The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-02-22, Page 7�.4 7,7
7 Q
t o In
M, time, t UIP6. In
Bdoilir ing, he milk �fro
Toq,,W4 Cow�, A$* 1, 1 -, .11, 4
d if, and e
or er to, 4denl y pop,
1142-w- SWi&rd of Profit,61
miners. ement 1nelud
Herd -amprpv, eg
Fllrodu�ooti 7
- AS
10 1 US,
the: 11301,10i ''i 4im; froilli l*gh
prodlucing illo,th-exa, gonepquj ree. ing, 4
xid.,gawh* kin4ii 'a* tor loee Oo vo*i
;o but, when t ,heir liroduction, is,
pomfbit�blgJqnder all.
-with, that)� on"y,Other p
PIPMet"14. of 01c bepai+mentof
7 a 2�
I have. found li', question t4t�
robno 9r."Agn t
_wql. ura a, Ms�� Put
_11. 1. . , 1, -in
Ahe -fat!
Pin J, POIC10
_VV1 a4undAnt4y M4., once
P1 �yall fid
- .0 0�41 . -,--l..,.1'._
-7v. aNduem, BY- IP�R4 __h
inquh-e 6.
Vice of o_;,q-'f*' . rm read4g* the advicei cf'aniol�kjnowlidjed -tug. *vgiagie ."pf ctioit years.' �7 -WOU �t6
to thne� 51W.hy do
4,OQQ pioliy*. ofj
cows; in 'Cenlo;t et, -I do - ithIs
*UO iity,on ill subloic.ts per4!oolng, *P sollio',pind.cr9po. painplilet iho, s that. the ift
'Address ;!;I queoodonsto; r m0k and',jhe avler.4-go. 'p, ma6i in, 6ner herd, in eight� years apl� 'Way, i.
8 lk, I ductio
epry,G. p M ro n, �Qf'
W at,IM Si -' It is, known Thffe-was a Umv,
�lnqr CQMPO'"Y,,. I. PPlI y
n, 'ini the y lave
re of TheMihoo, ted tq� rats
.691.4ma, In t.he, o,r ar
q cwq" Wil on use AvOr in
that a veryllar pow
Cappear In this ge, number of s: pro- 1
it ;'o, --
- 's` !�t,7� J644"2,1 0T�p6undsper,-wfcoi
6ve �.01 I. *duction. from�_ 600:_p
x1dit.this �paper. Ap�,z Inlied 'It Is *dvi a vp pq. lid, an-. Siei'j �,Ahaft'whbn z1t6r
1111: below.
. av-'al-stim ,so foritetroglatifig my-,
ninsepio. e,- y,-]% 'nccessary�� '42 xwet_ -gild, 9t -?ubl.,
d t repi
'40essed"envelop lincibsed, VO*.�*� 0.,111.9no Ole burd� llas al� e �4
lid iii7e more y an linpro,,tat 674 jesting are. availabler at the. Publaca,
a. bti it this wff Ahp.
their,owporq. , Tiiough:�ow-t"Ung: I `B 'I) f of obocaupe� I'
6 Ao' er wilt be milled direr to 7, i
16W iona, ran, epartmen
'�tbjii 4r'C*Id, �$tpr7- till -O, �Ojj�wa:., 0.
Coby+lght.- by Wilson. Publiobing�.!C04. y.
