HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-03-08, Page 2, r, ••••,•••••••••. 'Rs 1. oliestilio;--1.,--1 4''''''7:. 1:•: W...'?,;•-•-----• •::::.•$.4..-:F-------• 4,1 ,•••-• __•=-,...„,-......, . ivitromikk- ...........2----;,... >.?,,,,,. _ 1: 1' --ATTENTION:482.-IDETAI-„IrlIEDUCER;71iPREEP:°-r- ••• - - .i.....,1. ------7 A ----- , ' '''' - ----77 ": • 1 t$ '''''. C c ' ' - ' ' 4,•,Z .i\ ONT.' :- S ... ' . 1..;''''.: :::::•:‘:,-„;....17,F,.... 1 c .c •• c' ,if..4.`4,17*;..• s' -•,..$, '.".: t41.ir 1..7 ''.'•• , • , ,, -'1.11•''''''itintrc -.4e--"Vellseg''fOt rii'pairs,etc. on ri.,earr-qhat Cost °$.400 .. • ....* *.z.- :anehor ear .. the major „items,might be to buy: • - , '. •-• • .. , 2.--;----" '..-=':' . listed is mane, ail. , tires: stlp144.ea' First. year .........;.... . . mid Matra • If an (Muer is interested„Secend year ' ' . 7077 . in getting. the -Maxlinuin Service pitiThird' Year, ., ..'.,.,.........`. • 357.93 .e...-- -= - of bria Car-ak-a-minimum of -cost - con- I Four,th 3'ear -........; . '," ....... 500.38 - **tent_ with such _'setir_ice he will be Fifth _year .-_,_. :::....,-...„.„.._ 511.97 - Willhig to take- the- bilne-ttr stud the ..:•"-..-.:-. :,•;:-:; .•"1:;046:72-":' ' _ • Ma , elline and leard haw it operategi Average Per year ...- - .. .. 414.68 - . ;---- best- ' • "•• `., ' ' ' I. The ctiiielnsion of these figures .is ' • o• <- 'The amount of gasoline ,a ear use a that it would be best to - sett the 'car varies greatly With the si4e , :and at the„eed of the .fif",tir year and bny.a. , *eight of it Thereie a 'leniency to new „ one.' „ The mileage of this car • ward :ii greeter use • of lighter Ceri.ldnring these , ears! Wits as f 1 ' : TREASU-13E, ISLAND, 'Perhaps fifteen 'Miles per gallon of , First year...!7,.,...,,.,..,.,,,..7 :„1",s,'* ' .3ohn132211.--IN ff;ty mere of these Stepping Sten4 and we'll get iherei7 gasoline might •;cenie'near..htting an,4,Sktfind ,year . ,r.,, . • .,,........,.-.. 13,,806 - . • --From the Paaing Shaw. • — "averate for all cars. The heavier' ve-I`Thirtt year ; 11).,,758 11.,162 , hicles often give about ten miles or; Fourth year. .:... • . less Per "gailon of gasoline and • some Fifth year . , t i nd the eXPleits of WoRten% ex; Running Conditions Rule; Total •'.• • • • • • . --I, .. : ...*... 66,230 PIO ts1 Salesmen are ..eften enthnsiaStie The total cost Of repairs for six . Atriers 'mit long vi --ince- Miss Nary 'H.aii. ubout gas 'consumption. They in Years Was $2 48747 o ,,....,•12#534 Pioneers in Petticoats. ' e " 11 1 - " • 1P °37 A fa miles or more per ga oil of fuel • • ' ' ..of the; lighter models, will give ,tweitti. SiXth r ' 7 •:Q: na ing volume, could he'Writ.2 „, , „ , r 3 7-10 cents return'ed ,t13' L0114E10,11., aft o f after • a o the to „er mile., For the five year eriod the most extraordinary eve un - times ea P P 23, -fa t 'I Therefore the at (hind' Portuguese Pe;:t Africa', .... les per cos -------------------- -mil, .een only dertaken liy man or woman.. Starting " believe be Can t 90 t "za i , gallon. This is not an impeesibibty cense per nil e. , , .., - , st o airs can .be estimated at she crossedthe eentinent to Cairo. about 2.5 cent.t,''a nine, tires. about 1'( Thirty Negroes, were her only cdin- I let linn.talk to, me about his boy., is swig over ••50 miles per gallon. • But B cents,. gasoline 'about 1.5 cents and Panierts: " ' The other lad °(I thing they called hiri with some,cars. as the record mileage the owner who gets exceptional mile- - . lige must keep Ins machine hi perfect . ruining condition. Often high mile- age on gas is net obtained because the liars. Alan Gardner hasliet"titers in _the East. . 