HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-01-18, Page 4&IMMO*
Caliitaffaid Lip $49,t101111 Reserve Fend $5 000 000
r ,
Over 25 Branches
Farm Run on a Business Basis
•-•:,reiltaires that eVety member Of the family he made a part-.
per.... -That the'earning, from some partieuliir.prodnet be at.'
lottedla each ineinber. Then:good sense indiCates that these
earnings. should go to swell their: savings account'whh•
••••14o1iOn4 Eank.:.ThiaWill make ..eaCh :on ambitious to Make
Ins product pay Deposits bymAil accepted..
11/,' MANAGE
111 C. Tractors and Engines;
:Geo. White & Son Threshing Mac hines.;
Loudeles Litte`r 'Carksors, stab', Stancionn and
Watei Bowls;
Fmt's. Coiled Wire mur WOve n Fence;
Connor's Perfection Electric 'Washer; n'
' O„oitrlai, Winter land ;Deeming Pianos.
, • "
.• •
righest Caih. Price Paid
tai Creanvand-Egds-,
:Any Day
"Once a Customer,. Always a
IlVe Lis A Trial
TRUNK sp 1st rE Amy
Teed a Monument
•:; . The Luieltativr, Marble ,and-- Gran:-
WorkS' hos.a.
7p;ete,. stoCk-41O-ntOet.--
---1+-designn: to „Choose from in
- :We 'inake a SpetialtY'
,Moimatents and invite your in-: H:
• ' •-.
InseriPtione neatly: and .ptomPtr;;;..
Calland see ns befeie tLiciitg
--Wrder. '• •
"J.Liiekr!skii, Ontarie..
we -are .iernianentlY 'settled;
• saw W. 's. 'fleniklas •
4/Liblaccal ilnetualfig
' ' fL
*11,Atiknft. elhtOte*
• --Mkt VOW --:-- •
f-kc.t04.*, 4.'It. tAill! INOlt
'4114:. kiit'
(-41,1,74fildi lad, 'We nnderetand).Wbo.
' ."ing 'Om iee.0,11V'e614,:snaP, Wa4.1.,tjek`,
,eii iipp.olv,;•the tiacILPflai .14146.Wel. bia.
1.1,P44S., 'And 1..e.t,PPOd, by thEt frost
I.lkilar'.-bjath-e-.*:7b-a-crb-e-eijf.'kiniaT,Iif; :-FinneeW74hieLIV.alieildrali'elc--
• G.allipoll during • the War:. ilis mother , Germany. is iil.ale, to "pay '(.,' little:
1 .died'apme time after and the boy was : Prance Must,: have been as badlY oft:
1;4.1ionieless. Be was .-taken over b - as GerrranY at • the end of the . war
,some• eharit4e. organization, brought . Yet' '.Prarice has contributed eleven
to this 6untr3r.:.And, Placed With n... ,•time S ; a's nanch.."•11s, .0417nigny has. td,
farmer When he was picked lip On 'the • reparation.; and the .: Gernian States -i'
.road heaVes' walking" and endeavoring ''. - men siikt theY- cin."tle no' lbetter ^It
to Pit' as great" a distance as possible looks • like hulnbUe'g'ing' on the part' of
.between,',himseii ai4the fermi. , • Germany. ' But Premier Sonar ;LAW,
Asked „rWhat . thi trouble; was, he and PaYdi George, appear' to believe
said that he ' wag. badly tteatekby. the ,t hat for thpresent GermanY'rce.1.1-7
farmer.' He was foreed to .sleep in if cannot Pay. ' --
' The British plan appears to be to
, .
Jet the Gerrnani get on their feet
.. ,
'again?, and then tax them up With the.
_war,debt. Thi S the,British statesmen
think would be better fer the whole
:et Europe. It -would get business back
to 'nernial again, andtrfile'Weiiid. be
'established as it "was.. before the war.;
.It may. be that the British. plan ie
the wiser . 'one', . but -one ean hardlY •
blame the French ,for being nervoll
.and impatient. Their have not forgoi,7
ten 07•0 “When --after '.0a quick . and
.crushing'.. defeat, Germany robbed
71.1tem of two provinces, and •left a big
Army'. ef .,ceptipation in France until,
-the last of 'n 'billion:-dnila-, insleinnity
was 'paid. This Wes a terrible burden"
fer'the 'People, of Praia:a at the time,
but'the . datIntity, had not. been.. iMpov-
erished by Ion 9:, war., They did net:
;Shrink fron
: -the task. 'but raised.. the
inOney ' by :a 'domestic loan; and sur-
prised the world by '• the readiness
with. Which -they paid -the debt.,: .
