HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-02-01, Page 8e last, WQ Yearsthe shoe trade as been
regardjng shape, color and "ityle of shoes
are.0, to say, howe'veil:that this SPring
ies a shoe of more norm shape Ind less
,etn a e $ e'Concention eh:1'0-Mo .t
gtying *review of rile shoe trade, says: The
9f the shoe trade does not dePendon the novel-
ow't e staple lines li.filich'every'rman, woman
cIuldinust wear in their every -day walk of life." _
is also our ioJea of the'shoe business, and haveA
uglit our stock for Spring with this idea in vie*.Eiqii
-kk,*e.can show a numher of, lines in Ladies'
OF instance, there' is a Ladies' Oxford in Gun Metal, and Browns
Calf, made on the Wellesley last, all sizes, at, $5:00, per pair.
A. Black Patent Leather Oxford on Alma la'st, all sizes,„at $5:50.
Slippers are..also good for Spring. These we are.
Black Patent Leather One-§trapSlipper fastenedWith*abuckle
or a button, on a very neat last, all sizes, at ,-$5.00.
. -
Black Patent Leather Slipper finished with a touch of Grey Buck
Leather and fastened with two straps and buttons, all sizes, $5:50.
A' Black -Patent Leather Slipper finished .with a touch of Sand
Buck Leather arid fastened with a buckleall sizes, $5.00. "
High .ShQes will .share ,honors with -low ••-cuts, •al-
augh,the development of the fancy tiOSiery trade may
11 for increased favor for Olcfords.,
In,Men's lines, Black seems to be growing steadily
a or, although quite a few Dark Reds and Tans are
)od sellers. A look at these lines will convince you that
r shoe stock is right up to the Minute. We invite your
iPection, and will, be only too. Pleased fo.fit.on any 1ne.
u may admire.
See oiar wiildow display this week.
,o. Js.a. our. Service
. .
,Sell• for Cash -7 -We Sell Cheaper Than The Credit Stoma
'F-ed*Chanapion-all'Of 'which -are first -crass -SEWS', and, ,give excel.
•_•.•,_Jent_satisfaction.5We :'itandIehindLevery"ine• of thern--• .• '
-AXES -The Samson A.'re"is,ene. -.-of 7 the-ti;st 'mantifacture _ernper:.
edjusCright-that if will tairea"'Ititigif;' -keen edge;.' it is an ei-
cellent chopping axe, everyone guaranteed,'
aflTh1anced, good material We have a limited quantity.. of
,igood. elm handles, hand•qioade, almost non-breaable.' •
SK•ATES and HOCK& stock of AntoinObile_Skates •
•as complete. Anything You might *ant in skates;:we have
, itOYS!--,-See our Indian hand -Made birch sticks, almost like the old '
Our Tin -Shap is at your service -where ,we do any, work • that,is pos's
ible to do inn Tin -Shop: • *
THE storm THAT „NEyER''illirPli)!INTS•
" !WO
• A iniltion7.10 'unseat JOhn
LeVi Snyd4r. as trujte,es o pen*.
nufler Ons,0110,44c1: 'oe6i]ion 'Wns,
:bear d bof0Or 4oftgo DiekSert .T41.41i,
d4y of 4.4 7ools'oo. t1IO-Oomo14io,t. of
ratePaYers of the 441104; .,Fook
Berrir•.'aild Magferd.;•.ALhough
•Judg bickon- withheld 'final • 'and.
formal .judgMent he"iiidicated' in hs..
address tria‘: lunleser.his °Pinion ;Wa
•greaaliPhAege, b,y.tbe .ease t& wIlicA
•tlitn"- -counsels •Jincl Tefetrtr4--nire.:•Tthe-
410.g..or 1110.4atenaYers.*Zdfd:•-.1)e-fin.
'sea .as .trustee "t9i.
-Me. AgO*st• John AljllialO
John. ,pl• • nernia.han, ahd•
t0- icen,n1114/r.aPh901,- 4kr••-
.K.ernighatra tett der of42...00;iler sche-ek
tay AYaS':aPeented .•1104: •;*a,
cirn'w,h:' to. 'whigh,,John''Mijlian,.