4 • ' Mrs. Mulhail, Who has explered, vas regions between. the kmazboa. and the . . Andes, • was the first_white wonuin to set eyes on the Slbert Nyanza. ' , • ". Friends Now.. Our. friendship now is gold. withou • 1• • . • • • „ • The Amerkan. artlat Th0.1110-s ,ItPkt 4,44.7 7iYatl 3i./aL$'' painting hts' ctariniug.portrait f the young 9neea. tirf 71 't ?. t:s r earticlesweresV4ea•4.1raopainted , uPetthiS daughter Elanch., who; serVed,.' : MUS ha alrf$ PlaYe4 'an laTert:' aa-a-,M001;t7-bat-tharlitiadirae-dIt-dtd-H-aale-Partinth e--ad--devekPment -t Itu.ar.tist,nemeroitersitting's,-,: shemas4.4af•; the-haman.,..mc ;41i.',-;.110.ering_the.Strcim. semetiniesAitteend, ,lielpg a Very.blity euS. formative, years' „of • 0.11f 11 41391244^ ' 411M • 'bia-it...a44*iiiiiiiiti'tlia-thatea OW' . ma- riro-iii• Are • • appeintment; but all& 'proved an a ignitteance of this fact.,to be u y a, . 411:016, Sitter: lay, ,good•natiired,' and prelate. 'The 'invaluable soervic!3 of, Being ,RegRrcled as patient, ' On April 8,.1$33, $ully's•diar,y :Music dr1ng the Great War has • recorda•,... ' r 1,brojigb,t,,abit, In thp ft4111W44,494,t ' • V/4701:1•AligtlOflS• At 9 ..a page fiom fhe jalace s jti, Ve.444 4-'0e•POCg'i-4014:7--W,M°:-.141e:17e&t In the SeaSon•1920-21-"•-eiii4-.e.$ raw .-xisitelroni•4114.-:baroneza7toraar4:--am-ait€7-*-44e.-- .4.7,04,en.pk$!.. -(4.. kr pedat 11 Got thtre at IX); tinitollfa';.liOSS'iiillities, ttltich•deniand. a ,•Wider -.prOdlictioni tIK Mit-Ivo/it b pets to Prepare My; 'palette. At, 11.30 the reel:4006n Or Mind(' as, e'llieter lathe traPPerS!. cAteh."°1'6i1'44te'd. ore and Better Music in Our Schools LEAD FUR PROD11 ALlit OF EXPORTS. ON PrOduced fo"Plfo; kad a value. of .. ; Mieree'sat'' She, had on the crowu..fier ..ethicallen.and•IIfe'ciftlie Whole, people 1Q ladlea honer' ' were. rintrodhtc0 • and; iviaSio '14 . pow. greatly:sided. •hy keeping Una live- as a .tiniverSIOlantaa . need '• and . •ne l.Y.:CollVdr,satiOn; "R• adveatage:, ;Tenger, .aS 14,?4:44.., t.9r the'' oPr'e0.17.1)1°.1d,o().flit.bger'o)InatkeVenng7t.,43::..thtelit'6oe;a•t4iStat'oar;',. aped for the tastvice ef,„ inere:aed ',het, .1. icilarts.frem ceueda 11'44 E.o, .ot • .s0"0 -int and laugh ancl,talk4Oeel3N‘;iiiccO. ter oae".". !net. 0147-. t"111.°14° 4'4g .$14 973,199.: Experts. of dresSeCtifr.ii";=• girl' of eight,Oea,•stjhool„a,• • 'Th. e.:,03:10:'1Pia „'aataj,i, 149d. ;In /a1ue o $41 013 and gt 'Long ma h feel 'so • light of heart mesic iniist MadeiVailable to ever y'l • - .furs to $141,8-49, so that wThaeiti,rwiati aottritgotfeci...71p:%.,o4f,. ce.hitiyict„.01,ritrittheixa.,e;ctIlire99,eise,77:7711,,, i!ft aoinciiii:torao,trnored,r,b her ladies in, pr4ctically, the entire :aitionnt Wasgc; y raw pelts tion, the stupid dog,,inew nothing . has.•prOyeiv.Itaelf 'WorthY•to be tn..poin.t of vahe of oxiio*af of the respect .4.10 .0, a'44pyereigu classed as a major subject co -Ordinate. CoMperted hialself in 4. very ,independ, with ,re4.d)ng, writing and airluolUti;aVlaa;lulL(b„,etu'enaPtial erit, republican ":.style, although the' and must 710, longer ,be. considered tie 3 S2,815 of the total value Musk •queen ca,ressed an even,kissetl, fidlunct• ;flora' or less ellperiP1011e and .t.ra*rt very closely approxlmates i with ;worthy • tint:elated. to ..edeeational.`,proceSses. Therefore. the etosie eilperyteere voco a value 1 83365 386 The' value of - the demand of mueleians.'„ =min, teach- farq. MUSical'organisations and, WIVLLL gent lovens or •intiSie a22.' as ,the pregressive 'educators: of the .country, Mr Such readjeatnient 'the Scheel t • mink exports was'.