HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1923-01-04, Page 1• AAA°2 00 PER Y ."„ E IN ADYANCR; wwannutwissi--- 't.4orThe'r '-Ander-oeft-t••:Pra.,>• ertg,an. LJIVde. Street .is QI sale. Ap- . . .VEl'Elt1iv4.1ty S4hGEO.N...r"4. W. If. Keleher, "Ripley, .phone, 29„ : DENTIST-- . 'Dr.. MacLeod will visilMoudknow, every " rtimaigY.' 'Office -ithaYe that, of Drs. Elliott,4 Connell. 23-2-tf. DE,PARKER, •OrVEOPATH; at 'the Cain .I1,ons:k.,,Lucknow, every •Wed=, 'ne5day afternoon. All chranie dis l,ases successfully treated. beteg- -tethY removes' tue,PhYSical .gatiSe8 ir &pease.Adjustment' ef „the ine is mote quickly secured and with fewer treatments by Osteo- pathy than .by any •other method. 'Toront prieca paid .for all kinds of poultry. • , , "' A.: Grospopf, Luandw. -.Di, Melnees,-Chiroprictor.' of Wing- . ham, will visit Luekno q three times each week in future. Anyone desiring --aninterview'with-hitn--may leaveword• at the Cain House. and the doctor will tall. or may see him there personally,: Tuesdays. Thursdatit and 'Saturday afternoons: No ' charge is made for 'consultation; DR, MAUDE'C...BRTANS .11egistered-Opicsitietrist Graduate Defiartrnent.of. Ophtha I- ogy, McCorniick Medical College.,Ch - . cage. ,111. Thrce month's' post graduate -course during year 1919. • : ,Eyes correctly :fitted with • Glasses. Headaches. Dry Itchy Eyes. 'Granu- ...kited:Eyelids. Watery:. Eyes; Pain' in 'Eye Balls. Inflamed . Eyes. Pus ,or Watery Discharge - from .Eyes and Dizziness canoed by Eye -strain re- lieved 'through prenerly,•fitted Glass- es • Cross Eyes straightened through Prowl ly fitted • Lenses ' Eyes tested at night equally as good aa daring d •• M! Jdnd of-7.9utionl-tepairs-done...- Satisfaction Assured . At the Cain House. Lucknow.; 9 to 12 a.m.. 1 30 to 6 pan.. Evening 7 to 9 -p.m. Wednesday of .each - week. CALL OR WRITE A. Blitzstein; , Lucknew, before selling. your raw urs; 1 pay the highest market price. You will find great bargai-- in the Dry Goods line, Suits and 'Overcoats • ii-SalCiaLy.=Call and see A. Blitz - stein. Dry Goods Stere.• . • NOTICE , • , •• .We.,' the undersigned , are in the :,..rnerket. for k. small' stock of Maple. •-•. Beech and Birch logs. for Wirjelt we are prepared to paythe highest mar- ket .price for good stock., The lower • ade,s will have iiiTbe at considerable. leas price than they were•last year.• Owing, „ to our baving.,arrierge.atock • of Elinand Basswoqd lumber on hied.. int - there -being v4ty, little demand, or-gobde made front this stock, we Can Only tike-a-ferf limited amen-1ff ; .of Elin and•Basswo.od logs at consid- erable : leas`.nrice' . than we paid. last, ,..„-Year;:=except.'„. for -..chaice-stOolC:;For - '.further-PlftPiderszeztlt.traby ftvone • or cell at our „office at Lucknowyr7..Th., e .":Lueknow Table Co.. Ltd. • .: Highest. Cash Prices Paid for all ,--. , kinds of raw...furs......,Liitone::know-,...When' you have,anyend 1„WilLeall_at once_ :-.---13enjamin . Pearlman, .'Phone 85. • '.',Luckeow,•' • ..,'" - . ' ' . ' - 30-4-e. , • ' . •.--...,AUCTIOl+1 SALES Neil McAdam,Corner15th. 