HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-03-01, Page 4wt. 44 Phi PIO put to, 45.e TnOte • 041 begets?! ekiiPage.: 1V14V4etii Innney_'lt,is., the., • •people With cashand credit WhO embark in. SCeerprise - eathhiriejavingelitterest, and fit intP growing fortune, $tart. a* Say- ing Aecetint with the ,Bank of Ham-: iJtO't4441Zif4d b440 it by iulay ile;4154#M74?•:_ --14.AWEP.:701:4 , sffWintiI it .beeiines prealsset 111:1= -• t`Q .your futRre, , -"LUCIINOW BRANCH` _ Manager • ILTO INCORPORATED '1055 CaPital and IteSerie: $91000,000 Over 125 'Branches • .110LSONS Offers Good Banking,:Facilitito es Merchants, Manufacturers, and Farmers, ete. , Sayings Departments at every ;Branch • ID MANAGER ,LUCKNOW gRANd1-1.1 11 :!wf-xE. vom.stow sEtivlisrpx,• ---,,,,,,,mh-,:,--te:t7,--,-,vg..,ring M4e1gPvie. Pro.Prietor 4fid gditar THUPPAYI )1411tll Ist, 192$,e. there ;Ailfth, Wenht. thi*.eirt Treat - •'444 0°1 ,r.!!*.,,k4q7..thet..,h0„Ifeltiag-..- '‘OFcre4iiip4.1:rna.lcp* ther4:199k, .ereall.' • • "r4 And the endia potypt, Over On the, Quebec, , sick 4K,),uhttary.:' there 'has be ,..qicoyrOcl an 'out- Al4Itqf 14, 1943,. Preiming, f t stithe'OPIC - as t'hat disecivered.:at;-PorcuPine, and: NTAY, %WITHOUT ciow aecardgig' tO, nreaent rePerte tOo. )a 7 goldbearing,:: whether as rich as: the vfek1 , .TIrfrninS js,*ft to.. -tbf _proved.iDnalcnovia.--fact,-ia--that-•:tfle �xposed a' 9sebec,14'.thheab-raere- .PNIlia.01te... than, -•!that- :Qh r•-ide. Already, in spite of. the severe winteroweather, and the een'siderable distance: from a railivaY, hithiireds ef 'then' have .kqne,...ifito_ii,le Quebec, 'Were, nn doubt -the old stoiIlbe repeated, and. hundrecisa'orAhousandaL 'a dPlaithe--viiirs.b.'stakeTat'-ratiaOln- in: the ,wild lope that one,,may strike., „it, rich, And, ,of,-tetiree,, 4 ..feW,will strike it ru.h,:while : . hundreds; Of: 'whom We s411: .1101r.litle 11 ex pend and end -urge' .bard - 'ships Without reward; • So Quebec: too is to be num beted among the go -producing: prov nocs,. and canada .as :a whole hAls fair to be one of, the greateet,gold !producing' countrIeein the world. • A :feature of the, gold disceyeries of 'Ontario 'and Queliee is 'that, 'even. with operation carried. on by the best methods and: on the 'largest "scale, theY, will held. , for ' ,inany years.:' The MajOrity of.4gpld.Ol1s. hav.-e been eAausted lin 'frOni ten ,to twenty years;: but there is .ore enough eght",*at . Aepently' we picked up a., vrap of, paPer, bearing the rather ethirPriaing 'hehs,linp ..case--fol,-)Kgsder,7-3Vin-- , ience or ,StriOu§: :nett ,for 1.00.-.Yearsr. 1,\ p ,,ied.ferl* P-911cPinPa;No,4,100.,, babe ' Di4nks; No Epidemica For 96' Years?' : Such a wonderrtil, record naturally' arrested our Attention;SPell ; a con- Lrtra'st'it pipsented to the day -reisircl- _,„, 4 iterimAvIlial ., our- newspapers -bring, fromday to daY.,...: .., :" - __'•• ....