HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-03-08, Page 1'17E'
VEle YEAR 1N• AbYANCM; $2.10 WHEW=
. • -f01,t ::ord•-
pefty on C,,.yde Street is for sale. Ap-
• plY to• T. S. iCeid. ' 1-11:
, J Keleher .RiIey phone_ 29
t- or day.-t.f • -
• ' "
• Ih. BlacLepf) widvisit lAtchnow,
every,,i Ttiesday. ''Otlice • above. ;that' bf..
r Drs. Elliott..;L Connell. • • 28,2-t
. ,
at ' -'the
Housc, 1.1'..14tnew,.. every Wed7•,
-riesdaY- 'arternO011., . ohinnio
uss tieated. r Ostdo-
.pathy temoyea tne ph3rsical. causes
Of • disease. . Adjustment of .the
's*Pirie is more 'quickly sedured: and
*..with.teWer'' trcatmentS by Osteo-
pathy „than by any other method:.
tiocAL #NR,
o's a a a'
Smith as -Tara-a
a in fa
days:,thie 'Week to See. his 'father Whir)"
zeriensly. i11•
• •
.Mrs, Tweed and daughter, who
„were visitors with Mrs N. L.
hell. have returned ..te • their heal& in
'the West; n. • • •
• Or. Chas. Alton'Lanes, " who • for
file Past' few Weeks:Was.in a•hospital
°at London,' retuned to his 'home the,,
'OPtri of, lust. eek. ••
'ee•-' back page of this paper for
announcement of an entertaininent to
'be given in. the Family Theatre. on
-Mar.,13th, uricler auspices of the Wu,:
men's -Institute. Looks like a geed,
program .
,Toronto- priccs paid for all'IclndO Of That cheerful Ilarbingr of Spring,
Poultry. -
• . • . he robm has been seen in Lucknow,
9-6-tf„' •• A. Grespopf, LicknOW. and 0.°we have become quite c0InniOn
.10r McInnes Ch rorctor4 of Wing
ham, `Will visit 'Luckno..., •three times
. bitch, week in 'future. Anyone desirin,.
an interview:with him may leave word
at the Cain House. ad the doctbr will
call. or mar see him there persbnallY,
Mond Thursdays' and Saturday
. •
• afternoons. No, charge is made for
during the past Week Both, however,
often get around a little too early fOr
the good Of their h 'ith
, •
...Ladies Invited -Cameron, Murdoel;
& Co. have arranged .for ,Twii•Special
DisPlays of Ladies :Coats, • Suits and:
Dresses in their store oan Thursday,
Mar. 15th ' and Tuesclar. Mar: -2411.
,.Read "Ad" for particulars.
Mr: Robert TreleaVen. Dunganhou. 4.
R.-NIAVDE C:131IYANS :,.' -''' :brother -of the ' late 'T.••• 14 "Treleaven;
'w.- died at his heme on Tuesday
' Registered Optometrist LUckno, • -
. .
of this ,Week: :Mr. 'Treleaven had.been
•;:ii failing . health ferl some :tjnie, but
Was able to be about uritil -recently:, '
" LucknoW :L.O.L. are • holding an
"Old' Time Masquerade Dance" in the
Town' Hall; Lucknew; on the avg. of
Mar, 9th. It will be 'remembered that
this dart e areviously,,arinounced, had,
to be postponed an account of; reugh.
Weather, „ - • . ••••.
„ •
'.Coirie'- With the 'crowd te...Luelcitov,:.
On Wednesday March ••
14th, to in-
speet the: Government • Train. which •
will be . here .,froin p m.
• - • , •!, - • ,7
Von are corillally- invited to;make, our ,
store 'your headquarterS:, Store open'
all evening.:!--LucknOwHdwe & 'Coal- •
-.Graduate:Department of 'OPhthalmof-
ogY,- McCertnick Medical College.
euc. All. :Three menthsPoat graduate
eoiirSe during year 191P. • .