'Side --roadiand • Boundary, 6.miles west of „Lticknow; Will have an .auction sale •4:6141S----ffiftiolSt0eirra11d,..i1flple1enta-0n. •„ January 11-tli:, cenanencing at one ' '. o'clock Perlis, Auctioneer., . ildLYttoOD. • Wednesday; ierivary 3rd:, Mia'S.Margaret Bakeils visiting her sister, Fiske at Palnterston--.-: AnnieHodgins visitcd her aunt, Miss. Annie--Statters, the Past week„ , "! - ' • •, Mr. and Mrs. 'James .'llalfer spent ' -New Years with Mr. and Mrs, Rodger -Carrigan. ' 'Mr, and Mrs. • Hall, Of Ethel, were ol• day- visitors with :Messrs. Ackert and''Congram, `. Mr Joe Bailey,. froth . Parnbrun; •---:arourid-our • Mrs.*George Harrison -from. Huron, spent a few days •With her Mother, Mrs, ,Henry..Pierce., '•- Mrs•• - :Thoings Flarris visitek with , . • C ,..” dine,fot NCW)teard. , , law, Dr, Archer, of Lamont; Alberta, 'Denzil Statterit,' Who has •spent Dee, 4th. 1922, 'luis , Xmas holidays at at his ..hc.otie.: here; '.Deceased came as a Young beitle'to ...-1fits...rettarnectio',Nerth her, new borne on, the 6th Con. Con.. Kin - •'Miss ,Plilifebe Congrenr, who ,• has •loss, where shelvod for thirty years, : speniTthe holidays at her 'home here, 0.reineYing-taLthe Weift,24:01t941„..,or frun, ...rettitted. to :her 'school at Glennimen; ily had grown up. 9f a 'retiring, kind= Mr. and • MrS. • AleX, McKenzie, and ly and:-theerfid, nature, r she --Watilifiteli NUrSe Mckenzie, of York, ‘were :beloved by a large ..circle of friendsl ors .at Mr. Richard Elliott's dnr, Left to tO minim her losi.ereleur sons and, three.' datighteral. Dr. 'John and •'Quito fl number of our young people 3,04r Agnes Velein!,. flarriet0,.. of took in the pageant, "The Light.; of :Saskatoon, Robert ret Jansen, The Wetid'",, pu,S '§h- ihy the Methodist Edgar at 'Munson, Alta., Dr. Ashley 'ahhiehollipley;Uri-.'breport:An 10,..kagpar• 4:114414;',14tit.,Afelia lent evening's . program. Mr.0:11orner. :Lamest, Alta..and Nish Anne Valens itarria WOO intim*. the leadingi ,RN. of the' Children's hospital, Los ' 1".-1Wari4,11411.ArAhkint-ift-R914Q-hr e _ • r, Mat Wobds..10'iri Detroit this Week ,,,having one of 'hitt eyes treated, Mr. Temple, Clark . was , up from. ORderich Or a fet'days•Pf the week. - Miss Maric Welsh was the guest of Miss 34giFrax,:#„4.07:fyirf,:qt..the. Prist'iveek. • Misses Mildred and Fiances SpefiCe and kr. Jim •Spence were home for the beliday week. 0 James }tenter, of ;London yis- ited his brother • t 1 Hunter' overthe week -end. • Miss Rena Gordon and her friend,: Miss Ashworth, returned to Detroit this 'week. after .sphndifig the Chr,ist- vacation here. • , , ' .1Kincardine ,a.nd Lucknow Will "Play Hockey in Lorne Rink; Lucknow, on Jan. pth, .This is the opening gone of .e series to .be 'played between these ,‘ 'A danee ,v,-111\ be • heldin the Parish Hari, Dung.annozi, on Frif.?1Y, Jan, 5th., at .8 o'clock. Liicknor Orchestra.. will furnish nanSie.' Lunch served. Preeedils. • n aid of building fund..—Wm. 'Mole; Wm. Campbell. ,..• • . *Rex Social end Concert ,W111`be he)41, in •• the Seeozt) Con. (Kinloss). Schoolhouse on.the evening ef'Jane- ary '12., preceeds. Will be in aid of the Scot's ;Greys 'Hockey, Club. Ladies, With bakes`, free; others 25e.. , Mr., and Mts. Murdoch McRae, of Lucicnow,•annonncelhe.engagenrient of their daughter, Helena, to Mr. 