HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-03-01, Page 1•'j o • fit -4!:••• #2.00 VER, VE.Art .4.1)y.4111cli ., -OR :7'..--".$ 1:.--0.--ffie,- '-'',411-der'r.,'-e)i* -• Pre- . ... PertYvillOrYitle, Street is for Ade; Ai- ' 'Ply to T...S, Reid: •%. . - 1-14. . , VIti'fbliONARY .S1..li.ftGoll„..-- DO ....:.,:*J..1.,K...elgth,er I,.in..l,e.„y, -...,P-horie•-29 Olght 0tday.;tf:.r, .. • DEDITIST: . Dr:, ;MacLeod will.. visit!' Lucknow every eVery 'Tue5day, Ottiee; abeve 'that, of Cennell; , PAItKERL; OrrEOPATH, at the :•• „Cain:I./Oust., Lt.:2knovi, evergi-Weci-* '• ilesilay':'aftertioeir; Al! :cbranic dis- asee •successfully treated. Osteo:: --'4.pathy'lemoves: tile physical • causes Tiof ' 'disease. "Adjustment of. the ••,-.„ spineis, more* quickly secured and with • fewer • ticatmenta by OSteo-, pathP than, by any' other method: ,• Miss Annie Grant, of Duluth,., is ••Teronto'nriecs. paid for all kinds. of visiting her sisters, Mrs .R• Carrick,: • anti Miss Tena Grant.-, ' :kr. 'Jack ,Gawley;'- Who has been , here the past few 'months; returned to the West on Tuesday::•• 'Miss Ruthete Barkley, of Sault Ste. ...ivIr16; is sliendind•q"eOurilp. of •weeks with her„cousin, Mrs; Jack Slierriff.• • • : • ., ' Miss Belle Robertson is -home after „attending the millinerY ,ppenings and' open her shop here on Thursday,: March. 1St • • 4.4 0 LOCAL AND GENERAL' ' Mis BeSSie'Mitidre. was honie from 611404 :4?V'Or Sundayz :spending.:a •morith,in, Kitchener,: k , mr.,,,steware Burris 'borne ..frOln 'Stratford 'Or roqeatiy:, Miss washorne 4'04 Stratferd NOrinal,„for the 'Week,. , end., 411IGHEItMEA-)PRIPESIE*PLAINED The Salada Tea :POinn4PY, thelarg,' e5t diStribntors Of tea. in Cannda,re-: on each of their biends This c�urse :„.Was,:forced;--UPpi,themi, acCording -to' , is ilomp after : Inforination received about- the s'itua-; ,•:111, in order to, maintainthe quality of "SALADA" Tea, syhen paying• the higheit prices, 'e'yer... 'rec•Orded-..on. the 'Primer -Y. ":riiiirice,t5'-:fpi,:;Op,,:.:120?lelt00.: 14f. The story of.. riots. n the fea plantations, dock strikes in 'Calcutta . to 'delay Shipping, and tilettiMetlitY:te Obtain' ccelie 'Iaber to „pluck, the; tea from the bliShes, all' bring' haMe to us the fact that, the social unrest' 'thathas been . apparent • • arPnt , tewar has spread even to the • remot- est tea-gardens of India . o o • '.WINGIIAM'TROUP PLAYS HERE The Dramatic' Club of .St; Church. W.iiigha were'verr-StreceSS ful in:Presentation of the •huineroris drama. "Mrs. Telegrain,”, here on 'Wednesday night . Week.. The crowd in :the Hall, unfori . unately; was smallonly .lialf w'hat ,;•.t • might have beem-Owing ". to '..couri tO attractions. The .play waS an illustration of:the enibarra5sing , situation:, Which '' May arise Oat of petty., jealousy and ...the 'telling of lies. It was dedidedly :hum orous• from start to. finish, ,a-nd the :artiste' took "their parts very 'well., Those taking part .were: een Kennedy.; Mi5s Mae ,Allen„ Miss. Dawson,'''.Mrs,': T.,' J..,i'lVfacLeau; 'Messrs, Jobb S Wilkinson,:E. J. Nash, Jervis ...Lutton, ; ' The Wingham IIigh School '•brefisei: tra accompanied the trottp and addrd to the pleasure of the evening by, render,,ing very' gond „:nitisire •twOrt.' ; Mr. and Mrs. W J Little Were in • ;London' this week attending the ,ftni-' eral:cf 'a friend; , 7A:vG0g1",,OpfTLijekp-ini.. Ch:ropraCtor, of Win. k- . haM: Will yisit.1.,ueknOir , three times each week hr future. Anyone desiring an iintetView with hiin may leave word at the Cain Houseand the doctor will • call. er,rnay -see 'him ,there PeraorialIy;.. Menda3s.