The Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-02-01, Page 4---f V 7 1, 7"� A�, 4 A, il 1:�, 7 7 STAD U SHE" 87 2, Prfle. 4W,19 1SM The -gold: standard, i V has p apd,­eVen rol je b 4*1, Ut U e. wp.m_ vo, at, S"P611 , I., - c- 0 %, , , 7ME of'040envy.so, far,dev 16 e . .�. .., .1 1 "il, Th �th way owao e,, A b noVAf,y�*Ihg4 can -pd' when"one FaF413 f�e 0 A 11P I !Ae J"li'RgPey� t�Np �Y91; 11-irgy ­ ,,, A . , : '' RED— I FRO-N!T,-, -0"A D.,W RE -trios,tO.Axilaiine b .41 , , ` i e0pxg, ly oaveol ftyp odollsgq a:, Week for thp.'I V expende -,';A to VgAPONAL VORT4,_ iyears?' Figure, 'it u it ep - be exdhan ed p; even nte !39, -thit prese I a,. f 9 , i7 ... s e,- pirwl uvp 0. energy' Ar ktart_ TV 0 #44AMY-1 e0pq,9;piwq d 4_4 OA- vi�, "v wwth,,,�. 40 h re, - Ahvo !V114 0% liquor t , tra 'by 1P t in th�, l'inesi foriii it amounts an ­ 4 fits.o Ate ffir e savi6-! a, 6nell niaV,',u!4Gm1 Ai PUV -pro, .1 1o, this: it a ruan. w;yn�� t d, - . * ' '; . �. M . a, - oseloss to. the.'comfiiii V. V ar, even, riA. . M. 0 Ill ha ........... 0404tiiig rdleoq pet, ppoh - himself' that, -is big own. In ak, n pbultr Of -the' ------ ---- S _a ff ii t.,_amou .in _R� ___ thing3. d INA __il PUT. V '"A in P Ina ri .1i IntpIliggilt-V A A. C A this as ill Aln �applyl to� any sort, of dqp� ar'� Fbird arye l, t qj�;#* vi(ent thhVin, B 4 Mean for on th J It is 'at onpp. V R is *in t' tha' hi �uck�w PIS his­9t6p-t­ e-war-oxcurajoh.. T that a p out p xpay see ta- take'.. ha'Snqj-hoA;g hin— mac just a'sprt Incubatbf the he�t,. l' hine M l ilia�_Is: eof-'i 6�atjfimei�ts, which. op wi, ;fiAyl'b be�d�an 4 64' of tfij�, tY5� a, s'. spe Aghi, in, j4pP ly. A IiIi. a Va 't ry d"I �ark Put on, bhV At practice.'�* ent. OW I Y. ..lF Me fM Sod in Luelk.n g K mac get full-pArti-, Perhaps "it, never hasbeeA fairly tried 'It h* d hiRe. ao '1855 '41". TNCORP ORATED and. it. -is quite, evident . ..... lJJ*e;Ve .'".000.0.00 t 'I'll MURDERER 't�d. COA 'cularg.. Order: .-eafly, - J. do. Ul6bl�j vi .1 or tha ize4. or. half -civilized itedwi lh-' t ha bee, Asellr p�ople eye., .W 4 ®r y ln'.See. 25.-Brageheis l . , r,',� �. . . .11 . r . I t - I .: , . I ' ' orho iho ed', sent, Prima,,Min; -.-had' difffi.blt I r a w T, h e '��gssa&e" Abe' t is �.all very bit Heirinjn , wellto saj 'that. an Br ­ state ofillindhs, )vas.56,shockin��.and ;i4t&r the path tb, �Vj�fojy. righ get'drunk 'Whe these ma Nne, h S t to ing -S W �en lto' as if,, while heJs "in a ch 'Kenned :TH.E,,' .