71%leitilorran Mellan-ata. a, plane iltiet.hk-Miesee-Maberiilliif:and-Wia•-•- nifred 'Gordon: Next week, the ;Guild and mid...week' service are ibing. , bnieccthe ineetifigelerbeheldeoneWede liesday eVening, the Devotional Conti , tit e in charge. Topic,"The Seven • . • recogniteeneofr n tiritar ye i rove dere(' at. the -time of the Fenian Raid jn .1866,. and .evnep the' Great Wer broke out, :lie areeeetlir'die I areede'eliat. if lie.evereeeinig,epotigh he would be in Europe 'just, as ..socin as he Could • • FOR SALE.-A:5e1i.p._ Gase ohne engiee; practically new -Stuart RobertsOn, . • . • .• • . AIT•clioic sAilg. • Lloyd Phillips, Let;e25,eeeprie • 10e1 '.`eirest Wawapoehe-Will have an Auc- tion Saleof ,:faren ...letecle and imple- ments. On Aril 5th., commencing at one, o'clock :pule ' • 29-3-p. FARM FOR SALE:OR:RENT-Lot' -4. Glee Ashfield, all :iiiegraes,-., but 'good workable land. Constant „supply of running water, . dwelling house, 2 barns andedrieingsslieci. APOlee to Mrs. , E. J. Jelutseon, Kintad. oat. , 5-4ee. • Mr.:atliie.sop was twice.. nia.i•ried,' and is• siiryir.ed: by tnree•sOns,and one , daughter. .•Another elaughtere Mary, (li(t1 in .1.013; e". - -The reniains will be. gift„:„to • w for inteemente seiviee, held irt" the Presbyterian .Chiirch, thie . • ". (Thursday) afternoon,.". _interment • to 15?7tireGirecellrilleCeitieteryeeeeee , • -to Church and ,Sehoe a , eeliverer: fl'en Pgr cent. •ef. the purcdhase,inf eey native ditughter's Canadaededlitelde" Oeher peeitione;that I litiVe foirgetterie' of the s al, a,: V.111 he rein ein- -13 be ed• he .Says': "Mel, lives .clese to nee He has a fine wife -and *five of theeeekvell; I won't Saye. it; 'biete, ,Of .eenteee -I think it, the bestileoking - - 'bunch. of kiddies in the world, Wilber 1Setlifie.Of the editors e Calgary Herald', and is getting ..along finef ternie was bete •see• es not low?. tio., .11e Je in LovOr 'qilifernta just how; Davei hi President slid 'Ceti- ar4 Meoestrei Aiith t b deposited On the o wilo BORN s e the balance withie ten daye,' there- after. , • • t ferthet pertietilars a this sale el drhinisira&i: weevil". te. 5-4- . • " ' • , el, e- • •• • In'Itovhie re, Tore env dea.r wife, Catherine e ...„ ' John 'Purvis; Auct ' 1 L tee tele, died Math 29, "This 'ift'V`b1.1"hictsb4e't mem°'70 I- ll id to net, • loved ?ntl to4114** 114't r11 it 41111Plif V°144/14° And t 000 VAIO that 0 her • 4t° Ul°146 °At° 11"t"14401). '141 41'41'41' • f • • , eee•IVIOV 4 , -55 • ' . ..4001*.,corrwi. is undoubtedly It isi)ure fresh and wholesome and the flavor is that ofthe true' gT.een leaf. nua aturday's Specials Cream Slices Puff Pastries Golden Rods Brown Bread Raisin Bread Home-made Bread Very Special Bargains for Dollar Day .11ighest Piricee•Given for Butter and Eggs at EDGAR HQLLYMAN'S , PHONE 56, - -LUCKNOWe KINLOS$ „ 'Mee: .jaMee Histon is iting With friends in tinron. • I*. Wallace .Hewitt event the Week, end at his honie•heie, • •and Mrs Abbot spent 'Sundey' •WitfeMr.14loy-Abbok-itiverdale , A. social s:evening 'sull be he'.d. at' :gis. Sam Moulten's Wednesdaynight . A laege, crowd attendedthe pres- entation at Jack Stringeeei-lait-FridaY. Mrs George. Richardeon and • Miss eteoeseyeef TeeedrateiespentetheeWeeke 'end With Mrs it--; Stanley; • ^ TORONTO REALESTE , Mr -Fred A- Lc3vis, tan& ;timer has for sale, a ' nembere, and eerie:eye-of eniter-ern ousepe-Those - tending be ,leea.teein. Toreuto, will do well to: write him or , call' At his ad- etreaS.ee.e4.35eEeelereten keVLOEi1s ( :Yonge car' to -Eglinton 'Ave.) • • -AUCTION SALE -• • ee-lei e'.