• ThiirsdaYS and SattirdaY :afternoons: No charge- is inade for ••• DR. MAUDE C. 'BRYANS Registered Optometrist 'Grachiate, Department pf Ophtlialniol- ogy McCormick Medical College. Chi, • cage Ill. Three months. peat gtaduate ',course during year '1919. , ".• Eyes correctly fitted with Glasses; Ileadac1ie5; Dry Itchi Eyes, Ciranu- lated *EyelidS. 1Va1ery Eyes. Vain' hi •ELYe -Balls:. Inflamed'. Eyes, Pas or Watersr. Discharge from Eyes 7and • Diziiness "'caused. by Eyestrain lieved throngli properly :fitted; Glass: 1.37A • 'Cross Eves straightened , through' Pionefiy fitted Lenses ' - . , •,•• •, Eyes tested ap night equalhi, as •good azi - liht. • All kindSlof Optical repairs done, 'Satisfaction Assured ' At the Cain House Lucknow, ,9 to 12 A.M:, 1;30 to 6 p.m., 'Eyening,'7 to ,9 p.m, Wednesday of each week.' '' CALL :Qit ';Witerg A.. BlitiSfein; LaCknow; before -selling yonr. -raw furs, I pay 'the highest. market trice:- . , You .wili.find great.' bargai--.in thc - Snits and Overcoats a. acc- stein. ;Dry Goods Store. Highest :'CaSh.:Prices Paid .for..all 10114: of ra f u rsk Let, e, now, when- . • yen" hive anY and . I 'will. call at Once_ -Benianini7Pearlinan; 'Phone: $5. •.LucknOw. ••4-30.4:•c ; ARM -FOR SALE • Mr, Jim Mitchell and Misses Lillian, Alicia and Ruth were home to attend he funeral of their grandmother, the :ate Mrs. Crowston. - , Miss 'Martha,,.•Madalltun;•who ha's "been.for. over five : year's ,On -the staff 4:.'the Ioeal branCh of , the '.:Bank of. has...resigned . her. position ,• Mr. Ale Meltee,•' of Lochalsh, who has • been in the -Wingliani Hospital for the Past S'i3,c .nioriths;' is somewhat . .• , • • , , improved; and,: is at. Present, ."Staying. ...With.. his . brother; .111r.,, .Murdoch ''Mc,, -Rae,•af. • •• The. regular :meeting of the : we?, efefe,§•, ifistittite; will be • Chaniber,pn:Thitreday,,..March. , at '2,30 p.ni Tart 'Contest. ,Watch;! -.1e*t.".week'S paper ',' for', the ,Initittite',' 'tettaininent.=-Mrs'.A; 'furrier, See... -Card of ThankS.-Relatives of. the . . . . . lateDayal..lioustim wish to, express their thanks to the rminyr.frimitis,: an iejghbors who ?Were .s0 kind and .."'elp'7 11.11._at..:the.time Of-,thei "-recent.- bei- "?'‘‘ , —0-0-0------• , CHtIRGR: NEWS preebsteriart.Cherh7,8eniicesnekt ,Lords bay will. be conducted by the - Pastor, .• Morning Subject :--'Living Epistles" Evening Su- pinsubjeet:'•-;•-"The: ree Service of Religion'! -Yon• Are . . .• invited to these services. A :Junior Leagbenvas, organized" inL! Mehodjst ('hurch on Mendai'af- terneon,: Mrs; Fred, Armstrong:- is " : ,Stip Crinten dent -There • were. 27 ..-boyir and --girls'-'7present.. The meetings will (Signed) Brother and Nephews • , be held pn Menday afternoons directly, _ A Consicierable_nutrib_er_are_still-te .after .sChool. All the boys and girls • oe numbered among the -slek•- regatiorraj,:kt,tn2ged4par_,- •-. 106 Acres being -north half of Lot Qre des hasbeen confined to the house tend: -Presbyterian' Guild --The Guild •Meet- ing 6pened. on Monday evening. using -is-on read the SefijitlifF Iiiiiiiid G.;.,t1VICK:eittire- offated--Erier-.7, Murdoch gave .a stirring ad.,. ilress''On "Badding!' Misses Mary,Ait, :T-4'tife,r4.4fireriia7f- „ Auring•-• • .