The Lucknow Sentinel, 1922-11-02, Page 1,
f- -
oEvEsirsoDirs COLUMN o •
W. J. Keleher, Ripley, i'hone 2
nightgor day... -4.f.
Dr. MacLeod wail visit 'Lucknow
tre04 Tuesday. -Office 'above that 'of
Drs. Elliott. & Connell, ' 23-2-tf.
Cain House, Luclanow,levery. Wed--
nesdiay afternoon. All chrapicdigs
eases. successfully treated. Osteo-
pathy removes the pbysicel eanses
of disease. Adjustment of 'the
..spine is more quickly ,secured• and
with fewer treatments by -Osteo-
pathy than by any. other method.
Toronto prim paid fir all kinds of
poultry;' •
. 9-6-tf - A. Grospopf,, Lucknow.
WOOD FOR SALE, for, for 'immediate
delivery. Enquire at Joynt's ace.
FOUND, -On the road between
Lucknow ,and Whitechurch, an auto-'
mobile tire. Owner may have• same
on proving •property and paying ex-
penses. A. F..Holland, Dungannon. .•'
Quantity of Peony BaThs for Sale.
Get in your order at once for the Fall
planting. -Philip 'Steward. ,
Dr. McInnes; Chiropractor. of Wing -
ham, will visit Lucknow three times
each weekin future. Anyone desiring
an interview with himemay leave word
at the Cain House, and the doctor'wilF
call. or may see him there personally,,
Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturday•
afternoon`s. No charge is made for
consultation. ,
Dan llliackinnon, Lot 21, Con. 6,
Kinloss. will have an Auction Sale of
Feeding Cattle --30 Steers. 25 Heifers,
10 Calves, 2 Bulls (acne Hereford anti'
one , Durham )•.-on Friday; Nov., 3rd.,
commencing at 2 o'clock, The/stock is
all "home=grown". having .bedn'raised
le tlie neighborhood.
' John Purvis. Auctoneer,
'Of' Valuable Farm Pro erty,
• ^ Estate of the late John Gamble. on
Tuesday. Nov: 7th.; at .3-o'cl ck p.m;,
being farm'`Lot No. 2. Con, 1 . West-
ein . Div.. 'Colborne '•Town rip. 100
aeres.`There'is on the far a large
brick dwelling with frame kitchen and
-_good-cistern._a-large barn..-wi -Cement
stabling. 95 bearing :fruit _ per
manent 'water suppIli i. ithi' 14„ mile
of store- school -and 'church. $ miles
• from Goderieh: Terms made on.on
day of sale or on application to '
' John .P�atrdo.�Auct P>r •
Noticesis hereby-' given'`tha't'thb part
nership heretofore subsisting between the ..undersigned: -• as --Bakers • and
Grocery :Merchants, in the Village of
Lucknow in the County of Bruce, has
--:this' day-been-•-dissolved--bymutual
consent. :
.,, All debts owing to. the said partner-
ship are . to be paid . to 'Edgar Jenny -
man. at Lucknow aforesaid, and all
claims against;the said . partnership
are to be presented to the said Edgar
Hollyman. by whom the •same`will be
settled. "
October. A. , D, 1922. ' '
. Frank Hollyman_ .._
• q /. _Edgar Hollyman.
' FOR SALE. -Livery and.Feed barn
and a number of rigs, in . �Lticknow,
property of the late Allan.,°MacLeod.
• Apply' to Alex. Ross, „ 9-1'L
5 and 6, Con. 13, W. D. Ashfield, con-
taining 80 acres. good soil. with wood
lot .and._otcbard,-ten-room house with
bathroom complete, • bank._ ,_ rp..and
good out-'kuildin'gs spring wa r pip -
to . the house andbarn, For part -
t rs apply to Kenneth . Farrish,
R. 3. Lucknow. • . 9-11-p,
. .Of Farm. Farm 'Stock and Imple-
ments, -Estate of the. late'Richard
Hall at the premises, near Kinlough.
on Friday. -Nov.-10,•1'
o'clock p.m. •
Dr. W. A. Hall., . Administrator.