age,, Rranob', of the I.Departni 4orAnsbafide, when I.&
int to da, er c6lit, p hav .1 �
eib�,er'l t,'o, 64rry 4p �O,rn - to far thaLt
8'tb, 10 h
I' lios.pbotic acid and
R F.:��Ple"e tell 0 AgTi6ulture,4 GtbaW�,,.' ords
, j, Beed, beini; per ICIP the rateL Of 40,''
eeO.: bugs Mot o in broukht;u ia� i� qictioiCuntil -eop. h
to f -L the ' opOr-4
po q n,,d a Thils, ciin, p %winOvm
ebid' step ovek I It bei�-
Rzvr dropp�er, xe
d1p A �.y
of h 86iiiee:o�f tr,eir;9wn� T b
-jhe. grox ldM but it'can dopo e exact. ea 0 Vur s. on 80w,� _as -mw w
u_ Y. about
o A tbe�., insectO �0 h
Ans*er:�T eg -by in ers. Thia,gveraga rduction. of.- al'�' teats, is unkno " wn, -but 6d - cut, two ' doors,. set the'
. U I An ourJ
i. ''by hand.. Gi*o the, 004 On mOre.'har-, nloet a4 thqueand 6virs , tinde�r tept In-
fhis hich in P race - . I I I , ac gn
re 'bear* in at4Q Pi.6�jnco 0 tion'of,the'a��C' nder� tted parts s vir"olit -of the.wity w en
ju rowing. then, sow the alfa;Ua� with. a. h9 litario in 192T
the beans,: in cl"e'bin' bar el, use.��iwax, t -it 'hive, -s-lim, riecks to t;" -
or, in,a, ..r ��wiiroi a b, not dn. UlS�e.; had". it e corn
Obtain,a pint or. a p9vn4of Ikbol� nurs, crop 'Wley� s_ bout. 246 do ma wacre ad � 1& o 2LO lba. f f� Of, and, so the bext didn't l;,61N
9 pex
16, Ine can, kr4rij, a, 10 of.;.food .a ,tM.,
INace a or' b 0 at. - xie centre,,in that -province' time; arid. ne. �Of 4Pd" t
% ew lit -'a a
05h (othe seed. Again th best *
ineial) on - �t,he, sur- In gn average, of 9,413:Lpoun4S, Of
deep saucei If M26§ Stinle time -g-et- 41r -my, chor".
r, -applied
rt4 will"disappeat,after a
'than :Ze aaon rougli th dr but if sowil hgn. to the woun4s
milk.�aildlibtle 1�ss h-itil. 360 undiA'
face,0 tho;beans �nd pour 'Out the Po small - wa C rbo bisulphid.- in' the 'd-ish, -then by. han4, cover. it by, one more Ught Of fat.�* Wliolo her& -have -g;veh,an "me -bS Again, I answered, my
harirowi ta I if 'you immerij�6 the affe�_-tie4'tea qiieion_67
Inille, I.. I . M'e Ir .
th� of Ag ar.relf.t or c use in -average of oY for fiv� mi n"utes-nig4t and -morning -in bi ammes �f6i cair.
eqptaining all'the, bicarbiontp gr nz and- fe4 siving oThis should eve -you,a'g*qd A d nd s. lu as
the dooi �.of the, bin so as td.keep the, per oow a a 97ir pounY4 I "teir
tight'. as ossible fat.' , 1pdlvidual� grpid:eovos in 0
me steps, I iry
Oil", as'nearly air- of, soda it will. dinOlve when 'hot. After to pkn my. chores be-,
have, pro-
S- Ct—Could you suggest's9one- "of the I 'gh, pod&lnj h6rft ge . Ing ng dione, way
The, 6,abon bislpilide evaporate the: g�enin'g' iniffieftin, dry the �eaits tt, kill buckthorn in'a -lawn? I
as; a tra da�h, and� a a. thick flo*"er's of latches off My,
44�4V�n_ _Df -all qua-h-fites. *of', salt took,"'the'throa.t.
of buckborn.
,Mab16,LbeUlcg do not have a fire. ofany., thew 7:ecoid passed by. liighl,�, sill r and cold--pressedleastor oil. and sav;ed buiDkIbig,t1i 7 Anxwer.----�Tho only,.euccossfwl �uro . phu bred - well 906ctllid and- - il�ell fbd,;cOV.,i oz, qdIckly. and vil, �.pe dueed-'15000.11is�6 milqk' and appIp. freely nad6
Namp-pi,14y9ful lawn boot I full' butter-fit�A paste r
YOU', are "ng
siort I I., . 1. . 4114k. R7
abw when fOi tK1&hOM U3TrOWleEd, plants" that'llive g�ven a1mb'st is�toirs
ofmilk; "Clealilifiess, neatneL-s order- 'shift- 0el24 Of bacOes on-all'the-halters.
''the, to ft -tip, ttlq plv%,At with a !!sptid?' nd th.
