HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-12-07, Page 84,410 •..:. ..'iii •1, r.. ors. Oar Clearing Sale of Men's and. Boys' Ove cat and Coats and Skits, and many other specially reduc- ible,' eda ( 'dugs isaffording an exce ee stop n ty to save t eye inpi h n$ needed lines WinterGoods. Some of our clearing lines are already soldout and. we are re-, placing them with other lines at equally low prices. See our Table of Remnants, marked at very Zow'prices. Opine„find get * awe Of these Bargains.- /1;7: i ita } 4 _GIFT GOOD ift Handkerchiefs Just stacks of them—the the prettiest yet. This store has long been recognized as headquarters for Christmas j-landkerchre.fs. This year selection has been carefully made and we are sure our range contains some of the prettiest and nicest we bare ever shown, from fancy picture handkerchiefs for children at 5c.„, up to fine qualities, nicely embroidered, at $1.00. .See Our display in fancy bOZeS, with one, two or .three in each, which 'make- versr acceptable gifts to friends. RI T AS lien's Ties Just the styles and qualities that every man, young or old,. kes to receive as a Christmas Gift. ice lines done up singly in , fancy boxes. See our 1.25 arid of Ties. . Our goes you'll find reasonable at 25, -35, :5Q, 75c., 1s QO, r� .25 and $1 Sfr« Men's Mufflers Canda's cold Wn.nters suggest the wearing of fine' 'Brushed Wool Mufflers, the kind that looks so nice and feel so -warm and comfortable. We are showing special values at 75c., 1.00, 1.25 and $1.50. Also a nice range of rune quality Silk in nice patterns at reasonable prices. - • Ladies' • Gloves and Hose Always acceptable and appreciated is a gift of Gloves or Hose. Our , stock contains the kind that looks well and gives real satisfaction in rear. See tbenew lines we=showing:: The styles, qualities and prices will pleaseyou- Spada” 25e. Table The large assortment of various kinds of Gift Goods at 25c. each, arranged on a separate table is one of tire special featuresof our Christmas 15isplay. Thus yealtour-values are better .than before in many lines, so come early while. the assortment is at its best. Those desiring gifts for Christmas Trees for, School or Church will find suitable lines on this `table. 1 r,> one No, 10 is at Your. Service We Sell liar Cash -We Sal Cheaper Than The Credit Stores 'Only'. 15► .more : shopping days ( before t`hristmas :and the same' old uestion con + yoji hot-Shait . • The following. suggestions we be eve ,J is - - w help you -=to nEcr-wpra Ith l e'l •.. 110 i DAV ARLY .a h Leve how shopping whri+ h to prepare' for Christmas.; ay, our advice is for everyonem Shop early and avoid -the last-minute .rush., We prepared layislity for' ChrlstntaSthis and you willfind �,: �' prices .easies`than : or Amply a fr, ast. a. i4IEILSON'S' CHOCOLATES A fresh shipment. Consist- ing of CBoxes • lout in for the holiday tta de - at prices from ask. leo 175,00, • SMOKERS' •SS Qtr Tobaeeo - Counter is full ,of stiiiable Presents for Hue > , i roguing ala e. in warealar, brands of Cigar chrigi;reem p>Z . A hue range of Pipes in • eases, from 2.110 to P AO. CHRISTMAS- .STATIONERY, 'f'iONERY A nice assortment of Pao entries in bores, rangin.g. Price from lac. to $3.00 per lknc, BOOL 'S,BOOX.n- We .have in new bots by' popular authors. ., such as Htpielsott. Reit Beach. Robert 'literal, • Bar: ciess OrsaY... ete. Also a . large stool of reprints. su€rle, as the famous ITeat•y boobs. for .bays. and Lenis,M. Alm - eett, bdQks for bons_ T.UCKNO , T (Q. PHONE 32. LOCAL MARKETS 45c_ ... • Hogs -. --. .. 