, trustee.; of', tile; poard,, was, asked' to
cure Mr.. rhigkiin's signatnre':
„card,ng; Ovideiice .
had a son WliOni" desired • to
'have driven to 'the sehOO1 and; beilev
ing that should same'other person ob.:
tain the contract of transpartation
that his 'eon would have to .wai.• part
way of the four. Miles ' bo.,. the :seluiol
he Mit in a Wilder. thohgli_leslidot
intend or exPect to .do'the•actura :Work .
hirnselt, Befotetendering he 'had •eon --
suited ,w;ith, his. eldest son,as to Wheth-
er they could undertake the work' and
-a What.' price..,'• also -
had • in his' Mind the idea :o.flhiriag,'
Mr Joh McC1ufewk 1'ivd acres
the road from him, te do the. actual
driving of/the pupils :to the schOol:
•Upon :„Mr.„,..Millian's• requeAt4 an '1 a-
greement Was• 'reached ,betweeh him-
self ane•Mr. Kernighan Whereby the
truitee *as t4 dvive., the/Pupils, reL
"eiVing, $2.00 a "schOO1 day, the Same
as mentioned:in the contract, Mr.
-Kernighah was to be the .mari
;enonsible tfor ;the ....e•dntract. .agreeing •
to drive'an' .dav that Mr:Millian
irfight. find 'himself unable to carry. on
the': "* .
! Accordingly,.:Mr. Millian drove the
pupils -from .October ,te. the, end' of the.
Year . Without 'missing 'a.:. single trip
and hi.Decerriber was 'paidthe, sum Of,
W1.00, ;Mr, Kernighan, pierely ,endora,-'
..rie• the ',cheutie.,..given-hini., the
school .•board. '• ,
.Edwin Milliati..gaye.:evidence, as to:
.coriversatiOn which :he -had had with
John Millian
he said „John •. Millian kern arke.d ;
. (Mr.' K,eraighary)' • dishi't, tender,. for .
'the hOntee. (thebeing two); for hihr7:
self.„ he tendered "far' Me!'
OranaS'cOurisel for • later •
, put WM. ip thebox to, r'eb• ilt this, etate
mittjng.that. .though 'he ;had •asked --
Mi Kernighan to tender on his 'be-
half, :for-- the' Maitland rout'', • (which
eoritreet • had gbffeto Robert "Blake,),..
he had:not'spoke to Mr, Kernighan •
• concerning' the -second route until
'ter' the, Coritraet, was awarded;•• ,
. There • *as.'a . pretest at the. annilai
meeting' in. Berimiller thirihg• Which.
Mr: Milliiih:Wria'..Called upon tovacate.
Seat :Since .thattime the trustee
had oontinuod to do., the transpotta- •
tioh. Work , ter Mr.:.:„Kernightia, but he •
had not .:.recieved any money -since_
Januaryist,. 'though the : hoard had
i)akd. Mr. 'Kernighan ' on 'Itvor tiecasiOris..
.--arnountsHif711.6;-6.0..7and--26.02. Mr.
In hs summary of .•the • case Chae:,
• rjrairiOW,TK:..C--;-" &Olinger -for" the 'CCM:
:plajnants._eonteridedithat the".esti
, 31ionred,..that4hough_the...coritraet-Was
.nade : out in' Mr: Kernighan's... name ,
....vhich Mr. .Millian had , Made, in. the
'Story 'of is conversationwith Edwin
Iggian -*•-aa'Lthat-...hultatLirefe.rana-ba
TOW.!neinted. oat that Mr 'Kerriighan
that the
identical .elleck was turned ' Over :and
'that; Mr. Millian' still expects' to.: be •
aid f3T.' theseryicee h. had•rendereC• .
_had_heen_no tireViouS .'understanding
!.yetWeeiMessrs :•Kerniehan-:•and
-Tian and that there was no -Written,.
.4greernent 'betweeh them. aftereard.
"Mr; Millian refused to bind himself••
',•:han was la be .the man' responsible,
Mr. Millian .was 1c go. whenhe:,
.-ind when • he •eOuldret,': go; Mr.,
latisfacthrify carried : on... , • '
.The"Cage Against' M• Serlrg
• • Harvey. •Shyder,,. sea 'Of ' ;Levi
• Snider school • trustee hitt far 'the feti'
antting in the .. wood,: at •Beamiller
,schOel„ Hie • bid of, $5.60 . for thirteen1
.zords 46f,'..aineteen7inek,.:19ficLA4if
•.2ee4h;lia1lTrnan1 waS.-accented,,, and..
'ithe wood was Put •• .; ,••
'A• few'daYslater he; ;(Harvey Shy -
.11:1) Wm :McWhinney,
•treasurer Of :the .Sehoof beard; 'on the
-elePhone• and asked' if, •henright.' get,
as gen* to town that day so' he
topped • at Mr. McWhirineYS, and- get'.
