HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-11-09, Page 1I • r+ • }•r B • - . , ° . . !X00 PER YEAR 111 ADVANC*; $2,50 OTR*. W18R,. a. EVERYBODY'S COLW6.N..n' % a--o=-o VETERINARY SURGEON, Dr. W. J. Keleher,, Ripley, Phone 29, .night or day. -t14.- • 6 . . DENTIST • . Dr MacLeod will.'. visit. Luck:ma e very 'Tuesdajr. Office above that .of ll . Elliott az Connell, . 23.2-tf: DIt.1 ARKS R OSTEOPATH, O the Cain house, Lucknow, everaevery afternoon. All chronic dis- eases successfully treated. Osteo- pathy removes tue physical causes of • disease. Adjustinentof the , spine is more quickly secured and • with fewer treatments' by Osteo- pathy than by any other method, ,--- Toronto prices paid for all kinds of poultry. 9-6-tf• A. Grospopf, Lucknow. Dr. McInnes, Chiropractor, of Wing - ham, will visit Lucknow three times each week in future. Anyonedesiring an interview with himmay leave word at the Cain House. and the doctor will call, or may see him there personally, Tuesdaass. Thursdays” and •Saturday afternoons. No charge is made for' consultation, • • ' ; FOR SALE. -Livery and. Feed barn and a number of 'rigs, , in Lucknow, property.. of the late Allan MacLeod: Apply to Alex,. Ross, 9-11. • C . PARM FOR SALE, -Part - *•ots 5 and 6. Con. 13, W. D. Ashfield. con- . taining 80 aeres good soil, with wocd lot and orchard. ten -room • house with bathroom , complete; bank barn • and• good out -buildings. spring waterl pip- ed to the house and barn; For, tieulars apply to Kenneth Farrish,. R. 3. Lucknow. . 9-11-p. ' AUCTION SALE Of .Grass Farm:At the Helyrood 'Store on Monday. Nov. 13..1922; there will be offered for sale, by\publin auction. Farm Lot. No. 4, 9th. Can: Kinloss Twp.° 100.acres of good 'grass land. well fenced. artesian well With windmill. Terms made • known on day of sale. -Mrs, . J. Gamble. Admlllis- • tiatrix.. J. Purvis, Auct. 9-11-100. FOR SALE; 20 Ewes.. or' to let out, on shares. Apply to Alex, ',Ross; Lucknow, 16.11-.p.•. CATTLE ASTRAY.- Strayed iron' the farm- of Ackert Bros.. 3, 'two-year-old steers; -one about July 16.. and two about. October 15.' • Any person keying- information- .lead.;` ing to their recovery Will, lie suitably rewarded, -Ackert Bros.' 23-11-100 i.. NOTIai •,. '. _____ Owin to -the reduced price. -of -oil. we are able 'to quote the following prices • -for grindin' for the coming Winter: pig Chop , .. :a , title-•' .:_„A. .ler t• -g Cattle Chop .. 8c, per cwt Wm. Buckie lu._R:a3<I,ucknow:- • • I.UCKNOW, ON'T.,.:' ur.mSDA„Y, NOVEMBER 9,• 1922. .O. O. 0' 0 .9' a .0 0.. 0 : _0 ,D, LOCAL AND GleNiii;MAL • Mr Roy Hudson is home after being a ,Month at Kitchener. :Dbn't try to fool , your wife; See what it leads to Friday, evening, • `See the Mother-in-law in "Too Many Wives;" then be .thankful' for • Mr. ` and ;Mrs, W W. Hili and daughter, Kathleen %%ere in Mitchell ell. over Sunday. • Mrs. Russel Roberston and her ,mother, Mrs, Johnston, visited in Lon- don.last week, Beware of a nuisance in keeping roomers. See the" German Inventor, Friday evening, • . Mr. and. Mrs; Robt, Rae and Mr. Porteoua spent the Thanksgiving -with friends in Stratford, ' • Mr. • Lloyd Alton is home after spending ' a month at Queen Alexan- dria .Sanitorium, London; • Anyone with a "star boarder" that they can't get' rid of, take a lesson from the mother-in-law in "Too •Many. Wives" ' Mr. Phillip