4441W‘03‘4. tlUle,Vranee'la,10 rnne4i
„ .
3.60 the differencedc-
'eopedd• between Pritaia and France
ths Vot has becOne aerious;.the
ri'el)eh 41181IF 4eiding, to act 11PO4
the own iiidgnient';',,
4Thfaii771741tItlx""kt4d74-;. 11-4-47:70riffet"Willo-
Aerie' :0: :Prot* by "the 'German
ancs in repairing the' Xiamagel and
Germany has paid to „Prance cnly
fort billions of. frines
These nglIres., ate- ac'ePtecl, all
•round, and it seemsstrange that 'if
Daily: ExCePt. Sunday
Lv 530 -1.45 -p.m ;
- • '1.
Lv. Ripley •5:50 a.m. 2.04- p.m.
Lv. ,LucknoWs •a.m. p.m•.
Winghani '640 arn ."2* -.54.m.
Listowel 7:50 a.m. 4.01 p.m;
1.v. Palmerston 8.2W km.. 4.23 p.M.
Ar.Vtielple • 9.45 a.m... 5.36 p.m.
Ar. Brantford„ • 1.90 p.m.; , 8:35
Ar;;Hatnilton 1.00 p.m: 8.30 p.m.
AY. Toronto •"41,1011:M.
Returning- Lave Toronto 6.50 a in.,
and75.02*y.tri. ' , .
iblittaigh' Coach -Kincardine to' 'Ter,
_ ante Mr_moraingtrain,:
arlOr et
`g trainand Guclph.
••, •
Terinite on eVeifing.; train; „
•-•• Per ,full particulars apply to .Grand
TrOnk'TiCket Agerits,
W. 11A31,1 ToN, .Agent,
,LOCknovi ,428, meet in
.their lodge 4roont every second Tues-
day Of' the' ;Itiblitir at 8 O'clock
Jas. Irwin; :Rec.
Light Loctoo.,
, „Abets. every 'Thursday night on or
•: :before, the:. moon is the .Mas -
MAC. 11111.1.„ HayelOck lcAteknoW.
' 3, 4, 'tteiltutigf
Hodgins; Seey..;:
ne Today Is. Worth
St art . Todayand Sell
and get Higheit Market Fri c-,
es; Accurate liorieSti:
Weights and a :SqUare
• For Service;
cold rooin with scanty bedding and be
had net- been given winter •clothing.
As an example of :the usage, he ye:-
Ceived be: stated that On the day b� -
fore he left he Was splitting.Wood.,
t-'-was-ozieol-the--cold-dayi and he had,
his' Coat and mitts On He had but'.
scanty cotton' underclothing, His em-
' ployer.,,eame'aleng and ordered ,hina to,
ta.15eaff his coat and 'Mitts, presum-
ably no that he could do more work-''
'He did: so,' but Suffered so inuch !ton!'
,dold, that .he. -decided .tO leave the
Ogee. :In .the. irery early morning he
'set out upon his aimless: march.'''' • . -
• We all. know that there are men in
towirand country Capable of,)10ing a
boy in in the -ernel...and heartliss manner
in Whieh this.riad says ' he Was used;
and We: all know too that the great
• Majority •of•, farmers , would treat a
boy Much betterc. We knew a number
'Of farmers who have *IVO' such boys
coniforteble Junkie for' several years,
• treating.,, them, in; every respect as
though_ .they were. hteMbers. -of the
. •
But we bear little Of 'these'.-1.Arrnii-
• fOrtunite featnreof the _incident , near
Listowel is that the story will go
forth -leaving the impression that this
is thesortoftreatment that maybe
expected.by e boy who goes .to'Work.
on an .Ontario farm, :it is the .excep:-
than, not the rule; hut the 'papers
which are publishing the story are not
saying his They They --simply give, :the
• Heartless 'martinets,: such as the
farmer in the Listowel caSe,,liave liv-
ed in all times; and they 'are ha every
-walk of -life.. •-`
• Germany is,protestmg to t e w�rld
_ahout.the,iihvasion iolher territory .4
a_ ;French army;'. bait this • same.Ger-
-inatiyi-langhed-it.the,.-proteats- ef
_ginin and:France when a Monster ar,,
my of Gerrnans..inarc:hed2yongh7shod-,
• France M.'