. • , .
three,day winter 'sdhool and lead-
ers conference Will: be *held in' 'the
Methodist Church, , Kincardine on Fri-
day, Saturday and Sunday, Feb; pth,
.1.0th; .141,1.tible Study Period
led by:Rei..Gbo 'A, , Baniard,of Fora,-
.ary,..to -West- there to:
'furnish inspirationand help, 'along
missionary_ imes _The -boys, 101U -be -in,
charge e Rev:. P. It.HayWard,' Gen-
_ _ _
cation:Conned` Of "Canada, ;one Of the
most prominent men in Canada on
ario,',will bepresent_ to- lead: thezirrk
ktSis and"groap-,..games14WW-
also add t� OW social pa pt of. the pro-
r.gramnie. Without •dopht this is the
;greatest .opportunity Wingbam
trict has hadt� get.. in ,touch,;with
leKderg . and, everY
church in the'district shoUld be repre-
sented s
• _
Seey, 'of I:el. 'EWE'
• WHITKal./111!cli
.MiSa Nettle-Crittle-ViSitedlliSrveVelt.
with friendsatEelgrave,' ' • ":
MISS-C•reta Fox, of Winghairr, spent• .,
the week-endtt'het-lyny!e•:';',•
Mrs, Lochart1 ofilitie\filei is. visit':
• ing with her frierid,' Mts. K. Wew,ret.• :,
-"rtg. bobble,'" of • Wingliain; 'Visite&
a. feir fiayo
• • .Mr;..Ben. braYloil'atteruled the .COtiti-
ty..COUncil,•ineeting,: held: at 00(16140i -
last 'Wee, ;
and Mrs: J, Mowbray stent
T.J.teal$1.Z*ith_g_t',1 and
gitt4'af PlUeYate, • '•
The 'Otiild 'Topieoh, BUnilaY
taken by Mr, Frank !Wee;Tho
tile4418 for Feb:•,4, ie• ‘.Of
rosidont,,Boo tterlii-VA40)),•
• Mrs, " Gee. Garton,-,•jr,, Will ifiritl
11ate1d. SiCarling attended fi
Bee.-XeePers,' Conventkon at 1,intori
.MisS Olive -Terriff visited, a few
daye..witif'-her -aunt; Mrs;-47-Hender
son, at Paramount, ,
. ,
, „
and •MtsJohri Crew; of Prince
,,Albert, Sask are reneWing. old, 'ad..
laneeS this" Vie"itiiti;
,:titiafn • '
Mr; and- Urs.Bannerniahi
visited • a, few dayS.'witli their
ter.? Xrs,,,Dhvid Kennedy,/,ir. , •
Bor. Donald It Meilae.,kincarcliTe
• Monday; Jan. 29th:
'• EUL ibSOnOfZiOfl,jsspend.
feW days With ',friends in 'Clin.-
--,-Wesare-sorrynto'-rePOrt Ttlie-setiouS
of it./f,rs;: ItobertHamilt*'of
LodhalSh. "
Mrs :Will MeGi111,. of' Paramount;
Spent the: Weekend, With friends in
• Kincardineo„.. • ;
Mies Jean long, of Kincardine
is, spending, a few days at -her home
in }lernlpck City
is vistii1g'-'with',..16.,"aiht• 'Mrs;
•MCD eiral-d7of-Farani mint • -7
•• Mr, and Mrk,Jack Gibson, of Clin-
tea;: 'are' 'aPeildillt'.ar-fe*41iyativith
Mrs. George 'Cibscni, .�f s,
visiting With ,her Parente at Langaide,
has returned to her henie at Laurier,
' Mr, _Earl .Durairi• •and..,MiseMary
Durniu, or near ,St.' Helene, '„tipoit
,,sunciasr eVening With •Mr,. and Mrs.,
JaS„: Webster, of ,near Lucknow; •
Miss Olive Tertiff of Whitecliiircbi
'and Miss McDonald, of, • Amberley)
were; weekend guests of, Mr, arid
Mrs, ;16ek.,1ietidotto6,, of Paramount.