MacMillan was in. Port Elgin on Tuesday of this week attend- ing the funeral ' a. cousin, . David. Jeffrey, . • , Mr, W. L. MacKenzie is home after spending the past three' weeks in. Kit- chener and district' in connection with ,his 'business; The Artful lover, with all his schem- ing, lying and Warming, fails to get. his rich old uncle's money.: but not from lack of :perseverance. Mr. and Mrs. George .Belcher, of Goderich, were' week=enb guests of Mr : and Mrs. Robt,• Carrick, Mrs. Belcher is a sister of Mrs, -Carrick. M}', Harold. Aekert, who . lias ;been recuperating . at . Queen Alexandria Hospital, London, is aepending the week with his parents 'on Stauffer St, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Stanley spent the week -end with 'Mr, and Mrs.,:Dun- can •Kennedy,, Thitechureh, and visit- ed the letter's parents, on Thanks- giving Day, . . • Starf3', Nov: ng�S�aturda lith -h' d continuing .for Christmas buyers, • 1 wiil-:have for_' sale 'at M•rss�o ertson s Mllinery Store, a good collection of hand -painted ehina,-Alnra MacKay. Today; Nov, 9th .is,the 'annivers - o' • of the y great• sleet and wind 'storm on' the Great Lakes, when a.'number of big freighters, many smaller • craft, and over 200 sailors went to a watery t JOS- DINEEN'S AUCTION SALE, At • Tot 1. Con. -7; E. D. Ashfield. on . Monday,, Nov. 20, commencing at one o'clock p.m , '40 heard of Cattl and 2 horses,- Cows. Feeding Cattle, Young Steers and JIeifers;_As-fine a r T"alot of -Grade :Durham Cattle . as there is in-HCintyaand_bred b- _ Mr, .. • Dineen himself. Jot Purvis, Auct. .4. `• DR. MAUDE C' BRYANS Registered Optometrist Graduate Department of ..Ophthalmol- ogy. . McCormick Medical. College. Chi- cago. -I.11 Three months -postgraduate: course' during ye�lr 1919. . • • ' Eyes• correctly. fitted with Glasses, Headaches. Dry- Itchy 'Eyes, Granu- lated Eyelids, Watery Eyes. •Pain in Eye Balls. Inflamed • Eyes., Pus or __. ___Wstew.-_Discharge•'.imm.__.Eyes _and: Dizziness caused by Eye -strain re - a • • ' lieved through properly fitted Glass. Cross Eyes straightenedthrough properly 'fitted Lenses. Eyes .tested at night equally as good 'asduring d • .light, ' - All.-kinds;of- O!ptieaI' repairs :done. ' .: • Satisfaction facti on A sure d At the Cain House, Luckn oo -12 ami:1.30 to 6 p.m., Eveninga to ' p.ni; Wednesday oteaib week. 4... • HOLYROOD Mrs's Pearl Congram is spending.* _:. •a few-days•with-friends-at - "• A car load of Holyroo:d young peo- ", • pie attended the Missionary meeting, in Lucknow, On Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. White Murray and children,:of.._London' 'spent Thanks- giving , p hankst giving with liars. James Sutherland. Mr, and Mrs. Wes, Haines, motored. to"Mildmay on Sunday for Thanks- giving, and Mrs, Harris returned with them, Mr, and Mr's, John Stevenson,. of London, and d' Miss Elvin ,lf`arrison' of r Etrick, spent the week -end with Miss Jennie. Pierce. • ' • The Women's Institute wile fiold r quilting in the Mechanic's Hall, en Net, 16, all day,`i a interests of r aria the filo suffe� a in Worthen: Ontario. ,Pridiefi, please bring lunch, • • • y rave, Miss--Zelda-Bossenberry, K-itcliener's- young star pianist, will be a ,treat to all music .lovers- Slie has unusua ant; having been engaged in orchestra work in the city. when only 9 yearsof age. In' Carnegie: Hall, Friday evening, "Too Many_ Wves,'" Friday=evening; Nov 10th f: ,by Belgrave . Dramatic Club. As); -anyone-who has • seen the - play. They will all say the..same, "It's sure some:play ' Get your tickets •at McKi.