- Eyes' correetly .fitted. ;with:Glasses.
. • Headaches', Dry Itchy .Eyes, (iranu-
lated Eyelids. •Water.v Eyes, ; Pain .in
• Eye ,Balls, Inflauied EYes,PUS Or
Watery 1)i -charge from Eyes and.
'Coused',,:by Eye -Strain .re-
Aieved..through 'Properly fitted GlaSs 15:
, .
Cross l'4Yes .,straightened, through
PrOPerly fitted'. ••• :
''• gyes 'tested ' at night equally. as
• - • • .
:good' as 'during . d light. '
:All 'kinds of 'OptiCal reintira done.'
Satisfaction Assured .
At the Cain Iloue. Lucknoiv„ 9 to
,1-2 Lin, 1 30. to 6. p.m., Evening. 7' to
.9 each week.-
,C0ALL• OR. WRITE • A Blitzstein,
before` selling • year raw
•furs,', -"•A'' pay the highest -market, price.
You 'will find great. hargai-- - in the
• DrY• Goods line; Suits and Overcoats
•- and see A. Blitz -
.stein. Dili Goods Store: •
" . •
' The following arc the officers of the
Junior :League of •the Methodist.
thurch:7-Superintendent-7-Mro, fa: T,
Armstrong; -Assistant -Stipti..--:Mics,,*.n.;`
dent-.4olly Webeter';. '1St. Vice -Pr-.
--Winnifred Webster;,2n4..Vice,Pres,
'NaY-10; IficePres-
AndreW; 'eSecretary•-•My rile Pal -
iner;.' '..TreaSurer'4.--NoTman., ..Writsbn;
L '9 u t.,Committee-•-LiVingstone
Menary Thejnee;quga'are held.;:Morl;•
day afternoon, I directly after schoM
All boys andgirls welcome.
A splendid::Meeting Was, held, by the.
,EpWPrtn.League _last Monday, - night.,"
Gertrude Treleaven Was in, charge. N.
special feature' of the program -Was .,a`
tOPical, song Service on , the. Lord?
Prayer'. in which nine of the :young.
people took Part. Suitablehymns were
sung after each 're,ading,:. Solos 'were
.very...-,aceePtably rendered , by •.Mra;. .1.
joynt, •T.• S. ,Reid ancl'Alildred Tre-
leaven:. Therewas a, good attendance;
and all enjoyed the. fine program....,'N,err,
Monday ..night. the Missionary:gel:part:,
thent'are.preparing a special prograni.
. ,
• Presbyterian Guild.--L•The debate an-
nounced for the Guild „meeting in
Monday 'evening drew a good, CrQW(I,
aiid:all enjoyed ,thp 'splendidway' in
Which .0.aeh:debater,',:ppbeld his dr_her•
side of the discussion. The -suhject. for
debate. Was "Resolved that , greater.
'benefits have been derived from Ad-
'versity than frolli Prosperity " Messrs'
• . •
Graham McNay and Kenneth -Murdie••
upheld the affirniative,• and Misa „Nor-
ma Thompson and Mr: Carrick•
las' the negative The judges, . Miss
.Joan MacCallarni •Messrs.: W: L. ?,la: -
Kenzie and, Elliott Miller; agreed -,that
,the negative; Ode had ..Won feta.
An • instrumental ,duett. '13Y'
MiSs.es' Mae McIVIorran: :and ,, Isobel
Johnston was well received. Program
.. • .: . ,,
:Com/nit-tee' 'WilI.:_hava... chargeof the '
program next heXt Monday' evening. MemL
-hers' come prepared to SIgn up for the
fie* year. .
. ,
Lucknow Lodge, L 0,0. P will --o o o
hold .a.,4 social .evening in the Lodge •ZION
Room on the evening of March 16.-
Com. ., . Monday; March '5'th.
,. .. .
Mr. *Bert Helm, of Tiverton, is vis-
, .......
o 0 co-;-,-. -• - ---,-- it ng Zion friends.