John Purvis, Auct.
Of Grass Farm. -At the Holyrood
Store on. Monday. Nov..13.1922. there
will be. offered for sale. by .public
auction.• Farm Lot No, 4. 9th. Con.'
Kinloss Twp.. 100 acres of good grass;
land. well fenced. artesian well with
windmill. Terms made known on day
of sale. -Mrs. J. Gamble; Adminis-
tratrix. J Purvis. Auet, 9-11-100.
Of 60 Head of Feeding Cattle
At the Richard Hall Farm. Lot 21,
Con. 3. R.S, Kinloss. immediately of
ter the Hall Sale. on Friday. Nov. 10.
..25 Two-year-old Steers and Heifers'
., 25 One -year-old Steels and Heifers
• .A number of Springer Cows
Everyone Ontario bred and of first-
lAss quality. •
y }.. Foto Moi t1
iLOCA• L Arty -GEN RAI, j is • .
A dance sifter , the ' Concert nezt
Monday night' Good music. '
Mr. Alex, Lockhart,' of Milton, ;la
visiting at his' home an *Oar this
The Hallowe'en' Dance in the Town
Hall .Waswell patronized and a great
success. '
Mrs. John Spindler.. bas ,,guru
home aftter•spending two weeka,with
friends in' Detroit.
Miss Mary ae ila
regor, 'of Ph
delphia, is the: guest of 'hex coni
K. Mae.Gregor, Ross St.
Mr. Will MacGregor, • of .Habki
Alberta, spent last week with h
brother, r., _ D
, D. MacGregor, o=• town.
Mr, Jan Button is recovering fro
the effects of a fail, from an appl
tree, which gave 'hien very sore mu
cies for few days.
Silverwood's. Lucknow, will not b
open Wednesday evenings. during th
Winter mouths; except before a hol
iday.-E. Aitchison.
The regular . monthly meeting • of
the Lucknow Worhen's Institute will
be held on Thursday, Nov. 9th., in the
Council Chainbers.-Seery •
Don't forget Rae. & Porteous for the
repairing and plumbing at your ser -
vim. Let us give you a price on a new
furnace or bath -room outfit.
Keep in°•• mind the; Concert • in* thL
Town Hall .on the evening of Thanks-
giving Day, , Program. at 8 o'clock,
and a dance after the Concert.
• tome and get 'something good for
Thanksgiving at the sale of home-
made belting at D. Mailough's old
stand, on 'Saturday., November 4lth..
commencing -at 2 p.m.
Mrs, F. 'F Fynn, Mrs; R. H. Bur
rell, Mrs, J, L, Fall's, and.Mrs, W. L.
Ainley, daughters ofthe-late Robert
Graham and Mrs. Graham, were home
to attend their father's funeral, •
Card of Thanks. -=Mrs. Robert Gra-
ham and family wish to' express their
thanks to the many friends who show-
ed kindness 'and. srnypathy at the
time of their .recent bereavement.
Mrs. Thomas Aitchison received
word on Monday. of the .death. of her
mother, Mrs. Day, over int Culross..
She- had attained -the good old age of
Oa_years. „Mrs;asid--Mrs. Aitchison and
farniiy..attended -the funeral on: Wed
nesday; • ••
Mr:- W. C. Maclvor, while visitin
his sister,. Mrs. D. S. MacDonald, met
with a very painful accident by, fall- recitation by Margaret But
4NI.N 1L U "AT r10141.1r
The local' .bran.. eh of the W'omen's
Institute held their' annual "At, .Home"
on the evening of October nth., when
the Town Hall • well-filled by a
crowd which 'laid as most enjoyable
social time There was'a program. of
games, .besides ';music and. recitations,
lir. G nesan £nide; 1sindty. eontribut-
i several mzmbers, Miss '>ftarrourt;
who had been conducting •,home -nuts
ing classes Minder theauspices of the
Institute, gave an address, and those
who were in the daises took occasion,
to present her with a token of re-
membrance, The program was follow-
ed by a social half-hour when, sand-
wiches, cake •and coffee were served,
The first meeting .of the Literary
Society was held; after its organiza-
tion, on ' Thursday, October, 26th..The
president gave an 'address followed
by a chorus by the •school. The min
•utes, of the last meeting, .and the.