.announces the-•,-,-enagentellt-70f--1•08--. J--a----P,.--11:-."-L,--0••-•of--:,,Parantount-ttite7
youngest daughter., Mina, to Ir I. A.; Putting On•A' benefit box: social, to be
Fleming,. Manager of Sterling_ lardt,, foll'OWd: by' it• datteet',.att the hOute on
)3eiiverton. YoungeSt • Seri of Mr, stid Lot ',I; Can, 14, on the evening (id peb,
72,if matti4to to too 1404, ,itt 1,e,Ltti,..icsitille,;„.,?,./toldfil4ial.,014(koti.,11loadllerisnic*Ritt ,,b0s,03,
M's. J. II, PleMing; iif Kincardine,
. .
t , • -.”(-4.---,--;57,..,•,....4 .,"..,,, e.,......,......._.• 4 ,... Cis. , t .,• .{.,,,..
. 4 Alfa; iyo;:a43..ir14.07.„ iof
"Mys,, Wr
gowfrsllow' !0.,44 .frio.44o:about
:rfelyroad' ." •
•It fs our std uutv this Week
port tbe...deat:4 �f Mr•Jaine4r,J(q411eY.t.,
•,Jr.t Whe';IMPSed Sat'AtdaY•
iitWookM Kenncy' .wis just a
ittle oyer 32 year et Age' 'athl had'
yea er
*,-,00.tfAa, *go he;
•pite of careful riutalog, Steadily; sal**
,wn0. • held' :IR, the .. Retn4P OathoLe
,../bvti,the.reinitinS. Y.5/044 tn'Test ii
. .
: Hotkranti ..Cemetery,,Th con .
ag4...is-AlWayi$,dOnbly sad,
themberS•7 of the nfamily
of' the.ennthiunity
. ,
. Jack f Curran and R; Alenary visited.
, with. friends at Mafeking, on Snuday,
• Mr. Ind. Mr, shackietoti vsito
friends ori 'the 9th con •;;Orie day last
e '
;We lf., e
Jack and `Irarohl"take their Weak/
trip. Who: holdsrthe drawing string,
_k_number -froiihere attendd-i a-'
party at Nile on Friday night, and. one
theM reports a very good time.. •
Mr, and Mrs. Johp Blake, of Mate-
. king, visited' at the home of .1)iivi1
WieWhilineY'• on Saturday driest week.,
.We 'pre sorry to report that Mrs. ,
Albert I‘IcQuoid.,• Who has been ,Ser-.
iously. ill for the past feW weeks,,, is'
-hat • iMproving yas-'•ftist: as • bier Trian'Y
friends wOulci wish. '-
We are_iorry tolearn that .our gen-
'le •teacher ',Mee McKenzie is laid. VP'
With a •cold,sWith the result that:the
School is closed fora fewdays,
Mr. and Mrs; Elliett Naylor Were:
.Sraday •• wii h :Winghain
friende:, • • . • • ' '
Victoria qhampieri, Who has
goon tory:
ere,. d
arnily Theatre;
,on ,
.February and
• . , .
. - . • • • ' •
;•HAS A!Wsis/sININC WAY'. , ••:„
By ..a recent copy of a •Xorl4onir . • (Iotencied--f0.1ak3t,•ndek). •
„ -
Sask.,. paper. we see that It -; • • • •• ^ , ,
a f°'1.01'. 14.*kaawi.fe g4T.? 4.nders:c;a.
S t4". CO1Ny'e I I; :of.% ifcilytoeck
eirahg.on eUrling. His rink Was again •ove'i . ••. ,
successful in ,carrying, oft; ,DrSt .hth
ors in --a at Yorktorif,,did tten44 •
his aggregation also ,won'a',:eenple :•:the
'f - •
•handS,cini67,nlises--.at Sasitittoori., .'" :11oridai•
'..Maitiantl•••PQ Ili
he • re M eMbered that Pinlits •
:• . •„ . „ . •
' 89' '*OP," t .i-)1466 in the .YOrktun bun..r..-1:•'. ' .
• .
• aPi a .Y.ar ..71 re. 'ta‘'.f.th(iarnelocon att
. • .
the 'hof Robt Th-
•FLI,!. A1. TEESWATER.. -,Atten.t.lan„ gq0.0' f?tograia;
•• „ • • • , , int et
.(Itevj Cesdas• gave:
• •Accordirio'• tathe Teeswater -News; -:Y,"\-"P7 11.q?:i1"~trtietiYg: '
of last Week', that Village. -NA& Mere ;talk eri.the cip"thl• in :the; StudY'Doelc:
than • itsshare ,of - the, sickness. Ara .•,w•t,
t c sanitary eondmorts.: aiad healtA ,
News renOrts...aS "Mr;
'ieen at Mt. SAM Reiti'S,AShfield/fOr
disabilit•?' due1o.co1js andf1t ihEi
IS vt
few weeks ie. home again. •
Aressrs Elliott Taylor, E Barbour
and A Havens are busy cuthing down
. , .