August , did- Gerinanr. "care;
.TheY *contd. • go • Might' made right,'
• ancF.Gerniany had the- might. They.
, .
. medieine. , 7 . :
•.-Whatever.MeY be 'thought 'es, to„ the
*jade/ay.:or:otherwise .of the French.,
'invaeion, there, will, be -no -sympathy
.frOin--tre' reit-Tir-t-14..,f.;,w--tire-..
ruthless billy of 1914. • ,. • •
• AcCordinito Lloyd George Prance
S -;now a-:.--,w6110,:ectuipped,7,- army.: -.Ail.'
"arrity. of. Only •110.0;000 , men...with little:
artillery-. and le,* airplanes. -:and
•At the Listowel 'Ath. tic .Assa.-
• ciation • annual -meeting it was
fotnid that they Went behind in
• sports last -year;,, . Hockey, $500,
football aboUt $500 and baseball
fell behind about $75. The rink
showed a credit " of $1,000. 'The
,outstanding .liabilities of the As=
•sedation are yet Ahou&.$12',000.
• That is a had record, but it is Mere-
ly illustrative of the condition, .which
face'almoSt. every ,sport.c,' or asso-
. • . • • •
ciatiou ,.. in,. the country..., „Admission
charges ,to Sport sevents are about
double What they used to., be, and, are
as high I aaa the traffic • will stand,"
The pibIiwiil not payj4,
is -44th the:expens es„__
Hockey • sticks balls, bats, gloves;
„suits and travel and hotel bills • come.
high. :These.' account -for-. the; .14Sses,• -
not only in Listowel but in elniest
,every town wheresports _ are._held, J
'..,seniipprefeiabnalisin.. which. has -crer;„
Intel sportlin4reeent-yeers:7•Players
-longer regard theniselves.. as, in the
te-mi for their own benefit andenjoy,'
they are doing the public a :aervice'
by playing, and if they are not paid
:for_ their services, they certainly- nmat
•_have_.all axpensca Paid.
of:-thetreuble • A player sees that a
manager is anxious , to have .
and. 'he pas. .price on: his serVicee:
,He becomes • a • .hired entertainer
...whether- there is adirect. .bargam to
Cannot. •put. up; any armed. resistance. , 'that:effect„..4 hot.,„ This, sdts hp a .bid-
-AWderfrianY: cah is :in+01-6-0-- to -Aing-hetWeen nianage4-.fo-r:_the•goor6
•the wOrld But the world -haa not for-.
gotten. August; '1914.:
,It seems ininessible. for."us on .this
-side-, of -the Atlantic to understand
the cowlition Of 'affairs. Europe.„
GerhignY:las 'failed to make. paynlent
t6 the allied .powers the sump Agreed
• play,ers,-and, frequently a-teanItis`got--
-ten, together.ithicli in, yery .ainall de-
eree: ohly,., repteamit% the tc.Wri from• I
which.it gets i ts. nem e. tb is sort. Of
competition the .big town, easily opt-.,
bids the arnaller one: It's 'matter oti
put.:up. the most. nloneY7
linen at,.,the'..'•neeee. treaty, Of the 0,.. o, o
raciunts to be paid France was to get •, , ,
:52.' Per 'Cent, Britain 22 per cent Itatk , • • ,BOR , AN, Tj'
per-eentr-----hIS. is theb'eading -Or.aTnewS art-
Grecee„ Reihnahie and. 8erbia IA*. per ,
iele Which appeafed.' in newspapers
erit; 'and Japan:and Portugal each
termined.'„t&-juake, Germany,rpae•at' On ieadino' the article in questi'on
oneef:.• The :government l(rf Germany '• We certeidde: that Labor IS rndignant
• Sytti. it canna Pay, forhecause roi.uri; poverntheni
'fion that it •Canshotget the Money er 1",intiAted' that it _Will not .harld,
Or- goods, prance does, net believe , ion* to idlfolkin the ides ot Ott-,
• this; and has 'seized a great tractof tarie this Winter. Seinething to he'l
( Ie thl country,tei.riwith rY' Itthe eie
cli"e:btcto w
section e trsh
ign'atnte tory t
0rht was 'iiven
-atinpest,' of .establishlng a eustonis.,l arirrat first received :Mil•charityls now
Wall aretind it, levying taxesan, trade i,' claimed as a , iight; and. ,there, is, in,.