-to me 1 you e*P alirt 1'a*k rriyselt *hy'r should, iti lrt-;'. whi pa nd" in
fat'lossnoss'', un in -3%,, d. 6ka
ed'i ds4f A,,, ton.of,butt g. e. s
wiiich is a chisel insert hen bLbPr Either h", its reaction. the ]*in topump v6t�r for
value" if dn*,' offrosh cow ri the b in the 365 da,Y*;At a tilm,6 w
:,of .�a lioe the e" so much, -it -is -W: the
uilre" aiini'd 'e-16ver �or��imlilaimplemebt, . I . I... . . Pump as in Hie rn a
-Sprayin' - does not seem to:d6stroy one to be, worklg- awa thW aver.' withoUt ull -the wa. 6f �Uafi -it, man
. " ' I �. g . y 79- 11,w,colud,farn Diever P
spot, � Or' fo it P01,40 -and strawbeXTYJ , � I ter, in�taad
r a hborr age erke tho somewhat I which 'I n, a feV, y�. ea -es 4;�fbacks, it w6uldWt bel, real IN�� owa�rmer and drier inside'-'
patch suggested as to, be. -iO 'A4versit n impor il .5
be ro-agbt up tD.a pilofitableqtd dl, ial
ton of cow --rhanure nd, I . . I . . n y holds, a i certai e.
Pon a ir
order rbguli .,of d Testinj ihv6l eg, wo' Phinj ail �test- , p nllie'- ar order
Ties� 12 e. 0
Answer: A.;'
polI�ds nitrogen, 8 r Out r
P OSP '0171 A Gf
h a�& 9 pounds 0 M cen
an d-lbesetlo 'the"
ea. ton of cloyez
*h� chalt cairi�& Mkfill)& of 'Des il�
84 oxin
Cli of tLitrogert., 15, POU06
ng Ah le
T take the phon6 ao-She
0 d 1: 44 -Makeri, en'the ra'
cb,. OU e* dy By oriIie
h ald and �:.10 �pounds of
osp, om ay e can,
ph h_ From' -this, -you will be able -I� bw �n epilinted; grai the an� - - , - , , " , I u I aim
iC4'to -have t6,`run" bixf '1o, the. b
c -me when. a ph6ne call c- 'e-, -A
O'nal '1,06 j�_-t.ho 4W i7c,04y. ever geft'her to�. have you done Ii , le L *b Se �oj
e to
�Alo of the material'
e"� go
to estimatd. the'..,. rat eq�ial tovo,660,000 "PEA.AU ARY 25 re t , i , g 'for ten
ear pas, t
you This w;" rhadle-b "lat b*r_&cci.aVfunctio= and in do, fif teeoA,' ivirenty or e3
-have sugg tdlittleb& She' ',h
that, et�&. .:
C. H. R. sev;en cowsi to " 6-
116 Palrable of Aiiei Pot L
Nelson -Chi�f'6f the Bi61-ogic9l.6prv�j inck en hone cals, 4'
tars tel -p
W1 t were. your me
0111 onven ion I epaTtment: -0 men zistitute 0 -but, is. no
near y all fresh. 'Gold Texi---� she is t on 2:m Milking
of he. U41te'd Statei,D and t 4 the i;eyr
so OTL
id you 41 `,.What`prOvd su and
-five of them hold their.milk until' ih' Hef flatii, f in!fluit. whi�h is'i�ast,.isjaithful
ey:- ress ere.
Ag 'also 6tatelief tba'i' the at ceisfui ifi! i�ur � work 'for 7,hloMes. - and. are very.- 4isigreehhlei to Wilk, -Have.. ,I&P M irnl�ch L t5: io.,.�. M'Y. A6t s
mys ous, rawing,,power.