$1,785 764; of martin • On May lo: ' At 10 I 'called' a neck ana rode to $1,431,071; Of black and silver . fox, $4053,933; 'aiid of other species of Rut, ing arranged, that:she-Should sit with $959A02.. These ,ane the six most the .crown Jewels instead' of herself. the tralace with Blanch the queenb ' Jack) valuablecanadlau fur-bearill4enlinald- .. • • . . supplies. abeut .1 cent, or a total of - She travelled- ,whete • • no .white' . . about 5.8 cents. The.'ambunt a "1- man eha tmlY twe 'white white *.inen Who Vrent away to war,and ne'er'canie fixed the trappings on Blanch. Th. e Curricula as will ,make •liossible thOf the total fur exports In the list ... e . i • t • • ' sumnce; 4.xes, license and deprecia- had ever been„before , Night after ten to be added can be figured quite night she fell asleep - t& -the rearing ,of owner demands 'other things such as. • accurately by the owner- These figures. _imick„ac&leration,„hig. power...Vt. lions; and many times 'looked death in -end high speed.,,,T0 einain• can be seduced af...the'owner...under- the face • ' , '''ithieto•tha carburetor alma be adjust- stands h.. is ie* and takes good care' of , Not long ago Rositr„. Porees, now -",t • ,• Ze....omenow to OUT ‘-‘,77‘uloo‘,3tr..; tions • • • 1 as and thlfldent in tront or me .t,0 thO;tninitImm gas .consumrotion it. And herein lies tie .vale, and hn- Mrs. Mcdrath,, jenrneSed into the smiled at 'Blanch's ann•e nee school day: not only as an art subject ng both:. • • A mention' of that absent • 'soldier's • ' - • • . portance of doing. lteint, • • , . can desert lccompanied onl b few h ' • back. ..• Before that day he always seemed, to ' ' Mieen sent te ask' leave to visit usi— proper and adequate teaChIng, and US0 on, condition that she :might not in of nuusIC as an Integral Part of" the •terrtipt. busineis—but of course on her regular school work. -entrance Blanch ;paid :no „respects. 'She .,ntust. be given- a reasonable Was very' affable., a.sited many "quea:. and lair •anionnt of the time of the • • , • w en ecorated with. her Jewels and both beautiful and useful, but as a sub-, " With gasoline at about 27 cents a Asiatics and reached Kufayra,Ya-sa. Tiot n"'"e• orders—but-She observedr.-1-aM inter- ject 'broadly -,educallonat. In. -a Cifi .ily. *hidden in the 2.,n(1, and of whieh no z ruining business curtsied and left the -schecluie,of 300 or more minuteS, music Whereat he drepped all timielV a word. (Won tlie cost, per mile for fuel can be esbirnated ahout 2c3 celit„s for:a heavy. car and about 11/4 centi for a :light machine. By actual tests the New Electric Lot Fixture of Ship's Hull • • shii. log Whieh is electrical; ly .opera ten. has 'recently been " Elven its latereated owner c.au find.out what are first tria.ls ngland. , • the best: results that can be...obtained Tbere•iS no fine conne4e4 'with the with his particular car. , With .oil,, the .consunyptiMi • Varies -,greatlY in different , ears; with- some - machines .in excellent condition ,a instrument,: for the log proper is ..,not.; thrown overboard, but isfixed to the Mill Of the:shiP 'Aleptit. where :there Can be .neither waVe ner:propeller dia. 'White man had ever firelight back an: In confidence—and eake ly I heard •• descriPtion: record:- The johrney • th ing .,He sect. J meant', endless days-o1...travel on very ,:..„ , Go On Small rations ,anq searcely any; water. • • „ A „Wonderful' .journey -was" that made by Miss Charlette ,Mansfield, who yelled, 17,000 inilei -froM the Capeto ° Cairo.] Thousands of iniles,Were cover- , fiscal year amounting in all to $14.