i,wee,n. that: and ;other -PattS. of Ger- dignation because the .cliarit5i is now
•iivinv and also with the outside ' ised ' ,
. ,• - • . Whets the matter with Labor,
IOO,F Lucknow Lodge meets eeryd 0..14 method Of ex 'ti.lting imieni,71-"tnainfritt-h"cea,nfiltrlec"T;ialtes:Italtici-b-ot"':
i -St:li:get- • • ,
Friday evening at 8 o'clo4 in their .0;fty frern-gerinanY,and Lloyd George
Campl?ell Street. All :brethren is in 'agreement With Prefilter •Beller
cordially Invited, tiffleira:'; Noble 1„.,a.W" that the method zt France la a
Arch Barbour, Vice GranflY roiStake. ' The, objection; however, Is
'MacLean' .1010t4.Prio; Ree 'Sego E." • mit heentisee of sympathy fOr',. Ger-
Altelilinni }len,d n.smV, but because, it is bad business,
• the organized tradespen arid laber'ers
• of the ditica. Woricrrien in. the towns
arid cetintrY do not heed alma in the
winter, eseept in rare cases 'V rims-
fertime, The eity Working man "(so
Styled bY himself as thlough the %Vag0.
• .1,1F11,,11„ ' of To -the Otdk man •swho" dolls
, I
IVisuLTs'r: GuAIR:TAPITEE-Dosri.„'
W 446
• •
••• BRONCHITIS 1•400,
• a.** -• # 40'
f P. 4 Ni -
Sok! in 1.,ukrif.,.w. by A, E. McIUM.
we rkri S-diiferent7lie-meripart7of-:
the time, and part of: the time he
loafs -,abotit; He Will' work when he
,can get, „What he .regards as atiniderd
pay, and when he can't • get that, he
Will go idle..,When ,he.,-worica,: he us-
ually spends., his, it.
He. Must. ,to. a• show tiyo, �r. three
times a wrek; must have a, game of
fieol or bowls and then if he: has any
money left., he enjoys a little gambl,
mg. • He heeds •these: things to ..keep
•hirn in shape -so:. he '-thinks.. Be takes
milY :a brief •and 'ha4y, look itito
future, and thinks it will take ,Care .of
itself...Ile got thronghlast,*inter,' and.
he likely---Wori't:. starve' -next...winter.
_As ,a resort, tfie city Or "•the pro-
vince_ will feed him and his family.,
Bilt now the .Driiry',Governnaent has
ann3iinced that. it will not be in the
charly Iniainess. ,his •winter, ' and
,`!Labot is indignant."
• What does thie '"fina.nedal assistance
• to -Unemployed' in :urban „inuniCipali-
-ties7 given by 'the provincial .goVern-
'nient Mean.? •' ' !. •
It .means 'that the farieers who
• . „
have been working, from , ten te, six
'teen rhOurs a.' day,'and 'saying ' their
earnings, and, the iiidnatrions. people
of the towns, viflaes„and ,cities, will
havete hand over n paik .Of their
saviliga to these' thriftless, loafers of
the :city; 'And they will de this with-
out even thanks from the 'recipients'.
•On , the,. ec.n trary. `_`Lab or" . will' b'e )1n,
dignant".. if the thrifty, e_folk de not
"shell out."' • ••:
• The. next: step in.. the ,nientaIdevel-
�prnent of this Edina -taking and then
,almeldemanding gentry ..is• that, ;the
worlWes.--e.very- Man a living, end
;presently thethe" 'taking Of.
'yyhat.,they Want:. •,tp4
'' Thenatural resonrc,e -Of this
...do7,:net these:id:fere:: Ortollfe-itiairgin--,
and begin at the 'bottorn,.' as many are
-doing;.-and •-as-Ahe ..:rnen -and %women:
_w_he...made.the COUntry what it isrdid?
•That would -he awful. Ali werk and
,n) Place , to g,o, :in. the evenings...0ae
people prefer to stay in ,. the: city--;.
'they. get), starve • a little; and -.take
.helO frein :thi...eeVerernent:..„' "
ii•-e-.--rifentila e
, theta lot of petiplentich _better folk'
than .',`LabOr''-:,:grave.sprvived the lone-
liness of the backwoods and the prair-;.
_ • ''' •-•
• 11
Are you hinking of in
ing your pro e fa r m
-a-i'mg-inor poultry with ;the.,
least amount of labor?