•e's Drug . Store, 35c,, Children. 25c, • The almost Spring-like weather of the -past -two weeks naturally sets -folic making'comparisons with former eea- sons.. One party recalls driving , :t'o Bervie on the evening of a' certain Nov 5th,, when. -the snow was so deep -that-the lea& •of -horses could-scateel get through' -quite, a contrast to this week. • , '-=o-o-0-- DA 4CE - The Lucknow Fire Co. will hold a dance in; the Carnegie Hall Lucknow on. Monday ..night,..Noy^,_13,. idusfe-by_: Lochalsh • Orchestra;.• $1.00 per . douple, extra lady 25e., gallery 25e. Proceeds' to Memorial Park Fund, • _ : .PAID-FINE-'Dirt-BooTLRGGIR' Wm. Houston, of Kinloss, who, 'a few months ago, was convicted in the Magistrate's Court here on a .charge of -bootlegging, has --paid the -fine sof $500,00 then ' imposed, . He was not present at the trial Nand• was away from Kinloss for about three months after being conviicted. He was last week , taken to Walkerton, . where he had to choose between serving berm four months/or paying the ` e; ---41-0-0-0--0 BORN Barbour-WIn the General ' hospital, W ingham, on' October 29, 1922, to ,HERE AND THERE VOR THANKS- GIVING Among those who visited here( or went from town elsewhere for . the Thanksgiving , week -end, we note the following: Miss Frances Siddall, from Toronto; Mr. Hugh , Anderson, Tpron,s to; Messrs;; Jack • Newter* end Steel Mackenzie, here from Kitchener, 'Mr; Frank Bosse,nberry and slaughter, Zile •da, of Kitchener, are guests .ef -Ma and, Mrs. W. L. Mackenzie; Mr. Feed.. ,Davison, vitbited `his mother and sister here;' Miss Freda 'Aitchison, home, front Toronto; Mr, Harry Alton,' Walkerton, and ` Miss .. Alma Alton, Elmwood, at their home; Miss Lillian Mitchell,. from, Toronto; Mrs. (Dr.) MacLean, Welland,' visited her par- ents; M , nd Mrs, Fred ..Lucas and daughter, udrey,'. Toronto, at Mr. Sam, Robert ons- M•i s Dean s , Geddes, home from Mount Forest; Miss' Verne McQuilIin, from. Stratford .Norinal; Miss Isabel Douglas, home from Chat- ham; Mr, Etwart Cameron; Walkerton, and Dr, A. AN Cameron,' Peterboro, at their home here; Mrs, Temple Clark, Goderich, and 11Ir, and Mrs. _ Q F. Richardson,eswater, with Mrs. D; Douglas; Mr, E.- A. Mil/son; home from Hamilton; Messrs,. George and Andrew Huston,' from `Midland. • CHURCH. NEWS ?next Sunday will Men's Day at'. the Methodist Curch. The pastor will deliver special N.,ei s Day messages' and the music •will• be fpp• rnished by • a Man's chorus choir. ` Mr, Cameron,j Geddes will sing 'at the evening ser I vice. All welcome, • The Maitland Presbytery. 'will nieet, in -Ripley on' Thursday;' November 110, at 2.30 pm, for . the purpose of in- ducting, the Rev. Robert ' Harkness; Ph. D., formerly, of Wroxeter; into the pastoral charge of St, Andrew's con, gregation, The'. Rev. Jas. Scobie, of Whitechurch, will preside and..induct. Rev. W. °A,.• MacWilliam, of Kinlough, will preach! 'elle. 'induction.. sermon, while Rev, C. -N. -MacKenzie, of -Bel- more, Will address' the newly inducted' Minister, . and Rev; A, . K. Gollan, • of South 'Kinross, Will address . •the con-- gregation. .