„.. -.- :ere 'is inch a land' *here 'Stich; a hajth.3' PeIs14? Alk Whattliort; can they'. be 9 ' ' ' .ei • ' ' Anotler',..;p*.rt Of •, ,t4e.., bea!tli,ig. an 1 ii;i4; .''iI•iP, nt, niiig,aiine '(feit, such it ni&I •-to-li"e).:,Waa; ..qrentiland'i*Ni,..: • derfal •Recordi ,' So Greenland is. the . ' 'AUCORMICK7‘ FARM:MA:CI-1.114ES and 'IMPAIRS ;LAC: Tractors and Engines;: Gee: ,White & 'Seri Threshing: Mac ,Superior Litter'Carriers; Stalls;; . • "" • Frost's Coiled Wire and Wove Connor's perfecto' Electric '•Bell Planoeand Organs FOR SALEBY hines; ' Stancions. and n Fence; ;,WaSher; NO 4414 Highest Cash Price Paid for Cream and Eggs Any Day Test Guaranteed at ..eed a Monument The Lucknow ,Marble and. Grant ite Works has a large' and C0,111• plete Stock -the •most beautiful designe te 'chi/ese from in' Alai- • otcli-„and-,Canaditia,Gran-,-- • , We nitil_te e anti Al,oriuments and invite your ' 4fOnCe-a-CustornervAIWaysa•: • • Customer • — ria GRAND MI .RsAy's'irrAmi " • Daily Except Sunday ,Lv;) Kincardine 47307,a7m...--4;45. -pan, Lv, 'Ripley , 5.50 a.m,..2.04: p.m. LuCknow.: -1.09 a.m, 2.21 p.m, • "Lev,. Winghani 640. an, 2.54 p.m. Brus:;els 1.0,6 m: 3:18 Pni ,L am -1,', 3.01 v.„1. Fal thersttin .2. 8'.28 : a.m.- 4.23 Guelph: 9,45 km; 5.36. pan.. . • . . , . • 4.... rant .,..00-pan-w--84-3,,,,:P•m7- r, Hamilton , 1:60 p,tn: 6,30 p.m, , „ 'Ti: 'Toronto ; Returning --Leave TOron(oo:t59',ani.' and 6,02 p,in"..; •, . , • , , , , Thi'cingt,i, coach: Ktheardine to Tor . • . Orito: titi,rnorning trait'. rthrBuiret .ear P,tilinei•s.tcni,• to' 7'..#011-t94:91.1. 111611:jag Gue1,011; to • Toronto on eening :train; • ,Fer.full,tpartictilars apply to, Grand Truk Tidliet:”..Ageriti;: • : , 4,4.'4...5176-4734-10.eninerirV ..their,.1•04ge. tootif 'evdry *sedorid' Zuoi. .40 ot ',the .menth ,ttt 8...o'cl,noc fiteWin.;- -Red. • " XI% Lodke ',Ihoets eVe,ryilT1.1rE4:0nY 4igl,i.t.'611 or ,betrirel'he •Motin4 in the Mas - 1, ,oriin JfljI1, ravelock:.EIt lAteknO‘v,,, - Stuart., 4,,W„ 'Oh40, W Altan: T, Vit; VV,.1.t;11. Inscriptions aeatly and'prompt • ly_done. - `and: see,ua.:„.befortir.plaeing-,- yOur..order.., tirlt717-S!":0TT9M., OntariOr.:, Until' we ar j,irmanej sett et .1.1019 W.: - ' land without crime,,whiskey. •or then. And how many .people are there there, -and are . ' they "civilized?” Surely ,they afe civdli,zed, wheh they hate :attained that social. ' condition' whieh 'ell the, nations we know Much. :abOut, with laws, and policeinen,, and courts and jail e and hangings, are Ki strenuthisly 'striVing tu. bring, about -7 no: crime! ". • e•--- • „ 'Greenland has 4, population of a- bout 12,00-; eneu'gli !people ,to...make !. one: little City.; 'The 'people