We are agents for the‘, Buck-
Incubatki:, the best machine
he markt. Call' and see,
this machine .and get full parti-
culars. Order early, as 'last
year we had -difficulty in secur-
ing,,these machines wheli sea-
son was On. I
We' are --prepared, througl(
Wiring, repairing, etc. Our
_at your....service.••
hone 6
. . .
. .
., .
:N. h; ‘.cobtledicii., W; J., Young,....
W,a I sl`, - J.. Phillips
: ProVest c..',.:: ..A..';''Seager, of ',Trinity,.
' Mist.;J. '.A.: :lge.,4ren, was rtht---e,reeta: ,,;,b116,..re-„,kas choien • ,., , chaplain ,.
ProSident ie,f . 'the • .Huron," pia '. Boys,' . Utiring •the •Ipastyear it he been' .'
Abei:447,:iiaatni..°!i5'tt‘ii:-t,:in-rtlitbee. acPeinitartaillYle:e410.1gIh• :eeit7tai‘C:teici*te.t.' -1.(1)i.e•h.l:[eICari.C.":::I.O.1.it., itii'llgesN''''ozIftietl:/heS'':::1
A.,, Toronto. '... The'. ',association'. waS irenoei,%.:•pf ,.tilq'r ExeCUtye,' and this', 0
. .
fon:net-lin 1900, and has 700 niernhers , .bas de,,elop,i,, ,,t: 0,:,;1,..i.L. spi•rit..,,oiofik ,,
SMeic%::eEtacii'l•all.(14:1.1:.ifiaed.:3; .7,10‘t'alis'• . 'slu'ed
e-ceeiegeStie've, ' ''fl;I:leery,...N:tjkoll'31.7a 61'ef.6; liile
'lfi,ir..:'''ofil•jf.,%::n hasaabeent:ipnis
.holl dli.?gn. goeftelni•ei.s '1111wereI:1- Pkt Hfa°1111.e' .t'116°1' iija.ii6• nst7lt:ili:til.'sti :i'l°eiliss.,Iiiifi el°11In'tse:s.4._!..:!..p(:1;f1.;,!taillli;iy.1Pet'sr11.1illoaellIti'eteiYIt''
the : Arese6ation which7will- talie-•pluee' "fos.i.ci .,,t D :,%-Tth '. . an tiei ria,ti on.. Alt ,
ol'it'ir e.Gbli;lill„.aelgi'l6trtatil:'i 9.1e ..9(1.ctf°11°":: tPlaiertort'Itliii:atei°olihult.e7ii."iisi'•'' It.leiePm:ei^e7e.(bjeisnt i. ••`'.-1.•
Brief. addresses of'. a' reminisceflt. of spirit aiiii •conirad.e-iS' disPlaYedr.
.,Chareetere,delivereckby;ai,:i;,.koh:-..., •-.....,,•,i„..2: ,--......i, o,,o....
ei:t • . . 1m s,, $73‘17, I701 ,,e t;llui... 1 , . .,A vuB/4,5.11E.it wit° ,,,k/AK.E.g",,
T'aUrillidiA'T;trlPi:tde:ed7; ;:::'f'1°H;n1.7;A'Onte CafOgn-tayTti1347... ':: '. ''.:M:jIN:'*''I't':r-: 7.-'7
..nd di4igjite°e%:te 1..,e‘\''97-7.111.-,Von'.1r...e.. s'i.'-'. , neto'r of a We'dkly'rieWsTiquet ''‘,Airlio'i‘i -...
- . - . ,.. • • -- ,
„:• .*Therc ii ' i'.:ne..' "'publisher,' And. prop- • •
Aeots,, --y,.. ,', 0" , . Maaggar-t,'.-÷Aira,l)h .-L-4-7soi,t1t-e4414c49-4soki4X.".s.41.-.0.,Cat--..dest..,,,Of7-.'
Willison,' y., w., 110(igsop;. Pres.,' J. .A,` 'ineily.-.:-.-$2;16,.026 ,,per Jay. (The' .6g-7 .
•_#4eire ri.-..• lat, I., 'r.it,..e.F.' presirs'zr•i..-r.,-, S:-,. to::,:.i,;)tre .eorkeet.), Re:;-•:Pubilshea: the2"
S'COtt; 2,n '-yiee PreS.„ lf,i.'s.. TX? ti.ing, • Pearh,orn• ' (igieh,)•-"Tride:Poinleht. , Hisi.