DEATH OF -MRS WM. WEBB Tuxis---Boys' -, Reunion- -Thursday
night at 8 o'clock sharp: . 1
i .
, Highest Cash Prices Paid for all
kfri-U'iirrfilf-ST-Let-me-inow when
-ou have any and I will call at once:
._:_13enjamin . Pearlman, 'Phone ' 85.
iLuctlnow •
40,0 AcreS.being:north half. of Let
It,.14th- Con:,-; Ashfield -1,14 Miles ',west
-'- of Lucknow. Good brie -lc -house: and
,.with stabling Under andtin good,
a.Fres brush... Easy, ,
ternis of PaYinent, Apply to'D'.:Strond, •
Mrs Win..Webb,Whe, wjae_. Thomas Hackett attended t h e
, last 'Wednesday' ' -
'wanes!' a 'fp* years ago.! died at her. • • 7'
r th- WR - -
:73°Ple O!'r reTcrAKSlie.iir'"-'81'-'3'ea- '-tc;;;VS,e' spent
Jthe week end at
f• akeand death. Was due to pneu- p, • , ,
•nienia: Mi Webb ..died 'a little. over
two years ago -Feb : .23.-1921 Funettd Yhornas. elnu. left for Thronto. last.
Z•WedheadaY.7•Lwiie17.n._...he s.1 as
a:stet:neer,.at- -,peSitionini a ....cV•gaiiik'e;
. 89. o'clock.;-: • - • • ' • The Grippe - still is -very .preValent''
Lueknow,;, pest, niarket.
prices ..•-••.Sont..
.to, do all kinds of Painting.i..nd decor-
' ating. Agent for wall Papers frorn.10e.,
per roll up 22 inches wide Samples
may be seen at iny .residenee. orshall
-be pleased to trilte them to'vour house.
aroundliere 4 Zion West seesAhe wicrst
o o'o
SilWgiRrO0WS-eRE'7414`ERT 7`A!..
,Tho: ..required,..arriOtint 'Of shires. in.
on the stump.
the-local-Silver-woodo, --rearnery were .--11•;.3`feet
The .),Toardner Bros.. while :engaged
iold last Aveek,thauks largely to the Jf.1_ _
in in.work--7-the-"busirlast eek, vere
`efferts Of Reeve" Joinisthif -and- Conn-
.nefsV•'• --(nigh to capturetwo black
Smith„,and the -business. coons Not niggers, no, they were
iS n'ow assured for Luckno*: A iour-footed ones'. •
,siclerable share of the required supply'. • • •
if ice is,alrea y stored- away, and an r•••• • ' '
engineer and men will be at work. in • ' 'MAFEKING'•
a fec.v days' installing the Plant'. •• '
_ , . . • 11tooday:
• , , Mr. and Mrs • Fred Anderson."'Of
APPLE 'GROWERS'':MEETINti • • • . • •
. .
, .
_ . .
:Wednesday. 'ige,rch' 1,4th
• 2 P.M' to' 1.O.P.M
. • .
,-..A,••-...pP..i.i.-7.i...7.t, .t.,)34041,r1P.Erlotli,i,,, ...:-LPIfyr_rs.ClIw--Icil:
'TRAIN ,...Will.' 'Our Ontario The ti.ain
' v.1,,aa , made POssible ;through- 'the' eo,, ,
:eneratiort', Of -..' the • Canadian: .Plicific
IZ1.. •,..'.--, 't 4-,i;anadian,Nationar -Rdil,,
Ways, Doininion1Departrn,ent .of Agri,
•eulturi Ontario Live: Stock g,i,Chartge,
Ind ' The 1-Ih (41 S trial and 'DeveldPnient
, . . , ,. „
Couneil of Canadion Meat. Packers,
' The purpese of, the train is to dis-
play to the .farmers ',t4e, proper .time.,
• of pure bred .4and , commercial liVe
StOelc 'Of the fp11-0.WfrIg classes: ,,Dairri
'Cattle; Beef, , Cat,fle;,• Sheep; Swine;"
Poultry • .. .• ' , . '• s •-,.