afe.lchiefly Eskimbs,', only 'about 300, being Hero.: pean7-Danes and NorWegiani, • '„„ There. are a ,lot'..of: other things as well as crime. and epidethies'whi'ch we have 'and ; whih the GreenlandahaVe not, `The greater part of their country, barren waste covered with per- petual Even: the .:narrow belt aldpg, the Sea -shore' where the people 1,ive. Produces, little ',vegetatjoh. • 'No gfain pan be produced and ,evek•tur- nips' and potntoes never. attain a re- speCtable eize, The 'people nye by flitting, and seal-huheng. Oil, furs and eiderdown 'are exported; and -for these a 'few ' of theiroduets of the. outside rld are obtained, . , Of, course, the Greenlanders are that we. call 'unprogressive, There arc no railWaYs; automebiles, .ever :-11'orse-drawk,,. Travel-,.-As-Tae- t26rnplished ..on foot; by, dOgftearrii,.or. by canal: Greenland bas Produced mechanical .geiiases-oLl_nota, ,no -en• no pTiysieians, no'inen of gen : ins or learning ih any. walk of life, a, ..„. . *e11,4as no criminals. In fact there r.s: yery doing up, there m the way , of Crime or 'anything' else. , The Conditions tinder which people, Jive has much to., do with tlieir -dhetTia-cad ....)14.a.th..1•ini„a.„in,eder.n; large Alt:h.:these, igh.cra,nt ad innocent Greenlanders, • . .dntibtlessTwould readily --:contract ,the `After is their 'life t'lio erikied: -free4rOtar'criine;t•and;•free-frorre-in infeh'-eisel envy the life of the 'groundhog 'lvvhich th .6 "-•00-7ifor• -er-fdaes7-7itheitt feeds arAftsleepsj_tsfe„Laway_ln_per.,, . , last 'Thr double 'that- length time; And :over in 'Quebec, there seems to be rock enough of the sa:me: • ilia* for a dozen such' nthips. •"-THE FRENCH IN GEUMAisly Th a ne'w`ipapers are:, filied each day. , . with the &hags; of 'tlie Freneh -in: the. .....:.e.;ently-occupitid Gertnan ,,territory, 'and 'tiierea,:ie..,411 .storts, of /Prediffens: I ' • • as to .th'e7. stieCess, or failure ,:. of $lie 2nterprize, • . , '••• ' , , •• . . ,.I.,,loyd.,' George: is','s till .certiiin that. he, Freneh policy of force iwil)1:, fail,, 'ind,:that ,at..' the Iitst.';Eranee as Well. .. as • Germany Will be. worse Off ,than: at ' ;Ife 'bekinning•,: The lending. .Frehpb- ' ., KINLOSS CO.UNCII:, ' -. . . es'iy.:•:•'61.: -,,.ilitTitr•:''...1:1,.:s:.-.11.(1v.,i-( s.,., , IN hen , . :on. however, are Of. a different 'opini- ...: ...1:07.17,.,N,..11..:,_,,..AL,014.,0i.esent., asked; -was; ally,ngsl.,,give.11-..,,,,,,i.thi.efui. . . . ..- . . . - role. ,,,d,, Slittnnen t '' Or: gra in. the 20, ' .1•:,-1)... I. h• ;•.°-.1c 4,..1'1'-''''6'f•-.(1•1-Fri.1"we .t,'°'..c°.11.4.6...1...•- '‘‘.'3' i5IV:ea (1111:;e1.4(1 ..2)..e:''..c.;•it•ilef3s•ta„*IC1.:(.1;t• (••• '-.1.:-.1..k.1 't'ul'tf..f.,i'';•.:..• . ::,.. • ___.,...•_,..,.. .• ,rill'eu.rirot7N1:::47;stapcs,poi•ft.4.11:t.ti,hr!n'a'nqi:C:s7h;e:.