.3rd, :Vice •Pre53.i 'Xi's:. 'X: 1.1.-,C-Phblediek; •:. na,im '1 .......!:1"Inry',. Ford: '',, Beal d OS ' i;eh,' ,
.,., i s .• 1:141lynn, ,Pia. ,Sec y, My.ss., iiiol)iles.as• a side, lirie.. (A, number of
sGorna.,ceA' uN. oe:tintresn-; ;n.l'Aea. s c,,,:n.,Jmehrrin, n„ Ri elZerst: ' .Q.0.1-,s,,,avi;:)•,:„..tormtibii
. 11-;11e'h or: • e Side Inc to ', keep • '
have fol'ilid •it ne,(''''''',' ,
ShePherd, .--Committee--7, Mesdames ..;the,',Flothe.".fires lmining). • ..1 • • .' '
. , .
FergusohrRloody;Moj-• • '
. _
HMV 11 d' "hcors 411P
Mark Towsi• "1'
,3rotii cap.. 'get "at, home.". *tverythirt
looks: so :•rni.ich better' to the' individ-'
nal when -it is; bought out of town ,
and eVen. out 'of 'one's own C•ountry,
. Perhaps, .that ',la the „reason why
..-bly.it:shbe--Tnerchants -buy "such
titieS of shoea in Canada,' butwe
think ' net. ,„
• This ,Week'a traveller for :a house:
t'ej‘s in town' 'Mut .sh OWc1.1-.. anorder
from. ,Detreit' retail shoe
dealer for, 34,500 worth,. of Canadian
stamped -,,thereon, "Made in Canada. "
He 'was Spiy One 'Of many he -trait
•.dealetc-3,4111.1%;:.;Are----'14kina•-' Cana*dian-
'Made ShOOS:''rliere'iniiii•A;e7-Vj'-'i:eaZ
-,;aort, forT.this, Mid-the:Moat logieal con"..
,clirsi4n „is that the • Canadian made
Siffierior-v, Ltlie--Arneriean,
Manufactnre ',and -there oninit bea
considerable demand for theHeanad-
Ian shoe "in Detroit,' Or dealers Would •
not.,staolc:-:tbent AA, a Matter nf,
-fact 'Canadian, .rnAde 'shoes ate built -
for Wear es • well as comTrirt, while
the, , Anierican 'artiele Ta' s-liVod
though styliah. With the' iinport 'duty
added the 'Canadian ghee must', Cost.:
the 'Aiherfean' seller More than. geods
riroduted„iithiS_OWn,cpliritrk, and St,i1,11
he .laYs thent.t-kingsVilielltepOrtere.•
CirrtoViiis• sentence: `No rhaq6),
*4'het thm'r'do,•I neVer suoilk the little ,
dearA When ahl arigr??' • .„
ed :and -Miss Campbell, --gessrs hob- ;AVAr. Veteran;%'1...1111 fdt . the :liaAt ten
..ert_1161meS. " H. e Biice Cothty'
o us of, Ref 2;47,
S L Scott IT.' Matin, R. e, Krn, it the aire-W 8-1: Wore 0•Linr: fof,th
Lyon,- Geo A Newton- Crec,k- Refuge" he wIS rk-ident‘cif Formosa --
The '.aeaSeiti for tiniSh,•
'reionit evet..but biter orrtheee Whei,
Idichot take a.,.0ilitice Can hitt 'a' try
A •
' , Ket!le,
Thia 19 a Ant'
aOtip,. hilt for hail..
lift meat or etc*.
, 'tiihlea or ,preaerv.4"
tag.. Tte :sure .esish
'etret,t4 the
dada u
• '
There's. nothing'. like, piping hot; ;delicioui•
soup to. Start the lieePtynicaL. Here- is a O•ne
, pot.tliat will: do ,a kt to help'. you ijik good
eoup-the,S14P•Ehanicled Were Londoh• Xettle:
Even after The greasilcst Or atickie'st ccioking.
SMP Enariteled Ware cleens as egailY aa
disk. Ask for
,Th ree ishe Pearl ;Ware. tan, toatri, of itiekrli 'irre7
,ttintnei• inAide id of114 Diamond Ware, throe ebeits, light
'I' white outsio f‘, white. 1:n. 'Cryatal Ware, threa.'
coat% pure white 4191.144.ml noYal .1,114t.i, editing.
'•••• ,tiOkfR 70 ONTO 'WINNIPEG ( •c, , •
11/M4:51001, vAkdoinntri
• .
2. •