•The proceedings are open to the public, and .;a warm welcome is-extendedto all`who care to attend: The re'gular meeting' of the Presby- terian- W;M;S. was aheld•'on: Wednes-• day, Nov, 1st,, • the President, Mrs MacCallum, presiding. Mrs. -Pt Phil• - .lips . read, . the Bible Lesson. • A eom :mittee of three men-Iberia.was appoint-' ed to pack the barrel -•of -fruit and vegetables sent. annually to a Re dempti've Homo for Giris in"Toronto. :The-Topie, "The- Honie Lands -of Our• Immigrants" was taken.'; by Miss M. Murray; -and -Miss M A: MacKenzie: gave• a reading entitled; "How. Pete set the wo 1do work;'showing how 'great' results. often follow a small beginning, Mrs, Mot:Mum drew ; in ference from a chart showing a tower,. how the failure of one,Auxiliary:to'do its required. duty, 'Weakens :the whole: Society The offerings, _at theThank.=... offering meeting en Oct;.' 25th., which was addressed' by the Rev. Jas.:, Buch .anan, of Central; India, amounted to $150. WHITECHURCH • . -• Tuesday, • Nov. 7th • Miss Ida' McQuaid s ent Sunday in P Y 1i.ucknow, Mise' Greta. Fort spent the week-, en`d nt-Iter Tiome here; .. 14ir, Charles Rintoulspent last week with friends, in: Kitchener..' Mrs John Clubb• s.visiting: her sis- ter,Mrs. _.Davy .of. •Brucefield. Mr. and Mr, Eli Jacges are spend-" :fag a few eieeke to •''Windsor, and. Detroit Misses 'Alba , and Little. 'FOX spent Thanksgiving- with -friends -an Goderz Bch; ' Misses •Ieily,and. Helen Paterson are spending the holiday with relatives in Arthur... , Mr and 'Mrs. ' Fred Stanley of -Lucknow, spent Sunday with Mr.: and' Mrs, Duncan Kennedy, ' Miss Robina Henry, Guelph College, spent the holiday at her home here. Miss Olive Terrifi • is visiting ' in Toronto this week • The Women's Missionary Society held their Thank -offering meeting Thanksgiving night, • Miss Moffat, from Langside, Who is t< deaconess rom Toronto,'`aridressed the meeting, Mrs, Jones of Belgrave 'eking, The meeting 'Was a decided Success, the Thank -offering amounting to $40.90, o` •11 marriage doesn't refine' both his apeparanee and action* you may take Mr, and Mrs; Aimee Barbour, a :it for granted that he •fp boss in the i d THANKSGIVING CONCERT FlLLEII' THE TOWN HALL an Atonday eiyening it was again demonstrated the splendid array of talent which Lucknow can muster *ben theeoccasidn 'demands, The Hall was jammed tot: the door too -and some outside the 'door. And in spite of the dam there • was the : best , of Order, ',a fact which:indicated that the erawd 'was, well 'entertained. . The concert gotten •upby the„Ore Company was staged in the interests of the Soldiers' 'Memorial Fund, and the public will :be pleased tb '.know that in a • financialway it was a splendid success,:. An opening • ,runt , while”. the erowd was gathering. was given by the Princess Pat's Orchestra, • This was followed by a selection by the Harmonica Band, of fiver boys and a solo by Miss Mary Aitcheson,; Mr, D. C. MO/terratl,deinc'nstrated that he is still • capable of clever 'tricks in music by ann• exhibition selection with"the bones'; and later by using his hands as a ' 'h•istle, Miss May McMoreen'played' en accompaniment. The numbers were very clever, The Burlesque baby show was very amusing, 'and well done -Conductor' Keith Brown proving 'himself a mast= er hand-pn the jrlatfeirm. There were over 20 little "mothers" with ' as