•61.137:acwOulliltle:peet ,.. ftftiOody•::::dr:.7:7.;:fki:nit):::::.....,,:r1:.itotaip:61:.;::.lat , • tile tilling -of the va;:anetY '''ciiiic•il by ' ' : • . . , . ". • • : :. 1 e -:;',0 Ion.; ... ror llie :Presriq se.cison to 'ti.lp,••••:gu• o•Ofo':'deaili. .oi ',their .Z•••„Pe'c•teci:.• Av4.1:,‘•.1' ttli.,,l'i:s',•-,:rt.t::,-°1\1.1.11T•tf.i():1‘11:'..t'i-i••1:•1;i:().1'..1•1.'4.,••Pcs..4 ;ft. of the prinCipal .:indiistrial:: . . .. . tors. was. officinitYt.cdv'eris,:a t `8.5,iO4.335 „c• due .' 'c'''' s-'der4i°11''''71t: '.1..'vh..• III°N-C.. d • • b5.* '• Gef.). G.- .' Ilioffat, Cle..41c:'' ..4r0 -e`i,real •thAi.ti,in the :t"' .I.' 'It :I ' . iLl'Eiattrei*.; ''1.f.'• '461'4 Mui.i...aY'' Att°r ', S' i:ro .12h behile- iyr. tild.,tonn,ii iiy . .,,pc,o;: ever; line of .busiriess 4: everY-': 's:.7t-..h.e.:...Ten‘h.de.: °info; jrelian-Stiea.efyo.r:.1.tslii4s;;;I•nitne2r. -, 101ionn4iiryk .,Cliiii4utsrti6hta'YfreP,arn.'Pahr11;:riitg''761ff:te4ete:,,i)15un:h11:11:;_..;•40,14i)rio.edov.:10.W,is„--.1n4tr..7.a.3:" ..Ack.ert,'t seconded by - Ross,' that ..the,, .,,.. . applications.for the positibn: or /Tteas-:'. Clerk, be •: iiiai ueted• ti'n' ..'adi,•••erti,S„CP• f of. .. • ••• • ..' •J'esepb j.t.. Tiffin, Re.ilv,e,_.•, :are. to hold on they certainly an re- Qraln sohipments•nn Pehrnary ..114, of . ureretof .th. rroyvahip .at •a Itolaryi. Of ;Omer Of. the country. If the :French , -,.-1,11i,L' ,',11-.111.„S'Et PIZICES .Ts: afl .rkignkindi'.. s.!-,'•^,laiPoossib .. andthough.. I.i.)°,LY11r,91.111.ALfitle);..''it..,:,h.71,111_t_ehje7'41:11rit.j=,:ef;;c\i‘;3:1.;>7 . _''' o:it'"Y"P"Ri,!1:5:-'1-4,_ ._ Jag`leRL1.0. : R97 -a. li.fl•-yrtyr. -71.111,.,hine;e'reall:IS..:11-;;.10..f.e'll'IqCflip.1:1'ds:IIIIIL' l' O' 117.15. i.t.•n141-7a,:t1114;rt':.c?,.1.:11'°-':°.i.ofv:ci,:,A-a0y:'.,C:e.r::"..1.0 119'61to.h. ke7TIE111'"4., "..'T.;. no France worth ,epealting,.aboti t:.• ': - ' •Were in: tlie city .,in connetclen.' With. was reati, and .orr•inotn, of' 4.c:k.t.‘rt. „.... . , • • • ..... . ,.._ ,,..• , .., _ ,.,,,,,--,,,,,,....4-1.1:1,,,ryip.O.f,..;........: lir° errf ev. - " • v - li „*.,"---_' '.21-_„„:„,„.„ .*.,,,.4.-_ ".„1„:::2„,--,!,-, ,'' ,..,_:.01-:017-'• ., ".---.•••••-:,--;,-;• „„ „ . „ „ • _ , _ „ . , HOW 'NV°eLDH1(),;.),6.1-..j? ei . • • , , e..rrane:s.,,inten, ed.",-,.itistito,nettwAnyviy.,,Fiteti,:,:-.4:1i.f V;,--1:-..,,iii.,-; ,..,6•t':13.eti.; a,iihO(i'le:-• h -e- isSued' •in •:1"-ki.v.Oi..,:-of- g,..ose ,5f:.. 7.1.1;,...i ,tt!'elc.c.,•s.:80„, ,0'....;katisagi",,,ii-. -: „.._ . ..... . duce • the :Gerinans' to ektietrie..nvertY. l‘thialsr•oiyeaiortbhnli.,tecii,.ii.:aliled. tb.. ,iy,,,,total , to:' '$160.0,0 •• per;aninmi '..- 1 'I lie Connell to , •••••• ... . , . ,. • . . . ,• . ..„........ „ • .. OV, ' /4 .1.-71-1 I, i ''..! f...t 1,....