• of. ./.neknoW. Coed.' brick house' and ..ieen under ; the weather for a few 'Awe „Barris;':"Phe..56X36 ene''57X27 1 • • lIIc repair. 4 .acres .hardwood' brush; Easr 0:.7jbe,d74:0-r--,evOalttaktc''thiig:weck terins.,,of li--Sign.efiint-Pre'Ve*M- Tent, :JaCic; •- ' •• • ,, • . . • , • • . ilson,, at the Wingltain'Hospital, has; .-• • .1 • f ' • f • . Hidesan ...d„Slieen-Skins,,N.Vanted,at,,, • ili-,:;„,,TannerY4L'acknow;„-,-,:Best7 niarketr„ , --.19.24;.-7ani1 t-prayert-ilytite'sr. - - • • -IVITS----Finlay'Malcohn arid her ,•meetin.; fo:a cloRe .WANTIM:-,-,Postage staininv before • . • • • . 1880, en orioinal envelopes. Look over ,mother, Mrs. MacDonald :are confined. . • yery interesting- and, instructive. ' your old •letters„ ---Geo, A. LIptchcOck, bed. Ti,, L.' Lyons has been off iier#09 s -PrOpose- , , , • • . • a e FO4,.,axid;r0iodt •••.,!•!.!..**,••.• iss This etr,iijg Ice :Cream.7.71.fandle tce'Oiti.c,i3fg Scale. .• . , Y For morehan a week th.erehas .heen" 1-.)eferethe peeple of ,LitcknOW and -vic- a business; propoSition.whi ch inerifs their ..syn•iiiatlic attention. Silverwood',.Ltd,;pf :Lctiden; Want • td' establish a hr"afieh of /their 41k...dream' • . •. . . and mt.:lace:. business in this :district ' ,..nrid • regard- Lucknowthe bst point ,at which to locate -being •central to a .territory net noW ;well serVed! in their particular...line ,ness • . • ••"Mqn'T haVe.).7etnarked upon ;the large , quantities .' of cream being, shipped, au in 'Wei and Winti frOin Luckno.W.' to ere4'n*.ei-Ka ar.r .v.ay 'as, Toronto... and Lcuid,c'n,,,tri •saY ,noth rig, of a•num- ,', her Of ,sniallef places 'nearer 4,y, and a. riatnre'l :questkin Wby ',Can- not.„•this ,crearnbe ceiTiv:eite_d intl. 'terl: here, ancl...n11: this '.handling and 'shipping, be:ayoided.I. . : ,••• • That is what Silyerwo,od proppse do -to • convert the Cremn ;ter arid' ice Cream c.riglit here:: -.T9'• those: who haVe'given'thotight.'ti"?the'.,ir:after': ^this ' like .about the ",ferk.'Kest • • large iiidustry that'-1.'nekn ow hope to get. Jt woliq for the • :16wri;';and every..fariner ithin 30 nidespf Lck •now. It is rot to much to.:.say•that bie.'•creain and produce'•busines eitabL jished: and 'Well i.ondne.t.eul at Lucknow , would add' inaterallii:-tc;."..the, every, acre of farni' • land for iniles' T • It Will take about fifty thouiand. , • . dollars to finance theproposed plant at • •Lucknow,• Mr.: Silverwood • hasn't -got this amount of eash' "spitre frOin' .„ • • • • • - s 4,0)1(-31:1 bilsniess„ and„ for that rea•:. :Sorilfflants. the Lucknow business ' tobe largely"' financed locally An effort is being made to. raise twelVe tlibusand', 061,10,82.10437".4.:45' the aTe of 0h4 -.'res. in a'propoSed.locgI cOmpany If this: is done Silyerwood's will ' put in. ten thowand 4.do1lars•in cash (taking shareS, to,. te#:p vaine) )his will pro. :vide money : eriongh, to.get the Lick- nowJ?usiness under ,.•,waY,•••:.' There. inaining $2,000 it is proPoseclto raise: hy,••the'Sale khares to fth'niers�ito thers who to Jake",an; in- •terestjn ,a'slergelY as possible•to pr; is t4, ba,•Te .as maify, prospective patronslas:459sS:ible interested:in nink- ing the busiessa succes., NaturiIIy hoester, • there ..any„;reaspa'.;.M..q' thks should not- be;a-goOd bi.iiness.? The business lee cream', butter. poultry: and •• eggs 'on •'a . large , scale•Js .Just ..de7 a 'bUSiness thacwilJ go on :good:10,0.7" tion fer, inc)i .a • btis,iness; 'cOMPanY•will,have its own: 1oc boad ;of managers; ,•and:there is no scaicity of .'goed men in. ilie.'