treasurer's .report were reed and a-
dopted. Certain business items wore
discussed as, to what should be donee
-itis the rest of the money;jeft from
field -day, The'Literary part consisted
of a reading by Edna Rivers, a solo
by Kathleen Hill, a speech by Wilfred,
Murdock, an instrumental by Flora
Andrew, a humorous poem. by Etta
McQuoid, a mouth organ 'select'on by'
Lovell' Murdock, followed by a speech •
by Mary. McKenzie, The meeting was
closed by the singing' of the National
,Anthem. . •.
A. McDonald, Sec.
o -o -o-- -
The Victoria Mission Band will hold
its annual • Thankoffering meeting this
(Thursday) evening at 7,30, Members
of the Band will provide •a good•pp-
gram. • All . are. cordially invited.. .
Quarterly Communion Service 'will
be observed ' in the Methodist .Church
next Sunday!mori4ng' at 11 o'clock.
A Thanksgiving Communion, Service
'in charge of the pastor. Every mtnein-
ber of the .church is' urged to be pre-
sent. Rev. IID, 'McCullough._
preach at the Evening service,
A splendid time was spent by over
one hundred people at the Hallowe'en
party_ given_ by_ the Epworth J.eague
of. ,the. Methodist._ Church. last night',
The room was tastefully and appros
priately decorated for the occasion. A.
good programme, was given consist-
-ing--of -a -duett-by-Edna `and -Margaret'
Rivers, "a chorus by a number of boys;
Identified With, L' aclmow Sinee Early
Davos -Given to Literery Pur-
suite, -.One of The Best In- •
formed on Early Local
Lucknow has 'lost another of its
real. old -tuners, and `the town to Many
will never seemthe same without Mr,.
Robert Graham, :•who quietly, slept
agray in,the evening' of. Wednesday of
last week„ We all kneVetilat Mr. Gra-
ham was a very, and that his
time:could not be long, but few were
aware early in the week that his' con-
dition was at all serious, In -fact, he -
not Sick in. the ordipary 'sense
and was about until Sunday -just a
gradual weakening of the system. He
was aged .87 years, 21/ months, The
funeral on Saturday •afternoon was
largely attended, serviee,.at the house
being conducted. by the Rev. J. H.
dterbout of. the Methodist Church:.
A native of Tipperary, Ireland, the
late Mr; .Graham tame to.Canada
with his parents when' a boy. For a
few' years he worked in the • town of
Norwood, and learned" shoe -making.
He later' joined his, parents who had
taken ,a farm on the 12th; Con;. of
Ashfield. For a time he wo4ked at
clearing "the .Iand, .but' opened .a shoe-
maker's shop in..'Lucknow, This ' in
time, developed, into. quite . a large
general stpre business, and for a num-.
ber-of-; y ears Mr. Graham was among
properous business men of the. village,
'At different tunes --he -wasp- reeve • of
Lucknow,; Clerk of the Council, Chair-
man of: the School, Board ..and w,as
active in :every progressive move-
ment; About' 25 years ago he gave up
ton, a solo J t sines,, .and a-,few:years-later=-took-
ing from. •a tree- brealein thhe. bo es' y ie Naylor,- instrumental • duett charge of the Public,Library, a post-..
�� S n b Jess
in the ankle ,joint. He returned to his by Mr, T. A, Reid and Eldonender_ '
1homAe , ._.._tion-which�he�.occapiacl.for:�.about_:�
In;:WInidsor on-MonidavLafill•-. ,son, -an °•iinstirum;eii'tAl shlo"`6jrr `,Plias • a
noon, accompanied by his brother, M years.•Re was appointed.a magistrate
L. C. Maclvor, • r' `21111» and a selection by a number of in .the early :days. of the v�ilfage, and,:
Ghosts; Group games were played had much to. do' with .:enforcing the
CAR OF CLEAN',BULK SALT''' -.‘anti apples and home made candies 'law.