'Thos.' 11,' Cook, son Of 'Mr,: and Mrs: Peter Cook; of Ashfield, the marriage to take place early in the Neiv Year; The Monthly, Meeting; of the Luck- T''.17$411.te 'WA b° held 1 rhuTsdai, jan: • llth, -1923,. at '2.30 P.m. in the Council Oliaiiribers. A New' year's ,liesolution; AII menthers at- tend and bi-fig a friend.Mrs. Allan • . ' Turner,. Lucknow 'Lodge, :L.O.L.,• will hold. . a box SoCialand old7tinie dente in ..-,•,Carnegie Hall on the evening of ,,Jan; '.1.10„, commencing at 8 o'clock. Music --by•Princess----Pat'S--Orehestrar---Ladies with boxes, free; others' 25c. Admia- • siorito dance, caupie-756:;-Ertdieic'25C,' Gallery.:15c.11M. Parker, WM. .".While visiting at his fernier. home .here during 'Christmas Week; Mr. Rob- --ert-,-.7Lyons---received--Word:Lthat his , father7rwlaw,----Mr:---Richard -.was taken Mrddealy at, Toronto on Thursday morning, Mr. Lyons left for the city on Friday :morning and Mr --Hohnetr :died early on -§,..atUrday. Mr.' 1-lohnea.hirbeen for -35 years-I:nisi- nest:Manager, of-TheTelegram, news= : uaper in Toronto, lut had retired a few ',years ago. • ' ' . ,tibtkiffr-Stitgrie 1923f:g r,r - Senior -Teams ' Kincardine at Lucknow, January 9th. -Lucknovv at Kincardine; January 16th Kincardine at -Lucknow, .January 23rd Lucknow at Kincardine, February lst; Junior Teams ' Lucknow at :Kinc.ardine, January. 1.1th. ..Kineardine at_Luthrie*, Jantiory18th.." `taicknow at Kincardine, Jentiary:25th.' Kincardine at Lucknow January 30th. • ,. • • Word was received' in ttfwn on ,nrclity of last week Oat. Mr D a, MacKenzie (Dandy Dunk), whose' eriy .home "Wei gie-hOloli farm,' Second Con. Kinloss, had .died; it Vancouver ,that morning; Details are „not known, but he appears to, have Passed away quite ifirddenlY, On leaving 'Xihlbas 'Mr. MacKenzie went CO.' Winnipeg', Where for a nainber„ 'of Years'' , Am engaged tn.:the:fur business On ng Up business afew years .i. age he te VaiteetiVer. ' • • • • -- DEArIr rn Mitti„:.VALENS', . 1. SERIOUSLY . INjURID_OT_ , rilen4 f Mi. Tena Grat, who, Takes her home with Mr„ and Mrs, Robt, Carrick, Will be sorry to • learn that, while, she was on her way. home from Mr. Phillip MaFMillan's enTueff.- day, she slipped ando„fellun an icy,„ Part of the walk, sustaining a frac- turo of the 16. -She: was 'unable ,to rise after the fall, and beingalone, • shelay, in_ the cold for about 20 'rniu- p• ies:before. help.arrived„- `. ERIE INVESTMENTS,, LIMitER A meeting ef the .Leaselfelders_in. "Erie Investments, Limited'.", was held in the Council Chanaber,"Tewal Hall, Lucknow, on the evening of. Deegin- ber 26th. , The purpose of the meeting was receive the annual report of the Com-, pithy for the year 1922, and to dem; Mate one of its Leaseholders for the office of a Director of the Company. -. The annual report was.presented-by Dr. Samuels, . of Toronto, whiCh Was very encouraging and 'assured.' a 'bright . future for ,Erie Investments, „filie assets of the Company have now reached the sum 'of $809,961.31, and with a surplus of $38;647.44 :is .,Very . 