abor of 20,000 men I,.% tequired.ann&, teii 4 corriinu.nity?' While .we ha-Ve � ab*ut h.,,,, anA
"�u-4 WU3.:drawing' e, is%fidelity,,_�oliely. One man Abes 2,500 brAnc 'es in � Rnglitndv-2wii %ave 'fertility , and * crops; Thij un
bet, unithle'toi leirn,,either'the cause,: ally t: p 4; d' ifi6�ase -in'
Od, estr`OY`ed� bY Lesson SettiiL4,
army -o nigh, to, thei t.; ty,of: Jerusalem. There as much relatively with, bisr� two ta- n 'y yp ur. lb'Ing -and uc,�eisful handy lodition m;a, el`MUCh wa�Pgi lk
The drawil
rat;§ g power- wa:§"-�the�- keen
Answer: brown rat is lio, a seriou� iii6nce to Pat !i'a§ th �oth vd interest'. one. Thstitute woma i and she e
i6ltitud4 with It �nt e I e e ana.! ex
name Is. a . I., . . i ..- - . r . idation- and pe. ewe.. r. .$7.60 Imii� t ealthp, apre*adL1'g". it ja'. believed, In-,' stirredl,"by' hI& rnirac�t4, to ecelives th,6, sanio* comme the -..vVke. of Canbda's ne*� G disciissiOil-by:thlo iilimbTs '6ilinfile d
r, �n be-
i6at efit' th", I
veand- huias'In." Je-z'ui- saw',"t ib.e' the,-,sanriere 'Hei e C_�i -h
A then set'. ilew one'
-e- Gener�l, f�ehi' in t e work and, meth
bu-bome follo v app
your' ooe" 06d.t aft.. in H' th for �oth,:
coves udder. _the ;iocl thi 11 �ie- f.'eicb6 ii '96 one n , 4EM p6oplLe iTereilt, .,e-' od� 4 -all other e located.
-ems b .0, a,dr 'thifik'1hat.the d4wn ,I e�same, "d th�o 1 . � . . . W U&I A� 0 OPO si no colle�ct'fb Where few, et d6''inore
In Europe - t is�l differ��t ' di
1?n the ztablle w ere
h' they are h6uted I that th 'heavon,'was at and, H
of't hie.kin OM,, call�Xoi
I-ou repoffs woric.
7 e4averagk- read -a' hall,hirn -rowards T%' bidi�aAi
an at t we
�no f ------- en reat a re Y;,.t -4,ntions.'�6f On- . thi
An application o a, , , F 7Wnd different s, consi
tfts cawsed eath:rat, munit� ai bo' E Ome nic'kin. J6;qus f . Ouls
flual I. - for me,in_ ligapp,
.�by in G I the -I Cori� Our n6ith- Britain �Mialled,,$LSO, in Pritlice $1.00 eett, that diff6rent. capaci an& ifrerent'Niel-' 'Pyng.of 4n
UPPOT , I Y, i6�and-other-iforniati�n ng
ti6n tuth 'as a we kind- 'h ree
'is Ehonmark $1.20.� :716. Enghli brane - ffider ettier. an'
varm oilof 0 nd ji. t. 17. Well thou g6iiid,§6k�ant;' i'ct' 1es had"carri,ed' b d yields "better.. -ua tests.,
eii n, on, and
pectation.,,of an � V Act
illort' come"here, 16� 'what tj
"d speaks to done.' avre thou'atiih l, u d4elyin; sourTes 'of proved.' Boaid. of Agriclilture has,appl�edl. H �!,Bui' I did n er�
over,ten 9. t 4tred weat %*iiitera'bettei
thehi, -the var�- Otic 'use 'n
--�-Are, pota, els.*.2, goodf *in� iij effDrts t6..,Corh t the raj. pest, -ble, to, ma e- a spte,c' re hd 'for
F. H . I chies.. Ris dill h. ality I'chm6 tb�'Ir;, sire�gth - uis,� yieldta -often five -bushels MOr&
t permanency-.:,:,
otT god. r Propriato Pa . quetu s -e L. " 9" uty of I": littlj�. an ap
'fb calres "ven to - elih whil s'' jha�i!ihe� immediiite of a io' a k
ue. in P OWS At �ha.cic F,tho ze�si�n He'r. Ex, a'nd.b-rings
fed should, tari4,'ith6 mother -of the'vrholi�'insti-:1 -ish- to ,more
old? If afei a rr led on a SI n.-12 f-0110*ers Is wor -ing, in -teard�
as -pTssel m e I it nick
p_?:�pus cam- r,
second i be A qnd-m an . Inte
18, The- - -�move evex d I
hey.. �0_ grou . 7 , . - , _ - . I , . "' -_ I - -
the _g t4te rnellf, C�arri�d
in ying, r ears,, for - t e Eziit6rri ()ntirib -WhOij fin'
n y
-,Answer;_---..vpea Ing g e ner as arp�.out -f o -r--2 5-- w _vi eat a -more-
of destrof pa, . cify'aind t.cdme,to this farm.. I
s. wn a iieitsure, 6f I e o
eA et N place-dri.