, - In addition'to the stock. carried fOr'
•detnonstratiOn. purposes,fthere will be
Pure bred bulls and' pur.e, :bred boars'
, ..
and;SOWS-Vardied-fer 'sale to meet the
. , -.. ••• • • • •
requirements . of the. farmers inthese"
sections where' the•-•i.may iie•ia need Of
giOod pure. 'bred 'Steck. - , .. • : :
' • This 'live stock !train with 'demen--
strntf.C‘'n ceacli-..s:. lez:ture car, ec.,.. *ill
cc,:is.ist of 16 carsThe''cOrs i;qe ai-
.7r4n zed .00rrid or ,fashi on -So -that :there
will be the grealetSt COnVenience and
, • " • „ ,•. . • ,
-comfort for visitors • •• : • • ••
' ! The••• poultry. ._secticn W11- -cccr.ry on,
COiling '-'il enienstratioris.',Where1
. ,, It •• is desired that ;the • fanners of
thiS •conununIty .wlill avail ' themselves
of ,this .-opportunity to ',MsPeet..',Ithe"
'Stock •earried, by. this ..iini.ren.Se' train;
. Don't• forget the ' date, Wednesday„
March '14th, frOrn'.„ two „.o"cle:•.); .4,ri i the.
afternoon until tin Wel-4c* at .night';'
. , 9 nston/ Beeve; Lticknow.
•... Henry Slithers, •President ...of
,Luelcnew . Agric;ilittiral.:...seC)•lety. , • •'. "
. MoridaY,..111a:i,•ch: 1)th
iSickness 'find. had, colds ',are not .as.
-voininon •as-'they'w ere:: •
• Miss Belie Hewitt: spentAhe week-
end at her. hoine,bere,
,A few from here teok the danee.
•-• - • , •
at. Mr.,' Sam MOulton's 'last 'Friday
• of Flint, 'Mich,
is; visithng hi fa J,
Winterstein.--•;,' ' •
fa.mily.spent.Friday evening'.With,.Mr.
•• Mr H ',Wtinterstein
. attended the :funeral of %Mr7
of aeafd ino, one day last wok
turned . boin,after speiidaigafew
_days ef last .• ;Week with 4‘T:r.'..•-•-Thin'•
.nearly every house bus Jts victims .of • Kaake. ;7,
-VMS ii it m
heroust-ala ' ,. . . - • . .
Nt.r.. and,M-rs,.....,2VITAWK-aake's•atir -fam•
. 4$11Orii.fincFbarky'-':;:lia -e.". " ..liti.,..,an,43cfsilii.,:itura..,,,G;iiittiliv.ai;og,2h.,,,e-,
:1•Exar.Vitir4f17 diiiiiiie;ILi?- .-P-Viai.
)it of his swamp: sonic tre:s7 trein'l. ..... •'-' -e' al)..e- '°': 'e.
be;eii. ifek.Withltlie'flii-ii‘ '. T't - ii:
out ao•Ain '• *.- ' ' • -
--undersigned-61)4W 19,,.9.reloa..4,111„,„0./L
_.,:MeridaY, March 12th.... 1923; for the
' position Of Treasiirea of theTownship,
of'KliiilOss at -d-s-alary or one hundred'
dollars , per •annUm:, The Township to
furnish a Guarantee Bond 'for $5.006.