'gratifying ,to the -Leaseholders. • Dr. Senrueld also reported six pro- ' clueing, *ells in the ,Rockdale field, 'Texas,. With drilling '.operatiens. still ' being Carried :en. • ' Lewis, of Winghum, a- very enthusiastic Leaseholder, was the un- animous eheice. of •the meeting to re- present the,Leeseholders..es. a Direc- tor of the Coin -many, and at the An- nual meeting of. the Company held 'n 'Toronto on Thursday, the tiyentYL" eilhth day of .December, was, elected e'r Of theBoard. Investments„ Limited./ o .•' 'Tag ELECTION IN LUCKNOW' ▪ Lneknotv'S Council Board for 1923 Is Made up as , . Reeve . •.• Robert Johnston . Ceencilloic 'Geo. H. 'Smith Elliott Miller . E. N. Hodgins AL -E; .•• Aa reported lastweelt, Johnston get the r_eeveship by acclamation. 'rhe ,number of votes 'received by the hire candidates for the 'cortricit Were as foliows' • .North • Stidth 'MEd- T.Ifiller • , -1.31, • 787.209 Hodgins • ' 199 _ 65 " 174 'Wilson ;99 56 • 155 Smith Mackenzie'.. .75 --ie. 123 VerF-f 117` Vote -wag-polled, Pratti2_ ally every elector wh was in •town, end well enough to, corae. out, having . recorded his for her vote. - --=-,f:fefore-Palling-Aey2=no-•-ivety--,stremf - ous campaign for votes put: on by . , ---any-.candidate-hut-7Millerr-who-made e dose canvass, the others'. having eonfined their !efforts ,to ;issuing a card or a brief appeal;to •the electors through -fhp Sentinel, _ The„"phenOminalv_Otezpolled for Miller appears to prove the value of the Method adopted. Another feat - are of the polling was the 'plumping” - in llillentio-faVor -There-Were. 48- -or '50" ballots marked for Miller' alone; a - most unusual percentage 'of-- the. -total --vote. which_Was-277:--, Messrs. Hodgins and- Milison - are, new men on the job, and With Smith, Miller and Johnston, should make,up a •very good Council' Borite:•-"","' • .. • • o,•• • CREWE • , . Mrs, Catherine Valens', widow' Of the late Wzri. Valens,„ormelY `of, .1.oFi: other..ecoallit4.0 • her -other, si;diedat.thaluhrte A a ' IMSDAY,, craiwe' . .. ' WEDDING spu,s ••solo was given by Miss ,Lillian•Brooke Wish to take this .Zueaas' of .ex - 10• 111Wift-Wt-it ' , 'ac411,.!liect ItY,._hyr ..5i#01300.1.8....altet', .r.p.F.,,e4sinC itirthanks to -,t_ile-telectiii-s-Pf... '*-:1"ilell!.401:1 e Y441 tequestc4 ..w reallim 1.-Tacknck.W fsn" Vie- ,A13:1m_ndia-:._ . e 4110',ViltC rag -rant with . spicy hristmas from _the ' bride , entitled "Robert and ' me on Monday. Wishiiy.f you all g ed and a profusion of eses and L."' This WaS followed by Many old•..HaP•P3's•and" Prosperous New Year ite chrysanthemums, the 'bailie Of brag melodiesiii which all took. Part, '• •'I am yours :faithfully . John Jeynt M.F.P., and Mrs. itt-otRosl St,- Lizek110,V104) L3351_5,.. F pin wh `1Vir .