n�Uered,-good,sto.0k ci-dp' Pr' LC em" iffiderstiffid.1
fitdw,,are no Ail at, -ti 1110010 cal Brancli of t
i3erxr�an. exiin t'i D ulture sal i, e�: 1A e on] dew'L-gates at the 'Pfi rio
t ig. 'In a eipartment WOUIG, r rio, On-; erninent flouke in tl-,.e nviction
vm -
d t
hat ne 't,of -and .6
-an� 33 n uest, th is- -a. -P�6aiureto ebM6-,-to,.a
P i�am, Institutes for -better"hmes' pm- money
ve Ontaiio
hou't see o er arn
I at of 'I ier su
ltutex- a -Muziities� th
ouxid Visf -C ll�veAt
e wou'. e n -g- 111
tunity,� to'.'t at f 'I England where. we_;Are.-yo
-,�e4.,�f .'raw pctat.� 11
d -unk ersta i�g-
--:no s' NV 57%mur we nt
--was -.the ti-nic hadA.cO_WK)rker'.of unusuall.-sympathy -by;sopis part cWar.
and -the- t pering -f
irector ermont . can-. 14ar-ii t, *dul
al Pkilli-, a . . . . . . . AT) ndi e,. rs -i E! y *h. i
man welit -much in Cana a which f SQM.6 ap,
dt6eA at 15� per buske are in noble frq he la
!&at pot, 'a f itf "t@n ' I mniibln' St +4U, 11 91—S
laoe t. not
-the 17uitf
_ed-1hee the -ly 7 -t
104 AV, to' iqj�n in. th
en Ve i1i'lo. n Ppar trivial. � But'l' e i re
He Great: 111. 1 , ,
:be las to aid, in"'their di- lausi we son of I r d, t instead, of'finding thd ri n in, oi,ir'difficulties'and, the, I.elitly quiet un�oticed wo "in *o1ving and we -have' a
grou,il�al so rats are abundant. Po ing ml "h
to Rmo *It fath&'s'aea d. beg. 'ing
.-ge OvW a'speed _r _!�J "ho 6wn,utes to. an carry j bleinvi -at - me in Our
y metbd. he,pro
Ile ieeks'to,. excuse self -by' 'accu3'- find th--- - -- H h6edd'! ns
Jilie. to- n' ih o&-wVt,9 a source' -o
n.' f ',�eeil 'they. all" ght
w hf��nia. 'Mcu,�Rrt, aus k U
h Aten. hl -rd Or -4,45 rth, Jews sell rea f e coutil
7 ritlea-
ood f 09 Pa!F1 1ying on- a-cruei princ6., an� the lin sa I:h
i ta fl-hult. time''di, th
'a't 'man; Thou
"Castei 13,
gas - �� -,e
I "' " ! i,'� - _eo,
e and-( untry" -now en'larges I
une� ima r U MaY_'D1_ MIXed:2n a 0.11g.. n6t.dkepogit. T#t ca quite what to dd. -Com-1posed of -was. gran uest- Ho-wobt d results ..and,' retu Ing to'L and
66ke f6r,
Ooand -rf� Z, those had
:-L��udan grass, is not coh- fid'u-'r and. one, t 'werb not r,easbiloble or just..
Answer pa-rt.6f Poison�.or a tiff .:-,boTppd* eA Ur
no p will . .....