- a ---,large apple orchard. on Wm. • Tay-
lor's farm, They, intend selling the
Brown, editnr. of The News, Ved.: -1!1+1.,3 )1. 11 cb/1,. - obtain m
Suffering'icrom h relapse' 91; the thi.". OA.° nnh-Chr'it,t' ' ' and
"Dr:. • M.: - is km -proved. great'..g. o t.,..114ii!ta-nth;,C,..s°11,11,1P-etiriCeal h);
from -hia,".recent,.. illnese,'. and will :he :••
and trained=nurse•M'en"r;e'
•ahle' to resume IN dul'AiS" in•
tWa." The
School.,•ie'., •u n der ••-iliiiitalties.,-,fehrnayTlhentinrWill 'he held. At t
wood and will ship it out strn he tO TyhcininL: II (.4c,"'t p n,thich L2 arid :(3eOThe Aitchnson Eros are cutting :
prineinaly and MSS his ie h
loge and "wood for Mr; John rassrstant. It is exnected that both Will 4.2
, • • • • • • first, of the week. lad 's
be „ re$ume their duties by the • pc7:sPe`n,i'l;,
• a • check for the :wood '(made: !but' to
'13,• ZnYder) anionnting:t�
.e4ving• with the treasurer a,-receint.
been sUggested.o..vet • the Phone', Mr.
:Snyder caahed., the ,check , for his Soh,'
very shOrtly'afterward paid $125
if jt: to his • grandfather•ns :TiAY-merit
.iiii.„fult•fer" an, outfit•Of horse. buggy,
etcwhih he had:bought a year dr
tWn. teitaiiii
lt-0...$410 Went:-
to ' •Ifarvey Snyder hinelf,'
gavR hini the wood but 1 didnit
get ,any money; it Was 'Harvey's .deal
all,. ::WAY...tlirdtigh- and t. ws out
the WOod,!' o aid Levi ShYder'fil
evjderiee,•• „ , . •,
, . ,
ludgntent Or indication of•iiidgf•
Inent :witi.given in Mr„, Stiy'der's case
by judge Dickson.
I' . "It
you `use lir.
, tirg-wirett-
ri t mint.
• chaeo's ant,
Meat:. for gerenta and Skin. Irrita-'
;tient.. It relieves at °nee and gradti-
Ohaooss. luttnent free, if you mentlon.this
all§ heals the skin. ,,Stunple box .I.4. ,
apor lin iona.2c.starnrt,tor pausal): ear. 'Av •
ori m slaters or Imoensoo.„Thitocik Co.;
7 el • .
Patricia, Duchiss, in Black-,-7.--the'
wearguaranteed;-atIT:95-a yard,' It
,__Victoria'Ettithees ntBrown--'an es colored•Duchess. 36 -inch " width and is -priced at $2.7
'Louise Taffeta in Navy and Black, -. wear•„gUaranteed,.. 36 in wide,
. $2.75 • ,
_ .
Red-Qheck All Linn Gkiss:1*.-Tel.i/Yk .Ndet a NAT
Yery.pq.qUalitY,,23 inches.wide, at, il!c:
" . ,
cristi-ttv t
bakers' aprons, at 906a-Ay4id.:, "
All Linen Hand.,TOwelink.at..,2,7-andr.*)c.„ai.yard'.
b -w Sheath&
• '•:
. Bleached' Sheetings in .8-4 and 074 :widttis »pfail;‘' or, ty,ill.Cd, a
, : .• •
89c: and'$1,10 a yard::
„ .
Unbleached 'Sheeting in 2-yard.'width at, 56e.;
, .
Fine.- Sllirtinks
Enghsh 'VVOVen" Stripe' Madras HI* "c d.. j3lue
▪ Or I\
. .
Tardsvicle :€5c
• iN haire-Collar.pands. inall' size:s;-at:top-,-
• . • ,•
A new English "Clatli, lull 5 n dth, at ,thc
Price of 1.I9 h yai-d.
11 Kinds
I `41. •-*r
dal: Low.
. Ss:le tile'
'St: of .
•• „Under ,x,ear .
', at
, .