-JeeeelaceA-ed eeeeLoteetegeene-1-4-e 'eAsh,freldewillehayeeeneAuctepte-Sele-oe- fatire stock .!and imeleeneetee on ;April.: e5theeecOmmeneing ae, 1:30 e'elockrreine Good horses, :cattle aedeiniplements onLehia sale,earid:4.aolhlt;wpilul be sold F A RM POlt•SAl - • 100- ACRES, Lot-27:--(7ore. Kin- . loss, epto.perey,, of eheelate.,"Catherme- :Creerston (relict f. the late James' Crowstoe)„:-Goad:4'ninc-roomed,- beide house. • with woodshed. heen •e5e36, eeteatebetteif 5Ox36. and $0e-18 'implement; ehed 8eaeres harde wood bush, • 'orchard'," farm, ,eaeturete 'foe= laetetteelee'yeere,--s•eitliees from, eLangsideestere 'aed .1ilacleemith jshop,„„; enilesefromeLuekneeeePoseession , at .oncee Price .reasonable. For particu- lars '•apply .to Mrs.' lquorelionse chelle Luck:new, or to Mrs. James Mc- eCullough. Kincardine, Aditipistietrixe ' FOUItTlf•CONe KINLOSS l VIS i�ten ,d -ore.: • s.ltinpran. .42A1: ;A:1%111,!Cilaid qeyr"as,.114i1 Mie and ' Mrs, i:'Arighs MacDonald }mere for .s(1,1T°)10.g. !rare severe colds,. ; • ' QUite A hunitiee in. this neighbor - heed are Csinfering from the efe: feeteeof seyere colds and ;flu; -We ere,•pleesedele=leneWethat:Gile. severe attack oJ rheumatlsfll , Stewart,=..fn Liteknow on March 24,' 1923,' te Mr, and .Mrs, A ' Stew- art, a daughter, ' Kinloss, 'Marcie 24, - 1923.- to, 'Mr. ark1.41rise•Robeite Mee Nall, a son.. Aiecheiion,;-41% Lueknow. l'tleith 26, ' - 16231 to Mr. and Mrs. Berke Ait- cheSon. a sefl,... i eeldt "Yel hs4 .awful ,treu • 1117° V". Oil *fit, 4% slvtukar loved itt!Vsvi ." -RE I MAFEKING , tuestley, Meech '26th. Aii Easter ,cencert will be ,given by the Aehtield IS. in Blake's Church Good •Friday evening Mae 30th.' An ineeresting program. is. arranged. Rev.. Nealderie of Dungannon, will give an address.Every•beely is welcome. Bring your "Easter offering. • • There .will 'he a _concert , and hox. 'ebeial held' hi No, 9' "Cherry' Greve" -Seheielheelieeore.TueedeeeeeerlingeeApr.' 3rd; The progreen wiii consist • e 'Charlie' Chaplin 'moving pietere show and mueic by lecal. talent: . Admeeeien, 25e: Lediee with boxes fiee, . N•.e'e,,ee'.'eeeee.e.Veee'eeeeeeee'.eXe,e.NeeXeeNe,eNeee‘ee\eeeee:\eee.Xe.e V•e*e.eiNeeeeeeeAv.eeVeeeee,e.ee On LLAlitDAYL,April Ilth. - t aVit4' a '4,24.'ideCe." ,China -,T6a.-80,7.,Abg-Ohr-it'613,-- Vree.' • •Watali thi4spa,C6'iiext; 'eek for particulars. Fresh Lettuce,. ,Celery and Tornat,Oes arriving for the teeter trade , Leave your order AO as not to be disappointed. ThOmpson's „ Economy Store, phone 82 tuarcow. ivna1, estAhviiya 00, gas94 12-4, ' - NOTICE ToeCREIMT,ORe. In the Mattel' of the 'estate David , Houston, , late of the Township • of Kinloss in he (emote? of ,leruee; Notice herelieeleieeetthiet'all-pee:- ons h\iig.elW:relteine ore -demands etainete-elee• laeee'Daeieeeliblieteeteevhoe dicd one Mee akee, t tw t yes ce d • edav, of. •F.elertia re! ,..,k7,1);=.702',3: - T w nehtle'or ii lege ei it the Countye of- ,' Bette. 'aye reedirede•ta ,serit by POAt -,preeaid tPL.,S141:Tr_ to , the endure' --eignede-Adinleistretor.'6r dettiee'of the eaid 'David Hotetore their mimes and addeeesee and full particulars in witting, Of their elahne an stateinents of their accounts and thenatinte Of the . eeeeeriti eee' helde_byetheineeltilv .edritied by 'Affidavit,.• , And take notice that after Theetteezie, teeseventh day ofiAprii, A ..1), 1.023,,the, said Adieitistrater eroedece to distribute the aestets of the said 'dee ceased enieng ' the pereons.. entitled itherete,,, hating, regard only . to the elainis• of evliichlie ehall haye had lioticei and that .,the. Acipinip, ttat,, tOt Will not be liable ter "the said assets nate. thereof to any .nerSon. of I Whoee he fi0t: fheilehave received notice, ttiOtiC0 ie given Mereuieet to, the statute in that 13elialf. Dated At theknew twenty,sev- Aatf ,Ar„.1)J,162g,,,,„:: David liposto • polytob0.1 OA.; 4 FOR BY USING 11- ixteen- -fo-dafe -CARDINALa jE),-,_. LL:BL,IAC. '--- ' - OLD; ROSE.;,,;' TURAVSTRAW ' VIOLET. , -',' ''','.:CERISE'''''", :URNT. STRAW --......„..•.,_ ,..._. ,.1I -LVE. '11,L,f-:-EELNLOEWR7-77.7r1^ ;..CADET.:BLUE. .°ROSE, . LIBERTY. BLUE BROWN`. '• GLOSS BLACK a es Your Hat Bright, Clean Crisp Sold 'Only By c The Rexall Druggist, - Lucknow, Ont VelVeNeeNeee\eeee \ \ ,re 4'- he Beitiio .4u 1.1.0to, 1URNER- IE:S, ATTENTION!1-=-Y 8.11tr ootweatis really of more jrnportaike. than your Easter hat:: See .our display of *,..y..fistr-Sii.t4ig-Slioe - 'Well-dressed Men wear our Shoes because -they- com b ne-com-fortr-du ability and style. Children's Shoes our Specia When buying Shoes, 'ask to see our line of Hosiery. Staple Lines for Factory and Farm See our Solid Leather' Shoes and .• • Rtibber BOots for Spring. Our Mottb---”StYlet Quality Seritecand.Satisfactioni$, , ,