_ - __ 1.�r .., . . ,
-on- aster
zh` a
,ix ea targ�et 6,P0_,.yar,&
a -way
d wn-in dth
djoil �wlatAed, bi �i
'd A
ng ein �"Ovexnoi*hlps an e' the� 'The� yel*Zt lea I jud,
supplied: 1n: Otarl the f� afrimals. S"&ndn6
rm n hP
o. in ere
tijc�llia, x4l - atet i4 a, r.6j, . 3d acti bin' the o.,E is Wint
had n6t -fo hn's, 'Poul
ro th g i g t
.'Mraff - Eiiek"Lpe dkd red d6ver, �a hearers f�o biris not, kLtti Pnoulkh ove. Ps;Y1hRheist%prfde@_1fot-. Poiilt.rr 'Win
th6 JW - ., y,';. 7.�- .4..
Mpg TheAty s. 13;,:14.'Ca led r rig
w to ein
ns c as a amit A A nct' brougia t
ela or,, sery la" reAthe'r 11.180 lllic�, per M fdr. Duck
telals, On the earth, the sn.ovvr o s
1 the Wlzeat and 'IW,h at he tato of 1 Th _n 'r MA fhis bwn for t P"thers. W_ -villl Yo.u�,sn into
-Fle -h,
e thisi -J pt e a fleece e spread b
-h -the inte With� nocesary. oproail one,
alf-of -at, -t f stinff'ort6�, list If you.V111 to let.
to to
olWshel 1ATf4 Poison,, Is ; 6 a Thf�.word' 5��4ij 'the, *ootl, lzbg�, �by, i',�trvch- -' . -7,o',himi _, of -1 eithe,
rans] rnin and: foo4:
'Pip ,of-buili ater -P 'rp- lited',-a suni', that workingL" pasture. Elt er 6. ,-V 1er in i6g -t U11C laN, ran-an&-ineat,is
Aving O3t1ne1%l_:_A le- Par& le 0'"' za' I ortugifted, .GaWanized
The "Silly �.B��r
-oxorbitant 4�tei&t.` 111011liened mth h it �mealns
t rran' carry :�6, t6 20' 1%_,,to then -ready to .;gi.V6 it, to, Iiint. ing For thd.kitlod,quee' 'k
A d" servan and. 6. -bree ng... off
te Izk I
PPPIY� i0f aO-Ar r, p a, I S pouit&. 01"Ve h6l menufActaiirwe to "n�
Tho;,�maii, th4tAlas-niadid tM 'a their, ovens
'Wel well tis
9 U" OX L4rre
-'440; W. <11111gence anA
a)id are'to t6zt their &Apacityl, Special Terins PqrMors
ma 'SOW with in the leailet:' fid�lity;' (1ccully fill,]Yk(ime. 'Trade or.. �.Jessl prop 5, W,
ny imes we'haveto ON - - -A- � ir �f
Wperch`to- roost. upon.'%Th� f6wis. have spirittial if e, ri'Rtt&npttng 0: The Metallic Roofinj to.' The�'d-ough w 'at it for y - rehirn. as mixed ith
on nd livainem';fffll in -Ppl 0
ex ther-4 onvatdI. Uini"d
A��U.Vv n aL AV A' ard L 7-1194 Mal Sti�-Wwi--Toomoo -_And. -worked -
'very way the, Arll , , . � . 9
s -rd 'and -in djai�ce-, age
r �,sowing rye aTild line c I Wea� of has g,rown ani- ow 4 e
anA t walk. ht� f-
'� I,- 'T 1 1. . ; jjAl
bii, a .0 IV? to work,,ap�,l pv6pliii; Perfi" e -ers
d, 1'1?66r�:�and -`t�venty, ak
'su,�%, a . I 1 11 , ;.. . 1. 1 1
e n
A 'down in sba0e, "for alfalf mc, 0 ft i�n Awo demdlis,, 3%1�t inu-�h F -ithent',.4ne s6ii].