- 978,199; the -United Klugdoin received. pelts to the Value' of' $4,329461 • the ' linitetes to theLleictent of -$10,526,7, 247; and othef cOoLtilt,.ries to the extent • 'Of' $122,491: hi the eXPonts ,of dre.ssed •-• „ • , furs ,practically equal aniounts.... went , to the -United •$tates. and the United. 'Kingdoin and spialter amounts to .A.ue: trails, France, New Zealand htiol other rboni: ''t reininded • the ;baroness that as such.. should. he .allowed not -less cotnitries. In the'exports of. manufee- . ,surenient of the queen's lerigthland' as, lesg than 20 niintites daily In inter- . in i'?i-inlary*raltes.„ not 1.nred furs the :•IInited Kingdom' teelt. : ' she.; Proinlied '10 kiFe. the exact rhea: ,thani.'15 :Minutes the great:ter' 'part „of' the Canadian. pro,' 4 . . ,' • 1 ' .1. , ' • a :renaembranee. Her ,Aiajestt's mite. .media e g , des„ and not le . „ ; duct ,q,- followed by ' e Untte.Nat s,. ile.sPoke a one *Wn°$e Orfildone • la I'graph' - ti ' 1. will& •-"" wa' • presentiV eqoi valeta 'of 25 minntes.daily in krani- Nen•• .-2 1 d Ne folindiand-sand-other- .„0'' ' '•:.: ' '. , ''', '''. •• • ' , A brought 'kir her ...,....She Said, ''on kiting mar; ',iii‘ninr. high • and ,,,bigh s oo• • eh 1 Conntries. :•• . . ; ,1i, ' : !"" '. 1.'• :'" ' ' ' '''' - '-''• : ''''' :': . • " '' ' ' ' Me the -Mite, ,. MeaSiorhig,herrlieight: ,.graties. ,Thetithe aSSilautent IS . not to • Pra.ctiCallY the entire..raw .fur crop.. ---. ;7 Pi'. - -. - . ' '1:he 'queen ,says; '. if ..Yon She:W,thiS' Include tl-e-*aftihblio funCtionilig Of Looldng away froth:me, he ia ed se „:. . , , .. . . ..„ , • , . •ineasurement w en ). re urn o -- I of, 6anada Went .to 'the "'blotted ,States', 0.011 foot or in a hathmock slunk 'en'a,' ..."-:. ".1dw . ‘,' '.• :-.' ', " "' • • '' . • 4 .. h ''' ' -on- '' t - '' t ' Music' as -an-tills' M pliveicial chlttire . . . l'' ' - I far.the p 'net '''•- I had te,4tOcei to catch his voice ., , , .; . , '. - - • - • • ' and the Dom mon is,- n:, .. 1.1 - ;America': theY wi?123':;- Wirat a little English festivals. Pagtents, ete, Up-. ..„ . , • • . • • Pole err-lefi: , .U'nfoldingicred l'ar ' 4ult of oil. maY/tIO fOr 1,000 itniles. turhanee• The 11,ert Outside`•the _hull • ee tt E 'qh h '• ' . . ;pal- sonrce of !Jutted , States imported • •••qu e avp -; per -grades th,s • tun,: allotment may , With others a similar amount of lab- eontathe a .ternlelal eostao.t foe ill- Mrs- Leonidas. 'Hubbard journeyed Deep i‘z. bea'rt, in. rose-leaVes • • . • - The variation in the conci.impL supply and to the indicating appar-. der, , accompanied h.3" - three native " • rice ion may be good for o y 0 , , „ - The strip of ied Pe is pre- ,lnclude one period of Glee Club prac- , t' ' n1 io the " sainted wires running to e e ectr al across the wilds of unexplored Labra. , -at.hed and bay. , " , paper when it we -4 •ilinded` to instrumentel should be adaonal) tion of may ;he due in part to the alas': aPrhig; also' insulated', engages' guides' and. a young Eskimo boy.' This 4Ceme in some. time; lw begged. and served :,* rolled lop on the 'same .bit. of tiCe.. or music • inland" and Orchestral . • . ou way• tbe....pwbea.,•fit rings; , or. this: centactandalSe the venimutator: '"little!' lady." . 'as. ' i8 deS'eribed. ..see 'the ,nete Thais ,t,ully in „Buckingham Palate. ,••‘. Music;•wOrk meeting. the presenttlay rn in it tt. may be duo: tn. the amount of nit 20, revolutions of „Which represent a -slender "graceful.land refined," bad to H 1ft When he rkedtnon 'the the lubricating s-ystemdelivers'. If .the; Oille: tt.e'lnetioa ettliO sbatt, of the,re. brave ImanY terrible-hardiflOps...,. . - bdat'..7:- • ' • • : ;i;dint:the ei mi,y1 t whieh is rn'the f°,r.in. cif, a 'itairl',.::lars''.,Theodore tien't. a delicate.:Irls:1;-:'4 iol!1*"IY. be carried so -high -that more nil -Will -bladed-- propellor - -is --'-'trailsimotted - Wanien:--liar-,--iSxfoldre'ilvilliffiiTs-In 4iO' - he. fedthan 'is, needed. , , through a dcitble.tiorm and Wheel. to e"th 'ee, ether v.,' person;.