•loy ihe%ifi. cen,e of -a marriage of more :than, ,1766-0-'iiiiie-iiii .Oli 'Wedneiday,'DeCent; her, • 27th, when,, at eietrOn, o'clock, :their ' -yetrTigeSt ...dfillig4tOr'',': Margaret Letitia was Wiiied, in Marriage -16 .1141. ,A, Ernie lviiiison, soli Of Mr: : i hd. Mrs. A. '..t;-Milieon, of fnelkoo,v; t e"offic1- ,atirog Clergyirien .being; ROY., W. °E.: Millson, of 'London, and, Rev. J./H. bsterhout,.pastor of :Lucknow Metho- dist Church. The Windome bride who 'is one of L,ucknow'SJ Most popular. young ladies WeS given in marriage by her father 4nd leeked charming in a graceful gown "of ivory velvet brocaded gorgette„ with crystal trial:. Ming and with effective touches of., ostrich 'at_ the girdle. The bridal Veil' of tulle WAS' arranged under -.a. silVer. bandeau. and- fell to the hem of the . , g'iv.:f1.}b,71,eaded..!.11.°es.. were worn the l)rda1bouqPtwas;sh:;;0iItarc!:r(vl ijiia. ;.1?, Mi s is E ide,'s•O letntal.Y.riaattrmericdh.' f.. tsgti)07:417; the•b ed in a lovely Pale green taffeta. with 'tou'ehes of old. Gold,thees wer.,,e,": worn and she carcied an arnt. bouquet ,..ef. roses. -•me ir. E. Foster, of Hamilton, , . ..sappotted, the.bridegreorif. • The. bride s ' mother was Was dreSiett in black georg- ette, • heaVily, headed '• with jet with touch, of :blue: The groom's mother was in a 'pretty' gOwnof black g-earg7 .ette\ beaded in ''jet, 'and . Were a COV: sage. of roses.. • ,:`-',.., . ,.. . . • The 'Wedding. marches froth Wagner and Mendelaiohn 'and..soft'bridal //ma,' Lic_,Avere ..,..pley_ed. loyMISS Mildred: Spence and dtiting the signing di the register Mrs1.4'.t. Wesley - Joyet of- Luckno.W, sang Very •-effeetively. De ' 'Koven's, 0 Promise ' Me: %: In the din- ing rooin. where ' the' dejenner was 'served; the bride's table was charni- ing with Ophplia roses' in silver vases and valley lilies lilies. FiVe,'01 the biiae., girl friends:'. assisted , in the '. dining . :roorn, Misses • „Mildred.._and Frances TSpeneOlias :Gertrude Treleaven, Miss 'i4'-'1 =„1. ..c 0„.,.-0,1,- co c....., 'e. Afini 0,-LButton.,:fill-„Cf LLitekneiv,' an,1 accompanied, by Mrs. Brown at the Plall'Ia°i;h1.-C-:-C4ning•a,receptien Was giv- enEd • folks enjoyed .themselves• 'with music ,young. and, dancing. IMO,. the .wee„, a''ours °fAtzteennig°,trhneh'Igin"ttiny'PreSe'n'ts'r'eee.i.Yed were a.numher of .ehegaear: • . These prederzt from a distauce were Mr., :Old.' Mrs, W H. Andersen, of, London', Mr, and Mrs. ,Arthur :Brooks :rand:family, of Centralia, Mr. and Mrs. • Alex meaciwen. and family; of • Blyth,. Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. Anderson, Mr. • and :MI'S." .Tanfs Taylor and. Mrs, Pprcy Scandret , ali of Belgrave„-..- '7-70 o THE ELEC'Tl'ON I14.KINLOSS, "••--Th-e:new ceuneil board of Kinloss.: 'Township is made up, Reeve -.7 -Joseph J. Tiffin: - Counciiiers-L.-.,Ackert; D. pairtith- era, Adam 'McQueen,`Iyialcolm Rosa. . ',For . the teeyealiipAJ,ohn W. ''cot• Well arid Chas, l3aechre'r were the can- didates .to ;fail Of,election, :Colwell was •O' member of the councilfor the pait. seven Year•s Messrs. .Tiffin'and Baech-' let had served as Councillors but,: had. • been at boatel 'the:Past -ihtee`IYeal'S. -o-i.titheis'. and :1VICQueen are new Men 'oa tEe beard:. Geo. :Ferrs;"'one of the: de'fateer candidate's; had ,heefl on the, confiell' for three years, while W; Irwin Wa4 new aspirant. • • ' The. v ..hy subdivisions' was as. follows: . •• +. .0 • o.1', 6- g -••• • ider: C;.. 