-vicinIty : to form; such bk•ril 's • • ' • •• How' about, :the ;cOpipetitiOni.Of tbe othe;erearneries 'neWl, 'getting -06airi:•. here?. :Well; nine Competition .•Won't. ,do. any ,harin,,cand. thes.e.concernS may keep right on if they: can do SO;,Thp local. Siivej'ood' cou Id have."a itib4 bilSineSe::3V.ithCUt. getting. eVer,V•thing". .How&ver a ideal' factory .great Advantage .eVer'PaiSide con- cerns • It ought' pay!, Aght1T inere than. 'en•nipetiterS-Lbe.,:: • cause- it wouldn't have to_Pay;.expres'sMi - SilVetwOod is hot. a, Man of un on 'c'reain• and Liris,:, and, most of 'itSlirnitecj .- eaPitalLJIe is stM. a. wmn -cream,: IS:lion1d--,-,-reacli-ilieTtaCter,T741S-: clnss'a-e $ilyenwiCad!s.. have% taken.- a short,' terin option 011 the tlax mill huildiigs n'ear' the station, now the. pro-perty of Mr 1,16.7et, end other • . • • rangements', can be:made the.,propertc:ri, • will •-te.-:bongh ' ciutright • within , 'couple :of and the hpsiiiessbe • •. • gotteh-uriderLway-AS early as, April. man, and a few' years ago,-was,a boy tuff • ' , , narl yall cream - t..471.-f47Y..kilg-allivilit$5.1•0130.1-11.. Lshi• into' the dairy .and azid2,,••haiing • tlie'''Atialities,:yirlueb:,.coni,-•:. We -Mak acid that fhe p-r:O•SPeat. for ' mand:confiaeti'ce:and-nialc:e..for sueeeSS,-Ijthe,IiiiSineSSLIeftigtestablish-eri,l--bere4Shas been --able -t enlist th&fnancjaJ; god At tine of , Writing a'' large ,-assist nee4of a number,. -of ,m ocp ed •nipp 'Ainoun b ,oft, the local'capital:, 'front as one of the big liusinesi -men • seured'' before' this • ' in% the s•of its local readers LICKNOIN4kG.0-1.,Selilz0-01 papek- of Western Ontario " • - • 1' • ; ' • ' • • COPLINE4- argest Sale in Am�rica 11 21 •. Pleases the most exacting tastes.. Quality — Economy— Purity — Flavor Always Assured. • PLEASANT EVENING. - AT, SEA FORTH. ' The: following- ividell we . take frciin .reccrit'liSub' of The §eafortli,lSiiiws..' Will :be of interest to . number our_ ' •,:,eaders: • • • • „A yerypleaSant,time was spent on , Venday evening at: the, home. of Mr. ihd TOW.' 'Webster. 'A few rend=We're 'caildstogether',4e...feeet:J.' young:bride:and.. rgroom the 'per- sOns iof Mr. , Melvin Of.: LneknoW; arid; his bride; fornierLY , Miss:Violet Drennan, ; 'den- Sa.turday'.s Specials. Cream 171.1E1s: Doughnuts Layer .Cakes' Home ' Made Bread Big1us•Prices-Q,iven:for Bitter , • and .11;ggs' • 1' inioNe inow, • n, :Of A s fie] the-groo.in tne , • . .5on of Mr,-.anclMrS. lyI,axweil.:J. Ray".. :,nard and nephew of„, ,These• invited "were';',:,. Mr. a'.nd t 1- • v;liter 'of „Mr. arid rnes Dren-":• ' - ' ;Alex 'MeGaYin; • A''gr.. Xr.s.: Lorne . . Wehster, Mr, 'and, Mrs. 6orclOn Web- ster Miss:. S. ,Daley; 11q..r; •..kryv.ia and , Mts.:' Irwin After Spendirig a•-•seCiat. 'time: tb-rether in games, :and •• Conyersati.On,.. ,Iiiiich.,in'.abitridance: Was :served, after congratnlatory haif of. :the, bride' , and groom waS,' made,' .by • • Mr: irwin;,-, followed.' bi-' a hmnand ' The: grooin; ineniber of. the :church on ,te.4'0arge-,:and is .held e higiest esteembride 1;asbN:b. eeii 4.7a n i in her 91:r)fil The 41.pN • Monday, Feb .^ 26thRobt ., Helni 'and: •-.Mark' Gardner ' Spent Friday last '.