6th,' OR 7th: THIS SALT :WILL,
(ii,N,-A. R..FINLAVSON,:
Anyone wishing to• secure Bulbs for
planting must do so 'befo>•e Sat-,
urdaynext. After. that date the So-'
eietyy.intends planting - the • bulb; left- -
on hand. --R4 II. Thompson, Pres.; • `
G, `H, Smith,• Secy -'press., Lucknow
were. served, The League meetings In 1868 lte wnas maw
are proving very popular T nie Bowles, whose home' was near
The Presbyterian Guild. -The Guild
mOeting on Monday evening was in
the form of a Hallowe'en Social,' the
Social Committee_ having -•_charge -of
• • the program, Miss Mabel Woods' read
the Scripture Lesson, and 'Miss ''Wing
nifred Douglas gave a reading. A
splendid paper on, "The Origin :of
Hallowe'en," was 'given by Miss Joan
MacCallum,-and Mr. D', •G. McKenzie:
gave 'a short address on this subject,.
A number deserving of special men=
tion .was a "Jack O'Lantern"- cl'torus'
by' eight, young ladids, Miss • °Lorna
Campbell gave a reading, and Misses
ae acMorrann
a d 31a�e:.J3atnofon.a.1 I:.erse.:
musical dejection .At the close of the
meeting apples and • candy were servo
ed. Owing to the .Firemen's eoncert;
there will be no meeting 'of the Guild
next; Monday evening;_ _
Hort. Society,
The few home -talent concerts .giver _
Lucknow, usually' are the best-nts
tended of the year; generally, too;
Orangeville, and by Whom he is tit,
•vived, To the'union were"born a•
daughters and four-sons,'alI of wh w
areuiving_ _bat -Roberta-who-di '
British Columbia a few years 'sr',
Though ''-he :had Tittle --advantage ten,
the way of schooling, Mr, Graham Was
a man of edneiderable'edueation;" He'
read extensively and wasgenerally
well informed. He had a penchant feet
verse writing, and among a great deal
that he wrote . there are piece, of
considerable merit .,He.had 'something
of the poetic imagination .and surpris-
ing facility . • in expressins, his.
• •Mr. MeeR*nnan. Gives Hie, Story '
Tie The Editor of The Sent ne,t -
That story which apepared in tit
Louden ,papers about the boat. which
came ashore. at ,Lazy puce, was • ve,ry
much, orae: sided, andLgav�; an ' entirely
wrong impa°3ssijn abouts what, was
'done, 'and r think it only fair tothe
public and ;to myself `that. the. other.
side should be`pubiiehe.d. ;' • '
In the•figat place, I was asked by,
four officers from: Goderieh to • help
remove the truck that was' on board,
and when that was done, and practi-
cally everything.taken off, they told
me if there was anything overlooked
and still left on the boat, to take it
as the boat was' going to be broken
up,. They also asked me to cup. out
the spars and i.ay them away, in a safe
place. Securing help, • ant after a'
couple of hours of•hard work I suc-
ceeded• in doing this, and I and those
whq helped me expected' to be 'paid
for our •labor. Instead of being paid I
was fined $50,00, though, ,so far as I
knew, I .was innocent, of any wrong=..
doing. I offered, to repair any damage
I° had . done, but the .claimed that I
had no, right•to' dismantle the. boat,
and that the *men wlio told me to `do
it, had no authority. As'' to the gaso-
line engine, it wads. never h'dden under,
straw nor concealed in any other way.
They also accused me of having other.
stuff hidden, but 1 'am- prepared to
make a davit that I never even saw
the ars es referred to,:.
Not wish n• to take up more of
your space, T may say, lastly, that 1
have to Bay $4:50 0a for too old spars;
riot worth one 'sinners So that is the
other side of the'story, and I shall
leave it to the public to judge:
Thanking you for space,.I remain,
Yours 'very truly,
• K. MacLennan,
• ..R 3, ucknow.