28-30cs Wheat $1.10 Peas -- 440e4. Buckwheat ...$1.75e.41 . Bardet 50C.. -55c, NEW PROVINCIAL COI STA IL'ES, GET' TO WORK - (Herabi and :Times. Walkerton) Mr..../1_ A. Shaw, a -returned num who . has just. completed the course at Toronto - whieh mien =enuring for the provincial . police :denarilnent• before they ceruse a' tier roust mass mane=. appohetment' to DIED the • arrived in tows! v' -day while a third ream,. N. Lestee. wits was despatehed to Orangeville held the lnspeetor to run down the in- fraetors . of Du}feria. Their apnehet- nmint follows an the heels ..of Premier . Artery's' threat thaaeb. the daily.-: press -to tighten up• the o:'- '.en- €neereent and make the ' Int of - the booze ore:eder a more aireearions, one in the. Province. The move is :along ;the .ht' line, .and if the distillers of swamp poison- had their dust .deserts. Most of them would' be in penitentiary 'and the others lir aid• for the ileac -ions part they 'acre • pitying; in the community sehenie. •`-' a.o:o . The amateur snortsaean can save a lot of baric walking b3r hiring the e � o s tis a, target tri laity of the hotel: • . guid t erre ' the Brie-. Never, in the, history of iiicknow,..have you had the opportunity of seeing such a Grand Display of Xmas Goes, suitable for Gifts. Our stocks are now a-• piete and prices ate away dawn. • We have a big stock of''smas Card's and . Booklets. Toys,' •• Games ••snli Dolls of every description. ranging in price from '1th to$:i00. we inane an extra lige 'stork of Fancy China. Girt Glass, .. Pyrex. and- 'ty, Great- viariety of liandkere&aefs_ and hemdreds of other items suita`ble for Gifts.• fop eariy and get your 'choice. Any article ill he reserved for patrons on ' payment of a small deposit. IID' ';TORE "- Headquarters, for Santa .Claus LU KtNO • 11, R 1:E For Winter .Storage.:and. All Kinds.. :Battery Be - r g • Leave Your Bat- tery With: T. �`tr� . A ! F SMI Central Garage, - L neknow. as success- MacRiniton--7n%he-Tovasship- f -lie ----onto Peer constable*13hted. -ho _vias, Iris. Lannside district, on Dee 3, recently rennove.d -to 'IFiart on, The ll.' • � 1922. Mrs_ E. MacKinnon. widow of ,.em '$icer well devote his titre large, the late Allan MacKinnon (formerly ly to assistiae* Inspector. whir_ in Elizabeth MacMillan), aged 72' running= doyen moonshimers,'boo ee: years_ (We expect to have a more aers and other illicit h ioae fiends • itn extended obituary next week.) this district- T, Sones: - another ;uentl3r 11-13-0- r • aoaoiinted Provincial ten_ was 'also de= Wheat wanted at The Y,aekaaw tailed this week to aid Insmeeter• Flour Wil_ Highest market price paid. Matthew. Beckett. at Owen ` .Sound; Rooeas' 1847 Knives and Fork;. Rogers' 1847' Tea .Spoons. 'Rogers' 'Sutter Knives, Codd, Meat Forks and Berry Spoons Conn ulnity. Plate—Tador Plate—In Spires and Boas. .Spoans Tea •pert and Table size`. cold Meat Forks and Sugar Pyrex Ware; in Casseroles, *pie Plates and Utility Dishes. •chicle -PI ►ted Tea and Coffee Pots. Monday= Percolators. Automobile Skates in every quality made and m all sizes. Pocket 'S'airves--W a have a most complete stock ranging in price from 15c. to $2.00. :The man or the boy always, appreciates a pain' of Good ' Mitts. We have thew geed and the. pr ems. Case t;arrers—A: complete lithe. Sheffield make. We Have the . Goods Our Prices Are Right • ti , To assist your purse --to reach -;,a - little farther, we will give a 5 p.c. Discount on all cash purchasers.