-- S.C.. .C. Stfb ba rd ' ? and it will -have-a TVery-ivageff,ect;nPan, That; Of course,' won't enrich Pianfe, , • ; . • . • and the TreaSurer to funder 1 • • i-sh a .Clunraritee:Bolidlcir $5000,00-. f -t-Tit-TI:,e--Et' xeter A 41 ,..(:io te lof .41.,,I...e.41,t,,_6:,„ ,,,,,,'', ___,.. t '.Biit what was -f.'ianc-e-lio:dO7. li":„.1..-a, fm'a.atey .,110.0,.trai> ,been!„ transferred to.' plicatione tii..h.e.':ikeived Aar the ,Cler4., ,. furope as .a• *hole.' :: .!' .. f)43„9-4.0-it,--Onie.,-troret(7?..--iltralo''' •seziffity 'Co. " the*-antie-ult •; of 000$5 : -.Ali .........-114;41.74-r...9,:.rH...}1.7,,.e:r1:.!0-.6-ti.11:17ei.,.,i.'.!--..,.11:-.177,),:rj:c7L6844' iii6,b,,,,ii..1:61...,7.7 . . . ' I • • ' , 411 ' •• ' r ': • • • ''. ' ‘• • .Z' .• 11 ' •7•'..,37; -a prime, ::. of the Cana- .1-1.923 evr1waysitflifepretty.evident _tha. , er , a, n72idid,-not-=4.2trx1,.,6,,,, ,ois_*.i... -•an'l- 1-,,,,ne-r.4.117,!`.e•-_,1„,..1.'`•le:•tlfre_c,..oce..1?:1Y....1-.., oli-t4.1-1.-1,-0--__o,:ciok z-T7F-,..-iii'll-fiTc-, .. ... .... trA...:7-2.•-fh, ,......1. ili:60:,,e..i...,..tc.---c.i.rd'',_.tir.e>s,,,,beticitt.i(1.:0.1sc.,.;,4. 01 :)6,.: ..,ibi :tie,rt.: .,,..,.: ..% -.1.i0tNiele;d1'"-i.04517:. very much ::a11-117:01:11.4'ilitghm, 'Isiet, .,' i4,1:,;;;Pp"..iiii:im; ..:.:' .'. 10.b.):,41-irld- _ j:s.‘. st;:c.,-;,:—, , ,,,,:11970:,c77-, 1k6s,,,secoricieu-•;Dy,;.-A:cli'ert-,,,.,-.--• •••••',-- ...,, .., ,.,.., ,. ..t -Carried. •t.. ,`,,:i; .„...,:., : , ,..2.,..n.0 .., . , .. .. . . .... .• - , ,., ..cwt,r.--1, 1----1.,i,.,:„..v..0,4..,,IIL.00,...4.-t-Cilytir.:-,' „...5.14_..'.1.",..3 1 2•rie..',...4..„1...;.,14i, ,pr';;:.:t ., . to Lb.usinesS... agiini.-.4o4-ket - 'rih---and,':-,:-'"Iivii'e';47:1dr:1;:fe..:,..f,- '',:nliri,:'-ii-,le,,a1:‘,-T.:7c,..7:11:-.,F..f.*_W.,),5)..1.m!.1;1;1214:.,8.,ut..(,s1),.1.16,p' Pt4i.67,;:'likTi)O,liva.:J:-; lc,ennedy;:t - re tiir;iecl. :soldier; , _ :120 _erfulz-enoniti-Ltn,4t..0.4ek,t-E,rabeeb...en,-...7.-;,;11.17-t.te.z eSitt17:!,7;i'i:n1Z-7-6-----i5;4.1:04.114..5ine.e._teliftTitirn7"6.e.i.7-17, 0$f2-160-PtF; '2'.E3?".6.•;!-ni'l3.,Olf7ct.'ibl-f.ril,if.'12.,es".",i...,,n...i:1.-.1,1;,•:pu3tr:J-ut•-•11Ail' Pr:ef•I`'I'e'i,s 2-7--r:Yt!ari..aPKi .,. :, • the great War would have to be fAnk-hir .. Strong until they.,woald7be''.:agaid'poii-t.' .. 'il.' -.II' . 4 Tit:1.-T.Lit4nn,':•:,_'.7a '_.;4y,c1.,•,b.::,-. 32:,,tis:',.--.-.Titi:::---la:17::::::4::::::::71, .. .:. th.E.,•,t,•absenc,,..•:ret-i,:'4irriett%'marj...•••;Otette:-. 4,:i,_67,7_,, ial...... ..,1.i?ea-1,,,,.tltist,„(„..6.,:1,,,,,,.,f,c....!..4.4..,,,Irih.'.:17,-.4,.i.4o.c.1,..r-rdth_er. :••-twase:-.:- rovi-ii-onallf-'-••.' ,',.°-: ts-.. --ats•.-11-7- '1'‘.4-'..'.•-=•t'l''''.e.Pc'''' "d•I'-'• -.7-.