—coo--- ..
Wednesday, Nov,. st•
Mr: Garnet McFalIs and Mr..H .
Damen.. of, Exeter, are visitors in ,pur.
burg.. . • - .
• Mr and Mrs Levi Morgan spent.
Sunday. with ,l'ijr: and . Mrs.' Thomas'
Culbert.; . -:
Mr, and M'rs Jas. Needham •and son.
Harry' spent . Sunday at W. R.
Johnston's. .'
, Hallow e'en 'Passed off' very auietly'
in this locaIity. very _little mischief,
being done: ..• - '-
',Mr Cecil and Miss Myrtle Congram
s'Pent an evening : this week with
friends on the'Boundary.
Hdlyrood Institute paid a+�, itto
Walkerton-on--Thtrsday `'last, a7rd-
visited the inmates of the House of
refuge. ,
' Rabt,- Harris nttendecithe Hot'
Fowl, Supper' at Purple Grove.. He.
certainly thinks. they -ha +rood cooks
uur tkre�re
Mr.-Georce ' Culbert is drawing.,
gravel 'for the new' house at »resent;
Good, for fou George rtaprovments-
are greeted' hy. a11• -
Rev. W.. D. Davis and little son
-and Miss: Fitzgerald, of Th
sot -: • *Tuesday 'afternoon .+. S.
re1her r 'Rev Davis.. was rector
• n Boo;.., Pz2*ish ;a ,couple of .sears
clod' is indeed • wel_eomed by all
knew him during hisminister
�,,,, in ,...n- here,-•-- ;
they are the most enjoyed. We are to
a• otic of these itl-the Town jtl'aiY :
.nithe evening_ of Thanksgiving -Day
Monday of next week. The naifies of
those who are to take part guarantees
an .excellent rogranine ...'
.; _.. Charge -- _ _ ►_end the:�ad
mission Charge is almost back to that
of the good cid days, when a quarter
would buy, so much, This concert has
been. arranged for by the Fire Com-
pant+, and in the interests of the
•Memorial Park Fund, .There "should
be a well-filled ball,: to say the least;
We understand that tickets will be
sold by school children, who likely
will snake a thorough candass of
everybody in sight, Buy from the first
one that comes along, and according
to the old saw: ",sill two birds +with
one stone"—assure yourself .of an en-
joyabin evening alit„ help a `good
cause along; sorely a' good *ray to
spend Thanksgiving evening, When
This faculty and taste .remained with
hint to the last, while his penmanship
`Was; `'wobderfully clear • for .one of his
I•Ie was a Man of kindly nature, and
in late years greatly enjoyed relating.
stories of the early days, his mind
being a'veritable encyclopedia of local
Suivit•ng ___J_bers of the family
Ali -ready for Haliowe'eii t.,_ r_:_ _ . .....
are' ,avid, in . Louisiana'; Herbert at•
Farmers Lire taking advantage
off home, Marshall in Toronto; 111
e fine weather to get fall plowing
done; . . • .
A. contest wil be a feature of th
program -in :the church on' th ,e
ingot Nov,, 8th. .•
A Lucknow' boy his been obst rued
lately making regular trips westward
from our burg. -evidently some at-
traction H-. •
The younger 'element, in our heat
attended the "hot supper" at I •
Grove, Friday evening of last t.;
Of course there was a; good tin:.
• Mr. And Mrs. Peter MacDougall,
Mr. and Mrs. .Murray' MeeI °uugall
and .Mr, Robt,, , ,Eussel, o f Goderieh,
were the guests'•'of Mr,. and Mrs, W,
Kaake on Sunday.
Quite, a number of our youni; loop,,
attended church servi•'e at Iiervte on,
r Sunday, evening, when 11 a Mr,.
tickets are sold ' this way, eats, of Pound, of China, -preached on mission
-94.04N +l 'c0nno laa dpk in k fs+ile tifil tmoo, ..