-ja•s' Ir.Sinee' thug' he:. a11 ed to •me ahi.:int,'• has . • llthen the- commutator. As no packing is ever he -i. . ' , This Wi'WOrk ..by`priteria.; b'e. • • • •• • ' • usea burned and iiveri off iti the ,iorin of: .d round the otatorthe eearroy escaPed death r, Shaft, 'l'- wl.'inSnt v inies -- ' - • • sistance to its rotation is. 'Constant at all • ..• : • ' • • - . • 1 „ i• . 4 f *nehe,.. The tame .4.e4tot :ebtains,: if .- • o o • . • ' from, A wide ra.nge.,of'.. dangeos.. ,froto ; In Ratatouga, i.11 mo. . populous o. , speeds and pracically negligible-. • The r:at?s, aw4, Tapidical .na,tlyez. t.‘„; , wild ?, the..cc..a;i. isiand.5 in,. th pacific. it is . . the Pistons and rings de net 'fit' Prop-, Ili clieititil dial as • graduated to record.' beat.s. ,at,a, ,.:„,,„0,,,41„.. -. . .., ., . edistances . Irem....., 05 ki 10 KW: njue,, •• • • . • ..':11previded by 1,Svi, that '. the 'head :of each". ' ' • erly.'. Even .thoilth the, Oil. does .,not liTtirri'.itn—iaylie—come dillited- bY --gp- Th . - 1,g ' . ....• ' ,.... ';.:', ;There are fetorniv-..'_rezAtil---wotaid.-e4e,.,_faniil.e--cliell-pn-et„:La cdcoanutAree-for „ ere is a ..0 a pane! wile a tante oi ' aline getting into it; due to the entitle !": ' • • to :undertake the 'journey' made by'. a•cll .,Fi's.r af 'a. Cllild's. nge „nrifil. the ' ftirs, ;products', 1,Y for- between.20 and. ps pr-cent'.ol t.N3 'nation's total import value. At . santf" State;o; exporte'd.. raw tars "to. approxiniately ..one-dhird...• • Tlie ',11tte. -que4n.'" ..measered exeetly , rell.liYePien,ts . nee&-7-,',..I•ta. ,........,,, ,-eve2.11..g1;si.-1......hvolgtiti::r,wtihiai.:thise,.vila.(1::.4,oefr,,Cha:alXa ye •Ii -._x::::: ' .. Inc le.et,, Onie and :Lei?: cinarter' lioche.... elty,,.t.o*n• and; coutil.ry to: • um .• ) . ... , . j iii Not 4..Majastic'helert„;:it i.- trile,..bqi well.,1,1.4j.ti:e.a *.dire_6t.or...of: iii.e, .m.?.11.. e• ' ea ti s'.,e.' ..6f i -e) ativ F,' Ali i:ittiii.g.: ag ta -iii',.e•,'. , '.111..tit., silo i'v,as everY. inch il'illic:e..n,'4... .7 ioaai,-10t. tetfiiilleY :be ..41,F,Iiitani8'. ., i0. •pi , previod.§ ,yerxr, 1510 e„d2, Statta-_. XP91.• •-: ••• . . ,. . , .e.veorn ,.•‘• try ..quarter ineL is. .- • „.....,. nut a .trai4 ed7supervi.,.....„0..r• fo "t'islte.a 0.i. .wp 1v1:1.e$.r.s.' iba' /I' 611-e-ita, 14-* '61 thIS„;. • -.' cleksrObinnot. le4, th-4 licte-3-111°, 71:tr:‘'-';': '. C11.b.(10:S. 'tate] 'ini,nerta.rio,n '..nf;',.;11./I'S . A visiti,t•orWe eaeb,:month': is highly de- and,. l'Eins•- dnring the Terin4 under:0.... 11 .The.rie1114:nt:'ll::::•;tli1a;.sr4::Int.n''r;;ss;1't;il''i!I‘iiilu11714i4:e.)11:u:7ci154'f51:11;i'' ..., to_run.-at too_look a tem voltmeter,. and three -switch- - ' C:` • • ` 7,eeliftir-c-s-lnineet-1-22et-he'Verttnerer4e4li-'4"Ln1 'imer°"' from Chicago all& as old enough'. te battery. for test; tO throiv the dial me- ...41'...A•reile region,: 1.11 atnre, ,or too 'loosely. fitting:•PiSton ' • nrics ,ent7t-not.7--irartsniyai7k. dad in , riagk-Itiala-the bethlaTerliafiantistn into the -circuit. and tee Con- u.rf,oses: -ana mwoheiitte-,0!.1io-fnitlia.1,113.01.gahd, .1t. is•remark.able how far a 151.1 14."11:1'Qf quart:of face danger: and Itaird:shipS-`"witit a • cotrage.; (irk . P enginelis_an good With the4edst abont,--25 Cents-TAT-quart.Tit is not -difficult to:r.Ake., 07-',‘:O.T---Q•tr,.',.