- at "-ilich-ar•d* ners - ;1%lis Valetta Tiffin spent Tuesday i'.,,•?t11•: her friend, Miss •Mae Charniaion, : Square, evening: iipOirk:,all the Tim e:'' Sharp:: , • - The a cOlds and ' n-14 pa have , in mar .neirhborimed but • we.Are orWard to , their- • • A. s • I t, -.^d of young: folk, drove . • . • . now , last ;Tuesday -evening into Lticic • 6.10-0 tJzu onjoye emse %es, skating in •Lorne, Rink*• _ - - ST; HELENS_ ' ..- 'TheS. Heini,:ei Toronto, is horneOn'..'' , a ,Short visit' -passingafter'•1 .' " _-,dayLaiternoen '''". :-7-7:22:-,-.--5--'' ' ' '' ' A,..:ii;11,!,e,):_;1:',.6•;4unidi:',•,1,..1,:',41;,!thib'elg:.t).1t.t....:2:it-liga'allitil'ii!!"-r_ .:T.:ic..,T...:91::r...2,;itia•-:•!...:11144..E.:Oni;e6e3,ctsc:.,11:-Ftiirlday,-:.2e:, Yeifin.iit7. - - - . . . .,•,-,.,.,,,•,..:•,,,,,,,____,__ 4,51i4ayi.,..F,026,a-,......in,o.,,it..iihi.r.,...!•1Zat:tkoerini....:54....r..-h*.-dol,ftilTfie.''-.1t.tritt.,dtielerSet.tilyil •'•'-', ' A Tin eetln,v;;:of the theinb'exs...o.P."the' ' to se... -as many out.as. possible, to :sjAeee.. ' a i . VY:o• Will l)4611141(1 biLErlkia:YoLegeril `'..''''' . . ' . ..g.1;9.,13L pro5PectS-,for-,,a4-encert-iir-the-7- 'Tier at 73� ..., -.' ' : ' ' " ', - 1:16.61' -f,U'tuFe: - - ' . • , -, ,. • ... . • --Mr.-101in Patterson who- has 'rented, :Lloyd •1511 i 11 ins" ,Yarmi takes ..1) os ' •• „.----,- - •• 4i:Ctrois7- E -Alk : sesiion:,.thii: week.: , :....,• . iltirstifir.lariiPPICri'Ttiifratie4 tAiiileiSOir:,.. _11,,_.,itii_ffiral-,11;e..:ijol:1-1:kfa,a'%'da-it-i'onn,u);cilpollie.nsatsle....'oentl., ..'.; wOre hollie • ',frail.' ,,Wirighani . for • the • • . . . , ..,,,..Mi.•-ligai,37.,r)uf,iiin:1,Mis,s ,;.,Fthe,I.An:r. ept.::P,prv..'rs:::::;.:',',1733illos„,..,eltsf..,,,.-Ajv , . -e.1‘1;'.1e1214--7r-17117e5-7t..:7-He'-'n771','•I'''''''riii, • ',16.1‘17'ilt::-..,;li'S:51:ileaie,ni7ng'.16.,17wtr'Cliiiieci.'.ilfltie*:r 1 sold-' i 51 : j77.° ---;!:"..16'617771T. are on theif.wedding trin"..vOT:e''-g-tiei,tS• 1 A. ;:',.:,' • ',' . ':.. 's '.1:! „Pirrrigrik- :' net.. ., 7-v•-•-it,-Iftlieti•TtitielidrIcir. .21141, Mi8. .0. I ''';"--4----" :"--'7.--" -=-'----...---:: .3")111:11H.117L-Mtd-:.'t:611'.17.' .°L':77:`,.'" : ; ''..1..--''7H1DeTill):9;t?th7:I,l'ati.414.:.(1:7"Fi88-.;4.r(:P.;i;,1;.,1E.1::;"*L': -..-: ;-.14''''' hiid .1k1:17;Sti-1,':-..:Pl'e.it'e.•.a11,(1'244.-;;I:g.iri-l(7---iss::."-TOW-riSlii,ri The ';‘',tL reAnd . Clifford; -Wile have spent the last,' fe'y." - - ' ' , , , , nient.lis:. with .4.r. and: Mrs; ., ini .11,, left'.. On. 'Tue,stlay i,..fOrt ,their „, honie at • . ..- -lt, eStyn,;..11-ati"...7 , L... -.- A-bel2 -e: 1 '1,' 'i 'rr'- , -9. ._,... „es,A...,,,,o,...-',..,,,iintoti .....„af&citY---,:•:-:. ., ateirinanT:hagr-given-up.,.ttre•JOIY. ,th _...1,ff ..y. • •,• -. i•ving .f or 36,•:'y ears, aS. toWn ,,niLth_t_:0:;:',. ......-7.7.-..7-7.7.73Thro-755e, ,..,..--,.. -..„..,,.....1_,...-.. . Tovii,---r.-fiooil ; .11.1§Yfa.;r ':"kK'd; for ri'lTh ' ,....,:............36ci .plications' foe the, ppsitien, ano. AI, elsh; - - -,-----..._....„.„,„ . ,,,„...„ e. .., ,, , f.V11,°11'1;g:1;;ii'ihalt:'n.4701t''°:"..4417.41'..f.14'T'le?'",..1,411'T:"..,;:.1';IiiiB''tililef.‘3Jt,.'llL4,-"i....1:1 ' ' - . . . - . •••., .• ,:.'• I pointed; en' Feb,. 15,,.--1$8.7-;i' ; ' mitlei,..-: .,.; ,.;, 01.31Tp A -REPOET . ..,.- 7 . 7..Mrs: • Janigs, CrOWstan: , . rs.. jaine,S- trowiten ..... whii.'.TOF• 0, foil b ...N: in 0...is.