Stoner, Mrs. Flynn, Mrs. Burrell; To-
ronto; Mrs Pears, C,alifornia; 11Trs,.
e_ Fags, .(. ieago;• Mrs Ainla Lewis-:
on; •
—0 0 0
. The Brussels. Post' we take.
+lie following . A'"meeting of the LT.
0, was convened in the Town Hall,
.Vint, -ham; on Friday for the purpose
of:. nominating a candidate to contest
• riding for the Legislature. 'There
•was a a ,at deakof discussion: but no
action was taken. .It was felt by many
present the. action' of John Joynt,
M. L; A.; Conservative sitting; mem-
ber is pursuing an independent course
and in, giving, a general support t:)
Premier Drury during • the peat sas-:
(on, made a • nom*I ; tion• almost un-
Every member:of the family en-
joys' the music of the Victrola.
. Now -a -days it ` is so easy, for
eyero e.. ': ,
.. k . n _tit h.e,ar...aztd.uiiderstiand:�
•ell'that is best in music
Having a `icti ola in your :home
is•. `just like having • the world's
greatest' artists always ,at. oui+
instant Command.. ' 4:
' And it is a. a lca5ure, that eye
hor�"ie can afford. • t�
There-te-•Vietrolas- in great -Var-
iety of styles end easy terns can
be arranged if &sired,
4 Records far Only $3.00
Come its and ask to hear your
favorite song played on one of our
latest Designed Vietrolas,
•Jeit•eler tgl Optician
�eFinest Green Tea
it' undo bt.
pure fresh and wholesp ,e ,
and the flavor is that o � •
a# of the '�rvre
green leaf. . . .
• Further evidence of the • unusual
growth of vegetation during the past'
season was brought to ' our office this
week a short white carrot, a
product ,of Mr, D. C. Metiforran's
vegetable garden, This root showed
unusual growth early in. the' season,•
and when taken ug was found to
measure 16 . inc.hes around, With the
rhe* part about 8 inches Iong, It'
weighs 23t 'lbs., an unusual size for .
this particular -variety; Others in. the. ,
plot were almost as good,
Qur Saturday Specials:
`Cream Puffs
IViaderia and Angel Cakes
Large"' Selection of takes
and Cookies~ • i
Top Price for Butter and Eggs, gt.
•j ?+ONE 36,' . LUCitltlOVi'
Buttgs s 25- 30c. a I3011:V
;Hews 80.75 Gammie -.At Mount Pleasant Fant:
Wheat , . ,• $1.00-2105 Elora, on Oct,, 21, 1922, to Ma- and
at^ , 40e.r
Peas $1.25 Mrs:Bruce . Gammie a son -Cristo
Barley .... ..., .. ; 50c ' Beverley. .
• . t
uLa e -..tired..: -ofd -be bother
hurting. ,tender feet, kere- is your chance to
get immediate relief 7 permanent correc-
tion. You are invited_ to consult this foot
specialist while he is here
:Don't wait until the last ' minute and;'
maybe, lose your chance to get foot comfort.
. ,bu indss-hours,
and talk it over with* the expert, , '
ze.71Z IS l s
'f .Ef .
A lid:or Er.Fti�r- Pto•T '
There is no need to ;suffer • from any foot
trouble, any mors.:_ 'Be_it:ever- so.simple
ever so serious this specialist, who is a.
=member of the Staff of. Dr. Wm — -Scholl,,
the noted foot authority, can s':ow you the
way,. to immediate relict. tied to' ultimate
00t Coinfqrt
if you'll step. in and r
give him ' the clYalx'e.•
--- He- can tell- just what- the- cause Ofyour�
trouble ,is'and he k , f
knows the retrt�y-,
Improve F Appearance
No 13r pr sized or oddly shaped' shoes
needed. .1, , ear the kind you like in p2riect.
comfort. fhe Dr, Scholl Appliances t
Atalzces -
rnpro .'n the grace: and beauty of the feet.
i .
Rathwell .
�. �L Tl��`�l� , a
Lucknow, Ont.
"Watch. ch. '*lair Fear'