HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-03-01, Page 8Iii3Oinent it) hand of ,hririg Styles in Men's ancl BoYs'-$uits. These •
ii 1
xema from fine Tweeds and Serges; are well tailored with gOodlinings,
newest Spring Styles. See ounSpetials in Men's at $20, $25, ,
0§!-H--$1144fr9 t-,59-4P,Anct-apeciaLline—vvith pxtra-:-
iita,j 4,..3./ery obby ,sttleand „fine quality Tweedat40,40 tft$15.9Pi
, • or Mg to sier 4JS
efore -Hoise--;tle . , haw. comes,,„tlie' thriftphoUsewile-,riS-thinking-•of'
NeNirRtIgS and Linoleuths: -We-invite:you to -see' our new range -of Tapes-
try Brussels and Wilton Rugs. Our, selections this year comi)rise,Ponle . of
' the very newest and most attractive designs and ,,Patterris,, . The deigns ,
.,,and -colorings will please yOu, and you'll find the prices most ,reascoable. .
Ntw Linoleunit in pretty designs .'in 12:(1, and 16-4 widths, and Floor 9i1s -
1 1'14,
' 1 1-2 and 2' yards Wide. The netepatternSip-iis "eason are very
'. attractive, AIsO beautiful' desig/is and, tolOrings. in CorToleum and
, Linoleum
• , ,
Rugs. ,,, . 1
. -, ,
, .
We are 00Wing; someextra values in. this Tine, in, lovely' soft material •
at 23, 25,, 28, 32, and 356. Also Pink 'Flannelette, Special at zsc: An
-extra heavy -weight White Canton, Flannel at 356., aTid• a. guaranteed 2.
Iiiure. wool White Flannel of very finest. quality at' $1.00 per yard..„
n making up Quilts and Comforters ' at %this. time, . many, are . clesirirg , I
Woo1713atts of fine quality We . have just -receivid a shipment of ektra .,
quality Wool 'Batts, of ,Clean pure wool, two "of,-Whithis- sufficient for -a - -
quilt. . Priced at 85c., each.
A special purchase of Heavy Linen Crash,,16 -inches wide, 6 patterns to
-choose froin.,,- This is exceptionally good value at the price,,, 25ca yard.
See 2 Specials in Check Pattern Dish Towelling—Heavy Cotton, 20 inches
wide, at 20ca yard Pure Linen, ,17 inches wide, at 35ca yard. -
hdife, :: NAG,' Hiiiii. at 'Vc:p. ii' t- Sovic' e.'..
Vire Sell/int Cheaper..Than'TIte :crece.lt StOres
0,31aple_Syrup Seanen,toz..just-here,witILitigair
and still saring. It will_pay.every man who 'has ,the trees to get into
business; 'We have made preparations to be at service With
, .
. Tin 'Sap PailS _ffand-made_Galionized_Sap-Pails,-AugelLBiti4of....
tauping,i and SPiles:
:71f-yon-need,d Sap Pan, we Will .be,pleas:e& to have your, order.
We make them, all one piece,: no solder any place 'tot melt off:.
- '
'See 'our Handmatie Galvanized Pailitinich 'superior to factory-
miade Pails and only triffedearer, '
• .
e etrisiva oruks.nlaker=do-yotrlutoi,r-loti-ean gredtry
• ,trenSe the egg crop by feeding Dr. Hess' Panacei,..
-Hess',:-StOck, Tonic,. 'which should be :led ,all
4.-fainters—Wtlielorses to prepare them, for, the Spring Work; to the.
cows to increase the flow of milk; to the hogs to 'get thent„ onto the
, • ,
market quickly. •
ur' Spring shipment. of! -S W. Paint an& Vartitabe§_has.arriv
Anythng you inight ask for,•we hdve' ?We have MUsesc' 9'in all colors.1
•Miss Hannah McDonald, of Detroit
is at home" for .a .kei:Weeks; -
• ivii•:.Jas iVIdLeod of Fort Villiam
:IS Spending' a few (laYs einen;l' his old
'friends' and :neighbers heie
1VIt. lyth. Curling. arriyed_lierne on-
ondaVlast fnimi Oakville, where he'
spent the early part of the winter
• „
Mr, .'Arehle Mcbonald had a -very
iliceessful sale on :Tueiday.pof last
:-Nrit. out •Mrs. bb 4iertained
• 'few yeueg, PeoPle on p4ofiday evening:
•• „
-jti1rR oh t,' SWitzeria„:heine_frona-the
• Wet visiting his' parent's . Mr and
Aire, ,SWI tier.