-NOLSONS sv a bdld d that fact" t is-,,saiiI. tfiai!: when. '�tl r 'e. a ANK'r he h S. t. In '!a wi. it and the�`p ro4dcu� fiist went to Windsori' -189�'to. take drunken'condition, he.w.111'Nolate him- nneqtion sowwas 0�il' fol OW Cd ar ''. f Farm which i 1seeUr*,.s*ifipathetic banking Self,. and rem'ain b himself �until he e o, genera a in r sition de Windsor 0 w h an -0 ..a f -4Mr---,-branches--­­­ beca Jn —te fts t4 __Aonesome- y rce - meFi nufk RAX-t—m the, Or -.,-Gas---Lc 'e­waj§�So Fo a u . wbidnl - - ------- ex pres s ing: big A.7recent, newspaper, dispatch. fro areful ts a,inuis-1 in n perms in ma g C attention' to, the needs, d, CaniIIJA in en p.orsp to tAce any- in rice p imse Ill.,*reald its follpwg- "All . .1 k inter ifering with d of a job: Eire ri -onto, Bui peoplei,s or' having, to be taken. H�errin,; oti trial. iti his h Aa a wa s -bee a I y 'Other: 6fenilants in. the of Tor t in epar is. aftprndon, All, of mei vvere. 'ard and -jobs were Bank. I : , . " ' 1 -1 . qs.on Care.- of, b were, acqui ted'th 97 ti h t y PjACrs,'then 18 X� 'th -union - winers - e., ep, -,One, -sea e Stay where he r ta do Efec Savings De' part ments atev,6-yBranch.- -ol em are _Ketting�drunk Iff 0 'Cqu�lfis become another niattermlmmmmmmmmtra.matter r e. S� he to iti oi "OU� a iv Aid. upwardii invite wh,), ii t'axi dr. er W*_O ln,g, blic.c'fi ern. Added"to this" he 'was.: wit'ahn, e%v Yqar*,, be. had 1e - U O.C. re is, It appears that Jhc in" did not come an irin 'the impoverishment of.thedi-uhic-lakd's ry"_ . e nt business niq 910 n pri, th destined to e,,ome Ph f llpu I gulre an, 4 so, a, ere -as er ditifikari -said tha -it3- ea,ing I NOW AB Ath �Out. fli 6miiy,'which . often . bdebmes a publi� hastilY Conve to its decision, as itraS, T A IER,, CK -s -a .on RANC,",.lIl )r 27zhoUt I nd s I'd' 11 d I A. h e ak ed fteen -or ti%,4 t en hold :a, pfi lo�kL high nEispeert fi enty' bal!'Lt, wer himself Who will to 1)d in e betr'oif, across !iekorella verdielt'��as'reached,.,��! h d e river. �aftee'1y sdmebd y in is ad a 'wool The,.,pbini, h6iv6,,,6r, s that th' h edilliji-the- stands or ;p ese Thqpg, -Grit", he y was. so: ree ra ne aylight mplidprel The ma d haV , e' been, sd, yightb,jnay say,. �'Ut l, them, 'starve;, tyr at f m ji�litical 6r -that 'y et them take � t e consequences a e-. ws h� as, an ffrdqIit. That 'y'intP, polid is all, very well,,. es as :of declaring theilii guil tl�ss of.- a, hare i and his entr RA&t ner 'e'vi,4qnt1y," r";ot,�'so. much. by'.W h ah' their:,Icorjdu�t EOU RING Ott [CCORMICKs' in, e I aY 0. justi- e candif ate a Will -there , , I ,, . : ., a:, forlorfi- impe. ,I e u t V, b6t;llpeople - do "th'it. Ifr."' y, ir their -co" net,,, -There'� -is ffiue antUmn.of is fio. public aid Al came al� suiprise, !L k"' w t d' h as,Phone �66 5 arving man yin, no iie ris 'and, Erikines- f4juily,'%neighbori. 