# oil e en:se, , • rEXpens44-4-ee-, Tires= , kre7eXperiSe-jca,,T1:,131,estiniated.2.sale,,' ij,.at 2- cents_a inile'ot .14 , Cent per ;are Ing the.liirlds Of roads, driven over.,`.. hard On. tires. country roads..." Thed, ,too. Overloaded '.ears;•or under- ated;iire-S`tenor---tO,.--itiCtea4 , Ore • !"cost per mile. Nciii,7skid if :pitt• on too 'tightly; Will , in-, thewear. te4r, tire•-' .iort4 of; weatti4, (•;r• fer k. long-tamez stand -Mg' a garage ;eyrd---:t6.- ' a :tire 11.45 ,ortto-,-1110W6:(.. t • - , , , • •°••..eirr''e , n TWIN'. ft i1' it 0'011110i' ,.;',.epio ;moo ,t fr'sr.fc qt! '4'04' • as • f•-•/ cen" tei'.e tiNt+i.t.--. • Th(..A.... ,,2*1 sin,•ti :11P:17- ,33'atet... for r,..1.4t"i. ,11", o ;nut :0,41 'Tit! : 1;,.41-7 ,w; gc. • t • • rer;a 'I. • avo, • i f= *In •pa . "-** ..4.1,740,4••••• 'Hoi• i tnipkr f4as Comto.s.tay7",r, 'was ,isking about you oii:er'..an;natinl ; • • !.". • ii ide'pf insuran. 4'44Wind - - . .1.. 4.: hrfrtlif-T` 13•41•:. ▪ ' :•14;r13fl• tt, J4.• ot•M . 1,0 ita`.f'd•r•ai, !In than tear' sa.y*, a' 'well,_kbown • 1-8anior; but Conde.itin's: tooght .can,1 sl&?es.: many...girls_and rnag,1 „nowadays; ‘.',Boof'S". tor-..1.Vet „WeaTher man ; ..,11,o•el(thave fatr,VT-thaik .s. -61•.s. or el., „ .'„0,...,.erEliti..;:••••419.1-1.1a;"-.1-..T•--.:w917Y.-7,- • : '. • ' gler.-;:sdoura.,tipinn'Iabtel7sest.tt4',3,8":4,4'.'31.dees,ickla...,,,tf,iiii.ea.!:i.".,1 It..9:11,12,e;::6„,AL-1,,Q.iiieSi...itae::i • ;i1t;plian,P.,:, .,,,''...,r:{t.ni,::€1.f:,,i'en".G-e4;......i. , rnil•si'- Iiiidei• piaCtical ,a.a'd nitisit'ia.111Y :..-:7eWfound1and., NeW Zeill.and... and Other.' - ' I '----11:: -niC,-5-1'41-1A4:6P,... . ...-c4; ..r''''.11,:<.--!,-eoUn tt-''t(,-..-----.J,.:-.•..-:-.;„:--riarlY,,23;1 and , Ta--tii .- -,-• . . Ani...chnO1,-..iiVOrit.;,.-;:=,Tne,...,rirusicr..-stipervip.,....voi;:„.14.-,Tnitiii31iiii.,..,..„koffir.q.,..-kiine.„-fas.-0,-,. BUT NOT PAID et's; c_f_"t_h_e_.c_o_iint....r.r. reqn eit'ev'Yel'3' l'U,Pers.'" 'the 1..;eitecl Stites .ft IN** -Ili he.;"seen ,t1jat:. ': ' o isne trf,..,ael-ers- cer,tifi-,.. ,. • ;_,, -.11.011irrI.PLIE-.•i:' o'riiitri 'es, .: oet:::.4.-.74.01,..:gboet..t..4tti.s_potio•....„,,,L4t,....4,4„,:;„......„.tio.w,,,o.,,to_,...=,4,11....aliffed"10031AXI., 11.3Theli.131. .___-,Ipe.--ptibi i catio n • witbout.-„pay7--' W:iti,,." :,:_i,,'(;01.,,'-iie-Tiii.;1`,31,_:,inuA' tii.,,,c,_,Itti4cit•Tcaitn,e_,:!,rtadlug, 70 ,i,„:,;‘,=x..ertactireg.19,•fiv:•,..11(1).;,,,":1.1;101.s'inrgINvitiiiii.c.ctipc'-a illalit-i:atlii:-.,.; ! . , lick'•'of appreciatioel ,... Darii ; in 7 a 7Eocd:',19.°4:7:!:::..-:::.4.7.T.t- -b,!''"o:-;,-,7::7-7t-.=.43.al..- !Iii,_ H72...,,,7:::::.4-..h...1*t;Tni.13...":111:_iip::::i,::thecr...,e4:...,*:a%;84:is.ehl.41.:_,Le-,,nd__:',?..0:1,....'i.:4,7ti',2-,...1:17',4;:i::-'s...'_:41;1!:71:.4.odit...71:11-a).ag:171:ti::::::_ri:I.ItiiL'ii;:ig:.;11i-il:,-'1:-Ilif,t,71:17,1i,13)::-;.i.:41:t7111..k:':11_,,i.:.):11:1:.ii.:1:47:::::r.ill.,:l'ilge.7iiiiiiierF9-"13...th'il‘f::...'1..:11,Hiii.ehat.:1alr:.?7::.0,:ill'.T112:171icttiL'::.‘,..,..., ','',,,c,,,,:: . ,... . . .._ . . , .,pt:eportio t javs,iii,..4:41,1%!er7There .1 re: no; („; ther,..'il.t:t...tienci:„.dti•nuLlib_nii)juternerat.LI:11ge,.,(3.31,thip_a.:_rt4i7..,,.,:herrie.,43...rj*ilba.r.T..n7.,177. t,i0,7.17.:.,:e,,,,:f. si.tarlit5:ntaiotioisn...,aa/i.,:ae,i.iittiT.,Fa.,...tititli.ii!,:a:, ....,.0,,it txr)_...cflt :,,,,,,,,n7. , - '': ' . ' ' . _1 ; .. ' - - ifi,i,,,...,' 1. '''.:. 11111-' 1 4 ,_,,,,., .11— ' .. , , ur'ei,'Not sigoifiodrt,..• . . "2' 11 Y" l'f Clore letteol%•1 . • ' - ' i l Litlx,nt ', 111,,1111Y• 4 '-l'A - ' , ''' ..