Mr, ,Ern o st,,MeCullough'anit children ;
spent lest -'Weeit'7,at,qhelionie
4114' 141•8:N.141'.Watgh.
A numi,01., front here, atteaded the
• furieral,bt the.jate.„Mes,,IaS„ Deriala,
seri, of Sallera, ori 'Wednesday of,,,last,
fekv of tie iy,eurig` p'eaple frorri
,waS" held ' 1<n6X.'Clittrch Thursday
, hav t1iF veek- fe; re'eord the
of Vrtink Weeks, a, resident
ttie , Second :ton,;:, •gro,
'Wedite had been 111 fox 4evere1 week'
ffotilire-•-ati4:16F 0400 VOW
. ,
her friends searcely expected that:she
wouid reeover, ;On Feb.... 21, hewever„
• she,- Appeared ,to be g•aining-strengtii,
but ..early'ori,the'22nd. Shetticrlrll 6d
..den., tura for. -the wr, jnjnaod
ijutt'e .
,mourn, besides' and,, .o ,e..
.,,daughter. and: „bile
• of the fact' . that her •soni -it ad of
:about...18' is a helpless; invai4;1;vho..
greatly Miss the tender' eaie eta,
44tift:t-;; W0,01,3"wa
',born OA the, 4th: 0001 ofiu1r&ss,i.
ao4$he;;Wag. th� dattglitt, .bf
'.the late Mr, ania;
Two'sisters a:na th'eoe brothers'
till .111ve vicinitylid; lc J. t6w
• T,retteh;' (011,11iet1t Aha 1)04,10
Of G11,11^6,S. The 'funeral ,was on Satur.,
day," afternoon. to • TOeP4ater: CornO.,
tory, the and rla-
tive haVe, thS, ik.iniAthy 04 ti
--:7-311:-.W▪ atsoriSecitt-IS-117.1i1 up' xtfiD
• fl,sp.irere cold: • - • •
, Mr; Will 'Stanley, of .LuCkneW,
visiting_at .13e4 -Stanley -s. ' • • .• -
We are; pleased to :repertthat Mrs
, .
Mr. David Scott .and Miss Marville
were '• .Visitors at Mr. t:ongral..,:ciii,
• „
figieraLork.,T.hu0,4vs,- of ;the ',late
• RObert Richards, at•
O• o
• J,.• N., Shinbein 434• Sett. One of Lis-
tewers'.1argest /mercantile' firmsan-i.
notiree& last eeka casbpelicdf,
•'dfin 'business- The; tiSteWel'13an-.;
Says it is, a, wise .stroke • and
goes' on tO,:give. a :lot of convincing
,As9Ps 10,'„•,4..4YinPti
'.-Pnisintatentent-Ahatntlie, ft-MI.007E1r
are eariting frOin: $259,00.0 2to $800,,:
060. en their hooka, the. amotints"rang-
"froin , 825,000 'cte Wit; Few orthese
get•intereLt yet the banks
charge Chem seven pee cent•.• -and are;
' is the, therchantabout eXtending it;
Tlitee,.liundred. thousand, dollars 'at •
, Seven 'per • cent. represents '821',000fin'
„intercat Which the: nierellants of
towel are paying fer, the; privilege, Of
doin business with • CUSt9,1110.-§ Wtr.;
don't naY cash :An that's not AIL
p0 the . top!, of ,this is the amount that
,inust beVritten off for bad aceOtints..