t J woU14 ef6fe ice� is -no u
11 f 11 . y
an- nthe �s, 6 e bear !0 can, out� of., Awt leg5 611, of a6 1eft, their, 11
t y6iir
description Ad cesstul meh uld'have' 9 C in
lufte,, rom your lit thou.saiiA, Rornaxi, we n. ayou .0f..I;Dd ide �of. P f a_s jinveled thl ' `4 ' � 1. leir P,fpq e -,ver -go 11 111 in od- rk had -1 e to t1w. 9,
niper na lll
jes tic 0 'Point. ere� io ev'ory quart of dr1nitiftg'wAer. '.Looking for'a,hole,
tbe ri 1�-Jd
plow iW. �Mffioit: -,s
out! pu y �lof�,966d pott. try wheli urned of- as Sue 0 � , I I 1 trinon 'hdreesazia
er, line', -top, -V mea my.-wl�b Ia kft& padWing scatt
furr ww left WI&ed ac V :rosiflth. Yor,ttilrty ywel weor
has bevixthe atandar4l. rllnl�
oi:, per acr6; t try
at- the'rateof livini oil the malL.,wit i 6in' mkwiy� and ministr' a *ve his,14fe
proauc� bf. 1, an(! 1 11 anYjt!,_ 0 -2 29)",
us; n tbM it v mer
our �eT.rvai, C414.0t,
tons�-poor-atre. W6 gr#ufid -a-year# w le
III *it.6� fOi� tglt ji� s,- an( Sa , Y, fh4ty0u. wbId"'Mock. i "rormk _o 1-r eu
0 OR ell IS, ain, in n b�, tli4it is 6 by mveral diMho an the I to,' dait. dilfiko or "ifier 211�1titl&le 0��*dt; to he s4t'up.� �vn� all" bear. testim dhv to tht tboy,�d dn't t4l a!,,h �l
fi down Tie
I �Ieaned hOudo at illftequent-
0 t,
ap , e i carry-. Weitt *"boilghto, ii,ni vid, ni6diate�y,'h�hd it'Jesus is to'_go, Toni cf�-nra p -ace ce.hel& in farni piv
1� hbi-. 'Wrb pro es -
e ,1111 e agalhAiii to-te,iiabing of 'Jesrus;
at' 1�� a to, 4 pOr d :Not,Uied! to.CapaoltY,
ftWft_M ftW. VS, n Ding,- -OfL--Gdd"l�1,1�,!",-,--'�-,�.".�' mr, a
o #nama na a now, car ng
0,1110an z Rceaj ntil of the Man
brJAY. As,there Were
rtor 'tons ci�
Souther n a n a 411 1 11 fi Alba dr
080". V1Q�'Jugtlyr� 1�raee of,, 0 � e &n
in 010 vwnbus Urhici
swift's- D11900ter Taokag, Tauk"il " r
0 t116111i %6 1661 (Da .6-20
N - 604 AD 0 ou
Vill th '90 D. 111J11 9.0 0110 -WILS in h. u or $mWt' r0oatign. for" Xv*i _q I(T�)iinel Tsie ot 61-111
nor ILI) 'ID
Jobs, That mea no that 6iily.
tn a ring. plon
oteln) it, qt��eh� )1vt th i 9a; ituarter' do I 11A '
this nimilsth' ly
"ONO QUI a bi
I us
t4, for ourig, m4h, I
num s 0 Y'aall:
r ayna,. o 9r, "' 0
M z i Tb� �id)4 1�`PJJ�5, Wee; Juv), Wnce 8 -0 NOT INGi th
J Arrow, or forls, 10 000 )fU ly, Rettl &A Y41
1, 1,
Cau'as, A Pid t1ain evilopst ''n,M6,lift,ii6d Musci V. m, Then, 6�(e I b� day,119 nd'L. CA
44ms ng rea r o' hr
1; 6 Oak tU
-as for )N" sooklot out Po n but f.*Vnt 41 i
k A WmIni Ist4h1d fr6b
bad V, 43111, ON
u ge 61 Md � : tt 00"1 060 ro&Ad iW,
112S 111 10' p y:, nelp CLn h 6 leIle ad, ug 'to, Itlo", 0 A Moe a bahoo6i xas 1P
ws'l IS j F9 tp nx. ovor_18 o a
SWIFT C N.�Coii 4ATT' I An h4c -Ilifvei niANA" IA tit iiaster; 4 t m to thht ib 0 Para 0 fur't 'or n ormat on. t I
L .0
tki,, The
6 bw 0