(' ),..,17,1' i:;.i.u,..,1,1.1ie.r,e::,:'ee..0,41:EiLi:tii,riikl..i.ji..4.a. riiii..t::,,,c;.f,,,,,..:27.,"}I...ts„,• :_,:ia.:Ti'l,.:..",• :::::.:::i::j.7r:,i14,.tdi(_!iaiinft:eocit. i4.,:ii,,,.0,,,,,:,Ilifi:;_.p..ib, a‘,71,;."7a1 6:::.:•:i..:1.c.a.::i.t:11,s_:::..z.,."...t,'::/, he i.eigi,ee'l.'1.1::Ii_iis'tifi62:::ni,:::..itle,lci,u-1..::1,41ottl:id,iti.".;fi;11.1,1{.".1..t'i'f'.,11.'::1,iiti:It,if:.1.,,,t.l'iizais:,..,'"1. 1,,a.i.,01, ," . '"f .1-..'...'..--,;.---..,i-: --, 1 •-• . ,.":.,..1100„;'' ,tTe'rt'.d.ci.n,..e". MI :if: 1:10:114i, sptPiliz,Y,:,e,s(:". ,:fx:ger:alettic:idifii::::: "Yt.lartini!:Iti.t'•!1:1i:z4v,:iiirt..: ' : ,f1 att 3071' Of -11:4-..9a1714 , . . , tit aragt;. 1 • . ' ..i,.3',.11:1111f11:1141:1t.e::. 111:11A:f.rh.41.'F.'ei: ... ,i.),e••:.le4t1,1'., .1:17 .!, ',,...:2iii.:' '',iit :::;2e'ln.:::,;rfaill:•sje:0',,..10 ' tine.; d,,',:i ntl'1, a:...:n,1,. J,y." 1, ..,. II; ,t. . ',.:i.e/Ific..,,eib.:t:_e., la it,,,,, ( u:_i-Vi 1,15::::: ': comparative Fop . , , „. , ..., .„...,.•• ' 'Of -1.111'.:1:J-el. :' II. 1 ' -- : '. ! • . 4..1. of , sip? (",..a . ., , , . .. ,I,, !(.)1.„.: 1- ,o,y.f.'t,p,i,ntntnal“;23,.a.,,toer(1.,"'gri6)1. 1...)3,1,4141.0% . ,, ... __;...i.iirtil'..i:',II:a'itOL7AV-,T)11?-3:.;1....4" 411 .13,141.PSr- ----- , -,,---,-----, ., .: • iii 01'F' . 1',9 P03 ._,',, i .. .;..._' ,,,1;,,;. liv:14.;.7.01,USIC::.-! -..„;..:;: -t,•1:' . - - ..: :, --r_-;--- : -Islii51f)-'7151.11-1-47€` T1 ' i , 1 1 ;Ad' 1.11,,e "T(....i'l., - -' - :,,' ' .-. ' i• ' 1.11'''.--.‘,' (1'77•1411)-c.r1-.1":1'•-ce,-"tilrY -1('-•! Pl-Oir:. "'-oti nee., . wtilIs- t, .-tof a I '4t;it•li 4V1 iiin ,",(114 -..,:ex': ,, ! --(rip-fifiA f!,1.:,'-.1m-si."-Ii4H' 'i':'' .1t -i ,"IIit,..11-,f1f.11 -Cd.1 4.,-;'14:1:447* ,. -Miircl--21-1.-i•; ..e•• !111.1-4,-11 1-;=,-`',-1-...'".. ryoTig,tTiR1-,..rz-.2. .:.:71i1110-ifill 1' ng',.1", • • 7., ' c 4 1. .,:, . rr1,1,'aVn, 111.1•1•ErrIXonT `n.7rittf)10 '-ft;r!-*,•at•It ....i,10 " .A.1 . ••• h.: -!'i ' " :• 1: it,L; . ,,,. Na,„e...,,,,,,t;., 0 ' ,:- L.4,),..„1,k,„„..,-.J.':..„1„0 . . ' • ...„, - • ;ctn.- ,..a. olf ..f,,‘" ,.(aer ------• -- .• - ••• - -„. , • ,-..',. - , , - ---.--, ,--!:P.,,,:1-.;.. it'..r.-r.°: : -nf. -rr0:1. • grutirivfOr 11",,v,iio 'i.h4i. , op. ,1-0 :4'4 4 "of 7.•1 e21,-.11;0,;• ''r• '1 'c'..( P. ' • ',t1'6-41.:44:6/ W1:1‘. • . • • • • • • • . , ' • . r ' • • ' • '' • . , o ' • ''.. A -1-,, -, . , , .; , . •.',' • • e.th•• ""1-1e;;4.; ag a 3r or igL The w , the ,F,teneb,;' , ,.r!t4r!. t.I'vr)",.1.y.i.p.0!1"F,0 • . • r;Impj:1,; ot:.110 13. " MN% rokuktuoil do. lior-knoW • how:he N,.4„.iter4 • ;I. knoW, that ho's fnifeed-; A-tien I -,haYe' • lest- inf.. .sha.ek with, $.1aaSnn.7 r•t! •and fell. -lie •• • . . • I' Iterti= a.;•., 4 niflics'th:e•;cow: itt•-,•t.ti:;... me: fa nrI, pc;„w:der;a111.-r • • tonilai6a 6egv,e.s .ba) -I'd,!. • 1-1•;., , . . , rou „:7, hit ;do -not :likethit= • they Oy, d e;tick., ° lie g4"r3o.t aS, at..:4-nia..11 -ti90 111' ';e -111 , , • ,•s4.?0,In „;.a re a.;13hot: $,toy! it 'Mikes frhntis;..olit..`to' 5,1n ).13711 20143,00n. fols;.6 to and, fro.. Ati'd io.:;si..1'); gather ' 021. a1AII'all, ,d •,77i reply. 4M.y.,ne*Lion,r; /1141' •4311.)“ 111,.! fArge 321(1 4 04)111 g • 1 1" )iOf.lt :with' (eye:I.1;141.114 and when, my.. ate: letrning 1 l0 4' 110 i 11141 11031Ite•rieftl 411 fn,y, .11 ei0 tnd i'%4'b t• -tiOr 7 t •Iii i •aln:,a•INvntY;4% •kir TIV5F.... , A : 334.ii4.,.3.,,til...iivs,„b,.. by .s., .lisii:ii, ii,.uoi. .: ..1z,g‘,111•ar,,,,,..,.,,,•:0...r,e.1.1,Fie. 441 .z.,;; .,,L,.,... .. .. •.f,._,.1,,,:.•,,...,ir,.,.