•:_tilteL,%.re-pd.i.q-,oftire:- _s_Onie•-iiine-LhaS,-lived--Wi-tli-her cialitile,- ,14ucknoW :I-I.S. :for .the„rnontir.tt Veb--- ,, ,. , . ' ..er...„ ,...r.d,,MO,Prehouse;Mitchell'-;-passeiV-TrtillYy7-'sbe-wii ' tl ' • '• ' '. . ' aent v ay on %Feb, 2,) ...at the ao.e of 8',.' ili: all, s'ubi4s...Wrlikef;c11:.9:4, years and .7 iriotith'S:.' 'Before her mai ' 14,-,li 'III iii...6 •'..:§i '14-,v ei2.2q '':-ATac -,,i•iag :to , the. late' Mr. .Crowteri- :she Donald, 71 ,p•.c.;,,,j...Ditr,niii-r 65.: In ,5 „,.....'.ia4.'Aj§...:.P..4..1.1.,-.'.rill.:--:.ATP.1C-.._4'3/..i.h'.e:;,.,i•.3;.it•q,;;?.§,i-i.b.P•P'•f•F../-;r:g.Oqi-Tj4.';'--'-I.‘1r.'.'.'--,-;N'lt.I.ieff'ifniir • •Tai•s, Many--; years --,.'w resident -:ot: the :50. H 'I'rele'2Ven 48•''j McIntyre.;„4.7- angsg_e • locality" -T, he -funeral ,.on.1.-n A Subje,cr :-4.-Ai.:.,Farrier,,,.-2,;&Ae,,. -.711c.biiTit„.,,,,-,y,/,'',..,,,,,,,,..,..„,;,,, ,--,,-.::'-':4-'-'"--''''''''''''''''''''''''fr "';'.''''''''''a.-• ,,-'74,1'•-• ' "7r l'' T1: " g. .S .dafr'"---Ekf'T '4.01?0!"41 "..lfgi ' tc-' TiilinS"', 'dem; in;--.. 69; ').',.. Ai t ; .:41 cF,-,-:,,:vi ii, .,, , ,::. 7. i)•ay,i,d• itototo.it .; • • . , 4, ,..1,,,-, '41, 404. 6 • . 0ollan, 0.'"S'.• • _ . ,. , . , . , • .. , ....... .. -,,ti.lrail1,, 5-7;:-.7,0-...`RISh,b5"-Tr(..,Ilifilillt...oiiiv -:',DAy.16:.±:-FI,OSIAiih6.' ' iii"o(1.',"et , his 11 ' A-j----CA"..qt 4r; 1. ,,,,JhOSto'n, ?7,' 'hoine on the 7th.. Can.:, of Kinloss, iA 111 ',,.3' X3bi(je't'S Ikr l‘illt''11."'f7.•,:-.; •F ' .,..1htir§d4it,4):f las.Cweeicy'iiaiS.O.64i:;th:;:',,..44.?..07.;::::.7,6;t:Ji:-14,i11,,..,..73.:i. 'L'SIpeil-si: '-,pf,-.0..p...-edts.,f_the.46Wnshi• p :17S--,i'veil-a5--lkt-;;;-114;Actr-l(-11:'Ar-.1Iii114 one, of, the oldest residents. hie W S' 'F'''' '''''''.t:°:n;'":53:;..'A'''''oc'd°.'''51';'. T. . 4 : ....::neetingwas--.7-held,:,,bY,--the'-2-Epwortir-- " Ware. , Mass, , U.S. . '•• , '. :-.13,,p,„..;. .."40y-111 eliatt:wewtwvitt a .aav-iii-e-gfa-.- -..---,------,YOR :SA"--' .,Mr...arry, ,McQuillin---is recovering :-.-11.e:rituoer .1ba:to"',TMalci:i.4gaqY'.1 1.,iligahz:?!:311Wisse-O--s(,:ltes;.. . , .. itoni `a.aliarp attack of AU. Mr:, and readith' ScriptureL ' • • M ld A •: • Good Gran and:StOck Fiiiiii...2. , l'fr. ,Neil:NaepOnaid..,.-Old-residelitS:vf ,ti.-06tive'broapg. gy mAkt afia: a 1-.1wg.i.---:kc:: . 90 Acres --Being ,Lot 6. ' Con.. lg. Campbell .St., are both _seriensly, _ill • \% 1) .COlberile,TP,L.Level jand.-.'in,g04a, ,,vith,.„,th-,4,,ii„ iiii14,,,tiouh16., , „„,. , ., , ,„, -eellent_Address.,-.Was:xiven. byl,..'yfri,,...,.4..., ; state:: Pf4ultivationi• :good 'clay- loam- ' , , • • • , ; ,,, 1)'.'t anieren • -on lifs tri across.: Can -- water. in ihouse and .barn. New harn. .r -o -o -o•-; '• , . Canieron_ Was 'a ' kee,n_Oli . edi., 1*... , . s' ' . 66 11 'with upleo-date stabling' : cen- , 2,-,-..--erete-silo-735.N12:1t,;,..„2,roont ,houSa.. in, AS-14FIELD NOTES. . ,,,, --SerVer-,-,01-41ik.trit's,and'7,-gayle,--rneeh- , -, r.goOd''renair; Gardem.witli,i:alLkinda,.-Of. •„. - ..„.„„,.,-._-.•-•-•!„.:,.,,,,,,„.,,,-,:-•,.!--•:-.1,,,•-•„. .r.V.,alna:ble,...iiitorrriabion.,,Aboutp':oui7r,.. liri;:-' talt.-.0” .e.,_nide....from_...,church,„ .,....._ ' ; ',Monday-Feb*26th'- . School and, store, kiniles f' rom. station. .,.„ . _ _ yaret. has.never-been, leased. Must be '.:',..._ 1.,'..,.,r.1°...°141.10;iet •Wirighan4AS:,,Viit-- . sold on, account of 'owner's failing ing with friends in Parainount, " ' -- -heal th.;;;For-,terni s-.,- aPP1Y-to :,-L-Hether- ,,, --- --,-Nr. -jaw woods; -of :God,fici,,iiickt, •-"---ingtOn 14 • ,4 GOderich, •1..3-n 7 ,-.