•''' etirv,achn irathinf 'there' -iiiiii.O.,Viiii-Pea-i': to be, anything-. in the:: livg164 these . • A'..4'141101;4'ER Rg.ON108'.:' JAILER: sows GUARANTEED 9 FIRSIT.DOSE 'IDRINGS,G4LIEr ; .e. , . 4 ., so 0 C ; 0 , ° •••••4, Seld. Here. 411'd there.‘ 'QUEBEC', Qpe.---1.'he request tui4le • , by •Niayhr . Cu rley . of •Roston for :the return the,sruall gun "said to have. been captured by the, 'British ' June .17;11775, at• 'battle Of. Bunker aprl' star:ds on tbe'soirore! of •tbc,'Quel•fec ' best been i•t2f,,rreit „,,lint.btrterLof at Oftliwzr.si • "' ' : • Parra?••••• • gr. . • . ...• thinRin ing your profits on the farm by •• • .raising more 1)�UItry with the • We ti'eagent for th Buck- eye incubator, the best machie on the market. C&1 and see thEs ma,chine and get full 'parti- culars. Ordei' ear1y as last • ing these .y,eLlr we had difficulty in secur- . . son was on. _ e jal'epi.Ped through .E0itT -1 • • •• • Cousin'Eleetrie.41 at Vein-. Moe*: 'afty•f -,-;/tt•I'Ort. Arthirr.addi- Wir1:11g1•S . tionat'‘tr!6(0.,1ge:wiff be Koviclefl to •ete. Our • acconimodate.,,grairi."conSitied.to.the • terminal.elevatora at Current TiVer." t•'Phone is at your service. 4' Ii.O.B.E.,--„,„Sixtv grins of c'n'tfi•., ••:. • . . " • , _ commodities of•.vnrimiS linve ' arriVed at Shanebai to be, 'placed' in tbe newly:•establishiA C•nruidinn satn-: . .salesroomS Ori4.1nateci by Dr. w. noss, eoretoment ti•ade co•niiiissioner ,' 'Shnli:t. hci I. sthe how roorrts will. be 'in sthtir4,re of D. IL, Sparks, ,w60., rtis spen't, several • years in .ch ins_ as. ,a,'Aeoresentn,tive ". r,tif • Cniandia'n • Manufacturel's. Ross states thn,t,c'anadn'is, more in:- ,teresteil than: eVer',•.fn fife: tfr,htiiicitne .or' trade ;!.the Orient,: 'and •-..the i.‘nenink orme Sales rooms • a t 'iiFta_n: iible-indicatiOn. of, 'the ' .Qffoxfbeing mad, eqo.aeCoiriPligh.that. hone ^ • b • • feet' Contentment, ' tti 1%,4 464. :OUELfil ht,S,urance CANADA:' nd,,..1,srt: 0..-„--1.i.,:;,.e( ..,';-:i1r,(liklIksilio'n,_sa',_ Id:: ' ..,idopeed,.-.and the Clerk „instr_u.i.t-•" ed :to', , •„' -. -1, ' • . a .y more eaws.of,despnrate'potertY . -nie,enClinjig'I'rir-ttlice.'1:1:till•I;ly.elerriSLdirl-r-ws'illtie.icelith'.7.::TiieS5r'6P4re'-::6.1.-"?Eftia-w.L .-Pb' ai.1:::. °1-'-----Itt")fe'-f:.t..:nr'eAn'hc:ni .t41:11:-I:d.1.11.7111'.1.::;:rlia,'::::3"17-0:'1:::-.•'e-1:::-.-•rid::::-'1.,-, • „are .,betiLe_..i.e,ict.,_.a.od-,...eooriLtile--t_rains-- ' la now a tout •doinPleted., • -The "rail's ,......vie' '' .W,.,;:owth_ne..M. 4-'3._.,4„.f.,_,eric.,s,..n°1f'tsh..,......,.ef.CE,J,:-(4ne.,11. °I. ., , n ,,e oi t e , is,lon.so .the D.raina&e i.i.et p• .. .s1_-11i1ilki.n;it_icti.(eio.cui;ItotIL.uvs,k:i-r!,.. no7:. isrcj-•,,,i. 1.0.::=,.... . , ' . Fy . _ , . : • ' ,-'••'11.111,!,--.7.Itonadotatli..th-,:e19t1.-1,17,0.,Rt-,,Ti.,wnelit.,...biee..... -.„L-pc-'-u,elit-;:-(n111,g:,-.