and According ,to the 'statement of one'
locarinerchentWith thousands on his,
beaks. thiS amounts tiz,r: aPprOXimatii.:1,„
ten -Per. - •
l000Ldigest of' this statetnent....IS
311 aunt emp asize, t e great ttn-
fitiktic:t,siof theeredit metliodOf
ofis,ness;, not, oily- to, mere ants, but
te-theyeash ,buYeri• whe--,Wrongl:v2.pAYS;
the_SinneLeriee .for. What he buys as-,
does -44 rilan-4vh4-tgets-ten-or-twelve-
on -two or three.'Yeara.. '
The Position ,of -the inerehant, who
Li '-
rtissilitt, - Often,
:nty days in •which to pay or. wha
buysi, and:jin Matra hOW 'PreSsed
for.. funds. , ate* extierk
• •
Jives. a; very-, uiseettraging response'
when urth orsett1ement from.thf
to ,whorn he has obligingly: ex,
11,endeid; teedit: • Toe frOnientlk
4tii4Viiftlief.ttitl.' take- ih-
billeefor an aeceuitt!thht, dhould have
Is a Perfeet, feet that there .,are•
• ticonic ovorsr own and vicinity:
',vho. 1:re' Sencling„ their cash to inail
*'1i' -houses and dakink pt‘ credit. ,Ett
•„fact thet
010T5 to.Mnic ill4itt4114.,:gOttlOg
riorithscredit Mid in seine Cases••ev
§Wkrit1411 $ DAV ist t
e*f\P„MMER„: FA,110.W
So. , 04.414$ c.ultivaikt,,-.04
Soil „.
. ;owl{ CkeenS1.011(14:t9r.tfr. i?0,str#ci1PO
'pc Weds and insect. PestS4-74,Stiek,
v(ttirtrfhtitect tiy--cpritar197DePartnie."070
agriediture, Tprimt9,),
• There Is' no soira'(' rieh that it can
;itand .the long ,cOntintied Practice Of:
, . , ,
fallowing vvithodt -decline in
1.• * iceil five times more Lilt, °gen, ren-
, .
lered 'aeruble., and 4 aV,ailable than is
,;..etittired..for,thetcrop.:. Toe 'oec4s.iciho1.
- faildbing, of: land .:•to-nestroy, ,este
either leseet Or. *00;11'41y.j40.01:10 •
, ,
*e LS
,it;:does. fiestrny
vegetable Matter.. .Ciiftlyated aah
imProyetnent' crops whereby;the'
. .
:soil., is kept inuse have0r-ely,taken'
the. .plAce pf, the shramer °fallow on,
many 'of, the hest operated' Ontario",
farms, ItetationOf ,crops and- i.itter..
ltarvefit wet; PraCtieed, eIiini
nate • to a Jarge extent any, necessity •
$teykison. •
Toronto. '
:ST1'61 ; ONE. titiF04:11,
.6`icklenesi, , of. Stitt!. to Etiedittg ,litrO.
Stock Is Fatal to,,Sneeese. • ,
Spee(IS. p et whit
one, traVels by: road Of rail;,' it ,fsdis
apPtileting. to see a. different breed
. u evoss ot cattle on practically every
...Loci., •IUh .1.11,1£3, ilOtICO ca,usc.„
inore-lot-tiVe,',.stOcit.-incitru• • ey
him any pther,..Owing to. its-altnOst
anivei:Sal :adoption ' OVer, „ large'
:areas:, Not o`nir!re,it arg:eat „national
.armer vIio adepts anyw 1IeLear,
SLICCOSS:j ti0e6 it
ij)L1aU')fl. to , his ,tdintly.tijStj Wit
jti inflt.ISLTY tdat'
aad jiruiitab1e, y,,neti
ken where..pure.:-.Ine,0 or, utie.iiigeiitH
bred nida are . kept.. it, person
..vou.ld,, Make...Ito:his mind. as :tO waai
,:eedpf LiiU11aIwas „peel rt,u, i+u41a
-.,$e ttie best sire 'available, ter, tan.,
there,,Wouid belt •kossibility ut
;really: itoprovins.• the; breed.
,'fbeve , IS a. fickleness df thinLt w.i b.
iay 'eariners„sand they follow h by •
tening' in one`breett• ot UuiI ,td -
:nether their.lierds.