hiany,,.and'one more, doll babies, so that Judge Brown had a difficult task, and of course failed to please all but one, Mr, Eldon Henderson contribut- e d a solo which was followed by a piano .duett by° Misses. Dora and Mona Mitchell. •Mr, Cameron Geddes. nd..Mrs. J. esley Joyntcontributee wo duetts, .and each also gave solos which were well received.: Other • num els were a solo by Miss Kathleen Hill;: recitations • by. Misses Lorna ampbell :and Edna Rivers, and music y a burlesque ,band of 12 boys; Mrs. Dr;) Newton presided at the. piano or the various.'artists. '. The program• wase ;followed by' a nee which .was well patronized, • ASHFIELD, , NOTES • • a bf C ( • da • M .--Frank • Hemiltonf o I,ochals left a t week for . Windsor. • M_r,_an -Tho rburn; o Amberley;:,spent Sunday' with friend in Tiverton, and Mrs. Jack Henderson, Paramount, spent Sunday with friend in Whitechurch.,• •• Mr, Jame's' Reid, 'of .Sprucedale visited with friends" in ' Pararnou during. the. week, • 1 Ir. and.' Mrs. •Jack • McDonald. • Lothian, spent S nday .with Mr,' an Mrs Jas; Reid of Lucknow,' -Keith- end-;Gertie Webster, of Sea • forth, spent Thanksgiving • holiday -with-friends in Paramount, __ ' Mr, and Mrs, Walter' Alton, . Lanes, •spent Sunday ,.with Mr. an' Mrs, Max Reynard';>of Paramount. Mrs Grant' .McDiarmid, •of Para mount, visited with Mrs,`' Neil -Kenzie, of-Lachalsh during the wee - parties wishing to , get .cut -chew at --the Paramount"Cheese r'acto would do well. to call' on Friday ,right' . Mr, and Mrs, Janes Stieley 'an Elleda, of Paramount, attended th Stothers---Stanley_weddiegast' Kin�car aline, on-SSaturday,-- Elmer Parrish, of .Guelph Agricult- ural College, spent Thanksgiving un- der the;parental roof, He was ac- companied by his friend, Mr. Forward of -Ottawa,• -also -a "stude`rit- at the college. A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized' at the helve of liar, and - Mrs. J•as,_.MeDonald; -of Paramount, when ,. Sadie, their second eldest daughter;; `ryas' united' marriage o MrR , Obert Hamiltnnt of_Lochalsh,. on Thursday, Nov., 2nd Thanksgiving- la teiiiel eaiitiftil; everybody who owned `a gun was out hunting,. everybody trying' to bag some wild geese, 'which are plentiful now However, the goose.,is xi• _ goose when it comes to taks _care of it;:elf,., -'and we didn't-hear6f anybod"y'secur- h, f- o s nt o d•. • s: of d k: e rY a� e rug one, The following teachers and stud- ents spent, Thanksgiving at their •re m pective. hoes, Ashfi ld-Miss -kind Mckenzie; of Fordyce, at Kin - tail; Miss 'Maria Long, of Exeter, at Hemlock •City; Miss Isabel McKenzie, of Auburn, at Kintail; Duncan Mc- Crae, of Stratford Normal, at Lbeh- alsh; Miss Lilian McKenzie, of Stratford Normal, at .Kiptail; :Miss Margaret McNain, of Kippen, at Laurier; .Miss Jessie Buckingham, of StHelens, at Laurier; Mlss Kather- ine Blue, of Stratford, at•Aniberley, Miss Margaret McLeod, of Stratford, at 'Lochalsh; Miss 'Tabitho Kempton, o ,A f near" Gode'rieli, rn Laurier; Mise 0 Helni, of Strat.ferti, at Zion, C. t LUCKNOW.:SCHOOL REPORT ' Room III • Sr, Class -Excellent -a Norman Wil- eon; il-eon; Livingston • Menary*, Blanehe' Pinner, Good --Alex, Andrew",e flare- ey Naylor*,- Elizabeth • MacDonald, Margaret -MacQuillan; Fair--(E'dniund' Collyer and 'George Pinner) ties, F.Adna Dexter, Wesley Barker, • Jr, Class.