-- Gaso1Yne and '"Cool Oil excep ed STOP! LOOi! LIST$ and at the to the HEAR GOODS Crash in Prices. Greatest SaleofChtna_ Offered in Luckhaw For Six Days, Commencing Friday 'Morning, .Decemeher 8th., until Wed- nesday Night,. December 15th: The Lucknaw Nardware & Coal Co. 04111111101111111111 THE STORL Th& NBVIsS ISAPPOJNTS Poen are stiff O1EMA . !YI lulu{ whf '$ Ma.. Mat fir. Eczeneia and bkin� Inas- p pant, Ils leeaklo. t retierts at tame anal Kala- 1 I"n tI'. m roman t �Mond ac. sit► i� e. are. a ,Te4 t' ][4 or 5t oh Still, we can't see that long sklita an eombintation ifffn'•bobbed hair are arty mora itcongrenauf than a bald fat man in golf piths, - Tao Ptah peon think the car be their broth'ersat keener without put- ting a *kw in hit f% ,--•&itcbencr' 114014, We will sell at half Price our complete stock' --Tot-China-and H1assware -without reserve. No pieces exchanged or returned, and. all Strictly Cash. Not one piece sold at cut price before `ridayInorning or after Wechnesday ht C close of Sale ` Dishes go back to former prices. We are offering Dimmer Sets : -(including Bridal' Rose), worth $45.00 and $50.00, for $25.00: Water Glasses, "Star Cut", regular $3.00 per . . dozen for $1.50; also Plain Thin Glasses, tegu¢ _. lar -$.1. ' Sc These .a a -manly a few...oLthe many Bargains awaiting you at The Hub Gro- cery and ro,cery,and ..China Store- Come inand: have h .._ look, it costs you nothing to look around We also have a full line of the choicest Fruits; Nuts, etc., for your Xmas 'Cake. We can buy cheaper goods, but we, cannot buy better, and the best is none too good. Cream and Eggs Taken as Cash W. W. HILL , Lwow , Men's, 'Ties, Knitted. 50c,, ?5c . 1.00; • I.25 all' $1,75. • • Men's Ties. Silk, 50c.. 755c.. $1,40 and ilandkerchle€s, lOc to 50c Mufflers, $1,0o- to $4.00. Pajamas,, at. $2.75 and $3,50. Gloves in. Wool. Chamoisette and aid. 00.e. to -� Sweater Coats at '$3.75 and $6,00. • Shirts; at moo to solo. . SOCKS -We have.. splendid vari 25c. to $131) a pair. Braces, 50c., '1 anti $1,Q0; Aritnband and Garter Sets. at b.0c`. Soft Collars ,in the': newest ,shapes, e. and' 50c. • _.— .�C pl d gealitneswifft-.the " -•- inside band. at 1,50. 1.75 and $2.00. KEIT Handkerchiefs, 10€ . to $1,00' each, Hosiery in Silk, Cashmere,. Lisle and Worsted. 35c to. $3,25.a pair_ • .Call= Lace at 25 and 35c. a point. Pretty* Scarves in Silk. ,4"225' to $LOJ, How about Table Linea? A 'dee set can be had, Cloth and Napkins. are Hemstitched., lovely quality pure `. linen. $15,00 a set: A nice Fair Neck -Piece would .be the thin;; to ERR. We dtaeeseei ' , very psett3 pieces\of fur that_ are • zemarkable _value 1 Only Io baella . Fax Stole or, Choker. beautiful qual- ity and is" good ,alae at $75:00.. Someone is going to get this - at nay 540,00, nese pretty Wool Bed' CoanEertabks we .•have at $,7,00. would make a . handsome • gift. Also Pure Wool ' White Blankets s at $8.50, •$9.00 and $0.75 the pair. Gloves, always useful. in .Kid. Cham- eisP, tn.- aim., cave _Skim,„_. n,I the new , - Waalen Gauntlet s. 7.5c, to ' 53:00. , eish= Illi !its Doyle Measure Clothes 1 Wheeling Banadian yarn 90c. ib.. Here