-to:-..rerieve--tnrit• run- .7ivIrirril.4ols:',-..-ow'f,--7ayirjrr'1.:1.1;irheta.,hsuliyir_e!..iri, :::..slyth.h:e":=11.:Jioghill::::i ._4,1.__1...., „ ,,_,,.,___:_.., ,. ., ., run - of dnngpr .wifl , be .reinov,ed. in the ' runnthg,--Over"thenrand'filtte-ataatirce . eat esteem...and„never 'doubted 'his' linri- •,.. the' aOSsins. • , , -• ' ' " '':' ' ' • • - lif,NWn• feblink:' is, arser.ie. "Give ib, to; ' diaMond .•AViiteh 'that • lins:,. been , in . • .Opv - • ..,, ...................--,• „.„....,... ___ rntieni 'fOr so nuiny .year.s at .liey.... which ,..'sugg,esta_a_ :rein etlY for.„ the ill's:, which .beset and baffle thosewho live' amidst the tur- 'fir5i1-tlii-ViWd.'' :world* ONTARIO ,GOLD. FIELDS Whenjihnsot:noW.in Middle lifewere ',"attendting:--school the,Y tangbt thiet:...antong Ihe4r6ductst-0129ittatio•••• • was .6;__:'stri all _q . . west:found Pethrbora: County,..a were SO 1300r ••;allartre' • •;ILltptii Of so little :Nalue that 4., et,c,. twh-O'wer • e - :then '• e'agerly' looking out !-uhon the , , • GaliforailF7or:7,1iritish • • die 'places gold worth' tvhile htid :heed fountlheaps optaTio cow& never be a*Mining ebini7 try..., The: south '1,VaS, agricultural' soil' And, the, north, was Of barren rocke to. haVe 'Or 'coal in .:LO:04.1-4,!i,..14x,ettrilowlIodge.nreetsevery- ' , rx:iday eveniniat..8 o'clOck in web - fialli- cartibb.fitAtre_at.,,A11..brgtlii•eri• . cordially' invited.,Ofliceraf Noilte 1)1 Grana, 'D. M: Johnsto e; 'Nike i.li.thni, , 4oritce.,,A I te•Iiison;.--I c,,,,-Secv,,m----e,,, See.. -Dr---'•4'at'e6iiii; Preasurer. Al'*, Rohn: . • • • tAloK ouy fort SORT The:, peopte ‘cif arid .c.1,is.L triet axe th!•,. latt wiles -of • At cativiisfs; • ,? , 'er who tatk then% inoriny fai 1) '0,• hies' aiid give. hitt. af t.6r Weary- .weelis of, ciwaitine.' tbay h4ve nnt,i r.ncli:Iirn0 • 't,l)ilL,:p.,$.19,,r;Ar„,..:„.angn,4,,.„.. gl !gent...with a gko-ple' alSo gbt,•Scane la:4h obliee have offered a rilwa,rd.,tor thelr„ capture, • to TB' tiSk ticrite,.,0f day ;Ras.. tleVtIlOp'ed iI,t 8ttch ih.e, ''frreii;inhotie (167 Flt14-• 4$0111tbi:.4 tht Vh6tai ix OVki up& giih,§6tibet$, "Contra the time' wheh' Toro0to -as 11110'...4,.Ujri.0-. ye; oh . , , . d „ • /("WalkeriOn TereseepeC , .• he., 'CountY, 141 „week7vineriliaoler.• McKee-nitre:40W •weilas'1Urnkey 1eo looSt.,nger vvere, all taken down with the. grippe,.: As thee were ,e,vera! pr1son($ in. the who-z.XCP•onald: sic,aivya kin g c of 'Murder, it *a's;.:iimptirtant.--;:•tkat' 'itilniebodk'be got the„Sob; ,When Sherif.ferMya hastened -down IrtitifTWilirtorihe-..fOund. One o his" toWn'snien'Of the ,northern, burg, just, etkiNtetiok The Sheriff, who had ,:kabwa , the; an for ,yeara, and •haL every. 