-- Excellent- Katharine Mackenzie*, Helen, MacDonald*, VeraSherriff*, Charlie Webster'', Winni- 'fred Webster. Good -(Margaret Mc- Allister and Clifi'ord Webster). t°es, Arabell Cameron*, Malcolm Watson*, Rea Watson, 'fury Jewitt. Pair -Ar. chie MacMr * . ,, Sheila MacLeod, Ber- tha Milne, Elwyn Pentland, Lenora Robinson Ruth BradIdy, Those marked (*) were neither late •nor absent during theamonth, • . J, 11iacCallum,Teacher, Room II • Sr,. II -Excellent, 75 per cent. - Jack Brabson,Alan Murdoch, Arthur Andrew, Ada Watson, Clarence Greer, Carlyle MacIntosh, Grace Anderson, Harold Johnstone, Good, 60 per cent. Phillips Me,nary, Jim Stewart, Stel- la Steward, Margaret Button, Jessie Naylor, 'Jessie 'MacKenzie, Almada Durnie*, Alesc; Smith,'Stewart Mullin, Evelyn Nixon, Fair, 40 per cent. -a. Mynona Palmer''. ' Jr, II -Excellent, 75 per cent. -Lor- rainc , Branson, Alex. Mackenzie, Frances 'Thompson, Gladys MacDon- ald, Fred Steward, Isobel MacMillan, Winnifred Armstrong, Roy Finlayson; (Mary.Maclntoeh and Loreen Naylor) ties,' Ruby Pinner, Good, 60 per cent, -Torn Mackenzie, Donald, Henderson, 'Roszella.'Mullin, Helen McLeod, Mar- garet MacDonald, ° Keith Brown*, Armstrong Wilson, Laufa Webster* Pair, 40 per. cent. -Toni Anderson, Wilson. Armstrong, (*) Absentfor one examination, Norma F. Thompson, Teacher, Room I • . • Sr, Class-Excellent-Clarlc 'Fin- . Jayson;', Wilfred Bradley, Fathleen' Ferries, Leonard Irwin, Ernie Baker; Harold Greer, Eldon Agar, Mae Mc- Mahon, Dorothy Ninon, Marion: Cous in's,. Marjorie Henderson. Good-Thir- za Whaiten, David Horne, Kenneth Cameron; Clare _Johnston,_Donalila Douglas, g s, Harold. Button, .Fair -Rhoda" Pinner, Elwood. Solomon, Eddie ,Whit= by, Roy `''Collyer Melvin Staple Stewart Cameron, J. C. Durnin, Jr, Class -Excellent -Clifford Men- 'ary, Mary, Bradley; Marie Hornbeck; Jack •McAllister, '.Donald McDonald, Phillis Cousins; -'-Bobbie -Thompson .BINGL$ oras, s' , Gcibc Luck , is timoisgbt to , go' a long weir, tout • Good , Judgment ��oe h n" TO USE . IS GOOD JUDGMENT. "Tire Tea that ' is always r Rel><aable. H343 • HEIRLOOM.. PLATE' . Silverware that's the nearest thing to 'solid silver, wears for years, • ig . rich in design -that's Heirloom Plate. You'll know it by this Trade -Mark. It's` wear ing ' qualities are'• absolutely' guaranteed. You'll ' like it. a . s scan .as you see it, for the designs are beautiful. It's the highest - grade .silver plate made,, and the kind 'of de- sign you never tire of; We've just. received .some of the latest Heirloom Plate designs and we would. like to show them to you. See these designs before starting a design, • F. T. ARMSTRONG • Jeweler & Optician ' • MARRIED Robinsop-Thibideau-In Kincardine. • on Nov. 7, 1922, by the Rev. 'Mr: arr, Mr. A1#: Robinson '.and-M-iss Libbie Thilrideau, both of Lucknow. -o o -e-- " e LOCAL MARKETS 40c. Butter,. .... , 25-,-30e Hogs •$10,00 , Whent .. $1;00=$ t05 Philip MacMillan; Verna Steward,; Oats ..� . 40e. •Winnifred. Johnston, 'Alan Phillips,. Fess•$1.25 .. Berl • 50c. Edna Agar; �iVlelvm-Johncston: Good.._. .. _,. _..... _ .,__ _ _ _ . � .