'will t gi, e-, showed such`,'pIAtf6jm ability t �r at S 0 Ufat-!§ep iiiiept in- which goe's h I.H.C.: T to ve thel S hies; ound 4 :the old Conserv2tiv G hireshing Xac,fi "eirin ailid 'th6� distrieC..surr . ng ..6,cair�le e riding ut '.North Essex; and �why inter ith H%., Stangions an fere w' the- mw o.13 1itter !Ca.rrie Sti, d f Nor: killing, n a III 'Seal of w jlirioVIe 'deba 'le f his' hief.' w c u n f d th�r helan 9�. "toki6-nisinmoderatioli 9 non�unjon inmej. b" unio"n miners :tion! Wateir 'Re b 0 Wbje d Wire ..Fence-' I- impoverish- him'' t-hat"th 'mine�s �ai and, Who never wil re Laurier, At.'. p�.qXed �Jhe 9 sai W_ilf L i�s e Cie ih mal :ASHF cou� ConnWji,' Perfection' lklecitic. - Waisher; ell'. hisfainfly by senseless drink-' _Un. t6,dStdtCsan.d' kIng Kefinedy. -as� a pub] ic beTef t Here 'is one of- the unfbrtihihte oMrJ**,, Wjnt�r' In an: Sir Wilfred. wa. Piinds� : .!, ad ically all: Nova S6iiiaj,a�re pr' eming ing ? r-192 21­1,� �l ill e d f So'. oppgners co onies in Southern, fo r -tied Ilineff.met- on, Jajivary 8'th'�- op. SAL]o By feat rers 6f'thd gituMion:. There; n n 'All, -the drunkard and !.Ulr4 ed to this -continent.. i�arliare6ntiirian 'to act, -as rfih4neial �pembergil, present ounci ot! be,, one law . for E ?pe- fiansp�lak anotb-r:,r or hte- mo erate-- drinke-t—.. 'isfu N e, M�ricanized or r nd in de aany: els one e o Sullivan,- Nylw ab,gent. it .9. anize ey-rem S f. am., asked usineqs jAj§n- rppi illness. ;,nutc4 o.f* -in v " ( 'th 6gulation "haii. b6h­tried*, airi the`� ort.,of t I �: � k?1' KNO d; t -h "A W LUC W. bavjrjii� _`NDRE .6 -tom. "A .9 'Y ahc; ,a oVke 'and ..s reaw. 'Y It'i ' 'i' _'I: ' il ' ' d e --were.in Europe,�. d figer- t sk Xr. u d6iial son a Windsor nI, 6e hi;'. - 11 , 0 ej r u Well in pra- �and,.16ad- Ke�hed.V`s sibeeebr,on e u ur-_ eeve ut left ive men -i rnv pri e ed, lo i . , . . d I- � - . - ' 11 ing 6us. material vheh orgdfiizCd d -'t d ''' - -'r ' ck�nz the Stefl' t r conditions ent.,an 'unscrupolons the s6ssion 16f '91', by i r tie, of, k 'X r it . I \­ an burtga tin qn,l�in iei-vii�6d 'C" vi�l d g igfil iit cai piiop�id a Went . h in"t,elli g�e n�c'e, bu,t; with, &ut rl�e , '11� ' , ; tfce.-.Theie;are*sp i.of: in h onu h ggS aid �bad;:but pfider licenie'.c6nditioris' W er. faiiness;l sh�'rcwd,� analvss�,iind ad-,. 41 di ragar .,to tra f jjstc�uing Town- �an iiia -for I '111g. lC-makes, equacy 6 -exprossli6h aSt6rilish&I,Ahe' 64 1 11' *h were: bad -all 7ovek. person or f Avil . , A. - � . - Lef a ank. t U Lucknow Marble anit. Grai ny.