1-, • ' • -• .•• • .• Miss 'Ada Webster; of 'MonCton NB rf • Later: in_the.,a,fternoon„...,mc„,„'„and- 213 t.72 MiiyMJljson, left an a wedding trip to /BulTalon.d eastern points; the • r • bride. -trayelling irr--a suitof navy•-•.. peach -hp -Om With'. grey fox :collar and- hat-;'bn their re- -• turn they will reside in in Milton whe : .Millson is on „the staff. of Bank . ofrimilten. • • .' - Out of town guesta"fer,the.:weddin'g included', Mrs George IJOYnt."'el•..E0-1.7 :Seaferth,:-.,1Wrs Thos; Joynt,, of Wingbani,,Illey, .and - Mrs., IV E. ,Millson, of London, Mr. Brussels,t Mrs Dairoch.:,,Pfeffori-ot.•New-yorki! LITiff'and,-Mts:::ti.-.--;trorroAf-anci Miss Darroch, of Listowet,,: Miss, Webster, Of ,Moneten, K.B.• and kr. and Mrs. Bridge, of Painieriton. Andersonflattlefiby , • ax o Oto • co o #.• - ;-4:40r,ts.7`7,`• •c'z - c) ' E. N. Eeflikins Ladies' and Gehtlemen::--Accept: my. sincere .thanka for year renewed .ex••• pressiOn of confidence as showz 1y Your'y otes 'On Monday., As in the. peat,' .0.1i1 29A1 shall do all rn mY .Pevver. to promote. the ',interest of ur'towp .'"•• 'Yoni.a faithfully,' ' • :Gee; 11 Smith To The Electord of Lucknow'— • • • : Ladies and Gentlernefi:—I ,talce his opportuaity to heartily thank you forthesplendid vote which" you Tote me on election' day, and :assure. you that I shall do my utmost to merit., the • confidence placed in me. Wishing Yeu a Happy and prospereaS' New ear Yours• " " • • Yours very. truly • _ , ' •Elliott MilIer • . tL:a1c1c4. yee 9'S andttrGhs.ee ofivft(; nwe Lzs. .xW.0 gave r.t eo . • , th- te ,me en -election day, and I aaltfOre.,you that I., shell ,do my best 'to promote, the intetestsJ,Of T .rePresent .yen on "the Connell', Board. YoutO, very .traiY; , .1)1.Ocwan'rsrhpwhile : Carruthers To The Electors' of Kinlossi „ wish to thank you for the splen did ' support :yeu. gave me at the poll on Election day; It, not only Makes me. - 'feel •gratefu) ha.'t; inspires Me" to do :my, best to "Merit the toafid,enCe'Yeu have Pia_ciettan. me. Yours faitbfully - E.;Ackett To the Electors of .•Kinloss:= , . Ladies. ' and Gent1emer:T-7I.take .'thia-O-PPOrtnnity to express ' My aineere' thanks to you for the .support :which you gat% me at the polls,. on Monday, Which; resulted .in noy election as -,reeve, It A,. highly appreciated, anot.1 •cap eaaure. you that ,I• -shall do alL 111 power le Merit your confidence:: '.. • Yours :faithfully • •J ,Tiffin • - To The -Electors -of Kinloss:— • Ladies-and Gentlemen :—I»fake--thi& inean of thanking the electors and ratepayers of .the -,Township.for the spleadid support"which you gave inc on 1eet107L-11'f hipe.•thatby - 'giving careful attention to the affairs of the -Townsliip, toeifere_pv;gun!haa Seef:1,cpffe.enrd..th ieg eit:.honeymeon„...in Buffalo ' fiij or- plat(' ' ',„, • -ektend-fto,:thern.best-wishei;ofor-e..Jenet.::' • Adani McQePen2. ,and...hapny.„.weddeLlife-, ' CAI C...3 C• • C74 ,sp • .ThP.7.7P.011ing;StIlitliVigPil4 are .,etber.•. wise. knOwn:es Kinloss; Nog, Kiiilleugh;. „NO; 3,,',Holyttied;- 2tid.!