-and the TreasureitAe-fuririSh-hersonal,
-Seettrity-fo-i'"-$5;000:, 'APplicationa-to-
• be opened' on Monday. March 12th., at
10 o'clock,.a.M. 1 •
•• Geo. G. Moffat', Clerk, :
Alen, .:1511rVia:, 21/2.. Miles ctst' of
;14-icknow;:Will.haye'an auction gale of
his 'farm :stock and implements"on
Marth :16th., ,cciiiimending at:1 .o'Cloek
p ii:Everything will be sold as MT.
perty in-C-entieetiarla- offered for
,oUt efl?usinets, ,For PartlealArs.APPIY
tO:Mrt4cl, E. Murray, 11. 5',*'tueknoW:
.-•---; , ...,-..- ......-7. n.,.. .c. low,. a1m -4..: .011- vD" •-'1 ''Lii 16 ' ' '' ' 'au .0f
monek'..“OWner may, :have' -seine. on
nroV ng PrOperty,, W4 McMullen LuCk-
rximi. 'ton SALE 011 itprk ••
$9 Ai -es of ,good ,wdrkAble•Jand„
lIot 28, Con; 1, Kinloss Town -
shin. ---8P'miles --front. -Whqedhurch;
miles from LiicknoW. good Ipcation,
anting ereek,,"fount house and
Also a quantity of hay for. sale. Rea-
, 'soh for diotiotalf Owner, votgookerif •0411!:' hove to YOtd on the *Statee CoOgreia meted to oftY
'healthMob/ 'to John Kennedy,' R.5,`,4iCeeptinacevv_ef .fo', this bora Of that both, $10.000 per tension:
, ;
tookil,ow, Or 4.0 John F, Keelledva ProPet&V. wu 'OPt 4i$000- It is a 44.0 iwolOY thikt the congress
Pn -
°yr ' kihhitOrithh• Lowlen ont• 'et Tu.01144,f oertaiw os fwtp
fe• ' • • *.! ,10,q#1 hlf911041PTI .4.4 10 ditiinid4, tong: ' •
_ Zion, visited at,.--bes.--Anderson son
.'.:A7.-trieeting. of the--a"-ntil-e-growers 'of ,•
0, .;--E,1-40-'-A-n"--cl-e
ei.V.:Charuber,, a • the; Grace Blake., 'ate% ;a.
MarCh.10th, at ',d4rs'''fiinn••.•tne.knOW.,' High :School on
The object of this, meeting
is to diactiss'inethods•for theimpreVe-
Ment.•, of,-growin.g---and-marketing-
-apples and the advisability of
ing a p&intment organization ,with
that olijet ifl view, It is desired that
every aPple,•growerjarge nr small; in
this .section of the •country be, present
at this Meeting and take" part in the
afeeting.---Jos. killough; J. R. Hack::
ett,..1.., G. Anderson.
, .
..,....,,On..SCOUnt _of Lthe illness of Town
Clerk. InSehl17AgiieW,Lthe:meeting
account,of'heaVY, coIIs
' We welcome•••••..iii. our-_zieighbOrheod*
Mr. an Mrs. \Vcsley AlTah. -and fani-
who have to-oved:juth't'the-'-fatin
just :,nOith".of ,1'ito4. hall's, which Mr.
Alton reeently' purchas. ed from Mr;:
IrWirt..They have lived .foif font.;
Yeat'S in the vicinity Of Goderieh:
':••Mr4,Bailie Stethers, wlio has. spent,
the past six ::trionthS'at'his:lionie here,'
recuperating' his health' returned' to
Windsor; to rcsanie his occupa-
tion, last Week'.1-te7vigited his hrether-
q,-43; gtotEers;of Clinton, en route
fitas held inthe,'ClerIt's office, Though : ,attiele•••!•takeiirfrotri?...the'••:Eateter:IA4*
4mt.fullY•.'1•ecere4-41-1I-='-'4:;g154-N"4"L.-'•;Cati-Aindef-the heading "Ho* -:Would
able to attend th his ;duties: . ' '•• •
gles0',4tices-nckvv--?-,AndMr •
LleiVid•AgneW; Who has charge of Pause, to Won,der. why the writer stop:-
111-6-11-$-C.dro 'accOuritC,'*es' c-otifiited-tn- ped quoting' 'nnices wiferi .11-e-9raithla”
-bed andvoirld not be able -to get'nut' • g
the, hictitiiiy,..6t.co•ot. 11,4 the .tititti end, or lawn prOdnee,„ tie might have
• tilne. The Council .thereupon hasScdia , added' §11•°ea $1,00; t°' bihN
trection..tO.ithe,reffect that,.,the.-PenaltY7 -iiibberi'-50C.:1-1740tor-cottor
'for non-payment of ',hydro accounts ii yard; prints8 tO10, `•'cashriiere '50C:;
. would UntapPly untitdont .clays, after,
good.: Sorge'75c 'aturso 011 indegiiitelY,,
date of the accounts. .