• ‘ze .rarely'.ame to .give, denii..ite ria
,611 'fur. (nett. seParate 'endices 1,- what
•• they expect •from, the. Operation... many...
-77,f7the L, re v a intrrip-o-p-e-ta-rt.
•aibit a lack. of...knowledge as to ,witere
.breeds : wiil 'ittis"
kek or knew ledge is ail:, tee more
•'-'7•entaisable.seeiiig that there
rilos' 0i casee, Jit any. c0ity(re,-
;iOli,LO s`doW tnat it. Means rctrOgreS-
.fon;.ratiler Alma peogress; ,
:.11 Lib ,:ti-rit.OL_Ailted2_44-jartita'iate ly
• a'farnier tried the-I'M:and,
,;aine",,hetvieen'tne -dairy' and beet
.,;r;rtetis ,".of cattle. . Ile•liad.- aerd of .
ti"sefoi, dafay :cows;, and
the piiceot
2,9): t had.'..Orop-pCd-:ind .
,ilanding a more.prObtable,price,'„
bull tin_throsses toe beef
add:- the,:prOgeipy-' , e
• Miserable • specimens„, that_
. &ace neither' i 147nor..
,resnita. �f tinkering,' with Air-
',Cerent breed's always , ends in
adr profitable: at'the pail ere, feed lot.
::1-11sr- geneross-inay
.prove_satisfa.cidit„,i but _eailrikir1,:_h_e.7
.Y,911(1 the hist %generation t t.;
ably' a failtire.. •A farnie,Ceadribt keep
:.tWAT p,uie-brekts profitably, for. .inc:
purpose. Of, ro s w
' tie the iiro,
,•"eny are unsuitable:areeding eattte:
' If Man' has 'a, few:Y.10r Aailitin4.
• ,shotild Cheese the' breed. Wiiica ap7'.
-peals. to, him ,.;,anul :best, -fills the, ite
,mantli-:of.44-te,marireti-he 4tiierrdo.
supPly, then always use a 'nerd. 'sire
„of that, breed, and, :Carefully- solect',
the heifers' Which; are 't.o. be. retainee
iii.thefbreeditig tierdTT:,-let is aTwaY7s
untLicLiael-fattc:h„.nioreq..gotitable,:to'tay with •
,EVery, stockinew i3hould a'.in
proving,. his: herd; of, and teAci
.^.•-eed available, caretullY select the_
breeding female,and, feed a ',ratiOn
'that Will promote' Ahriftint.se arid
!naximilin , (fr.L•Ploptnent.:
-armer., . '
, .•
Whii have plenty of money. nthe
• ,A,A.t.these .things are ',Unfair. to ,the,
Mole: mercharit yci.t. 'the •r,panecly ;lies
,art.41y ,in his. oWn', :What is• ,
ceded and' needed, badly A'S, a. spirit
busine;ranted .thisi.,;th0.4)0jIc.,,,:bt..thg_.;.cre.4.:f:',
s.47,42 oil 1 d7 readily be Olihvinated
• and thP .atriOnnt, of. ,bad ageonnta.
;due,ed -to-a trifle. Aline*milit he• kept.
._-hasesAenlined tint is
'Instead of ;det,40poting in 'thia' waY,
nierehants are 'so. promiscuous
• 'n .thete extension of rted:t, Se.lek
apnIcea,,ieinharrasa:ng qrthe
•jther feJ1q atteMnbinglo (Ina eaah
iusiness; Ahese ,canital;and.hank. ere-
iS;litnitett, , , 4, ;
, The joke of the credit syStent. la not
n the 'lead beat,” He can 0.0- his
'Milt in- 'Onei'Store, ,ttricl after -finally,
frig • kirk ed. Otal over • tO anoth,,
Tly!- Renner is 'bsting fOr t Cash'
rani( Unfairness Of the' Or0i;;:nt
which • has r rtined many
business, eritAnd: 'tor and
makes 4r .diflioult tot the helve:, rn et.