- :of. Cns wes civilzaion...' ip.' ce'�uhi to 6c'SterIng'.B I , ' 6 town .',Dr. nio oveinmeilit- And- it, was, at."o'nee. livith Reeve and Treasur S'.t AI*IJ I I e-� 'Day_ in,an Ontari rural districti� ei The' t er 6 look"into S 'Tbe,�affaif ttere o( our has a large: 4 r"e'mei-nbe, Ii ..n'' -d -at -Herrin' and the' he -d' Lib 0 ai to, Works nd co ring the"days,'of c� Sp --:Ii- I e at rp bi t a, d nake arran S to eau i u 4;� --tha 1baaf _T h -.!.pietie- i stock.' are -Iaw�,.men owns ip. �era -6f. tl�& T dest a social. -6nditions rs can", ve n( for".N rQM4 c e Essex in e t -large li -6wne h inan - 'the 6rth qudt. ra c. :canno c e f improvemien in in mb r nL kco —Fili �iVf= J a In -- ----- irly=be-�attributed- ohibiiiam y- 101441111311 Gran -T �eson anT b 0 'ij ,:co42. war - I e his. PCIlsonAlity-1, - !?V, "o the.- 'i '.".H 65-,; V. - -W -a- ers reuse h A% X emoctacies � od ty- ..a t6 ehj I, he i�4 . whet, OY he Tl 1; M, E N9" (0) �of it �y �re rc-1 _( W%ii� can. md' th of pi. f? er8 work �hem, an_ dng jrr u en GOODS,,�� STORE- Mon fn and-Anvite 6r liberties do -not' count,. Perba, iver.9al eg ectivL d p R 0 W r ligen CF 'k h ntel lnitOd -t 'TXonirLer os.:� ad e, qh a vav�, Ro Men R, 5 .$1 On .6ther. half is�. ,,a will. be f6r any' gins- I uVh'idertain,la Use it; nd, An' It "do S C Isselu work: f $00nice a. Customer, Way' a --woul r�__moie --lint, k' ' --s -17 2 -we: . -hould thley C0111.4 ;6 00 bt; In nera- y,.N%,a9'ask;ed t6 take the. 4,;.$.a 00 �ql apid. y, er s', before nX S 'Mc *h th -person ts-�are I I 7, f ive Tria ot quali 6 d going o,, become min xtrat�lpn,: and, Call and. see placi i4a ei .'' Id. g r Joity 'rule il� 1ors for' t R 30.,004 raper Y 'Me. traffipldd upbnw,not. Ala .edbinCt oTi.ors...non 0- lin" n( t, g�"aVr ge ap w.25' . To Al - must. get n hl� youi order. ne D_Y,'S_BRILL1A T -I -like .- ve, 'er By t fo i E va I in, k 9 We on w; a 0, Y W1 sugg�s. lr.-� ot Sho CAREER Ontari6.: table c o f IM. -But ate, ]a -n &Xe� permaner tly Unt! 'h Pio e--ngj Saturday Night) settled . _wav,uo. w as read a,Jirst,.,.second,Jhi1,!d' A iflab th, py, and the privele`�� to endkav�r%ta bring. ca:rcer':.�s. a' -6d a William Cos. CRO 6U inie and �Iuly p�st battered ur). W e he de th. of Hon.. pinion, njajority� 0 u iha'f'aII,Cdna-' about a cha nge of Ze, By-LAW.Nq 2 appiointing, the si 'of: hi� K jj�dy before th year s, e 0 't an"c akty iy Jif a -e olfk, 12. Y po er ar "MPnOVED AIN ar A. 