•t. Len` ide; .No.. •6, Whitechareh.: • ' ' . , , . . Mr. RaYmond Finnigan is spending a feW days Yffith friends la Auburn. • 'Miss -Mee Mehary. is 'spending- a. .few days at her home, at Sheppartiton .• -Mrs. C. Aubrey Higgina;oUeti•oit; is spending ,New Yeats at h'er, honie here..: '. '. • ” '-: ! 'Mr and Mrs Geo 'Hunter, of Zion spent „Friday „et the lone of -.Wdlfre.d Drennan; " „ .- . • '. ' Mr. and Mrs-, -To5t ,qau10,, -6?-Goile- ;iitiscalte' hi's(41:uey. n'S'van, d;"- ..' ,:a-'!; ..h• •e:" .h.71''' of, ., . Master Clifford Crozier Spent:Mita& 'Veek :With ,Mr. and 4tfitr. Campbell,' Donnybrook.,. ' .. . . ,•=. Mrs, replier', -If Brandon,. Man.): Spent a few 'days, et the ha/lite Of •her lik6tliei; 'Mi. Sam. Sherwood. ,.•„,.,11r. and,..MtS.,..4Jease Gray, of:10_1in% " ton, visited '' ladt? meek With their daughter, Mrs. IVIattliew, Shackleton,' :Mr, James Mallough, of Dungan - !Ion, spent,a few 'days.; last weelei at the home.tof his daughter, Mrs: Albert McQuoid.: ' " , . ...• . .,A. dance will be il . held in the Parish e.' Hall, Dungannon; On Friday, Jan, 5th., ac,33 o'cloek,:Lucknow .Orchestra will furnish niesie, Lunch served. Proceeds t' aid of ;building fund.r,--Wm. MON, '.'31,if. CliMliiell . In ihe.,presence-ef a large nuiaber ,Of .relatiVeS. end friends of the can; treating' .parties; the Wedding' took• 'place. at :Maple. -Grove) Perin; ('estF ford; .on " WednedaYs.'efternoon Dec. 27th„at'four-,e!cleck, of Pearl`, .daugh - •-'er,k land. jazileaL,Hatveir.4.-AndetiOn;.,sen!L,of' ,the late Diinciin.Anciersonrof •Blue,Vele, EOML'..W.ingharn. ; ' • 'The:bride who was tretainiziglY• at- tired a. gown „cif- iyaty. satin - and "ertrrYnig a "houquit. „totitiell. .; . roses and. maiden , bait fern, entered the drawing -room, On the •arm of , her father to 'the" strains, 'of "Mendela sohn's Meloy" played by _Miss".DelIa 'Brooks' and took: •her stand (under an arch of 'evergreen end. roses./The 'bride :was attended'by her Sister, Mildred,' .Who. wote..the- groom's .'gift,...fr large' bar pin,...set_.*ith_rie4rie.i andher_little., niece" ,Clara.Mae.Halderiby;whe'acted. girt tarried a .beeket....of ;roses' and :also; wore tho groom's gift, ,a gold..bracelet., The greorn, Was :sup,,, sup- ported by his •brother •Wilfred, nt -tondonis- elerginian" • •, was Ret Frank •L„ Lewin, . . After the signing of oi the tegist during: Which a•'..461O.,"1.1atil" Was ren- dered by the groom's cousin,, Miss. Mtec_Deaa, 1;4_4: Centralia, all retired to -the dining-, hera sunipttio was ast ; room, w e , . us p . served,. at,, Which -.many toasts. were, given; •rtibofig ,which Mrs. 0. G; And- ersen Spoke for. the ,:gi;Oinn' and Rev. 'PespOlided .tor 'the The 'guests .' were I then entertained in the drawing-roomi by reatuntentals' andMrs. Lewin and daughter 1)izteer,,•41sejr7 Mrs W. It. Anderson, Readings W'ere.giVen 13y..tft, Mrs. Y.k.:14;._)1er14,1•11.0))fill.d.,...0.0.11..„1,11.0.41a0.4.4V-10t0fr.'1"teNt""4*IL'04..6 , r EIGHTH -CON: K IN LOSS- - • A Happ•y and..ProsperousFNew_Tear 'to All. . • , •• • •• •• .• f . Mr. .1tich.`". Needham .end.: ',daughter; Aelena,„sperit..,Tnesday .,"7 -Mr....„ arid: Mrs., Eartt•.'