ehant't6 eetnnete 'With the wail, order
"hnties»li1ch- do Weinese f6),' 04011,
4C/1°91; RgrOUTS'
: So No., 4 lyest Wawanosh
" 'junior Room
79; Margaret 'Cummilw; 72;
Alvin Miller 54^ 'Margaret Thom 52;
Elmo Pritchard, 34'4^. Walter Forster,
7s.; met.-
Q61(11311Lyon, 41, Elvin MeQuii11
'31*; ,Margie Purvis, 22; . •
1,,,.I•sobe1 11fl1er, 5;" •Helerf
chom,‘78.; Rceald 1?orgter,, 42,s. •
Fr,z--Ealvin• _
444 41:104:4:=7Nicii--.ikiitief,' Mrtle
-Dick -Wcittlierliead,f Ye:re-nft
Gaynor. .
:.,'Ninither on Roll; 2;, average ' at-
1-Pittlalle0 41.9 ..
, Those; marked' (): after. their
names 11,1;Ve miSSe:r ane ornise c.
animations: • r ;.• „ •
TeSsie M,' 13ticli4r(zliair;^ Teazher.
$••••Noi 5,, AshilehI, •
• 3anuary
Pepper, 6..2„ 'M, Webster,.
AieDoll'agb,-,69; A, Ritchie, 59;
I. 'Gardner,. 52; W„ Pepper,;52; :11f,
..Pepii.er; 43; J. Andrew, 4`.2;.-C,
28; J. Itithie, _
' Spell-.;
',72.;:b.. Ander-
soh,-42; ''liunter, 39 Reid, 26;
: Ari °Id S
HimtPr, '79;, IItinter, 73;
• 'Gardner; .72: .0.; R,.tebie, ,38, W Web-
ster 62. ,
• • Sr.. .7-7N s A ri tll tit; dog,
E. Reid, 28; G.' Web,
• tei,2 I,Anderson, 18.
..Gartlrier, 65; C. -Gardner'
• •
• ' •
Primers; 100:-CAndersrin, 80..;' E.
„. • • • : -
Webster "
,Class, '100 Gardner, 69. ,
• , •
28; Average Attend-'
, • -
..„Pcbroary 7 '•
, Sr IV,4,-Testsi ist: ;and I ---'.
.Pepper,. 63; /I. :Certifier; q6;;J Mc
'Donee', 4ltehie! 51;; •M. 'Web-,
ster,.<49; G...Pepper, 48, •
:Jr.• 117..Tests Hist; .and
Popper,. 40„; C.- ,Rit h e,, 25;',
- •,
"Irw, 25; j;••'
• • •
' Lit,;
3: Mclponae•h; 84; ,111,. :Hunter, 4;D.6
, .
III.,H,Nanies 'in order of inerit7-
tint r(1,-
ner) .4` • Rit^h e5 W.; Woo:titer.
Si TITeqt. Snelf;--F, Rcir, 82;•-.
G,' Wehster,•••76; E.".:Ritebie; ,68; N.
ncler'on, 32
• .''Jr.'II—S, Gardner'-',
• Prinierf.Total 10--,•-•C. Anderson, 85,
; --Webster, : .
A Totarl Gatlin r;•,60
. No. ,-.11 .Roll 28; Average :,'Attend-
• :ince; 25;
- • •
f•-•.rys,--4•44.1. . ••
Braiich of '0170110, :Gt7;0441eyy.i..,•••••
• •.... ,„ •
. ,
"it 11 .„q sign
pp era ftive_Lix_fganiza/4 ons
itl131,..r.wotsilt; helping to Stabil-
ize famng an4 trying 'plice
it ori.Ii•firin foundation."
Doherty at til;k,
FARMRS:,-Send usy-our cream and
-he1ps tohelp ybil by gctting,yqu
the,. I-Aghest .price lo.r.yi,our,product:.
Get Cream/Cans; at.
ell: .Erlenderson'S.,
In the matter of the :estatotif JescPh'
Ileary PhilliPs,„; late or. the': '1'oNV11.