; A "matter 'which ticio,sted• a good And We doubt,if there was any more,
deal of ),the •tirne. Of the Centicil Was POverty then than :new.' .,
the tender of Henderson for the . ' •
Old Town Ilall property Mr. Render- '•
$1515,60 for the building and 10t. 'troduced Ott 'anot:1011. in the House of
to...the.evenf,of_1114,44ettint. the .lot le.,temmons-ritorioiing-to redtice--the-PaY, •
guarantee* build On it it resi- of Members by ;$.1,000 ---that is from
'clenee to Coat rtot less than t3,060. it $a,000 to $,gomi per siesaion. At the'.
may not be generally known that the Saito timv a tnehrber of the 'Milted
.• A
e are ..g a, rejortthat Miss
, Luhr_tcIjake-Vlko. bus 1we under thc
weather for:,about, two .7eek0
-append:citis, is able to'. -be "•taround
'401f1";_2_ •
• :
.1%ronday, Mnrch Nth::
was In the ,Village. -on Monday.
-141,r, and Mrs....aas Laidlaw•
:and:31rsi. Naylor, of
Ltickaov.i spent,.a• day last week with
• Mr. '
Mr aod-*"•Mr,' Jini al'Orclon' and
daUghterir,, jean,. of ..St,:.. spent
Wednesday;:with ;Mr.' and Mrs.'. WM.
, •
Purden.' ; ,
Albert Hughes ,returned 'honte-.
on, Thursday: :'spenaing, tWe' or
'three weekat the home 'Ot;Mr,"..Pells,
,Pararnount,, spent a 'few.,'"daYs, last
:Week with •her:Ipat40,4a.k.111%.,:airici:NI:i*,•-
Mrs; David Martn, af Ilamilton,'
and Miss 3.4argaret:Piperrof rotahfa,
,Nr4iect:lngt..,,Wednpsdakovith Mr. ind
Wednesdayfor their Woo -le -1h Hayter,
Alta, after visiting witii:rthcfir.cousins;
,Ntrir:and; •Ferrier,' ,•
-'101sa Ida .McQuaid visited ;last *eok
With Mrs (Dr.) Paterson, Luck-
,Spent the week -end
With. the Misses Clifton; near tuek4.
E.. ik. §r.".• •.
,,,h,,,, ,•
. ., i . i ri. 1 t '.• 4- i .o., yi 4; • 1 04.1.;;;
. .
ndkt 'ii I:1, f i, .1i "; ji '*.V.,;:tv 4 i. i. il..e. t ,4 6,1 ' 49,50
` 4 4 4,ii
; ' ., ,
71,... heat • '• • 4 4•:•' "0 4 4 0" 4 4' ; • 'e ii -1 4,4 i -i iS.$1.1Oreal.4 •• .1,
0,44,, .,...,,,ktv,.4* ,14.,..*A:..f..4-ii:..0..k. t,.0.,..-.4,20,',.,,,
tf. ‘Fv' _4'il °*',' ' " t i fl i,l I- INCOPOlt,
•? t. '
tiOnt, mAnnETS
• 'Pie (10 t11.3.107;tirrfe)(177:tn7,41..i7i4a),,,.
rary. at „..the home of
law, Mr M.OoreliqUae,,,Milicliell„.47,Mra.