-. Hugh. Wharton, Jimmie Henderson, Leeiliatd Webster, Jack Fisher:, Fair- George Whitby, ,'Alfred' Armstrong, wini , . yCameron.. Finlayson;_ Betty Brown (absent three weeks on - accouiit: of illness), Charlie. Palmer,; I. Murdie, Teacher, --o Our Saturday Specials Lemon Lunch Cakes • Cheese' Cakes Fried Cakes Home -Made Bread Top Price for Butter and Eggs, at E. HOLLYMAN PHONE 36, :I°UCIiNO.W NOTICE TO CREDITORS .in the. matter . of the estate of Alex- : ander McKenzie; late of • the Town-. . • ... ship Of Wawanosh. in the County • of Huron, .Retired' Farmer, daceas- cd. ' Notice •es herebygiven that all• persons having::. any • claims : or de- .,, mands against the late Alexander Mc- • Kenzie. ,who died on . or about the Twenty-third day of August 1922. at the Township of Wawanosh in the . County of Huron;:, are required to send by post prenaid . or to 'deliver :to- the undersigned, executor under the Will of athe said Alexander Mc •Kenzie, their names and addresses and fall rerticulars in writing of.: _. their claims and statements of the r accounts and the nature of the . se- curities, if any. held by them. duly :. verified by affidavit. - • And take notice that .• after the First day of December A.D, 1922, the said Executor will proceed ,to distri- bute the assets of: the. said„deceased., --among ;the persons entitled thereto. having regard only to •.the claims. -of Which he 'shall then have had -notice. • and that the said executorrtw111 not be"•' liable for the said :assets or any part thereof to any nelson of whose claim ' he shall not then 'have received notice: This notice is given pursuaintato thee statute in that behalf: Dated --at Lucknow-this Fourth -day--- 'of Npvember A. D. 1922;: •F William •McKenzie, Executor. 23-11- . R. 'R No 5. ,Luckno iaO:nt._,. a. CULROSS'CENTRE • Monday, Nov 6th Born. -'To Mr. and Mrs, Harry'Mc Kague,:on Sat. Oct. 28th a son.' .and Mrs, George Richardson and Sony Frank, spent Sunday at Kinloss Miss Massey, teacher in S.S.•No;,'5, spent the holiday at her home, near Granton, Miss Brown, teacher in S,S No. 7, spentmt'he Thanksgiving holiday at her home in Bernie. A number from here attended the funeral of the. late Mrs, George Day,. Wednesday 'of last week.- • • We are pleased to report that Rob t.. ' tobo has returned from . Winghiiin iQspital a,ntl_:-isw_able=o_�ze around again. • _o o -o— BELFAST •. • J. • arfenzsdaya Nov, 7th. a., M did- .M s.,_Re on'. _.chi - � ,,r Y Alt ,anal. . d • ren spent Sunday at Port Albert, • ' Mr. jim and Miss Lottie Henry spent Sunday with Zion friends, Mr, and 'Mrs 'Jos, Hackett visited .;their -daoghter,..Mrs lorbert.Stothar _ recently. ' Rev, Mr. Copeland with his wife and son, George,. visited . our burg last week., • Mrs, Ralph Nixon and son, ' Isaac, visited Mrs. John Eutmorton, during the week, Our teacher, Miss Johnston, has re- turned to 'her' duties after spending the week -end at her home, Mr,, Gibson and Mr: and Mrs, . C. Irwin, of 'Wawanosh, silent Sunday at thehome of. 11tr. and Mrs, Wilson Irwin, • at 1RU--_ STORE: TO -DAY FRIDAY :and SATURDAY. • Su.. remel. Stylish r NeLadies 7- . •-._ .ver -Gaiters--_ _. .., and Galoshes ° We aveu t.yvl sed in stockseveral new 'lines . . of Ladies- . and -Men'spvel` Gaiters that are . Very` stylish" aswell as comfortable, It will be a pleasure foru s to how them. S j . rotect your shoes with apair- 'o �''` -, f Dominion Rubbers or Galoshes.. Dry`feet means better health. l ° Let us correct your' foot troulbles with Dr. 5 Cholls• Foot Comforts. ' RATHWET,I, :& TURNER We Aim to Give You Quality and Service. • ,c M 45 f ,s -