Still) Of Ashfleld In. the e0111114 .0f
• httron,-Yeontelideceased,' •
• : -herehY-giverl that
sons- having any claims or, demands'
agatitst'the late 4sepli Henry. kli;Ilibs:
who diel un or about tile tWelfth'-tili
of October A..D: 1922at the,: Trio, d..off
Wing -ham in, the '•(otintV ..of 11,yr:on ,‘
are reettirect to Send..O.v. poSt•pl)ltat
or to deliver te the, undersignee„-..,`,A;',.
ministrater of , •the estate end,yeets.
of- -the' 'Said :..JoSeph; Henry , Phillips:,
their inunes1'. and addreSSeSailtt fuli
andstatthiits- Of their, accotni ts"lin (I
the,,ii.ature of the -sectirities,,,, if 'any;:
held by •thcm. duly verifiedboth-
clayitit. , •
•-And,•.„ take :net,'Ce.: that:. 'after, • the
Twentieth' day of: 1V1arch, D..19,23-,
. the said ...A n mutt atot vvill lie Led
to d ib$.the:issts'', of :•the..'„Eal.c1
:tleeease:(1,•, nient.g,„ tire persons': e10.61T-
•tlieret0, • rte 'the'
' (=lei ins of •.• v h ;eh, h s h then ax•e
d. last her •St: at, MI
If 1dIuv.
tiple of 1,1111 ..111>r:.
• •'.11 1111,.1-2,,Irs01 C400;
' ' •'•
. Mr. "andMrs :Gorden11e...re 0141'.
bah; • son, of.7'1.4.tickti•olv,;;...s;1e,nt„: Sur -rank,.
1,.‘•th "
110011 M1,1.(I1.3111.; at 8 o'clock • :
.to., theilltic:.;s h•Jir Ny.• '
,there we's, no servicein
te (
• ;Li i' . a ncl
of 44n F-4 1. ,s-crw*C,,
rThad notice, an( that thc saji leiz,- r nt* 1) AL“.. T7
I. istrater .will not liable -for tbe :' t".".
ets Or an, par to•ny'per-'7.'"".'""•• ' ." •
son of wh.ose claim c„Sitall .not Zth:n-" anti
'lave received. not:ce. • , • Orpaii-, (if the Ffo nd a spc Sqniietv
This. not c. is given purSdadt:tc.tlie 111 '1' C'i •
- 1. , OUS.,
statute, in. that ,1.;ehalf- • ` 'n'ear•G•ellnal,r,,n '
triVeth Jrs. 'Colld•-er of 131
; Joseph Ag.oe.w... , e, • • ,s • •11-,.. „qh •her pareri t•4-
• 1Luckna,W,, Ontario -11.-
, • . 111 r andis 1;.o)t . *ATI ay :an]
-:-.-6,------l.rutratfr-----e4:11 ,L • • . . •
a b.
' •
Dr. Chase's .0intnient Al lit 1"0.1011.1 ks.1L1, at oivie'
one -thinl- of '
3 In connectial Toronto'. E3
and afford lasting benefit-. We,. a box; . • •
denlers.._or 114111)111 (4, ay '-oay- is • a great institution 1.C111'
timid° Hex frCeh yeti mongol) this • :1
10: kilfsall'•:,:p•f.s •
1' 4t, does,n't
, r, "j,,,Averrrsium•Ompen.a..
inghams in the popular /
-the-narrow 27-i nc
. •
rt'Sate'ins, •Cifintit and „Curtain,'atc,,,r'ia: s a spIen,
did arra of patterns and .pkicest
-Patte0 in-
SPECIAL;-, , -., Nurse Cloth', , Navy,. glue
. .
With 'narrow' white Woven 'stripe:, suitabolO*rfor'..Ronlii,:.
: . •
.ers, Apron, Shirts, etc. :':. SpeCial per yard,
, •.
Wide L ee. for the " ertha',.0011,01, te., n i refiin ' nd
. i
White; 0 aiid 7.$,C. a yard. '. . '.
01. RaiiS;714r g gide
ost& A1L-WO,o1
e_gther, Mixed--,Jerc.e
a on.
a it
Mad e-ta--
014)th es,