'ere17 L'. i� �'l � e rs 'i -Is ot' .d' ss't( '� d: 'a great 'petsona i*,j st.An.c _fegai& is' dCatl; I-' tbe� Tlj a� is- I bi dehipd,: wh ere h bet- ich-, w enj,QY. a' at,ional' C ancil., adjourii4Lt et, F,'� We 01 ic I e S To IV amie idn"all'.:': ai Se. Ye--' h- h u_j2 an n man v; p: enric anibitiou en, at, hat, on ..mo t e nlian t,6 r C' W 0111, fly Exce r -1.1 1 - I , $ - __ i", * , I,f t:ion of i, n an Lv. Xmiardide 5.10 'a hu 1.45,.p.m GUFLPH' W ri ter terIed the vanity of. ­ ­;�,:. ;�_ . I - - - ­ -,; 1 ­__­_�_ --fi" ) ot S !�n old, ort efiu aMp- 11,�S_ bi so M ii 1). R RESIDENT, fW that fdcti :wfi �ch E i�fRY F6.it l�d And bditer -once oe 'A --a V, In d 'd 'uire Ulf Winglia L' i�d 4�t-_T e4noveme ilitta-inak -Fa denly -o ..eminence --an , _Rililey, 5,50 suretn-Ce -i h C 09 no a. girl' L 6 40 am ;:.54 V". PM 0'f a:t1tombbiI4- %fame,r a dandidiite for a8hIC 'V�0614':bd f'JgbtfU'lY'r'o'9J)i0UIuk fully� on -Llv� Brussel 06 a..m­ :3.18 1p,iii� ibed- OL. &IJA4 Se7.5 �the ricy, of t e- States, -goo -wis es pr 6.'quite. -Serious-.,' S ,wave �Car� b A' 'h' I qpponeililts. alike. Yet at - -, - r - cen in, r nA Lucknow. Lodke 'meets evet' t e epu jean or the -Democribii�': F. ly the emifien�,� in Which he'di he W 5 Tcni,�erance'a f tIeSro_an ai, !'d ;.,, . io edi a Aid ar _p e, 7 1.00r, P.m. �: �. �­ , ". . - .: th� fiternal:, Hydio El t' I- -.44mi, tan 'P.M.; cordially in I .-th ' iEviden bib ijot: favorable'.. to ilic' uth-th' k n 6 n, ac r. rantf6rd :8.5 0. IYall, Cimpbell �St ut, 'forward yJr�bjjiy­:,`t'o."' a few, �e'rsonal J reet. An brethren to e" e y Vited .0fricers, � X6 le Achine,jt- . may ' be assum I tha f violent Adam' ec ric po �ey ch carr were. u Beek, H �Adam, and bims4lf- at the, b c � a , th�f move-' whl Grand. Arch, �,parbour;, Vice-.6rApd,, I a k f ied. him; e- '.vb I'd 'I* t:S*"Lkl MaicLe"du " Johmton E ",It. e Se Ar Toronto , '730 �p.m 'Almost coincid tit 3�fth, his tlhc� C, himi '�j e 0 .14 ofi,'Ioiik' After' �Altchison; FhL �gec.� r. -has� develope&the largest clectriell e7 'P . . fiU un 'er - on(� I tilt, �,q� e I nit t ;-nit M. .,.I rd oa,ih �of offic'e oinifig--Leave 'to to'. 6.50� a on -as c 5 'be,think� -ever conducted d usiness face It wi operating electric tai!Wa� p.m. 1 .7.1, '. 1,02 04, be - Contra ited a, p -v 4bd 11c: ds said aven th t:.4�6jjlij b. ..b, separ Thitough,icoach rthe riefiest man in the worldi a this-.: dountily, : For six e n ks -too, , th;kt M AN� F 8RUARY itOD �J�hjj f the Staff, i 'on on -morning aim D� fth the ftj� hroughobi tb t tbe- 'ought VALI lId d r t Situ 4 so h . Ir ' ' ­ " , 'L Itt 1, Ar � ", �fi �.; e, province m 1'r in tbema e yea y I k Buffe 'caj -usal of t," h of'h :9 to be a!, m 9):q. e j, rate'fr A the-. e,b'ru'hry issue -of , ' ,,c ­ "I . ­� ­, " � - r ' arne,. n e ace o ese ac s t ere 1ph "R W 0 a 3 §UMjnQr 'In -tetit. fn.Iii T070ht0l'd*' de Gu.n ini, A. and G �qd�_aijd' C ken