•,:ew_days or the wee-,v,i-w-1,--firiend al_ ' Paremetint. .'FARM FOR SALE OR RENT:L-146, 'acres on COn, 10, West Wawanosla, 2 ' ,ntiles Southeast of-St.Helens. ,Double barn on stone and, cement foundation With, stabling under, and in "good re- pair. Also ,good frame house. Apply , to W. J. Todd. Lucknow. ' rrxAINTING 'AND PAPERHANGING , Cameron, Lucknovi-, Prepared ... 0;49.01 -kinds of painting decor.; , ating, Agent Ter wall papers 'frpm 10e, may be seen a.t inY residence,:or shall • be Pleased to take them tri,voiir house., FOR:"S:Alf.,ErriterliShire Breed_ Sews, bred to purebred sire Of bacon ..type..-Due--to-farrow in frorn 20 toTho• -,, Amt. First. come gets hts."-elaiic'et-11Z, .1, Button, Lucknoiv. ; Miss Laverne Greer, of Lucknow, ,•is teaching in S.S. :No; 7; daring Miss' - BELFAST McLennan's absence.' Mit; McKenzie of Lochalsh, . spending a few „:delia..,r!th.. her ' Kr: gain';IrvitcofX:iMijpet,"..iS vis - daughter in Flint, Mich.•' , „ fting friendsin the burg. • 111,as. Jean ',Ong; of Kincardine High„ , ;Mi. Will Altonspent,the weekend Sch°°IP',e.,nt a feW &WS:ref titeiweek. With his. brother inLond4m.- at her bente at ;Hendock City. , M TIios Ilcnry is spending afev; fikati; Spent a day 'recentlywith and Mrs Max Rayinikili,- of Para--. monnt. , -ious-country;,The-address-zwas-grentlY :enjoyed as, the:hearty"....-vote,ot „tbankis, hioVid and secom'-led • by...Rev... Oster.: bout and Dr. Newton showed.., .The party for next Monday night,. ,-' ". • --o-o o • • ,'I'ueiday,, February 27. Mrs,' JO.b.n_....M;Donald,!. (1•c: Lothian, has been, Poorly_ , and contined",te her bed for the past week or so, but is now dmproving,• APPPC FOR TREASURER -t Dave oxi-Of-Lotidop, and mr. 'JIM Cox, of Kincardine, ,Were here. ,attaiallir the funeral: of Mrs', Jas.., -"Coii; of Paramount, • „ . • Rev. kr. McConnell, fof Toronto, visited a couple of weeks With his "coUsin, Mrs: DaVe. ,SteWart, on the boundary; and with other. friends in 'cations ,re'deiVed ,15Y. thtt * undersigned. n0,441146,o'clock am on Monday, March 12th„. 1923, VW' The . Position .of Treasurer • the Township , of Kinloss at a salatYrtif one hundred dollera per annum.. The Township. to iMsh a: anaraiitee Ilend" for $,000. , _ • , and -the Treasurer to' furnish personal " security for $5.006, Applications tt. . be Onened On Monday, March, at 10 o'clock • • ! ••: ' •' Gee. G. 'Moira., Clekk, FOR SALE. -Two rie"ect epthigets: ,i); the other 6, Yetita old, dile. freshen Miss Violet McLennan, teacher: Of 8,8. hio. 7, WI1G has been •quite poorly Lor sOnie time with a severe attack �f pieurisyt do, we are itled to toPertt Uer. sister, Whtte 'Of within a few days Of 87 when 'he died, • havirig:, been'horn'bri. Feb. ,29th., 1836', He was a, natiVe of Lanarkshire. Scot, land, and crossed the..ocean ...65 years ' Todd, 50; M. McDonald, • 41. In 2 sub- jccts_.:_A Andrew,. ThoniPson. 68, W. Alton,, 66; D Mitchdfl, 0. • In'1 Sulijeet • , ThortinSon,s, 74 McCallartis. a004.1f9r4,fqY Yea-rs-aPcrr''e°""g'91.1; c'tti-steil.' T13.. Agar; F.* McDiar56. Xot Mid. ,.;li,e-,...,/wOrked ',neat 'Bruce : Mines.;bt When his father, nieiher,. brotliers •aMI iceniie;1,. 7 . 