•:1-amea .CrOWston;
her '84th year, after
M,ts,, • drawston was born -
'On the Isleof. Eigg, • layerness-Shire;
Scotland. and . moved ,".te • Canada in
1858 Nyith. her parents and
-settliagjri Two,.yeara':later
• Townhip. Ile .s he 'met' her• husband
the late • jameS -CrowStim who Was.
hewing out a _home in Itiinloss 'Tewn,
.sh'ip near Larigside; • and wh,ptede.-7:
-ceased her- fourteen .-.‘,•ears. Iti , the
early days the services • of -the ..Epio-
copal Methodists .were 'held. in the
Crpwston herne uritil ,. the', ellurch
known, as •• the ' Croiyston appointment ,
was built. 'Surviving •Mrs. Crowston.
are three'daughters,Mrs..Mooreheuse
Mitchell Luckno' w; •Wm. • •Bick-
nell;', Of . TOroh ; AIrs:„..Joseph
11. tu-
Cullougli, , Kincardine, and three •sens,
JaineS,, of Markdale,.Williarn and, An-
'gus;, of British Columbia.
• Friendsand" relatives: finnt -Qotler-
ich, Toronto,: Kincardine; Welland •andr
0th,er tniints 'attended .her
M-rs. D. Ross•.` ' •
Mrs: Donald' Rosi.' who, passedaway.
• '•••• • .
at the; hoine"otg:.her son, Mr Alc
Ross; '. 14th . Concession of Ashfield,
was 88 yearS:. of age, She; had been
•' about as • usual on SundaY, but on
Monday, not feeling as, well as ,usual'
decided to remain in hed Medical ''aid•
Being Called,', it, was. 'fotind;. that he
was •Saffetini from 'pneu.niOnia.'''' For,
oneof her age••there is little..ehance
of rez:overy•frem:this,Irpuble, so that
'it was ',no 'Spi-prise that She tank'
gradually Until , tosleep
,away. She was • •.. :of .the re-
sidents: 91 the; Lochalsh 'district'and
the attendance:atthe funeral slioWecl
how widely widely, she as 'knoWii and .:i:e-
.1rienibered.:.Befere; her Marriage :the
late Mrs. •RoSs', nanie was ',Christona.
Mackenzie. She ,.WaS born.at.Lochalsh,
la'. Scotland, and 'earne with her, par., •
ents::and other ,members of '.the fam-
ily to this teuntry. when she was 14
yeas • of -age The family 'lived for
:•soirie,-• time- atr•--,Blenheirri,•'. where -the
ald:RoSs,, to whin she was married
at the age ,,of '-f7,13ri,.7Ress 'was ther,i•
a-71--orerrn,--arnarrowggage....,ra i 1 Way--.!
• being built through Woodtock, 'but
in aboi:ita year after their '1I.gee
the young couplc anie up ;to
•Queenrs,•BUsh takincr 'tip LOC:14 -Colr
i.4 .Ashfield, and. there--the-faniily-re-
sided through out'. tb_ej.pc,.; neer ' period:
Tlie:'farii; is SO owned by one of the
sons, being oneofthe eryfewprop-
,..erfies-.:that has, net .:pasied the.
original- ovineits- T,Velve children- were
'eb'or-i--`1 to B.qms
rdangliter,died' iii-'infariCy; and elven
to :man ;;::and'
sons and five • ,daughters 'my. • Ross
••died: 22- years ago, ,and., four of the'.
'7dughtr have alo passed aWa-•:"•
-,The' two remaiqiiik ••.datightera'•' are
: a
„Iale,kflow.a_nd Mrs,
JansM'eNa'in, 'As h eld•;,The..sons are
�f '1-1u.ron ToWn p aid Alex M, on.
'the. olit homestead. ,
t.;,.' o:ift:511,freld
fiinerai sesviees When'.- the
:were. laid to rest in Soehaish,Ceilie,t:j'
re iree
:iswri.iiiee4 the fine
when it bearsit e nam
raln014* tor its.Flavori--7-srust try a .ample.