••••,(.tf,011a.11m)11,1?s"**or:I11114,;1t. al4.414ixt.ti34aiiLv,1 Tows_poorI,,lz:;I1uliiitPL2t1tt:i 1!;(1V1;11:4)t.5i:1114410 :;1Th5t?;rg-J,),..:,, . •n%1,;::1ltiiai,;yr.fi00. ,\1„?r4:0;.(1:0.11:,101111,,1,f415.. --------- , mi 2)g , ''' :-.T.1;;;43 ;:;74icli2121 )1 '4:,:3-7i'ijatr'it-;s6:)tr 'li.'+ '':':Ttl.:tl:T.4;Ijil;4::Co'i1;..:''':''a' ,. ' ;iii,i,'..ill'441•11'34r.ii'.11:4,-,41.11.6,1i'itEir,-,:i,iVIt,P:41":":-.: „ '-',!1''171,141,;!,4-.11i1t(tTpb1f'r,N1--s11,0;roit-:-oO'oti(lit'1,:::.1'-',.(lin.,o(1"'.'-';12'*:9'' i".'il'L•.'81'li'vt'•:; I31,11.44-).17C.ri,4-„,.k.0.:2.4.5.:t4ii...4..61::„..,:„...,;,,.:4:.,,_.:..4„1:....,..„._ : 1124: vall8.2.,or.4Ci1111112311 "fui6:Np41 14y ..,11.5i glitoluiiJ.111.iy ine11t,-44-;,1..(Ci2i•1ii.e.. (thA I ;,•. iip st , i wi,.n t,'' • y4'..11;':o• 341111i;;; 14.4,Fil! .'ir, •,,,1 il'y ” "l'hfishti,sllin;-.0t,,,. F•,l41.,t4a-la.n..„,,rn4PG.t..!'1::....ifilii .-.I.?filld :t•• .... pi...iffxlailir.th: 3 4.11a:4344.0 .1,41.d.;i1)).tile toitik, ' ,,I tiT., kir 'ilitCita45l.:24tt41' ktit,;,e •1402)3 0 ' o. 1 rue ...tir';01trtrot- olie ' fur :ri:11,:-1.,.34•t";:r.of' f'illi, sr . • ro02:.trit.4 4-01 '.trk+ lIonlTniOn ' fin," 4,-ale.a. ' , •,•,...tort. -t, 'of fur •,III/IiiY, Itati, r. -0 ,Ples i 0 '1,. '" , ..... I rl' 411 ';f1. V i 11.:t 11),11 te:Ila bid' '' 11 qe.t..iie leaf ; ', , •illw.qt"; ;ju, iiC oirr.Pted in ill : ,o' ,.,1.1I'f:41, by, itg, '.....,,„„±„lohltiLIV•44,nt.iiitta-af->Th,Offpei...Iiy...th•t,•rf"."' ttiltli ii3.0b t. Of, .fur farbl; c-0,, i,..1. h., tfilif4..ltri17,5''-il'tr iyo1*411•o'Citilo°5.a.-iir' ioile'' tla.tit:Itt:::' (;1. ritioi, ' , .• •• :4. ' ,_ .•,, •,,.. 4i3,•44c. - '' ..1 pi. j1.1114, •',-••41,4. ' ana ',4A gnaa .,. hill , ' ' ' ' . '4..1' ' P.''' ( q .4' ' "1. 1 f 4;.)*4 1 i LI g; 1..9.1-,-;=„ ,.t e 4. ,-;?; ,11, ,rof - tc., 0,.-.4.• ' . .., ". • " '• -,, , ,.. .. . .. N-.13Plo'ci.'" trIllYrtr'' (It •-..t•:•"...`,.}.....1••.h.' r• r . r#," r;'!"'rr ,""•' ...'-^,-.'F'!4' - . ; ,; ; ; n 1(111. rZ-r.iti'll .'"‘4144 . ". ' 1 I 11) ' ' 4-4 '7'1 1,SILE,,,,_....1.1f '-f,...x,iggilra,ii a„n÷1 Lufiffixtt'• ,.1,11,!,i..,.:7:•...i..l::....;J.7:11..t:.i.i1.741...1,:,:..,.i':;:;il,1;.,'.,. '•11311!...:.,;,••• 4 1),f '; TFI.1' 1,(.TT.:i•t,,,,_.„I:3,1:3..,}i1 3: :.1 ,1:;1;1::,,.1.::i.;:.,,..,..1"ipi:_p0?,i.11.1.;r?-.,e.2i ,,,iJ:,11;il,2,13111.11f1;1111:,ori,:;iIi::.,;:::5r:;7I1;r7.201T,v11;m,,ri7Iz:m.1 1:i111:43 t_.:,..:::::',., ,,fi•it,,),,... ..,,...,..,,,,f,.i..... • t.(f.i.,,,,.:,,;...t1•;.,.,‘,..t::•ioni1211:1,..1,6,2.;:1,0./,,t,...,.1;1;-1"qal scii..1.1..),5141.t1:,;1. !11g.....,,,01-',..i.!:;i1( i:, . i;1.,..11,;,,,ii-',11:i8,1:1?1";:,..11?11,.),',1".,(1;,1,..:13g13.111,,:11,,t:it ',',;1.,1:i'.:%rif:‘":.:14'411.";1'!,1_," , asignItle'-' ••,:(''.. 4 3 (11 r',C-14 (11 .111 t . 1-fiiril I4--, 111.4,4 1214,1,.)',. • '' ., : ••,' ••••• s ' 4 1 1,. : ,"•••;,, In . i ' v v: il: ., ' ' . ' a :'' .. - `• ' : • , .'. . . - ', • ' i, .. .,21)214,tgil 1:1,1 il.t. I lie, . 12 E.,x(:rlitolo• .. .....,..4, . , . .• :rlit'ilg•,1 1 hP tett' 1 l'amp ,,. c. : fl1'1, a .* . , ••• .E.411111131 , ).e.t1144 Bpi 111.14 ;?coiril(d. (Iv 11 ))414 -'42-^-t4)rr: '•341.7.112 034 11, 1,10 1' 4...!2.'i4.,! • illo4•01.14e,4•4-Pth T:,11g1isb ,%.f,iju,- 141 401$Nrin ; 311,11 ('4 •411•1",; 4;1111„. 31 11)1142 1 " I 1.1 fet.t. ' • • • ayaii.:0;e8 '12;t:e 4:113113 artt;4'eiI 211 , or. ,RABBITS0 AOLIT'YOUR.--1)-UGHT,f.:Fs7- 1-1)10t179 title JU5T- ••WHA:17 IT 1.1 TOAT TptioAr.)',50 NDI,41.cvK pooR • HE'S 1-CARtli..E55! •••,, 4hc • 8,000 tlevi.spapers• and Idh:.,1":"oztnes t.t,14.!i441142ri.. In JP.I.Pan, • kc,c44.••••“cc•c,,,,....ucaccaracc.o.30.1.c 14..•.10.-4-r4-4-4- • • L.1