4; :D. .1.:211,e, • 66; ;;L''fhoinfi4- sisters' cameto,thisciinntry.lie yesidedi with, '116.1111nn et; P. Kilpatrick). loss, until the death of ;the:fa 7then-toolt--the-laTfcrn" N31'17e1r-11:11.5r t', . Alton, '64 -i -,;d: '.''Aii.:T:',:, 4)4 .I.ii11..i'.. 4anglaarttoy-da.,A:gosA0r, -, :0-. :. : ., . , . ... ......• •• ,::, •• - • , , !, .:. „ •:, ..........4...,-(:. r•pemid,,...jolin; James, ThinUttsr Vt. TI II gin , .1 , w- AI iirdeCh ....,.5d4,. ' 'tett, at • Mr:4. ' ;David HatkettN on- ''.... ..f ' • • • ' F•CIPM. 1=-.111. 6 subjeCtS--,1 .Stewert • liain:; and now, David, have. ,passed, , • , • • • • b • ,s'ilu.3.to' .4,i4ti5Isiltiited: ,.fr:ieHt.11.,d, ,S.... 1,t1 ' ;W4%41°11411 931 . S 110 c001)044.11 ' fa it116. l'$...,' l'n,'QA.t. /L.8.itieb..ti . ' Th°1•11110' 'PI; ''' '.Gai''.446.':49.J''7At -.. , ,. Th las: is; in' Ohio; arid -Phalle (.-Ark': enzlei----. 46'',' ilt .:."3. ' ' ' t'ibi°th-t-I.V.'. •, ,.Mil,,, :And nirr...,. mit;, ::.:giat,ilera.. aid liotili.y. . Baker). is ilt,'' North, Dakota: . , .• • spioOl., 40 G. stlitte,,,;',, 42 iti„. 4' iti.J''''' daughter, peher.e,, et....,D.iitigatheti* via.. .8.1•6,,,iii,r.e,i. iiii.. beeii itioiintln. icirslosA , •.it -,,O,. 'Alton; 69; L. Ilack,ett 04,•' Mr.: Chet, • Mid i'Mfsa" . Tillie ..Sher- , reinalned on 'the tainily heinestead' on .1V.I.-tir4i.e'',35!: 17.i 3 Silt.ijec:is". 'Af rti'vtl''' ,••• •' Mr, •James - :cook has oalited,•cin, his. ...,8'nq9' 1'4 ?„.? .7;1;1 dr) .1i1 _Alekatther....,_Azd—aob.pt.;— ret At t • .d 66 . . and4Mre-.--WHI-.''boP-LP •-4 •ph ' J.A , • 0 je 87_ uoi Janet, ernes -John an i - • • • • - • Sunday, • " ' - • • . 89; Ande son, C„...,„Tli sonr. , `,.`a.:anitobAiiie,..-4x---;:rly-de:e.--arr-s...ati-ga- 4,:filjde-j..ta-Wv•--:'.!..bte-e,11.61- u,..t•ns,, '651 11,I; itcd in the burg 8unda,,y.,,, t ;, ad...„ . .11 • . t.; • B. CheSiillit '50' A. Ketchel3ivr 47.`,0 ; . , , , er an is stillere, William. • ' ' ' W90_sioter,Afra,„teslie.. oft' 0 Kennedy -5V. L Smith 5$•_ -_,In ,Ritchie, of Zion; one day las1.--week. Yeats Age. 4 Mrs. ,EiVatt' Taylor, of Lucknow, visited With her parent, arid Mfg, Joseph Hatkett; of the ;10th., one. deg last week, the .6th',....•.,Cone;._ Where...he: .diecl--a,-few- r Orrri.701,00.*""*.10. there 'were 110 001111 e, irivri bq 0110 ,yefir 0 en /. $4Urn, sfient ot,fifir whfit,wetii4 110 koget to*s._ 401 41019,1.9 0,4t6'041.a 6 '9t11',67' 11900 1.-11,-.1r4; -4 • . " 9 •A4 , Whet she does to Your' nails- is Worth a ouarter: what `she.•does ,with het eyes :is WOrth the Other; Serents71. If : tho bride Qinted. it10 'beettittie hitt 114 . that -hOr. htta12444.1 ,Itlei• 40 gool .iA0 orgt.endifto 2 subjeets--1‘1,. Jathiesoni 38, ' A, ,NelSen,.. - l'eaeliers ' • The snit of ;4,750 hag been set aside hy the Dominion ovcrnnient for the ,thiproV6ineitt of the harbour et 1layfield Anil • $110100 will '6 ek;' tienth4 attjailimoh • norty 3ri ,connection 'i$••oliered•fot ir.ediate aS"' the owner. ',is geing: dub.: bikiness, ParticrdarS.apPIK ray le.Luckhow• , .,.,$1.10 • • • • • ' • ': 50ei-55c 41, I rtfor — oes e are passing into stockthree lines of Ladies' Comfort' )5.fo.I. C-ush,i-on-sore-s-ab7d:RiiTi heels, These kit.give,comfOrt-,:ait rt.& s 'an 7007-- ' ress-Slioes for omen • e have received a-sliipinent of Empress .Shoes in the popular styles for Spring in Strap Slippers'and Ox- fords in kid and Parent, Leatker„pric, ed al16:00-ana-S6.NO. Wi1liun.RATHWELL & TURNElt•We'llt Af. ,„ , • . .44 . Sebi)6i tihOeS . Astoria•ShOeS tot 13o'ys • ; -,A11!# to 3ive..OttatitY an& 4etiiee.*