. .
• •
Having been . appointed '•Constable
thevVillage and ,OTA. Officer it is
„my deaire. to keep the 'I'dwn clean.
With this in view, I respectfully , aol-
icit the aid of all law-abiding citizens
tO. assist Inc in the performance, .of .
these duties. W J. Douglas.'
• • -
Wesley Twamley, t'th• 'Con,.: Ash-;
:field; will haVe an Auction Sale Of his
farnrzstOck-riniplenients.aud „hausliold
effects.- on Maich"14; Commenbing, at
one o'clock. Bills for this sale show"a
lot Of good stuff and eVerything
Sold as . Mr. Twan'ilev is leaving
;the. farnr. I Purvis Auct-.
Saturday's pecials
Puff Pastries, Cream Slices
Maderia Cakes, DoughnutS
Specials on Wednesday,
.March 140..
Highest Prices'Given for Butter
HONE. Ss, - , ' :LUcKNOW
e Call o
• THE titsT. snow OF THE SEASON'
" .
he Town Hall LUCKNOW on
ursday Night, March 8th.
Price 2$ and 5.0 cent's:
, . . .
. ,
. • .
e er lye oc .r
.....te Doniijoii.ancLOatajo Departments, of _gripultdre, in-co-
operation,withe the 'ga,.•.!iway'c,"31iiiianies5Vilf••operate -a; "Better Live' ,
• Stock-•Tra...n" thretiglioUt• the P re!, :rice, , diirine the Months
,..of :March ..
. _ .
,aci.d.Aptit.::_lt.w'ill be. at ',,,... •.
TFORISIER2- INGOSS-.-2.11 A N !. • ,
i)IES AT 'CiigAE, Y.
• Word waS received' at ,.Langsicie on:
.; ontiak of thia 'we(.k of the death :at
,Chego,'.it .„..S1r:;7' •1)9'9C,a1I ,ReS:14'.' 9
pier!' resident of the ,Second of
Kiniess,." VhiIc inKini,„,$
hiS f:Ailn, lie
• later • in,oved, to, Tees'iViitet",'and•I'.tben
to -Chesley,witeref-fdr-• , ,„ •iftt inbet
ve:irs lie had
Miss 11:tll, of Culros, jagrownpt
:IfarnilY„.• • _ ' .
-174-T-t tl MIT 2A1';i:i b tal ri ed aunna1s-41Instratin' dosrabie and
.ra l!c Y11C of •• , •
' Speeia6:s7'eleeVid beari,aild
fur sale.Tbe aninials' are all- exceptionally Well :bred•and.:of
lent ' type. • • •„;
•1-‘,4hey :Will:He-Sold at CTh
ost; See em,
, • . .-T ' • ,
Fz..r..:fuether,,,,partiMarS•-se,c ,or,rwri he Agricuitirial-cRefireien
ative 10 yoUr`County ,
cA-SIPBEi;t:;.:LpfoNt, Ac.alherton AgrienItural.:-Re•p•:usentativo-.
;' • ! ' .,.1 •
130 Ort,
mfort oe
• We are pissing into stock three
• ines.of Ladies' Comfort Oxfoids-with
• Cushion soles and Rubber heels., These.
will give comfort and wear for House
Shoev--Priced at
• EMpreSs STio-glor "omen
, ) .
p have ..reFeilypda„shipment,,o
nittorssci Shqestn,the, popular -styles
for Spring in S'trat). Slippers and , Ox-
fords in Kid and Parent Leather, pric-
ed at $600 and $6:50.
A well a§sortedstocl<
of '1-latS arid
mings in all the new- •
est stylee a colors.
"7 -Ere -ft i g hi
--seasodi as we carried•
no , stock • Over from
last, season:
,Belle ,Robertoh,,
v. •shws,
ool bhoes ItATHW i.414 & TURNER iii th
for Boys and
Girls for Spring