lai t etrhe perilic( Somewhat, M �3 nq 4' _` I 'jig riors­maga rafn­ d-46"im lile, "41lppo d 6 0, r 4 fq. J r'6 &_'r- e o� oron zinc' t- th f- tbaA' )at, e Wauld:ever lell.totreSUMe It h, t, an A , , '0�, left- h: s,­dCpattrh6nt fint, ra e,, fi�, I �.. I "­ is nk, I gent br- , t , r. , " , lrr' ' WnL or hiary-, th' It ers c, a.T. no s a di sue s ape,.a$ to �jriIdijee a b6pe.that was, q"I -e p ahr a I er Ohnnornisene thai 'ha's al - sus rai way JJr( i.,Joarnal., is, the divqk�J'ty 't ' 'I ­ ), em a ;ina, as. g up.endo' cy r�g F. the apo p - C r 0 !,I'* k, f SO bre A V t no a . rat, Indeed he is in and h6t W� t thb in Ible a be Acti c no, Todi- ger an ed s t c o.o, Ust 1180, one 0 CL Pr. I.&, par v, S new as h fi v"Y ope t the' ;Nftnt4 thifty years or in &s c ean in. , . r , L, and"lie risto&tat. HThose whol k "Bill?' -in! P Ena' m'e' I ed W h, U bcis, to'Sjop war, 'earn an ic on 6 e t ni Ue,fof q0okt8hf6n. the' Atli t" . h6yr, f th, r6Ilielids by. youilik, clork"ifir a 0 uc --a meet ,kn6*' L. to 1he Pacific Th6rc is a fbAlurt, Any. Offle dekt, lacros� a 0 :96.'498',' M.W wag'An' example of his:whi of "in tee Arid me a e; un Ink I _s16406d D T .1h, ing ;an j�player� hard 1: lue� . . � r A :Anothdr freh on YOU get tfiot� is welf:ymkh ird94'rig, k of 'his his 1 9 dic ig Juld develop notIonlynto M'r Itay appears' to'llfavot 9 the' bnth 'tit A 'clock sW8 M t canipaign aansthe4ei P There whifwn6ss -man of'rar'd executive io, b, ioni 00, 0 of ropor tit 'ties lb6r,r W a I pe� er, of Stich try it on ��the, el r tu efft� d t' h i at VJI'd li�jd�perfd e acuhi6n as, core tin mme Ja e, plying it -to 'the prvillee aq. a W .01c4uil in;' Idendil. eanlwio I - ble D tt, is id that As A presi Success In. qio itcA. T'n this Add not hyler"Si1qhr �iomlnent, n newsp ape , r, e L r, but pulille a k` w6ul(l e at)-, ,tit WA to I ti 'Three firiltheii: Pea s, tv radt6r, The hi olve�.Vo, �iidat6 plank I be. "the, 10MY A rn jr _ell" ing _t I st I. MI �Standt& L tin V R but- C Th h d'rPf tit ujjjtr­�f, thtdd`,ddAtt;' Hilit blue add gold d an, out, iam6n hhe tbutiijd" Wfilic ctirrene y,, no CA e Qf on, Arthu'r Meighenvljo h*d le W. rystAl W meet eef ursdity nig t oft of no'thei. &'&Wei a A a ar Mdtt,o the ai nienti: brino W11 d' 61 would kefifiCdy� ti it "l," ilde: -and out, 'wit efo a a '00 te the' full. I -the Owes Shut and 't d' Val"i loed o serva on at. a in te Ran. Havelock tucknow, ge a a it�bU*or , or e tlogn to tho, verjLylo hr dd� and #ebus enernyJ§ a8eCy aU J, IV i it -not nw t naw 6, k a 11 Ve; r. e. el -ribbed otlg' J.W�4 E Poo nbi, sol s !'M04, tfid associsto uo�, W4: LL'. tb ORONT xowtt ink the., W of ow