`Calber.t. spent, • Ne'Fairrith Miss Al-rniers Mr and 'Mrs :Jak • Needham .spent a"feiv"' days, •recen t•ly • wth• relatives in .our buig •• ' ! :Soh poysellit .are'„agein thiging, . and ^ • N 1 S Puff astriegk' Date Cakes Co arit 6erils • Grape Fruit Etc. PRONE Aar GIFTS TI-IAT'LAST ristrnas Nene' If Spent in "Rogers' Heirloont- Plate.Will Always Be a Delight y oit can hay one; -t-we'''Or. .s , • Many pieced as you wish at any time with .the assurance of getting the bet to be Obtained in Silver Plate - We have two de.signs in kleitt,:,, leen:I.-Plate, and invite" You .to call and hick these OVer:- ' • shspig you. have 'sonic, other ;design 'ariceivisli to acidagome • :Pieces,- we' will be pleased to ' •supply • .." • rmptron Jeweler & Optician. MAPEKING •Tt,leaday.,-'764:1 -A ..1-IaliPy„. New: Year to you.. holidays ere,...Oyer with the usual ..reuild'. of family union:a and joily good tiries.• 'Our •holiday visitors were - Mr; . Eldoir T,Wanzley; :of Meneton kt.;Vla .••Fitzgereld, of Detroot,1/11.,I,S§ prances,. Fitzgeralck'of. Canfield, • • Ont., mte Beryl Jebnaton, drIVIKekelltri` Petry' Sound Dist., Miss Mary linli, of • Guclph, Mr. and-Mrs:-.S,-.BT'Stet era, .. :of €linton, Mr Iseeer..Stothers, of 'Guelph, and Tommy anct.GraCe ,And•••'" erson, of Lucknow.• Um - ton, Mr Bailie and Midi Jessie ,Stoth. -ers-attended,Ahe.marriage of Mr. •J-. .C.' StOtliet-s . to Miss Florence Sleigh; -.444;Yrld-Avei-Toroxitcion-z7ThursiiaST-; Dec„..28th,....The_...happy_connle are • . . . • 1,1 A . . • • ; . _i'RuI1lUIH'' , = . Banjo Guitar Violin, Piano teachers 'and ehildreirs • are again ;at • their' hooka. • , • ••,' Mr, ,Ben Scott and sister 'were the,. guee:s' of Mt, aridMrs.Vin. &O,ngram ,ezze evening.'reeently.:. , , , • .Mrs, J.no: aainpbeli 'and' daughter,. ,MarY,•yisited the fainrer's Sister,Mra.- ;hie. Culbert this veck- • misses ,Ada:.4,fi1 „Arthar k'like.apentthebtoliday. week.. • with,i-h64r,. Geo Culbert renewed old ie- quaintanees on the tenth, this„ week. iliever',.mincl.deetge it .is!New.Tears,t': Cecil ? and', .Myrt4e COngrain -,Yisited 'their 0uncle, Mr. Sam Cohg'rani 2nd. Con on Fri., . . . , day„la4, • - ,• Mrs: T. Roach ',and her sister, Mrs. :RObt:'.Walker;Col"Pielrfer-bl;'agichwmifo- is here 'on a viaity.speat a fewdayd gw. Mr. ken:- ' nay, of Cranbrook. • , , ; t” - - ; LoCA%MAithETS . • Butter •28--86d. 116gb 4 $16.66 1,'Peila 0,4' • 0 • ,• o'; .131.(kwite5t 41 4' 4 4' talii" 11' C4 • • • 41, and Instruments 0 TEACHER. vas Mandolin,. Violins- Repaired, VieelincnowsiRe •,„ 11,idgilV.11011:1111.1", • Your Opportunity To get,* pair of Cozy Slippers at a low price. We want to clear out all our Ladies' Cozy Slippers, and have - reduced the. price that all can afford tobuy. Cozy ,slipoers',:asOrti.ectdOlitir8;; 4fgh-and14:4-:61ti.- ▪ • " • „, . . regular priee.;$1.b.a.andi*L7.5, rclearing at $1,;21; fut7trunined.:Fe t'.'Slippers,,wtth leather '1 • , sole and heel, 'regular. $2,00, ,clearing • 1 neW- lines of Slippers in 141ack. and Grey Suede; •niceicr:, evening wear, reasonable prices, 131a& $5.00, Gray $5.5Q.• • 1,00,t,i.l';','1;‘, ,- Selioirs' "re RATHWE' L-84' TURNER V84°r , „1.41,1C1X:NO‘V l'qqot Comfort Itu'ubo. 'Api rI III tee .004,2