'contidlenee, in his: integrity,. made the best of a: bad situation' ,by, 'replacing this prisoner's stripeS' with the insignia of lotfie and hiring him carti skilly” th the hungry. prisOn. era,' The.'...,Wiartordan proved an' rick.'now orittAricy has onnLr;efr:°the! dept :as Chef in. the ;Castle' MpKeeh- irrCntest,.1f,,inoi, the., very greateet ' Id' nic.:soup : kitchen and -continued • tornnies `Os4F-opehed- niOn the World. catrY on 'nuccessf0Ily.'un'til tRe.'repoy7., , • gni' other ord. Mines Week, _ r.tc4 6ut. • if 11; 1.•••, GOOD—ENSILA ."1 flANDLE he Toront,:> tongued and, ,e6OVed. stivee :11ip ktithers- citOSotei, 'theY; , the biggesk,*.dati • ', giv8', tfestiii,ate tO tc'e t Iti oti riocl,eri against. die 'add frostr"--Tlitie.- -•silake tiolcsS you ba're a od ' :[eilq," And Tor oli tty Oeria:17 " :OrOvicres' Silos axe jzood'"iilos. V 'n16fe SPace:kr 11111iIt':* 'Made of wood -.-.t h 1. Mao shwotiin.41.therbt'ea best ,aon-iodic ctttor ina6 heat664'4'14' 81A'r' --d1V.builti from doubic-,:-PrP:-;.ip-Able,fternx--doifdr.34-tyr- MELVIN, gEBA. 414'4 '1, :t • . haL;fv.ho' • kneit, 701011 t -4T,—'1.11 - VI CO- P,,rb,8•Ia,:., •;11,110 dip W.OSF. Fan .reCals1 'bps, fernark-', ahle ProWeAS gun ":41thii'b .6.xpeditionk he', has by no Mean'slost' biS,Well-knoOrtaiimiya,111. '.-tvriren7VeYborn 'and 1-41/ibridie;his::' . Patti tio•nced-Ta • pOYote.,seme • fifty' • yr',iis away, , hit it.",'rerruirked,. one:, of the' guests. ''"Taken": 5i1 the Vine -President. , Bang gun -and .the' coyote, rojled over., q'The ' Call Of. the West,", , remarked 'the :ViCC-Prc§idetit with a Smile. •' •„ ..31.-Enrc.INJ.:.11AT.--:Witli in the past 4fall: three locon1(,v0 eifghle'cO, .., ;the A1eilicine Hot division; -.lathes riSh'er,, Tont.. ,Peiihate,',..and...-41eary, Ua. ray htie bi,ert -retired trrifyi-a.efiVe- te'rvieev VaterattS-In - tiavott4-•"•.:;.eenstrtiCtIbn'' `trains in ,the 7:-teri"-74have 'prothoted. to :naStiellger,..rittth Penbale:18 the 0114 in eerVicwiUie the "eoirtPtii.1 having' eiflisted, 1881, ,110,1ms. taken ,tin•detiVe civic nnd was' an'' ,alderninn of the.., Pity .for' itoyeraf ".1103,!`'. Toi?,.11,otshaS' aP0.1( (1.4Y -F: :•„_bild years 0..bis-lifoL,rifi1rentl11itgiZOV;-; .• Ming during the tm,fire Period over • two Intilidfi ,Id110§, ,14 tbe: 'cab of lOCOMotive...H, 174 Siarted fitetileir on the ItitereOltinkt), (:Dnatitaii.piteififfft !pntisenger,jrnin-fot,„iltf'ViAr: tbir0.41t years:.' 1titrr tlardy birod With ,the eginilertY..411,.-437 •Itreati.; ' ierfifivi*,,, and worked On' itrOpOnt 00000 Of%,_,. itfinok 1st 4/00. 111 .4, .1. ,r,44•• =.• - •• ":41:7-7:-T•t•:;•' • ••••• - IE ........... rments ot materials cleansed. ith, SURPRISELfee' f -Soft and well washed; and earky the'trui eiean odor: ,so," pteasing to -IFifit:guini:pliikilePiie:i:::::20"---- j 1 42 Natio ;II gifighthihT 5,11.111#11 I NM 11 1.• , r/..urgsgrgr ;0 • • I• ';:".